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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Understanding Lower Leg Injury in Offset Frontal Crash : A Multivariate Analysis / Förståelse av Underbensskador i Frontalkrockar : En Multivariat Analys

Lef, Catherine, Dolange, Guillaume January 2015 (has links)
Lower leg injury is an important issue in frontal car crash. Although safety in cars has been improved by developments such as seat belts and airbags, lower leg injuries have not been reduced. These injuries are not life threatening but can result in long term disability and cost a lot to society. This study focused on the passenger occupant in offset frontal crashes and aimed at understanding and finding ways to reduce the injury criteria for the lower leg: tibia index. A finite element model was simplified to introduce parameters which influence on tibia index was investigated with a multivariate analysis. The model simplification consisted in removing irrelevant parts and replacing other parts by simple foam blocks. More than 1300 simulations were run with different parameter values. The results were then analysed by calculating correlations and effects of the parameters on tibia index. It was concluded that the presence of a knee bolster decreased tibia index. The results also showed a decrease of tibia index when the toe pan was angled towards the legs of the passenger. Moreover, a correlation between tibia index and the movement of the feet during the crash was found. It was concluded that restrained lower legs also presented decreased tibia indices compared to unrestrained ones. Most of the results proved to be also valid on the initial, unsimplified finite element model. / Underbensskador är ofta förekommande vid frontalkrock. Även om fordonssäkerheten har förbättrats i och med utveckling av bland annat säkerhetsbälte och krockkudde, har antalet underbensskador inte minskat. Denna typ av skada är inte livshotande men kan resultera i långvariga besvär och kan leda till stora kostnader för samhället. Detta examensarbete fokuserar på passageraren vid frontalkrock (offset) och syftet var att skapa förståelse kring skadekriteriet för underben: tibia index, samt hitta lösningar på hur tibia index kan minskas. En finit elementmodell förenklades och parametrar introducerades. Parametrarnas påverkan på tibia index undersöktes med en multivariat analys. Modellen förenklades genom att eliminera några delar och ersätta andra delar med enkla block. Simuleringar med olika värden på parametrarna skapades och ungefär 1300 kördes. Värdena från simuleringarna analyserades genom att beräkna korrelation och effekt på tibia index. Resultaten visade att implementering av ett slags mjukt knäskydd påverkar tibia index positivt. De visade också att tibia index förbättrades när den främre delen av golvet vinklades mot passagerarens ben. Vidare, fanns en korrelation mellan tibia index och fötternas förflyttning under krockförloppet. Slutsatsen var att kontrollerade underben förbättrar tibia index i jämförelse med okontrollerade ben. De flesta resultaten stämde även för den ursprungliga modellen.

El uso de los ritmos afrocaribeños para la construcción de propuestas musicales de jazz en Latinoamérica (1940 – 1965) / The use of Afro-Caribbean rhythms for the construction of jazz musical proposals in Latin America

Rabanal Cáceres, Ricardo 09 October 2020 (has links)
Estados Unidos es el lugar de origen del jazz, se puede decir que esto es geográficamente cierto, mas no culturalmente, ya que se debe tener en cuenta que dicho género se formó con músicos negros en un contexto de segregación racial bien radical, agregando también a los migrantes latinos que aportaron parte de su cultura para la música de la época. El objetivo de este estudio es darle el valor que se merece a las verdaderas raíces del jazz, la influencia afrocaribeña. Con este fin, la pregunta de investigación es la siguiente: ¿Cuáles y cómo fueron las influencias afrocaribeñas en las propuesta musicales de jazz de 1940 a 1965? La pregunta de investigación se responde a través del análisis cultural, histórico y musical de diversos géneros musicales que serían las bases para crear el jazz, además, también se tendrá en cuenta el latin jazz, el cual vendría a ser la fusión de ritmos afrocaribeños con el jazz, pasando también por el auge del rock, el cual también está ligado a esta cuestión, para pasar finalmente a la salsa. Teniendo esto en cuenta, se llega a la conclusión que gran parte de la música occidental tuvo influencia afrocaribeña para el desarrollo de sus géneros musicales, tales como el jazz, el bugalú, el rock & roll, y el rock. Ya que lo afrocaribeño se ha apoyado bastante en la tradición oral, se podrían realizar investigaciones adicionales en los que incluyan testimonios de las personas involucradas en los desarrollos de dichos géneros. / The United States is the place of origin of jazz, it can be said that this is geographically true, but not culturally, since it must be taken into account that this genre was formed with black musicians in a context of very radical racial segregation, also adding to Latino migrants who contributed part of their culture to the music of the time. The objective of this study is to give the value it deserves to the true roots of jazz, the Afro-Caribbean influence. To this end, the research question is the following: What and how were the Afro-Caribbean influences on jazz musical proposals from 1940 to 1965? The research question is answered through the cultural, historical and musical analysis of various musical genres that would be the basis for creating jazz, in addition, Latin jazz will also be taken into account, which would come to be the fusion of Afro-Caribbean rhythms with jazz, also going through the rise of rock, which is also linked to this issue, to finally move on to salsa. Taking this into account, it is concluded that much of Western music had Afro-Caribbean influence for the development of its musical genres, such as jazz, boogaloo, rock & roll, and rock. Since Afro-Caribbean has relied heavily on oral tradition, additional research could be carried out that includes testimonies from the people involved in the development of these genres. / Trabajo de investigación

