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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Juegos serios, evaluación de tecnologías y ámbitos de aplicación

Vilches Antão, Diego Gastón 23 September 2014 (has links)
El presente trabajo gira alrededor del mundo de los <i>Serious Games</i> (Juegos Serios) abarcando aspectos tales como campos de aplicación, herramientas disponibles para el desarrollo y un paneo acerca de las plataformas utilizadas para el desarrollo y para su utilización. En el capítulo 1 se explicará la organización del presente trabajo, en el capítulo 2 se analizarán algunos de los campos de aplicación donde se ve un importante desarrollo de los juegos serios, en el capítulo 3 se describirán algunas herramientas privativas y otras FLOSS (Free/Libre Open Source Software), en el capítulo 4 se hablará acerca de la ludificación/gamificación y en el capítulo 5 se describirán las conclusiones y posibles trabajos futuros.

Segmentation and tracking of cells and particles in time-lapse microscopy

Magnusson, Klas E. G. January 2016 (has links)
In biology, many different kinds of microscopy are used to study cells. There are many different kinds of transmission microscopy, where light is passed through the cells, that can be used without staining or other treatments that can harm the cells. There is also fluorescence microscopy, where fluorescent proteins or dyes are placed in the cells or in parts of the cells, so that they emit light of a specific wavelength when they are illuminated with light of a different wavelength. Many fluorescence microscopes can take images on many different depths in a sample and thereby build a three-dimensional image of the sample. Fluorescence microscopy can also be used to study particles, for example viruses, inside cells. Modern microscopes often have digital cameras or other equipment to take images or record time-lapse video. When biologists perform experiments on cells, they often record image sequences or sequences of three-dimensional volumes to see how the cells behave when they are subjected to different drugs, culture substrates, or other external factors. Previously, the analysis of recorded data has often been done manually, but that is very time-consuming and the results often become subjective and hard to reproduce. Therefore there is a great need for technology for automated analysis of image sequences with cells and particles inside cells. Such technology is needed especially in biological research and drug development. But the technology could also be used clinically, for example to tailor a cancer treatment to an individual patient by evaluating different treatments on cells from a biopsy. This thesis presents algorithms to find cells and particles in images, and to calculate tracks that show how they have moved during an experiment. We have developed a complete system that can find and track cells in all commonly used imaging modalities. We selected and extended a number of existing segmentation algorithms, and thereby created a complete tool to find cell outlines. To link the segmented objects into tracks, we developed a new track linking algorithm. The algorithm adds tracks one by one using dynamic programming, and has many advantages over prior algorithms. Among other things, it is fast, it calculates tracks which are optimal for the entire image sequence, and it can handle situations where multiple cells have been segmented incorrectly as one object. To make it possible to use information about the velocities of the objects in the linking, we developed a method where the positions of the objects are preprocessed using a filter before the linking is performed. This is important for tracking of some particles inside cells and for tracking of cell nuclei in some embryos.       We have developed an open source software which contains all tools that are necessary to analyze image sequences with cells or particles. It has tools for segmentation and tracking of objects, optimization of settings, manual correction, and analysis of outlines and tracks. We developed the software together with biologists who used it in their research. The software has already been used for data analysis in a number of biology publications. Our system has also achieved outstanding performance in three international objective comparisons of systems for tracking of cells. / Inom biologi används många olika typer av mikroskopi för att studera celler. Det finns många typer av genomlysningsmikroskopi, där ljus passerar genom cellerna, som kan användas utan färgning eller andra åtgärder som riskerar att skada cellerna. Det finns också fluorescensmikroskopi där fluorescerande proteiner eller färger förs in i cellerna eller i delar av cellerna, så att de emitterar ljus av en viss våglängd då de belyses med ljus av en annan våglängd. Många fluorescensmikroskop kan ta bilder på flera olika djup i ett prov och på så sätt bygga upp en tre-dimensionell bild av provet. Fluorescensmikroskopi kan även användas för att studera partiklar, som exempelvis virus, inuti celler. Moderna mikroskop har ofta digitala kameror eller liknande utrustning för att ta bilder och spela in bildsekvenser. När biologer gör experiment på celler spelar de ofta in bildsekvenser eller sekvenser av tre-dimensionella volymer för att se hur cellerna beter sig när de utsätts för olika läkemedel, odlingssubstrat, eller andra yttre faktorer. Tidigare har analysen av inspelad data ofta gjorts manuellt, men detta är mycket tidskrävande och resultaten blir ofta subjektiva och svåra att reproducera. Därför finns det ett stort behov av teknik för automatiserad analys av bildsekvenser med celler och partiklar inuti celler. Sådan teknik behövs framförallt inom biologisk forskning och utveckling av läkemedel. Men tekniken skulle också kunna användas kliniskt, exempelvis för att skräddarsy en cancerbehandling till en enskild patient genom att utvärdera olika behandlingar på celler från en biopsi. I denna avhandling presenteras algoritmer för att hitta celler och partiklar i bilder, och för att beräkna trajektorier som visar hur de har förflyttat sig under ett experiment. Vi har utvecklat ett komplett system som kan hitta och följa celler i alla vanligt förekommande typer av mikroskopi. Vi valde ut och vidareutvecklade ett antal existerande segmenteringsalgoritmer, och skapade på så sätt ett heltäckande verktyg för att hitta cellkonturer. För att länka ihop de segmenterade objekten till trajektorier utvecklade vi en ny länkningsalgoritm. Algoritmen lägger till trajektorier en och en med hjälp av dynamisk programmering, och har många fördelar jämfört med tidigare algoritmer. Bland annat är den snabb, den beräknar trajektorier som är optimala över hela bildsekvensen, och den kan hantera fall då flera celler felaktigt segmenterats som ett objekt. För att kunna använda information om objektens hastighet vid länkningen utvecklade vi en metod där objektens positioner förbehandlas med hjälp av ett filter innan länkningen utförs. Detta är betydelsefullt för följning av vissa partiklar inuti celler och för följning av cellkärnor i vissa embryon. Vi har utvecklat en mjukvara med öppen källkod, som innehåller alla verktyg som krävs för att analysera bildsekvenser med celler eller partiklar. Den har verktyg för segmentering och följning av objekt, optimering av inställningar, manuell korrektion, och analys av konturer och trajektorier. Vi utvecklade mjukvaran i samarbete med biologer som använde den i sin forskning. Mjukvaran har redan använts för dataanalys i ett antal biologiska publikationer. Vårt system har även uppnått enastående resultat i tre internationella objektiva jämförelser av system för följning av celler. / <p>QC 20161125</p>

