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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Underemployment and Health-related Quality of Life

Raykov, Milosh M. 25 February 2010 (has links)
Considering the increasing levels of unemployment and underemployment, and the limited evidence concerning the impact of underemployment on health, my study examines the relations between subjective, objective, and time-related underemployment and employees’ health-related quality of life, as manifested through self-rated health, activity limitations and work-related stress. The study compares an expanded model of work-health relations that, along with the factors addressed by control-demand, and social capital theories, includes characteristics of the physical work environment, and employees’ economic class. In addition to the commonly examined factors related to employment and health (control-demand and social capital), my study explores the impact of the work environment (hazards, discomfort and physical demands) and economic class to determine the specific effects of underemployment on an employee’s health-related quality of life. My main argument is that underemployment, in conjunction with lower economic class, higher exposure to a harmful work environment, lack of control over work, and lower social capital, contributes to increased work-related stress and diminishes health-related quality of life. The study applies a mixed methodological approach based on data from the Canadian Work and Lifelong Learning Survey and the US General Social Survey, and qualitative analysis of interviews from the Ontario Survey on Education-Job Requirements Matching. Evidence based on cross-sectional and qualitative data analysis provides consistent findings and confirms the main assumption that high levels of underemployment have a significant effect on employees’ health-related quality of life. The study shows that employees’ economic class, characteristics of work environment and control over work carry the highest associations with health-related quality of life, while underemployment has a significant additive association with health-related quality of life, most importantly with work-related stress.

Hälso- och friskvårdsarbete på Swedbank Försäkring : En kvalitativ studie om hur Swedbank försäkrings hälsosyn präglar friskvårdsarbetet på företaget

Hagström, Sanna January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to find out how Swedbank Insurance view of health characterizes wellness work at the company. It was a qualitative study in which five persons involved in their health and wellness work were interviewed. Their business plan was based generally on the basis of the biomedical approach, but the results proved otherwise. The four categories that were set up after the results were; Health is to feel good physically as well as psychologically, health is the absence of illness, wellness is to do things together in a healthy environment and wellness is to challenge their co-workers with different kinds of challenges.

Hälsokontroller och beteendeförändring hos byggarbetare : en intervjustudie / Health surveillance and behavior change among construction workers : an interview study

Boutzas, Anna January 2016 (has links)
Förekomsten av ohälsa är mer vanligt i byggarbetabranschen än i andra branscher, p.g.a. arbetsolyckor och övriga förhållanden i arbetet. En av de viktiga resurserna till att förebygga skada och upprätthålla hälsa i arbetslivet, är företagshälsovård. Syftet med denna kvalitativa intervjustudie var att beskriva byggarbetares upplevelser om deras arbetshälsa/arbetsmiljö och om vad företagshälsovårdens hälsokontroller har haft för betydelse för deras beteendeförändring.   Fem byggarbetare som genomgått en hälsokontroll via företagshälsovård och åstadkommit en potentiell beteendeförändring som förbättrat hälsan, intervjuades. Den tematiska analysen av intervjuerna resulterade i fyra huvudteman: ”möjliggörande faktorer till en god arbetshälsa i byggarbetarens yrke”, ”begränsade faktorer till god arbetshälsa i byggarbetarens yrke”, ”konkreta resultat av företagshälsovårdens hälsokontroller” och ”fördelarna med företagshälsovårdens hälsofrämjande arbete”. Studiens resultat visar att byggarbetare upplevde sin arbetshälsa/arbetsmiljö som både positivt och negativt. Det positiva med arbetet var den sociala kontakten med kollegor och arbetsgivare och det negativt var arbetsmiljön som bidragit till sämre hälsa p.g.a. av muskuloskeletala skador och stress. Hälsokontroller bidrog till beteendeförändring som kan förebygga sjukdomar bland byggarbetarna.   Hälsokontrollen upplevdes som meningsfull då ett gott bemötande möjliggjorde en beteendeförändring samtidigt som en ökad insikt av att förbättra sin egen hälsa skett, efter negativa provsvar. Vidare forskning behövs om hur byggarbetares arbetshälsa kan förbättras genom företagshälsovårdens insatser. / The incidence of illness among construction workers is higher than average in other industries, because of accidents and other conditions at work. One of the most important resources to prevent injury and maintain health in the workplace, is the occupational health care. The aim of this qualitative study was to describe the construction workers experiences of their occupational health and work environment and about whether occupational health check-ups have had any significance for their behavior change. Five male construction workers who had underwent a health check and after that performed a behavior change, was recruited via an occupational care center. Data was collected by face to face and telefon interviews, that were subsequently transcribed and analysed by thematic analyse. The tematic analyse resulted in four main themes: "enabling factors for good health of the construction workers professional”, ”restricted factors to the good health of the construction worker's occupation", "benefits of occupational health promotion" and "concrete results of occupational health check-ups".   The construction workers experienced their occupational health and work environment as both positive and negative. The positive about work was the social contact with colleagues and employers, the negative was that the work environment contributed to poor health due musculoskeletal of injury and stress. Health check-ups contributed to behavior change and pontential prevention of diseases among construction workers.   The health check-ups was considered as being meaningful and enabled a change in behavior after understanding that they must change their lifestyle to avoid disease. Further research is needed on how to improve construction workers occupational health through occupational health services.

