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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Real-time audiovisual and interactive applications for desktop and mobile platforms

Ferreira, Inês Vale January 2012 (has links)
Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Informática e Computação. Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Engenharia. 2012

A photodegradation study of conjugated polymers for organic solar cells by absorption spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy / En studie av konjugerade polymerers fotokemiska nedbrytning genom absorptionsspektroskopi och atomkraftsmikroskopi, för tillämpning i organiska solceller

André, Johansson January 2021 (has links)
The effect of light exposure in ambient air on thin films made from an electron acceptor polymer poly{[N,N'-bis(2-octyldodecyl)naphthalene-1,4,5,8-bis(dicarboximide)-2,6-diyl]-alt-5,5'-(2,2'-bithiophene)} (N2200), an electron donor polymer Poly[[2,3-bis(3-octyloxyphenyl)-5,8-quinoxalinediyl]-2,5-thiophenediyl] (TQ1) and their blends, has been studied using UV-vis spectroscopy and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). For solutions of TQ1, N2200 and blends, the linearity of the Beer-Lambert law for absorption spectroscopy has been verified. The measured UV-vis spectra show that TQ1 thin films are more sensitive to degradation by simulated sunlight than N2200 films. They also show that among the polymer blends, the N2200-rich blend with volume ratio 1:2 (TQ1:N2200) was less sensitive to degradation by simulated sunlight than blends of ratio 1:1 and 2:1. The AFM images showed a change in roughness between the undegraded and degraded films, where the TQ1, 1:1 and 1:2 films obtained lower roughness after 45 hours of degradation, and the N2200 and the 2:1 films obtained higher roughness. / Effekten av simulerad solljusexponering i omgivande luft på tunna filmer gjorda av en elektronaccepterande polymer poly{[N,N'-bis(2-octyldodecyl)naphthalene-1,4,5,8-bis(dicarboximide)-2,6-diyl]-alt-5,5'-(2,2'-bithiophene)} (N2200), en elektrondonerande polymer Poly[[2,3-bis(3-octyloxyphenyl)-5,8-quinoxalinediyl]-2,5-thiophenediyl] (TQ1) och deras blandningar, har undersökts genom ultraviolett-synlig-spektroskopi (UV-vis-spektroskopi) och atomkraftsmikroskopi (AFM). Genom lösningar av TQ1, N2200 och blandningar, har det linjära förhållandet i Beer Lamberts lag för absorptionsspektroskopi verifierats. De mätta UV-vis-spektrumen visar att tunna TQ1-filmer är känsligare mot degradering genom simulerat solljus än tunna N2200-filmer. De visar också att den N2200-rika blandningen med ett volymförhållande av 1:2 (TQ1:N2200) var mindre känslig för degradering av simulerat solljus än blandningar med volymförhållandet 1:1 och 2:1. AFM-bilderna visade en förändring i råhet mellan degraderade och icke-degraderade filmer, där TQ1-, 1:1-, och 1:2-filmerna fick en lägre ytråhet efter 45 timmar av degradering, och N2200- och 2:1-filmera fick en högre ytråhet.

Encapsulations for Organic Devices and their Evaluation using Calcium Corrosion Tests

