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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aplikace zákona č. 101/2000 Sb. o ochraně osobních údajů v praxi / Application of the law No.101/2000 Sb. about protection of name and description in practice

MAŘÍKOVÁ, Magdalena January 2008 (has links)
The issue of protecting personal and sensitive datum belongs to one of the topics promoted in media in present. In diploma work I am dealing with protection name and description in health service in connection with the law No.101/2000 Sb. about protection name and description and further law and ethical questions which also concerns medical documentation and obligatory reticence for medical staff. The aim of experimental parts was to find out the informedness, attitudes and views of sample of Czech population about the protection name and description in health service in connection with the law No.101/2000 Sb. Partial the aim was to discover whether there are differences in this problem among laic and vocational public and younger and older generation of our population. I used a quantitative method of research to process experimental parts. To collect useful dates I used a method of questionnaire. This research was done from January to May 2008 and 225 informants from a laic and a vocational public took part in this research. Three defined hypothesis were checked. I think this dissertation could lead to wider discussion about other aspects of protection name and description in health service and help to improved services to informed laic and vocational public not only about the law No. 101/2000 Sb. but also about protection name and description and other questions related to medical documentation as basic sources of personal and sensitive datum of patients.

Régulations immunitaires et cellulaires impliquées dans le maintien et le contrôle des bactéries endosymbiotiques du charançon des céréales du genre Sitophilus spp. / Maintenance and control of the endosymbionts of the cereal weevil Sitophilus spp. through immunity and cell processes

