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Ionische Flüssigkeiten – Polarität und Wechselwirkungen mit silikatischen OberflächenLungwitz, Ralf 20 May 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Gegenstand der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die UV/Vis-spektroskopische Bestimmung der Kamlet-Taft-Polaritätsparameter von strukturell unterschiedlichen Ionischen Flüssigkeiten (ILs), mit Hilfe von spezifischen solvatochromen Sondenmolekülen. Dabei wurden der Einfluss des Anions und Kations auf die Polarität, sowie die Stärke der Wechselwirkung zwischen beiden Ionen untersucht. Es konnte für Ionischen Flüssigkeiten mit dem 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazoliumkation eine 1H-NMR-spektroskopische Methode zur Ermittlung der Polaritätsparameter entwickelt werden. Diese bietet den Vorteil, dass sie auch bei farbigen, hydrolyseempfindlichen oder höher schmelzenden ILs eingesetzt werden kann, wenn die Anwendung solvatochromer Sondenmoleküle nicht möglich ist. Ein weiteres Augenmerk lag auf der Untersuchung der Wechselwirkung zwischen den ILs und silikatischen Oberflächen. Neben der Studie der anionenvermittelten starken Physisorption von 1-Methylimidazoliumchlorid an Aerosil®300 konnte auch eine neuartige Methode zur gezielten Chemisorption von Imidazolium- und Phosphoniumkationen an Siliziumdioxidoberflächen entwickelt werden. Dabei wurden verschieden Carbene und Ylide als basische IL-typische Kationenprecursoren eingesetzt. Die Analyse der erhaltenen Materialien erfolgte mit Hilfe verschiedener Methoden der Festkörper-NMR-Spektroskopie.
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Bipolar nitrogen-doped graphene frameworks as high-performance cathodes for lithium ion batteriesHuang, Yanshan, Wu, Dongqing, Dianat, Arezoo, Bobeth, Manferd, Huang, Tao, Mai, Yiyong, Zhang, Fan, Cuniberti, Gianaurelio, Feng, Xinliang 17 July 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Hierarchically porous nitrogen-doped graphene frameworks (N-GFs) are fabricated through the ice-templating of GO with polyethylenimine and the thermal treatment of the resultant hybrids. As cathode materials in lithium ion batteries (LIBs), the obtained N-GFs exhibit an outstanding specific capacity of 379 mA h g−1 at 0.5 A g−1 for 2500 cycles. Even at an ultrahigh current density of 5 A g−1, the N-GFs maintain a capacity of 94 mA h g−1, superior to that of most reported LIB cathode materials. The experimental results and quantum mechanics calculations suggest that pyridinic-like N and pyridinic N-oxide in graphene are responsible for the excellent cathodic performance of the bipolar N-GFs by providing fast surface faradaic reactions with both p- and n-doped states.
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Bipolar nitrogen-doped graphene frameworks as high-performance cathodes for lithium ion batteriesHuang, Yanshan, Wu, Dongqing, Dianat, Arezoo, Bobeth, Manferd, Huang, Tao, Mai, Yiyong, Zhang, Fan, Cuniberti, Gianaurelio, Feng, Xinliang 17 July 2017 (has links)
Hierarchically porous nitrogen-doped graphene frameworks (N-GFs) are fabricated through the ice-templating of GO with polyethylenimine and the thermal treatment of the resultant hybrids. As cathode materials in lithium ion batteries (LIBs), the obtained N-GFs exhibit an outstanding specific capacity of 379 mA h g−1 at 0.5 A g−1 for 2500 cycles. Even at an ultrahigh current density of 5 A g−1, the N-GFs maintain a capacity of 94 mA h g−1, superior to that of most reported LIB cathode materials. The experimental results and quantum mechanics calculations suggest that pyridinic-like N and pyridinic N-oxide in graphene are responsible for the excellent cathodic performance of the bipolar N-GFs by providing fast surface faradaic reactions with both p- and n-doped states.
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Physical properties of lead free solders in liquid and solid stateMhiaoui, Souad 17 April 2007 (has links)
The European legislation prohibits the use of lead containing solders in Europe. However, lead free solders have a higher melting point (typical 20%) and their mechanical characteristics are worse. Additional problems are aging and adhesion of the solder on the electronic circuits. Thus, research activities must focus on the optimization of the properties of Sn-Ag-Cu based lead free solders chosen by the industry.