Klumbies, Hannes 18 February 2014 (has links) (PDF)
This work investigates the encapsulation of organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) and organic solar cells (OSCs) in order to extend their lifetimes. Despite their unquestioned benefits, such as low material consumption and flexibility, their short lifetime span in ambient atmosphere is a clear disadvantage. For protection purposes, the devices are required to be encapsulated with permeation barriers. An appropriate barrier must have a water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) below 10^(-4) g(H2O) m^(-2) d^(-1) – below a monolayer of water permating through the barrier per day. Thus to design such barriers, a highly sensitive method for their evaluation is the primary requirement. Much fundamental research and setup development is thus performed in this work in order to improve the electrical calcium test to a sufficient level of sensitivity, reliability, and measurement capacity. The electrical calcium test uses a thin film of ignoble calcium and determines the amount of incoming water based on the decrease in its electrical conductance. In order to obtain highly precise results, this work identifies the reaction product (calcium hydroxide) and electrical resistivity of evaporated calcium films ((6.2 +- 0.1) 10^(-6-) Ohm cm). In contrast to a common assumption for the evaluation of calcium tests, calcium is found to corrode laterally inhomogeneous. However, it is shown theoretically and experimentally that this inhomogeneity does not distort the WVTR-measurement. Besides these fundamental investigations, calcium test design problems – as well as their solutions – are shown such as the damaging of an inorganic barrier film by an adjacent calcium sensor. As a result, a powerful and reliable measurement setup has been created. Subsequently, an investigation of a variety of barriers is presented, based on calcium tests, but also on device encapsulation and electroplating into defects: Permeation through evaporated aluminum thin films is found to occur mainly through macroscopic defects (radii > 0.4 μm) characterizable by optical inspection. Barriers made via atomic layer deposition (ALD) show improved performance with increasing layer thickness. Using ALD on foils provides excellent but, thus far, unreliable barriers. Permeation through bare polymer foils as well as sputtered zinc tin oxide (ZTO) increases roughly linear with increasing humidity and the measured WVTRs are highly comparable to reference values. The POLO barrier with a WVTR in the lower 10^(-4) g(H2O) m^(-2) d^(-1)-regime reaches the sensitivity limit of the current calcium test layout. In summary, in-depth investigations on permeation through different barriers are conducted here which reveal basic WVTR-dependencies from process- and climate parameters. Finally, water is identified as the predominant cause for device degradation, reducing the active area. For one type of both OLEDs and OSCs, the amount of water causing a 50% loss in active area (T50- water-uptake) is quantified via a comparative aging experiment involving calcium tests. Further for the case of the OSC, this T50-water-uptake of (20 +- 7) mg(H2O) m^(-2) is shown to be independent of climate conditions. As a result, the previously unspecific request for an aimed device lifetime can now be translated into a specific requirement for the permeation barrier: a water vapor transmission rate. Regarding the field of encapsulation, this work improves an essential measurement technique, characterizes a variety of permeation barriers, and investigates degradation of devices by ambient gases. The encapsulation field still poses several open questions. This work, however, strengthens the belief that organic devices will outlive them. / Diese Arbeit untersucht die Verkapselung organischer Leuchtdioden (OLEDs) und organischer Solarzellen (OSCs), um ihre