Spelling suggestions: "subject:"openaccess"" "subject:"andaccess""
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\"Repensando os commons na comunicação científica\" / Rethinking the access to the scientific communicationEvelyn Cristina Pinto 23 May 2006 (has links)
Recentemente estudiosos como Benkler, Lessig, Boyle, Hess e Ostrom retomaram o uso do conceito de commons, mas agora relacionado à informação em geral ou à informação científica. Nesse trabalho, nós lançamos mão desse termo para destacar o caráter cooperativo da pesquisa científica, a importância da transparência e neutralidade no acesso ao commons da Ciência e a natureza anti-rival da informação científica. O conceito de commons nos é muito útil para focar todo o conjunto dos artigos científicos já publicados, quer estejam na forma impressa ou na digital. Ainda permite um estudo através de prismas multidisciplinares e, finalmente, enfatiza a dinâmica das comunidades científicos como um todo. Em qualquer commons de informação, quanto maior a distribuição do conhecimento, mais dinâmico e eficiente é o processo de evolução do conhecimento. A tecnologia da imprensa tem desempenhado um papel fundamental na divulgação de informação e o seu surgimento marcou uma revolução no conhecimento e na cultura da nossa civilização. A tecnologia digital tem se mostrado mais eficiente ainda, uma vez que a natureza da sua implementação em bits se aproxima mais da natureza anti-rival das idéias do que qualquer outra tecnologia hoje empregada para preservação e distribuição de informação. Em nosso estudo, constatamos que o commons da Ciência pode ser enormemente enriquecido através de práticas cooperativas e de acesso aberto na publicação da academia. Percebemos também que o uso da tecnologia digital no commons científico, especialmente na publicação dos resultados da pesquisa, aumenta grandemente a distribuição do conhecimento acadêmico, suas oportunidades de escrutínio e validação, a dinâmica de amadurecimento das idéias científicas e, conseqüentemente, pode tornar o desenvolvimento da Ciência mais veloz e eficiente. No entanto, o meio digital tem sido utilizado tanto para criar um ambiente de livre circulação de idéias quanto para controlá-las. Por um lado, código computacional tem sido implementado para garantir o acesso apenas aos que pagam pelos altos preços das revistas científicas. Por outro lado, a publicação de revistas on-line de acesso aberto e outras formas alternativas de disseminação de conteúdo científico têm se proliferado. Ainda, o decrescente orçamento das bibliotecas, o crescente preço das assinaturas de revistas científicas e as crescentes restrições aplicadas pelas leis de propriedade intelectual têm minado a natureza livre das idéias científicas e colocado a Comunicação Científica numa crise. Estamos no meio de uma transição de paradigmas quanto à publicação dos resultados de pesquisa científica, onde aspectos legais, tecnológicos e sócio-econômicos estão em renegociação. À luz das oportunidades da tecnologia digital e da publicação em acesso aberto, as formas de disseminação dos resultados da pesquisa científica presentemente estabelecidas tem sido repensadas. Inserimos essa análise num contexto maior, o paradigma da Comunicação Científica. Isso nos auxilia a fazer um estudo mais abrangente das complexas questões envolvendo nosso tema, analisando os aspectos tecnológicos, legais e sócio-econômicos de uma possível transição para o modelo de publicação de acesso aberto. Tão grandes são as oportunidades desse novo modelo que ele tem agregado em torno de si iniciativas sócio-acadêmicas conhecidas por Movimento de Acesso Aberto à literatura científica. Atualmente, há muitos testes e modelos de publicação dessa literatura. Em especial, nesse trabalho focamos o modelo de acesso aberto aos resultados científicos, suas vantagens, as dificuldades para seu estabelecimento e como ele tem se desenvolvido. Analisamos a viabilidade de criação de um ecossistema de bibliotecas digitais de acesso aberto, especializadas em cada ramo da Ciência. Nossos modelos de partida baseiam-se em alguns aspectos de serviços como arXiv, CiteSeer e Google Scholar. Entre as muitas conclusões desse estudo, constatamos que bibliotecas desse tipo aumentam sobremaneira a dinâmica de circulação, geração, transformação e renovação do conhecimento científico. Assim, o processo de produção de recursos no commons científico pode se tornar muito mais eficiente. / Recent studies done by Benkler, Lessig, Boyle, Hess and Ostrom look at the concept of commons again however, this time in relation to information in general more specifically to scientific information. In this study, we focused on the cooperative character of scientific research, the importance of transparency and neutrality to access the scientific commons. The concept of commons is highly useful to focus on every scientific article that has already been published in print or digitally. This allows studies through several multidisciplines and finally emphasizes the dynamic of scientific communities around the world. In each commons of information, the higher the distribution of knowledge, the more dynamic and efficient the process of the evolution of this information. Technology of the press has been key in the divulging of information and its expansion marked a revolution in knowledge and culture in our civilization. Digital technology has shown more efficiency. Its implementation into bits is closer to the non-rival nature of the ideas than other technologies used to preserve it and used to distribute information. In our work, we realized that the science of commons should be enriched through cooperative