Spelling suggestions: "subject:"oder"" "subject:"odo""
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Le traitement des expressions faciales au cours de la première année : développement et rôle de l'olfaction / The processing of facial expressions during the first year of life : development and contribution of olfactionDollion, Nicolas 14 December 2015 (has links)
La première année de vie constitue une étape critique dans le développement des capacités de traitement des expressions faciales. Olfaction et expressions sont toutes deux étroitement liées, et il est reconnu que dès la naissance les enfants sont capables d’intégrer leur environnement de façon multi-sensorielle. Toutefois, la plupart des travaux sur le traitement multimodal des visages et des expressions se sont restreints à l’étude des interactions audio-visuelles.Dans ce travail de thèse, nous avons en premier lieu levé différentes ambiguïtés concernant l’ontogenèse des capacités de traitement des expressions. Les résultats obtenus ont permis de spécifier l’évolution des stratégies d’exploration visuelle des émotions au cours de la première année, et de démontrer la présence d’une distinction progressive des expressions selon leur signification émotionnelle. Au moyen de l’EEG, nous avons aussi précisé la nature et le décours temporel de la distinction des expressions chez les nourrissons de 3 mois.Le second objectif de nos travaux a été d’approfondir les connaissances sur le traitement multi-sensoriel des expressions, en nous intéressant spécifiquement aux interactions olfacto-visuelles. Nos expériences en potentiels évoqués ont permis de préciser le décours de l’intégration cérébrale de l’odeur dans le traitement des expressions chez l’adulte, et de démontrer la présence d’interactions similaires chez l’enfant de 3 mois. Nous avons également démontré qu’à 7 mois, les odeurs déclenchent une recherche d’expression spécifique. Il ressort de ces travaux que l’olfaction pourrait contribuer à l’établissement des capacités de traitement des expressions faciales. / The first year of life is critical for the development of the abilities to process facial expressions. Olfaction and expressions are both strongly linked to each other, and it is well known that infants are able to multisensorially integrate their environment as early as birth. However, most of the studies interested in multisensory processing of facial expressions are restricted to the investigation of audio-visual interactions.In this thesis, we firstly aimed to resolve different issues concerning the ontogenesis of infants’ ability to process facial expressions. Our results allowed to specify the development of visual exploratory strategies of facial emotions along the first year of life, and to demonstrate that a progressive distinction of expressions according to their emotional meaning is present. Using the EEG, we were also able to specify the nature and the time course of facial expressions distinction in 3-month-old infants.The second objective of our studies was to expand the knowledge concerning the multisensory processing of facial expressions. More specifically we wanted to investigate the influence of olfacto-visual interactions on this processing. Our event-related potentials experiments allowed to specify the time course of the cerebral integration of olfaction in the visual processing of emotional faces in adults, and to demonstrate that similar interactions are present in infants as young as 3 month-old. We also demonstrated that at 7 months of age odors trigger the search for specific facial expressions. Our results suggest that olfaction might contribute to the development of infants’ ability to process facially displayed emotions.
