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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Desenvolvimento de um sistema opto-mecânico para micro usinagem com laser de femtosegundos / Development of an opto-mechanical system for micro machining with femtosecond laser

Vidal, José Tort 08 June 2010 (has links)
A usinagem de estruturas micrométricas pode ser feita com pulsos laser de nano, pico ou fentossegundos. Destes, porém, somente os mais curtos podem resultar em uma interação não térmica com a matéria, o que evita a fusão, formação de rebarba e zona afetada pelo calor. Devido à sua baixa potência média, contudo, a sua utilização na produção em massa somente pode ser considerada em casos muito especiais, isto é, quando o processamento não-térmico é essencial. Este é o caso da usinagem de semicondutores, aços elétricos, produção de MEMS (sistemas micro eletro-mecânicos), de micro canais e diversos dispositivos médicos e biológicos. Assim, visando a produção destes tipos de estruturas, uma estação de trabalho foi construída com capacidade de controlar os principais parâmetros de processo necessários para uma usinagem micrométrica com laser de pulsos ultracurtos. Os principais problemas deste tipo de estação são o controle da fluência e do posicionamento do ponto focal. Assim, o controle do diâmetro do feixe (no foco) e da energia devem ser feitos com grande precisão. Além disso, o posicionamento do ponto focal com precisão micrométrica nos três eixos, também é de fundamental importância. O sistema construído neste trabalho apresenta soluções para estes problemas, utilizando diversos sensores e posicionadores controlados simultaneamente por um único programa. A estação de trabalho recebe um feixe vindo de um laser de pulsos ultracurtos localizado em outro laboratório, e manipula este feixe de maneira a focalizá-lo com precisão na superfície da amostra a ser usinada. Os principais parâmetros controlados dinamicamente são a energia, o número de pulsos e o posicionamento individual de cada um deles. A distribuição espacial da intensidade, a polarização e as vibrações também foram medidas e otimizadas. O sistema foi testado e aferido com medidas de limiar de ablação do silício, que é um material bastante estudado neste regime de operação laser. Os resultados, quando confrontados com a literatura, mostram a confiabilidade e a precisão do sistema. A automatização, além de aumentar esta precisão, também aumentou a rapidez na obtenção dos resultados. Medidas de limiar de ablação também foram realizadas para o metal molibdênio, levando a resultados ainda não vistos na literatura. Assim, de acordo com o objetivo inicial, o sistema foi desenvolvido e está pronto para utilização em estudos que levem à produção de estruturas micrométricas. / Machining of very small structures has been made with nano, pico and femtosecond pulsed lasers. Among then, only femtosecond lasers may result in nonthermal interaction with matter, avoiding melting, formation of slag and heat affected zone. Mass production with such lasers yet can only be considered in cases where nonthermal effects are of prime importance. This is the case in machining of semiconductors and electric steels, the production of MEMS, microchannels, and many medical and biological devices. Hence, a workstation for production of such kind of microstructures was built with the capability of controlling the main parameters necessary for the machining process. Control of the laser fluence and focus positioning are the main concern in this kind of processing. So, the control of the laser beam diameter (in the focus) and of the pulse energy must be very precise. Positioning of focal point with micrometric precision in the three axes is also fundamental. The system built in this work provides solutions for these problems incorporating several sensors and positioning stages simultaneously controlled by a single software. The workstation receives a laser beam coming from another laboratory and delivers it to the surface of the sample managing with precision the main process parameters. The system can dynamically control the energy, number of pulses and positioning for each individual laser spot. Besides, the spatial distribution of the laser intensity, polarization and vibrations were also measured and optimized. The system was tested and calibrated with threshold ablation measurement for silicon, which is well studied in this regime of laser operation. The results where compared with data found in the literature and attested the reliability and precision of the system. Besides the increase in precision, the automation also turned much faster the data acquisition. Threshold ablation for metallic molybdenum was also obtained and resulted in data not found in the literature yet. Concluding the initial goal, the workstation was developed and is ready to be used in studies that can lead to production of micrometric structures.

