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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Borawski, Thomas John, Jr. 01 March 2016 (has links)
Our workforce continues to gray due to advances in medical science and new technology, which allows workers to remain in the workforce longer. Furthermore, we need our current workforce to remain motivated and work until an older age due to decreased birth rates and the smaller size of the post baby boomer cohorts. An in-depth examination of the motivation of our aging workforce is necessary to determine how we can increase motivation and keep older workers (those 55 and older) in the workforce longer, while remaining productive. In this study, three divisions of health (i.e., Major Illnesses, Functional Impairments, and Psychosomatic Illnesses) were related to three work goals (i.e., To-Work, At-Work, and To-Retire), combining aspects of the works of Feldman (1994), Shultz and Wang (2007), and Kanfer, Beier, and Ackerman (2012), using archival data extracted through the National Heath and Retirement Study (HRS). A two-step hierarchical regression was conducted with age, gender, wealth, education level, marital status, financial control, and ethnicity as covariates. Most hypotheses were partially supported, with Functional Impairments exhibiting a small effect on To-Work, At-Work, and To-Retire goals. Major Illnesses exhibited some unexpected relationships, however, as they were not positively related to To-Work and To-Retire goals. All health factors exhibited a negative relationship with a small effect on At-Work goals.

Ergonomiskt utvärderingsverktyg för arbetskraft över 55 år / Ergonomic assessment tool for a workforce over 55 years

Nilsson Hagland, Samuel, Eriksson, Mattias January 2021 (has links)
I denna studie beskrivs hur verktyget PAFS (Priority Assessment For Seniors) utvecklats. PAFS är ett verktyg som har sin grund i lastbilstillverkaren Scanias befintliga standarder för bedömning av ergonomisk belastning. Det är mer fokuserat och anpassat så att risker på en arbetsstation för en äldre arbetstagare och framförallt för personalen mellan 55 och 70 åskådliggörs. Behovet av det här verktyget har uppstått då vi går emot en äldre befolkning och en högre pensionsålder vilket kommer öka kraven på en ergonomiskt hållbar arbetsplats. Målet var således att ta fram ett verktyg som bedömer en arbetsstations lämplighet för äldre vilket ger Scania möjligheten att förbereda sig för en äldre arbetskraft i sin produktion. Genom en litteraturstudie och datainsamling kunde riskfaktorer och förväntade skador för äldre personer utrönas. Med detta material som grund kunde relevanta bedömningspunkter och förändringar i Scanias befintliga ergonomiska bedömningsverktyg tas fram. Till sist utvecklades verktyget PAFS vilket är ett Excelbaserat bedömningsverktyg som belyser belastningsergonomiska risker och brister på en arbetsstation för en person över 55 år. Det är utformat som en checklista där de olika bedömningspunkterna angetts en riskpoäng, på så sätt kan en summerad riskpoäng för varje position presenteras för användaren. / The development of PAFS (Priority Assessment For Seniors) is described in this study. PAFS is a tool based on the truck manufacturer Scania´s existing standards for ergonomic evaluation. It is focused and adapted to illustrate risks on a working station for an eldry workforce, especially a population between 55 to 70 years. The need for this tool emerges since the population is getting older and the age of pension is starting to increase. This leads to higher demands on an ergonomic sustainable workplace. Therefore the goal was to develop a tool that assesses a working stations adequacy for older employees which gives Scania the opportunity to prepare for an aging workforce in production. Through a literature study and data collection factors of risks and injuries for elderly could be established. Later it was evaluated which assessment points, in existing ergonomic assessment tools that Scania uses, that are of greatest importance. At last PAFS was developed, which is an Excel Based assessment tool which displays load ergonomic risks and deficiency on a working station for employees over 55 years of age. It is designed as a checklist where every assessment point is given a risk score, through which the sum of the risk score for every workstation can be displayed for the user.

Den distanserade balansen : En kvantitativ studie om psykologisk distansering för äldre arbetstagare inom den offentliga sektorn / The Distanced Balance : A Quantitative Study on Psychological Distancing among Elderly Employees within the Public Sector

Hägglund, Maria, Hilli, Elvira January 2024 (has links)
This study aimed to investigate the impact of recovery on various health aspects among olderemployees and how the different dimensions of recovery relate to health. The dimensions of recoveryinclude: psychological detachment, relaxation, mastery and control. Data were analyzed from twopublic organizations in northern Sweden, with survey responses from employees aged 55 years orolder. The methodology included factor-, mean- and regression analyses to identify the dimensions ofrecovery and understand their impact on health. The results of the study showed that psychologicaldetachment, mastery and control were positively associated with health whilst relaxation had anegative effect. Furthermore, associations were observed between health and control variables such asage, gender, education and the degree of influence in the workplace. Here, the results showed thatwomen generally reported worse health than men, a finding that is consistent with previous research.Older, highly educated individuals with high levels of influence reported better health compared toother studied groups. Respondents living together with a partner, and those that also had childrenreported better health. The study provided insights into the need for strategies when it comes topromoting health among older employees, emphasizing recovery and other factors. Limitationsincluded challenges with representativeness and difficulties in establishing causality. Further researchshould focus on gaining a deeper understanding of the complex relationships between recovery, healthand work-related factors- with a particular emphasis on investigating more organizations and sectors.