Návrh vhodného softwarového řešení elektronického obchodu / Design a suitable e-commerce software solution

Pekárek, Miroslav January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to summarize current knowledge about electronic trading and to outline the benefits and drawbacks of potential software solutions in electronic trading. This paper is focused not only on theoretical findings and bases, relating to electronic trading, but also on the possibilities of establishing such trading within the confines of the Czech environment. Its goal is to select a suitable open source software solution for electronic trading based on predefined criteria and to warn of potential challenges relating to it. This paper should contemporaneously serve to help an individual interested in establishing electronic trading to decide which solution is the most appropriate, even if he/she selects a product that is not open source. This should serve, in such a case, as a methodical set of instructions that guides the individual to select the correct solution. Among other aspects, this paper should also help an individual interested in electronic trading to decide, whether or not an open source solution is suitable, and if there is any merit in exploring this option.

Monitoramento de métricas de código-fonte em projetos de software livre / Source code metrics tracking on free and open source projects

Meirelles, Paulo Roberto Miranda 20 May 2013 (has links)
Nesta tese de doutorado, apresentamos uma abordagem para a observação das métricas de código-fonte, estudando-as através de suas distribuições e associações, além de discutir as relações de causalidade e implicações práticas-gerenciais para monitoramento das mesmas. Em nossos estudos avaliamos a distribuição e correlações dos valores das métricas de 38 projetos de software livre, dentre os com mais contribuidores ativos em seus repositórios. Para tal, coletamos e analisamos os valores para cada métrica em mais de 344.872 classes e módulos dos projetos avaliados. Complementarmente, para mostrarmos a utilidade do monitoramento de métricas, descrevemos uma extensão e adaptação do modelo de causalidade do conceito de atratividade de projetos de software livre, que indica uma relação estatística entre os valores das métricas de código-fonte e a quantidade de downloads, contribuidores e atualizações (commits) nos repositórios dos projetos. Para isso, realizamos estudos empíricos com milhares de projetos de software livre. Do ponto de vista prático, também contribuímos com um conjunto de ferramentas inovador para a automação da avaliação de projetos de software livre, com ênfase nos estudos e na seleção de métricas, o que permite a análise de código-fonte de acordo com a percepção de qualidade das comunidades de software livre. Entre as principais contribuições desta tese está uma análise detalhada, em relação ao comportamento, valores e estudos de caso, de 15 métricas de código-fonte, o que representa um avanço em comparação a literatura relacionada ao ampliar o número de métricas avaliadas e propor uma abordagem que visa diminuir as contradições das análises das métricas. / In this Ph.D dissertation we present an approach about source code metrics tracking. We have researched source code metrics distributions and associations to discuss their causality and management-practices implications. Our studies have assessed distributions and correlations of source code metric values on 38 free software projects, which have a lot of activated contributors in their repositories. We have collected and analyzed metrics from 344,872 classes and modules of about 38 free software projects. Additionally, to show how it is useful to track source code metrics, we have extended the model of free software attractiveness to include source code metrics. Our technical attractiveness model indicates a statistical relationship between source code metrics and number of downloads, contributors, and commits in the analyzed free software repositories. For that, we have conducted empirical studies with 8,450 free software projects. From a practical point of view, we have contributed with a set of innovative tools for automated evaluation of free software projects. Our tool allow the analyses of source code metrics that mirror quality perceptions from the free software communities point of view.

