Spelling suggestions: "subject:"oat""
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Některé otázky předcertifikačních testů EMC / Some Aspects of EMC Pre-Compliance TestingVídenka, Rostislav January 2010 (has links)
This doctoral thesis deals with EMC pre-compliance testing of radiated disturbance. The thesis summarizes present pieces of knowledge about restricting of disturbing ambient signals and focuses on restricting of test site imperfection influence on the measurement results. Pre-compliance test site “calibration” uses comparison signal sources. There were added up the recommendations for “calibration” steps, too. The semi-anechoic vs. fully-anechoic chambers measurements results were compared. Some methods for dealing with ambient disturbing signals were discussed and high attention was applied to the test site choice and the minimal dimension geometry was recommended. There are presented recommendations for pre-compliance radiated disturbance measurements in the conclusion with the stress on available test equipment.
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Assembly, Annotation and Optical Mapping of the A Subgenome of AvenaLee, Rebekah Ann 01 December 2017 (has links)
Common oat (Avena) has held a significant place within the global crop community for centuries; although its cultivation has decreased over the past century, its nutritional benefits have recently garnered increased interest for human consumption. No published reference sequences are available for any of the three oat subgenomes. Here we report a quality sequence assembly, annotation and hybrid optical map of the A-genome diploid Avena atlantica Baum and Fedak. The assembly is composed of a total of 3,417 contigs with an N50 of 11.86 Mb and an estimated completeness of 97.6%. This genome sequence will be a valuable research tool within the oat community.
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Assembly, Annotation and Optical Mapping of the A Subgenome of AvenaLee, Rebekah Ann 01 December 2017 (has links)
Common oat (Avena) has held a significant place within the global crop community for centuries; although its cultivation has decreased over the past century, its nutritional benefits have recently garnered increased interest for human consumption. No published reference sequences are available for any of the three oat subgenomes. Here we report a quality sequence assembly, annotation and hybrid optical map of the A-genome diploid Avena atlantica Baum and Fedak. The assembly is composed of a total of 3,417 contigs with an N50 of 11.86 Mb and an estimated completeness of 97.6%. This genome sequence will be a valuable research tool within the oat community.
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Vliv předplodiny na výnos a kvalitu ovsa / The influence of foregoing crop on oats yield and qualityPOLÁČKOVÁ, Jitka January 2013 (has links)
Nowadays trend in Europe is returning to harvesting of traditional feeding crops. One of these crops is oat which has been universally used since time immemorial. Even today oats are processing and using in food industry and as a feed for farm animals. Further using of oats is in cosmetics and pharmaceutical industry. Oats contain high amount of proteins and fats, beta-glukan and mineral elements. Oats include vitamins B and E, lecitin, niacin and antioxidants. Research was executing on fields of University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice during one year. An impact on crop yield and quality of oats was observed in dissertation. There were used three crops corn, rape and cereal (spring wheat) in research. After these crops were sown ten varieties of oats, four naked and six husked varieties. At these varieties were observed an impact on crop yield and quality of oats. Evaluated characters were monitored during the vegetation, pre-harvest and post-harvest. There were observed germination and methane, height of vegetation, the degree of lodging oats, the number of lat m2, weeds, diseases and pests, after harvest was determine harvested grain yield, moisture and density, number of grains per panicle, thousand grain weight and grain on a network share during the vegetation. From the measured values follows that the best crop in year 2012 was corn and the best results were achieved by variety Abel, Avenuda, Atego, Pogon, Salo.
