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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sensorimotor Brain Plasticity in Stroke Patients with Dysphagia : A Methodological Study on Investigation and Treatment

Hägg, Mary January 2007 (has links)
<b>Aims</b> The aims of the thesis were to validate investigation instruments for stroke patients with dysphagia, and to improve oropharyngeal dysphagia therapies. <b>Methods/Results</b> A Lip Force Meter, LF 100, affirmed excellent intra- and inter-reliability, sensitivity and specificity. Controls had significantly stronger lip force (LF) and swallowing capacity (SC) than stroke patients. A normal lower limit of LF was set to 15 Newton. Dysphagia symptoms improved in 7 stroke patients after a 5-week sensorimotor stimulation therapy comprising manual body and facial regulation in combination with palatal plate application. Impaired LF and impaired SC were parallel phenomena in 22 acute stroke patients and did not differ regardless of presence or absence of facial palsy. LF and SC improved and were parallel phenomena in 30 stroke patients and did not differ regardless of presence or absence of facial palsy, time lag between stroke attack and start of treatment, or age. SC was normalized in 19 of 30 dysphagia patients after a 5-8-week daily lip muscle self-training with an oral screen. <b>Conclusions</b> LF100 is an appropriate and reliable instrument for measuring lip force. Dysphagia improvement, by body and facial sensorimotor stimulation in combination with palatal plate application, or by training with an oral screen is excellent examples of brain plasticity and cortical reorganisation. . Swallowing capacity and lip force in stroke patients are parallel phenomena. A sub clinical facial paresis seems to be present in most stroke patients. Training with an oral screen can improve LF and SC in stroke patients with oropharyngeal dysphagia.

