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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

From Diseased Bodies to Disordered Bodies Politic: Rereading Medical Writing on the Plague in England and France, 14th–18th Centuries

Jones, Lori January 2017 (has links)
Centuries of devastating, recurrent outbreaks made the plague the archetypical disease of late medieval and early modern societies. Yet explanations of where it came from changed significantly over time. This dissertation examines how portrayals of the plague’s origins and place in society evolved separately in England and France, from the fourteenth to the eighteenth centuries. It relies in particular on plague tracts, a long-lasting literary genre that offered standardized therapeutic and curative advice. Medical historians have studied these sources to trace the development of medical thinking and practice over time. This dissertation focuses instead on the tracts’ changing discourses about the nature of the plague that are unique to time and to place. The study elaborates a new analytical method to investigate the materiality and contents of these historical documents: it involves close reading and a codicological/bibliographical comparison of approximately 180 tracts in manuscript and printed form, set into their appropriate historical contexts. Tract producers influenced how the plague was understood locally. England’s centralised print industry fostered the idea that London was the de facto site and source of the disease; France’s diffused industry, by contrast, encouraged the discussion and tracking of outbreaks in multiple cities. Understanding of the plague’s origins also evolved: belief in malevolent celestial events gave way, in turn, to blaming unhealthy local landscapes, then the living conditions of the poor, and finally the Ottoman Empire. By the mid-seventeenth century, tract writers pointed to the Ottoman Empire as the historical and geographical source of the disease. Especially during the tumultuous sixteenth century, religious discord, dynastic factionalism, and incapable rulers also appeared in the tracts as causes and effects of the plague. Plague tracts are direct expressions and reflections of the short- and medium-term historical waves in which they appeared. It is possible to trace through them shifts in political, cultural, and intellectual worldviews. The spread of humanism in particular influenced how tract writers discussed the plague’s origins and influence in society. This study thus demonstrates that understanding disease is a cultural construct specific to time and place. Observing the unique aspects of plague tracts enhances our ability to understand the place of disease in past human societies.

The Grand Strategy of the Ottoman Empire, 1826-1841

Şimşek, Veysel 11 1900 (has links)
This dissertation examines the Ottoman grand strategy during the turbulent years of war and reform between 1826 and 1841.The concept of grand strategy utilized in my thesis does hereby not refer to purely military matters. It is rather a notion that explains how a political authority strives to realize its long-term aims through mobilization of its available instruments and resources. During 1820s-1840s, facing grave internal and external threats, the Ottoman grand strategy was directed at defending its existing possessions and re-establishing the center’s authority throughout the empire. To ensure their aims, Ottoman decision-makers initiated a radical bureaucratic-military reform agenda and mobilized available fiscal, military and ideological resources at their disposal. The majority of the existing scholarship tend to interpret the Ottoman reforms in an overly descriptive or superficial manner, therefore neglecting the Ottoman decision-makers’ perceptions, plans, and broader goals as well as the subsequent effects (and repercussions) of those policies within the empire. The “Eastern Question” literature, which is mainly based on European sources, often ignores the Ottoman agency and obscures the rather complex nature of Ottoman policy-making by assessing it within a facile “modernist-reactionary” bipolarity for the period in question. With my holistic approach and utilization of unused archival material, I will contribute to the existing knowledge about Ottoman policy-making and political-military transformation during the era in question. I argue in my thesis that the imperial center consciously, if frantically, responded to the internal and external challenges by tightening its grip around its subjects and making far-reaching changes in its governmentality. Aided by an expanding and diversifying military-administrative bureaucracy, Ottoman rulers managed to collect more taxes, create and expand a disciplined army, limit the power of provincial notables, standardize governing practices and pragmatically used their newly established European embassies to achieve their foreign goals. The social and economic costs of these policies were also immense, as I clearly underline in my study. Many common subjects and members of the higher classes expressed neither optimism nor pleasure about the top-down reforms and state policies. They were heavily taxed, suffered from rampant inflation, while tens of thousands of men were pressed into the new military formations to serve until they became disabled, deserted or died. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / Grounded in archival research in Turkish historical repositories, this thesis examines the Ottoman ruling elite’s efforts to ensure the empire’s integrity and re-establish central authority by military-bureaucratic reform and internal negotiation in the second quarter of the 19th century. Going beyond the standard institutional histories and Eurocentric narratives of the Eastern Question, it explores how the Ottoman sultans and bureaucrats mobilized the empire’s political, military, and ideological resources to achieve their broader goals of reversing collapse and resisting European political-military challenge.