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Senzorické hodnocení vybraných obilných nápojůURBAN, Martin January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis was a sensory and nutritional evaluation of vegetable drinks. The analysis focused on rice and oat drink. Part of the population has health problems with milk consumption. Some substitutes can be beverages from legumes, cereals, nuts, etc. Oat and rice drinks does not contain cholesterol, are a source of minerals and vitamins. Rice and oat drink does not contain lactose or milk proteins. The downside is the insufficient amount of protein and the fact that, unlike milk protein, the protein of cereals is poor, deficient. Rice drink does not contain gluten. The sensory analysis aimed to compare individual drinks and determine their differences between samples, to determine the intensity of certain properties and to rank the samples from best to worst. The sensory analysis confirmed the differences between manufacturers. In the case of rice beverages, the evaluators concluded that they perceived the difference between the product of Alpro and Alnatura, with the Alnatura drink being considered the most acceptable. The amount of fat in rice beverages was low (1-1.1 g fat per 100 ml). Drinks also contain little protein (0.1-0.3 g / 100 ml). Oat beverages differed in particular with Alnatura and Delhaize - Bio. The evaluators preferred Delhaize Drink Company - Bio the most. The nutritional composition of the fat-like products is similar to rice beverages (1-1.5 g fat per 100 ml). The amount of protein was slightly higher (0.6-1 g protein per 100 ml). From a nutritional point of view, there is a noticeable difference between cow's milk and oat and rice beverages. The rice and oat drinks that were preferred contained the most sugar and the brewing flavor was the least noticeable.
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Assessment of hectolitre mass (HLM) equipment and HLM measurements of oatsEmvula, Sakeus 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc Food Sc)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Hectolitre mass (HLM) measurements allow rapid and accurate determination of grain
density. HLM devices from different countries (Australia, Canada, France, Germany,
South Africa, the United Kingdom and the United States of America [USA]) have been
investigated for their effect on the HLM measurements of oats. In addition, the potential
of near infrared (NIR) hyperspectral imaging has been evaluated to distinguish between
oat samples with different HLM values. Comparing HLM measurements obtained from
the respective devices, the USA and the South African devices resulted in significantly
(P<0.05) lower HLM values compared to the other devices where as the German device
resulted in higher values (P<0.05) than the other devices. HLM values from all the
devices were highly correlated with intra-class correlation (ICC) consistency values of at
least 0.90. These high correlations would allow direct replacement of the South African
device with any of the other devices. The equipment selected as replacement should
ideally be calibrated according to the ISO 7971-3 standard (i.e. the device currently
used in Germany).
HLM values significantly (P<0.05) increased when oat samples were rubbed before
measurements were made, indicating the importance of continuation of this sample
preparation step. The investigation on the effect of the operator on HLM determinations
showed that the unskilled operator measured HLM values significantly different to those
obtained by the skilled operator. This emphasises the importance of training in spite of
HLM measurements being a simple procedure.
A poor correlation (r = 0.18) was found between protein content and HLM values of
oat samples. Moisture content significantly affected the HLM values of oats and results
clearly showed a decrease in HLM values with increasing moisture content. Scanning
electron microscope (SEM) micrographs revealed that the starch granules became
swollen and that they increased in size with an increase in moisture content, resulting in
