Spelling suggestions: "subject:"optar""
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Distributed fiber optic sensors for measuring strains of concrete, steel, and textile reinforcementZdanowicz, Katarzyna, Gebauer, Daniel, Speck, Kerstin, Steinbock, Oliver, Beckmann, Birgit, Marx, Steffen, Koschemann, Marc 22 April 2024 (has links)
The article describes measurements of strains of concrete, steel and textile reinforcement with distributed fiber optic sensors (DFOS). The technology of distributed strain measurements gains currently increasing attention within the civil engineering field and indeed the DFOS can be applied in various measurement scenarios providing results and insights which were not possible before. Within this article, the fibers and adhesives that are most commonly used are compared and several measurement scenarios and their results are described, including precise strain measurements with high resolution as well as measurements on large-scale specimens. Concrete strains were measured in a multiaxial compression stress state and also during setting and hardening and in flexural tests. Strains of the steel and textile reinforcement were monitored along the bond zone and also in flexural tests. Finally, cracking patterns were observed and compared with digital image correlation methods. Validated examples of applications of DFOS in laboratory work are described.
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Electro-Optic Phase Modulation, Frequency Comb Generation, Nonlinear Spectral Broadening, and ApplicationsOscar E Sandoval (6887678) 15 August 2019 (has links)
<p>Electro-optic phase
modulation can be used to generate high repetition rate optical frequency
combs. The optical frequency comb (OFC) has garnered much attention upon its
inception, acting as a crucial component in applications ranging from metrology
and spectroscopy, to optical communications. Electro-optic frequency combs (EO
combs) can be generated by concatenating an intensity modulator and phase
modulator together. The first part of this work focuses on broadening the
modest bandwidth inherent to the EO combs. This is achieved by propagation in a
nonlinear medium, specifically propagation in a nonlinear optical loop mirror
(NOLM). This allows for broadening the EO frequency comb spectrum to a
bandwidth of 40 nm with a spectral power variation
of < 10 dB. This spectrally broadened EO comb is then used in dual comb
interferometry measurements to characterize the single soliton generated in an
anomalous dispersion silicone-nitride microresonator. This measurement allows
for rapid characterization with low average power. Finally, electro-optic phase
modulation is used in a technique to prove frequency-bin entanglement. A
quantum network based on optical fiber will require the ability to perform
phase modulation independent of photon polarization due to propagation in
optical fiber scrambling the polarization of input light. Commercially
available phase modulators are inherently dependent on the polarization state
of input light making them unsuited to be used in such a depolarized
environment. This limitation is overcome by implementing a polarization
diversity scheme to measure frequency-bin entanglement for arbitrary
orientations of co- and cross- polarized frequency-bin entangled photon pairs.</p>
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Confecção e caracterização óptica e estrutural de lentes plásticas obtidas pelo processo de injeção / Production and characterization optic and estructural of plastic lens made by injection processSilva, Aparecido Rodrigues da 19 December 2002 (has links)
O propósito desse trabalho foi o de produzir lentes biconvexas pelo processo de injeção para serem utilizadas no ensino de óptica geométrica e de ciências nos níveis fundamental e médio. A importância de tal trabalho se justifica na carência de material experimental didático produzido no mercado nacional. Para atingir os objetivos propostos, foi necessário estudar o processo de injeção de termoplásticos e adequá-lo à produção de um componente óptico. No desenvolvimento do trabalho, foi projetado e confeccionado um molde para injeção das lentes, segundo especificações técnicas e apoiado em resultados obtidos através de simulações numéricas. Após a realização de testes de injeção, seguiu-se a caracterização das lentes obtidas através de parâmetros ópticos: transparência, birrefrigência, índice de refração, distância focal, raio de curvatura e FTM / The purpose of this work was the development and production of acrylic biconvex lens by injection process to be used in optical and science teaching at elementary and high schools. The importance of such work is based in the deficiency of experimental didactic material made in Brazil. In order to achieve the intended objective it was necessary to study the thermoplastic injection process and adapt it to the fabrication of an optical element. During the development of the work a mold was designed and constructed in according to technical specifications and based on results of numerical simulations. After the injection tests the lens were characterized by theirs optical parameters: transparency, birefringence, refraction index, focal distance, curvature radius and MFT
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Correlação entre o eletrorretinograma de padrão reverso, a tomografia de coerência óptica e a perimetria automatizada na detecção da perda neural na atrofia em banda do nervo óptico / Relationship between pattern electroretinogram, optical coherence tomography and automated perimetry for detection of neural loss in eyes with band atrophy of the optic nerveCunha, Leonardo Provetti 09 August 2010 (has links)
