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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Los procesos de integración regional en América Latina: un análisis comparativo a partir de la Teoría de Áreas Monetarias Óptimas

Ramírez Roma, Francesc Xavier 14 January 2011 (has links)
A mitjans de la dècada dels noranta Amèrica Llatina va experimentar un fort impuls dels acords d'integració realitzats entre països de la regió i respecte a tercers. Com a resultat d'aquest procés, es varen enfortir acords ja existents, com el Mercat Comú Centreamericà (MCCA) o la Comunitat Andina, i es varen signar nous acords d'integració com el Mercat Comú del Sud (MERCOSUR). L'objectiu d'aquesta investigació se centra en analitzar els tres processos d'integració existents a Amèrica Llatina. En aquest sentit, s'utilitzen alguns criteris i variables descrites en la literatura d'Àrees Monetàries Òptimes, a fi d'avaluar, per a cada àmbit, el grau de preparació de cadascun dels blocs regionals llatinoamericans per aprofundir en el seu procés d'integració regional. D'altra banda, a partir de la Teoria d'Árees Monetàries Òptimes s'elabora un índex agregat amb l'objectiu de conèixer quin dels tres blocs regionals està més preparat per avançar cap una major integració regional. Els resultats suggereixen que en el moment present, dels tres processos d'integració regional analitzats, el Mercat Comú Centreamericà mostra unes condicions més favorables per aprofundir cap a estadis més avançats d'integració regional. També, des de la seva situació actual propera a una unió duanera, el MCCA ha registrat millores significatives en els últims anys en els indicadors d'integració regional analitzats. Tot i així, malgrat aquest progrés observat, el grau d'acompliment dels requisits associats a una àrea monetària òptima, recomanables per aprofundir cap a estadis d'integració regional més avançats com una unió monetària, es pot considerar, en el moment present com dèbil, tant per al MCCA com per la resta de processos analitzats. / A mediados de la década de los noventa América Latina experimentó un fuerte impulso de los acuerdos de integración realizados entre países de la región y respecto a terceros. Como resultado de este proceso, se fortalecieron acuerdos ya existentes, como el Mercado Común Centroamericano (MCCA) o la Comunidad Andina, y se firmaron nuevos acuerdos de integración como el Mercado Común del Sur (MERCOSUR). El objetivo de esta investigación se centra en analizar los tres procesos de integración existentes en América Latina. En este sentido, se utilizan algunos criterios y variables descritas en la literatura sobre Áreas Monetarias Óptimas, con el fin de evaluar, para cada ámbito, el grado de preparación de cada uno de los bloques regionales latinoamericanos para profundizar en su proceso de integración regional. Asimismo, a partir de la Teoría de Áreas Monetarias Óptimas se elabora un índice agregado con el objetivo de conocer cuál de los tres bloques regionales está más preparado para avanzar hacia una mayor integración regional.Los resultados sugieren que en la actualidad, de los tres procesos de integración regional analizados, el Mercado Común Centroamericano muestra unas condiciones más favorables para profundizar hacia estadios más avanzados de integración regional. Asimismo, desde su situación actual cercana a una unión aduanera, el MCCA ha registrado mejoras significativas en los últimos años en los indicadores de integración regional analizados. Aún así, a pesar de este progreso, el grado de cumplimiento de los requisitos asociados a un área óptima monetaria, deseables para profundizar hacia etapas de integración más avanzadas como una unión monetaria, todavía puede considerarse en la actualidad como débil, tanto para el MCCA como para el resto de procesos analizados. / In the middle of the decade of the nineties Latin America experienced a strong impulse of the agreements of integration between countries of the region and with regard to third partners. As a result of the process, already existing agreements, such as the Central American Common Market (CACM) or the Andean Community, became stronger and new agreements of integration were signed, such as the Common Market of the South (MERCOSUR). The aim of this research focuses on analyzing the three existing processes of integration in Latin America. Some criteria and variables described in the literature on Optimum Currency Areas will be used in order to evaluate the degree of readiness shown by the partners of each Latin American block to go more deeply into their process of regional integration. Likewise, an index will be elaborated from the Optimum Currency Areas Theory with the aim of knowing which of the three regional blocks is more prepared to advance towards a deeper regional integration.The results suggest that, at present, from the three processes of regional integration analyzed, the Central American Common Market shows more favourable conditions to reach more advanced stages of regional integration. Likewise, from its current stage of customs union, the CACM has made significant improvements in recent years with respect to regional integration indicators. Nonetheless, in spite of this progress, the degree of compliance with the requirements of the optimum currency area, which are advisable in order to advance towards a stage of integration of monetary union, may currently still be considered weak, both for the CACM and for the rest of the analyzed processes.