Pain management options after tonsillectomy and third molar extraction

Akural, I. E. (Ibrahim Ethem) 09 December 2016 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the clinical implications of a combination of a peripheral opioid, paracetamol (APAP) and ketoprofen (KTP) on the intensity of acute postoperative pain by focusing on tonsillectomy (TE) and third molar extraction. A second focus in the study was to assess the utility of the surgical ultrasonically activated scalpel (HS) technique for TE. In Study I, TE was performed on one side using the HS and on the contralateral side using a “blunt dissection technique”. The first TE study (I) demonstrated that - based on NRS pain scores during the first 10 postoperative hours - intra-operative blood loss and need for haemostasis were greater on the blunt dissection side than on the HS side. Pain scores were higher on the HS side than on the cold dissection side during the second postoperative week. Study III assessed the analgesic effect of a peripheral dose of 4 mg morphine. The peritonsillar infiltration of morphine locally did not significantly decrease pain compared to the control side. Studies (II and IV) included patients who were scheduled for third molar extraction. In Study II, patients received 1000 mg APAP or 100 mg KTP or both or a placebo to evaluate pain relief after third molar extraction. This study demonstrated that the mean sum of pain intensity differences scores up to the 1.5 h mark and the mean time to onset of pain relief at rest and on swallowing were favoured in the combination group more than in the APAP, KTP, and placebo groups. In Study IV, patients were assigned for a submucosal injection of 2 mg morphine or NaCl into either the non-inflamed (Trial I) or the inflamed (Trial II) peridental tissue, while the active control group received the same drugs in reverse order intramuscular (IM). Postoperative pain intensity at rest and on swallowing was assessed in all studies using the numerical rating scale (NRS). Pain scores in the peripheral morphine group at rest (Trials I and II) and on swallowing (Trial I) were not associated with any further pain reduction. Pain scores on swallowing during the 2–6 hours postoperative period (Trial II) were greater in the IM morphine group. HS TE was associated with decreased pain in the early postoperative period, but there was increased pain and otalgia during the second postoperative week. Locally administered peripheral morphine was not associated with any benefit during the postoperative period after TE. The multimodal analgesia combination of a single dose of KTP and APAP demonstrated the same benefit during the early postoperative period without an increase in side effects. Locally administered peripheral morphine produced significant analgesia on swallowing during the early postoperative stage in inflamed tissue after third molar extraction. / Tiivistelmä Hyvä leikkauksen jälkeinen kivunhoito on yksilöllisesti suunniteltua, turvallista, helppokäyttöistä ja taloudellista. Nykyään pyritään kivunlievityksessä hyödyn-tämään eri vaikutuspaikkoihin kohdistuvia hoitoja eli multimodaalista kivun¬hoitoa. Tämän työn tarkoituksena oli selvittää eri kivunlievitysmenetelmien tehoa ja turvallisuutta kahdessa eri toimenpiteessä: nielurisojen poistoleikkauksen (TE) tai viisaudenhampaan poistoleikkauksen jälkeen. Tutkimuskokonaisuus käsittelee leikkaustekniikan (Ultraääniveitsi), lääke-ainekombinaatioiden ja perifeerisesti annostellun morfiinin vaikutusta post-operatiiviseen kipuun. Tutkimusaineisto koostuu neljästä tutkimuksesta. Kaikki työt olivat satunnaistettuja ja kaksoissokkoutettuja. Kipu mitattiin numeerista asteikolla (Numerical Rating Scale, NRS) sekä levossa että nielemisen aikana enintään 2 viikon ajan. Ultraääniveitsen käytön vaikutusta postoperatiiviseen kipuun verrattiin perinteiseen leikkaustekniikkaan. Potilailta toinen nielurisa poistettiin ultraääni¬veistä käyttäen ja toinen tylpästi irrotellen kylmiä instrumentteja käyttäen. Kipu oli perinteisellä tekniikalla leikatulla puolella voimakkaampi kuin ultraääni¬veitsellä leikatulla puolella leikkauspäivänä. Toisen leikkauksen jälkeisen viikon aikana kipu oli kuitenkin voimakkaampaa ultraääniveitsillä leikatulla puolella. Parasetamolin (APAP), ketoprofeenin (KTP) tuottamaa kivunlievitystä ja näiden yhteisvaikutusta verrattiin viisaudenhampaan poistoleikkauksen jälkeen. KTP ja APAP kombinaatio antoi tehokkaamman kivunlievityksen ja nopeamman hoitovasteen kuin kumpikaan lääke yksin annettuna. Perifeerisesti infiltroidun morfiinin vaikutusta kipuun tutkittiin TE sekä viisaudenhampaan poistoleikkauksen jälkeen. TE jälkeen toiselle puolelle infiltroitiin nielurisan taakse 4 mg morfiinia ja toiselle puolelle fysiologista suolaliuosta. Viisaudenhampaan poistoleikkauksessa paikallisesti infiltroitua 2 mg morfiinia verrattiin lihakseen annettuun samaa lääkkeeseen kahdessa eri tilanteessa, joko tulehtuneeseen tai tulehtumattomaan kudokseen annosteltuna. Paikallisesti infiltroidulla morfiinilla ei todettu kipua lievittävää vaikutusta TE jälkeen. Tulehtuneeseen kudokseen infiltroitu morfiini lievensi leikkauksen jälkeistä nielemiskipua 2–6 tuntia leikkauksesta. Tulehtumattomaan kudokseen infiltroidulla morfiinilla ei saatu lisäetua. Yhteenvetona voidaan todeta, että TE ja viisaudenhampaanpoistoleikkauksen jälkeen kivunhoitoa voidaan optimoida multimodaalisin kivunhoidon keinoin. Tutkimustulokset auttavat potilaskohtaisen yksilöllisen kivunhoidon suunnittelussa.

A South African perspective: audiologists' and otologists' orientation to, and use of evidence-based practice with reference to benign paroxysmal positional vertigo

