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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Collective Identity and Economic Development : A Case Study of How People’s Perception of the Collective Identity Affects The Economic Development in Kosovo

Berisha, Visar January 2015 (has links)
This paper aims to show how identity can be of importance to issues relating to development. More specifically, it deals with how the Kosovar Albanians perception of their collective identity have affected Kosovo’s economic development. The study draws primarily from the theories of Identity Economics and Orientalism and presents a hypothesis which is then tested empirically through the analysis of the in-depth interviews and participant observation carried out in Kosovo. The results show that Kosovar Albanians have, to a degree, internalized the Orientalist discourse, which often portrayed them in racist terms as the ’other’, in their view of their collective identity and that this has had a negative effect on how they perceive their potential in the global economic system, which in turn has undermined the country’s economic development. Thus, identity seems to be of significance when it comes to issues relating to development.

”Landet Annorlunda” : Framställningen av Japan i resemagasinet Vagabonds resereportage från 1990 och 2010 / Exotic, Eccentric Japan : Representation of Japan in the travel magazine Vagabond in 1990 and 2010

Hellén-Halme, Miho January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur Japan framställs i svenska resereportage och huruvida framställningssättet har förändrats över tid. För att besvara dessa frågor har jag valt ut två resereportage om Japan ur resemagasinet Vagabond, ett från 1990 och ett från 2010, och utfört en språkvetenskaplig textanalys utifrån Hellspong och Ledins textanalysmodell. Jag fokuserar främst på den ideationella aspekten av textstrukturen, men även andra aspekter, såsom textens kontext och interpersonella struktur, kompletterar analysen. Min första slutsats är att reportagen som jag undersökt framställer Japan som ett annorlunda, otillgängligt och obegripligt land. Detta gäller framför allt reportaget från 1990, men även det från 2010 om än i mindre utsträckning. Detta görs på flera sätt: framhävningen av ett motsatsförhållande mellan svenskar och japaner, framhävningen av otillgänglighet och obegriplighet genom beskrivningen av skribenten som maktlös nybörjare, kollektiva uttryck såsom ”japaner” som förstärker intrycket av en anonym folkmassa, ett utifrånperspektiv, osv. På så sätt framstår Japan som motsatsen till den ”normala” värld som ”vi svenskar” lever i. Det här motsatstänkandet är förknippat med postkolonialism och orientalism. Min andra slutsats är att framställningen av Japan har blivit mer nyanserad i reportaget från 2010, jämfört med det från 1990. Oppositionen mellan ”vi” och ”dem” är svagare; värdeord och kollektiva uttryck är mer sällsynta; intrycket av otillgänglighet och obegriplighet har försvagats i och med att skribenternas nybörjarintryck har minskat.

Liturgie et Esthétique dans la prose poétique fin-de-siècle d’Arthur Machen / Liturgy and Aesthetics in the fin-de-siècle poetic prose of Arthur Machen