a decrease in HLM. NIR hyperspectral imaging offers the testing of individual grains
non-destructively. This is often required by plant breeders because they subsequently
need to plant selected grains. NIR offers this option to plant breeders. NIR
hyperspectral imaging, which combines NIR spectroscopy with digital imaging, was
used to distinguish between six oat samples with varying HLM values. NIR
spectroscopic differences were observed between the images of the two samples with
the highest and lowest HLM values (60.2 and 49.35 kg.hL-1). Less distinct differences
were observed in the NIR hyperspectral images of two samples differing by less than
2.0 kg.hL-1. Although mixed oat samples were used, these preliminary results established the
possible use of NIR hyperspectral imaging in evaluating oat samples from breeding
trials. The use of this technique could also be extended to evaluation of other quality
characteristics of oats. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hektolitermassa- (HLM-)metings maak snelle en akkurate bepaling van korreldigtheid
moontlik. HLM-toestelle van verskillende lande (Australië, Kanada, Frankryk, Duitsland,
Suid-Afrika, die Verenigde Koninkryk en die Verenigde State van Amerika) is ondersoek
vir hulle uitwerking op die HLM-metings van hawer. Daarby is die potensiaal van nabyinfrarooi-
(NIR-)hiperspektrale beelding geëvalueer om tussen hawermonsters met
verskillende HLM-waardes te onderskei. Tydens vergelyking van HLM-metings verkry
van die onderskeie toestelle, het die Amerikaanse en die Suid-Afrikaanse toestelle
beduidend (P<0.05) laer HLM-waardes opgelewer in vergelyking met die ander toestelle
terwyl die Duitse toestel hoër waardes (P<0.05) as die ander toestelle getoon het. Daar
was hoë korrelasies tussen die HLM waardes verkry van die apparate met
intraklaskorrelasie (IKK) konsekwentheidwaardes van ten minste 0.90. Hierdie hoë
korrelasies sou direkte vervanging van die Suid-Afrikaanse toestel met enige van die
ander toestelle moontlik maak. Die toerusting gekies as vervanging sou ideaal gesproke
in ooreenstemming met die ISO 7971-3 standaard gekalibreer kon word (bv. die toestel
wat tans in Duitsland gebruik word).
HLM-waardes het beduidend (P<0.05) verhoog toe hawermonsters gevryf is voor
metings gemaak is, wat dui op die belang van verlengde gebruik van hierdie stap
tydens die voorbereiding van monsters. Die ondersoek na die uitwerking van die
operateur op HLM-bepalings het getoon dat die onervare operateur HLM-waardes
beduidend verskillend gemeet het teenoor dié verkry deur die ervare operateur. Dit
beklemtoon die belang van opleiding ten spyte daarvan dat HLM-metings ’n eenvoudige
prosedure is.
’n Swak korrelasie (r = 0.18) is aangetref tussen proteïeninhoud en HLM-waardes
van hawermonsters. Voginhoud het die HLM-waardes van hawer beduidend beïnvloed
en resultate het duidelik ’n styging in HLM-waardes met verhoging van die voginhoud
getoon. Aftaselektronmikroskoop- (AEM-)mikrobeelde het aangedui dat die
styselgranules swel en in grootte toeneem met verhoging van die voginhoud, wat
aanleiding gee tot ’n verlaging in HLM. NIR-hiperspektrale beelding maak die toets van
individuele korrels op niedestruktiewe wyse moontlik. Dit word dikwels deur
plantkwekers vereis aangesien hulle na toetsing uitgesoekte korrels moet plant. Nabyinfrarooi
bied hierdie opsie aan plantkwekers. NIR-hiperspektrale beelding, wat NIRspektroskopie
met digitale beelding kombineer, is gebruik om te onderskei tussen ses
hawermonsters met wisselende HLM-waardes. NIR-spektroskopiese verskille tussen die beelde van die twee monsters met die hoogste en laagste HLM-waardes (60.2 en
49.35 kg.hL-1) is waargeneem. Minder duidelike verskille is in die NIR-hiperspektrale
beelde van twee monsters wat met minder as 2.0 kg.hL-1 verskil het, waargeneem.
Alhoewel gemengde hawermonsters gebruik is, het hierdie voorlopige resultate die
moontlike gebruik van NIR-hiperspektrale beelding by die evaluering van
hawermonsters van kweekproewe vasgestel. Die gebruik van hierdie tegniek sou ook
uitgebrei kon word tot die evaluering van ander kwaliteitseienskappe van hawer.