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Identificação, quantificação e comparação das substâncias químicas responsáveis pelos aromas da cachaça de alambique e do rum comercial tratados pelo processo de irradiação / Identification, quantification and comparison between the chemical substances responsable of the irradiated pot still cachaça and comercial rum aromasSouza, Maria Djiliah Camargo Alvarenga de 08 February 2006 (has links)
Quando aplicada em bebidas alcoólicas, a radiação ionizante pode ser usada para descontaminação de malte ou esterilização de mostos e tem sido proposta sua aplicação na aceleração do envelhecimento. Devido à internacionalização da cachaça, alguma confusão tem surgido sobre a sua identidade e a do rum. Este trabalho teve como propósito identificar, quantificar e comparar as substâncias químicas responsáveis pelo aroma de amostras de cachaça de alambique e de rum comercial, por meio de análises instrumentais e sensoriais. Pode-se afirmar haver forte correlação entre a concentração dos compostos voláteis analisados com a dose de radiação aplicada (0, 150 e 300Gy), em todas as amostras. De acordo com os testes triangulares, apenas para aroma, todos os provadores puderam distinguir nas amostras não irradiadas e irradiadas com 300Gy, a cachaça envelhecida do rum e a cachaça não envelhecida do rum, porém, não foram observadas diferenças entre a cachaça não envelhecida e a envelhecida. Os resultados da Análise Descritiva Quantitativa mostraram que as amostras não irradiadas de cachaça não envelhecida e as do rum diferiram entre si em relação aos atributos de aroma definidos como álcool, vinagre, baunilha, citros, melão, condimento, vegetal e grama, mas não em relação aos atributos caramelo e maçã. As amostras de cachaças não envelhecidas não irradiadas e irradiadas (300Gy) e as de rum não irradiadas e irradiadas (300Gy) diferiram entre si em relação aos atributos de aroma definidos como maçã, caramelo, vinagre, baunilha, citros, melão, condimento, vegetal e grama, mas não em relação ao aroma de álcool. De acordo com os resultados da cromatografia gasosa/olfatometria foi encontrada diferença significativa entre cachaça e rum não irradiados; cachaça não irradiada e cachaça irradiada (300Gy); e rum não irradiado e irradiado (300Gy), quando foram comparados seus aromas. / The irradiation process has being presented as an alternative technique in food preservation. When apply on beverages, radiation is mainly used for malt decontamination or sterilization of musts and had been proposed also to accelerate aging. Some confusion over rum and cachaça identities has arisen due to the internationalization of cachaça. This research aims to identify, quantify and compare the effect of gamma radiation on the aroma of the Brazilian spirit with rum, irradiated and non irradiated, by instrumental and sensory analysis. Results showed that the content of volatile compounds presented strong correlation with the radiation dose (0, 150 and 300Gy) for all the samples. According to Triangle Test for aroma, all the judges could distinguish among non irradiated and irradiated samples (300Gy), aged cachaça from rum and non aged cachaça from rum, but they couldn\'t distinguish aged cachaça from non aged cachaça. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) of the results from the quantitative descriptive analysis showed that non irradiated non aged cachaça and rum were different in their alcohol, vinegar, vanilla, citrus, melon, spice, vegetal and grass except caramel and apple aroma attributes. Non irradiated cachaça and irradiated cachaça (300Gy); and non irradiated rum and irradiated rum (300Gy) were different in their apple, caramel, vinegar, vanilla, citrus, melon, spice, vegetal and grass except alcohol aroma attributes. According to the gas chromatography/olfatometry results, significant difference was found among non irradiated cachaça and rum; non irradiated cachaça and irradiated cachaça (300Gy); and non irradiated rum and irradiated rum (300Gy) when their aromas were compared.