Upper Airway Mucosal Inflammation : Proteomic Studies after Exposure to Irritants and Microbial Agents

Fornander, Louise January 2015 (has links)
People are, in their daily lives, exposed to a number of airborne foreign compounds that do not normally affect the body. However, depending on the nature of these compounds, dose and duration of exposure, various airway symptoms may arise. Early symptoms are often manifested as upper airway mucosal inflammation which generates changes in protein composition in the airway lining fluid. This thesis aims at identifying, understanding mechanisms and characterizing protein alterations in the upper airway mucosa that can be used as potential new biomarkers for inflammation in the mucosa. The protein composition in the mucosa was studied by sampling of nasal lavage fluid that was further analyzed with a proteomic approach using twodimensional gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry. Additionally, by studying factors on site through environmental examination, health questionnaires and biological analyses, we have tried to understand the background to these protein alterations and their impact on health. Respiratory symptoms from the upper airways are common among people who are exposed to irritative and microbial agents. This thesis have focused on personnel in swimming pool facilities exposed to trichloramine, metal industry workers exposed to metalworking fluids, employees working in damp and moldy buildings and infants diagnosed with respiratory syncytial virus infection. The common denominator in these four studies is that the subjects experience upper airway mucosal inflammation, which is manifested as cough, rhinitis, phlegm etc. In the three occupational studies, the symptoms were work related. Notably, a high prevalence of perceived mucosal symptoms was shown despite the relatively low levels of airborne irritants revealed by the environmental examination. Protein profiling verified an ongoing inflammatory response by identification of several proteins that displayed altered levels. Interestingly, innate immune proteins dominated and four protein alterations occurred in most of the studies; SPLUNC1, protein S100A8 and S100A9 and alpha-1-antitrypsin. Similarly, these proteins were also found in nasal fluid from children with virus infection and in addition a truncated form of SPLUNC1 and two other S100 proteins (S100A7-like 2 and S100A16), not previously found in nasal secretion, were identified. Altogether, the results indicate the potential use of a proteomic approach for identifying new biomarkers for the upper respiratory tract at an early stage in the disease process after exposure to irritant and microbial agents. The results indicate an effect on the innate immunity system and the proteins; SPLUNC1, protein S100A8 and S100A9 and alpha-1-antitrypsin are especially promising new biomarkers. Moreover, further studies of these proteins may help us to understand the molecular mechanisms involved in irritant-induced airway inflammation.

Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders Among Dentists and Orthodontists

La Rochelle, Natalie R 01 January 2017 (has links)
WORK-RELATED MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS AMONG DENTISTS AND ORTHODONTISTS A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Dentistry at Virginia Commonwealth University. by Natalie R. La Rochelle Thesis Director: Dr. Eser Tüfekçi, D.D.S., M.S., Ph.D., M.S.H.A. Professor, Department of Orthodontics Virginia Commonwealth University Richmond, Virginia May 2017 The practice of dentistry is physically demanding due to static and dynamic postures sustained daily throughout careers. Previous literature suggests that work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSD) are not solely the result of work habits, but also due to the individual, his or her physical makeup, genetics, and personal lifestyle. A 33-question survey was distributed to 1000 general dentists and 2300 orthodontists. The overall prevalence of work-related musculoskeletal disorders was greater among dentists and most often reported as self-limiting. Dentists were three times more likely than orthodontists to report WMSD; females were twice as likely to report WMSD than males; those who sought alternative medical remedies were two times more likely to have WMSD; and practitioners 6-10 years in practice were least likely to report WMSD. Dentists reported sitting in static positions longer than orthodontists; and those with WMSD indicated exercising, stretching, and seeking alternative health remedies more than dentists without WMSD.