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a capacidade dos parâmetros do eletrorretinograma de padrão reverso de campo total e hemianópico em diferenciar olhos com atrofia em banda do nervo óptico e, a correlação entre as amplitudes do eletrorretinograma de padrão reverso, a espessura da camada de fibras nervosas da retina e macular obtidas pela tomografia de coerência óptica e a perda de campo visual nestes pacientes. MÉTODOS: Quarenta e um olhos de 41 pacientes com perda de campo visual temporal permanente por compressão do quiasma óptico e 41 controles normais foram submetidos ao eletrorretinograma de padrão reverso de estimulação de campo total e hemianópicos (temporal e nasal), a tomografia de coerência óptica, para avaliação das medidas da espessura da camada de fibras nervosas da retina e macular e, ao exame de campo visual, pela perimetria automatizada padrão. O desvio do normal da sensibilidade dos 18º centrais do campo visual foram expressos em decibéis e unidades 1/Lambert. As comparações foram feitas pelo teste t de Student. A correlação entre os parâmetros do campo visual central, do eletrorretinograma de padrão reverso e da tomografia de coerência óptica foi avaliada pela correlação de Pearson e análise de regressão linear. RESULTADOS: Os valores das amplitudes P50, N95, and P50+N95 do eletrorretinograma de padrão reverso de campo total, e de estimulação hemianópica e os valores das medidas da espessura macular e da camada de fibras nervosas da retina obtidas pela tomografia de coerência óptica foram significativamente menores nos olhos com atrofia em banda do que nos controles (P<0,001). Uma correlação significativa foi encontrada entre a perda de sensibilidade no campo visual central e as amplitudes do eletrorretinograma de padrão reverso de estimulação de campo total e nasal, mas não para o temporal. Uma correlação significativa positiva foi observada entre os parâmetros de perda de sensibilidade no campo visual e a maioria dos parâmetros da espessura da camada de fibras nervosas da retina e macular obtidas pela tomografia de coerência óptica. Nenhuma correlação significativa foi observada entre os parâmetros do eletrorretinograma de padrão reverso e a tomografia de coerência óptica, exceto para amplitude P50+N95 do eletrorretinograma de padrão reverso de estimulação de hemicampo nasal. Uma correlação significativa foi observada entre os parâmetros de espessura macular e da camada de fibras nervosas pela tomografia de coerência óptica, exceto entre a espessura da camada de fibras nervosas no segmento de 30º, correspondente as 9 horas do relógio e os parâmetros maculares. CONCLUSÕES: Os valores das amplitudes do eletrorretinograma de padrão reverso foram eficazes em diferenciar olhos com atrofia em banda do nervo óptico de controles normais. Em pacientes com atrofia em banda do nervo óptico, as amplitudes do eletrorretinograma de padrão reverso e medidas da espessura da camada de fibras nervosas da retina e macular correlacionaram de forma significativa com a perda de campo visual, mas não houve correlação entre eles. O eletrorretinograma de padrão reverso e a tomografia de coerência óptica detectaram a perda neural e ambos são métodos diagnósticos úteis na compreensão da correlação estrutura-função em pacientes com compressão do quiasma óptico / PURPOSE: To evaluate the ability of full-field and hemifield pattern electroretinogram parameters to differentiate between healthy eyes and eyes with band atrophy of the optic nerve and also to evaluate the relationship between pattern electroretinogram amplitude, macular and retinal nerve fiber layer thickness by optical coherence tomography, and visual field loss on standard automated perimetry in eyes with BA of optic nerve. METHODS: Forty-one eyes from 41 patients with permanent temporal visual field defects from chiasmal compression and 41 healthy subjects underwent transient fullfield and hemifield (temporal or nasal) stimulation pattern electroretinogram, standard automated perimetry and time domain- optical coherence tomography macular and retinal nerve fiber layer thickness measurements. Comparisons were made using Students t-test. Deviation from normal visual field sensitivity for the central 18° was expressed in dB and 1/Lambert units. Correlations between measurements were verified by Pearsons correlations and linear regression analysis. RESULTS: Full-field P50, N95, and P50+N95 amplitude values were significantly smaller in eyes with band atrophy than in control eyes (P<0.001). Nasal and temporal hemifield pattern electroretinogram studies revealed significant differences in N95 and P50+N95 amplitudes measurements. Pattern electroretinogram and optical coherence tomography measurements were significantly lower in eyes with temporal hemianopia than in normal eyes. A significant correlation was found between visual field sensitivity loss and full-field or nasal, but not temporal, hemifield pattern electroretinogram amplitude. Likewise a significant correlation was found between visual field sensitivity loss and most optical coherence tomography parameters. No significant correlation was observed between optical coherence tomography and pattern electroretinogram parameters, except for nasal hemifield amplitude. A significant correlation was observed between several macular and retinal nerve fiber layer thickness parameters. CONCLUSIONS: Transient pattern electroretinogram amplitude measurements were efficient at differentiating eyes with band atrophy and permanent visual field defects from normal controls. In patients with chiasmal compression, pattern electroretinogram amplitude and optical coherence tomography thickness measurements were significant related to visual field loss, but not to each other. Pattern electroretinogram and optical coherence tomography quantify neuronal loss differently, but both technologies are useful in understanding structure-function relationship in patients with chiasmal compression