Two main objectives are treated in this work. In the center of the first one is the study of curious hysteresis effects of metallic cadmium-antimony alloys after thermal cycles by measuring electronic transport phenomena (thermoelectric power and electrical resistivity). The second objective, within the framework of “cotutelle” between the universities of Metz and of Chemnitz and supported by COST531, is to study more specifically lead free solders. A welding must well conduct electricity and well conduct and dissipate heat. In Metz, we determined the electrical conductivity, the thermoelectric power and the thermal conductivity of various lead free solders (Sn-Ag-Cu, Sn-Cu, Sn-Ag, Sn-Sb) as well in the liquid as well in the solid state. The results have been compared to classical lead-tin (Pb-Sn) solders. In Chemnitz we measured the surface tension, the interfacial tension and the density of lead free solders. We also measured the viscosity of these solders without and with additives, in particular nickel. These properties were related to the industrial problems of wettability and spreadability. Lastly, we solidified alloys under various conditions. We observed undercooling. We developed a technique of mixture of nanocristalline powder with lead free solders "to sow" the liquid bath in order to obtain "different" solids which were examined using optical and electron microscopy. / Die europäische Gesetzgebung verbietet die Benutzung von Lötmitteln, die Blei enthalten. Bleilose Lote haben aber einen höheren Schmelzpunkt (typisch 20%) und ihre mechanischen Eigenschaften sind schlechter. Zusätzliche Probleme sind das Alterungsverhalten und das Haftvermögen des Lots an den Leiterbahnen. Daher müssen sich Forschungsaktivitäten auf die Optimierung der Eigenschaften von bleifreien Sn-Ag-Cu (SAC) Loten konzentrieren, die von der Industrie gewählt wurden.
Zwei Hauptgebiete werden in dieser Arbeit bearbeitet. Im Zentrum des Ersten stehen seltsame Hysterese-Effekte von metallischen Kadmium- Antimon Legierungen bei thermischen Zyklen, wobei Transporteigenschaften wie die thermoelektrische Kraft und der elektrische Widerstand untersucht werden. Die zweite Aktivität, die in einer Kooperation der Universitäten Metz und Chemnitz (cotutelle) bearbeitet und die durch COST531 unterstützt wird, besteht in der detaillierten Erforschung des Lötprozesses ohne Blei. Eine Lötverbindung muß den Strom gut führen und die Wärme gut ableiten. In Metz haben wir die elektrische Leitfähigkeit, die thermoelektrische Kraft und das Wärmeleitvermögen bestimmt für verschiedene bleilose Lote (Sn-Ag-Cu, Sn-Cu, Sn-Ag, Sn-Sb), sowohl im flüssigen als auch festen Zustand. Die Ergebnisse wurden mit dem klassischen bleihaltigen Lötzinn (Sn-Pb) verglichen. In Chemnitz haben wir die Oberflächen- und Grenzflächenspannung und die Dichte bleifreier Lote gemessen. Ebenfalls wurde die Viskosität dieser Lote ohne und mit Zusätzen (insbesondere Nickel) gemessen. Diese Eigenschaften wurden in Beziehung gesetzt zu den industriellen Problemen der Benetzbarkeit und des Fließverhaltens. Schließlich haben wir Legierungen unter verschiedenen Bedingungen verfestigt. Wir haben Unterkühlung beobachtet. Wir haben eine Technik entwickelt, basierend auf einer Mischung von Lot mit Pulver. Durch "Einsäen" von Nanokristallen in das flüssige Bad erhielten wir "verschiedene" Festkörper, die mit optischer und Elektronenmikroskopie untersucht wurden.