Pensionärspooler : Pensionär med fortsatt anställning efter ett yrkesverksamt liv / Manning pools for retired people : Pensioners with a resumed employment after a life of work

Stenström, Maria, Wall, Patricia January 2010 (has links)
<p>A qualitative survey has been carried out in a manning company whose business concept was to employ pensioners. Six pensioners have been interviewed regarding their views on resumed employment. The results of these interviews have been analysed supported by analytic induc-tion. Areas investigated cover: promotion of better health through work, motivation factors, groupings and control, experience and learning, work and spare time and finally strategies that appeal to an older workforce.The purpose of the survey was to investigate whether the manning company utilizes pension-ers’ experience and work skills from their former working life. We also wanted to examine if and whether continued employment contributed to an increased quality of life.The result showed that few employees were employed in positions that had any connection with their former working lives. The majority of tasks given were similar to ordinary house-work. To be needed, to perform purposeful work, to have social contacts and be appreciated were important. Few pensioners commented that the reason for their continued employment was financial. Time for recreation and own activities were expressed as important in the pen-sioners’ way of life. None of the pensioners wished to own their own business, they were sat-isfied with being employed despite a lower remuneration.</p> / <p>En kvalitativ undersökning har gjorts på ett bemanningsföretag som riktat in sig på att anställa pensionärer. Sex pensionärer har intervjuats om sin syn på fortsatt anställning efter ett långt yrkesverksamt liv. Resultatet har analyserats med stöd av analytisk induktion. Följande områ-den har behandlats: hälsofrämjande perspektiv på arbete, behovs- och motivationsfaktorer, grupperingar och kontroll, erfarenhet och lärande, arbete och fritid samt slutligen strategier som tilltalar äldre arbetskraft.Syftet var att kartlägga huruvida bemanningsföretaget tog tillvara den erfarenhet och yrkes-kompetens som pensionärerna tillgodogjort sig i sitt yrkesverksamma liv. Vi ville också un-dersöka på vilka sätt en anställning bidrog till en ökad livskvalitet.Resultatet visade att få anställda utförde arbeten med koppling till sitt tidigare yrkesliv. Flerta-let arbeten liknade hushållsnära tjänster. Att vara behövd, utföra ett meningsfullt arbete, social kontakt och uppskattning var viktigt. Få pensionärer påtalade att de var anställda av ekono-misk anledning. Tid för återhämtning och egna aktiviteter fördes fram som viktiga delar i pen-sionärernas liv. Ingen pensionär kunde tänka sig att arbeta i egen regi utan trivdes som an-ställd, trots en sämre ersättning.</p>

Pensionärspooler : Pensionär med fortsatt anställning efter ett yrkesverksamt liv / Manning pools for retired people : Pensioners with a resumed employment after a life of work

Stenström, Maria, Wall, Patricia January 2010 (has links)
A qualitative survey has been carried out in a manning company whose business concept was to employ pensioners. Six pensioners have been interviewed regarding their views on resumed employment. The results of these interviews have been analysed supported by analytic induc-tion. Areas investigated cover: promotion of better health through work, motivation factors, groupings and control, experience and learning, work and spare time and finally strategies that appeal to an older workforce.The purpose of the survey was to investigate whether the manning company utilizes pension-ers’ experience and work skills from their former working life. We also wanted to examine if and whether continued employment contributed to an increased quality of life.The result showed that few employees were employed in positions that had any connection with their former working lives. The majority of tasks given were similar to ordinary house-work. To be needed, to perform purposeful work, to have social contacts and be appreciated were important. Few pensioners commented that the reason for their continued employment was financial. Time for recreation and own activities were expressed as important in the pen-sioners’ way of life. None of the pensioners wished to own their own business, they were sat-isfied with being employed despite a lower remuneration. / En kvalitativ undersökning har gjorts på ett bemanningsföretag som riktat in sig på att anställa pensionärer. Sex pensionärer har intervjuats om sin syn på fortsatt anställning efter ett långt yrkesverksamt liv. Resultatet har analyserats med stöd av analytisk induktion. Följande områ-den har behandlats: hälsofrämjande perspektiv på arbete, behovs- och motivationsfaktorer, grupperingar och kontroll, erfarenhet och lärande, arbete och fritid samt slutligen strategier som tilltalar äldre arbetskraft.Syftet var att kartlägga huruvida bemanningsföretaget tog tillvara den erfarenhet och yrkes-kompetens som pensionärerna tillgodogjort sig i sitt yrkesverksamma liv. Vi ville också un-dersöka på vilka sätt en anställning bidrog till en ökad livskvalitet.Resultatet visade att få anställda utförde arbeten med koppling till sitt tidigare yrkesliv. Flerta-let arbeten liknade hushållsnära tjänster. Att vara behövd, utföra ett meningsfullt arbete, social kontakt och uppskattning var viktigt. Få pensionärer påtalade att de var anställda av ekono-misk anledning. Tid för återhämtning och egna aktiviteter fördes fram som viktiga delar i pen-sionärernas liv. Ingen pensionär kunde tänka sig att arbeta i egen regi utan trivdes som an-ställd, trots en sämre ersättning.

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