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Mecanismos subjacentes ao efeito da manipulação neonatal sobre o vínculo mãe/filhoteReis, Adolfo Rodrigues January 2014 (has links)
Ao nascerem, os mamíferos não estão com o sistema nervoso plenamente desenvolvido e os primeiros dias de vida representam uma fase crítica para o desenvolvimento desse sistema. De fato, nesta fase o encéfalo está passando por diversos processos fundamentais como organização funcional das redes neurais, proliferação neuronal, migração, diferenciação, além de gliogênese e mielinização. Em ratos, um procedimento simples, como “manipular” os filhotes por alguns minutos durante a primeira semana de vida, pode marcar decisivamente o desenvolvimento do indivíduo. Assim, a manipulação neonatal tem sido muito utilizada para se examinar os mecanismos pelos quais variações ambientais podem afetar o desenvolvimento do filhote. A manipulação neonatal promove uma série de alterações comportamentais e neuroendócrinas que se caracterizam basicamente por uma diminuição do medo e da resposta ao estresse no adulto. Embora muitos autores até caracterizem a manipulação como uma intervenção positiva ela também pode provocar graves déficits em comportamentos sociais e reprodutivos para a prole aparecendo desde o inicio do desenvolvimento e persistindo até a vida adulta. Além de seu efeito sobre os filhotes, estudos tem demostrado que intervenções na prole no período neonatal também afetam de forma duradoura a resposta ao estresse das genitoras, mas este tema ainda é muito pouco explorado pela literatura Portanto, na primeira parte desta tese, iremos estudar os efeitos da manipulação neonatal sobre a formação do vínculo mãe-filhote, tentando associar mudanças no comportamento da mãe ao longo dos 10 primeiros dias pós-parto com a preferencia pelo odor do ninho em filhotes testados no labirinto em Y. Na segunda parte desta tese iremos abordar os efeitos da manipulação sobre a resposta ao estresse agudo e crônico em ratas que tiveram seus filhotes manipulados no período neonatal, para isso submetemos genitoras dos grupos controle e manipulado após o desmame a um dos dois protocolos descritos a seguir: com estresse (estresse por contenção de movimentos 1h/dia por 7 dias) ou sem estresse (nenhuma intervenção após o desmame) e testamos os animais através do teste de nado forçado para observar mudanças na resposta emocional. Também medimos os níveis de BDNF e corticosterona no plasma após o teste e medimos o peso das adrenais para verificar o efeito da manipulação na resposta ao estresse das genitoras Os resultados dessa tese mostram que a manipulação neonatal afeta a estrutura do comportamento maternal, mudando a sequencia e a sincronia do comportamento da mãe com o filhote, o que poderia ser em parte a causa da alteração no comportamento de preferencia pelo odor do ninho observado em animais manipulados, principalmente nas fêmeas. Além disso, observamos que a manipulação afeta de forma duradoura a resposta ao estresse (agudo e crônico) das genitoras, podendo alterar a resposta emocional desses animais e predispor a sintomas do tipo depressivo em resposta ao estresse agudo Esses resultados reforçam a ideia de que o estudo dos efeitos duradouros da manipulação não só nos filhotes, mas também no organismo materno, podem servir como uma importante ferramenta para elaboração de projetos clínicos, visando a exploração da existência de comportamentos similares em humanos. Isso ajudará na elaboração de politicas de saúde publica que visem minimizar os efeitos de eventos adversos acontecidos no inicio da vida sobre a saúde física e mental tanto da mãe quanto da criança. / Mammals are not born with fully developed nervous system, and the first days of life represent a critical stage in the development of this system. In fact, at this stage, the brain is undergoing many fundamental processes such as functional organization of neural networks, neuronal proliferation, migration, differentiation, gliogenesis and myelination. In rats, a simple procedure such as "handling" the pups for a few minutes during the first week of life can decisively mark the development of the individual. Thus, neonatal handling has been widely used to examine the mechanisms by which environmental adversity can affect the development of the pups. Neonatal handling promotes a series of behavioral and neuroendocrine changes that are characterized primarily by a decrease of fear and stress responses in the adult. Although many authors characterize the handling procedure as a positive intervention, it is also associated with severe deficits in social and reproductive behaviors of the offspring that appear early during development and persist into adulthood. Apart from its effect on the pups, studies have shown that interventions in the offspring during the neonatal period can also induce long lasting effects in the maternal stress response, but this subject is still little explored in the literature Therefore, in the first part of this thesis, we will study the effects of neonatal handling on the mother-pups’ bond formation, trying to associate changes in maternal behavior over the first 10 days postpartum with the preference for the odor of the nest in pups tested the Y maze. The second part of this thesis will address the effects of neonatal handling on the acute and chronic stress response in dams that had their pups handled. For this purpose, we submitted mothers of control and manipulated groups after weaning to: stress (restraint 1h/day for 7 days) or no stress (no intervention after weaning) and tested the animals using the forced swim test to observe changes in emotional response. We also measured plasma BDNF and corticosterone levels after the test and the adrenals’ weight to verify the effect of handling on the dam’s stress response. The results of this thesis show that neonatal handling affects the structure of maternal behavior, changing the behavioral sequence and synchrony of the mother with her pups, which could be in part the cause of the altered social behaviors observed in handled pups, especially in females. Moreover, we observed that handling affects the dam´s response to stress (acute and chronic), and may alter the emotional response of the dams increasing the susceptibility to developing psychiatric disorders such as depression at least in response to acute stress These results reinforce the idea that investigating the long lasting effects of handling not only in the young, but also in the dam’s physiology becomes an important tool for the development of clinical studies, aiming at exploring the existence of similar effects in humans. The final goal will be the elaboration of public health policy to minimize the effects of early life adverse events on physical and mental health of both mothers and their children.