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Eletrorretinograma de padrão reverso (PERG) de campo total na esclerose múltipla e na neuromielite óptica e PERG multifocal na atrofia em banda do nervo óptico: correlação com os achados da tomografia de coerência óptica e da perimetria c / Pattern-reversal electroretinogram (PERG) full field in multiple sclerosis and optic neuromyelitis and multifocal PERG in band atrophy of the optic nerve: correlation with the findings of optical coherence tomography and computerized perimetryHokazono, Kenzo 25 April 2014 (has links)
OBJETIVO: avaliar a capacidade do eletrorretinograma de padrão reverso de campo total (PERG) e multifocal (PERGmf) de detectar alterações funcionais da retina em pacientes com afecções desmielinizantes e compressivas da via óptica anterior; estudar a correlação entre as amplitudes do PERG e PERGmf com as espessuras das camadas internas da retina obtidas pela tomografia de coerência óptica (TCO) e com a perda de campo visual avaliada pela perimetria computadorizada padrão (PCP). MÉTODOS: cento e cinquenta e dois olhos de 28 pacientes com esclerose múltipla (EM), 38 com espectro da neuromielite óptica (NMO) com ou sem neurite óptica (NO) prévia e 30 olhos de 26 controles normais foram submetidos ao PERG, à TCO para avaliação da camada de fibras nervosas da retina (CFNR) peripapilar e camadas internas da retina na mácula e à PCP. Os olhos estudados foram divididos em 4 grupos: grupo 1. EM com NO; grupo 2. EM sem NO; grupo 3. NMO; grupo 4. Mielite transversa longitudinal extensa. Os achados foram comparados utilizando-se as equações de estimativas generalizadas. As correlações entre os achados do PERG, da TCO e da PCP foram avaliadas pela correlação de Pearson ou Spearman e pela análise de regressão linear. Para avaliação dos pacientes com doenças compressivas da via óptica anterior, foram estudados 25 olhos de pacientes com defeito campimétrico temporal e atrofia em banda (AB) do nervo óptico decorrente de compressões quiasmáticas já tratadas e 25 olhos de 25 controles normais pelo PERGmf, a TCO e a PCP. As comparações entre olhos com AB e controles foram feitas usando análise de variância (ANOVA). As correlações entre achados do PERGmf, da TCO e da PCP foram avaliadas pela correlação de Pearson ou Spearman e pela análise de regressão linear. RESULTADOS: comparado com controles, as amplitudes do PERG foram significativamente reduzidas em olhos de pacientes com NMO e EM com NO, mas não mostraram diferenças significativas em olhos de pacientes com EM sem NO e mielite transversa longitudinal extensa. Correlações significantes foram encontradas entre os valores de amplitude de N95, a espessura da camada de células ganglionares da retina e a espessura da CFNR peripapilar. As reduções de amplitudes do PERG também foram significativamente associadas à perda de sensibilidade do campo visual. Na avaliação de pacientes com AB do nervo óptico, as amplitudes do PERGmf foram significativamente reduzidas nos quadrantes temporais quando comparados com controles. Não houve diferenças de amplitude nos setores nasais. Correlações significativas foram encontradas entre as amplitudes do PERGmf, a espessura macular total e a CFNR peripapilar no setor temporal e a perda de sensibilidade do campo visual. CONCLUSÕES: O PERG foi capaz de detectar perda funcional em pacientes com EM e NMO com NO prévia e suas amplitudes foram significativamente correlacionadas com a espessura das camadas internas da retina e camada de fibras nervosas peripapilar. As amplitudes do PERGmf foram capazes de demonstrar perda funcional em pacientes com AB do nervo óptico e apresentaram correlações significantes com a perda de sensibilidade do campo visual e as medidas de espessura macular total e da CFNR peripapilar / PURPOSE: To evaluate the ability of full-field and multifocal (mf) pattern electroretinogram (PERG) parameters to detect functional changes of the retina in patients with demyelinating and compressive diseases of the anterior visual pathway; to study the relationship between the PERG (full field and multifocal) amplitudes, optical coherence tomography (OCT)-measured inner retinal layers measurements and visual field sensitivity loss on standard automated perimetry (SAP). METHODS: one hundred fifty-two eyes of 28 patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), 38 with neuromyelitis optica (NMO) spectrum with or without previous episodes of optic neuritis (ON) and 30 eyes of 26 normal controls underwent PERG, OCT macular and peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer measurements and SAP. The eyes of the patients were divided into 4 groups: group 1. EM with ON; group 2. EM without ON; group 3. NMO; group 4. Longitudinally extensive transverse myelitis (LETM). The findings were compared using the generalized estimating equations (GEE). The correlations between the findings of the PERG, OCT and SAP were assessed by Pearson correlation coefficients or Spearman\'s rank correlation coefficients and linear regression analysis. For evaluation of patients with compressive diseases of the anterior visual pathway, 25 eyes of patients with temporal visual field defect and band atrophy (BA) of the optic nerve due to chiasmal compression and 25 eyes of 25 normal controls were studied by mfPERG, OCT and SAP. Comparisons between BA and control eyes were made using variance analysis (ANOVA). The correlations between the findings mfPERG, OCT and SAP were evaluated by Pearson correlation coefficients or Spearman\'s rank correlation coefficients and linear regression analysis. RESULTS: compared to controls, PERG amplitudes were significantly reduced in eyes of patients with MS with ON and NMO, but not in eyes with MS without ON and longitudinal