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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Spridningen av miljömedvetenhet inom den svenska stålindustrin : <em>en fallstudie av miljöarbetet hos Outokumpu Stainless AB i Avesta</em>

Ålin, Daniel January 2008 (has links)
<p></p><p>I dagens samhälle tas miljöfrågor allt oftare upp i den allmänna och politiska debatten och ett aktivt miljöarbete är något som i allt högre grad krävs av företag från bland annat myndigheter och miljöorganisationer. Stålindustrin är inget undantag och får därför ofta kritik för att de åtgärder som vidtas inte är tillräckliga.</p><p>Inom stålindustrin genomför företag ofta investeringar för att minska sin miljöpåverkan trots att avkastning på det investerade kapitalet uteblir. Den institutionella organisationsteorin förklarar dessa handlingar som direkta konsekvenser av likriktning. Det fenomen som studeras i studien är spridningen av miljömedvetenhet eftersom denna anses ligga till grund för investeringarna i miljöåtgärder inom den svenska stålindustrin. Formatet för studien är en fallstudie där den empiriska datainsamlingen skett genom tryckt material och intervjuer.</p><p>Det kan konstateras att det studerade företagets miljöarbete påverkas i stor utsträckning av andra aktörer inom det organisatoriska fält som företaget tillhör. Inverkan på det studerade företagets miljöarbete och således spridningen av miljömedvetenhet varierar mycket mellan olika aktörer. Det är framförallt aktören <em>politiker och myndigheter</em> som genom tvingande mekanismer styr företagets miljöarbete. Beroende på rådande situation kan dock även influenserna från övriga aktörer påverka företagets miljöarbete och spridningen av miljömedvetenhet.</p><p> </p> / <p></p><p>In society today environmental issues more often appear on both the public and the political agenda and an active environmental awareness is increasingly often demanded from companies by regulative authorities and environmental organisations. The steel industry is no exception and therefore receives criticism that they do not undertake the necessary actions to prevent further pollution.</p><p>Companies within the steel industry often invest in different measures to reduce their environmental impact although it seldom generates a profit. Institutional theory explains these actions as direct consequences of conformity. The phenomenon of interest is the spread of environmental awareness because it is considered to be the reason behind investments in environmental impact reduction within the Swedish steel industry. The study is preformed as a case study where the empirical data is collected through written sources and interviews.</p><p>It is established that the environmental work of the focal company is largely affected by the other actors within the organizational field of interest. Among these actors the level of impact on the focal company’s environmental work and therefore also the spreading of environmental awareness varies a lot. <em>Politicians and government authorities are</em> the actor which first and foremost through coercive actions affects the environmental work in the studied company. Although, depending on the situation at hand the other actors can also play very important parts in affecting the studied company and the spread of environmental awareness.</p><p> </p>

Campo organizacional e adoção de Indicação Geográfica (IG): um estudo sobre a produção de cafés especiais no Brasil / Organizational field and adoption of Geographical Indication (GI): A study on the production of specialty coffees in Brazil