Lebensdauer zu verlängern. Trotz unbestrittener Vorteile wie geringer Materialaufwand und mechanische Flexibilität stellt die kurze Lebensdauer dieser Bauteile an Luft einen deutlichen Nachteil dar. Um sie zu schützen, müssen sie mit Permeationsbarrieren verkapselt werden. Eine geeignete Barriere zeichnet sich durch eine Wasserpermeationsrate (WVTR) unterhalb von 10^(-4) g(H2O) m^(-2) d^(-1) aus – weniger als eine Monolage Wasser pro Tag. Folglich wird zur Entwicklung einer solchen Barriere primär eine äußerst empflindliche Methode zu ihrer Vermessung benötigt. Um für den elektrischen Calcium-Test ein hinreichendes Maß an Messgenauigkeit, Zuverlässigkeit und Probendurchsatz zu erzielen, werden in dieser Arbeit Grundlagenuntersuchungen sowie die Entwicklung des Messaufbaus umfassend behandelt. Der elektrische Calcium-Test bestimmt die Menge eindringenden Wassers anhand der Leitfähigkeitsabnahme einer dünnen Schicht Calcium – eines unedlen Metalls. Um eine hohe Genauigkeit zu erlangen, werden das Reaktionsprodukt (Calciumhydroxid) und der spezifische Widerstand ((6,2 +- 0,1) 10^(-6) Ohm cm) aufgedampfter Calcium-Filme bestimmt. Entgegen einer für die Auswertung von Calcium-Tests üblichen Annahme wird für Calcium ein lateral inhomogenes Korrosionsverhalten festgestellt. Allerdings kann theoretisch und experimentell nachgewiesen werden, dass hierdurch die WVTR-Messung nicht verfälscht wird. Neben diesen Grundlagenuntersuchungen werden Design-Probleme des Calcium-Tests und deren Lösung vorgestellt, z. B. die Schädigung der anorganischen Barriere durch direkten Kontakt mit dem Calcium-Sensor. Im Ergebnis ist damit ein ebenso leistungsstarker wie zuverlässiger Messaufbau entwickelt worden. Im nächsten Schritt wird die Untersuchung einer Vielzahl von Barrieren mithilfe von Calcium-Tests, aber auch Bauteil-Verkapselung und galvanischer Abscheidung in Defekten, vorgestellt: Die Permeation durch aufgedampfte Aluminium-Dünnfilme geschieht demnach im Wesentlichen durch Makro-Defekte (Radien > 0,4 μm), die einer optischen Charakterisierung zugänglich sind. Barrieren, die durch Atomlagenabscheidung (ALD) hergestellt werden, verbessern sich mit steigender Schichtdicke, wobei solche Schichten auf Folien ausgezeichnete – aber bisher unzuverlässige – Permeationsbarrieren darstellen. Sowohl für einfache Polymerfolien als auch für gesputterte Zink-Zinn-Oxid-Barrieren (ZTO) werden zum einen gute Übereinstimmungen der gemessenen WVTR mit Vergleichswerten erzielt, zum anderen wächst in beiden Fällen die WVTR grob linear mit der anliegenden Luftfeuchte. Die POLO-Barriere mit einer WVTR im unteren 10^(-4) g(H2O) m^(-2) d^(-1)-Bereich erreicht die Messgrenze des aktuellen Messaufbaus. Kurzgesagt, es werden tiefgehende Untersuchungen zur Permeation durch verschiedene Barrieren durchgeführt, die grundlegende Zusammenhänge zwischen WVTR und Prozess-/Klimabedingungen beleuchten. Schließlich wird Wasser, das die aktive Fläche reduziert, als die vorrangige Degradationsursache identifiziert. Für je eine Sorte OLEDs und OSCs wird mittels eines vergleichenden (gegenüber Calcium-Tests) Alterungsexperiments dieWassermenge bestimmt, die die aktive Fläche um 50% verringert (T50-Wasser-Aufnahme). Für die OSC wird zudem gezeigt, dass die T50-Wasser-Aufnahme von (20 +- 7) mg(H2O) m^(-2) unabhängig von den Klimabedingungen ist. Folglich kann die zuvor unspezifische Forderung nach einer angestrebten Lebensdauer nun in eine konkrete Anforderung an die Barriere übersetzt werden: eine Wasserpermeationsrate. Mit Blick auf das Feld der Verkapselung verbessert diese Arbeit eine wichtige Messmethode, charakterisiert eine Vielzahl an Permeationsbarrieren und untersucht die Bauteilalterung durch Lufteinwirkung. Auch wenn das das Forschungsfeld der Verkapselungen nach wie vor eine Reihe offener Fragen aufweist, so bestärkt diese Arbeit doch in der Hoffnung, dass die organischen Bauteile selbige überdauern werden.