practices and open access to scientific results. We also realized that digital technology in scientific commons improves distribution of scholarly knowledge and the dynamic evolution of scientific ideas so the science development should be even more efficient and faster. The digital revolution has been used to create a free environment of circulation of ideas and it has also been used to control certain things. On one side, computational code has been implemented to allow access just for people who pay for the service. On the other hand, online journals publishing and other alternative forms of disseminating scientific knowledge have been proliferated. The decreasing budget of libraries, the increasing cost of journal subscriptions and the increasing restrictions applied by intellectual property has enclosed the free nature of scientific ideas and it has put Scholarly Communication into a crisis. We are in the middle of a transitional phase, where legal, technological, social and economic aspects of scientific publishing have being renegotiated. We inserted our analyses in a larger context, the Scholarly Communication paradigm. This supports a larger study about the complex questions of our subject, analyzing the technological, legal, social and economic aspects of a possible transition to the open access publishing model. This new publishing model is so interesting that some initiatives have started social movements pertaining to it. Nowadays, there are many tests and publishing models especially in this line of work. We focused on the open access model in scientific results, its advantages, the difficulties of its establishment and how it has been developed. Finally, we propose that the creation of an open access digital libraries ecosystem specialized in every scientific field. Our staring models are services such as: arXiv, CiteSeer and Google Scholar. Among our conclusions, we have realized that following this models stated above, digital libraries can enhance the dynamic of circulation, generation, transformation and renovation of the scientific knowledge.
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Jahresbericht 2008 / Universitätsbibliothek ChemnitzMalz, Angela 07 August 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Jahresbericht der Universitätsbibliothek Chemnitz - Berichtsjahr 2008 / Annual report of the University Library of Chemnitz in 2008
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Jahresbericht 2005 / Universitätsbibliothek ChemnitzThümer, Ingrid 18 October 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Jahresbericht der Universitätsbibliothek Chemnitz - Berichtsjahr 2005 / Annual report of the University Library of Chemnitz in 2005
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Jahresbericht 2008 / Universitätsbibliothek ChemnitzMalz, Angela 07 August 2009 (has links)
Jahresbericht der Universitätsbibliothek Chemnitz - Berichtsjahr 2008 / Annual report of the University Library of Chemnitz in 2008
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Socio-economic Impact of Fiber to the Home in SwedenXiong, Ziyi January 2013 (has links)
Fiber-to-the-Home (FTTH) has been talked about since the introduction of fiberin the 1970s. It is nowadays shaping up to be the foundation of our newdigital society, bringing economic prosperity and a multitude of business,social, and entertainment opportunities to its users. The increased consumerdemand for high-speed network accessibility is being taken more and moreseriously and a fiber-based network is able to cope with these growing demandsdue to its wide bandwidth and reliability. Today there is a practical need forquantitative analysis regarding the socio-economic impacts of fiber-basedaccess networks. This analysis could be used as an indicator/reference for allthe stakeholder entities as they consider future investments anddevelopments. Sweden is a suitable target country for this analysis since ithas adopted fiber for some years and the benefits that FTTH has brought seemto already be tangible. The primary value of this thesis lies ininvestigation of its quantified evidence of the socio-economic impacts of FTTHdeployment in Sweden. This has been achieved based on data from the SwedishPost and Telecommunications Authority (PTS), Statistics Sweden (SCB), previousrelated studies, and information collected on-line from operators involved inthe fiber market, along with empirical analysis based on multivariateregression models. The results of the study show that fiber penetrationhas had a significant impact on the population’s evolution, specially the netamount of migration into a municipality, which indicates the attractiveness ofmunicipalities per se. It is therefore reasonable to suggest that localgovernment and local authorities take fiber deployment into consideration, ifthey want to attract people to stay for further local development. The studyalso analyzed the competition in fiber-based open networks and the prices ofsubscribing for 10/10 Mbps symmetrical Internet Service. Study findingsrevealed that networks with multiple competing service providers have a widerrange of services and a lower price: the more ISPs competing in a fibernetwork, the lower consumer prices. Specifically, for each new serviceprovider present in the network, there will be 5 SEK per month decrease of theaverage price of the Internet services, and an approximately 7 SEK per monthreduction in the lowest price. Nevertheless, a number of socio-economicimpacts remain unquantifiable as of the current time and due to the limitedavailable data. It is recommended to incorporate more socio-economic effectsin future research