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Méthode d’aide à la décision multicritère des stratégies de réhabilitation des bâtiments anciens en pierre calcaire : application au patrimoine en tuffeau / Multi-criteria decision support method for strategies of old limestone buildings retrofitting : application on tuffeau heritageStephan, Emma 17 December 2014 (has links)
Le parc de bâti ancien représente un potentiel d’économies d’énergie avéré. Cependant, sa diversité et certaines caractéristiques des matériaux d’enveloppe gênent la mise en place de stratégies de réhabilitation efficaces. Parmi ce patrimoine, les maisons individuelles en pierre calcaire présentent des problématiques spécifiques vis-à-vis de la réhabilitation. Le tuffeau, plus spécifiquement, est une pierre calcaire à forte porosité dont la particularité est la facilité avec laquelle il se gorge d’eau. Ses propriétés hygrothermiques sont alors impactées et le matériau se dégrade. Par ailleurs, ce bâti bénéficie de températures intérieures confortables en été et de qualités architecturales certaines. Il s’agit là de contraintes à considérer lors de la réhabilitation énergétique de ces bâtiments. Les solutions proposées doivent donc répondre à des objectifs parfois divergents. Pour le patrimoine en tuffeau, quatre critères sont apparus indispensables : les besoins de chauffage, le confort hygrothermique intérieur, le risque de dégradation du matériau et l’investissement financier. Dans ce contexte, l’objectif est de développer une démarche d’aide à la décision multicritère de stratégie de réhabilitation pérenne des bâtiments en tuffeau. Cette démarche a vocation à s’adapter à tous types de bâtiments en tuffeau et à considérer l’ensemble de ses spécificités. Un panel d’actions de réhabilitation portant sur les éléments d’enveloppe est identifié et testé sur le bâtiment considéré. La mise en place du processus a nécessité l’utilisation d’un outil de modélisation traduisant la réalité du comportement énergétique de ces bâtiments. L’outil EnergyPlus avec l’algorithme de transfert de masse et de chaleur HaMT a été mis en place et vérifié avec des mesures expérimentales. L’ensemble des résultats des stratégies de réhabilitation sont alors agrégées dans une méthode d’analyse multicritère. L'incertitude de l'évaluation des stratégies de réhabilitation est intégrée à la méthode (ELECTRE III) pour que les recommandations soient réalisées avec un degré de confiance satisfaisant. L’application de cette démarche à deux cas de bâtiments en tuffeau a mis en évidence l’adaptabilité de la démarche à des bâtiments de typologie et de complexité variables. Elle permet par ailleurs de fournir des recommandations robustes sur les travaux les plus pertinents à mener / The old buildings stock represents a true potential for energy savings. However, its diversity and some characteristics of its envelop materials interfere with the setting of effective retrofitting strategies. Among this heritage, individual limestone dwellings present specific issues concerning retrofitting. Tuffeau, particularly, is a high porosity limestone which specificity is propensity to fill up with water. Its hygrothermal properties are then affected and it quickly deteriorates.Furthermore, this kind of building offers comfortable indoor summer temperatures and undeniable architectural qualities. Those factors have to be considered during the energetic retrofitting of those dwellings. Consequently, the solutions proposed have sometimes to meet divergent goals. Concerning limestone heritage, four criteria appeared as indispensable: the heating needs, the indoor hygrothermal comfort, the material deterioration risk, and the financial investment. In thiscontext, the goal is to develop a multicriteria decision aiding method of old limestone buildings retrofitting strategies. This method has a potential to adapt to every type of limestone buildings and to consider those specificities as a whole. A panel of retrofitting actions concerning the envelop elements is identified and then tested on the concerned building. The process implementation required the use of a modeling tool to translate the reality of those buildings behaviour. The tool EnergyPlus with its mass and heat transfer algorithm HaMT was implemented and validated with experimental measures. The uncertainty of the retrofitting strategies results are thenintegrated to the method (ELECTRE III) so that the recommendation can be performed with an acceptable level of confidence.The application of this process to two cases of limestone buildings emphasized the adaptability of this method to very different buildings in term of typology and complexity. It also allows providing with robust recommendations on which retrofitting work has to be performed.