Concentration Levels of PM2.S and PM 10 Paper Dust in a Book Production Facility

Cvengros, Blake J 01 April 2017 (has links)
Concentration levels of PM2.5 and PM10 paper dust were measured in a book production facility using a quantitative single subject study. Dust concentration data was collected in three processes of a book manufacturing facility; paper recycling, the digital pressroom and the digital bindery. Data was collected using the DustTrak DRX 8533 Aerosol Monitor, focusing on particulate sizes of PM2.5 and PM10. The data was used to determine if paper dust in the book production industry reached concentration levels that could have negative respiratory health effects on surrounding employees and to determine which process within the studied facility had the highest concentrations of paper dust. The study revealed that the paper recycling warehouse had the highest concentrations of paper dust. It was also determined that the paper recycling warehouse could cause negative respiratory health effects on surrounding employees. Further research is needed to determine the extent of those effects and potential remediation.

Ohm … Pardon the Interruption! An Exploration of Mindfulness as a Buffer against the Effects of Intrusions

Fletcher, Keaton Allen 29 June 2016 (has links)
Previous research has provided a helpful, albeit narrow, understanding of task interruptions as related to outcomes such as wellness and performance (e.g., Eyrolle & Cellier, 2000). Building on this foundation by viewing interruptions through the broader theoretical context of the theory of mental workload, this study sought to explain the cognitive processes underlying the negative performance effects often associated with interruptions and to apply an intervention aimed at mitigating these effects. Specifically, mindfulness has emerged as a promising method for reducing the cognitive burden of interruptions. This study examined the effects of intrusions (a type of interruption) on psychological strain and performance through perceived mental workload. Although perceived mental workload did predict strain outcomes, the overall mediation models failed to reach significance. Results also failed to support the hypothesized effect of state mindfulness as a potential moderator. A set of post hoc analyses, however, found that intrusion perceptions acted as a mediator between intrusion condition and psychological strain outcomes. Further, this mediation was moderated by state mindfulness, which in turn was moderated by the intrusion time. Specifically, the indirect effect of intrusion condition on strain outcomes was such that individuals experienced more strain if they received an intrusion compared to those who were not given an intrusion, unless they completed the form quickly and were also low on state mindfulness, in which case there was no difference in strain outcomes based on whether they experienced an intrusion. Together, these results suggest that intrusion perceptions play key roles in strain outcomes, and that moderators of these relationships should be further explored.