in order to draw a more complete picture for all theinterested sectors, and to supplement the data with recent figures for 2012and 2013. / Fiber till hemmet (Fiber-to-the-Home, FTTH) har talats om sedan fiberintroducerades på 1970-talet. Det håller numera på att bli grunden för vårtnya digitala samhälle, och bidra till ekonomiskt välstånd och medföra en mängdaffärsmässiga, sociala och underhållningsmässiga möjligheter tillslutanvändare. Den ökade efterfrågan på höghastighetsnät tas mer och mer påallvar och ett fiberbaserat nät kan hantera dessa ökade krav på grund av dessbreda bandbredd och tillförlitlighet. Idag finns ett praktiskt behov avkvantitativ analys av de socioekonomiska effekterna av fiberbaseradeaccessnät. Denna analys kan användas som en indikator och referens för allaintressenter när de överväger framtida investeringar. Sverige är ett lämpligtmålland för denna analys eftersom den har antagit fiber i några år och defördelar som FTTH har fört verkar redan vara synliga. Det huvudsakligavärdet av denna avhandling ligger i utredningen av kvantifierade bevis för desocioekonomiska effekterna av FTTH utbyggnad i Sverige. Detta har uppnåtts pågrundval av uppgifter från den Post- och telestyrelsen (PTS), Statistiskacentralbyrån (SCB), tidigare liknande studier och information som samlats inpå nätet från aktörer inom fiber, tillsammans med empirisk analys baserad påmultivariate regressionsmodeller. Resultatet visat att fiber har haft enbetydande inverkan på befolkningens utveckling, speciellt netto in- ochutflyttning till en kommun, vilket indikerar attraktionskraft kommunerna isig. Det är därför rimligt att föreslå att kommunerna och de lokalamyndigheterna överväger fiber driftsättning på allvar om de vill lockainvånare att stanna för ytterligare lokal utveckling. Studien analyserar ocksåkonkurrensen på fiberbaserade öppna nät och priserna på 10/10 Mbps symmetriskInternet-tjänst. Resultaten visar att nätverk med flera konkurrerandetjänsteleverantörer har ett bredare utbud av tjänster och ett lägre pris: jufler Internetleverantörer i ett fibernät, desto lägre konsumentpriser. Merspecifikt, för varje ny tjänsteleverantör som finns i nätverket, minskar detgenomsnittliga priset med 5 kronor per månad, och det lägsta priset med cirka7 kronor per månad. Ändå förblir ett antal socioekonomiska effekteromätbara på grund av begränsade tillgängliga data. Rekommendationen är attinförliva fler socioekonomiska effekter i framtida forskning för att dra enmer komplett bild för alla berörda sektorer, och att komplettera data medfärska siffror för 2012 och 2013.
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Optimalizace organizace knihovního fondu Knihovny společenských věd T. G. Masaryka v Jinonicích (s důrazem na volný výběr dokumentů) / Optimalization of the organization of the T.G. Masaryk Library of Social Science's book collection (with emphasis on open access shelves)Slabochová, Jitka January 2011 (has links)
This master thesis deals with an issue of optimizing organization of the library shelves in the T.G. Masaryk Library of Social Sciences in Jinonice. The first part focuses on theory and defines basic concepts of organizing open access shelves. The next part provides a comparison of open access collections in selected libraries with particular emphasis on methods of books shelving. The core part describes rearrangement of the Library's collection on the basis of implementing new categorization scheme ordered in a subject-territory manner. The thesis also presents results of a survey asking whether this new arrangement enables more effective searching in the Library's open access collection.
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Jahresbericht 2006 / Universitätsbibliothek ChemnitzMalz, Angela 18 October 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Jahresbericht der Universitätsbibliothek Chemnitz - Berichtsjahr 2006 / Annual report of the University Library of Chemnitz in 2006
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Jahresbericht 2005 / Universitätsbibliothek ChemnitzThümer, Ingrid 18 October 2007 (has links)
Jahresbericht der Universitätsbibliothek Chemnitz - Berichtsjahr 2005 / Annual report of the University Library of Chemnitz in 2005
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Jahresbericht 2006 / Universitätsbibliothek ChemnitzMalz, Angela 18 October 2007 (has links)
Jahresbericht der Universitätsbibliothek Chemnitz - Berichtsjahr 2006 / Annual report of the University Library of Chemnitz in 2006
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Digitální repozitáře na vysokých školách v České republice / Digital repositories at universities in the Czech RepublicZlatohlávková, Růžena January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to present, analyse, compare and evaluate the current state of digital repositories at universities in the Czech Republic that use a software application for their digital repository. A theoretical part, which introduces the reader into the issue of compilation and operating of digital repositories in the Czech academic context, precedes the practical reserach. The crucial chapter of the practical part are the results of the actual analysis. The results of a supplementary survey of universities that do not run a digital repository with usage of software application and choose a different way of storage and access to their grey literature draw on the results of this analysis. The conclusion of the entire thesis is the outline of future development of the investigated issue and the perspective of further progress of the Czech academic milieu.
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