Masson, Florent 30 November 2015 (has links)
Plusieurs insectes se développant dans des milieux nutritionnellement déficients vivent en symbiose durable avec des bactéries intracellulaires (endosymbiotes) qui complémentent leur alimentation et améliorent leur pouvoir adaptatif. Alors que ces associations ont été largement étudiées sur les plans physiologiques et évolutifs, peu de travaux se sont consacrés à l’étude des mécanismes impliqués dans la tolérance et le contrôle des endosymbiotes par l’hôte. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’étudier, chez les charançons des céréales du genre Sitophilus, les particularités moléculaires et immunitaires du bactériome, un organe que l’insecte développe pour héberger les symbiotes et les isoler de sa réponse immunitaire systémique. Le bactériome du charançon exprime une réponse immunitaire modulée : des études transcriptomiques ont montré que les effecteurs de l’immunité sont peu exprimés dans cet organe, à l’exception d’un gène codant un peptide antimicrobien, la coléoptéricine A. Cette dernière interagit avec les endosymbiotes et participe à leur confinement intracellulaire. Dans une première partie, j’ai montré avec une approche d’interférence à l’ARN que l’expression du gène colA serait contrôlée par un système original qui impliquerait les gènes relish et tollip. Cette régulation « interne » au bactériome semble assurer le maintien des endosymbiotes et l’homéostasie de l’organe. Afin de comprendre comment le bactériome répond à une infection par les bactéries exogènes, j’ai suivi par RT-qPCR l’expression de gènes effecteurs de l’immunité dans le bactériome après injection systémique de bactéries à Gram positif ou négatif. Ceci a mis en évidence une réponse « externe », induite en cas d’infection, et qui aurait un rôle de protection des endosymbiotes contre les bactéries exogènes. Enfin, je me suis consacré à l’étude des changements de régulation accompagnant le passage du stade larvaire au stade adulte, marqué par une symbiose très dynamique. Le nombre d’endosymbiotes augmente fortement pendant les premiers jours de vie imaginale, puis diminue jusqu’à leur élimination complète par recyclage autophagique. Une analyse RNAseq a permis d’identifier les voies de signalisation dont l’activité accompagne cette dynamique. Une approche de RT-qPCR a également montré que l’immunité du bactériome est maintenue à un faible niveau d’activation pendant tout le processus de recyclage. Ce travail montre qu’au cours de leur évolution, les insectes ont sélectionné plusieurs stratégies pour assurer le maintien et l’ajustement de leur charge endosymbiotique en fonction de leurs besoins physiologiques : une signalisation immunitaire assurerait le confinement intracellulaire des endosymbiotes, et un ensemble de processus cellulaires incluant l’apoptose et l’autophagie semble être en associé aux voies métaboliques pour assurer le contrôle de la dynamique bactérienne et garantir le compromis bénéfice/coût de la symbiose. / Many insect species living on nutritionally unbalanced media depend on intracellular mutualistic bacteria, called obligatory endosymbionts, for their development and reproduction. Endosymbionts are housed in specialized host cells called bacteriocytes, that group together to form the bacteriome organ. Although such associations have been widely investigated on a physiological and evolutionary point of view, little is known about the mechanisms involved in the tolerance and the control of endosymbionts by the host. This work aims at deciphering the molecular and immune specificities of the bacteriome using the model system Sitophilus oryzae, the cereal weevil, and its obligate endosymbiont Sodalis pierantonius. The weevil bacteriome expresses a modulated immune response: transcriptomic studies showed that immune effector genes were lowly expressed despite the massive bacterial presence, with the exception of colA, a gene encoding for Coleoptericin A, an antimicrobial peptide. Coleoptericin A interacts with endosymbionts and participates in their intracellular seclusion. In a first chapter, I used RNA interference to demonstrate that colA gene expression may be controlled by an original system involving the genes relish and tollip. This “internal” regulation for endosymbiont control seems to maintain bacteriome homeostasis. In a second chapter, in order to understand how the bacteriome responds to an infection by exogenous bacteria, I followed up by RT-qPCR the expression of immune effector genes in the bacteriome after injection of Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria. This highlighted an “external” immune response, inducible upon infections, which may enable endosymbiont protection against exogenous intruders. In a third and last chapter, I focused on the regulation changes that accompany the switch from the larval stage to the imaginal stage, the latter being characterized by a very dynamic symbiosis. Endosymbiont load drastically increases during the first days of imaginal life, then rapidly decreases until complete elimination of the bacteria by autophagic recycling. RNAseq analysis allowed the identification of signaling pathways linked to this dynamic. A complementary RT-qPCR approach also showed that bacteriome immunity was laid low during the whole recycling process. This work shows that several strategies have been selected during host-symbiont coevolution to ensure the maintenance of the endosymbionts and the adjustment of their population depending on the insects physiological needs: immunity allows the intracellular seclusion in the bacteriocytes, and cell processes including autophagy and apoptosis are associated to metabolic pathways to control the endosymbiotic dynamics and secure the cost and benefit trade-off of symbiosis.

"En klients önkemål kan vara ett hinder i arbetet" : en studie om individuella bedömningar inom socialtjänstens enhet för ekonomiskt bistånd / "A client requests can be an obstacle in the work" : A study of individual assessments in the social services unit for financial assistance