Naidoo, Tanaya Ellen Ravi 08 March 2022 (has links)
Evidence-based practice, whose roots emanate from the mid-1960s, aims to provide fair, high-quality, and soundly researched health care with patients' best interests as a priority. Clinical practice guidelines are evidence-based and designed to assist clinicians with sound decision making. Despite the importance of evidence-based practice and the efforts invested into its development and dissemination, its uptake and implementation are poor. The disconnect between evidence-based practice and its translation into clinical practice was previously reported in low-to-middle income countries. This study investigated South African audiologists' and otorhinolaryngologists' (ear, nose and throat specialists') self-reported orientation to evidence-based practice. Second, adherence to evidence-based clinical practice guidelines was assessed with reference to the diagnosis and management of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, a common vestibular condition for which a firm evidence base supporting treatment exists. A two-part quantitative approach was adopted. Part one surveyed South African audiologists and otorhinolaryngologists with the Evidence-Based Practice Profile Questionnaire and an additional researcher-developed questionnaire pertaining to the diagnosis and management of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. A total of 130 survey responses were included in this study. Independent sample t-tests, one-way ANOVAs and Fisher's Exact tests were used to analyse the survey data. Part two used a retrospective record review at a tertiary academic hospital in the Western Cape of South Africa. Medical folders of patients diagnosed with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, between 2010 – 2018 (n = 80), were analysed. The diagnosis and management strategies were recorded and compared against a gold standard evidence based guideline for congruence. Descriptive statistics were used to analyse and understand the data. Survey scores showed a positive association between increased years of experience and healthcare professionals' knowledge (p = .008) and confidence (p = .003) in evidence-based practice. Otorhinolaryngologists might be more knowledgeable than audiologists in evidence-based practice due to their increased training and exposure to evidence-based practice in their specialising years. Findings from the retrospective record review suggested adherence to the clinical practice guidelines in the diagnosis and management of posterior semi circular canal benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. The study outcomes propose that evidence-based clinical practice guidelines developed in the Global North may not be appropriate for the different health contexts that exist in low-to-middle income South Africa (e.g., rural settings). However, the benign paroxysmal positional vertigo clinical practice guidelines were adhered to at a tertiary, academic hospital in Cape Town. The results also support the notion that increased exposure to evidence-based practice reinforces its approach. Outcomes from this study raise implications for the development and dissemination of context-appropriate, evidence-based clinical practice guidelines.

Bliss i interaktion : - En samtalsanalytisk fallstudie av hur blissanvändare och tolkare tillsammans bygger upp yttranden

Abrahamsson, Lotta, Ljung, Ida-Karin January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

An Application To Improve Music For People With Hearing Loss When Doing Sports / En applikation för att förbättra musik för personer med hörselnedsättning under sport

Josefsson, Jonathan January 2022 (has links)
It is well-known that many people like to listen to music when they are running,something that is not always available for people with hearing aids [1].The experience of music is not often taken into account when people have lostparts of their hearing, but music is in many ways important for the well-being[2]. In this project has an application been developed, to make certain audioparameters accessible for adjustments according to the users individual hearing.The parameters chosen were latency, compression, balance and loudness. Theseparameters have been chosen with the argument that they have big impact onthe experience of the music. As an example there might be latency betweenthe hearing aids between the left and the right hearing. Very often people withhearing