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Méthode prédictive d'évaluation de la gêne olfactive sur un territoire soumis à une activité industrielle. Approche du potentiel de nuisance et analyse de la vulnérabilité du territoire / Predictive method for the assessment of odor annoyance on a territory submitted to an industrial activity. Olfactory nuisance potential and territory vulnerability approachPopa, Veronica 18 December 2013 (has links)
Le stress environnemental croissant perçu dans les zones résidentielles crée un sentiment d’insécurité et une perception négative de la qualité de vie, plaçant la nuisance olfactive au coeur des préoccupations des études environnementales. Dans ce contexte, les travaux de recherche présentés dans cette thèse de doctorat ont été initiés dans le but d’aboutir à une méthode permettant d’évaluer et de représenter les niveaux de gêne olfactive sur un territoire. En conséquence, l’intérêt s’est porté non seulement sur les caractéristiques de la source et des sujets récepteurs mais aussi sur leur environnement au moment de la perception de la nuisance odorante. Plus particulièrement, l’objectif de cette nouvelle approche est de permettre de mesurer et de prévoir l’impact olfactif d’une industrie existante ou future sur un territoire donné. L’idée est de représenter le niveau de gêne olfactive et ses conséquences sur le territoire, afin d’avoir une meilleure gestion du site industriel en termes de rejets, mais aussi de fournir une aide à la décision claire et objective aux acteurs impliqués. La démarche développée s’articule autour de deux concepts : la gêne olfactive et le préjudice économique de cette gêne sur le territoire. Ces deux concepts sont définis par un ensemble de critères hétérogènes organisés et agrégés afin d’aboutir à un outil géographique et environnemental opérationnel. L’outil a été validé autour d’un site industriel permettant de confronter l’approche méthodologique développée et le résultat des mesures sur place. Les résultats de l’application de cette méthode sont de qualité satisfaisante et ouvrent la porte à de nombreuses perspectives de recherche. / The increasing environmental stress felt in residential areas leads to an unsafety sensation and to a negative life-quality perception, setting odor annoyance at the heart of environmental issues. Within this context, the research work presented in this doctoral thesis was initiated in order to result in a method allowing to assess and to represent the odor annoyance levels on a given territory. As a consequence, the interest has focused not only on the characteristics of the source and of the exposed targets, but also on their environment during the perception of the olfactory nuisance. To be more precise, the aim of this new approach is to make us able to measure and to forecast the olfactory impact of an existing or a future industry plant on a given territory. The main idea is to represent the level of odor annoyance and its consequences on the territory, in order to reach a best level of industrial plant management in terms of wastes as well as to provide a clear and objective decision support tool for the involved actors. The developed method revolves around two main concepts: the odor annoyance and the economical prejudice of this annoyance on the targeted territory. These two concepts are defined by a group of heterogeneous criteria, organized and aggregated in order to obtain a geographical and environmental operational tool. This tool has been validated for an industrial plant, thus comparing the developed approach to on the spot measurements results. The results of the application of this method came out satisfying and open numerous paths of inquiry.