extensive transverse myelitis. Significant correlations were found between N95 amplitudes values, OCT-measured macular ganglion cell layer thickness, total retinal thickness, and temporal peripapillary RNFL thickness.The reduced mfPERG amplitudes were also significantly associated with loss of visual field sensitivity. In the evaluation of patients with BA of the optic nerve, mfPERG amplitudes were significantly reduced in the temporal quadrants when compared with controls. There were no differences in the amplitudes values in the nasal sectors. Significant correlations were found between mfPERG amplitudes, OCT-measured total macular thickness and peripapillary RNFL in the temporal sector and the loss of sensitivity of the visual field. CONCLUSIONS: full-field PERG measurements were able to detect functional loss in patients with MS and NMO with previous episodes of ON and PERG amplitudes were significantly correlated with inner retinal layers thicknesses and peripapillary RNFL. Multifocal PERG amplitudes were able to demonstrate functional loss in patients with BA of the optic nerve and showed significant correlations with visual field sensitivity loss and OCT-measured total macular and peripapillary RNFL thickness
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Differential responses of mouse nasal and temporal retinal neurites to chondroitin sulphates: the role of protein kinase C.January 2005 (has links)
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Investigations of factors that control retinal axon growth during mouse optic pathway development. / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collectionJanuary 2010 (has links)
Chiasm cells, which include glia and neurons, are generated early before any retinal axon arrives at the midline of the mouse ventral diencephalon. These cells have been shown to affect retinal axon growth and patterning in the optic chiasm. In this study, we used EdU (5-ethyny1-2'-deoxyuridine) for birthdating these chiasm cells, aiming to find out when these cells are generated; then we tried to trace their fates at later stages of development. EdU injection at embryonic day (E) 9.5 to El 1 labeled a number of chiasmatic neurons and radial glial cells at E13, which were immunoreactive for SSEA-1 and RC2, respectively. After colocalization studies, we found that most of these neurons were born as early as E9.5, while a large number of radial glial cells were born as from El 1. Both E9.5-born chiasmatic neurons and Ell-born radial glia decreased by E14-E16; the radial glia even disappeared finally from the midline. Furthermore, we found that some chiasmatic neurons underwent apoptotic cell death as from El 4, and that the radial glia likely differentiated into other cell types after finishing their retinal axon guidance mission at the midline. So it is reasonable that some of the earliest born chiasm cells disappear during development. / During development, retinal ganglion cell axons grow from the eye to the ventral diencephalon, where axons from the two eyes converge and segregate into crossed and uncrossed projections, forming the optic chiasm. This pattern is critical for binocular vision. Although significant progress has been obtained over the past decades, how retinal axon growth and guidance are regulated at the chiasm is largely unknown. Our research will focus on those problems. / In the last part of this thesis, we investigated the retinal axon pathway in the ventral diencephalon of the Sox10Dom mutant embryos and gamma-crystallin mutant embryos. Our findings indicate that Sox10 may not contribute to axon guidance in the developing optic pathway whereas gammaA-crystallin may only play a role in the later uncrossed axons. / N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor is one of the ionotropic glutamate receptors, which are important in synaptic plasticity, apart from implications in dendritic spine remodeling, neurite outgrowth, elongation and branching and glutamate neurotoxicity. There are several subtypes of NMDA receptor channel subunits, NR1, NR2A-D, NR3A&B. The functional diversity of NMDA receptor resides in the different assembly of subunits. In this study, we used RT-PCR to analyze the mRNA expression of all the NMDA receptor subunits in mouse embryos. After that we chose the NR1, NR2B and NR3A antibodies to investigate NMDA receptor subunit expression in the optic pathway during mouse optic pathway development. Using immunohistochemistry, we found that NR1, NR2B and NR3A were expressed in the mouse retina and optic pathway as from E13 when the optic chiasm is forming. Expression of the NMDA receptor subunits were found in the inner cell layers and along retinal axons. Colocalization studies showed that NR1, NR2B and NR3A were localized on the ganglion cells and their axons. In the ventral diencephalon, these subunits were expressed extensively, but NR1 and NR3A were particularly strong along the optic nerve and optic tract. Furthermore, to identify the function of NMDA receptor during optic chiasm development, we cultured E14 retinal explants on laminin and poly-D-ornithine in the presence of the NMDA receptor antagonists MK-801 or Dextrorphan-D-tartrate. These two antagonists can significantly inhibit the retinal axon outgrowth, suggesting that the NMDA receptor promotes retinal axon outgrowth in the retinofugal pathway during optic chiasm development. / Li, Jia. / Adviser: Chan Sun On. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 73-02, Section: B, page: . / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2010. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 145-158). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. [Ann Arbor, MI] : ProQuest Information and Learning, [201-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstract also in Chinese.