aids have different hearing at the left and the right ear, therefore thebalance was chosen as a parameter. Compression were chosen with respect tothe fact that hearing loss often leads to less capability to hear frequencies indifferent frequencies areas. Loudness was chosen due to that it is a subjectiveparameter, that will have different impact on different individuals. The parametershave been chosen with a hypothesis that they may affect the hearingexperience for different individuals. The result show that the participants changed audio settings, each of theaudio parameters to different values and appreciated the function to changethese parameters. The participants said that the application developed in thisproject, improved their music experience and they said that they would appreciateto use an application like this, to get more value of listening to music. Theapplication was well designed and easy to use during a sport session.

Grupprehabilitering i audiologisk verksamhet / Group rehabilitation in a audiological view

Anióse, Katja January 2009 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att utifrån specifika frågeställningar systematiskt granska vetenskapliga studier av audiologisk grupprehabilitering. I studien undersöktes själva definitionen av audiologisk grupprehabilitering, hur olika variabler påverkar resultatet, hur utvärderingen bör ske samt hur den förhåller sig till de uppställda målen.     Den metod som tillämpats är litteraturstudie. För litteratursökningen till denna studie användes databaserna PubMed och Cinahl. Vissa artiklar söktes även från vetenskapliga studiers referenslistor samt tips från handledare.       Resultaten från de olika studierna visar att nytta med rehabilitering varierar då många aspekter spelar in och påverkar utgången av rehabiliteringsinsatsen. Rehabiliteringen bör ses som en patientcentrerad problemlösande process för att nå alla individers önskemål. När patienten själv är mer aktiv i utvärderingen ökar möjligheten att uppnå målen gällande grupprehabilitering. Hänsyn måste tas till varje enskild individs sociala bakgrund för att skapa ett audiologiskt rehabiliteringsprogram som möter deras krav vid lyssnande och kommunikation. Individens livsstil, kommunikationsvanor, krav och egenheter interagerar med fysiska begrepp såsom graden och formen på hörselnedsättningen.    Audiologisk grupprehabilitering är en åtgärd för att förbättra eller lindra problem vid hörselnedsättning och de olika studierna visar på varierande resultat. Grupprehabiliteringens mål skall möta patientens behov. För att nå dit behövs utvärderingsmetoder som är personcentrerade och problemlösande. Användandet av öppna frågeformulär är ett sätt att nå det kriteriet. / The purpose with this study was to systematically examine scientific studies of audiologic group rehabilitation. The definition of audiological rehabilitation was explored, different variables that influence the result and how the outcome measures should be done and its relationship with the goals of audiologic rehabilitation.    The method used was a literature study. Pubmed and Cinahl were used for the search of literature. Some articles were searched from scientific studies reference lists and also advice from the supervisor.   The result from the different studies shows that the effect of rehabilitation varies as there are many aspects that have an affect on the outcome measure. Rehabilitation should be seen as a patient centered problem solving process in order to reach the goals of all the individuals. When the patient is more active in the outcome measure procedure the goals also comply with the group rehabilitation. Consideration must be taken to social background of each and every individual in order to create an audiological rehabilitation program that meets their hearing and communication requirements.  The lifestyle, communication habits and singularity of the individual interact with physical conceptions as well as the grade and shape of the hearing impairment.   Audiological group rehabilitation is a mean to improve or relieve problems due to hearing impairment and the different studies show that the result varies. The goals of group rehabilitation should meet the need of the patient. In doing so there is a need of outcome measures that are person centered and problem solving. Using open questionnaires is a method to reach that criterion. / <p>Examensarbete inom audionomprogrammet, Göteborgs universitet. </p>