Combustion confinée d'explosif condensé pour l'accélaration de projectile. Application en pyrotechnie spatiale / Confined combustion of high explosives for projectile acceleration. Applications in the field of space pyrotechnics

Nicoloso, Julien 18 June 2014 (has links)
L’opto-pyrotechnie (amorçage de la détonation par système optique) est l’une des innovations les plus prometteuses en termes de fiabilité, de sécurité et de performances pour les futurs lanceurs spatiaux. Le but de la thèse est d’étudier et de modéliser le premier des deux étages d’un Détonateur Opto-Pyrotechnique, constitué d’un explosif confiné dans une chambre de combustion fermée où se déroulent les premières phases d’une Transition Déflagration-Détonation. L’amorçage par laser de l’explosif puis la combustion en chambre isochore sont traités par le code EFAE, lequel est couplé au logiciel LS-DYNA qui simule la déformation et la rupture du disque de fermeture de la chambre, puis la propulsion du projectile résultant vers le second étage. En parallèle, diverses techniques expérimentales (adsorption de gaz, vélocimétrie hétérodyne, microscopie) ont mis en valeur plusieurs procédés physiques, ce qui a permis de tester le couplage entre EFAE et LS-DYNA, puis de déterminer et de hiérarchiser les paramètres affectant les critères industriels. / Opto-pyrotechnics (ignition of detonation by optical systems) is one of the most promising innovations to improve reliability, safety and performances on future space launchers. This thesis aims at studying and modeling the first stage from a two-stage opto-pyrotechnic detonator that consists of a condensed explosive confined in a closed combustion chamber, in which the beginning of a Deflagration-to-Detonation Transition occurs. The laser ignition of the explosive and its isochoric combustion are modeled by the EFAE code. This code is coupled with LS-DYNA software to deal with the deformation and the rupture of the metallic disk that closes the combustion chamber, and then with the subsequent propulsion of the projectile to the second stage. In parallel, various experimental technics (gas adsorption, photonic Doppler velocimetry, microscopy) have underlined several physical processes that allow first to test the coupling between EFAE and LS-DYNA, then to determine and classify influent parameters that affect the industrial specifications.