Sitayeb, Stéphane 25 November 2016 (has links)
Ces travaux entendent soumettre à l’épreuve des textes fin-de-siècle d’Arthur Machen (1863-1947) deux hypothèses : celle d’une appartenance au décadentisme et au symbolisme, d’une part, et celle d’un principe de consistance régulant les tensions qui sous-tendent son œuvre mineure, d’autre part, celle-ci mêlant les pratiques issues des corpus sapientiaux de la Bible et des récits intertestamentaires aux rites thérianthropiques du totémisme primitif. Le syncrétisme entre christianisme et paganisme ainsi que l’oscillation entre ascétisme apollonien et esthétisme dionysiaque reflètent aussi bien la résilience que les pathologies de l’artiste, qui façonne à la manière d’un homo faber des Künstlerromane et des autoportraits révélant sa nature protéenne. Inspirés des multiples courants artistiques jalonnant l’époque victorienne, les textes de Machen composés au tournant du siècle font de lui un auteur difficile à classer et trop souvent étiqueté parmi les écrivains gothiques et fantastiques – indétermination générique notamment due à l’anthologisation de son œuvre et nécessitant un travail de fouille dans des domaines variés tels que l’archéologie, l’anthropologie et l’ethnologie. La nouvelle, le roman par épisodes, le conte et le poème en prose en particulier deviennent des formes expérimentales où les diaristes établissent les prémices de l’écriture automatique des surréalistes. Perçu tantôt comme l’emblème de la contagion héréditaire, tantôt comme le héraut d’une civilisation décadente, l’artiste porte plusieurs masques que parasitent les fausses pistes laissées par l’auteur. Ayant exploré l’hypothèse d’un Machen poète, théologien, puis essayiste et théoricien du Beau, il sera possible, dès lors, de comprendre le décalage qui oppose la fiction et la vie de ce fervent anglican de la Haute Église, de cet époux fidèle qui cultive néanmoins, dans ses textes, des fantasmes paraphiliques, des rêves de l’Orient et de la Grèce ou, au contraire, des itinéraires pénitentiels douloureux régis par une tradition galloise médiévale supposant autoflagellation et jeûnes anorexiques. Loin de représenter un « calice vide », la liturgie devient chez Machen un pouvoir sacré, comme l’atteste la corrélation entre l’humiliation du corps et l’élévation de l’esprit dans The Hill of Dreams. En revendiquant également la richesse d’une culture galloise minoritaire, Machen participe au « Celtic Revival » et compose des chroniques du Gallois déraciné, exilé à Londres, tentant de survivre à un environnement urbain hostile en le reterritorialisant, spatialement et temporellement. / The present study sustains an analogy between the fin-de-siècle texts of Arthur Machen and the aesthetics of Decadence and Symbolism, first, and a principle of consistency regulating the tensions that underlie his minor works – id est, the customs originating from the sapiential corpus of the Bible and the intertestamental narratives being blended with the therianthropic rites of primitive totemism. The syncretism between Christian and Pagan rites and the oscillation between Apollonian ascesis and Dionysiac aestheticism mirror the resilience as well as the pathologies of the artist in his Protean Künstlerromane and self-portraits. Inspired by the numerous artistic currents of the Victorian age, Machen’s turn-of-the-century texts are quite complex to classify and account for the too frequent association made between his style and that of Gothic or Fantastic authors. This generic indetermination, notably triggered by the anthologization of Machen’s texts, requires a work of investigation in diverse domains such as archaeology, anthropology and ethnology. Episodic novels, short stories, tales, and prose poems, in particular, become experimental diaries foreshadowing the Surrealists’ automatic writing. Deemed to be either the emblem of hereditary contagion or the herald of a decadent civilization, the artist wears several masks which are further distorted by the author’s misleading autobiographical hints. After showing that Machen is not only a poet but also a theologian and an essayist and a theorician on aesthetics, it will be possible to understand the discrepancy between the fiction and the life of a fervent High-Branch Anglican, a faithful husband who nevertheless cultivated, in his texts, paraphilic fantasies, dreams of a new Orient and an Ancient Greece, or quite the contrary, extreme penitential itineraries grounded in a Medieval Welsh tradition requiring self-flagellation and anorexic fasting. Far from representing a “chalice empty of wine”, liturgy becomes a sacred power as the correlation between physical losses and spiritual gains in The Hill of Dreams shows. By championing the beauty of a minor Welsh culture, Machen partook in the “Celtic Revival” and wrote the chronicles of uprooted Welsh subjects exiled in the hostile environment of fin-de-siècle London and striving to reterritorialize its spatial and temporal constitution.

Méthode et moyens de l'écriture de l'histoire des pays de l'Orient méditerranéen (Turquie, Syrie, Terre sainte et Égypte) en France durant les XVIIe et XVIII siècles / Method and means of writing the history of the countries of the Eastern Mediterranean (Turkey, Syria, the Holy Land and Egypt) in France during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries