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Composição bromatológica de silagem de aveia submetida à adubação nitrogenada e estádios fenológicos de ensilagem / Chemical composition of oat silage subjected to nitrogen fertilization and ensiling growth stagesZamarchi, Gustavo 22 February 2013 (has links)
Fundação Araucária / A silagem é a principal forma de conservação de volumoso para ruminantes. O momento do corte para ensilagem deve buscar o equilíbrio entre produtividade e valor nutritivo da forragem, entretanto, o processo ocorre adequadamente quando a planta apresenta características adequadas, principalmente quanto ao teor de umidade, e não apresenta resistência à estabilização da fermentação. O objetivo geral foi avaliar o efeito de fatores: tamanho de partícula, adubação nitrogenada, estádios fenológicos e pré-murchamento antecedendo a ensilagem de aveia branca e preta, a fim de melhorar as características fermentativas e o valor nutritivo dessa silagem. Deste modo, foram conduzidos dois experimentos, sendo um na
Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Dois Vizinhos-PR, utilizando aveia branca (Avena sativa L.) cultivar URS Guapa, desenvolvido em delineamento blocos completamente casualizados em que os tratamentos foram distribuídos em um fatorial (6x3), avaliando seis doses de nitrogênio: 0, 40, 80, 120, 160 e 200 kg ha-1 em três estádios de corte para ensilagem: início do florescimento, sem e com pré- murchamento e florescimento pleno sem pré-murchamento. Outro foi conduzido em área particular no município de Renascença-PR, utilizando aveia preta (Avena strigosa S.) cultivar comum, em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, arranjados em fatorial (3x2x2) em que foram avaliados três tamanhos de partícula: 5, 13, e 22 mm; dois estádios de ensilagem: início do florescimento e florescimento pleno; e duas operações: sem e com pré-murchamento. Ambos conduzidos no período hibernal de 2011, sendo avaliados as características de fermentação e a composição bromatológica da silagem. A operação de pré-murchamento elevou o teor de matéria seca (MS) em ambos os trabalhos, para aveia branca proporcionou melhor preservação da proteína bruta (PB), enquanto para a aveia preta, proporcionou à silagem melhores condições de fermentação, com redução da capacidade tampão e pH, os quais garantiram melhor preservação do valor nutritivo da forragem, possuindo menores teores de fibra em detergente neutro (FDN) e ácido (FDA). Apresentou ainda maiores teores de PB, digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca (DIVMS) e nutrientes digestíveis totais (NDT). O tamanho de partícula exerceu influência apenas para o pH. Com o avanço da maturidade, do início à plenitude do florescimento, houve redução nos teores de matéria mineral (MM), extrato etéreo,
PB e DIVMS, no segundo experimento também ocorreu redução no NDT e elevação
dos teores de FDN e FDA. A adubação nitrogenada promoveu redução linear no pH
e MM, e também houve redução na FDN e FDA e elevação na PB, todas de forma
linear. / The silage is the most useful way of conserving forage for ruminants. The timing of the cut for silage should seek for a balance between productivity and nutritional value of forage, however, the process may occurs adequately when the plant presents appropriate characteristics, particularly regarding moisture content, and presents no resistance of fermentation stabilization. The overall objective was to evaluate the the effect of factors: particle size, nitrogen fertilization, growth stages and pre-wilting preceding the silage of white and black oat, to improve fermentation characteristics and nutritional value of this silage. Thus, two experiments were conducted, one at Federal Technological University of Paraná, Dois Vizinhos-PR, using white oat
(Avena sativa L.) cultivar URS Guapa, developed in a randomized block design, with treatments distribution as a factorial (6x3), evaluating six doses of nitrogen: 0, 40, 80, 120, 160 and 200 kg ha-1 and three cutting stages for silage: early flowering, with and without pre-wilting and full flowering without pre-wilting. Another experiment was conducted in a private farm, at the municipality of Renascença-PR, using black oat (Avena strigosa S.) cultivar common, in a full randomized design, arranged in a factorial (3x2x2), evaluating three particle sizes: 5, 13, and 22 mm; two silage stages:
early flowering and full flowering; and two operations: with and without pre-wilting. Both were conducted during the winter of 2011, being assessed the fermentation process and chemical composition of silage. The operation of pre-wilting increased the dry matter content (DM) in both studies, for white oat provided better preservation of crude protein (CP), while for black oat, provided the better silage fermentation conditions, reducing buffering capacity (BC) and pH, which ensured better preservation of the nutritional value of the forage, having lower levels of neutral (NDF) and acid (ADF) detergent fiber. Showed even higher levels of CP, in vitro digestibility of dry matter (IVDMD) and total digestible nutrients (TDN). The particle size influenced only the silage pH. With the advancing maturity, from the start to full flowering, there was a reduction in the levels of mineral matter (MM), ether extract, CP and IVDMD, in the second work it was also observed reduction in TDN and elevation in the levels of NDF and ADF. Nitrogen fertilization caused a linear reduction in pH and MM, and there was also a reduction in NDF and ADF and elevation in CP, both linearly.