Defect mechanisms in diode lasers at high optical output power

Hempel, Martin 24 October 2013 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wird der Catastrophic Optical Damage (COD) zeitaufgelöst untersucht um die beteiligten physikalischen Mechanismen zu identifizieren. Der COD Prozess konnte zeitlich in drei Phasen unterteilt werden, die Alterung, der thermische Runaway (selbst verstärkende Rückkopplung) und das Sekundärschadenswachstum. Die erste Phase konnte durch eine neu eingeführte Art der beschleunigten Bauteilalterung auf den Nanosekunden-Bereich reduziert werden. Die Rolle des Laser-Lichtfelds als Energiequelle des COD-Prozesses wurde experimentell bestätigt. Die genutzten thermographischen Techniken erlaubten eine in-situ Verfolgung des Defektwachstums. Diese direkte Messung der Ausbreitung, die Modellierung des Wärmeflusses und eine kristallographische Materialanalyse zeigen, dass das Material, welches von der Defekt-Front passiert wurde, innerhalb von Nanosekunden zu substanziell tieferen Temperaturen zurückkehrt. Verschiedene experimentelle Ansätze bestätigen das Vorhandensein einer Temperatur im Bereich von 1200°C-1500°C an der Schadensfront während des gesamten Degradationsprozesses. Dabei hat sich gezeigt, dass selbst wenn keine Laseremission mehr vorliegt, die verstärkte spontane Emission ausreicht, um den fortschreitenden Degradationsprozessmit Energie zu versorgen. Für den Start des thermischen Runaway muss ein bestimmter Temperaturunterschied zwischen der späteren COD-Position und dem übrigen aktiven Lasermaterial erreicht werden. Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt verschiedene Mechanismen auf, die zu einer solchen Situation führen können. Dabei spielen auch physikalische Eigenschaften der verwendeten Materialsysteme und Schichtstrukturen eine entscheidende Rolle. Ein neu im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entwickeltes Modell zur Beschreibung der räumlichen Schadensausbreitung nutzt diesen Umstand, um die Defektkinetik ex-post zu rekonstruieren. Dies ermöglicht das Aufzeigen von Schwachstellen im Bauelement. / The scope of this thesis is the time-resolved investigation of the catastrophic optical damage (COD) and the identification of the underlying physical mechanisms. The COD has been separated in three temporal phases: the aging, the thermal runaway (self-amplifying feedback mechanism), and the secondary defect growth. It was possible to reduce the first phase to a couple of nano-seconds by applying a new accelerated life test scheme. It was experimentally verified that the laser light is the primary energy source of COD. The applied thermographic technologies allowed an in-situ tracing of the defect growth. A fast thermo cycle during the passage of the defect front was confirmed by this direct measurement, a modeling of the heat flow, and a crystallographic material analysis. Different experimental setups indicate the presence of a temperature in the range of 1200°C-1500°C at the defect front, during the entire COD-degradation. Even if no lasing action is present anymore, the amplified spontaneous emission is sufficient to provide enough energy for further defect growth. In order to initiate the thermal runaway, a specific temperature difference is necessary between the COD-starting location and the remaining active laser material. This thesis provides an analysis of the mechanisms leading to such a situation. This kind of analysis was used to develop a new model of the geometrical defect growth. The ability to re-construct the defect dynamics based on ex-post analysis of the defect pattern allows for the identification of bottlenecks in the investigated device design leading to COD.

Analyse des Straßenverkehrs mit verteilten opto-elektronischen Sensoren

Schischmanow, Adrian 14 November 2005 (has links)
Aufgrund der steigenden Verkehrsnachfrage und der begrenzten Resourcen zum Ausbau der Straßenverkehrsnetze werden zukünftig größere Anforderungen an die Effektivität von Telematikanwendungen gestellt. Die Erhebung und Bereitstellung aktueller Verkehrsdaten durch geeignete Sensoren ist dazu eine entscheidende Voraussetzung. Gegenstand dieser Arbeit ist die großflächige Analyse des Straßenverkehrs auf der Basis bodengebundener und verteilter opto-elektronischer Sensoren. Es wird ein Konzept vorgestellt, dass eine von der Bilddatenerhebung bis zur Bereitstellung der Daten für Verkehrsanwendungen durchgehende Verarbeitungskette enthält. Der interdisziplinäre Ansatz bildet die Basis zur Verknüpfung eines solchen Sensorsystems mit Verkehrstelematik. Die Abbildung des Verkehrsgeschehens erfolgt im Gegensatz zu herkömmlichen bodengebundenen Messsystemen innerhalb größerer zusammenhängender Ausschnitte des Verkehrsraums. Dadurch können streckenbezogene Verkehrskenngrößen direkt bestimmt werden. Die Georeferenzierung der Verkehrsobjekte ist die Grundlage für eine optimale Verkehrsanalyse und Verkehrssteuerung. Die generierten Daten sind Basis zur Findung und Verifizierung von Theorien und Modellen sowie zur Entwicklung verkehrsadaptiver Steuerungsverfahren auf mikroskopischer Ebene. Es wird gezeigt, wie aus der Fusion gleichzeitig erhaltener Daten mehrerer Sensoren, die im Bereich des Sichtbaren und im thermalen Infrarot sensitiv sind, ein zusammengesetztes Abbildungsmosaik eines vergrößerten Verkehrsraums erzeugt werden kann. In diesem Abbildungsmosaik werden Verkehrsdatenmodelle unterschiedlicher räumlicher Kategorien abgeleitet. Die Darstellung des Abbildungsmosaiks mit seinen Daten erfolgt auf unterschiedlichen Informationsebenen in geokodierten Karten. Die Bewertung mikroskopischer Verkehrsprozesse wird durch die besondere Berücksichtigung der Zeitkomponente bei der Visualisierung möglich. Die vorgestellte Verarbeitungskette beinhaltet neue Anwendungsbereiche für geografische Informationssysteme (GIS). Der beschriebene Ansatz wurde konzeptionell bearbeitet, in der Programmiersprache IDL realisiert und erfolgreich getestet. / The growing demand of urban and interregional road traffic requires an improvement regarding the effectiveness of telematics systems. The use of appropriate sensor systems for traffic data acquisition is a decisive prerequisite for the efficiency of traffic control. This thesis focuses on analyzing road traffic based on stationary and distributed ground opto-electronic matrix sensors. A concept which covers all parts from image data acquisition up to traffic data provision is presented. This interdisciplinary approach establishes a basis for the integration of such a sensor system into telematics systems. Unlike conventional ground stationary sensors, the acquisition of traffic data is spread over larger areas in this case. As a result, road specific traffic data can be measured directly. Georeferencing of traffic objects is the basis for optimal road traffic analysis and road traffic control. This approach will demonstrate how to generate a spatial mosaic consisting of traffic data generated by several sensors with different spectral resolution. For traffic flow analysis the realisation of special 4D data visualisation methods on different information levels was an essential need. The data processing chain introduces new areas of application for geographical information systems (GIS). The approach utilised in this study has been worked out conceptually and also successfully tested and applied in the programming language IDL.