La compensation écologique : du principe de non perte nette de biodiversité à son opérationnalisation - analyse de l'action collective / Biodiversity offset : from the principle of no net loss of biodiversity to its operationalization - analysis of collective action

Lombard Latune, Julie 20 December 2018 (has links)
Titre : La compensation écologique : du principe de non perte nette de biodiversité à son opérationnalisation – analyse de l’action collectiveMots clés : Compensation écologique, action collective, effets spatio-temporels, Non perte nette de biodiversité.Résumé : En France la compensation écologique des impacts résiduels sur la biodiversité a pour objectif l'atteinte de la non perte nette de biodiversité. Un cadre normatif énonçant une dizaine de principes permet théoriquement d'atteindre cet objectif.Nous étudions donc la mise en œuvre de la compensation écologique à travers trois projets de LGV. Nous analysons le jeu d'acteur autour de cette mise en œuvre grâce aux théories de l'action collective, et notamment grâce au cadre analytique de la Traduction proposé par M. Callon. Cette première analyse nous permet de comprendre en quoi la compensation est un objet socio-technique. Nous mettons en évidence que de nombreux acteurs aux intérêts divergents se mobilisent pour mettre en place la compensation écologique. Nous montrons qu’il y a une tension entre la mobilisation des acteurs et les exigences écologiques, ces deux aspects ne sont pas toujours compatibles. La durée des cahiers de charges et la rétribution des propriétaires fonciers, chargés de la mise en œuvre de la compensation écologique est déterminante à la fois pour la mobilisation des humains et des nons humains (biodiversité). Nous nous interrogeons ensuite sur les effets spatiaux temporels de l’action collective et de sa capacité à tendre vers une non perte nette de biodiversité. Nous montrons que les mesures n’ont pas pu être effectives avant le démarrage des impacts. La gestion du foncier en France semble pour le moment difficilement compatible avec une mise en œuvre de la compensation non anticipée très en amont. Nous montrons que la majorité des sites de mesures de compensation sont de petites tailles, bien que des espaces de grandes tailles semblent davantage vertueux d’un point de vue écologique. Enfin nous montrons que la pérennité des mesures de compensations peut être appréhendée à différents niveaux suivant (i) le type de maîtrise foncière (acquisition, conventionnement); (ii) les contrats de mesures de compensation (durée, contenu de ces derniers – les sanctions en cas de manquement aux obligations influent sur le maintien des mesures) ; (iii) la gestion du renouvellement de ces contrats; (iv) la vocation des propriétaires des sites (une entreprises publique ou privée de construction n’a pas comme rôle au départ de conserver la biodiversité, tandis qu’une association naturaliste en a la vocation) ; (v) la pérennité des structures et les assurances quant au devenir des sites de mesures de compensation en cas de faillite; (vi) le suivi et le contrôle l’application de la compensation. / In France, the objective of ecological compensation for residual impacts on biodiversity is to achieve no net loss of biodiversity. A normative framework setting out about ten principles theoretically makes it possible to achieve this objective.We are therefore studying the implementation of biodiversity offset through three High Speed Railway projects. We analyze the actor's game around this implementation through the theories of collective action, and in particular the analytical framework of Translation proposed by M. Callon. This first analysis allows us to understand how biodiversity offset is a socio-technical object. We highlight that many actors with diverging stakes are mobilizing to implement ecological compensation. We show that there is a tension between the mobilization of actors and ecological requirements, these two aspects are not always compatible. The duration of the environmental services specifications and the associated retribution of landowners, who set-up biodiversity offset specification, is decisive for both human and non-human (biodiversity) mobilization. We then question the temporal spatial effects of collective action and its ability to achieve a net loss of biodiversity. We show that the measures could not be effective before the impacts began. Land management in France seems for the moment to be difficult to reconcile with the implementation of unanticipated biodiversity offset at a very early stage. We show that the majority of biodiversity offset sites are small in size, although larger areas seem more virtuous for biodiversity. Finally, we show that the sustainability of biodiversity offset measures can be assessed at different levels depending on (i) the type of land control (acquisition, agreement); (ii) biodiversity offset contracts (duration, content of the latter - sanctions in the event of failure to comply with obligations influence the maintenance of the measures); (iii) the management of the renewal of these contracts; (iv) the vocation of the owners of the sites (a public or private construction company does not initially have the role of conserving biodiversity, whereas an environmental NGO has the vocation); (v) the sustainability of the structures and assurances as to the future of the biodiversity offset measures sites in the event of bankruptcy; (vi) the monitoring and control of the implementation.