Carvalho, Josué Pires de 24 February 2017 (has links)
O café se apresenta como uma commodity de grande impacto na produção agrícola e pauta de exportação do Brasil, sendo os Estados de Minas Gerais e São Paulo importantes neste contexto. Entretanto, apesar de o Brasil ser referência mundial na produção de cafés, no que se refere à produção de café especial e de maior valor agregado, ainda se constitui em um grande desafio sua aceitação plena nos principais mercados consumidores. Neste contexto, a adoção de Indicação Geográfica (IGs), se apresenta como um importante indicador para que uma região seja reconhecida formalmente na condição de produtora de cafés diferenciados. Assim, considera-se que a participação do Estado e demais atores envolvidos são fundamentais neste processo. Parte-se para a compreensão de tal fenômeno, pelo enfoque da teoria institucional, considerando o papel de todos os stakeholders bem como os indutores de isomorfismo atuantes no campo organizacional. Neste sentido, o estudo visou a estudar empiricamente essas relações. Para isso, foram realizadas entrevistas em profundidade, análise documental e observação, com os diversos seguimentos dos agentes presentes no campo, e, em especial, em três regiões cafeeiras, quais sejam: Noroeste de Minas e Matas de Minas, no Estado de Minas Gerais e a Alta Mogiana no Estado de São Paulo. As três regiões foram escolhidas por serem as mais representativas e convenientes para o universo de cafés especiais brasileiros e seu elevado grau relativo de desenvolvimento institucional, sendo que duas (Noroeste de Minas e Alta Mogiana) já possuem Indicação Geográfica (IGs) e a terceira (Matas de Minas) está em processo de adoção. Os resultados da pesquisa indicam a experiência longeva da atividade produtiva no Brasil, onde se manifesta a institucionalização de um campo organizacional, como variável fundamental para o aperfeiçoamento do mercado de cafés para uma realidade econômica atual que privilegia qualidade e experiências de consumo diferenciados. O universo dos cafés especiais é, portanto, o locus da construção e desenvolvimento de uma cultura mais do que a mera produção e consumo de uma commodity / Coffee presents itself as a commodity of great impact in the agricultural production and basis of exportation of Brazil, and the states of Minas Gerais and São Paulo are important in this context. However, even though Brazil is a global reference regarding coffee production, when it comes to the production of specialty coffee with higher added value, its full acceptance by the greatest consuming markets is still a challenge. In this context, the adoption of Geographical Indications (GI) is presented as an important indicator for a region to be formally recognized in the condition of producer of differentiated coffees. Therefore, it\'s perceived that the participation of the State and other involved agents is fundamental in this process. It\'s important to understand such situation through the perspective of the institutional theory, considering the role of all stakeholders, just as the inducers of isomorphism present in the organizational field. In this way, the present study aimed at empirically studying these relations. For that, in-depth interviews, documental analyses and observation were conducted with varied segments of the agents present in the field, with emphasis on three coffee producing regions: Noroeste de Minas and Matas de Minas, in the state of Minas Gerais, and Alta Mogiana, in the state of São Paulo. All three regions were selected for being the most representative and most convenient for the universe of specialty Brazilian coffees and their high relative degree of institutional development, considering that two of the areas (Noroeste de Minas and Alta Mogiana) already have Geographical Indication (GI), and the third (Matas de Minas) is currently in the process of adopting it. The results of the research indicate a long-lasting experience of the production activity in Brazil, where the institutionalization of an organizational field is presented as a key variable for the enhancement of the coffee markets for the present economical situation, which privileges differentiated quality and consumption experiences. The universe of specialty coffees is, therefore, much more a locus of construction and development of a culture than of the mere production and consumption of a commodity

Jämställdhet inom brandmannakollektivet : en studie baserad på nyinstitutionell teori / Equality in the firefighter Service : a study based on institutional theory

Jannesson Chalhoub, Michaela, Oskarsson, LIna January 2014 (has links)
Hur kommer det sig att en organisation som brandmannakollektivet uppvisar en så låg kvinnorepresentation bland sina brandmän när andra organisationer med samma eller liknande förutsättningar, som polis och militär, uppvisar bättre resultat? Vad kan förklara den låga kvinnorepresenationen i den Svenska räddningstjänsten?Vi har i denna uppsats försökt förklara problemet med hjälp av nyinstitutionella teorier, så som homogenitet på organisationsfältet (isomorfismer) och professionens legitimitetssträvan genom omvärlden. Vi menar att det inte räcker att hitta och förklara institutionella faktorer och därmed en förändringströghet, med enbart isomorfismer eller enbart professionens legitimitetssträvan. De måste sättas i en relation till varandra.Det vi fann var att räddningstjänsten inte söker sin professionella legitimitet genom styrning från lagar och regler, och att denna ignorans skapar en norm på organisationsfältet. Ignoransen är en konsekvens av svag styrning från andra aktörer i organisationsfältet samt obefintlig granskning. Vi fann också att räddningstjänsten förvaltar och upprätthåller den norm som samhället har på brandmannen, som manlig och stark, genom att återkommande luta sig mot fysiska krav. Vi fann också att vinnande koncept var imitationslegitima på organisationsfältet.Jämställdhetslagar får svårt att få fäste i organisationen då det är vedertaget att inte anamma lagar om den inte faller inom normen för räddningstjänstens styrning. Inte heller kommer den att anammans så länge man förvaltar den norm om manlighet och styrka då den motsäger sig den normbild som professionen legitimerar sig med gentemot omvärlden. Enda gången man kan bryta de institutionella mönstena är genom ett vinnande koncept. Om en station med jämn könsfördelning uppvisar ett bättre eller effektivare resultat kommer detta med största sannorlikhet att spridas.