Wanngård, Matilda January 2016 (has links)
Abstract This paper is a peer-review about social workers´ experiences and descriptions of making individual assessments of their unemployed clients when working toward self-sufficiency and eventual obstacle for making them. The paper also deals with how social workers prioritize their work tasks. The study was conducted through interviews with five social workers at the same workplace. The results have been analyzed using theories of discretion, street-level bureaucrats and client dimensions within a street-level bureaucracy. The result shows that lack of time and limitation of discretion have negative influences in the social workers’ ability to make individual assessments. The result also shows that individual assessments are foremost made when the clients mismanage their planning and are risking not getting their application for financial assistance approved. Further the results show that the processing of applications and payment of financial assistance is a priority task since it is considered to be most important to clients and result in the greatest consequences for both social workers and clients if not performed. The discussion that follows is about the possible consequences of prioritizing work tasks this way. / Sammanfattning Denna uppsats är en kollegiegranskning och handlar om socialsekreterares upplevelser och erfarenheter av att göra individuella bedömningar av sina arbetslösa klienter i arbetet mot självförsörjning och eventuella hinder för dessa. Uppsatsen beskriver även om hur socialsekreterare prioriterar sina arbetsuppgifter. Studien har genomförts genom intervjuer med 5 socialsekreterare på en arbetsplats. Resultatet har analyserats utifrån teorier om handlingsutrymme, frontlinjebyråkrater och klientdimensioner inom en frontlinjebyråkrati. Resultatet visar att tidsbrist och begränsningar i handlingsutrymmet båda är faktorer som har en negativ påverkan på en socialsekreterares förutsättningar att göra individuella bedömningar. Resultatet visar även att individuella bedömningar främst görs när en klient misskött sin planering och riskerar avslag på sin ansökan om ekonomiskt bistånd. Vidare visar resultatet att handläggning av ansökningar om och utbetalning av ekonomiskt bistånd är en prioriterad arbetsuppgift då den anses vara viktigast för klienterna samt resulterar i störst konsekvenser för både socialsekreterare och klienter om den inte utförs.

Quantifying Phonological Feature Co-occurrence

April Lynn Grotberg (13171419) 29 July 2022 (has links)
<p>This study argues that the observed-over-expected ratio, or O/E, is an inadequate metric for measuring the strength of consonant co-occurrence in Similar Place Avoidance. I advocate for the use of Yule's Q, an odds ratio based statistic that is not influenced by the relative proportions of labials, coronals, and dorsals in the dataset. This position is advanced on general statistical and linguistic considerations as well as through the analysis of empirical data from 32 languages. </p> <p><br></p> <p>Parallel typological analyses are conducted using O/E and Yule's Q. Cross-linguistic comparisons using O/E suggest that CVC sequences with two coronals are the least marked of the homorganic pairs. The same analysis using Yule's Q suggests any place of articulation may be the least/most marked in a given language; there are no cross-linguistic preferences. The disagreement between the two statistics can be accounted for by the fact that O/E is sensitive to the margin totals: coronals only appear to pattern separately from the labials and dorsals in the O/E analysis because they are considerably more frequent than are labial and dorsal segments.</p> <p><br></p> <p>To advance the use of Yule's Q in the study of Similar Place Avoidance, the paper provides guidance on constructing confidence intervals, measuring/interpreting effect size, and appropriate use of significance testing. Two case studies on aspects of Similar Place Avoidance in Latin and Medieval Castilian illustrate the proposed methodology.</p>

Diagnostika školní zralosti / School adulthood diagnostics

Fuchsová, Romana January 2014 (has links)
School adulthood diagnostics Abstract: This thesis is devoted to the topic school adulthood and its diagnostics by the children in the pre-school age. In the theoretic part there are included basic information about the ontogeny of a child in the pre-school age and contemporary conception of pre-school aducation. There are explained the expressions school adulthood, school preparedness, postponement of obligatory shool attandance, partial functions and shortages of these functions here as well. There are also described the possibilities how to diagnose the functions that are neccessary for the sucessfull acquirement of school skills. You can find the information about the enrolment of a child to the basic school too. The aim for the empiric part is to find out if it is possible to contribute to the improvement of the choosen partial functions by the aid of their regular stimulation by the pre-school children and in this way to increase a change for the successful acquirement of school skills. I had made my exploration through four diagnostic tests focused on the choosen partial functions in two kindergartens in Prague.