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Ionische Flüssigkeiten – Polarität und Wechselwirkungen mit silikatischen OberflächenLungwitz, Ralf 10 May 2011 (has links)
Gegenstand der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die UV/Vis-spektroskopische Bestimmung der Kamlet-Taft-Polaritätsparameter von strukturell unterschiedlichen Ionischen Flüssigkeiten (ILs), mit Hilfe von spezifischen solvatochromen Sondenmolekülen. Dabei wurden der Einfluss des Anions und Kations auf die Polarität, sowie die Stärke der Wechselwirkung zwischen beiden Ionen untersucht. Es konnte für Ionischen Flüssigkeiten mit dem 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazoliumkation eine 1H-NMR-spektroskopische Methode zur Ermittlung der Polaritätsparameter entwickelt werden. Diese bietet den Vorteil, dass sie auch bei farbigen, hydrolyseempfindlichen oder höher schmelzenden ILs eingesetzt werden kann, wenn die Anwendung solvatochromer Sondenmoleküle nicht möglich ist. Ein weiteres Augenmerk lag auf der Untersuchung der Wechselwirkung zwischen den ILs und silikatischen Oberflächen. Neben der Studie der anionenvermittelten starken Physisorption von 1-Methylimidazoliumchlorid an Aerosil®300 konnte auch eine neuartige Methode zur gezielten Chemisorption von Imidazolium- und Phosphoniumkationen an Siliziumdioxidoberflächen entwickelt werden. Dabei wurden verschieden Carbene und Ylide als basische IL-typische Kationenprecursoren eingesetzt. Die Analyse der erhaltenen Materialien erfolgte mit Hilfe verschiedener Methoden der Festkörper-NMR-Spektroskopie.
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Epitaktisches Wachstum und Charakterisierung ultradünner Eisenoxidschichten auf Magnesiumoxid(001)Zimmermann, Bernd Josef 17 September 2010 (has links)
Since many years, the importance of thin layers increases for lots of
technical uses. Beginning in the field of microelectronics, the use of thin
layers spread increasingly to other areas. Coatings for surface refining and
optimisation of the mechanical properties for material engineering,
customisation of the surface chemistry in catalysts, as well influencing of
the transmission and reflection characteristics of surfaces in optics are
only some examples of the high scientific and economic weight of the thin
layer technology. Thin magnetic layers are the basis of many known
storage media ranging from the tape recorder to the hard disk up to the
credit card. Nowadays, these thin layers again gain interest in the research
field of nanoelectronics as ultrathin layers. So-called spinvalve-read/write
heads being already installed in actual hard disks use the Tunnel Magneto
Resistance effect for a significant rise in memory density synonymous
capacity. Such read/writeheads consist of a magnetic layersystem. This
use of the magnetic as well as the electric characteristics of the electrons
is called spintronics. The iron oxide magnetite exhibits a high iron portion,
is strong antiferrimagnetic and has a high Curie-temperature. Since many
years, it is used as a magnetic pigment on already mentioned magnetic
tapes. Literature [1, 2, 3, 4] considers ultrathin epitaxial layers of magnetite
on magnesium oxide for uses in the spintronics as a most promising
candidate, because it inheres a complete spin polarisation at Fermi-level.
Moreover, thin magnetite layers serve in the chemical industry as a catalyst
in the Haber- Bosch-procedure and to the dehydration of ethylbenzene to
styrene. Being already used and considered to be of ongoing interest,
ultrathin magnetite layers offer a wide range of technological applications in
many modern industrial and scientific fields. Because there is,
nevertheless, a variety of other iron oxide (cf. chapter 4), it is a matter to
determine the special growth conditions of magnetite. These ultrathin iron
oxide layers were grown reactively on the (001)-surfaces of the magnesium
oxide substrate by molecular beam epitaxy. Besides, the surface is
examined by the diffraction of low-energy electrons concerning its
crystalline structure. X-ray photo electron spectroscopy approaching the
stochiometry completes these first characterisations. Other investigations
are carried out at HASYLAB / DESY in Hamburg by X-ray reflectivity and X-ray
diffraction. The exact thickness of the layers, its crystal properties in bulk, as
well as the thickness of the crystalline portion of the layers can be
determined among other features of the system. The evaluation of XRR-and XRD-investigations is done via simulations with in chapter 5
introduced software packages. The reader finds the theoretical
backgrounds to the used techniques in chapter 3. The experimental setups
in Osnabr¨uck and Hamburg as well as the backgrounds to the
preparation are presented in chapter 5. Because the formation of the
different iron oxides is described in literature [5, 6, 7, 8] as mostly
depending on annealing temperatures, the experimental results in chapter
6 are graded accordingly. The dependence on temperature, layer thickness
and annealing time should be examined for the iron oxides possible on
this substrate. The aim of this work is the preparation of ultrathin epitaxial