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老屋健檢之政策分析 / The Policy Analysis of the Old Building Inspection Plan廖珮君, Liao, Pei Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本文以2013和2014年臺北市老屋健檢申請案件及屋齡20年以上之公寓大廈社區為調查樣本,從個體面探討老屋健檢對居民改善環境意願的影響以及健檢與否導致後續行動之機率差異,並就總體面估計政策之成本效益。研究結果顯示,曾參與健檢者有意改善環境之機率較高,居民在建物設備及外牆安全健檢結果越差時,將增加改造環境的可能性;就總體面來說,現行政策投入少量成本即獲得可觀效益,顯示老屋健檢政策應持續執行。 / Physical examination is beneficial to disease prevention and health promotion. By the old building inspection plan, residents can inspect building environment, prevent the deterioration of the building, and cure disease in an appropriate way. 0206 earthquake caused many deaths, which has aroused the widespread social concern on building safety. According to the official statistics, there are 885,340 housing units in Taipei, about 78.51% of which are over 20 years old, about 54.36% of which are five-storey building or below. It is indicated that older building threaten public safety in Taipei. Hence, it is necessary and urgent to inspect ageing building. The old building inspection plan was held in 2013, which are a Taiwan's first policy. The objectives of this paper are to inspect whether the old building inspection can influence the aspiration of residents improve the building environment, and to examine the effects of the old building inspection plan.
The samples of the study include: (1) the ageing buildings which have been involved in the old building inspection plan from 2013 to 2014;(2) the condominiums of 20 years old or above. At first, this paper aims to examine the effects of the old building inspection plan on residents' willingness, then discuss the probability on environment improving before and after joining the program. Finally, we calculate the effectiveness of policy. Empirical results demonstrate that residents who have been involved the plan are more willing to improve the environment. Building equipment and exterior walls performance are worse, residents are more willing to transform the environment. Finally, tremendous effect could be obtained by adding little cost under the support of current policy. It clearly showed that the old building inspection plan should be consistently carried on.
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Att bygga utifrån krav på konstruktion och hållbarhet : En jämförelse mellan dåtid och nutidAngel, Linn January 2022 (has links)
I denna fallstudie jämförs en gammal gårdsbyggnad uppförd 1898 med kraven som ställs vid nybyggnation idag. För cirka 120 år sedan ställdes inte lika stränga krav på byggnationen som idag. De krav som undersöks handlar om hållbarhet och konstruktion. Syftet med studien är att skapa en bättre förståelse för varför dagens krav finns genom att undersöka en byggnad som är uppförd utan dessa krav. För att nå klimatmålen, som Sverige har antagit, finns det bland annat krav på byggnaders energieffektivitet som kan mätas genom att beräkna byggnadens primärenergital. Energieffektiviteten påverkas delvis av hur välisolerad en byggnad är varför kravet som ställs på en byggnads U-värde (värmegenomgångskoefficienten) också är intressant att undersöka. Gränsvärden på primärenergital och U-värde finns i Boverkets byggregler, BBR. Krav på konstruktionen finns i den internationella standarden Eurokod och de nationella valen i EKS. Beräkningar har gjorts på tak och bärande väggar för att kontrollera att de har tillräcklig bärighet. Även primärenergitalet och U-värden har räknats ut samt risken för fukt i den solida tegelväggen. Resultatet visar att konstruktionen klarar de krav som ställs i Eurokoderna och EKS och att byggnadens funktion bara uppfyller ett av de krav som ställs i BBR. Resultatet är i linje med tidigare forskning som har genomförts på energiprestanda hos gamla byggnader och visar på att det genom renovering, utan att skada byggnadens kulturvärde, är möjligt att uppnå dagens krav även om just den byggnaden som undersökts här inte når kraven. / This case study compares the function and framework of a building from 1898 with the requirements regarding sustainability and strength when building today. The purpose of this study is to get a better understanding of the requirements by investigating a building that was built without them. The requirements on a new building’s sustainability are today applied to old buildings that undergo extensive renovation. Two measurements to ensure high sustainability are primary energy and the heat transfer coefficient. A well-insulated building has a low heat transfer coefficient and will require less energy to heat and therefore be more energy efficient and more sustainable. Calculations have been made to determine the strength of the roof and the walls according to the Eurocodes and the nationally determined parameters, EKS. The primary energy and heat transfer coefficient has been calculated and compared to the mandatory provisions, Boverkets byggregler, BBR. The result shows that the framework is strong enough to take care of the loads it is exposed to. Most of the requirements regarding sustainability fail to be met. Although in conclusion it should be possible to meet some, if not all, the requirements with further renovation without harming the cultural value of the building.
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