Encapsulations for Organic Devices and their Evaluation using Calcium Corrosion Tests

Klumbies, Hannes 31 January 2014 (has links)
This work investigates the encapsulation of organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) and organic solar cells (OSCs) in order to extend their lifetimes. Despite their unquestioned benefits, such as low material consumption and flexibility, their short lifetime span in ambient atmosphere is a clear disadvantage. For protection purposes, the devices are required to be encapsulated with permeation barriers. An appropriate barrier must have a water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) below 10^(-4) g(H2O) m^(-2) d^(-1) – below a monolayer of water permating through the barrier per day. Thus to design such barriers, a highly sensitive method for their evaluation is the primary requirement. Much fundamental research and setup development is thus performed in this work in order to improve the electrical calcium test to a sufficient level of sensitivity, reliability, and measurement capacity. The electrical calcium test uses a thin film of ignoble calcium and determines the amount of incoming water based on the decrease in its electrical conductance. In order to obtain highly precise results, this work identifies the reaction product (calcium hydroxide) and electrical resistivity of evaporated calcium films ((6.2 +- 0.1) 10^(-6-) Ohm cm). In contrast to a common assumption for the evaluation of calcium tests, calcium is found to corrode laterally inhomogeneous. However, it is shown theoretically and experimentally that this inhomogeneity does not distort the WVTR-measurement. Besides these fundamental investigations, calcium test design problems – as well as their solutions – are shown such as the damaging of an inorganic barrier film by an adjacent calcium sensor. As a result, a powerful and reliable measurement setup has been created. Subsequently, an investigation of a variety of barriers is presented, based on calcium tests, but also on device encapsulation and electroplating into defects: Permeation through evaporated aluminum thin films is found to occur mainly through macroscopic defects (radii > 0.4 μm) characterizable by optical inspection. Barriers made via atomic layer deposition (ALD) show improved performance with increasing layer thickness. Using ALD on foils provides excellent but, thus far, unreliable barriers. Permeation through bare polymer foils as well as sputtered zinc tin oxide (ZTO) increases roughly linear with increasing humidity and the measured WVTRs are highly comparable to reference values. The POLO barrier with a WVTR in the lower 10^(-4) g(H2O) m^(-2) d^(-1)-regime reaches the sensitivity limit of the current calcium test layout. In summary, in-depth investigations on permeation through different barriers are conducted here which reveal basic WVTR-dependencies from process- and climate parameters. Finally, water is identified as the predominant cause for device degradation, reducing the active area. For one type of both OLEDs and OSCs, the amount of water causing a 50% loss in active area (T50- water-uptake) is quantified via a comparative aging experiment involving calcium tests. Further for the case of the OSC, this T50-water-uptake of (20 +- 7) mg(H2O) m^(-2) is shown to be independent of climate conditions. As a result, the previously unspecific request for an aimed device lifetime can now be translated into a specific requirement for the permeation barrier: a water vapor transmission rate. Regarding the field of encapsulation, this work improves an essential measurement technique, characterizes a variety of permeation barriers, and investigates degradation of devices by ambient gases. The encapsulation field still poses several open questions. This work, however, strengthens the belief that organic devices will outlive them.:1 Introduction 2 Fundamentals 2.1 Organic Semiconductors 2.2 Organic Solar Cells 2.3 Organic Light-Emitting Diodes 2.4 Humidity, Evaporation, and Condensation 2.5 Principles of Permeation 3 State of the Art in Barrier Production and Evaluation 3.1 Barrier Technologies 3.2 Permeation Measurement Techniques 4 Experimental 4.1 Description of the As-Delivered Substrates 4.2 Treatment of Substrates 4.3 Deposition of Calcium Tests and Devices by Thermal Evaporation 4.4 Permeation Barriers by Atomic Layer Deposition 4.5 Defect Evaluation by Electrodeposition 5 Calcium for Permeation Tests Properties and Corrosion Behavior 5.1 Electrical Conductance and Optical Transmission 5.2 Corrosion Product 5.3 Laterally Inhomogeneous Calcium Corrosion 5.4 Implications for Optical and Electrical Calcium Corrosion Tests 6 Electrical Calcium Test 6.1 Measurement Setup 6.2 Calcium Test Layout 6.3 Comparability with Other Methods – OE-A Round Robin 6.4 Limitations and Future Prospects of the Electrical Calcium Test 6.5 Setup and Layout – Conclusions 7 Barrier Investigation 7.1 Thermally Evaporated Aluminum as Thin Film Encapsulation 7.2 ZnSnO (Magnetron Sputtered) on Polymer Foil 7.3 Al2O3 (ALD) on Polymer Substrate and as Thin Film Encapsulation 7.4 Summary and Conclusions for the Investigated Barriers 8 Encapsulation and Lifetime of Devices 8.1 Phenomenology of Device Degradation in Ambient Atmosphere 8.2 OLED Degradation Investigated by Calcium Tests 8.3 OSC Degradation Investigated by Calcium Tests 8.4 Discussion 8.5 Conclusions 9 Conclusions and Future Prospects Bibliography Acknowledgements Statement of Authorship / Diese Arbeit untersucht die Verkapselung organischer Leuchtdioden (OLEDs) und