Θεωρία άριστων νομισματικών περιοχών και πραγματική & ονομαστική σύγκλιση : είναι τα νέα κράτη μέλη της ΕΕ έτοιμα να ενταχθούν στην ευρωζώνη;

Αβραμοπούλου, Χριστίνα 07 January 2009 (has links)
Ο σκοπός αυτής της εργασίας είναι να εξετάσει σε ποιό βαθμό τα δώδεκα νέα κράτη μέλη (ΝΚΜ)της ΕΕ είναι έτοιμα να ενταχθούν στην ΟΝΕ. Αρχικά, αναφέρονται γενικά τα κριτήρια των άριστων νομισματικών περιόχών (ΑΝΠ) και έπειτα η σχετική βιβλιογραφία για τα ΝΚΜ. Έπειτα, ακολουθεί μια περιγραφική ανάλυση της ανοιχτότητας του εμπορίου και της διαχρονικής πορείας του κατα κεφαλήν προϊόντος των ΝΚΜ. Τέλος,εξετάζεται ο βαθμός σύγκλισης των οικονομικών κύκλων των 12 ΝΚΜ με της Ευρωζώνης και ελέγχονται οι υποθέσεις της ενδογένειας και της β-σύγκλισης αυτών των χωρών. / The aim of this study is to examine in what extent the twelve new member states (NMS)of EU are ready to join the EMU. Firstly, it is refered to the optimum currency area (OCA) criteria in general and to the relative bibliography for the NMS. Secondly, it is presented a descriptive analysis of the openness of the trade and of the time path of the per capita product of NMS. Finally, it is examined the extend of convergence of business cycles of the 12 NMS to the Eurozone and the hypotheses of endogeneity and beta-convergence for these countries.

Česká republika a eurozóna / The Czech Republic and the Euro Area

Fiedlerová, Lucie January 2009 (has links)
This graduation thesis is concerned with the Czech Republic's readiness for the entry to the euro area. Our Republic engaged to adopt shared euro currency already before the single admission to the European union, therefore it is not suitable to research, whether the Czech Republic should adopt euro or not, but when this step will be the most appropriate to render. The introductory part of the theses describes the history of the European monetary integration and the Stability and Growth Pact as an important instrument of the budget branch adherence. The theoretical part of the thesis focuses on the theory of optimal monetary areas, which is closely associated with monetary integration. Analytical section examines the rate of nominal and real approximation of Czech economy to the euro area's economies. I deal thoroughly with the fulfilment of convergence criteria and on the basis of GDP growth rate I analyse the real convergence. I solve the current influence of Greece's problems on the admission of euro in the Czech Republic and the Slovak macroeconomic experience with the entry to the euro area.

Analýza krize hospodářské a měnové unie na příkladu eurozóny / Analysis of the Economic and Monetary Union crisis based on the Eurozone example

Ševčíková, Michaela January 2011 (has links)
Global economic and financial crisis uncovered serious structural deficiencies of the EU economies - especially of the Eurozone members. High levels of debt have resulted in inability to honour it and state bankruptcies or necessary debt restructurings are a real possibility. This paper analyzes the current Eurozone crisis on the basis of theoretical and methodical foundations of the Optimal Currency Area literature and theory of economic integration. It evaluates the rationality of the Maastricht nominal convergence criteria and analyzes the role of real convergence criteria in like with the introduction of common currency and common monetary policy. It discusses the non-compliance with the Stability and Growth Pact which was supposed to ensure fiscal discipline also after a country's Euro accession. It also deals with the current developments in the monetary and fiscal crisis of the most affected Eurozone members (Greece, Ireland, Portugal) which have already had to ask for financial aid from the EU and the IMF. Tools and measures adopted in this light by the EU and other national and supra-national authorities are also discussed and their partial evaluation is presented. The final section offers possible alternatives of future development of the Eurozone.

Four essays on monetary and financial integration in Asia / Quatre essais sur l'intégration monétaire et financière en Asie

Keddad, Benjamin 07 November 2013 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous proposons quatre contributions originales à l'étude de l'intégration monétaire et financière des pays asiatiques.Dans le premier chapitre nous déterminons la sensibilité relative des devises asiatiques (ASEAN-5, Corée du Sud) face aux chocs simulés sur le dollar, l'euro et l'ACU. Nous mettons en évidence la volonté de ces pays de se détourner d'une politique de change exclusivement centrée sur le dollar vers une politique plus flexible, où le poids de l'ACU semble avoir gagné en importance.Le deuxième chapitre met l'accent sur la synchronisation entre les cycles des affaires de l'ASEAN-5. Nous montrons que la corrélation entre les cycles est plus forte durant les phases de contraction mais que la dynamique d'ajustement est propre à chaque pays. Par ailleurs, certains cycles des affaires de l'ASEAN-5 contiennent des informations pertinentes pour prédire les changements de régime des autres pays.Le troisième chapitre examine le co-mouvement entre les taux de change réels de l'ASEAN-5 du point de vue de la parité de pouvoir d'achat généralisé (Enders and Hurns, 1994, 1997). Nous montrons que les taux de change réels sont liés par un processus à mémoire longue, ce qui soutient l'idée d'une intégration monétaire plus poussée entre différents sous-groupes de pays. Enfin dans le dernier chapitre, nous examinons le degré d'intégration des marchés boursiers en Asie (ASEAN-5, Hong Kong, Japon). Nos résultats montrent que la volatilité des marchés boursiers internationaux partagent une tendance stochastique commune. En revanche, les marchés boursiers des pays émergents apparaissent encore segmentés tant au niveau global que régional. / This thesis proposes four contributions to the study of Asian monetary and financial integration.The first chapter examines to what extent the East Asian exchange rates (ASEAN-5, South Korea) are sensitive to shocks simulated on the US dollar, the euro and the ACU. We show that these countries have moved from a US dollar-based pegging system to a more flexible exchange rate policy, where the weight of the ACU has increased over the last years. The second chapter attempts to analyze the correlation among the ASEAN-5 business cycles. Estimates reveal that correlations are higher during downturns but the process of adjustment to shocks displays idiosyncratic features. We also provide evidence that the signals contained in some leading ASEAN-5 business cycles help predict regime switching in other countries. The third chapter examines the co-movement among the ASEAN-5 real exchange rates through the generalized purchasing power parity (Enders and Hurns, 1994, 1997). We find that real exchange rates are tied through a long memory process, supporting further monetary integration among different sub-groups of the ASEAN-5.In the last chapter, we investigate to what extent the stock markets in Asia (Hong Kong, Japan, ASEAN-5) are integrated. Our results reveal that the stock market volatilities in developed countries share a common stochastic trend. Conversely, emerging markets appear to be segmented from both each other and global markets.