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Eletrorretinograma de padrão reverso (PERG) de campo total na esclerose múltipla e na neuromielite óptica e PERG multifocal na atrofia em banda do nervo óptico: correlação com os achados da tomografia de coerência óptica e da perimetria c / Pattern-reversal electroretinogram (PERG) full field in multiple sclerosis and optic neuromyelitis and multifocal PERG in band atrophy of the optic nerve: correlation with the findings of optical coherence tomography and computerized perimetryKenzo Hokazono 25 April 2014 (has links)
OBJETIVO: avaliar a capacidade do eletrorretinograma de padrão reverso de campo total (PERG) e multifocal (PERGmf) de detectar alterações funcionais da retina em pacientes com afecções desmielinizantes e compressivas da via óptica anterior; estudar a correlação entre as amplitudes do PERG e PERGmf com as espessuras das camadas internas da retina obtidas pela tomografia de coerência óptica (TCO) e com a perda de campo visual avaliada pela perimetria computadorizada padrão (PCP). MÉTODOS: cento e cinquenta e dois olhos de 28 pacientes com esclerose múltipla (EM), 38 com espectro da neuromielite óptica (NMO) com ou sem neurite óptica (NO) prévia e 30 olhos de 26 controles normais foram submetidos ao PERG, à TCO para avaliação da camada de fibras nervosas da retina (CFNR) peripapilar e camadas internas da retina na mácula e à PCP. Os olhos estudados foram divididos em 4 grupos: grupo 1. EM com NO; grupo 2. EM sem NO; grupo 3. NMO; grupo 4. Mielite transversa longitudinal extensa. Os achados foram comparados utilizando-se as equações de estimativas generalizadas. As correlações entre os achados do PERG, da TCO e da PCP foram avaliadas pela correlação de Pearson ou Spearman e pela análise de regressão linear. Para avaliação dos pacientes com doenças compressivas da via óptica anterior, foram estudados 25 olhos de pacientes com defeito campimétrico temporal e atrofia em banda (AB) do nervo óptico decorrente de compressões quiasmáticas já tratadas e 25 olhos de 25 controles normais pelo PERGmf, a TCO e a PCP. As comparações entre olhos com AB e controles foram feitas usando análise de variância (ANOVA). As correlações entre achados do PERGmf, da TCO e da PCP foram avaliadas pela correlação de Pearson ou Spearman e pela análise de regressão linear. RESULTADOS: comparado com controles, as amplitudes do PERG foram significativamente reduzidas em olhos de pacientes com NMO e EM com NO, mas não mostraram diferenças significativas em olhos de pacientes com EM sem NO e mielite transversa longitudinal extensa. Correlações significantes foram encontradas entre os valores de amplitude de N95, a espessura da camada de células ganglionares da retina e a espessura da CFNR peripapilar. As reduções de amplitudes do PERG também foram significativamente associadas à perda de sensibilidade do campo visual. Na avaliação de pacientes com AB do nervo óptico, as amplitudes do PERGmf foram significativamente reduzidas nos quadrantes temporais quando comparados com controles. Não houve diferenças de amplitude nos setores nasais. Correlações significativas foram encontradas entre as amplitudes do PERGmf, a espessura macular total e a CFNR peripapilar no setor temporal e a perda de sensibilidade do campo visual. CONCLUSÕES: O PERG foi capaz de detectar perda funcional em pacientes com EM e NMO com NO prévia e suas amplitudes foram significativamente correlacionadas com a espessura das camadas internas da retina e camada de fibras nervosas peripapilar. As amplitudes do PERGmf foram capazes de demonstrar perda funcional em pacientes com AB do nervo óptico e apresentaram correlações significantes com a perda de sensibilidade do campo visual e as medidas de espessura macular total e da CFNR peripapilar / PURPOSE: To evaluate the ability of full-field and multifocal (mf) pattern electroretinogram (PERG) parameters to detect functional changes of the retina in patients with demyelinating and compressive diseases of the anterior visual pathway; to study the relationship between the PERG (full field and multifocal) amplitudes, optical coherence tomography (OCT)-measured inner retinal layers measurements and visual field sensitivity loss on standard automated perimetry (SAP). METHODS: one hundred fifty-two eyes of 28 patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), 38 with neuromyelitis optica (NMO) spectrum with or without previous episodes of optic neuritis (ON) and 30 eyes of 26 normal controls underwent PERG, OCT macular and peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer measurements and SAP. The eyes of the patients were