Desinfecção de nível intermediário de endoscópio rígido por meio de limpeza prévia com detergente seguido de álcool etílico 70% p/v: protocolo operacional padrão / Disinfection of intermediate level of rigid endoscope through prior cleaning with detergent followed by ethyl alcohol 70% w/v: standard operating protocol

Santos, Marco César Jorge dos 11 June 2018 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A limpeza prévia de endoscópios rígidos (ER) seguida de desinfecção de nível intermediário com álcool etílico a 70% p/v após o exame de endoscopia nasal é uma prática adotada em muitos serviços de otorrinolaringologia. A literatura atual, no entanto, recomenda a esterilização ou desinfecção de alto nível como o método de descontaminação mais aceito para produtos para saúde classificados como semicríticos. No entanto, há que se fazer distinção entre equipamentos de alta complexidade e sua invasividade como os endoscópios flexíveis com lumens longos e estreitos utilizados na endoscopia digestiva, daqueles de conformação simples sem lumens de baixa invasividade como os endoscópios rígidos utilizados em otorrinolaringologia. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a segurança da desinfecção de nível intermediário com álcool etílico 70% p/v, após limpeza prévia dos endoscópios rígidos utilizados em procedimentos clínicos de endoscopia nasal considerando a carga microbiológica recuperada após o uso. MÉTODO: Imediatamente após a realização do exame, uma gaze úmida foi utilizada para o arraste da carga biológica do endoscópio rígido, gerando as amostras do Controle Positivo e, após a aplicação do POP, um novo arraste para constituir as amostras do Grupo Experimental. Estas gazes foram inicialmente submetidas à sonicação e agitação imersas em soro fisiológico e em seguida a solução foi submetida a uma técnica de extração de carga microbiológica por filtragem por meio de uma Membrana de Celulose de 0,22um de poro que foi, em seguida, semeada nos meios de ágar Sangue, Chocolate, Sabouraud, Löwenstein-Jensen e Tioglicolato. Estes meios ficaram incubados em estufa a 37ºC ± 2ºC e avaliados, no máximo, até por 60 dias conforme o perfil de crescimento dos diferentes microrganismos de interesse; foram analisados de maneira quantitativa e qualitativa para identificação e classificação dos micro-organismos recuperados após as semeaduras. RESULTADO: Os resultados da análise estatística evidenciaram diferença significativa entre Controle Positivo e Grupo Experimental quando comparados em relação à presença de Streptococcus coagulase negativa (p < 0,001), Bacillus spp (p < 0,001) e Staphylococcus aureus (p=0,001). No Controle Positivo, foram encontradas presença desses micro-organismos respectivamente na seguinte frequência: 63,2%, 28,9% e 28,9%, enquanto que, no Grupo Experimental, não foi houve recuperação microbiana alguma. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados desta pesquisa demonstram a eficiência, na prática diária, da desinfecção de nível intermediário dos endoscópios utilizados na otorrinolaringologia por meio da fricção com álcool etílico 70% p/v por 90 segundos, com protocolo de limpeza prévia / INTRODUCTION: Prior cleaning of rigid endoscopes (REs) followed by intermediate-level disinfection with 70% ethyl alcohol (w/v) after nasal endoscopy is a common practice in many otolaryngology services. Current literature, in turn, recommends high-level sterilization or disinfection as the most accepted decontamination method for health products classified as semi-critical. However, it is necessary to distinguish highly complex equipment according to their invasiveness, e.g., flexible endoscopes with long and narrow lumens used in digestive endoscopy and those with a simple conformation without lumens of low invasiveness, such as rigid endoscopes used in otorhinolaryngology. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the safety of intermediate-level disinfection with 70% ethyl alcohol (w/v) after cleaning of REs used in clinical procedures of nasal endoscopy considering the microbiological load recovered after use. METHOD: Immediately after the test, a wet gauze was used to drag the biological load from the RE, generating positive control samples; after applying POP, dragging was carried out again to generate samples of the experimental group. These gasses were initially subjected to sonication and shaking while immersed in physiological saline; the solution was then subjected to the microbiological loading technique by filtration through a 0.22-um pore cellulose membrane and then cultivated on blood, chocolate, Sabouraud, Löwenstein-Jensen, and thioglycolate agar media. These media were incubated at 37ºC ± 2ºC and evaluated for up to 60 days, according to the growth profile of the different microorganisms of interest. A quantitative and qualitative analysis was performed for the identification and classification of microorganisms recovered after cultivation. RESULTS: The results of statistical analysis showed a significant difference between the positive control and experimental groups for the presence of coagulase-negative Streptococcus (p < 0.001), Bacillus spp (p < 0.001), and Staphylococcus aureus (p=0.001). In the positive control group, these microorganisms were found in the following proportions: 63.2%, 28.9%, and 28.9%, respectively, whereas in the experimental group, no microorganisms were recovered. CONCLUSION: The results of this study demonstrate the efficiency of the daily practice of intermediate-level disinfection of endoscopes used in otorhinolaryngology by means of treatment with 70% ethyl alcohol (w/v) for 90 seconds, using a previous cleaning protocol