iron oxide layers with thicknesses up to few nanometers. The main goal is
to find the growth parameters for ultrathin crystalline magnetite
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Praseodymia on non-passivated and passivated Si(111) surfacesGevers, Sebastian 04 July 2011 (has links)
In the presented thesis thin praseodymia films on non-passivated and passivated Si(111) substrates were investigated. The first part deals with PDA of praseodymia films with fluorite structure under UHV conditions in the temperature region from RT to 600°C. Here, a sophisticated model of the annealing process of praseodymia films is established. This is done by detailed analysis of XRD measurements using the kinematic diffraction theory in combination with the analysis of GIXRD, XRR and SPA-LEED measurements. It is shown that the untreated films, which are oxidized in 1 atm oxygen to obtain fluorite structure, do not exhibit pure PrO2 stoichiometry as it was assumed before. Instead, they decompose into two laterally coexisting species exhibiting a PrO2 and a Pr6O11. oxide phase, respectively. These species are laterally pinned to the lattice parameter of bulk Pr6O11. Homogeneous oxide films with Pr6O11 phase can be observed after annealing at 100°C and 150°C. Here, lateral strain caused by the pinning of the species is minimized and an increase of the crystallite sizes is determined. If higher annealing temperatures are applied, the film decomposes again into two coexisting species. Finally, after annealing at 300°C, a mixed crystalline film with both Pr2O3 and Pr2O3+Delta oxide phases is formed, where Delta denotes a considerable excess of oxygen within the sesquioxide phase. Again the lateral strain increases due to the tendency of praseodymia phases to increase their lattice parameters during oxygen loss combined with the lateral pinning. This is accompanied by a decrease of crystallite sizes, which are afterwards comparable to those of the untreated films. Further annealing at temperatures above 300°C does not significantly change the structure of the oxide film. However, the increase of the amorphous Pr-silicate interface between Si substrate and oxide at the expense of the crystalline oxide can be observed after annealing at higher temperatures. Furthermore, an increased mosaic spread of the crystallites occurs, which reduces the lateral strain caused by the oxygen loss. Nevertheless, the crystalline structure is stable against further annealing up to temperatures of 600°C. Transportation of the sample under ambient conditions after annealing at 200°C and 300°C leads to the formation of an additional crystalline structure at the surface which cannot be allocated to any praseodymia phase and may be explained by the contamination of the topmost crystalline layers with Pr-hydroxides. The results obtained from praseodymia films annealed in 1 atm nitrogen show that these films are good candidates to form homogeneous oxide films with pure cub-Pr2O3 structure by subsequent annealing in UHV. Here, a single oxide species is already observed after annealing at 300°C by SPA-LEED measurements which is in contrast to praseodymia films with fluorite structure where higher annealing temperatures (600°C) are necessary. In this case, negative effects like interface growth or increased defect density (mosaics, grain boundaries) can be minimized. Investigations on oxygen plasma-treated praseodymia films to obtain pure PrO2 stoichiometry are presented in the second part. Oxygen plasma-treated samples are compared with samples oxidized in 1 atm oxygen regarding the structure of the crystalline film. For this purpose, XRR and XRD measurements are performed to get structural information of the oxide film, which can be used to identify the corresponding oxide phases. Here, significantly smaller lattice constants of the crystalline oxide species can be observed after plasma treatment, which points to the incorporation of additional oxygen atoms. This verifies former studies, where a higher oxidation state of the oxide film was found by XPS measurements and it shows that plasma-treated films exhibit a higher oxidation state than films oxidized in 1 atm oxygen due to the availability of reactive atomic oxygen in the plasma. Furthermore, the Pr-silicate interface between crystalline film and Si substrate is not increased during plasma treatment. In the last part of the presented thesis, first results from the epitaxy of praseodymia films on Cl-passivated Si substrates are shown. The aim is to suppress the Pr-silicate formation during the growth process. Thus, praseodymia films are grown on passivated and non-passivated substrates to compare the crystallinity of both samples using XSW and LEED measurements. The structure of the oxide films on Cl-passivated Si is determined afterwards by XRR. It is shown that crystalline films with cub-Pr2O3 structure and several nanometer thickness can be successfully grown on Cl-passivated substrates. Here, the Pr-silicate interface layer are restricted to a single mono-layer. In contrast, the films grown on non-passivated substrates are completely amorphous containing Pr-silicates and Pr-silicides.