Développement de polymères semi-conducteurs absorbant dans le proche infra-rouge pour des interfaces sans contact / Synthesis of organic polymeric semiconductors absorbing in the near infrared for Human Machine Interfaces

Khelifi, Wissem 15 January 2019 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse porte sur l’élaboration de matériaux polymères conjugués absorbants dans le proche infra-rouge. Il est issu du projet TAPIR financé par l’ANR dans lequel nous visons le développement de dispositifs d’interface Homme/Machine (IHM) pour des applications dans le secteur de la santé, afin de limiter la propagation des agents pathogènes. Les IHM étant contrôlées avec la main, sans contact, grâce à la réflectivité de la peau, (gamme spectrale 850-950 nm), il faut développer des matériaux absorbant dans cette gamme. Dans ce projet, notre rôle a été de synthétiser la partie active du photodétecteur infrarouge utilisé pour récupérer l’information. Une étude bibliographique et des calculs préliminaires ont permis une sélection judicieuse de différents monomères afin d’assurer une stabilité intrinsèque et obtenir les propriétés d’absorption requises. Différents monomères donneurs (D) et accepteurs (A) ont été combinés afin de synthétiser des copolymères alternés de types (D-A). Deux familles de copolymères absorbants dans le proche infrarouge ont ainsi été synthétisés Tous les copolymères ont été synthétisés via la polycondensation Stille. Leurs propriétés optiques, électroniques et leurs stabilités thermiques ont été étudiées. Par la suite, après avoir confirmé le rôle prépondérant de la force du monomère accepteur, par rapport à celle du donneur, sur les propriétés d’absorptions et les niveaux électroniques des différents copolymères obtenus, nous avons développé une approche originale très peu rapportée dans la littérature. Elle consiste en l’élaboration de copolymères de type (A-A). Ainsi, nous avons synthétisé six copolymères absorbants dans la gamme de longueurs d’onde souhaitée, et même au-delà. Enfin, certains copolymères ont pu être caractérisés en dispositifs OFET et photodétecteurs. / This thesis work focuses on the development of conjugated polymeric materials which absorb in the near infrared. It is the result of the TAPIR project funded by the ANR in which we aim to develop human-machine interface (HMI) devices for applications in the health sector, in order to limit the spread of pathogens. Since HMIs are controlled by hand, without contact, thanks to the reflectivity of the skin (spectral range 850-950 nm), it is necessary to develop materials which ansorb in this range. In this project, our role was to synthesize the active part of the infrared photodetector used to retrieve the information. A bibliographical study and preliminary calculations have allowed a judicious selection of different monomers to ensure intrinsic stability and obtain the required absorption properties. Different donor monomers (D) and acceptors (A) were combined to synthesize alternating copolymers of types (D-A). Two families of copolymers which absorb in the near infrared have been synthesized. All copolymers have been synthesized via Stille polycondensation. Their optical, electronic and thermal properties have been studied. Subsequently, after confirming the predominant role of the strength of the accepting monomer, compared to that of the donor, on the absorption properties and electronic levels of the various copolymers obtained, we developed an original approach that has been reported very rarely in the literature. It consists of the production of copolymers of the type (A-A). Thus, we have synthesized six copolymers which absorb in the desired wavelength range, and even beyond. Finally, some copolymers have been characterized as OFET devices and photodetectors.