Riesgo percibido en la construcción en España y Perú: un estudio exploratorio

Rodríguez Garzón, Ignacio, Castilla Rodríguez, Beatriz, Martínez Fiestas, Myriam, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC) 07 May 2015 (has links)
Introduction: The building sector is one of the most dangerous. It was measured the risk perception possessed by construction workers. Culture can affect risk perception. Objectives: Show the risk perceived by construction workers in Spain and Peru, compare and discuss the similarities and differences between countries. Materials and methods: An exploratory, cross sectional study. Two samples of workers were used: Spanish (N=204) and Peruvian (N=210), obtained in building works, civil works and training centers. The quantification method used is the psychometric paradigm and its adaptation to the Portell & Solé's occupational safety in the NPT of INSHT from Spain. Were used 9 qualitative attributes of risk and a global quantitative attribute. These attributes are measured by Likert scale from 1 to 7 points, while the global quantitative attribute is measured on a scale of 1 to 100. Results: Workers in environments with potential hazards or heavy machinery have a high perception of risk. Workers in both countries considered that have knowledge enough about safety at work. Spanish workers consider their health and safety managers do not have enough knowledge, being better rated in Peru. The probability of incident obtained low score. The global quantitative measure of risk did not obtain statistically significant difference between the two countries. Conclusions: perceived risk in construction should be studied to improve the health of their workers. / irgarzon@ugr.es / Introducción: El sector de la construcción es uno de los más peligrosos. Se midió la percepción del riesgo que poseen los trabajadores de la construcción. La cultura puede afectar la percepción del riesgo. Objetivos: Dar a conocer el riesgo que perciben los trabajadores de la construcción en España y Perú, comparar y discutir las similitudes y diferencias entre países. Materiales y métodos: Estudio de carácter exploratorio transversal. Se utilizaron dos muestras de trabajadores: Españoles (N=204) y Peruanos (N=210) obtenidas en obras de edificación, obras civiles y centros de formación. El método de cuantificación es el paradigma psicométrico y su adaptación a la seguridad ocupacional de Portell & Solé en la NTP 578 del INSHT de España. Se utilizaron 9 atributos cualitativos del riesgo y un atributo cuantitativo global. Estos atributos se miden mediante escalas Likert de 1 a 7 puntos, mientras que el atributo cuantitativo global se mide mediante una escala de 1 a 100. Resultados: Los trabajadores de ambientes con riesgos potenciales o con maquinaria pesada tienen una percepción alta del riesgo. Los trabajadores de ambos países consideran que poseen suficiente conocimiento sobre la seguridad en el trabajo. Los trabajadores españoles consideran que sus responsables de seguridad y salud no poseen suficiente conocimiento, siendo mejor puntuados en Perú. La probabilidad de ocurrencia obtuvo baja puntuación. La medida cuantitativa global del riesgo no obtuvo diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre ambos países. Conclusiones: se debe estudiar el riesgo percibido en la construcción para mejorar las condiciones de salud de sus trabajadores.

Promoting physical activity in the workplace : a stage of change approach

Kazi, A. January 2013 (has links)
Regular physical activity is associated with improved physiological and psychological wellbeing, by reducing the risk of chronic illnesses such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis and depression. There is a common perception that physical activity levels in the population are declining, and one of the biggest changes affecting this is occupational based activity. Since adults spend on average over 50% of their waking hours at work, work sites have the potential to be an important setting for health promotion initiatives. Cognitions and behaviours are key causal factors behind many of today s most widespread health problems and illnesses. The stage of change model has been highlighted as having intuitive appeal because it considers the dynamic nature of attitudes and behaviour change. This thesis is concerned with the application of the stage of change model to an occupational health intervention promoting physical activity. Several research studies were undertaken to explore the experiences of employees with workplace health initiatives and investigate the strategies and practices used by occupational health to promote healthy behaviours. These research studies highlighted the barriers and facilitators to successful health interventions and contributed towards the design, development and implementation of an activity promotion intervention. Additional research was also conducted to develop information materials based on the stage of change model. The stage approach was simplified and intervention materials were classified based on whether employees were thinking about making a change or not thinking about making a change to their activity levels. In order to test the materials, a twelve month intervention was implemented in ten work sites across the UK that were allocated to one of three groups. Two groups received information materials and one group received no information during the intervention period (control group). The difference between the two groups who received information was that one group received standard activity promotion information (standard group) and the second group received tailored information based on their stage of change construct (staged group). Participants in the staged intervention group demonstrated significant decreases in body mass index, fat percentage, waist circumference, blood pressure and resting heart rate following the twelve month intervention. In contrast, reductions were identified for the standard intervention group for waist circumference and diastolic blood pressure. Finally, there were no long-term significant improvements identified for the control group. However, group comparisons revealed there were no significant differences between the intervention conditions. The intervention also recorded self-reported psychological outcomes, which demonstrated variations throughout the intervention period for all groups. The potential reasons for these inconsistent outcomes are discussed. A process evaluation following the intervention demonstrated employees valued the health screenings and identified issues relating to knowledge, behaviour change and health implications that were important outputs of the intervention. Based on these findings, the research concludes there is scope to make physical activity interventions in the workplace more effective by applying the stage of change approach. Using the process of simplifying the stages and focusing on whether employees want to change their behaviours or not allows occupational health to deliver information that could be more meaningful and have a significant impact on behaviour change. By understanding employees readiness to change their activity behaviours and targeting information based on their beliefs, attitudes and intentions to change may produce significant improvements in health outcome measures compared to standard information. The results also suggest there is potential for this type of tailored intervention to be extended to other occupational health issues.