organischer Solarzellen (OSCs), um ihre Lebensdauer zu verlängern. Trotz unbestrittener Vorteile wie geringer Materialaufwand und mechanische Flexibilität stellt die kurze Lebensdauer dieser Bauteile an Luft einen deutlichen Nachteil dar. Um sie zu schützen, müssen sie mit Permeationsbarrieren verkapselt werden. Eine geeignete Barriere zeichnet sich durch eine Wasserpermeationsrate (WVTR) unterhalb von 10^(-4) g(H2O) m^(-2) d^(-1) aus – weniger als eine Monolage Wasser pro Tag. Folglich wird zur Entwicklung einer solchen Barriere primär eine äußerst empflindliche Methode zu ihrer Vermessung benötigt. Um für den elektrischen Calcium-Test ein hinreichendes Maß an Messgenauigkeit, Zuverlässigkeit und Probendurchsatz zu erzielen, werden in dieser Arbeit Grundlagenuntersuchungen sowie die Entwicklung des Messaufbaus umfassend behandelt. Der elektrische Calcium-Test bestimmt die Menge eindringenden Wassers anhand der Leitfähigkeitsabnahme einer dünnen Schicht Calcium – eines unedlen Metalls. Um eine hohe Genauigkeit zu erlangen, werden das Reaktionsprodukt (Calciumhydroxid) und der spezifische Widerstand ((6,2 +- 0,1) 10^(-6) Ohm cm) aufgedampfter Calcium-Filme bestimmt. Entgegen einer für die Auswertung von Calcium-Tests üblichen Annahme wird für Calcium ein lateral inhomogenes Korrosionsverhalten festgestellt. Allerdings kann theoretisch und experimentell nachgewiesen werden, dass hierdurch die WVTR-Messung nicht verfälscht wird. Neben diesen Grundlagenuntersuchungen werden Design-Probleme des Calcium-Tests und deren Lösung vorgestellt, z. B. die Schädigung der anorganischen Barriere durch direkten Kontakt mit dem Calcium-Sensor. Im Ergebnis ist damit ein ebenso leistungsstarker wie zuverlässiger Messaufbau entwickelt worden. Im nächsten Schritt wird die Untersuchung einer Vielzahl von Barrieren mithilfe von Calcium-Tests, aber auch Bauteil-Verkapselung und galvanischer Abscheidung in Defekten, vorgestellt: Die Permeation durch aufgedampfte Aluminium-Dünnfilme geschieht demnach im Wesentlichen durch Makro-Defekte (Radien > 0,4 μm), die einer optischen Charakterisierung zugänglich sind. Barrieren, die durch Atomlagenabscheidung (ALD) hergestellt werden, verbessern sich mit steigender Schichtdicke, wobei solche Schichten auf Folien ausgezeichnete – aber bisher unzuverlässige – Permeationsbarrieren darstellen. Sowohl für einfache Polymerfolien als auch für gesputterte Zink-Zinn-Oxid-Barrieren (ZTO) werden zum einen gute Übereinstimmungen der gemessenen WVTR mit Vergleichswerten erzielt, zum anderen wächst in beiden Fällen die WVTR grob linear mit der anliegenden Luftfeuchte. Die POLO-Barriere mit einer WVTR im unteren 10^(-4) g(H2O) m^(-2) d^(-1)-Bereich erreicht die Messgrenze des aktuellen Messaufbaus. Kurzgesagt, es werden tiefgehende Untersuchungen zur Permeation durch verschiedene Barrieren durchgeführt, die grundlegende Zusammenhänge zwischen WVTR und Prozess-/Klimabedingungen beleuchten. Schließlich wird Wasser, das die aktive Fläche reduziert, als die vorrangige Degradationsursache identifiziert. Für je eine Sorte OLEDs und OSCs wird mittels eines vergleichenden (gegenüber Calcium-Tests) Alterungsexperiments dieWassermenge bestimmt, die die aktive Fläche um 50% verringert (T50-Wasser-Aufnahme). Für die OSC wird zudem gezeigt, dass die T50-Wasser-Aufnahme von (20 +- 7) mg(H2O) m^(-2) unabhängig von den Klimabedingungen ist. Folglich kann die zuvor unspezifische Forderung nach einer angestrebten Lebensdauer nun in eine konkrete Anforderung an die Barriere übersetzt werden: eine Wasserpermeationsrate. Mit Blick auf das Feld der Verkapselung verbessert diese Arbeit eine wichtige Messmethode, charakterisiert eine Vielzahl an Permeationsbarrieren und untersucht die Bauteilalterung durch Lufteinwirkung. Auch wenn das das Forschungsfeld der Verkapselungen nach wie vor eine Reihe offener Fragen aufweist, so bestärkt diese Arbeit doch in der Hoffnung, dass die organischen Bauteile selbige überdauern werden.:1 Introduction 2 Fundamentals 2.1 Organic Semiconductors 2.2 Organic Solar Cells 2.3 Organic Light-Emitting Diodes 2.4 Humidity, Evaporation, and Condensation 2.5 Principles of Permeation 3 State of the Art in Barrier Production and Evaluation 3.1 Barrier Technologies 3.2 Permeation Measurement Techniques 4 Experimental 4.1 Description of the As-Delivered Substrates 4.2 Treatment of Substrates 4.3 Deposition of Calcium Tests and Devices by Thermal Evaporation 4.4 Permeation Barriers by Atomic Layer Deposition 4.5 Defect Evaluation by Electrodeposition 5 Calcium for Permeation Tests Properties and Corrosion Behavior 5.1 Electrical Conductance and Optical Transmission 5.2 Corrosion Product 5.3 Laterally Inhomogeneous Calcium Corrosion 5.4 Implications for Optical and Electrical Calcium Corrosion Tests 6 Electrical Calcium Test 6.1 Measurement Setup 6.2 Calcium Test Layout 6.3 Comparability with Other Methods – OE-A Round Robin 6.4 Limitations and Future Prospects of the Electrical Calcium Test 6.5 Setup and Layout – Conclusions 7 Barrier Investigation 7.1 Thermally Evaporated Aluminum as Thin Film Encapsulation 7.2 ZnSnO (Magnetron Sputtered) on Polymer Foil 7.3 Al2O3 (ALD) on Polymer Substrate and as Thin Film Encapsulation 7.4 Summary and Conclusions for the Investigated Barriers 8 Encapsulation and Lifetime of Devices 8.1 Phenomenology of Device Degradation in Ambient Atmosphere 8.2 OLED Degradation Investigated by Calcium Tests 8.3 OSC Degradation Investigated by Calcium Tests 8.4 Discussion 8.5 Conclusions 9 Conclusions and Future Prospects Bibliography Acknowledgements Statement of Authorship