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Identificação, quantificação e comparação das substâncias químicas responsáveis pelos aromas da cachaça de alambique e do rum comercial tratados pelo processo de irradiação / Identification, quantification and comparison between the chemical substances responsable of the irradiated pot still cachaça and comercial rum aromasMaria Djiliah Camargo Alvarenga de Souza 08 February 2006 (has links)
Quando aplicada em bebidas alcoólicas, a radiação ionizante pode ser usada para descontaminação de malte ou esterilização de mostos e tem sido proposta sua aplicação na aceleração do envelhecimento. Devido à internacionalização da cachaça, alguma confusão tem surgido sobre a sua identidade e a do rum. Este trabalho teve como propósito identificar, quantificar e comparar as substâncias químicas responsáveis pelo aroma de amostras de cachaça de alambique e de rum comercial, por meio de análises instrumentais e sensoriais. Pode-se afirmar haver forte correlação entre a concentração dos compostos voláteis analisados com a dose de radiação aplicada (0, 150 e 300Gy), em todas as amostras. De acordo com os testes triangulares, apenas para aroma, todos os provadores puderam distinguir nas amostras não irradiadas e irradiadas com 300Gy, a cachaça envelhecida do rum e a cachaça não envelhecida do rum, porém, não foram observadas diferenças entre a cachaça não envelhecida e a envelhecida. Os resultados da Análise Descritiva Quantitativa mostraram que as amostras não irradiadas de cachaça não envelhecida e as do rum diferiram entre si em relação aos atributos de aroma definidos como álcool, vinagre, baunilha, citros, melão, condimento, vegetal e grama, mas não em relação aos atributos caramelo e maçã. As amostras de cachaças não envelhecidas não irradiadas e irradiadas (300Gy) e as de rum não irradiadas e irradiadas (300Gy) diferiram entre si em relação aos atributos de aroma definidos como maçã, caramelo, vinagre, baunilha, citros, melão, condimento, vegetal e grama, mas não em relação ao aroma de álcool. De acordo com os resultados da cromatografia gasosa/olfatometria foi encontrada diferença significativa entre cachaça e rum não irradiados; cachaça não irradiada e cachaça irradiada (300Gy); e rum não irradiado e irradiado (300Gy), quando foram comparados seus aromas. / The irradiation process has being presented as an alternative technique in food preservation. When apply on beverages, radiation is mainly used for malt decontamination or sterilization of musts and had been proposed also to accelerate aging. Some confusion over rum and cachaça identities has arisen due to the internationalization of cachaça. This research aims to identify, quantify and compare the effect of gamma radiation on the aroma of the Brazilian spirit with rum, irradiated and non irradiated, by instrumental and sensory analysis. Results showed that the content of volatile compounds presented strong correlation with the radiation dose (0, 150 and 300Gy) for all the samples. According to Triangle Test for aroma, all the judges could distinguish among non irradiated and irradiated samples (300Gy), aged cachaça from rum and non aged cachaça from rum, but they couldn\'t distinguish aged cachaça from non aged cachaça. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) of the results from the quantitative descriptive analysis showed that non irradiated non aged cachaça and rum were different in their alcohol, vinegar, vanilla, citrus, melon, spice, vegetal and grass except caramel and apple aroma attributes. Non irradiated cachaça and irradiated cachaça (300Gy); and non irradiated rum and irradiated rum (300Gy) were different in their apple, caramel, vinegar, vanilla, citrus, melon, spice, vegetal and grass except alcohol aroma attributes. According to the gas chromatography/olfatometry results, significant difference was found among non irradiated cachaça and rum; non irradiated cachaça and irradiated cachaça (300Gy); and non irradiated rum and irradiated rum (300Gy) when their aromas were compared.