兩岸兵役制度之研究-兵力結構之比較分析 / Exploration of the Conscription System Between Two Adversaries on the Opposite Coasts of Taiwan Strait-A Comparative Analysis of the Structure of Armed Forces

洪麗職, Hung,Li Chih Unknown Date (has links)
「兵役制度」為國民至軍隊服役制度,是保障國家安全之武裝力量,平時以法律規範,完成兵員補充、武裝組織、軍事訓練,使人民依法履行義務。「兵役制度」依國家安全環境考量,由戰略家與兵力規劃者權衡戰事,反覆檢視安全環境、戰略目標、可利用資源,從整體戰略來決定兵力結構,以合理有效訓練方式提升兵力水準,以支撐軍事戰略。 兩岸為創造有利之安全環境與挑戰內外競敵,不斷在軍事戰略思維實施調整。中共已賦予解放軍保障國家安全利益之任務與角色,並自1949年建政以來,持續運用針對性之軍事演習或武力展示威懾台灣,以達其政治目的,並於1985年大裁軍後,以量小質精、齊全、強大的軍兵種常規武裝力量,遂行立體作戰整備。台灣軍事戰略從「反攻大陸」-「攻守一體」-「防衛固守」-「防衛固守,有效嚇阻」-「有效嚇阻,防衛固守」,各階段戰略決策有所不同,依當時國防威脅逐年修正,台澎防衛作戰又將作戰區區分安全警戒區、主要戰鬥區、後方區域,以提高作戰層次與建軍備戰。台灣如何於獲得先進武器後,搭配組建優質兵力,以形成整體軍力優勢,為維護整體國防安全之碁石。為因應台海快速變化的戰爭型態,台灣之國防組織必須採「平戰一體」,才能因應未來戰事。然而,台灣目前國防設計則偏向平戰轉換,在國防體制上是「常後分立」,戰時才將後備動員轉換為戰力.台灣軍方較迷失動員人力「到召率」,認為到召率數提高,戰力便從而昇起,而因應台海戰爭發展迅速,如完全仰賴動員,戰事亦可能告敗結束。 / The “Conscription System” is a military service scheme ordinarily enforced by law,through which the citizens of a country are called up for obligatory military service.It is the basic formation of armed forces to safeguard the national security,so that supplement of military manpower,organization of armed services,arrangement of military training,and exertion of authority over the citizens for observance of the obligatory duties can be undertaken without hindrance .Based on the consideration of national circumstantial security,the blueprint of conscription system,including the size of military forces,strategic structure of armed forces,elevation of the standard of armaments to support the decided military strategy is entrusted to groups of military strategists and planners to formulate and decide after their repeated careful surveyals of the national security circumstances,strategic aims and national resources available.The opponents on opposite coasts of Taiwan Strait for creating environments,advantageous to their own potentials and challenging their hostiles,either extrinsic or intrinsic,unremittingly adjust and readjust their thoughts of military strategy to suit the alterations of situations.The Communist China has long since bestowed upon its “Liberation Army” the role and task of safeguarding national safety and benefits,and indeed since its accomplishment of civil administration in 1949,it persistently manipulates purposeful military maneuvers or military displays to threaten Taiwan to effectuate its political aims.On the side of Taiwan,the military strategy has been modified from “Restoration of Mainland” at the beginning to “Unification of Attack and Defensive Holdout” and then to “Defensive Holdout and Effective Deterrence” by the Department of Defense,year in,year out,based on the altering strategic situation at various stages.With respect to the Taiwan-Penghus Defense in case of war,the entire war theater is divided into safe surveillance zone,main or major combat zone and rear zone so as to elevate the orders of warfare and raise weapons for war. How to acquire modern weapons to incorporate the raising of a military force of high quality to create military supremacy,is the solution or cornerstone of safeguarding the overall safety of defense.To be able to cope with the war in the Taiwan strait,which, in general assumption,could change rapidly in pattern,the coustitution of national defense must be based on a conception of ‘war and peace alike” .Nevertheless,at present,the design of national defense inclines to be based on a theory of ‘peace and war switchover” .In the structure of defense,regulars and reservists are independent and individualized without intimate and close linkage,and in case of war,the reservists are then called up to form combatant units.The higher military echelons,owing to being bewildered by high summon or attending rate of the called-up reservists,are of the opinion that if the summon rate is raised,the combative strength is also elevated.Since the fashion of war of the Taiwan Strait could be swift,should meeting the enemy solely rely on mobilization of reservists,the war might end in defeat.