Transforming Muslim mystical thought in the Ottoman Empire: the case of the Shabaniyye Order in Kastamonu and beyond

Curry, John Joseph, IV 14 July 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Lama El Sharief Dissertation Purdue.docx

Lama El Sharief (13683244) 30 April 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">This dissertation examines the interplay between environmental crises and the escalation of North African corsairing activities from 1793-1805. This period, rife with environmental adversities and faltering economies, witnessed a significant upsurge in North African maritime raids launched from the Ottoman-governed provinces of Tripoli, Tunis, and Algiers. I argue that this noticeable increase was not a reaction to the events in Europe but a consequential response to the acute environmental and socio-economic pressures of the time.</p>

Le miroir ottoman une image politique des hommes dans la littérature géographique espagnole et française (XVIe-XVIIe siècles) /

Merle, Alexandra. January 2003 (has links)
Texte remanié de Th. doct. : Litt. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 241-267) and index.

Средње српске школе у османском царству 1878-1912. / Srednje srpske škole u osmanskom carstvu 1878-1912. / Serbian Secondary Schools in the Ottoman Empire(1878-1912)

Novakov Aleksandra 02 March 2015 (has links)
<p>Крајем 19. века Срби у Османском царству,<br />помогнути матицом Србијом, започели су интензивну борбу<br />за духовно ослобођење. Отварање школа, основних и<br />средњих, оснивање књижара и штампање уџбеника, као и<br />рад црквено-школских општина, био је најбољи пут да<br />српски народ очува свој национални идентитет.<br />Овај рад бави се историјом српских средњих<br />школа у Османском царству. Њих је било шест: богословија<br />у Призрену (1871&ndash;1912), Српска гимназија у Цариграду<br />(1893&ndash;1902), Српска гимназија &bdquo;Дом науке&ldquo; у Солуну (1894&ndash;<br />1910), Српска мушка гимназија у Скопљу (1894-1912),<br />Српска мушка гимназија у Битољу (1897&ndash;1912) и Српска<br />гимназија у Пљевљима (1901&ndash;1912). У раду се разматра<br />питање настанка ових школа, њихов развој у одређеним<br />хронолошким оквирима, али и планови и програми рада,<br />структура, социјално и етничко порекло, старосна доб и број<br />ученика, као и њихова каснија улога у друштву. Када је реч<br />о наставницима, посебно о ректорима &ndash; директорима, пажња<br />је у великом делу усмерена на расветљавање њихових<br />биографија.<br />Међу најважнијим достигнућима Срба у<br />Османском царству може се сматрати оснивање и рад<br />српских нижих и виших гимназија. Богословија у Призрену<br />била је школа за образовање свештеника али и учитеља за<br />којима је постојала велика потреба у Старој Србији и<br />Македонији. Оснивањем богословије формирао се<br />образовани слој учитеља који је отварао нове школе, и<br />писмених свештеника који су Србе крштавали, венчавали и<br />утицали на то да народ остане у православној вери, чиме је<br />процес преверавања, који је на Косову и Метохији често<br />значио и однарођавање, у великој мери успорен. Прва<br />световна српска средња школа у Османском царству била је<br />Српска гимназија у Цариграду. Њен циљ, осим образовања и<br />васпитања ученика, био је да послужи као пример за<br />отварање других средњих школа унутар Османског царства.