divided into 4 groups: group 1. EM with ON; group 2. EM without ON; group 3. NMO; group 4. Longitudinally extensive transverse myelitis (LETM). The findings were compared using the generalized estimating equations (GEE). The correlations between the findings of the PERG, OCT and SAP were assessed by Pearson correlation coefficients or Spearman\'s rank correlation coefficients and linear regression analysis. For evaluation of patients with compressive diseases of the anterior visual pathway, 25 eyes of patients with temporal visual field defect and band atrophy (BA) of the optic nerve due to chiasmal compression and 25 eyes of 25 normal controls were studied by mfPERG, OCT and SAP. Comparisons between BA and control eyes were made using variance analysis (ANOVA). The correlations between the findings mfPERG, OCT and SAP were evaluated by Pearson correlation coefficients or Spearman\'s rank correlation coefficients and linear regression analysis. RESULTS: compared to controls, PERG amplitudes were significantly reduced in eyes of patients with MS with ON and NMO, but not in eyes with MS without ON and longitudinal extensive transverse myelitis. Significant correlations were found between N95 amplitudes values, OCT-measured macular ganglion cell layer thickness, total retinal thickness, and temporal peripapillary RNFL thickness.The reduced mfPERG amplitudes were also significantly associated with loss of visual field sensitivity. In the evaluation of patients with BA of the optic nerve, mfPERG amplitudes were significantly reduced in the temporal quadrants when compared with controls. There were no differences in the amplitudes values in the nasal sectors. Significant correlations were found between mfPERG amplitudes, OCT-measured total macular thickness and peripapillary RNFL in the temporal sector and the loss of sensitivity of the visual field. CONCLUSIONS: full-field PERG measurements were able to detect functional loss in patients with MS and NMO with previous episodes of ON and PERG amplitudes were significantly correlated with inner retinal layers thicknesses and peripapillary RNFL. Multifocal PERG amplitudes were able to demonstrate functional loss in patients with BA of the optic nerve and showed significant correlations with visual field sensitivity loss and OCT-measured total macular and peripapillary RNFL thickness
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Pathophysiology and gene therapy of the optic neuropathy in Wolfram Syndrome / Physiopathologie et thérapie génique de la neuropathie optique associée au Syndrome de WolframJagodzinska, Jolanta 22 December 2016 (has links)
Le Syndrome de Wolfram (SW; OMIM #222300, prévalence 1-9 / 1000 000) est une maladie neurodégénérative, qui se présente avec un début juvénile, intégrant le diabète insipide, diabète sucré, l’atrophie optique (AO), et la surdité. AO est généralement son premier symptôme neurologique, commençant à l’âge de 11 ans et se terminant par la cécité 8 ans plus tard. Malheureusement, un modèle murin du SW approprié aux symptômes ophtalmologiques n'a pas encore été trouvé, donc la recherche de la thérapie pour sauver la vision en est à ces débuts. Dans cette thèse j’ai étudié l’atteinte visuelle de deux modèles de souris mutantes pour le SW et succès d’une approche de thérapie génique (TG) avec le gène humain WFS1.Premièrement, les souris Wfs1exon8del sont été examinées à 3 et 6 mois pour l’acuité visuelle (AV) et la sensibilité aux contrastes (SC) via changements dans le reflexe optomoteur (ROM), la fonction rétinienne neurale par électrorétinogramme (ERG), ainsi que la physiologie de l’œil par la fondoscopie et tomographie par cohérence optique (TCO). De plus, la proportion des cellules ganglionnaire de la rétine (CGRs) et la perte axonale dans le nerf optique (NO) à 7 mois ont été examinés avec marquage anti-Brn3a et microscopie électronique, respectivement. Il y avait une perte progressive de l’AV et la SC chez les souris KO à partir du 1 mois. Elle était accompagnée d'une pâleur du disque optique (DO), d'amincissement de la rétine ainsi que des lésions axonales. Par contre, il n’avait pas de perte des CGRs ni stress du réticulum endoplasmique dans la rétine. Brièvement, les souris KO présentent un phénotype ophtalmique du SW significatif et peuvent servir comme modèle.Deuxièmement, à la recherche d'un autre modèle du SW, les fonctions visuelles de la lignée Wfs1E864K de la souris ont été étudiées. Déjà à 1 mois, les souris Wfs1E864K/E864K avait une perte drastique de la fonction des CGRs, mais en gardant le nombre de cellules à un niveau normal. Ceci a été accompagné par un amincissement