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Robot odour localisation in enclosed and cluttered environments using naïve physicsKowadlo, Gideon January 2007 (has links)
Odour localisation is the problem of finding the source of an odour or other volatile chemical. It promises many valuable practical and humanitarian applications. Most localisation methods require a robot to reactively track an odour plume along its entire length. This approach is time consuming and may be not be possible in a cluttered indoor environment, where airflow tends to form sectors of circulating airflow. Such environments may be encountered in crawl-ways under floors, roof cavities, mines, caves, tree-canopies, air-ducts, sewers or tunnel systems. Operation in these places is important for such applications as search and rescue and locating the sources of toxic chemicals in an industrial setting. This thesis addresses odour localisation in this class of environments. The solution consists of a sense-map-plan-act style control scheme (and low level behaviour based controller) with two main stages. Firstly, the airflow in the environment is modelled using naive physics rules which are encapsulated into an algorithm named a Naive Reasoning Machine. It was used in preference to conventional methods as it is fast, does not require boundary conditions, and most importantly, provides approximate solutions to the degree of accuracy required for the task, with analogical data structures that are readily useful to a reasoning algorithm. Secondly, a reasoning algorithm navigates the robot to specific target locations that are determined with a physical map, the airflow map, and knowledge of odour dispersal. Sensor measurements at the target positions provide information regarding the likelihood that odour was emitted from potential odour source locations. The target positions and their traversal are determined so that all the potential odour source sites are accounted for. The core method provides values corresponding to the confidence that the odour source is located in a given region. A second search stage exploiting vision is then used to locate the specific location of the odour source within the predicted region. This comprises the second part of a bi-modal, two-stage search, with each stage exploiting complementary sensing modalities. Single hypothesis airflow modelling faces limitations due to the fact that large differences between airflow topologies are predicted for only small variations in a physical map. This is due to uncertainties in the map and approximations in the modelling process. Furthermore, there are uncertainties regarding the flow direction through inlet/outlet ducts. A method is presented for dealing with these uncertainties, by generating multiple airflow hypotheses. As the robot performs odour localisation, airflow in the environment is measured and used to adjust the confidences of the hypotheses using Bayesian inference. The best hypothesis is then selected, which allows the completion of the localisation task. This method improves the robustness of odour localisation in the presence of uncertainties, making it possible where the single hypothesis method would fail. It also demonstrates the potential for integrating naive physics into a statistical framework. Extensive experimental results are presented to support the methods described above.
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Flavor development of cheddar cheese under different manufacturing practicesLemus, Freddy Mauricio 19 September 2012 (has links)
Cheddar Cheese samples (good cheese, weak cheese, cheese made with pasteurized milk, cheese made with heat-shocked milk, cheese from production plant A, cheese from production plant B, cheese made with adjunct culture, and cheese made without adjunct culture), were evaluated during the ripening stage. Proteolysis was studied by a fractionation scheme, resulting in an insoluble fraction analyzed by urea polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (Urea-PAGE), and a soluble fraction which was further investigated through water soluble nitrogen (WSN), trichloroacetic acid soluble nitrogen (TCA-SN) and phosphotungstic acid soluble nitrogen (PTA-SN) analyzed by total Kjeldahl nitrogen content (TKN). Reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) was used to study the peptide profile of the water soluble fraction. Lipolyisis was studied by levels of individual free fatty acids determined through gas chromatography-flame ionization detection (GC-FID) after isolation employing solid phase extraction (SPE). Volatile sulfur compounds were studied using head space solid phase micro-extraction (SPME) coupled with gas chromatography-pulsed flame photometric detection (PFPD).
