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Samverkan mellan mark- och flygstridskrafterna : En nulägesanalys utifrån samarbetet kring Close Air SupportWikström, Tobhias January 2012 (has links)
There are many kinds of joint operations and combinations of combined arms. This thesis puts its focus on Close Air Support, CAS. Throughout history there have been several cases of success, regarding these kinds of operations, but also failure. Much can be taught from organizational behaviour studies, applied on these military organisations in their cooperation with each other. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the cooperation between the Swedish army and air force to determine the functionality of their process. This is done by text analysis and interviews. The study shows that the cooperation works at its bets at the unit level. The Swedish armed forces have a wide range of tasks it wishes to fulfil together with broad priorities. As of now, there is a balance between the two services´ needs and what they can deliver. Although there are indications that the army´s requirements might increase in the future. The air force focus on homeland defence might push this balance even further, though CAS is not a priority in that scenario. If there is a significant change in the balance of demand between the two services, at least one of the services might have to reconsider their whole line of business. Key words: Collaboration, Organizational development, Close Air Support. / Det finns många former av samverkan mellan mark- och flygstridskrafterna, men den som belyses i denna uppsats är Close Air Support, CAS. Både framgångsrika och mindre farmgångsrika fall finns beskrivna i historia böckerna kring detta. Oavsett vilket av fallen som granskas, så finns det generella kopplingar man kan göra mellan den militära organisationen med dess processer och vad forskningen kring organisationsutveckling har påvisat. Syftet i uppsatsen var att med hjälp av organisationsutvecklingsteorier analysera samverkansprocessen mellan mark- och flygstridskrafterna som den ser ut nuläget. Detta med hjälp av textanalys av styrdokument och semistrukturerade intervjuer. Det som framkommit är att den samverkan som idag genomförs mellan mark- och flygstridskrafterna rörande CAS, fungerar bra på förbandsnivå, men suboptimeras på nivån ovan. Orsaker till detta går att finna i den förmåge bredd somförsvarsmaktenFörsvarsmaktenska innefatta, tillsammans med brett formulerade prioriteringar. Balans råder mellan mark- och flygstridskrafternas behov, men indikationer tyder på att denna balans kan komma att rubbas genom ett ökat behov från markstridskrafterna. Flygstridskrafternas fokus på luftförsvar av Sverige kan komma att förskjuta denna balans ytterligare, då detta lämnar CAS med låg prioritering. Om en förändring av balansen i behov sker, kan en av de två stridskrafterna tvingas till en omfattande förändring i sin verksamhetslogik. Nyckelord: Samverkan, Organisationsutveckling, Close Air Support.
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IT-system och organisationsutvecklingLidbeck, Anders January 2010 (has links)
This report describes work on the thesis “IT systems and organizational development”. The work is carried out on Stocksbro Energi AB, during spring 2009. The company wanted better flow in their production but also review if the inventory management function located in Visma SPCS Administration 2000, could be used in the organization. Under the first part of this report the system were tested to ensure if the system would work together with the organization. After testing the desired features they were evaluated along with two of the users to the system at the company. The wanted functions could not be obtained whenthe Admin 2000 is an economic system and are not made for the producing companies. Thereafter the theoretical possibility was examined of introducing a more advanced system to get the desired functionality to work together with the organization. To introduce a more advanced system will require major changes of the organization, before, during and after the introduction. It is therefore important how the management implements a possibility of a new system. It’s important to make the staff join in this implementation but also get as much as possible out of the system.To conclude the thesis a goal and problem analysis but also a solution proposal was made with the help of the FA/SIMM method. Also some suggestions are mentioned how the company could proceed in the implementation of the proposals for a solution.
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Hur skapas en gemensam organisationskultur? - En fallstudie av BisnodeMaria, Metsar, Hedin, Pernilla January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Vilja, kunna, förstå : om implementering av systematisk dokumentation för verksamhetsutveckling i socialtjänsten /Alexanderson, Karin, January 2006 (has links)
Diss. Örebro : Örebro universitet, 2006.
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Medarbetarsamtalets didaktik : Sex chefer berättar om sin syn på medarbetarsamtal / Performance appraisals didactics : Six supervisors describe their view of the aim and structure of performance appraisalLagerkvist, Jennifer, Carlson, Petra January 2016 (has links)
Utifrån att organisationer väljer att använda sig av medarbetarsamtal som ett verktyg med olika syften och metoder var intentionen att synliggöra hur chefer ser på syftet med medarbetarsamtal. Att se hur chefergår tillväga för att implementera sitt eget syfte och mål i samtalet för att det ska nå fram till medarbetaren. Studien bygger på sex intervjuer av mellanchefer på ett statligt företag i södra Sverige. Den empiriska datan har analyserats med utgångspunkt i didaktisk läroteori. Resultatet visar att chefer har makten att styra medarbetarsamtalet i riktning mot sitt eget individuella syfte. Syftet består av två delar: målstyrt fokus och sociala aspekter som fokus. Beroende på chef så förstoras och förminskas de olika delarna utefter vad chefen själv ansåg som viktigt att tala om under samtalet. När syftet är tydligt målstyrt leder det till grundliga förberedelser och mätningar, och när syftet är störst gentemot de sociala aspekterna så leder det till samtal styrda mot hälsa och arbetsmiljö.