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Crescimento, desenvolvimento e qualidade nutricional de cultivares de aveia branca sob níveis crescentes de nitrogênio cortadas em intervalos fixos / Nitrogen concentration, Biomass production and Nutritional Value of Oats cutted in fixed daysMayer, Lilian Regina Rothe 13 March 2017 (has links)
CNPq; Fundação Araucária / A região do Sudoeste do Paraná apresenta o setor agrário bem desenvolvido, com ênfase na produção leiteira de pela agricultura familiar. A base nutricional dessas propriedades são as pastagens formadas por gramíneas tropicais, as quais apresentam uma diminuição em sua produção de fitomassa em determinada época do ano, com a queda na intensidade luminosa e temperatura. A implantação de pastagens temperadas, principalmente de aveia, é uma estratégia comum na região para a atividade. Avaliou-se os efeitos dos níveis de nitrogênio no crescimento, desenvolvimento, acúmulo de fitomassa, composição química, cinética ruminal e produção de gases de efeito estufa. O trabalho foi conduzido na UTFPR-DV nos anos de 2013 e 2014, em blocos ao acaso com quatro níveis de adubação N (0,60, 120 e 240 KgN.ha-1) com 3 repetições, em períodos de corte a cada 21 dias, usando-se cultivares de aveia branca (Avena sativa L.) URS Guapa e IPR126. Foram analisados taxa de assimilação de CO2, concentração intracelular de CO2, taxa de transpiração, temperatura da folha, teor de clorofila, produção de fitomassa, proteína, FDN, lignina, EE, produção de gás em relação aos teores de carboidratos de rápida degradação e de degradação lenta, bem como CH4, CO2 e N2O.Para IPR 126 no ano de 2013 houve efeito significativo nas variáveis PB, CT, k1, eficiência do uso da água, transpiração e temperatura foliar, enquanto que para o ano de 2014, as variáveis foram CT, vf1, k1, vf2, número de perfilhos e eficiência do uso da água. Para a cultivar URS Guapa, no ano de 2013, houve efeito significativo para as variáveis peso das folhas (em gramas) e temperatura foliar, enquanto que no ano de 2014, número de perfilhos, transpiração e temperatura foliar foram significativos.Observou-se que a cultivar IPR 126 foi mais influenciada pelos níveis de adubação que a cultivar URS Guapa, em todos os anos e os gases de efeito estufa não foram afetados. / The Southwest region of Paraná presents the well-developed agrarian sector, with emphasis on dairy production from family farming. The nutritional base of these properties are pastures formed by tropical grasses, which present a decrease in their phytomass production at a given time of year, with the decrease in luminous intensity and temperature. The implementation of temperate pastures, mainly of oats, is a common strategy in the region for the activity. The effects of nitrogen levels on growth, development, phytomass accumulation, chemical composition, ruminal kinetics and greenhouse gas production were evaluated. The work was conducted in UTFPR-DV in the years of 2013 and 2014, in randomized blocks with four levels of N fertilization (0.60, 120 and 240 KgN.ha-1) with 3 replications, in cut-off times every 21 Days, using white oats (Avena sativa L.) URS Guapa and IPR126. Were analysed CO2 assimilation rates, intracellular CO 2 concentration, transpiration rate, leaf temperature, chlorophyll content, phytomass production, protein, NDF, lignin, EE, gas production in relation to fast-degraded carbohydrate. In the year of 2013, there was a significant effect on the variables PB, CT, k1, water use efficiency, transpiration and foliar temperature, while for the year 2014, Variables were CT, vf1, k1, vf2, number of tillers and water use efficiency. For the cultivar URS Guapa, in the year 2013, there was a significant effect for the variables leaf weight (in grams) and leaf tempreture, while in the year 2014, number of tillers, transpiration and leaf temperartura were significant. It was observed that The cultivar IPR 126 was more influenced by levels of fertilization than the cultivar URS Guapa, in all years and greenhouse gases were not affected.