Manejo populacional de cães e gatos: métodos quantitativos para caracterizar populações, identificar prioridades e estabelecer indicadores / Dog and cat population management: quantitative methods to characterize populations, identify priorities and to establish indicators

Baquero, Oswaldo Santos 05 October 2015 (has links)
O manejo populacional de cães e gatos é um conjunto de estratégias para controlar e prevenir problemas relacionados com o convívio entre esses animais e os seres humanos. Nesta tese é proposto um fluxo de trabalho baseado em métodos quantitativos, para auxiliar o planejamento, implementação e monitoramento de programas de manejo populacional de animais de companhia. Ao seguir o fluxo de trabalho é possível coletar dados para caracterizar populações, analisar esses dados para propor intervenções e avaliar o efeito das intervenções. A proposta foi baseada na articulação de cinco pesquisas. Na primeira pesquisa foi implementado de um desenho amostral complexo para caracterizar a população de cães e gatos domiciliados de Votorantim, São Paulo. Na segunda pesquisa que foi baseada nos dados levantados na primeira, foram usadas análises de correspondências múltiplas para identificar perfis de opiniões públicas em relação ao abandono de cães e gatos. Na terceira pesquisa foi avaliada a validade do desenho amostral usado na primeira pesquisa, mediante simulações estocásticas. Na quarta pesquisa foi desenvolvido um modelo matemático de manejo populacional que permite priorizar as intervenções de acordo com o efeito que produzem. Na quinta pesquisa foi desenvolvido um modelo matemático para avaliar a eficiência do controle reprodutivo realizado com contraceptivos de efeito reversível. Os modelos das duas últimas pesquisas foram baseados em sistemas acoplados de equações diferenciais e em análises de sensibilidade global e local. A proposta foi implementada em um software de código aberto, o pacote do R capm, que pode ser incorporado na rotina de trabalho dos setores envolvidos no manejo populacional de animais de companhia / Dog and cat population management is a set of strategies to control and prevent problems related with the coexistence between those animals and human beings. In this thesis it is proposed a work-fiow based on quantitative methods to support the planning, implementation and mo- nitoring of companion animal population management programs. Following the work-fiow, it is possible to collecf data to characterize populations, analyze that data to propose interventions and assess the effect of interventions. The proposal was based on the articulation of five rese- arches. In the first research, a complex sampling design was implemented to characterize the owned dog and cat populations of Votorantim, São Paulo. In the second research, which was based on data from the first one, public opinion profiles regarding dog and cat abandonment were identified using multiple correspondence analysis. In the third research, the validity of the sampling design used in the first research was assessed through stochastic simulations. In the fourth research, a mathematical model of population management was developed. With that model, it is possible to prioritize interventions according to the effect they produce. In the fifth research, a mathematical model was developed to assess the efficiency of reproductive control based on contraceptives with reversible effect. The models of the last two researches were based on systems of coupled differential equations, and on global and local sensitivity analysis. The proposal was implemented in an open source software, the R package capm, that can be incorporated in the working routine of sectors involved with companion animal population management

Sistemas de Arquivos Distribuídos / Distributed File Systems

Kon, Fabio 08 November 1994 (has links)
Este trabalho se inicia com uma discussão sobre as principais características dos Sistemas de Arquivos Distribuídos, ou seja, espaço de nomes, localização, cache, consistência, replicação, disponibilidade, escalabilidade, heterogeneidade, tolerância a falhas e segurança. Analisamos diversos sistemas de arquivos existentes quanto a estas características dando especial atenção aos sistemas NFS, Andrew, Coda, Sprite, Zebra, Harp, Frolic e Echo. Descrevemos alguns modelos analíticos para o comportamento de sistemas de arquivos distribuídos e, em seguida, apresentamos um novo modelo para sistemas baseados em leases - um mecanismo para a garantia de consistência em sistemas distribuídos. Finalmente, descrevemos a nossa implementação do sistema de arquivos distribuído SODA - que utiliza leases - apresentando dados sobre o seu desempenho. / We begin with a discussion of some of the main characteristics of Distributed File Systems, namely locality, name space, cache, consistency, replication, availability, scalability, heterogeneity, fault tolerance and security. We analyze several file systems based on these characteristics. We focus mainly on NFS, Andrew, Coda, Sprite, Zebra, Harp, Frolic, and Echo. We then describe some analytical models of the behavior of distributed file systems. After that we present a new model of systems based on leases - a mechanism to assure consistency on a distributed system. Finally we describe our implementation of the SODA distributed file system - which uses leases - presenting some results on its performance.