A OMC e o meio ambiente : uma análise do caso Estados Unidos - proibição da importação de camarões e produtos derivados da camarão

Afonso, Alexandre Dias 24 May 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-02-04T20:42:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Alexandre Dias Afonso.pdf: 508407 bytes, checksum: 582be9d635505b83265dbec446688ca8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-05-24 / A presente dissertação pretende analisar a questão do meio ambiente no âmbito da Organização Mundial do Comércio, pois, a questão da preservação ambiental e seus recursos naturais são de vital importância para a sociedade internacional, por tratar-se de patrimônio da humanidade que deve ser preservado para as presentes e futuras gerações. Verificou-se, que o crescimento do comércio multilateral e a degradação ao meio ambiente estão intrinsecamente relacionados e para tanto a presente tese discorre. No primeiro capitulo, discorre sobre o surgimento das instituições de caráter financeiro e comercial, bem como as primeiras rodadas de negociação do comércio multilateral e a mais importante, a rodada Uruguai, a gênese da OMC, e sua natureza jurídica, funções e estrutura. No capitulo seguinte examina-se como eram dirimidas as controvérsias do comércio multilateral no âmbito do GATT 1947 e como são atualmente na OMC através do Anexo 2- Entendimento Relativo às Normas e Procedimentos sobre Solução de Controvérsias. Também como são estabelecidos e quais as funções dos Grupos Especiais e do Órgão de Apelação e o meio alternativo de aplicação da Arbitragem. A terceira parte aborda os princípios de direito internacional utilizados na proteção do meio ambiente em decorrência do crescimento econômico dos Estados que buscam conciliar o crescimento e a proteção do meio ambiente. A ultima parte dedicada a analise dos trâmites e conclusões do caso Estados Unidos proibição da importação de camarões e produtos derivados de camarão. Por fim, uma parte conclusiva que delineia ao fato da incompletude no ordenamento jurídico da OMC em tomada de decisões que envolvam proteção ao meio ambiente, sendo certo que possa através da heterointegração utilizar-se de princípios de direito ambiental e outras normas para suprir esta lacuna de norma legal.

Organic Solar Cell Fabrication and Study on the Influence of Spin-dependent Processes on the Photocurrent using Spin-sensitive Techniques

Olsmats Baumeister, Ronja, Roxner, Evelina January 2022 (has links)
Research in recent years on novel materials in organic solar cells (OSCs) have contributed to a rapid advancement in OSC efficiency. Here, OSCs with the well-studied organic semiconductors poly(3-hexylthiophene):[6,6]-phenyl C60-butyric acid methylester (P3HT:PCBM) in a bulk heterojunction structure were prepared to establish a baseline procedure for fabrication and spin-sensitive spectroscopy. Spin-sensitive spectroscopy can be used to probe the spin-dependent processes and loss mechanism in OSCs. Understanding the microscopic processes enables research targeting loss mechanisms directly, which opens up for higher efficiency OSCs. Measurements with continuous wave electrically detected magnetic resonance (cwEDMR), continuous wave electron paramagnetic resonance (cwEPR) and transient (tr)EDMR were set up and followed by an initial study on the spin-dependent processes and their influence on the photocurrent. Signals from spin-dependent processes in the samples were seen for the three experiment series carried out, and well-functioning OSCs with consistent results were prepared. This thesis and the presented baseline fabrication and experimental setup procedures provide with valuable learnings for future research in the group AG Behrends enabling fabrication and spin-sensitive studies on novel materials in OSCs. It was found that post-processing annealing at 120 C for 5 min reduces S-shape behaviour in current-voltage curves, and over all improves poor current-voltage characteristics of the OSC samples fabricated. Further, influence from PEDOT:PSS was seen in cwEPR spectroscopy, indicating the presence of traps or free radicals in the PEDOT:PSS. In cwEDMR spectroscopy of the OSCs it was shown that the spin processes of bias-induced and photo-induced charge carriers influence the photocurrent in the same way. Finally, the authors suggest that results from spin-sensitive spectroscopy of degraded OSCs cannot be applied to non-degraded OSCs.