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Botvids väg till rätt vård : Planering av ett interorganisatoriskt vårdkedjeprojektAndersson, Mona January 2006 (has links)
<p><b>The patient Botvid´s way to right care. The planning process of an inter-organizational care pathway project.</b></p><p>A general problem in an elderly patient’s care – and rehabilitation process, which involves different care providers, is that there is no one single staff that is responsible for the whole “production process” i.e. from diagnosis to completed treatment. All too often care providers focus on their own part of the process with insufficient communication with other providers, resulting in low quality of care. Poor co-operation also leads to increased demand for check-ups, unproductive waiting time, duplication of work and other inefficiencies. A solution to these co-ordination problems can be to introduce process orientation (integrated care pathways). A process view requires the concerned staff to look at their own work with other eyes. The process view implies that they need to change focus to what is best from the patient’s point of view.</p><p>Experiences from earlier reforms, that were centrally initiated and managed, show that the concerned staff (doctors, nurses etc.) had too little influence during the planning and implementation phases. Several official reports therefore call attention to the need for broad participation from all of the different staff categories in organizational development.</p><p>In this thesis a qualitative case study of the planning process of an inter-organizational project between primary care, hospital treatment and municipality care is presented. The aim of the project was to develop an organization that could support a process view among the care providers. The focus of the thesis is on how the project management acted to shape the necessary conditions for a process view to enable the professional staff to participate, and on the role that the change strategy played in this connection.</p><p>The results show that the professional staff had an active role in the management of the project. The initiator was a doctor, who managed the project team of 50 care staff together with a project leader. This team had a series of meetings and conferences during ten months. By exchanging ideas and experiences they found solutions to the operative problems that were the starting points for the project. They developed an action plan in consensus, with prioritized activities, which is now to be implemented.</p>
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Botvids väg till rätt vård : Planering av ett interorganisatoriskt vårdkedjeprojektAndersson, Mona January 2006 (has links)
<b>The patient Botvid´s way to right care. The planning process of an inter-organizational care pathway project.</b> A general problem in an elderly patient’s care – and rehabilitation process, which involves different care providers, is that there is no one single staff that is responsible for the whole “production process” i.e. from diagnosis to completed treatment. All too often care providers focus on their own part of the process with insufficient communication with other providers, resulting in low quality of care. Poor co-operation also leads to increased demand for check-ups, unproductive waiting time, duplication of work and other inefficiencies. A solution to these co-ordination problems can be to introduce process orientation (integrated care pathways). A process view requires the concerned staff to look at their own work with other eyes. The process view implies that they need to change focus to what is best from the patient’s point of view. Experiences from earlier reforms, that were centrally initiated and managed, show that the concerned staff (doctors, nurses etc.) had too little influence during the planning and implementation phases. Several official reports therefore call attention to the need for broad participation from all of the different staff categories in organizational development. In this thesis a qualitative case study of the planning process of an inter-organizational project between primary care, hospital treatment and municipality care is presented. The aim of the project was to develop an organization that could support a process view among the care providers. The focus of the thesis is on how the project management acted to shape the necessary conditions for a process view to enable the professional staff to participate, and on the role that the change strategy played in this connection. The results show that the professional staff had an active role in the management of the project. The initiator was a doctor, who managed the project team of 50 care staff together with a project leader. This team had a series of meetings and conferences during ten months. By exchanging ideas and experiences they found solutions to the operative problems that were the starting points for the project. They developed an action plan in consensus, with prioritized activities, which is now to be implemented.
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E-business som organisatorisk förändring : en studie av mognad och genomförandeprocessBjelkfelt, Anders, Fredriksson, Lars January 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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Karriärplanering- ettattraktivt erbjudande? : En kvalitativ undersökning om karriärplaneringoch kontextens betydelse i ettförsäkringsbolagBäckström, Sara January 2010 (has links)
Den studerande organisationen är ett försäkringsbolag i Sverige som har erbjudit sina medarbetare att delta i ett projekt de kallar Karriärplanering för alla. Detta för att ge medarbetarna möjlighet till personlig utveckling, vilket förväntas öka medarbetarnas engagemang och därmed utveckla organisationen samt öka dess lönsamhet. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka upplevda effekter och möjligheter av organisationens karriärplanering; hur medarbetarna i organisationen upplever den karriärplanering de genomgått, hur de ser på sina möjligheter att göra karriär inom organisationen samt hur de påverkas av den rådande organisationskulturen. Studien har gjorts genom en kvalitativ forskningsmetod. Empiriska data insamlades genom intervjuer för att söka kunskap om medarbetarens mer djupgående upplevelser. Studiens teoretiska ramverk består av sociologisk teori inom organisationsförändring och utveckling, organisationskultur samt tidigare forskning inom området. Sammanfattningsvis visar resultatet att organisationens medarbetare upplever karriärplaneringen som ett positivt erbjudande där de har fått chans att utveckla sina drivkrafter samt att medarbetarna ser utvecklingsmöjligheter inom organisationen. I resultatet framkommer att organisationens tröghetsfaktor och organisationskultur upplevs som ett hinder för organisationens utveckling, likväl som för medarbetarnas möjligheter till att ta de steg i karriären de ibland önskar.
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E-business som organisatorisk förändring : en studie av mognad och genomförandeprocessBjelkfelt, Anders, Fredriksson, Lars January 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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