O inadimplemento antecipado do contrato no direito civil brasileiro / Anticipatory breach of contract in Brazilian civil law.

Cardoso, Luiz Philipe Tavares de Azevedo 19 May 2014 (has links)
Esta tese tem como tema o inadimplemento antecipado do contrato no direito civil brasileiro. O ponto de partida para o estudo consiste na análise de jurisprudência que originariamente utilizou a figura, desprovida de consagração legal expressa. Posteriormente, é examinada a doutrina. Diante deste material, propõe-se um modelo teórico para o entendimento do inadimplemento antecipado do contrato, ajustando-o às categorias básicas do direito das obrigações brasileiro. São apresentados seus pressupostos, elementos constitutivos e efeitos. No decorrer do trabalho, são abordados aspectos do compromisso de compra e venda, a relação obrigacional complexa, deveres acessórios e laterais, fim contratual, inadimplemento, culpa e imputabilidade, impossibilidade, perda da função social, exceção de contrato não cumprido, resolução, indenização e demanda de cumprimento. / This work has as its theme the anticipatory breach of contract in the Brazilian civil law. The starting point for the study is the analysis of cases that originally used the figure, devoid of explicit legal recognition. Subsequently, the doctrine is examined. Faced with this material, we propose a theoretical model for understanding the anticipatory breach of contract, adjusting it to the basic categories of Brazilian law of obligations. Their assumptions, constitutive elements and effects are presented. Throughout his work, aspects of purchase and sale, the complex obligatory relationship, accessories and side duties, contractual order, breach of contract, non-performance, responsability, frustration, loss of social function, termination, rescission, and action for damages.

Le 1 % logement : la participation d'une institution paritaire à la production de l'action publique : genèse, perte de légitimité et reprise en main par l'Etat / The 1% housing tax system : the involvement of an institution co-managed by social partners in the elaboration of public policy : creation, loss of legitimacy and the reimposition of state control

Meunier, Jules 26 November 2013 (has links)
En transférant aux pouvoirs publics la capacité de décider l'emploi de la Participation des employeurs à l'effort de construction (PEEC), la loi de mobilisation pour le logement et la lutte contre l'exclusion du 25 mars 2009 a transformé en profondeur l'organisation du 1 % logement. L'objet de la recherche est de mettre en lumière les facteurs à l'origine d'une telle inflexion. Pour cela, l'analyse s'efforce d'explorer le passé de l'institution afin d'en extraire les éléments à même d'éclairer cet épisode récent. Elle montre que les mécanismes à l'origine de la transformation du 1 % logement – processus ancien et graduel dont la réforme de 2009 constitue la dernière manifestation en date – alimentent deux dynamiques qui influent historiquement sur la forme du gouvernement et la production des règles relatives à l'emploi des fonds du 1 % logement. La dégradation de la légitimité de l'institution, conséquence de l'impuissance des syndicats à développer une capacité de représentation dans le secteur du logement, entraîne une remise en cause de la présence des acteurs paritaires à la tête de l'institution. L'émergence au sein de l'Etat d'une volonté de reprendre en main le dispositif, effet indirect du tournant opéré pendant les années 1980 dans la conduite de l'action publique, se traduit par le transfert sur le 1 % logement d'une part croissante du coût de la politique du logement en substitution au budget de l'Etat. Dans un contexte marqué par la crise du syndicalisme et le renforcement de la contrainte budgétaire, la permanence de ces deux processus interroge aujourd'hui sur la capacité du 1 % logement à conserver un espace d'intervention dans la politique du logement / By transferring to public authorities the capacity to decide on the employment(use) of the Participation of the employers in the effort of construction ( PEEC), the law of mobilization for the accommodation(housing) and the fight against social exclusion of March 25th, 2009 transformed in depth the organization of the housing 1 %. The object of the search(research) is to bring to light factors(mailmen) at the origin of such an inflection