Un canevas pour l’adaptation et la substitution de services Web / A platform for Web service adaptation and substitution

Taher, Yehia 24 July 2009 (has links)
Les services Web ont émergé comme un support de développement et d’intégration d’applications ou de systèmes d’information. Dans ce cadre, les interactions entre deux applications consommateur et fournisseur, encapsulées par des services Web se font par échanges de messages. Ces échanges s’appuient sur la notion d’interfaces, qui décrivent les interactions dans lesquelles un service peut s’engager et les dépendances entre ces interactions. Dans le Web actuel, il arrive très fréquemment que de nombreux services répondent à un même ensemble de besoins fonctionnels. Ces services sont souvent offerts par le biais d’interfaces différentes. Des nombreuses raisons, telles que la panne du service fournisseur, peuvent amener un consommateur à substituer son fournisseur habituel par un autre fournisseur qui offre la même fonctionnalité. Cette substitution provoque des incompatibilités entre l’interface du service consommateur et celle du service fournisseur substitut. Cela est dû au fait que le service consommateur n’a pas été fait en fonction de ce nouveau service fournisseur. Les recherches que nous menons dans cette thèse visent à résoudre le problème des incompatibilités dans des interactions entre deux services consommateur et fournisseur substitut. En particulier, notre contribution s’étend, tant sur le plan théorique que sur le plan pratique. Il s’agit d’une part d’un canevas pour la génération automatique des adaptateurs des interactions entre deux services. D’autre part, nous proposons une architecture logicielle multicouche fournissant un cadre permettant une substitution transparente et flexible d’un service fournisseur par un autre service vis-à-vis du consommateur du premier. Dans notre canevas pour la génération automatique des adaptateurs, une modélisation des interfaces de services en des automates a été adoptée. Puis, une étape de détection des incompatibilités entre ceux-ci est réalisée. Ensuite, un adaptateur des interactions entre les deux services est généré automatiquement sur la base d’incompatibilités détectées. La génération de l’adaptateur est guidée par le modèle d’automates. Cela permet de modéliser l’adaptateur indépendamment de son implémentation cible, permettant ainsi une bonne réutilisation des modèles. Une fois généré, l’automate de l’adaptateur suffisamment détaillé est projeté sur la technologie CEP (Complexe Event Processing). Cette projection est réalisée à l’aide des composants cartouches (en anglais : Templates) que nous avons mis en oeuvre. Chaque cartouche étant conçue pour générer du code exécutable (en termes de requêtes continues) pour la technologie CEP / Web services have emerged as a support for development and integration of applications and information systems. In this context, the interactions between two consumer and supplier applications, encapsulated by Web services are done by exchanging messages. These exchanges are based on the concept of interfaces, which describe the interactions in which a service can handle and dependencies between these interactions. In the current Web, it is very often that many services meet the same set of functional requirements. These services are often delivered through different interfaces. For many reasons, such as failure of the service provider, the consumer has to replace his usual supplier with another supplier that offers the same functionality. This substitution leads to incompatibilities between the interfaces of the service consumer and new service provider. This is because the customer service was not been developed according to the new service provider. The research we conduct in this thesis aims to solve the problem of incompatibility in the interaction between two services; consumer and new provider. In particular, our contribution extends both in theory and in practice. It is a part of a framework for the automatic generation of adapters for interactions between two services. On the other hand, we propose a multi-layer software architecture providing a framework for transparent and flexible substitution of a service provider by another with respect to an existed consumer. In our framework for automatic generation of adapters, services interfaces modeling using automata has been adopted. Then, a step of detecting incompatibilities between them is achieved. After that, an adapter of the interactions between the two services is generated automatically based on the detected incompatibilities. The generation of the adapter is based on the automata model. The generated adapter automaton contains a sufficient detail for the projected technology CEP (Complex Event Processing). This projection is performed using components templates that are implemented by us. Each template is designed to generate executable code (in terms of continuous requests) for the CEP technology

Bases moléculaires du contrôle de l’équilibre entre autorenouvellement et différenciation / Molecular bases controlling the self-renewal/differentiation balance