Social Good and Stakeholders' Engagement in the Pharmaceutical Industry : Case Study of AstraZeneca Corporate Responsibility Practices

Rusinowska, Magdalena, Traverso, Victoria January 2009 (has links)
<p>Private organizations are facing organizational field pressures which need to be addressed from an economic and ethical point of view in order to be sustainable in the long term. The present research study analyzes the role of the Pharmaceutical Industry as a provider of a social good and its responsibility towards its organizational field and stakeholder network. On the one hand it is argued that the mentioned industry should be profitable in order to make investments in research and development; while on the other hand, the industry must demonstrate engagement in the social sphere because of the good it commercializes, human health care. The Role of Organizational Policies, Codes and Structure will also be studied in order to deepen the understanding of the organization strategy towards Corporate Responsibility Practices.</p><p>This research project presents a case study of AstraZeneca Sweden Corporate Responsibility practices. In this study an Analytical Framework is developed based on institutional theory, the stakeholders' model, deliberative democracy model and business ethics. The mentioned framework will contribute to the understanding of AstraZeneca's Corporate Responsibility practices. The role of the company towards the demands from the outside world that causes the organization to respond and act will be addressed as well as the role of Policies, Codes and Organizational Structure in the Corporate Responsibility practice of the organization. We argue that the managerial response should be based upon a deliberative engagement method, in which all the interest parties are included in the decision making process.</p><p>The study is supported by two interviews which were conducted with key actors and extensive secondary data.</p>

Mellan morot och piska : en fallstudie av 1992 års rehabiliteringsreform

Grape, Owe January 2001 (has links)
This thesis is a case study of the Swedish Rehabilitation Reform of 1992. Vocational rehabilitation is described as an organizational activity which takes place in the interaction between social policy regulations and organizational execution. The analytical point of departure is made up of two complementary theoretical perspectives (Chapter 3): New institutional theory and the concept of 'negotiated order'. New institutional theory can aid inter-organizational analysis as it assumes that organizations are not only influenced, but also permeated by institutional and technical frameworks. The 'negotiated order' perspective can provide an understanding of actors' motives when they work together. This perspective also acknowledges that actors are able to exercise 'episodic power', and that this differs from 'formal power'. The first empirical study (Chapter 4) analyses the political motives behind the Rehabilitation Reform of 1992. It shows that at the time of the Rehabilitation Reform economical and political interests were pushing for a tighter regulations in Swedish social policy. The following three empirical studies focus on the 'organizational field' in which rehabilitation is practised. This field consists of the social insurance office, employment agencies, primary health care centres and occupational health service centres. Chapter 5 deals with the regulations and environmental factors influencing the various organizations and their representatives. It points to five external forces that influence the performance of the four type of actors. The social insurance office is influenced by a judicial social insurance logic, the employment agencies by a holistic labour market policy logic, and the physicians in primary health care centres and in occupational health centres by a 'holistic' medical frame of reference, which contrasts with that often found in other medical sub-specialities. Finally, employers are influenced first, by a logic of profit which has a technical and institutional dimension and second, by an institutional welfare state logic. Chapter six shows that the largest 'domain conflict' in the initial phase of the rehabilitation trajectory has to do with defining 'capacity to work'. Domain conflicts are seen as resulting from different institutional logics, implying different views on illness and capacity to work. Numerous and frequent personal interaction make it possible for physicians and rehabilitation officials to avoid conflict. The operative phase is associated with two major domain conflicts. The first is related to negotiations between the social insurance office and the employers about transferring employees to other duties. Both sides avoid exercising power that may damage clients and future trust. Episodic power resources are used to exercise the strategy of 'the golden middle path'. The other domain conflict is related to the judgement of work capacity. The labour market officials' view of work capacity differs from that of the officials at the social insurance office. Chapter seven compares cooperative rehabilitation projects with regular rehabilitation activity. The results show that actors in cooperative projects break the sequential work order used in regular rehabilitation activity and thereby projects quickly collect comprehensive information about individuals. Cooperative projects can also achieve flexible solutions tailored to an individual clients needs. Further, cooperative projects allow time for unconventional initiatives, which regular activity do not. The process of 'returning to work' poses a challenge both kinds of work organizations. Individuals who are disabled in some way are required to meet the same labour market demands as healthy and well educated are expected to meet. Finally, regular rehabilitation work tends uses standardize clients while cooperative projects tend to treat them as individuals. / digitalisering@umu