Open Source Business Model : Balancing Customers and Community

Rosén, Thomas January 2008 (has links)
Free and Open Source Software has not only increased researchers’ interest about community-driven software development, but lately, interest from commercial actors increased as well. In addition, some scientists have claimed that Open Source Software has entered a new phase: OSS 2.0. Even so, a coherent way of analyzing commercial Open Source ventures is still missing. Commercial Open Source firms’ strategies are often described using the term “business models”. However, these models often lack stringent structures and have been used primarily to describe the firms’ offerings and methods to earn revenue. Through the adaptation of an existing, firmly theoretically-based analytical business model framework, this thesis suggests a new analysis model for studying for-profit Open Source companies. In addition, the framework is generically constructed, ensuring its usability for other industries as well. The model consists of three elements: market positions, operational platform and offering. This particular study concerned four software product vendors, all of which base their products on Open Source Software. When analyzing their business, insights were made about how these firms operated. The result show that there are certain key elements and factors that determine if a company has a sustainable business or not. From the analysis framework, three elements were refined. The main Open Source Software project connects the market positions and the operational platform; and from the offering, the product and service and the revenue model were very important. The study identified eight key factors which influenced the elements: brand for the product, the company and the Open Source Software project; community, that is the sum of the non-paying users and developers connected to Open Source Software projects; resources, which are community-based resources such as development and testing; legitimacy, the perceived legitimacy regarding licenses and the revenue models; control, i.e. the control the firm has of the software; ability to charge, or how the company can charge for its services; customers, the paying users; and finally volume, which is the number of paying customers. The findings also indicate that companies interested in working with the open-source community have to be able to balance the demands from both their customers and the community in order to benefit and gain competitive advantage. / Report code: LiU-TEK-LIC 2008:26.

A technique for the evaluation of free and open source e-learning systems

Sanga, Camilius January 2010 (has links)
<p>Evaluating software is a universal and complex problem. The question is: how should software be selected and adopted, or rather, which of the software packages is the most suitable for a specific environment? Extensive research on the evaluation of software has been done, but only a few researchers have considered evaluation of e-learning systems based on three software quality characteristics (i.e. usability, maintainability and deployability) for implementation in third world countries. In this thesis, it will be considered how to use a mixed research methods for the evaluation of free and open source e-learning systems in a developing country. The scope of this investigation is the evaluation of two free and open source e-learning systems at the Open University of Tanzania using 33 stakeholders (some with more and others with less computer expertise).</p>

Goobi wird Verein

Bonte, Achim 08 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Mit der Gründung des Vereins „Goobi. Digitalisieren im Verein“ am 17. September 2012 hat das Wort „Goobi“ eine weitere Bedeutung erhalten. Goobi ist die verbreitetste Open Source-Software zur Produktion und Präsentation von Digitalisaten. Sie ist Markenzeichen für Plattformunabhängigkeit, Modularität, Mandantenfähigkeit, offene Schnittstellen und internationale Standards. Sie steht für umfassende Lösungen zur Boutique- und Massendigitalisierung sowie skalierbare Unterstützungsleistungen durch namhafte Firmen; und seit einigen Wochen ist Goobi nun also auch ein eingetragener Verein mit anerkannter Gemeinnützigkeit. [...]

The open source software alternative : Factors and their impact on the decision-making process at Swedish municipalities

Karlsson, Tobias, Andersson, Henrik January 2005 (has links)
<p>Arguably, the Schumpeterian ideology of “creative destruction” saying that eventually even the most secure monopoly will be destroyed by a new technology, a new idea, or a shift in tastes could be applied to open source software. Currently, the proprietary software holds a strong position in the software market. Nevertheless, one could see a surge in articles and acceptance among organisations concerning open source software.</p><p>Proprietary software companies like Microsoft are still gaining ground within the Swedish municipalities. Although one get the impression that municipalities generally are positive toward open source software, the decision-making process often results in choosing a proprietary software alternative. However, one could question which are the underlying factors and to what extent are these factors affecting the decision-making process of municipalities integrating or migrating into open source software?</p><p>In order to study this phenomenon, we chose a quantitative approach using a questionnaire as the tool for data gathering. The sample consisted of 100 randomly selected municipalities. A pre study was made through an interview in order to strengthen the accuracy of the questionnaire which later on was sent out to the IT manager at each municipality in the sample.</p><p>The organisational-, environmental-, user- and system level are four main factors affecting the decision-making process concerning open source software. Among these, the organisational factor was the only one which had a significant negative impact on the decision-making process concerning open source software. The importance of being able to integrate different software increases the need for compatibility which, according to the IT managers, is facilitated using a standardized software environment offered by for example Microsoft.</p>

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