GNSS Inter-Constellation Time Offset Determination in Low Earth Orbit

Peters, Brian C. 03 June 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Aspects of gating system improvement in a cast iron foundry

Green, Fahami Annan, Göttfert, Felix January 2021 (has links)
The gating system transfers the iron melt from the ladle to the void in the casting mould. The gating systems dimensions and designs are crucial for the success of a casting and a poor gating system is a leading cause of scraps. The main goal of this thesis is to improve the pouring basins and sprues at Norrlandsgjuteriet, an iron foundry located in northern Sweden. The step in the offset step basin and other variables that affect the gating system is explained, investigated and simulated in MAGMASOFT. Furthermore, put to practice at Norrlandsgjuteriet. Adding a step in the offset basin fills a very important function in the system, fending off air bubbles that might enter the mould and reduce the horizontal velocity of the melt. The basin’s height and the sprue’s cross-section control the casting time and simulations conducted in this thesis show that a step can create a beneficial rounding to the flow over the step, creating a laminar flow of the melt, down the sprue contributing to a lower casting time. A narrower sprue is better, in which the melt’s surface tension is maintained, creating an oxide pipe-layer that protects the flowing melt entering the mould and from entrainment defects. The results show that replacing the offset basins used today with offset step basins, which are 30% smaller in volume, together with a tighter sprue will not only reduce the annual material consumption by 1% or 13 000 kg but more importantly increase the quality of the casting. This due to lower melt velocity, a more homogenous temperature, better flow in the basin with less air entering the mould. / Ingjutsystemet   transporterar   det   smälta   järnet   från   skänken   till   gjutformens   hålrum. Ingjutsystemets dimensioner och utformning är avgörande för en lyckad gjutning och ett dåligt utformat ingjutsystem är den främsta orsaken till kassationer. Syftet med denna rapport är att förbättra  gjutskålarna  samt nedlopp  som  Norrlandsgjuteriet,  ett  järngjuteri  i  norra  Sverige, använder. Steget i den förskjutna gjutskålen och andra variabler som påverkar ingjutsystemet förklaras, undersöks och simuleras i MAGMASOFT. Utöver detta testas det även praktiskt hos Norrlandsgjuteriet.  Att  lägga  till  ett  steg  i gjutskålen  fyller  en  väldigt  viktig  funktion  i ingjutssystemet i och med att luftbubblor avvärjs från att följa med in i formen samt minskar även  smältans horisontella  hastighet.  Gjutskålens  höjd  och  nedloppets  tvärsnittsarea  avgör gjuttiden  och  simulationer  som  genomfördes  visade  också  att  stegets rundning  i  gjutskålen skapar ett fördelaktigt flöde över steget vilket skapar ett laminärt flöde ner i nedloppet vilket samtidigt bidrar till en minskad gjuttid. Ju smalare nedlopp desto bättre upprätthålls smältans ytspänning vilket skapar ett oxidskikt som skyddar den flytande smältan, som ska fylla formen, från inblandning  av  luft  och  oxider.  Resultaten  visar  att  genom  att  byta  ut  de förskjutna gjutskålarna som används idag med förskjutna steggjutskålar, som är 30% mindre i volym, tillsammans med en smalare nedlopp så kommer inte bara den årliga materialförbrukningen att minska med 1% eller 13 000 kg men ännu viktigare att höja kvaliteten på de gjutna detaljerna. Detta på grund av lägre smälthastighet, en mer homogen temperatur, bättre flöde i gjutskålen samt mindre luft som tränger in i formen.