Spridningen av miljömedvetenhet inom den svenska stålindustrin : en fallstudie av miljöarbetet hos Outokumpu Stainless AB i Avesta

Ålin, Daniel January 2008 (has links)
I dagens samhälle tas miljöfrågor allt oftare upp i den allmänna och politiska debatten och ett aktivt miljöarbete är något som i allt högre grad krävs av företag från bland annat myndigheter och miljöorganisationer. Stålindustrin är inget undantag och får därför ofta kritik för att de åtgärder som vidtas inte är tillräckliga. Inom stålindustrin genomför företag ofta investeringar för att minska sin miljöpåverkan trots att avkastning på det investerade kapitalet uteblir. Den institutionella organisationsteorin förklarar dessa handlingar som direkta konsekvenser av likriktning. Det fenomen som studeras i studien är spridningen av miljömedvetenhet eftersom denna anses ligga till grund för investeringarna i miljöåtgärder inom den svenska stålindustrin. Formatet för studien är en fallstudie där den empiriska datainsamlingen skett genom tryckt material och intervjuer. Det kan konstateras att det studerade företagets miljöarbete påverkas i stor utsträckning av andra aktörer inom det organisatoriska fält som företaget tillhör. Inverkan på det studerade företagets miljöarbete och således spridningen av miljömedvetenhet varierar mycket mellan olika aktörer. Det är framförallt aktören politiker och myndigheter som genom tvingande mekanismer styr företagets miljöarbete. Beroende på rådande situation kan dock även influenserna från övriga aktörer påverka företagets miljöarbete och spridningen av miljömedvetenhet. / In society today environmental issues more often appear on both the public and the political agenda and an active environmental awareness is increasingly often demanded from companies by regulative authorities and environmental organisations. The steel industry is no exception and therefore receives criticism that they do not undertake the necessary actions to prevent further pollution. Companies within the steel industry often invest in different measures to reduce their environmental impact although it seldom generates a profit. Institutional theory explains these actions as direct consequences of conformity. The phenomenon of interest is the spread of environmental awareness because it is considered to be the reason behind investments in environmental impact reduction within the Swedish steel industry. The study is preformed as a case study where the empirical data is collected through written sources and interviews. It is established that the environmental work of the focal company is largely affected by the other actors within the organizational field of interest. Among these actors the level of impact on the focal company’s environmental work and therefore also the spreading of environmental awareness varies a lot. Politicians and government authorities are the actor which first and foremost through coercive actions affects the environmental work in the studied company. Although, depending on the situation at hand the other actors can also play very important parts in affecting the studied company and the spread of environmental awareness.

Social Good and Stakeholders' Engagement in the Pharmaceutical Industry : Case Study of AstraZeneca Corporate Responsibility Practices

Rusinowska, Magdalena, Traverso, Victoria January 2009 (has links)
Private organizations are facing organizational field pressures which need to be addressed from an economic and ethical point of view in order to be sustainable in the long term. The present research study analyzes the role of the Pharmaceutical Industry as a provider of a social good and its responsibility towards its organizational field and stakeholder network. On the one hand it is argued that the mentioned industry should be profitable in order to make investments in research and development; while on the other hand, the industry must demonstrate engagement in the social sphere because of the good it commercializes, human health care. The Role of Organizational Policies, Codes and Structure will also be studied in order to deepen the understanding of the organization strategy towards Corporate Responsibility Practices. This research project presents a case study of AstraZeneca Sweden Corporate Responsibility practices. In this study an Analytical Framework is developed based on institutional theory, the stakeholders' model, deliberative democracy model and business ethics. The mentioned framework will contribute to the understanding of AstraZeneca's Corporate Responsibility practices. The role of the company towards the demands from the outside world that causes the organization to respond and act will be addressed as well as the role of Policies, Codes and Organizational Structure in the Corporate Responsibility practice of the organization. We argue that the managerial response should be based upon a deliberative engagement method, in which all the interest parties are included in the decision making process. The study is supported by two interviews which were conducted with key actors and extensive secondary data.