Integration and interdependency : identification of the ruptures in the case of East-Asian countries / Intégration et interdépendances : identification des ruptures dans le cas des pays d'Asie

Essaadi, Essahbi 27 June 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse la faisabilité d'une union monétaire en Asie de l'Est dans une vision dynamique et utilise les outils appropriés qui correspondent à l'histoire de l'économie régionale de la région. A partir de la littérature de la ZMO, nous testons quatre critères où chaqu'un d'eux sera traiter dans un chapitre. Dans le premier chapitre, nous présentons un fait stylisé pour différents arrangements financiers régionaux. Suite à la littérature existence, nous testons la dynamique de l'intégration financière par le biais de l'interdépendance des marchés boursiers. Le deuxième chapitre présente des perspectives à long terme des taux de change en Asie de l'Est avec une recommandation de la politique de ciblage d'inflation comme une politique monétaire régionale. L'adoption de cette politique assure un équilibre interne et maintient la stabilité de la compétitivité par la stabilité du taux de change. Nous étudions la synchronisation des cycles à l'Asie de l'Est au troisième chapitre. Une nouvelle mesure de la synchronisation des cycles économiques fondés sur l'analyse spectrale a été introduite. Notre méthodologie empirique renforce ceux des chapitres précédents qui prouvent une intégration économique croissante dans la région essentiellement durant cette dernière décennie. Le dernier chapitre examine la réaction d'un choc externe et un choc monétaire aux différents dates pour certaines économies de l'Asie de l'Est. / This thesis analyzes the feasibility of a monetary union in East Asia in a dynamic view and employ the appropriate tools which are close to the specific way of the regional economy trajectory in the region. Starting from OCA literature, we test four main criteria in four separate chapter. In the first chapter, we present a stylized fact for different regional financial arrangement. Following existence literature, we test dynamic of financial integration through stock market index interdependence proxy. The second Chapter presents long term perspective of exchange rate in East Asia with a recommendation of Inflation Targeting policy as a common regional monetary policy. The adoption of such policy insures an internal equilibrium and maintains stability of competitiveness through the stability of exchange rate. We investigate in the third Chapter business cycles synchronization in East Asia. A new measure of business cycle synchronization based on spectral analysis has been introduced. Our empirical methodology reinforces previous chapter finds of a clear economic integration in the region for the last decade. The last Chapter thoroughly investigates the reaction of an external shock and a monetary shock at different period for some East Asia economies.

Vývoj reálné a nominální konvergence v České a Slovenské republice a vstup ČR do EMU / Development of nominal and real convergence in Czech and Slovak Republic and entry of the Czech Republic into the EMU

Gajoš, Ondřej January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to define nominal and real convergence within the area of the European Union and to assess its development on the example of the Czech and Slovak Republics. This dissertation is divided into three integrated sections. The theoretical part analyses basic economic concepts related to the issue of convergence and stability of joint economic units. The topics covered include the Maastricht criteria, their relevance, currentness and possible conflict between nominal and real convergence with the accession of new countries, then the theory of optimum currency area (OCA), theory of endogeneity and exogeneity and the linkage on fiscal policy and fiscal discipline in the environment of the European Union and the eurozone. Special attention is focused on the development of fiscal policy following from the establishment of the Stability and Growth Pact, including its reforms and recent changes in the form of the Euro Plus Pact and the Fiscal Convention. To satisfy the need for quantitative evaluation of given hypotheses, the second (empirical and analytical) part offers two self-constructed indices - the index of real convergence and fiscal discipline index. Based on these indices, relationship between the performance criteria of nominal and the real economy is monitored in the evaluated cohort. The last part of this work is dedicated to synthesis and application of findings from the previous sections upon which conclusions and recommendations for possible entry of the Czech Republic into the euro area are made.

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