Desinfecção de nível intermediário de endoscópio rígido por meio de limpeza prévia com detergente seguido de álcool etílico 70% p/v: protocolo operacional padrão / Disinfection of intermediate level of rigid endoscope through prior cleaning with detergent followed by ethyl alcohol 70% w/v: standard operating protocol

Marco César Jorge dos Santos 11 June 2018 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A limpeza prévia de endoscópios rígidos (ER) seguida de desinfecção de nível intermediário com álcool etílico a 70% p/v após o exame de endoscopia nasal é uma prática adotada em muitos serviços de otorrinolaringologia. A literatura atual, no entanto, recomenda a esterilização ou desinfecção de alto nível como o método de descontaminação mais aceito para produtos para saúde classificados como semicríticos. No entanto, há que se fazer distinção entre equipamentos de alta complexidade e sua invasividade como os endoscópios flexíveis com lumens longos e estreitos utilizados na endoscopia digestiva, daqueles de conformação simples sem lumens de baixa invasividade como os endoscópios rígidos utilizados em otorrinolaringologia. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a segurança da desinfecção de nível intermediário com álcool etílico 70% p/v, após limpeza prévia dos endoscópios rígidos utilizados em procedimentos clínicos de endoscopia nasal considerando a carga microbiológica recuperada após o uso. MÉTODO: Imediatamente após a realização do exame, uma gaze úmida foi utilizada para o arraste da carga biológica do endoscópio rígido, gerando as amostras do Controle Positivo e, após a aplicação do POP, um novo arraste para constituir as amostras do Grupo Experimental. Estas gazes foram inicialmente submetidas à sonicação e agitação imersas em soro fisiológico e em seguida a solução foi submetida a uma técnica de extração de carga microbiológica por filtragem por meio de uma Membrana de Celulose de 0,22um de poro que foi, em seguida, semeada nos meios de ágar Sangue, Chocolate, Sabouraud, Löwenstein-Jensen e Tioglicolato. Estes meios ficaram incubados em estufa a 37ºC ± 2ºC e avaliados, no máximo, até por 60 dias conforme o perfil de crescimento dos diferentes microrganismos de interesse; foram analisados de maneira quantitativa e qualitativa para identificação e classificação dos micro-organismos recuperados após as semeaduras. RESULTADO: Os resultados da análise estatística evidenciaram diferença significativa entre Controle Positivo e Grupo Experimental quando comparados em relação à presença de Streptococcus coagulase negativa (p < 0,001), Bacillus spp (p < 0,001) e Staphylococcus aureus (p=0,001). No Controle Positivo, foram encontradas presença desses micro-organismos respectivamente na seguinte frequência: 63,2%, 28,9% e 28,9%, enquanto que, no Grupo Experimental, não foi houve recuperação microbiana alguma. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados desta pesquisa demonstram a eficiência, na prática diária, da desinfecção de nível intermediário dos endoscópios utilizados na otorrinolaringologia por meio da fricção com álcool etílico 70% p/v por 90 segundos, com protocolo de limpeza prévia / INTRODUCTION: Prior cleaning of rigid endoscopes (REs) followed by intermediate-level disinfection with 70% ethyl alcohol (w/v) after nasal endoscopy is a common practice in many otolaryngology services. Current literature, in turn, recommends high-level sterilization or disinfection as the most accepted decontamination method for health products classified as semi-critical. However, it is necessary to distinguish highly complex equipment according to their invasiveness, e.g., flexible endoscopes with long and narrow lumens used in digestive endoscopy and those with a simple conformation without lumens of low invasiveness, such as rigid endoscopes used in otorhinolaryngology. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the safety of intermediate-level disinfection with 70% ethyl alcohol (w/v) after cleaning of REs used in clinical procedures of nasal endoscopy considering the microbiological load recovered after use. METHOD: Immediately after the test, a wet gauze was used to drag the biological load from the RE, generating positive control samples; after applying POP, dragging was carried out again to generate samples of the experimental group. These gasses were initially subjected to sonication and shaking while immersed in physiological saline; the solution was then subjected to the microbiological loading technique by filtration through a 0.22-um pore cellulose membrane and then cultivated on blood, chocolate, Sabouraud, Löwenstein-Jensen, and thioglycolate agar media. These media were incubated at 37ºC ± 2ºC and evaluated for up to 60 days, according to the growth profile of the different microorganisms of interest. A quantitative and qualitative analysis was performed for the identification and classification of microorganisms recovered after cultivation. RESULTS: The results of statistical analysis showed a significant difference between the positive control and experimental groups for the presence of coagulase-negative Streptococcus (p < 0.001), Bacillus spp (p < 0.001), and Staphylococcus aureus (p=0.001). In the positive control group, these microorganisms were found in the following proportions: 63.2%, 28.9%, and 28.9%, respectively, whereas in the experimental group, no microorganisms were recovered. CONCLUSION: The results of this study demonstrate the efficiency of the daily practice of intermediate-level disinfection of endoscopes used in otorhinolaryngology by means of treatment with 70% ethyl alcohol (w/v) for 90 seconds, using a previous cleaning protocol

Health and People with Usher syndrome

Wahlqvist, Moa January 2015 (has links)
The present thesis concerns people with Usher syndrome (USH) and their health. People with USH have a congenital hearing loss of various degrees and an eye disease with a progressive course; for some, the balance is also affected. Three clinical groups have been identified 1, 2 and 3, and 13 genes have currently been identified. USH is the most common cause of deafblindness. Clinical knowledge and the limited research that exists have shown that people with deafblindness can experience difficulties in everyday life. Depression, anxiety and social withdrawal have been described. The general aim of the present thesis was to describe the health of people with USH. The empirical material employed was based on an extensive survey in which people with USH answered two questionnaires concerning health, anxiety, depression, social trust, work, health-care, financial situation, and alcohol and drug use. The focus of the present thesis is on general health, physical health and psychological health, social trust and finance. Three studies in the present theses focus on USH1, 2 and 3, respectively; finally, the fourth study provides an in-group comparison of people with USH. The results of studies I and III are compared with a crosssection of the Swedish population. The results revealed poor physical and psychological health, a lack of social trust and a strained financial situation regardless of clinical diagnosis. The discussion stresses the importance of taking a biopsychosocial approach when describing the health of people with USH, in which previous research is lacking. Additional research should focus on the mechanisms at different levels that affect people with USH and their health from a life- course perspective. Furthermore, research should include a salutogenic perspective to explore the resources and strengths of people with USH.

Développement et validation d’un outil d’évaluation de la compétence chirurgicale pour l’évidement cervical

Mercier, Erika 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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