Etudes du couplage spin-orbite en nano-photonique. applications à l'excitation unidirectionnelle de modes plasmoniques guidés et à la génération d'opto-aimants nanométriques contrôlables par l'état de polarisation de la lumière / Spin-Orbit coupling in nanophotonics. Application to unidirectionnal excitation of plasmonics guided modes and nanométrics opto-magnetisation generation controled by the polarisation state of light

Lefier, Yannick 09 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la manipulation du moment angulaire de la lumière à l'échelle sub-micronique. Le moment angulaire total de la lumière est composé d'une partie de spin, relié au degré de liberté de polarisation circulaire de la lumière, et d'une partie orbitale, relié au degré de libertés spatiaux de la lumière que sont sa direction de propagation (locale et globale) et sa distribution spatiale d'intensité. Le couplage spin-orbite existant entre ces deux contributions permet alors de manipuler les degrés de libertés spatiaux de la lumière par un simple contrôle de son état de polarisation circulaire. Dans cette thèse, nous avons étudié et exploité ce couplage à l'échelle sub-micronique dans deux nouveaux phénomènes que nous avons mis en évidence. Le premier met à profit ce couplage pour permettre d'exciter de manière unidirectionnelle des modes plasmoniques guidés. Une étude complète (numérique, expérimentale et analytique) de ce phénomène nouveau, basé sur un couplage entre le moment de spin du photon incident et le moment orbital extrinsèque des modes plasmoniques guidés dans la courbure d'un guide, est présentée. La deuxième étude présente une voie pour tirer parti du transfert de moment orbital de la lumière à un gaz d'électrons libres dans un métal afin de générer et contrôler le sens et la géométries de boucles de courants sub-microniques dans des structures métalliques. Ce contrôle permettrait la génération d'optomaimants nanométriques, entièrement contrôlés par la lumière, pouvant être modulés aux fréquences optiques. Ce travail a été soutenu par le LABEX Action. / This thesis focuses on the manipulation of the angular momentum of light at the nanoscale.The total angular momentum of light is composed of a spin component, connected to the polarization degree of freedom of light, and an orbital component, related to the spatial degrees of freedom of the light which are its propagation direction (local and global) and its intensity distribution. The spin-orbit coupling between these two contributions allows the control of the spatial degrees of freedom of light by a simple manipulation of its circular polarization state. In this thesis, we have studied and applied this coupling at the nanoscale anbd we have highlighted two new phenomenas. The first one takes part of this coupling to allows unidirectional excitation of plasmonic guided modes. A complete study (numerical, experimental and analytical) of this new phenomenon, based on a coupling between the spin of the incident photon and the extrinsic orbital momentum of the plasmonic guided modes within the curvature of a waveguide, is presented. The second study propose a way to benefit from the transfer of the angular momentum of light to the free electrons gas in a metal to generate and control the direction and the geometry of nanoscale current loops in metallic structures. this control would at optical frequencies. This work was supported by the LABEX Action.