Shahadeh, Salman 04 May 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse, qui consiste en une étude analytique et descriptive, porte sur une série d’auteurs français, principalement des voyageurs, ayant écrit sur l’Orient méditerranéen - Turquie, Syrie, Terre sainte et Égypte - durant les XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles. Afin de disposer d’une vision englobant tous les aspects de la vie humaine dans cette région durant ces deux siècles, nous avons sélectionné un échantillon de 24 auteurs, représentant divers domaines de connaissances: diplomates, marchands, religieux, aventuriers. Les ouvrages de ces auteurs contiennent des informations relatives à un large éventail de thèmes de l’Orient méditerranéen: l’organisation des différentes nations, les religions, la vie sociale, les villes, les aspects économique, administratif, politique et scientifique. L’étude de ces ouvrages nous permet de mettre en lumière deux éléments majeurs. D’une part nous découvrons comment les lecteurs français des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles ont acquis des connaissances sur cette zone géographique. D’autre part nous disposons d’une vision de cet espace à travers le regard des auteurs français modernes. Trois points sont traités dans le cadre de cette thèse à partir de l’analyse de ces ouvrages: les méthodes suivies par les auteurs dans la rédaction de leurs écrits, les conditions dans lesquelles ont été produits ces ouvrages et enfin le contenu même de ces derniers avec l’étude de chacun des thèmes évoqués. Pour chacun de ces points, l’accent est mis sur les différences existant entre les auteurs du XVIIe et ceux du XVIIIe siècle, ce qui permet de dégager les évolutions qu’ont connues leurs écrits d’un siècle à l’autre dans la façon de traiter l’Orient méditerranéen. / This thesis, which is a descriptive study, covers several French writers, mainly travelers, who write on different themes about the Eastern Mediterranean - Turkey, Syria, Egypt and the Holy Land - during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. In order to have a vision encompassing all aspects of human life in this region during these two centuries, we have selected a sample of 24 authors, representing various areas of knowledge: diplomats, merchants, religious adventurers. The works of these authors provide information on various topics of the eastern Mediterranean: the organization of different nations, religions, social life, and cities, economic, administrative, political and scientific fields. The study of these works allows us to highlight two major elements. On the one hand we discover how French readers of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries have learned about this geographical area. On the other hand we have a vision of this space through the eyes of contemporary French authors. Three points are discussed in this thesis starting from the analysis of these works: the methods used by the authors in writing their accounts, the conditions in which these works were produced, and finally the content of these last with the study of the various topics covered by these authors. For each of these three points, the focus is on the differences between the authors of the seventeenth and eighteenth century ones, allowing the detection of changes experienced by their writings a century the other in how to deal with the themes of the Eastern Mediterranean.

Defining Religion with Chinese Characters: Interrogating the Criticism of the Freedom of Religion in China.

Gunn, Torri Kenneth January 2011 (has links)
This thesis seeks to explore the points of dissonance and resonance around the understanding and deployment of the term 'religion' between Human Rights Watch, and the government of the People's Republic of China. In doing this, it is highlighted that a fundamental disjunction exists in the meaning of, and the boundaries of, the word 'religion' between these two groups. The space that this difference creates makes discussions on religion and religious freedom between these two groups extremely problematic, primarily because Human Rights Watch seeks to protect the right to religious freedom of groups and individuals that the Chinese government does not consider ‘religion’, but that Human Rights Watch demands they should. This thesis addresses the question of the role of social and cultural relativism in the defining, and the subsequent role in defending, of the term and contents of 'religion'.

Migrating “Otherness”: Serbian Ethnic Media amid Nationalism and Multiculturalism

Previsic, Ivana January 2011 (has links)
The thesis explores the ways in which Serbian ethnic media in Canada represent their own group and “Others”, specifically Croats, Slovenians and Catholics, Bosniaks, Albanians and Muslims, Montenegrins and the West. The research investigates the convergence of these representations with Canadian multiculturalism. The thesis epistemologically feeds from Jean Jacques Rousseau’s 18th century theories of recognition and patriotism, Stuart Hall’s (1997) theory of representation and identity and Edward Said’s (1978) theory of Orientalism, and is further guided by the theoretical frameworks of Charles Taylor’s (1994) politics of recognition, Benedict Anderson’s (1992) long-distance nationalism and Maria Todorova’s (1994) Balkanism. Qualitative content analysis through purposive and sequential sampling of Serbian ethnic broadcasting is conducted to gauge the programs’ representations of the “Self” and “Others”. Ethnic media provide a method to promote a minority group’s heritage, but also to facilitate communication between various cultural, ethnic, religious and racial groups. In the age of an increased critique of multiculturalism, the role of ethnic media rises in importance. The findings of the thesis show that Serbian ethnic media employ Canadian multiculturalism to promote Serbian heritage, but also to stereotype other groups. Applying the theoretical juxtaposition of multiculturalism, nationalism and “Othering”, this research argues that through negative identification of “Others”, Serbian ethnic media deviate from Canadian multiculturalism that calls for a positive recognition of all Canadian groups.