Construção e validação de um software para avaliação da satisfação no trabalho da enfermagem / Construction and validity of software to evaluate Nursing Work Satisfaction

Silva, Eliane Ribeiro Gonçalves 01 December 2017 (has links)
A satisfação no trabalho pode ser caracterizada como o resultado positivo (prazeroso) das relações sociais e experiências vividas pelos trabalhadores no ambiente de trabalho. Ela se é subjetiva e se relaciona intrinsecamente com os vínculos afetivos diversos que permeiam as relações e sensações humanas que se apresentam além dos espaços físicos das instituições de trabalho. Ao longo do tempo, a satisfação tem se mostrado como fator contribuinte para a permanência dos indivíduos nas organizações e como fonte geradora de saúde e bem-estar no trabalho. Nesse contexto, o uso inovador da tecnologia em saúde pode determinar avanços relacionados à qualidade do cuidado e à melhoria da qualidade de vida das pessoas. Considerando a possibilidade de avanço científico na enfermagem por meio do uso de tecnologias informatizadas, buscou-se desenvolver este estudo no intuito de desenvolver um software para avaliar a satisfação no trabalho da enfermagem. Trata-se de uma pesquisa aplicada que utilizou o referencial teórico da satisfação do trabalho na enfermagem de Mirlene Maria Matias Siqueira, e a metodologia de desenvolvimento de software de Viviane Bernardo. Como objetivo, buscou-se o desenvolvimento de um projeto de multimídia (software) para avaliação da satisfação no trabalho da enfermagem. Esta pesquisa ocorreu em duas fases: construção do projeto de multimídia e sua validação. Na fase de construção do projeto seguiu-se as seguintes etapas: definição do escopo, planejamento e produção. Na fase de validação de aparência e de conteúdo do software, foram realizadas as validações do projeto quanto: à aparência; ao conteúdo; à usabilidade; e à aceitabilidade. As avaliações foram feitas por um Comitê de Juízes especialistas na temática. Para avaliação de ergonomia e usabilidade, o software foi avaliado por 3 especialistas da área de Tecnologia da Informação. Para avaliação de conteúdo e aparência, o software foi avaliado por 3 docentes de Enfermagem. Após as validações de especialistas, houve ajustes na ferramenta e posteriormente teste de aceitabilidade foi realizado. Participaram 11 trabalhadores da equipe de enfermagem. Ao final desta pesquisa o produto desenvolvido foi um software destinado à Avaliação da Satisfação no Trabalho da Enfermagem, intitulado \"WorkSatisfaction\". Por fim, concluímos que o processo de construção e validação realizado neste estudo pode contribuir para o avanço do uso da tecnologia no ensino, na pesquisa e na prática em saúde e enfermagem / Job satisfaction can be characterized as the positive (pleasurable) outcome of social relationships and experiences lived by workers in the work environment. It is subjective and intrinsically related to the diverse affective bonds that permeate human relations and sensations that are welcomed by the physical banks of the work institutions. Over time, a satisfaction has been announced as a contributor to a permanence of law in organizations and as a source of health and well-being without work. In this context, the innovative use of health technology can determine advances related to the quality of care and the improvement of people\'s quality of life. No method was found to evaluate a study to evaluate the research without nursing work. This is an applied research that uses the theoretical reference of satisfaction of the work in the nursing of Mirlene Maria Matias Siqueira, and a methodology of software development of Viviane Bernardo. The objective was to develop a multimedia project (software) to evaluate satisfaction in nursing work. This research took place in two phases: construction of the multimedia project and its validity. In the construction phase of the project the following steps were followed: definition of the scope, planning and production. In the validation phase of the appearance and content of the software, they were carried out as validations of the project regarding: appearance; to content; usability; and acceptability. As an evaluation by the Judges Committee specialists in the subject. For evaluation of ergonomics and usability, the software was evaluated by 3 specialists in the area of Information Technology. For evaluation of content and appearance, the software was evaluated by 3 Nursing teachers. After the validations of specialists, the test was performed. Eleven workers from the nursing team participated. At the end of this research, the product was developed for a software for the Evaluation of Satisfaction in the Work of Nursing, entitled \"WorkSatisfaction\". Finally, we conclude the construction and validation process carried out in the study can contribute to the advancement of the use of non-teaching technology, research and practice in health and nursing

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