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Imaging Spin Textures on Curved Magnetic SurfacesStreubel, Robert 27 August 2015 (has links)
Gegenwärtige Bestrebungen materialwissenschaftlicher Forschung beschäftigen sich unter anderem mit der Überführung zweidimensionaler Elemente elektronischer, optischer, plasmonischer oder magnetischer Funktionalität in den dreidimensionalen (3D) Raum. Dieser Ansatz vermag mittels Krümmung und struktureller Topologie bereits vorhandene Eigenschaften abzuändern beziehungsweise neue Funktionalitäten bereitzustellen. Vor allem Vektoreigenschaften wie die Magnetisierung kondensierter Materie lassen sich aufgrund der Brechung der Inversionssymmetrie in gekrümmten Flächen stark beeinflussen. Neben der Entwicklung diverser Vorgänge zur Herstellung 3D magnetischer Gegenstände sind geeignete Untersuchungsmethoden wie beispielsweise tomografische Abbildungen der Magnetisierung von Nöten, die maßgeblich die physikalischen Eigenschaften bestimmen.
Die vorliegende Dissertationsschrift befasst sich mit der Abbildung von magnetischen Domänen in 3D gekrümmten Dünnschichten beruhend auf dem Effekt des zirkularen magnetischen Röntgendichroismus (XMCD). Die in diesem Zusammenhang entwickelte magnetische Röntgentomografie (MXT) basierend auf weicher Röntgenmikroskopie stellt eine zu Elektronenholografie und Neutronentomografie komplementäre Methodik dar, welche großes Anwendungspotential in der elementspezifischen Untersuchung magnetischer gekrümmter Flächen mit örtlicher Auflösung im Nanometerbereich aufweist. Die Schwierigkeit der Interpretation von Abbildungen magnetischer Strukturen in gekrümmten Flächen rührt von der Dreidimensionalität und der Vektoreigenschaft der Magnetisierung her. Die hierzu notwendigen Kenntnisse sind anhand von zwei topologisch verschiedenen Flächen in Form hemisphärischer Kappen und hohler Zylinder erschlossen worden. Die praktische Anwendung von MXT ist abschließend anhand der Rekonstruktion magnetischer Domänen in aufgerollten Dünnschichten mit zylindrischer Form verdeutlicht. / One of the foci of modern materials sciences is set on expanding conventional two-dimensional electronic, photonic, plasmonic and magnetic devices into the third dimension. This approach provides means to modify conventional or to launch novel functionalities by tailoring curvature and three-dimensional (3D) shape. The degree of effect is particularly high for vector properties like the magnetization due to an emergent inversion symmetry breaking. Aside from capabilities to design and synthesize 3D magnetic architectures, proper characterization methods, such as magnetic tomographic imaging techniques, need to be developed to obtain a thorough understanding of the system’s response under external stimuli.
The main objective of this thesis is to develop a visualization technique that provides nanometer spatial resolution to image the peculiarities of the magnetic domain patterns on extended 3D curved surfaces. The proposed and realized concept of magnetic soft X-ray tomography (MXT), based on the X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) effect with soft X-ray microscopies, has the potential to become a powerful tool to investigate element specifically an entirely new class of 3D magnetic objects with virtually any shape and magnetization. Imaging curved surfaces meets the challenge of three-dimensionality and requires a profound understanding of the recorded XMCD contrast. These experiences are gained by visualizing magnetic domain patterns on two distinct 3D curved surfaces, namely magnetic cap structures and rolled-up magnetic nanomembranes with cylindrical shape. The capability of MXT is demonstrated by reconstructing the magnetic domain patterns on 3D curved surfaces resembling hollow cylindrical objects.
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Femtosekunden-Photoelektronenspektroskopie mit extrem ultravioletter Strahlung an Flüssigkeitsgrenzflächen / Femtosecond photoelectron spectroscopy with extreme ultraviolet radiation on liquid interfacesLink, Oliver 05 July 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Topographie, Struktur und Dynamik thermisch aufgedampfter Polymerfilme / Topography, structure and dynamics of thermally evaporated polymer filmsVree, Christian 06 July 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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