Pous, Camila 03 September 2010 (has links)
L’autorenouvellement est une propriété fondatrice du concept de cellule souche. Cependant, malgré l’avancée des connaissances actuelles, les mécanismes moléculaires sous-jacents restent mal compris. Nous nous sommes donc intéressés à cette question, en étudiant l’équilibre entre autorenouvellement et différenciation dans des progéniteurs érythrocytaires primaires. D’une part, grâce à une étude combinant des approches pharmacologiques et de génétique fonctionnelle, nos résultats montrent que le contrôle de la synthèse cellulaire du cholestérol joue un rôle essentiel dans la régulation du basculement de l’autorenouvellement vers la différenciation. D’autre part, nous avons étudié la nature stochastique de l’expression génique au cours du passage de l’autorenouvellement vers la différenciation. En effet, contrairement au caractère déterministe initialement attribué à l’expression des gènes, les données accumulées au cours des dernières années démontrent que cette expression repose sur des processus stochastiques. Nous avons en particulier oeuvré à la conception et à la mise en place d’un dispositif permettant de suivre en temps réel l’expression génique dans des cellules individualisées, afin de pouvoir mesurer et évaluer cette stochasticité. Au final, l’ensemble de ces travaux participent à la compréhension des bases moléculaires de l’autorenouvellement et du contrôle des choix du devenir cellulaire. / Self-renewal is a key property of the stem cell concept. However, despite the recent advances in this field, the underlying molecular bases are not yet properly understood. We tackled this question by studying the balance between self-renewal and differentiation, in primary erythroid progenitors. Our work is twofold. First, by combining pharmacologic approaches and functional genetics, we have shown that the control of cellular cholesterol synthesis plays a central role in the regulation between self-renewal and differentiation. Second, we have studied the stochastic nature of gene expression along the transition from self-renewal to differentiation. Indeed, while gene expression was initially deemed to be deterministic, more and more data tend to show that it relies on stochastic processes. In particular, we participated to the design of an experimental method allowing to mesure gene expression in a single cell, in real-time. All in all, the work presented here brings new elements towards the understanding of molecular bases controlling self-renewal and cell fate choices.

Studium optických vlastností tenkých vrstev organických fotovoltaických článků / Study of optical properties of thin films of organic photovoltaic cells

Čuboň, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
This master´s thesis is focused on measurement of optical properties of thin layer of materials used in organic solar cells (OSC). The usage of graphene oxides and its reduced forms as parts of hole transport layer (HLT) in OSC were studied. At the beginning of the thesis, there is described basic theory necessary to understand the optical properties of thin layers. The thin layer deposition and reduction of GO are discussed too. The experimental part is aimed to the optical characterization of prepared thin films. The results from optical microscopy, UV-VIS spectroscopy, FT-IR spectroscopy and spectroscopic ellipsometry were obtained. At the end of the thesis, the results are concluded and compared with already published literature.

A Study of the Interfacial Configuration of Alq3 and Co Bilayer in Organic Spin Valves

2014 March 1900 (has links)
The interfacial electronic structure of the organic material- tris(8-hydroxyquinolinato)aluminum (Alq3) forming an interface with cobalt metal has been investigated in this research. The primary characterization method used in this research was near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) spectroscopy which probes the unoccupied molecular orbitals of a material. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations have also been employed to calculate the partial density of states (PDOS) of all constituent elements present in Alq3 molecule. The DFT calculations helped to determine the molecular orbital structure of Alq3 and to understand how the orbital structure is influenced by forming an interface with ferromagnetic Co layer. The experimental NEXAFS spectra measured in total fluorescence yield (TFY) showed that the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) and LUMO+1 states of Alq3 were not affected by the presence of Co when Co is deposited onto Alq3. On the other hand, a charge transfer between Co and Alq3 led the loss or reduction of LUMO+2 state for a Co(top)/Alq3 bilayer sample when compared to pristine Alq3 reference sample (without Co deposition). This selective effect of Co on the orbital configuration of Alq3 suggests that Co atoms diffuse into Alq3 and interact with preferred sites in Alq3. By comparing the spectral change in the experimental NEXAFS spectra to the calculated PDOS of Alq3, the preferred interaction sites between Co and Alq3 could be successfully determined. This work suggests that the spectroscopic approach using synchrotron-radiation X-ray spectroscopy can serve as a powerful means for studying the interfacial electronic structure between magnetic metals and organic semiconductors and can contribute to the research and development of high performance organic spintronics.

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