Valstybinio socialinio draudimo sistemos įvertinimas ir perspektyvos / Evaluation and Perspectives of State Social Insurance System

Mažonienė, Kristina 02 June 2005 (has links)
Research object: the system of state social insurance. Research aim: to evaluate the state social insurance system and forecast it’s prospects. Objectives: to present a general conception of the state social insurance system; to determine a dependency of different welfare state traditions and the state social insurance system; to determine administration and financing means of the entire system; to analyze the state social insurance system in Lithuania; to evaluate the trends of the state social insurance in Lithuania and implemented reform of the system; to foresee long-term and short-term perspectives of state social insurance system. Research methods: descriptive and graphical, data systemization methods, comparative analyses, logic analyses and syntheses, analysis of literature and practical experience of individual countries. Study of periodical literature by different authors as well as legislative base on the state social insurance system’s activity helped to determine problems of this system, methods of their solution, prepare forecasts of the state social insurance development.


ANELISE MONTEIRO DO NASCIMENTO 06 September 2018 (has links)
[pt] Infância e escolarização são o foco dessa tese que se situa no campo da educação, com interlocução com a filosofia, a sociologia e a política. Com o objetivo de investigar a experiência da infância nas instituições, apoia-se, nos estudos da filosofia, especialmente no trabalho de Walter Benjamin e seu conceito de infância e de experiência; na sociologia da infância, campo marcado pelo reconhecimento da infância como construção social, componente da cultura/ sociedade, forma estrutural que não desaparece, e as crianças, atores, produto e produtoras dos processos sociais; e na análise do contexto político que envolve as práticas de institucionalização das crianças, tendo como inspiração os referenciais analíticos propostos por Ball e Mainardes (2001, 2006, 2011). O campo empírico foi construído a partir do banco de dados referente à observação em vinte e uma instituições de educação infantil da cidade do Rio de Janeiro no período de 2005 a 2008. O exame do material compreendeu um duplo movimento. O primeiro foi a análise panorâmica dos dados que evidenciou que independentemente do formato de institucionalização das crianças (se frequentam creches, pré-escolas ou turmas de pré-escola em escolas de ensino fundamental) a experiência de infância se dá no encontro entre os processos individuais e coletivos resultantes das relações das crianças com seus pares, com adultos, com os objetos, com a cultura/história, com a sociedade e com a natureza. Pode ser percebida através da observação das suas formas de apropriações, reproduções e reinvenções do mundo, assim como de seus modos próprios de interpretá-lo e de se relacionarem entre si, através da criação de regras, normas e expectativas que conduzem não só as ações pessoais, como o contexto em que estão inseridas, através da circulação que se dá na cultura de pares. O segundo movimento, teve nova orientação, na qual se buscou outra perspectiva de leitura e apropriação dos dados. Nela, o objetivo foi o enquadramento das situações que envolveram crianças e adultos em uma modalidade de atendimento educacional específica, para tal o contexto selecionado foi o das Pré-escolas exclusivas. Como conclusão destaca-se que a experiência de infância das crianças das pré-escolas observadas se materializa (1) na construção da identidade de ser criança, que ocorre em diálogo com o que concebem como ser adulto. (2) na aprendizagem do ofício do aluno (3) e no desafio do pertencimento a um grupo, pertencimento provocado pela inclusão das crianças um espaço público, compartilhado, onde desenvolverão suas culturas de pares. / [en] Childhood and schooling are the focus of this thesis that lies in the field of education, with dialogue with philosophy, sociology and politics. In order to investigate the experience of childhood in institutions, relies, in the studies of philosophy, especially in the work of Walter Benjamin and his concept of childhood and experience; in the sociology of childhood, marked by recognition of children as social construction, component of culture/society, structural form that does not disappear, and children, actors, and producers of social processes; and in the analysis of the political context surrounding the practices of institutionalization of children, taking as inspiration