Campo organizacional e adoção de Indicação Geográfica (IG): um estudo sobre a produção de cafés especiais no Brasil / Organizational field and adoption of Geographical Indication (GI): A study on the production of specialty coffees in Brazil

Josué Pires de Carvalho 24 February 2017 (has links)
O café se apresenta como uma commodity de grande impacto na produção agrícola e pauta de exportação do Brasil, sendo os Estados de Minas Gerais e São Paulo importantes neste contexto. Entretanto, apesar de o Brasil ser referência mundial na produção de cafés, no que se refere à produção de café especial e de maior valor agregado, ainda se constitui em um grande desafio sua aceitação plena nos principais mercados consumidores. Neste contexto, a adoção de Indicação Geográfica (IGs), se apresenta como um importante indicador para que uma região seja reconhecida formalmente na condição de produtora de cafés diferenciados. Assim, considera-se que a participação do Estado e demais atores envolvidos são fundamentais neste processo. Parte-se para a compreensão de tal fenômeno, pelo enfoque da teoria institucional, considerando o papel de todos os stakeholders bem como os indutores de isomorfismo atuantes no campo organizacional. Neste sentido, o estudo visou a estudar empiricamente essas relações. Para isso, foram realizadas entrevistas em profundidade, análise documental e observação, com os diversos seguimentos dos agentes presentes no campo, e, em especial, em três regiões cafeeiras, quais sejam: Noroeste de Minas e Matas de Minas, no Estado de Minas Gerais e a Alta Mogiana no Estado de São Paulo. As três regiões foram escolhidas por serem as mais representativas e convenientes para o universo de cafés especiais brasileiros e seu elevado grau relativo de desenvolvimento institucional, sendo que duas (Noroeste de Minas e Alta Mogiana) já possuem Indicação Geográfica (IGs) e a terceira (Matas de Minas) está em processo de adoção. Os resultados da pesquisa indicam a experiência longeva da atividade produtiva no Brasil, onde se manifesta a institucionalização de um campo organizacional, como variável fundamental para o aperfeiçoamento do mercado de cafés para uma realidade econômica atual que privilegia qualidade e experiências de consumo diferenciados. O universo dos cafés especiais é, portanto, o locus da construção e desenvolvimento de uma cultura mais do que a mera produção e consumo de uma commodity / Coffee presents itself as a commodity of great impact in the agricultural production and basis of exportation of Brazil, and the states of Minas Gerais and São Paulo are important in this context. However, even though Brazil is a global reference regarding coffee production, when it comes to the production of specialty coffee with higher added value, its full acceptance by the greatest consuming markets is still a challenge. In this context, the adoption of Geographical Indications (GI) is presented as an important indicator for a region to be formally recognized in the condition of producer of differentiated coffees. Therefore, it\'s perceived that the participation of the State and other involved agents is fundamental in this process. It\'s important to understand such situation through the perspective of the institutional theory, considering the role of all stakeholders, just as the inducers of isomorphism present in the organizational field. In this way, the present study aimed at empirically studying these relations. For that, in-depth interviews, documental analyses and observation were conducted with varied segments of the agents present in the field, with emphasis on three coffee producing regions: Noroeste de Minas and Matas de Minas, in the state of Minas Gerais, and Alta Mogiana, in the state of São Paulo. All three regions were selected for being the most representative and most convenient for the universe of specialty Brazilian coffees and their high relative degree of institutional development, considering that two of the areas (Noroeste de Minas and Alta Mogiana) already have Geographical Indication (GI), and the third (Matas de Minas) is currently in the process of adopting it. The results of the research indicate a long-lasting experience of the production activity in Brazil, where the institutionalization of an organizational field is presented as a key variable for the enhancement of the coffee markets for the present economical situation, which privileges differentiated quality and consumption experiences. The universe of specialty coffees is, therefore, much more a locus of construction and development of a culture than of the mere production and consumption of a commodity