It was found that Urea-PAGE is capable to differentiate samples according their age, but cannot discriminate samples regarding the treatment assessed, quality or origin of the samples. However, measurements of total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) of the WSN, TCA-SN, and PTA-SN fractions, and the principal component analysis of the RP-HPLC peptide profile of the WSN fraction, revealed differences in the rate and pattern of proteolysis for each one of the manufacturing cases. Good cheese, cheese produce in plant TCCA, cheese made in plant CRP with adjunct culture isolated from plant TCCA cheese, and cheese made with heat-shocked milk developed higher level of total nitrogen for the WSN, TCA-SN and PTA-SN fractions, indicating that primary and secondary proteolysis were faster for these samples. This is supported by a PCA model with three principal components that account for the 80-83% of the variability of the data from the RP-HPLC peptide profile analysis, which discriminates the samples according to age and manufacturing practice. In addition, FFA profiles demonstrated higher levels of low and medium chain free fatty acids for good cheese, cheese produce in plant TCCA, cheese made in plant CRP with adjunct culture, and cheese made with heat-shocked milk samples, which suggest faster lipolysis during ripening. The Volatile Sulfur Compounds (VSC) analysis showed higher levels of DMS and MeSH and lower levels of H2S, suggesting faster catabolism of sulfur containing amino acids in good cheese, cheese produce in plant TCCA, cheese made in plant CRP with adjunct culture, and cheese made with heat-shocked milk. / Graduation date: 2013
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Sensory landscape impacts on odor-mediated predator-prey interactions at multiple spatial scales in salt marsh communitiesWilson, Miranda L. 29 June 2011 (has links)
This collection of research examines how changes in the sensory landscape, mediated by both odor and hydrodynamic properties, impact odor-mediated predator-prey interactions in salt marsh communities. I approached this research using an interdisciplinary framework that combined field and laboratory experimentation to address issues of scale and make connections between predator behavior and patterns of predation in the field. I explored a variety of interactions mediated by changes in the sensory landscape including; indirect effects of biotic structure on associated prey, predator responses to patches of prey with differing density and distribution, and dynamic interactions between predators and prey distributions. I found that biotic structure (oyster reefs [Crassostrea virginica]) has negative indirect effects on associated hard clam prey (Mercenaria mercenaria) through the addition of oyster reef odor cues that attract predators (blue crabs [Callinectes sapidus] and knobbed whelks [Busycon carica])and increase foraging success near the structural matrix. Variation in the structure of patch-scale prey odor plumes created by multiple prey results in predator-specific patterns of predation as a function of patch density and distribution which are mediated by differences in predator sensory ability. There is a potential negative feedback loop between blue crab predators and hard clam prey distributions; clam patches assume random within-patch distributions after exposure to blue crab predators, making the detection of patches by future blue crab predators more difficult. Sensory landscapes are also mediated by water flow, which transports prey odor plumes downstream to predators. Characterization of water flow in small-scale estuary systems indicates that values of turbulent flow parameters are highly context specific and depend on both tidal type (spring, neap, normal) and site. Wind and tidal range seem to be good predictors for wave components and turbulent components of fluctuating flow parameters, respectively, although the strength of their predictive ability is dependent on time scale. Modifications of the sensory landscape through changes in structurally-induced turbulence, mixing of individual plumes from multiple prey, and bulk velocity and turbulence characteristics need to be considered when formulating predictions as to the impact of predators on naturally occurring prey populations in the field.
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Olfactory approaches to historical study the smells of Chicago's stockyard jungle, 1900-1910 /McNulty, Christine. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Indiana University, 2009. / Title from screen (viewed on August 28, 2009). Department of History, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI). Advisor(s): Marianne Wokeck. Includes vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 93-99).