the analytical benchmarks proposed by Ball and Mainardes (2001, 2006, 2011). The empirical field was built from the database concerning observation in twenty and one early childhood institutions of the city of Rio de Janeiro during the period from 2005 to 2008. The examination of the material comprised a double movement. The first was the panoramic analysis of the data showed that regardless of the format of institutionalization of children (if attending daycare centers, preschools or preschool classes in elementary schools) childhood experience takes place in the encounter between the individual and collective processes resulting from the children s relationships with their peers, with adults, with objects, with the culture/history, with society and with nature. Can be perceived through the observation of their appropriations forms, reproductions and reinvention of the world, as well as their own modes of interpreting it and relate to each other, through the creation of rules, norms and expectations that lead not only to personal actions, as the context in which they are inserted, by means of the circulation that occurs in pairs. The second movement , had new approach, in which it sought another perspective of reading and ownership of the data. In it, the goal was the framing of situations involving children and adults in a specific educational service mode, the selected context was the exclusive preschools. As a conclusion is that the childhood experience of children of preschools observed materializes (1) in the construction of the identity of being a child, that takes place in dialogue with what they regard as being an adult. (2) in learning the craft of the student (3) and in the challenge of belonging to a group, the inclusion of belonging children a public, shared space, where will their cultures of pairs. / [fr] L enfance et et la scolarisation de l enfant sont l objet de cette thèse, qui se pose dans le domaine de l éducation en dialogue avec la philosophie, la sociologie et la politique. L objectif central a été de comprendre l experience de l enfance au sein des établissements d enseignement; est basée sur la contribution teórique des études de la philosophie, en particulier le travail de Walter Benjamin et son concept de l enfance et de l expérience; de la sociologie de l enfance, champ marqué par la reconnaissance de l enfance comme une construction sociale, un élément de la culture / société, catégorie qui ne disparaît pas, et les enfants, acteurs, producteurs et le produit de processus sociaux ; et de l analyse du contexte politique qui entoure la pratique de l institutionnalisation des enfants en prenant comme source d inspiration les points de référence proposées par Ball et Mainardes (2001, 2006, 2011). Le terrain a été construit à partir de la base de données concernant l observation dans vingt et un établissements scolaires de la ville de Rio de Janeiro de 2005 à 2008. L analyse des données a suivi un double mouvement. Le premier a été la méta-analyse des données. Les données ont révélé que quel que soit le format de l institutionnalisation des enfants (s ils fréquentent des crèches, les maternelles ou des classes maternelles dans les écoles primaires) l expérience de l enfance se produit dans la rencontre entre les processus individuels et collectifs résultant des relations de l enfant avec ses pairs, avec les adultes, avec des objets, avec la culture / histoire, la société et la nature. Peut être perçu par l observation de leurs formes d appropriation, des reproductions et des réinventions du monde, ainsi que leurs propres façons de l interpréter et de rapporter les uns aux autres par la création de règles, de normes et d attentes qui conduisent non seulement actions personnelles, mais aussi le contexte dans lequel ils opèrent, par le mouvement qui se produit dans la culture des pairs. Le deuxième mouvement, dans laquelle il cherchait une autre perspective de la lecture des données, a été pour but de comprendre les situations vécues par les enfants dans une réalité spécifique, le contexte des écoles maternelles. En conclusion, il est souligné que l expérience de l enfance des enfants de la maternelle observée se concrétise (1) dans la construction de l identité dêtre un enfant, ce qui se produit dans le dialogue à ce qu ils conçoivent comme un adulte; (2) dans l apprentissage du métier d élève; (3) dans le défi de l appartenance à un groupe, appartenant causée par la prise des enfants dans un espace public, partagé où elles vont développer leurs cultures de pairs.

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