Utilizing High Resolution Data to Identify Minimum Vehicle Emissions Cases Considering Platoons and EVP

Morozova, Nadezhda S. 22 March 2016 (has links)
This paper describes efforts to optimize the parameters for a platoon identification and accommodation algorithm that minimizes vehicle emissions. The algorithm was developed and implemented in the AnyLogic framework, and was validated by comparing it to the results of prior research. A four-module flowchart was developed to analyze the traffic data and to identify platoons. The platoon end time was obtained from the simulation and used to calculate the offset of the downstream intersection. The simulation calculates vehicle emissions with the aid of the VT-Micro microscopic emission model. Optimization experiments were run to determine the relationship between platoon parameters and minimum- and maximum-emission scenarios. Optimal platoon identification parameters were found from these experiments, and the simulation was run with these parameters. The total time of all vehicles in the simulation was also found for minimum and maximum emissions scenarios. Time-space diagrams obtained from the simulations demonstrate that optimized parameters allow all cars to travel through the downstream intersection without waiting, and therefore cause a decrease in emissions by as much as 15.5%. This paper also discusses the outcome of efforts to leverage high resolution data obtained from WV-705 corridor in Morgantown, WV. The proposed model was developed for that purpose and implemented in the AnyLogic framework to simulate this particular road network with four coordinated signal-controlled intersections. The simulation was also used to calculate vehicle CO, HC, NOx emissions with the aid of the VT-Micro microscopic emission model. Offset variation was run to determine the optimal offsets for this particular road network with traffic volume, signal phase diagram and vehicle characteristics. A classifier was developed by discriminant analysis based on significant attributes of HRD. Equation of this classifier was developed to distinguish between set of timing plans that produce maximum emission from set of timing plans that produce maximum emission. Also, current work investigates the potential use of the GPS-based and similar priority systems by giving preemption through signalized intersections. Two flowcharts are developed to consider presence of emergency vehicle (EV) in the system so called EV life cycle and EV preemption (EVP). Three scenarios are implemented, namely base case scenario when no EV is involved, EV scenario when EV gets EVP only, and EV scenario when EV gets preemption by signals and right-of-way by other vehicles. Research makes an attempt to compare emission results of these scenarios to find out whether EV effects vehicle emission in the road network and what is the level of this influence if any. / Master of Science

Process understanding of Laser Powder Bed Fusion of Nickel based superalloy Haynes 282 / Processförståelse för laserpulverbäddsfusion av nickelbaserade superlegeringen Haynes 282