<br />Српска гимназија &bdquo;Дом науке&ldquo; отворена је у Солуну као<br />центру вилајета. Њено отварање убрзало је издавање дозволе<br />за друге основне школе широм Солунског вилајета. Српска<br />мушка гимназија у Скопљу отворена је после дуге и скупе<br />дипломатске борбе са османским властима. Њеном отварању<br />препрека су били и национално-пропагандни центри других<br />држава (Бугарске, Грчке). За Србе у Битољском вилајету<br />отварање ниже Српске гимназије у Битољу означило је<br />важну прекретницу, како у просветном тако и у политичком<br />погледу. Српска гимназија у Пљевљима била је најстарија<br />световна средња школа у Рашко-призренској митрополији.<br />Оснивањем гимназије створено је културно и просветно<br />средиште које је образовало локалну српску интелигенцију,<br />и било противтежа аустро-угарском утицају.<br />&nbsp;</p> / <p>Krajem 19. veka Srbi u Osmanskom carstvu,<br />pomognuti maticom Srbijom, započeli su intenzivnu borbu<br />za duhovno oslobođenje. Otvaranje škola, osnovnih i<br />srednjih, osnivanje knjižara i štampanje udžbenika, kao i<br />rad crkveno-školskih opština, bio je najbolji put da<br />srpski narod očuva svoj nacionalni identitet.<br />Ovaj rad bavi se istorijom srpskih srednjih<br />škola u Osmanskom carstvu. NJih je bilo šest: bogoslovija<br />u Prizrenu (1871&ndash;1912), Srpska gimnazija u Carigradu<br />(1893&ndash;1902), Srpska gimnazija &bdquo;Dom nauke&ldquo; u Solunu (1894&ndash;<br />1910), Srpska muška gimnazija u Skoplju (1894-1912),<br />Srpska muška gimnazija u Bitolju (1897&ndash;1912) i Srpska<br />gimnazija u Pljevljima (1901&ndash;1912). U radu se razmatra<br />pitanje nastanka ovih škola, njihov razvoj u određenim<br />hronološkim okvirima, ali i planovi i programi rada,<br />struktura, socijalno i etničko poreklo, starosna dob i broj<br />učenika, kao i njihova kasnija uloga u društvu. Kada je reč<br />o nastavnicima, posebno o rektorima &ndash; direktorima, pažnja<br />je u velikom delu usmerena na rasvetljavanje njihovih<br />biografija.<br />Među najvažnijim dostignućima Srba u<br />Osmanskom carstvu može se smatrati osnivanje i rad<br />srpskih nižih i viših gimnazija. Bogoslovija u Prizrenu<br />bila je škola za obrazovanje sveštenika ali i učitelja za<br />kojima je postojala velika potreba u Staroj Srbiji i<br />Makedoniji. Osnivanjem bogoslovije formirao se<br />obrazovani sloj učitelja koji je otvarao nove škole, i<br />pismenih sveštenika koji su Srbe krštavali, venčavali i<br />uticali na to da narod ostane u pravoslavnoj veri, čime je<br />proces preveravanja, koji je na Kosovu i Metohiji često<br />značio i odnarođavanje, u velikoj meri usporen. Prva<br />svetovna srpska srednja škola u Osmanskom carstvu bila je<br />Srpska gimnazija u Carigradu. NJen cilj, osim obrazovanja i<br />vaspitanja učenika, bio je da posluži kao primer za<br />otvaranje drugih srednjih škola unutar Osmanskog carstva.<br />Srpska gimnazija &bdquo;Dom nauke&ldquo; otvorena je u Solunu kao<br />centru vilajeta. NJeno otvaranje ubrzalo je izdavanje dozvole<br />za druge osnovne škole širom Solunskog vilajeta. Srpska<br />muška gimnazija u Skoplju otvorena je posle duge i skupe<br />diplomatske borbe sa osmanskim vlastima. NJenom otvaranju<br />prepreka su bili i nacionalno-propagandni centri drugih<br />država (Bugarske, Grčke). Za Srbe u Bitoljskom vilajetu<br />otvaranje niže Srpske gimnazije u Bitolju označilo je<br />važnu prekretnicu, kako u prosvetnom tako i u političkom<br />pogledu. Srpska gimnazija u Pljevljima bila je najstarija<br />svetovna srednja škola u Raško-prizrenskoj mitropoliji.<br />Osnivanjem gimnazije stvoreno je kulturno i prosvetno<br />središte koje je obrazovalo lokalnu srpsku inteligenciju,<br />i bilo protivteža austro-ugarskom uticaju.