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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


楊曙維, Yang, Sue-Wei Unknown Date (has links)
管理大師彼得。杜拉克(Peter F. Drucker)在1960年代即提出『知識工作』與『知識工作者』等觀點。之後,更在1993 年其著作-『後資本主義社會』(Post-Capitalist Society)當中表示,『我們正進入一個知識社會,在這個社會當中,基本的經濟資源將不再是資本(Capital)、自然資源(Natural Resources)或是勞力(Labor),而將是知識,而知識員工將成為其中的主角』。 在知識經濟的年代,創造力比生產力重要,再加上,知識工作者所想要的是挑戰性較高的工作,所以喜歡在成功的團體中工作(Dick Dove,1998)。今日,許多由知識型工作者組成的知識型團隊紛紛出現,也是因為一個案子的成功已不太可能是只靠一人之人所達成,而是集眾人之力,因此,本研究以知識型團隊為主角,欲了解知識型團隊的運作的過程。 本研究嘗試想用左腦工作者與右腦工作者為出發點,想找出不同的知識工作者所組成的知識型團隊的團隊特性是否有差異?此外,這些差異是否會造成知識型團隊在選擇知識管理策略時選擇方向的不同?於是,想以成功團隊為例,試圖找出各個知識型團隊在團隊本質、創意特性、團隊特性與知識整合上的一般性,期望以知識管理為一架構,做一個重新的詮釋。 最後,經由「個案分析法」,本研究歸納出以下幾點結論: (1)、知識型團隊的特性可分為「團隊構成(知識異質性)」、「團隊的任務(任務模糊性)」與「相互關係」。「團隊的任務」與「相互關係」具有正相關,當團隊的任務模糊性高時,團隊成員與成員間相互關係自然緊密;若任務模糊性低,成員與成員間的互動會減少、互動方式只有垂直式互動為必須,互相依賴的程度也會變少,造成成員間的相互關係為鬆散。而不同知識型團隊因具有不同的團隊特性導致團隊「知識管理策略」產生不同的情形。 (2)、知識型團隊特性會影響團隊的知識管理策略。「知識依附的方式」、「知識儲存與協調的方式」、「知識整合模式」、「知識整合機制」與「整合者角色」與「團隊的任務(任務模糊性)」及「相互關係」的關聯性最強,與「團隊構成(知識異質性)」的關聯性最弱。 (3)、知識型團隊特性會影響團隊的知識管理策略。「知識整合機制」與「開展性與整合性思考時間比例」與「團隊的任務(任務模糊性)」及「相互關係」的關聯性最弱,與「團隊構成(知識異質性)」的關聯性最強。 (4)、「學習機制」、「整合者類型」與知識型團隊特性無關。 期望這幾點研究發現能對未來後續研究有任何啟發,並能對「知識管理」領域有些許貢獻。 / In 1960s, Peter F. Drucker was the first person who mentioned that “knowledge worker”. Afterward, he proposed that “now the society is a knowledge society. In knowledge society, the most important resource is not capital, natural resources and labor, but knowledge. Knowledge workers will become the main actors.” in “Post-Capitalist Society” in 1993. In knowledge economy era, creativity is more critical than productivity. Besides, knowledge workers want to work in more challenge environment, therefore, they want to work for successful teams. (Dick Dove, 1998) Nowadays, many knowledge teams emerge, because one project could not succeed by only one man’s effort. Therefore, knowledge team was selected as main actor in this investigation. In addition, it uses different types of knowledge workers as starting point in this work. It hopes to find some connections between “knowledge team’s characteristics” and “knowledge management strategies”. Also, it uses “case study method” to develop and summarize primary and secondary materials in this investigation. The aim of this study is as the follow: (1) To summarize “knowledge team’s characteristics” from practice of four cases. (2) To find the connections between “knowledge team’s characteristics” and “learning mechanism”. Also, it will analyze which “knowledge team’s characteristics” effects the knowledge team’s “learning mechanism” selections. (3) To find the connections between “knowledge team’s characteristics” and “the knowledge depending way”. Also, it will analyze which “knowledge team’s characteristics” effects the knowledge team’s “the knowledge depending way” selections. (4) To find the connections between “knowledge team’s characteristics” and “the knowledge storage and coordination way”. Also, it will analyze which “knowledge team’s characteristics” effects the knowledge team’s “the knowledge storage and coordination way” selections. (5) To find the connections between “knowledge team’s characteristics” and “the knowledge integration model”. Also, it will analyze which “knowledge team’s characteristics” effects the knowledge team’s “the knowledge integration model” selections. (6) To find the connections between “knowledge team’s characteristics” and “the knowledge integration mechanism”. Also, it will analyze which “knowledge team’s characteristics” effects the knowledge team’s “the knowledge integration mechanism” selections. (7) To find the connections between “knowledge team’s characteristics” and “the types of knowledge integrator”. Also, it will analyze which “knowledge team’s characteristics” effects the knowledge team’s “the types of knowledge integrator” selections. (8) To find the connections between “knowledge team’s characteristics” and “the role of knowledge integrator”. Also, it will analyze which “knowledge team’s characteristics” effects the knowledge team’s “the role of knowledge integrator” selections. (9) To find the connections between “knowledge team’s characteristics” and “the time ratio of opening and integration thinking”. Also, it will analyze which “knowledge team’s characteristics” effects the knowledge team’s “the time percentage of opening and integration thinking” selections. After doing interview and analysis, it gets several conclusions in this investigation: 1、“Knowledge team’s characteristics” can be divide into three parts:   A “The composition of team” B “The task of team”   C “The interrelation of team” There is an interesting thing among those three parts. “The task of team” is proportional to “The interrelation of team”. In other words, if “The task of team” is very hard, all teammates will interact frequently and job overlap is often. Then, “The interrelation of team” will be very closed.  2、“Knowledge team’s characteristics” influence knowledge team’s “Knowledge Management Strategy”. In this investigation, “The task of team” effects knowledge team’s decision about “Knowledge Management Strategy” in several aspects, “The knowledge depending way”, “The knowledge storage and coordination way”, “The knowledge integration model”, ”The knowledge integration mechanism” and “The role of knowledge integrator”. 3、“Knowledge team’s characteristics” influence knowledge team’s “Knowledge Management Strategy”. In this investigation, “The composition of team” effects knowledge team’s decision about “Knowledge Management Strategy” in several aspects, ”The knowledge integration mechanism” and “The time ratio of opening and integration thinking”. 4、There is not any correlation between “Learning mechanism”, “The types of knowledge integrator” and “Knowledge team’s characteristics”.