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A cognitive approach to scent marketing: the effect of odor priming and processing dynamics on consumer aesthetic preferences and choicesDe Luca, Ramona 23 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by ramona de luca (dl.ramona@libero.it) on 2018-03-02T14:09:34Z
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Previous issue date: 2018-02-23 / Academic research on the effect of scent in marketing and consumer behavior have successfully demonstrated how odors improve cognitive, affective, and behavioral responses of consumers in the marketplace. Little attention has been turned to the cognitive mechanism through which scents provide information, and help individuals, and consumers, to attribute a meaning to physical, and psychological phenomena. In this dissertation, I discuss the underlying mechanism through which smell perceptions contribute to consumer decision-making, and preference formation, relying on the connection between smell, cognitive processing, and emotional paths. The dissertation is composed of three articles, which make an initial contribution to scent marketing by exploring the potential of a cognition-based approach to studies on olfaction (Article 1), empirically testing affective and semantic odor priming effects on consumer product and brand choices (Article 2), and empirically demonstrating how olfactory information added to an unscented product contribute to aesthetic preferences formation and processing style (Article 3). In particular, Article 1 consists of a systematic review of the most relevant studies on olfaction published from 1992 to 2017 and presents the current theories and approaches to the investigation of scent effects on consumer behavior, as well as introduces the opportunity of applying a cognitive-based approach to scent marketing studies. The article 2 contributes to olfactory priming literature demonstrating that the incidental exposure to an odor may non-consciously activate information which regulates consumer’s choice of products and brands. Eight experiments demonstrate that odors are primarily perceived through the dimension of their valence and that this process of odor perception and interpretation is an affective-based mechanism (i.e., affective priming) rather than associative-based (i.e., semantic priming). Article 3 explores how olfactory cues added to an unscented product (e.g., pencil) contribute to developing consumers’ aesthetic preferences for the product. I empirically test the PIA Model (Pleasure and Interest Model for Aesthetic Liking) in four experiments and demonstrated that olfactory information is processed across the two routes of heuristic and systematic processing simultaneous, whereas attribute-based information is processed primarily heuristically and then systematically. The final chapter presents the implications that a cognitive-based approach may provide to researchers, managers, and public policies makers to advance in scent marketing theory and practice. / Pesquisas acadêmicas sobre o efeito do cheiro nas áreas de marketing e de comportamento do consumidor demonstram com sucesso como os odores melhoram as respostas cognitivas, afetivas e comportamentais dos consumidores no mercado. Nesta tese discute-se o mecanismo subjacente pelo qual as percepções do cheiro contribuem para a tomada de decisão do consumidor e a formação de preferências, dependendo da conexão entre cheiro, processamento cognitivo e pistas emocionais. A tese, composta de três artigos, faz uma contribuição inicial para o marketing sensorial, explorando o potencial de uma abordagem baseada em cognição para estudos de marketing olfativo (Artigo 1), testando empiricamente os efeitos do odor priming afetivo e semântico nas escolhas dos consumidores para produtos e marcas (Artigo 2); e demonstrando empiricamente como as informações olfativas adicionadas a um produto cujo cheiro não representa um atributo central para sua avaliação, regulam a formação das preferências estéticas e o estilo de processamento (Artigo 3). O Artigo 1 consiste em uma revisão sistemática dos estudos mais relevantes sobre o olfato, apresentando as teorias e as abordagens mais utilizadas para a investigação dos efeitos do cheiro sobre o comportamento do consumidor, bem como introduz a oportunidade de aplicar uma abordagem cognitivista aos estudos de marketing olfativo. O Artigo 2 contribui para a literatura demonstrando que a exposição incidental a um odor pode ativar inconscientemente uma informação capaz de regular a escolha do consumidor de produtos e marcas. Oito experimentos demonstram que os odores são percebidos principalmente pela dimensão de sua valência (ou seja, agradável ou desagradável) e que esse processo de percepção e interpretação de um cheiro é um mecanismo afetivo (affective priming) e não associativo (semantic priming). O Artigo 3 explora como os cheiros adicionados a um produto cujo aroma não é um atributo central para sua avaliação, contribuem para o desenvolvimento das preferências estéticas dos consumidores para o produto. Quatro experimentos testam empiricamente o modelo PIA (Modelo de Prazer e Interesse), demonstrando que a informação olfativa é processada simultaneamente nas duas de processamento heurístico e sistemático, enquanto que a informação baseada em atributos é processada primeiramente de forma heurística e depois de forma sistemática. O capítulo final da tese apresenta as implicações que uma abordagem cognitiva pode fornecer aos pesquisadores, aos gestores de marketing e aos gerentes de políticas públicas para avançar na teoria e na prática de marketing olfativo.
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