Rôle des réseaux d'acteurs dans la structuration du champ de l'économie sociale et solidaire, dans un contexte de transition / Role of actors networks in the structuring of social and solidarity economy, in the context of transition

Ben Abdallah, Rabeb 16 December 2016 (has links)
L’étude des organisations de l’économie sociale et solidaire est un champ de recherche émergent situé à la croisée des préoccupations des acteurs des réseaux, des pouvoirs publics et du monde académique. Cette recherche doctorale se veut une contribution à l’étude de la structuration de l’ESS, dans un contexte de transition en Tunisie. Elle s‘appuie sur une méthode qualitative combinant deux niveaux d’analyse. Tout d’abord, la construction de ce champ, sous l’angle de ses indicateurs et processus de structuration a été analysée. Ensuite, nous nous sommes intéressés au rôle des réseaux d’acteurs pour enrichir la compréhension de ce processus. La thèse permet de montrer la contribution des pratiques des acteurs à la structuration de l’ESS, dans un contexte d’instabilité institutionnelle. Les résultats accordent une discussion sur le rôle de l’entrepreneur institutionnel dans la construction d’un nouvel ordre institutionnel. Nous montrons également que le lien entre les réseaux et les institutions peut être conceptualisé comme un capital social qui jouerait un rôle déterminant dans la structuration.Mots clés : économie sociale et solidaire, champ organisationnel, isomorphisme, réseau d’acteur, capital social / The study of the social and solidarity economy (SSE) organizations is an emerging field research located across the convergent point for the common concerns of networks actors, public authorities and academic world. This doctoral research is a contribution to the study of the social economy structure in the context of transition in Tunisia. It is based on a qualitative method that combines two levels of analysis. Firstly, we studied the construction of this field, in terms of its indicators and structuring processes. Then, we have moved to study the role of networks actors in order to deeply understand this process. This thesis, leads to highlight the contribution of the practices of actors in the SSE structuring, in the context of institutional instability. Results discuss the role of the institutional entrepreneur in the construction of a new institutional arrangement. We, as well, show that the link between networks and institutions could be conceptualized as a social capital which plays a determinant role in the structuring.Key words: social and solidarity economy, organizational field, network actors, isomorphism, social capital

The Transition Towards Hydrogen as a Sustainable Fuel : Exploring the Organizational Field of Hydrogen Mobility in Sweden

Fabricio de Barros, Viktor, Sandberg, William January 2021 (has links)
The overall goal with this master’s thesis is to describe the institutionalization process of the organizational field of Hydrogen Refuelling Stations (HRS) with green hydrogen produced via electrolysis for the heavy-duty truck sector in Sweden. Hydrogen mobility is a recent technology, which makes its organizational field formation and development processes interesting to examine. As society is becoming more concerned about sustainable transitions from fossil-based fuels to renewable carbon-free sources of fuels, it was deemed relevant to make a thesis regarding the topic. We recognized that there was a need to further investigate the institutional process of an organizational field that may not yet be established and working with recent technologies. By studying an organizational field in its early phases, one might be able to get a deeper understanding of the underlying processes behind the formation and development of an organizational field. As the purpose of this study was to get a deeper understanding of the institutionalization process of HRS infrastructure for fuel cell heavy duty trucks in Sweden, interviews with people from the organizational field were made.As little was known about the given organizational field, stakeholder theory was used toidentify the four stakeholder groups of Customers, Suppliers, Interest Groups and Governmentwere selected in order to understand the roles different stakeholders play in the formation and development processes of organizational fields. In addition, some external trigger events from institutionalization theory were added which were “technical discontinuities” and “shocks”that likely sparks change will be further explaining factors. Furthermore, the commitment-trust theory is utilized to understand activities in cross-organizational projects that build commitment and trust that in turn strengthens the legitimacy of the collaboration. By combining these additional theories with institutional theory, we expect to contribute to the understanding of field formation and development. An analysis was made, comparing our empirical findings with literature from the theoretical framework. From that it was possible to conclude that the selected organizational field is currently in the first stage of the new institutionalization process and hold a discussion of trigger events and the role the different stakeholder currently inhabits and if there is more to be done from each stakeholder in the future. We are also establishing which actions the stakeholders commonly take when it comes to build commitment and trust in cross organizational projects. Lastly, recommendations and practical/theoretical contributions are provided.

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