Israeli-Palestinian Spiral: Compliance and Silence of Political Opinions in the Canadian Print Media

Jennings, Michelle January 2011 (has links)
The news media serve as the Canadian public’s main source of information about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This thesis examines the ways in which the Canadian media portray the conflict, through a lens of Habermas’ (1962) public sphere theory, Foucault’s (1926 – 1984) ideas on discourse, and Rawls’ (1921 – 2002) conceptions of equality and justice. Building on these theories, Noelle-Neumann’s Spiral of Silence theory (1974), Said’s Orientalism (1978), and d’Arcy’s (1913 – 1983) conception of the right to communicate are examined to arrive at a framework for analyzing Canadian news. Looking at ideological representations, power manifestations, issue framing, and social responsibility within the media, this thesis explores whether the Canadian media portray the conflict in such a way that fosters a downward spiral of opinions within the Canadian public. A Critical Discourse Analysis of coverage in two national English Canadian newspapers, The Globe and Mail and the National Post, during three separate timeframes of increased violence in Israel and Palestine between 2000 and 2009 reveals that newspaper representations of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict are often entrenched in predefined ways of portraying the Other, fostering an Israeli-Palestinian spiral of silence in Canadian media.

Les récits des voyageurs britanniques en Asie centrale au XIXe siècle (1840-1890) / Nineteenth-century British travel writing in Central Asia (1840-1890)

Kantarbaeva-Bill, Irina 28 October 2011 (has links)
Le genre de récit de voyage était très prisé au XIXe siècle, plus encore lorsqu’il concernait des contrées mythiques sur lesquelles se greffait le désir d’exotisme et la recherche de racines communes de générations d’Européens. De ce point de vue, l’Asie centrale ne fait pas exception. La rivalité russo-britannique pour le partage des zones d’influence avait provoqué une multiplication des voyages vers cet Orient mal connu. Parmi les récits britanniques les plus populaires de cette époque se distinguent ceux d’Alexander Burnes, observateur militaire, d’Arminius Vambéry, orientaliste, de Florentia Sale et de Frances Duberly, épouses d’officiers, de Henry Lansdell, prêtre anglican, de Frederick Burnaby, aventurier, etc. Ces textes représentent un genre multiforme, pris à un carrefour de discours difficiles à unifier. Tout en prenant compte la diversité de cette production littéraire, notre thèse tente de mettre en lumière la question de l’altérité que pose inévitablement le récit de voyage ainsi que d’étudier les enjeux géopolitiques et littéraires de l’écriture de voyage britannique en Asie centrale au XIXe siècle. Cette historicisation nous est nécessaire pour éviter la simplification du discours orientaliste des voyageurs britanniques tout autant qu’un ensemble de stéréotypes dépréciatifs, conduisant à légitimer un comportement impérialiste. / Travel writing and experience to different parts of the world were quite popular in the 19th century, having inspired generations of Europeans to quest for exoticism and mythic origins of Western culture. Central Asia had always been one of these territories which attracted British travellers and explorers. The clandestine imperial rivalry between Russia and Britain for the mastery of Central Asia multiplied the number of British travellers towards this unknown Orient. Among the most famous travelogues of this period are those written by Alexander Burnes, a military envoy, by Armenius Vambéry, an orientalist, by Florentia Sale and Frances Duberly, officers’ spouses, by Henry Lansdell, a missionary, by Frederick Burnaby, an adventurer, and by many others. These travel narratives, versatile and heterogeneous, bring on a problem of generic definition. Our dissertation aims at examining the phenomenon of Otherness, inherent to travel writing, as well as at mapping within narrative perspective the geopolitical and literary concerns in Central Asia. By choosing this approach our work strives to avoid the reduction of the British travelling discourse in this particular geographical area to a simple legitimacy of imperial policy in the Victorian age.