Swaminathan, Kameshwaran January 2024 (has links)
Laser-material interaction of Nickel based superalloy Haynes 282 melt pools were studied for laser parameters similar to laser powder bed fusion (PBF-LB) without powder. The effect of power, speed, hatch distance and laser focus offset were analysed by characterizing different types of melt pool behaviour, including conduction, transition to keyhole, and keyhole mode. Focus offset parameter was found to modify the melting mode from keyhole to conduction type in experiments with and without powder. This change in melting mode is attributed to the variation in laser beam spot size for the same line energy. Such manipulation of type of melting with control of focus offset can be utilized as a method to optimize process parameters for novel materials in the PBF-LB process at high layer thickness. Based on the above study, cubes were built with refined process parameters utilizing powder layer thicknesses of 60- and 90-microns for improved productivity, using partial factorial design of experiment. The conduction mode of melting helped reducing defects, minimizing lack of fusion and keyhole porosity in specimens built with powder at 60- and 90-microns layer thickness. Effect of process parameters and indirect measure like area energy, on the melt pool overlap, defect level and dominant shape of the defects are presented. Optimizing the process parameters to identify the boundaries for building cubes with reduced porosity is also discussed. / Den Ni-baserade superlegeringen, Haynes 282, skannades med laserparametrar liknande de som används i laserpulverbäddfusion (PBF-LB), men utan pulver.Studien undersökte inverkan av effekt, hastighet, avstånd mellan två intilliggandeskanningspass och laserfokusförskjutning, vilket karakteriserades genom olikatyper av beteenden hos smältbadet, inklusive värmeledning, övergång frånvärmeledning till nyckelhål, och nyckelhål. Fokusförskjutningen visade sig ändrasmältbadets läge från nyckelhål till värmeledning. Denna förändring observeradesbåde i experiment utan pulver och i de med pulver. Förändringen beror påbreddningen av laserstrålens punktstorlek samtidigt som samma linjeenergibibehålls. Denna förändring i smältningstyp genom fokusförskjutning kananvändas som en metod för att optimera utforskningen av nya material i PBFLB-processen. Baserat på detta byggdes kuber med pulver med lagertjocklekar på 60 och 90mikrometer, användande olika processparametrar enligt en experimentell designbaserad på en central sammansatt design. Smältning genom värmeledning bidrogtill att minska defekter, minimera bindningsfel och nyckelhålsporositet i proversom byggts med pulver med lagertjocklekar på 60 och 90 mikrometer. Inverkanav processparametrarna och indirekta mått såsom areaenergi på smältbadetsöverlappning, defektnivå och den dominerande formen på defekter presenteras.Optimering av processparametrarna samt identifiering av parameterrymden föratt bygga kuber med minskad porositet undersöks också. / <p>Paper A is to be submitted, and paper C is acceptet and are not included in this licentiate thesis. We do  not have permission to publish paper B in the digital version.</p>


ISABELA FADINI MARGON 17 June 2024 (has links)
[pt] Atualmente as fontes de energia de origem fóssil como petróleo, carvão e gás natural, predominam na matriz energética global. No Brasil a situação é diferente da mundial, pois possui uma das matrizes energéticas mais limpas do planeta. Considerando a importância do desenvolvimento das energias renováveis, em especial a energia eólica, para descarbonização do setor de energia e com o intuito de implementar ferramentas para suportar o processo contínuo de planejamento-gestão ambiental, esse trabalho se propõe a desenvolver dois procedimentos: (1) verificação de aplicabilidade e conformidade de empreendimentos quanto aos Padrões de Desempenho da IFC (Análise de Lacunas); (2) elaboração, implementação e monitoramento de Planos de Ação de Biodiversidade (PABs). Além disso, o segundo procedimento proposto será utilizado para revisar o PAB já existente para a área de estudo (Complexo Eólico Serra da Babilônia, Morro do Chapéu, Bahia), que é operacionalizado pela Rio Energy. O intuito é identificar se o mesmo atende às diretrizes do procedimento proposto e indicar possíveis melhorias, se aplicável. A elaboração dos procedimentos foi realizada utilizando a ferramenta de mapeamento de processos. Após aprovação interna na empresa, foram incorporados ao Sistema de Gestão Integrado (SGI) da Rio Energy. A expectativa é que a utilização dos procedimentos elaborados elevará a qualidade do produto entregue e trará um melhor direcionamento para a implementação das ações necessárias, facilitando o monitoramento e acompanhamento pelos investidores. Com esse instrumento, a Rio Energy tem a contribuir para agregar conhecimento ao setor de energia, área com escassez deste tipo de estudo. / [en] Currently, fossil energy sources such as oil, coal and natural gas predominate in the global energy matrix. In Brazil, the situation is different from the world, as it has one of the cleanest energy matrices on the planet. Considering the importance of the development of renewable energies, especially wind energy, for the decarbonization of the energy sector and with the aim of implementing tools to support the continuous process of environmental planning-management, this work proposes to develop two procedures: (1) verification of applicability and compliance of projects with the IFC Performance Standards (Gap Analysis); (2) elaboration, implementation and monitoring of Biodiversity Action Plans (PABs). In addition, the second proposed procedure will be used to review the existing PAB for the study area (Serra da Babilônia Wind Power Complex, Morro do Chapéu, Bahia), which is operated by Rio Energy. The aim is to identify whether it meets the guidelines of the proposed procedure and indicate possible improvements, if applicable. The elaboration of the procedures was carried out using the process mapping tool. After internal approval at the company, they were incorporated into Rio Energy s Integrated Management System (SGI). The expectation is that the use of the elaborated procedures will raise the quality of the delivered product and bring a better direction for the implementation of the necessary actions, facilitating the monitoring and follow-up by investors. With this instrument, Rio Energy can contribute to adding knowledge to the energy sector, an area where this type of study is scarce.