Two-dimensional conjugated metal–organic frameworks (2D c-MOFs): chemistry and function for MOFtronics

Wang, Mingchao, Dong, Renhao, Feng, Xinliang 17 May 2024 (has links)
The 21st century has seen a reinvention of how modern electronics impact our daily lives; silicon-electronics and organic electronics are currently at the core of modern electronics. Recent advances have demonstrated that conductive metal–organic frameworks (MOFs), as another unique class of electronic materials, are emerging to provide additional possibility for multifunctional electronic devices that brings us “MOFtronics”. Typically, two-dimensional conjugated MOFs (2D c-MOFs) are a novel class of layer-stacked MOFs with in-plane extended π-conjugation that exhibit unique properties such as intrinsic porosity, crystallinity, stability, and electrical conductivity as well as tailorable band gaps. Benefiting from their unique features and high conductivity, 2D c-MOFs have displayed great potential for multiple high-performance (opto)electronic, magnetic, and energy devices. In this review article, we introduce the chemical and synthetic methodologies of 2D c-MOFs, intrinsic influences on their electronic structures and charge transport properties, as well as multifunctional applications of this class of materials for MOFtronics and potential power sources for MOFtronics. We highlight the benefits and limitations of thus-far developed 2D c-MOFs from synthesis to function and offer our perspectives in regard to the challenges to be addressed.

Correction: Two-dimensional conjugated metal–organic frameworks (2D c-MOFs): chemistry and function for MOFtronics

Wang, Mingchao, Dong, Renhao, Feng, Xinliang 17 May 2024 (has links)
Correction for ‘Two-dimensional conjugated metal–organic frameworks (2D c-MOFs): chemistry and function for MOFtronics’ by Mingchao Wang et al., Chem. Soc. Rev., 2021, 50, 2764–2793, DOI: 10.1039/D0CS01160F.

Improvements to Whole Lens Reconstruction for Saline Submerged Soft Contact Lenses

Guido, Christopher James January 2016 (has links)
A method for measuring the thickness and surface profiles of soft contact lenses while submerged in a saline solution has been implemented utilizing a low coherence Twyman-Green Interferometer. Although the original measurements demonstrated that features on the contact lens surfaces could be accurately determined, it was believed that the layout of the system also induced surface profile distortions. A new opto-mechanical layout has been implemented which eliminates many of these low frequency distortions. Improvements to the original phase unwrapping algorithms have also been developed to overcome the low visibility output inherent to the measurement allowing for a more complete analysis of the two surfaces of a contact lens.

Préparation et caractérisation des nouvelles électrodes transparentes à base de SnO2(indice) et In2(indice)O3(indice) : sous forme de céramiques et couches minces

Saadeddin, Iyad 30 March 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Les "Oxydes Transparents et Conducteurs" (TCOs) possèdent une conductivité de type métallique tout en conservant, à l'état de films minces, une absorption négligeable dans tout le domaine visible. Malgré les recherches intensives menées durant ces 35 dernières années, il est nécessaire d'obtenir des TCOs avec de meilleures performances afin de répondre aux exigences des nouveaux dispositifs opto-électroniques. C'est dans cette optique que nous avons étudié des TCOs suivants sous forme de céramiques et de couches minces : (i) ATO et AZTO (symbolisant respectivement l'oxyde d'étain dopé à l'antimoine et l'oxyde d'étain co-dopé à l'antimoine et au zinc) ; (ii) IO (symbolisant l'oxyde d'indium) dopé avec des éléments spécifiques (résultats confidentiels) qui confèrent une conductivité électronique remarquable même lorsque le dépôt est réalisé sur substrat plastique. Dans le cas de AZTO, le co-dopage nous a permis d'obtenir des céramiques très denses et conductrices, sans perte d'antimoine lors du frittage. Par ailleurs, la conductivité électronique des films minces AZTO peut être modulée grâce au co-dopage. Ainsi nous pouvons proposer de nouveaux TCOs présentant des performances adaptées aux besoins d'applications spécifiques.

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