Ett sekel av läroböcker : En kvalitativ litteraturstudie av läroböckers utveckling och didaktiska roll inom ämnet historia - Exemplet kolonialism/imperialism / A century of textbooks

Hederskog, Markus January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate how the view of colonialism, the colonialists, and thenative people in Swedish textbooks, has changed over the years. The study investigates, in aqualitative content analysis, three books from the early 20th century and four books from the early 21st century. The literature is analysed and compared with the aim of highlighting the changes and differences, as a pervading foundation. The theoretical aim of this study is made with the theory of “others” that has had a major impact on the idea of modern colonialism and imperialism. The study found that the older textbooks are written with a more “story telling” approach, basing the reflections of history upon single individuals, focusing on great stories and events. The more recent textbooks have a more analytical approach, raising the issues connected to thetopic of modern colonialization and reflecting over the changes in society it has resulted in. The conclusion is drawn that, in all textbooks, old as new, there is a clear division of “we” and“them”. The difference is that “we” and “them” have been shifted, from dividing the colonising Europeans and the native populations in the older books, to consider “we” as the group of peoplejudging the acts and mindsets of our ancestors and “them” as the colonialists representing anold, outdated state of mind. Keywords: Modern colonialism, postcolonialism, imperialism, Swedish textbooks in history, theory of “Other”, Orientalism. / Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur synen på kolonialismen, kolonisatörerna och ursprungsbefolkningen i svenska läroböcker inom historia har förändrats över tid. Studien undersöker i en kvalitativ litteraturstudie tre läroböcker från tidigt 1900-tal och fyra läroböcker från tidigt 2000-tal fram tills idag. Litteraturen är analyserad och jämförd, med fokus på att lyfta förändringar och skillnader som en genomgående struktur. Den teoretiska angreppspunkten har skett utifrån teorin om ”den andre” som har haft en stor påverkan på hur vi ser på den moderna kolonialismen och imperialismen idag.  Studien kunde klarlägga att de äldre läroböckerna är skrivna med en mer berättande struktur, som baserar sin historieförmedling på enskilda aktörer med ett tydligt fokus på stora berättelser och händelser. De mer moderna läroböckerna har en mer analyserande ingång där de lyfter den problematik som är nära sammankopplad med den moderna kolonialismen, och vad förändringarna i samhället har haft för påverkan på dessa.  Slutsatsen visar på att alla läroböcker, ny som gammal, framställer en tydlig ”vi och dem”-känsla. Förändringen ligger framförallt i att ”vi och dem”-känslan har förflyttats från att särskilja de europeiska kolonisatörerna från ursprungsbefolkningen, till att istället fokusera på ”vi” som den grupp som fördömer de tankar och handlingar som genomförts av våra förfäder, och ”dem” som kolonisatörerna som representerar en gammal och utdaterad samhällsuppfattning. Nyckelord: modern kolonialism, postkolonialism, imperialism, svenska läroböcker i historia, teorin om ”den andre”, orientalism.

Kulturkrock i Övärldens farvatten : En analys av orientalistiska föreställningar i fantasylitteratur

Kron, Ida January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att belysa hur olika grupper framställs och förhåller sig till varandra vid kulturmöten på grundval av deras etnicitet i en skönlitterär fantasyserie och hur detta kan bidra till att upprätthålla eller problematisera koloniala maktrelationer som den västerländska kulturella normen. I denna studie analyseras fantasybokserien The Earthsea Cycle och de grupper som befolkar dess fiktiva värld: det hardiska och det kargiska folket. Med hjälp av bland annat begreppet den Andre, som syftar till att beskriva de som avviker från den egna gemenskapen, ämnar studien uppmärksamma vad som explicit förmedlas genom exempelvis karaktärsbeskrivningar och händelseförlopp samt synliggöra mer implicita mönster och strukturer i bokseriens framställning av de olika grupperna. Studiens resultat visar att relationen mellan de olika grupper i The Earthsea Cycle till stor del präglas av en dikotomi. Grupperna definieras i förhållande till varandra och framstår således som motpoler. Genom synen på den Andre och de egenskaper som tillskrivs respektive grupp är det möjligt att likna de fiktiva grupperna vid motsatsförhållandet mellan Occidenten och Orienten. Detta förhållande utmärks således även av en hierarkisk struktur till följd av att det orientaliskt kodade folket över lag attribueras vad som framstår som sämre egenskaper som outvecklat, våldsamt och irrationellt, i enlighet med redan befintliga stereotypa föreställningar. Detta folk underordnas följaktligen en kultur som tillskrivs en västerländskt kodad karaktär, vilken innefattar karaktärsdrag som fredlig, förnuftig och progressiv.

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