de la rétine et d’un sévère dommage du NO, comme montré par le TCO et la fondoscopie, respectivement. En conséquence, les souris Wfs1E864K/E864K, avec leur fort phénotype ophtalmique, pourraient servir comme modèle du SW classique.Enfin, pour enquêter sur les futures options de traitement contre le SW, les souris de la lignée Wfs1exon8del à 1 mois ont subi une TG intravitréenne avec AAV-2/2-CMV-WFS1. Les examens à 3 et 6 mois ont montré une amélioration de l’AV, ainsi que le sauvetage de la pâleur du DO et réduction des lésions axonales chez les souris KO. En outre, aucun effet indésirable lié à des injections TG n’ont été noté. Suivant cette idée, les souris Wfs1E864K/E864K ont également été soumis à la TG intravitréenne, délivrée à P14, mais sans succès.En conclusion, la lignée Wfs1exon8del de la souris est un modèle fiable du SW, y compris les aspects visuels. Je propose le modèle Wfs1E864K/E864K comme une alternative, en particulier pour enquêter sur la fonction de Wfs1 dans l'œil. Enfin, la GT intravitréenne avec WFS1 a un potentiel pour sauver partiellement le phénotype ophtalmique, ouvrant la voie vers le traitement pour les patients du SW / Wolfram Syndrome (WS; OMIM #222300, prevalence 1-9 / 1 000 000) has a juvenile onset and incorporates diabetes insipidus, diabetes mellitus, optic atrophy (OA), and deafness; leading to death in middle age. OA is its first neurological symptom, starting in adolescence and ending with blindness within 8 years. Unfortunately, a suitable WS mouse model comprising ophthalmologic symptoms has not yet been found, therefore the search for its treatment is delayed. In this thesis, I studied visual impairment in two WS mouse models along with a success of a gene therapy (GT) approach with the human WFS1 gene.Firstly, 3 and 6 months old Wfs1exon8del mice were examined for the visual acuity (VA) and contrast sensitivity via changes in the opto-motor reflex (OMR), the neural retinal function via electroretinogram (ERG), as well as the eye physiology via fundoscopy and optic coher-ence tomography (OCT). Also, the proportion of retinal ganglion cells (RGC) and the axonal loss at the age of 7 months were determined with anti-Brn3a immuno-labeling of retinal sections and electron microscopy of optic nerve (ON) sections, respectively. There was a progressive loss of VA and contrast sensitivity in Wfs1exon8del-/- mice, starting already at 1 month of age. It was accompanied by optic disc pallor, retinal thinning as well as axonal damage. However, there was no RGC loss and the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress in the retina was at a normal level. It suggested a presence of another cause for the reported degeneration in KO mice; in opposition to what was proposed in the literature. I brief, KO mice exhibit significant WS ophthalmic phenotype.Secondly, in search for another model, visual functions of Wfs1E864K mouse line were investigated. This line was originally a model of Wolfram-like Syndrome, characterized by dominant mutations in WFS1 leading to congenital progressive hearing impairment, diabetes mellitus and OA. Only homozygous mutants, however, showed expected visual impairment. Already at 1 month of age, Wfs1E864K/E864K mice had drastic loss of RGC function, albeit keeping the cell number at a normal level. This was accompanied by retinal thinning and a severe ON damage, as shown with OCT and fundoscopy, respectively. In contrast, the RGC function in Wfs1E864K/+ mice dropped slightly only at the age of 7 and 12 months, showing that the pathology of the E864K mutation-driven disease in mice is different than in humans. Therefore, Wfs1E864K/E864K mice, with their strong ophthalmic phenotype, could potentially serve as a model of the classical WS.Finally, to investigate future treatment options, 1 month old Wfs1exon8del+/+ (WT) and Wfs1exon8del-/- (KO) mice underwent a uni- and bi-lateral intravitreal gene therapy (GT) with AAV-2/2-CMV-WFS1. Exams at 3 and 6 months of age showed improved VA, as well as optic pallor and axonal damage rescue in KO mice. Also, no adverse effects related to either GT or sham injections were noted. Following this idea, the Wfs1E864K/E864K mice were also subjected to intravitreal GT, delivered at P14, but without success.In conclusion, Wfs1exon8del mouse line is a reliable model of WS, including the visual aspects. I propose the Wfs1E864K/E864K model as an alternative, especially to investigate Wfs1 function in the eye. Finally, the intravitreal AAV-driven GT with WFS1 has a potential to partially rescue the ophthalmic phenotype, paving the wave towards the treatment for WS patients.