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Uso da cama de aviário como fertilizante orgânico na produção de aveia preta e milhoBratti, Fabio Cesar 05 August 2013 (has links)
Dissertação composta por 2 artigos. / CNPq / A cama aviária vem sendo estudada na produção agrícola e de pastagens, como alternativa de adubação orgânica e para correção de solos. Com este trabalho objetivou-se estimar a quantidade e o destino da produção de resíduos orgânicos a partir da cama de aviário gerada na região de Dois Vizinhos-PR, e com essa determinação estimar a quantidade de resíduos de cama de frangos de corte no Paraná, juntamente com essa avaliação foi analisado a taxa de decomposição da cama e a produção da aveia preta com diferentes doses de cama de frangos de corte, e de matrizes de frangos de corte, na sequencia foi avaliado a produção do milho Zea mays, utilizando o efeito residual da cama. O trabalho foi realizado em duas etapas, a primeira no período compreendido entre abril e dezembro de 2012. A coleta de dados para a estimativa da quantificação de resíduos de cama, realizada com a colaboração de uma empresa multinacional produtora de aves localizada na região sudoeste do Paraná. A segunda parte que estimou a decomposição da cama de aviário bem como a produção da aveia e de milho foi realizada em área experimental da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná - Campus Dois Vizinhos, no período total compreendido entre abril de 2012 a abril de 2013. Para a determinação da decomposição da cama foram realizadas 10 coletas, de sacos de tecido voal que continham amostras de 100 gramas de ambos os tipos do resíduo orgânico, o delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso, com três repetições. Para estimar a produção da aveia preta Avena strigosa cv. IAPAR 61, foram utilizadas as doses de 0; 6,5; 13 e 19,5 t ha-1 de cama de frango de corte e matrizes de frango de corte, sendo aplicados também tratamentos com fertilizante mineral: 100 kg ha-1 de P2O5; 100 kg ha-1 de K2O e 150 ha-1 de N, o delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso, com três repetições em esquema fatorial. Para a cultura do milho, cultivada após cultivo da aveia preta, o delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso em esquema fatorial com parcela subdividida. A maior produção de resíduo por m2/ciclo de produção da avicultura na região de Dois Vizinhos foi constatada na produção de frango de corte, seguido pela produção de matrizes e recria de matrizes, sendo 91,6667; 72,2222;34,5622 kg m-2 respectivamente. Isso pode ser atribuído a alimentação ad libidum dos frangos de corte. O destino de cada cama é a utilização em lavouras e venda para empresas especializadas. A produção de resíduos para o sistema de criação de frangos de corte no Paraná foi de 991.372.000,915 kg/ciclo no ciclo de um ano.Quanto a decomposição da cama a velocidade de decomposição de cama de frango de corte foi mais acelerada que a cama matrizes, sendo que com 153 dias de incubação cerca de 60% do resíduo de aviários de frango de corte se decompôs,enquanto para a outra apenas 40% nesse mesmo tempo de incubação. A produção da aveia foi maior quando usada cama de aviário de frango de corte se comparado à cama de aviário de matrizes, superando a produção de forragem obtida com adubação mineral nas doses acima de 6,5 t ha-1 de cama e com máxima produção na dose de 13 t ha-1 de cama. Quanto à produção de milho, foi encontrado uma maior produção de grãos com adubação de cama de aviário de frango de corte na dosagem de 13 t.ha-1, apresentando uma média de produção de 8432,41 Kg.ha-1 , enquanto que para a mesma dosagem de cama de matrizes a média foi de 8562,5 Kg.ha-1. Porém, para cama de matrizes a dosagem que apresentou maior produção de grãos foi a de 19,5 t.ha-1. Isso pode ser devido ao efeito residual da cama de aviário, que no caso da cama de frango, apresentou a taxa de decomposição mais