Ferromagnet-Free Magnetoelectric Thin Film Elements

Kosub, Tobias 12 December 2016 (has links) (PDF)
The work presented in this thesis encompasses the design, development, realization and testing of novel magnetoelectric thin film elements that do not rely on ferromagnets, but are based entirely on magnetoelectric antiferromagnets such as Cr2O3. Thin film spintronic elements, and in particular magnetoelectric transducers, are crucial building blocks of high efficiency data processing schemes that could complement conventional electronic data processing in the future. Recent developments in magnetoelectrics have revealed, that exchange biased systems are ill-suited to electric field induced switching of magnetization due to the strong coupling of their ferromagnetic layer to magnetic fields. Therefore, ferromagnet-free magnetoelectric elements are proposed here in an effort to mitigate the practical problems associated with existing exchange biased magnetoelectric elements. This goal is achieved by establishing an all-electric read-out method for the antiferromagnetic order parameter of thin films, which allows to omit the ferromagnet from conventional exchange biased magnetoelectric elements. The resulting ferromagnet-free magnetoelectric elements show greatly reduced writing thresholds, enabled operation at room temperature and do not require a pulsed magnetic field, all of which is in contrast to state-of-the-art exchange biased magnetoelectric systems. The novel all-electric read-out method of the magnetic field-invariant magnetization of antiferromagnets, so-called spinning-current anomalous Hall magnetometry, can be widely employed in other areas of thin film magnetism. Its high precision and its sensitivity to previously invisible phenomena make it a promising tool for various aspects of thin solid films. Based on this technique, a deep understanding could be generated as to what physical mechanisms drive the antiferromagnetic ordering in thin films of magnetoelectric antiferromagnets. As spinning-current anomalous Hall magnetometry is an integral probe of the magnetic properties in thin films, it offers no intrinsic scale sensitivity. In order to harness its great precision for scale related information, a statistical framework was developed, which links macroscopic measurements with microscopic properties such as the antiferromagnetic domain size.

Tiling heuristics and evaluation metrics for treemaps with a target node aspect ratio / Tegelläggningsheuristiker och evalueringsmått för treemaps med ett målsatt bredd-höjd-förhållande för noder

Roa Rodríguez, Rodrigo January 2017 (has links)
Treemaps are a popular space-filling visualization of hierarchical data that maps an attribute of a datum, or a data aggregate, to a proportional amount of area. Assuming a rectangular treemap consisting of nested rectangles (also called tiles), there are multiple possible valid tiling arrangements. A common criterion for optimization is aspect ratio. Nevertheless, treemaps usually consist of multiple rectangles, so the aspect ratios need be aggregated. The basic definition of aspect ratio (width divided by height) cannot be meaningfully aggregated. Given this, a definition of aspect ratio that does not differentiate height from width was suggested. This definition allows for meaningful aggregation, but only as long as there are no large differences in the data distribution, and the target aspect ratio is 1:1. Originally, a target aspect ratio of 1:1 was deemed to be axiomatically ideal. Currently, perceptual studies have found an aspect ratio of 1:1 to lead to the largest area estimation error. However, with any other target this definition of aspect ratio cannot be meaningfully aggregated. This thesis suggests a correction that can be applied to the current metric and would allow it to be meaningfully aggregated even when there are large value differences in the data. Furthermore, both the uncorrected and corrected metrics can be generalized for any target (i.e. targets other than 1:1). Another issue with current evaluation techniques is that algorithm fitness is evaluated through Monte Carlo trials. In this method, synthetic data is generated and then aggregated to generate a single final result. However, tiling algorithm performance is dependant on data distribution, so a single aggregateresult cannot generalize overall performance. The alternative suggested in this thesis is visual cluster analysis, which should hold more general predictive power.All of the above is put into practice with an experiment. In the experiment, a new family of tiling algorithms, based on criteria derived from the results of the perceptual tests in literature,is compared to the most popular tiling algorithm, Squarify. The results confirm that there are indeed vast but consistent value fluctuations for different normal distributions. At least for a target aspect ratio of 1.5, the new proposed algorithms are shown to perform better than Squarify for most use cases in terms of aspect ratio.

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