知識空間、專屬資產投資、跨組織學習與代工績效關聯性之研究-以通訊代工廠商為例 / The research of relationships among knowledge space, asset specific investment, inter-organization learning and performance of outsourcing - a case study of communication subcontractors

陳東賢, Chen ,Tung Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
本研究基於資源基礎理論,結合組織學習、網路理論及關係學派的觀點,探討影響代工廠商跨組織學習的情境因素與績效。 根據之前學者們研究得知,「知識因果模糊性」是影響組織學習的關鍵。知識因果模糊來自於知識的內隱、專屬及複雜本質。「知識分享」與「共同問題解決」是聯盟成員間傳遞因果模糊本質知識的學習方式。而代工廠商專屬性資產投資,除了增進品牌廠商的信任,提高品牌廠商知識分享意願外;也增進了代工廠商與品牌廠商間的互動,透過互動,促使知識外溢的產生。 知識流學者研究指出,可移轉知識含量是知識分享的前提,也決定知識分享的強度。代工的範圍規範了可移轉知識含量;代工範疇愈複雜,可分享知識相對擴大。但知識的路徑相依本質,限制代工廠商對代工領域知識的辨識。代工廠商先驗知識深淺關係著可移轉知識空間的辦識。代工情境中,可移轉知識,主觀上,受限於代工的範疇;客觀上,則與代工廠商的先驗知識息息相關。 傳統上檢視組織學習成效,主要來自於對經驗曲線速度的觀察。在策略聯盟夥伴間的競合關係中,學習競賽是造成策略聯盟活動重組、活動替代、或聯盟解散的重要原因。屬「雙邊契約供應聯盟關係」的代工,在經濟理性考慮下,維持與品牌廠商的聯盟關係,是代工廠商的必然選擇。但組織學習增強代工廠商的議價能力,促使代工活動的重組;因此觀察代工廠商跨組織學習的成果,除了經驗曲線,活動重組也是重要的觀察變項。

中央政府觀光行銷計畫變遷(2001-2010)之研究 / A study on the changes of the tourism marketing plans (2001-2010) of central government in Taiwan

葉孟靄, Yeh, Meng Ai Unknown Date (has links)
觀光作為國家的重點發展產業,政府將藉由觀光行銷計畫的推陳出新以提升 其觀光競爭力。台灣中央政府從2001 年到2010 年推出一連串的觀光行銷計畫, 從中可以發現觀光行銷計畫的內容出現一定程度的變遷,可是目前的研究很少針 對觀光行銷計畫的變遷進行探究。因此,本研究由政策變遷理論作為探討基礎, 試圖以學習的途徑解釋觀光行銷計畫的變遷,採用文件分析法和訪談法發現觀光 行銷計畫發生哪些重要變遷,以及造成變遷的因素為何,並透過組織學習與政策 學習理論分析學習在觀光行銷計畫的變遷中所扮演的角色。 經過資料的蒐集與分析之後,結論針對研究發現與研究發現的意涵進行討論, 並提出研究建議,包括:觀光局機關首長的領導為引發學習的關鍵因素,且促使 觀光局逐漸轉型為學習型組織;在變遷與學習的關係中,也發現機關內各單位與 階層之間出現不一致的改變程度,代表觀光局仍然需要更全面的學習。因此,未 來觀光局新的首長必須持續領導觀光局的學習,平衡機關內各單位與階層之間的 改變程度,並學習新的行銷趨勢,才能不斷產出更為出色的觀光行銷計畫。 / Because the tourism industry is one of the country’s important industries, government may improve and innovate on tourism marketing plans to increase tourism competitiveness of country. From 2001 to 2010, the central government in Taiwan promoted a series of tourism marketing plans, which can be found some changes in tourism marketing plans. However, the current study has few discussions on the changes of the tourism marketing plans. Therefore, this study counts on the policy change theory as the research basis, then tries to apply learning approach to explain the changes of the tourism marketing plans. The research methods of this study use document analysis and interviews to found what important changes in the tourism marketing plans, as well as found the factors that caused the changes. Besides, through organizational learning and policy learning theory, this study analyses of the role of learning in the changes of the tourism marketing plans. After the data collection and analysis, the conclusion of this study discusses the finding and the meaning of finding, raises some suggestions as well. For example, the leadership of the head of the Tourism Bureau was the key factor which leads to learning, and the head transformed the Tourism Bureau into a learning organization gradually; between the changes and learning, this study also found so inconsistent degree of changes among the internal various units and levels that the Tourism Bureau still need for more comprehensive learning. Therefore, in order to continue producing even better tourism marketing plans, the new head of the Tourism Bureau must continue leading the Tourism Bureau to learn, balance the degree of changes among the internal various units and levels, and learn new marketing trend in the future.

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