rápida que a cama de matrizes. Portanto a adubação com 13 t.ha-1 de cama aviária de frango de corte para aveia e milho seria uma interessante estratégia para controle dos resíduos, de acordo com a disponibilidade dos nutrientes e dos diferentes sistemas de produção. / Poultry litter has been studied in agricultural and pasture, as an alternative organic fertilizer and soil correction. The amount of litter generated in poultry production in Dois Vizinhos, southwest of Paraná, was assessed and used this measurement to estimate the waste poultry litter in Paraná, along with that assessment was analyzed the production of oats Oats strigosa and corn Zea mays using the residual effect of the litter, with different doses of litter from broilers and breeders. The study was conducted in two stages, the first in the period between April and December 2012. Data collection for an estimated quantification of litter was made with the collaboration of a multinational poultry industry located in the southwest region of Paraná. The second part which estimated the decomposition of litter and the production of oats and corn was conducted in the experimental area of the Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (Campus Dois Vizinhos), the total period between April 2012 to April 2013. For the decomposition of the litter 10 samples were taken from voile fabric bags that contained 100 g samples of both types of organic waste. The experimental design was a randomized block design with three replications, treatments composed of two types of residue obtained from poultry production. To estimate the production of oat Avena strigosa cv. IAPAR 61, we used doses of 0, 6.5, 13 and 19.5 t ha-1 of poultry litter and breeders litter, being also applied mineral fertilizer: 100 kg ha-1 P2O5 and 100 kg ha-1 K2O ha-1 and 150 N.The experimental design was a randomized block design with three replications in a factorial design. For maize, grown after oat cultivation, the experimental design was a randomized block design in a subdivided factorial. The major production of poultry litter by m2/ciclo in the region of Dois Vizinhos was found in the production of broilers, followed by the production of layers and breeders, with 91.6667, 72.2222,34.5622 kg m-2, respectively. The decomposition rate of broiler litter was faster that the breeders, of which were 153-day incubation 60% of the residue of poultry broiler decomposed, while the other residue only 40% in the same incubation time. The production of oats was greater when used litter from broiler compared to poultry breeders, surpassing the production of forage obtained with mineral fertilizer doses above 6.5 t ha-1litter and maximum production at a dose of 13 t ha-1 litter. Regarding the production of corn, found a higher grain yield with fertilization of breeders litter in the dosage of 13 t ha-1, with an average production of 8562,5 kg ha-1, while for the same dosage of brolier litter the average was 8432,41 kg ha-1. But the higher grain yield was 19,5 t ha-1with breeders litter. This may be due to the residual effect of litter, in the case of poultry litter showed the decomposition rate faster than the breeders litter. So fertilization with 13 t ha-1 litter from poultry to oats and corn would be an interesting strategy for the destination of litter, according to the availability of
nutrients and different production systems. / 5000
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Kvalitativní vlastnosti nahého a pluchatého ovsa / Qualitative parameters of naked and hulled oatsHOUDEK, Matěj January 2013 (has links)
The work deals with the qualitative properties of naked and hulled oats. The theoretical part includes a review of literature on botanical characteristics , use, production process and quality oats. The practical part deals with the results attempt during the years 2011 and 2012.
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