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Composants actifs en optique intégrée pour l'interférométrie stellaire dans le moyen infrarouge / Active integrated optical devices for mid-infrared stellar interferometryHeidmann, Samuel 19 December 2013 (has links)
L'observation d'exoplanètes et plus généralement de l'environnement proche de jeunes étoiles représente une double difficulté observationnelle : la faible séparation angulaire entre l'étoile et la planète (ou son environnement tel qu'un disque protoplanétaire) et le contraste de flux. L'une des techniques permettant de surmonter ces difficultés est l'interférométrie en frange noire. Deux télescopes pointent un système étoile planète/disque et les pupilles sont recombinées de telle manière que les photons issus de l'étoile interfèrent destructivement alors que ceux issus de la planète/disque interfèrent constructivement. Les contraintes instrumentales sont très fortes pour garantir une extinction suffisante de l'étoile, tant en terme de différence de marche optique (de l'ordre du nanomètre) que d'équilibre photométrique (4% minimum pour obtenir un taux d'extinction de 40dB). La bande L (3.4 - 4.1μm) est adaptée à l'observation de matière froide, car le rapport de flux entre la planète (ou poussière stellaire) et son étoile présente un minimum de l'ordre de 10−4 après 3μm, ce qui rend la bande L particulièrement attractive pour ce genre d'observations. Parce que les silicates et le verre ne permettent pas de construire des guides atteignant la bande L, il n'existe pas aujourd'hui d'instrument mature fonctionnant dans cette bande en optique intégrée. En effet, les contraintes instrumentales concernant l'interférométrie annulante peuvent être relaxées en utilisant un interféromètre intégré monomode, grâce au filtrage modal. Un instrument interférométrique intégré en bande L serait donc le bienvenu, mais cela nécessite un effort technologique de développement pour mettre au point une méthode de production de guides monomodes en bande L ainsi que de recombineurs intégrés. Mon travail de thèse a consisté à développer de tels guides d'onde ainsi que des recombineurs permettant d'obtenir un taux d'extinction de 10−4 sur la bande L. Le matériau choisi est le Niobate de Lithium (LiNbO3) dont la transparence en infrarouge moyen en fait un parfait candidat. Nous avons utilisé deux méthodes pour fabriquer les guides : l'échange protonique et la diffusion de Titane. Cette dernière méthode permet de guider les deux polarisations T E et T M . Comme le Niobate de Lithium est électro-optique, nous avons aussi travaillé à piloter le retard de phase entre les voies interférométriques de manière intégrée, sans pièce mécanique mobile, en appliquant un champ électrique au niveau du guide via des électrodes "on chip". L'effet électro-optique nous permet non seulement de faire varier la différence de marche entre les voies mais aussi de régler l'équilibre photométrique, ouvrant la voie à la réalisation d'un interféromètre intégré complet, léger, compact et robuste. J'ai donc cherché à caractériser et optimiser l'efficacité électro-optique du système afin d'obtenir une tension de commande inférieure à 15V. Le résultat est un interféromètre de type Y présentant deux Mach-Zehnders en entrée pour le réglage des photométries et offrant un taux d'extinction de 33dB en lumière monochromatique à 3.39μm. Le pilotage électro-optique étant très rapide (> MHz), il devient alors possible de compenser les perturbations de phase induites par l'atmosphère (1kHz) en temps réel. Nous avons ainsi travaillé à construire un démonstrateur qui permet de compenser des retards de phases de l'ordre du kHz sans pièce mobile, garantissant, à 3.39μm, une différence de marche de l'ordre de 3nm. Nous avons aussi réalisé des coupleurs directionnels dont le taux de couplage peut être modulé via une tension de commande. L'application directe de cette technologie est un composant interférométrique 2TABCD ou 3TAC dont les défauts (déséquilibre des coupleurs) peuvent être corrigés par calibration. / The observation of exoplanets and more generally of the close environment of young stars represents an observational double difficulty : the small angular separation between the star and the planet (or its environment such as a protoplanetary disk) and contrast flux. One technique to overcome these difficulties is the nulling interferometry. Two telescopes target a star planet/disk system and the pupils are recombined in such a way that the photons from the star cause destructive interference while those from the planet/disk cause constructive interference. Instrumental constraints are very strong to ensure sufficient extinction of the star, both in terms of optical path difference (of the order of nanometers) than photometric balance (4% for a minimum extinction ratio 40dB). L-band (3.4-4.1μm) is adapted to the observation of cold matter, because the flux ratio between the planet (or star dust) and the star presents a minimum of 10−4 order after 3μm, making the L-band particularly attractive for such observations. Because silicates and glass are not suitable to build guides reaching the L-band, there is currently no mature instrument in this band in integrated optics. Indeed, instrumental constraints on nulling interferometry can be relaxed by using a single-mode interferometer integrated, thanks to modal filtering. An interferometric instrument integrated L-band would be more than welcome, but needs a technology development effort to develop a method of producing L-band single-mode guides as well as integrated beam combiners. My PhD work was to develop such single mode waveguides as well as beam combiners in order to ob- tain an extinction ratio of 10−4 in the L-band. The selected material is lithium niobate (LiNbO3), the mid-infrared transparency makes it a perfect candidate. We used two methods to make the guides : proton exchange and Titanium diffusion. This latter allows to guide both TE and TM polarizations. As Lithium Niobate is electro-optic, we also worked to internally control the phase delay between channels without mobile mechanical part, applying an electric field at the guide via electrodes "on chip". The electro-optical effect allows us to not only vary the optical path delay between channels but also to settle the photometric balance, paving the way towards the realization of an integrated complete interferometer, lightweight, compact and robust. I therefore sought to characterize and optimize the electro-optical efficiency of the system to obtain a command voltage lower than 15V. The result is a "Y" interferometer presenting two Mach-Zehnders as input for photometric adjustment and offering an extinction ratio of 33dB in monochromatic light (3.39μm). Because the electro-optical drive is very fast (> MHz), it becomes possible to compensate for the phase perturbations induced by the atmosphere (1kHz) in real time. We have worked to build a demonstrator which compensates phase delays of the order of kHz without mechanical mobile part and which guarantees, at 3.39μm, an optical path delay around 3nm. We also realized directional couplers whose coupling ratio can be adjusted via a control voltage. The direct application of this technology is an interferometric component 2TABCD or 3TAC whose defects (unbalanced couplers) can be electrically corrected by calibration.
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