<br />&nbsp;</p> / <p>At the end of the 19th century, Serbs in the Ottoman<br />Empire assisted by their motherland Serbia started an intensive<br />struggle for their spiritual liberation. The best way for Serbian<br />people to preserve their national identity was by opening schools,<br />elementary and secondary ones, establishing book shops and<br />printing schoolbooks, and through the activity of ecclesiasticalschooling<br />communities.<br />The thesis deals with history of Serbian secondary<br />schools in the Ottoman Empire. There were six of them:<br />Seminary in Prizren (1871&ndash;1912), Serbian gymnasium in<br />Istanbul (1893&ndash;1902), Serbian gymnasium &ldquo;Dom nauke&rdquo; (Home<br />of Science) in Thessalonica (1894&ndash;1910), Serbian male<br />gymnasium in Skoplje (1894-1912), Serbian male gymnasium in<br />Bitolj (1897&ndash;1912) and Serbian gymnasium in Pljevlja (1901&ndash;<br />1912). The thesis explores the matter of foundation these schools<br />and their development in particular chronological framework.<br />Nevertheless, the thesis researches the schools&rsquo; syllabi and<br />curricula, their structure, social and ethnic background of their<br />students, students&rsquo; age and number, as well as their students&rsquo;<br />later role in society. Special attention is given to the schools&rsquo;<br />teachers, especially their rectors - directors, and a great portion<br />of the thesis deals with revealing parts of their biographies.<br />The establishment and activity of Serbian lower and<br />higher gymnasiums could be considered one of the greatest<br />achievements of Serbs in the Ottoman Empire. The Seminary in<br />Prizren was a school not only for education of priests, but also<br />teachers, who were in high demand in Old Serbia and<br />Macedonia. Founding this seminary enabled the creation of an<br />educated class of teachers who were subsequently opening new<br />schools. Also, the seminary provided literate priests who were<br />baptising, marrying Serbs and influencing the people to stay in<br />the Orthodox religion, thus slowing down the process of<br />Islamisation, which especially in Kosovo and Metohija often<br />meant denationalisation. First Serbian secondary school in the<br />Ottoman Empire was the Serbian gymnasium in Istanbul. Her<br />goal, beside education and upbringing, was to serve as a<br />paradigm for opening of other secondary schools within the<br />Ottoman Empire. Serbian gymnasium &ldquo;Dom nauke&rdquo; was<br />established in Thessalonica, which was the centre of the vilayet.<br />Its opening accelerated the issuing of licence for other<br />elementary schools around the Vilayet of Thessalonica. Serbian<br />male gymnasium in Skoplje was only opened after a long and<br />expensive diplomatic struggle with the Ottoman authorities. The<br />opponents of its opening were the centres for national<br />propaganda of other states (Bulgaria, Greece). For Serbs in the<br />Vilayet of Bitolj opening of lower Serbian gymnasium in Bitolj<br />marked an important turning point both in educational and<br />political sense. Serbian gymnasium in Pljevlja was the oldest<br />secular secondary school in the Metropolitanate of Ra&scaron;ka-<br />Prizren. The gymnasium became cultural and educational centre<br />which educated local Serbian intelligence, and presented a<br />counterpart to Austro-Hungarian influence.</p>

Les Tragédies à sujet turc sur la scène française : 1561-1681 / The Tragedies with Turkish Subjects on the French Stage : 1561-1681

Chataignier, David 31 January 2012 (has links)
Entre 1561 et 1681 plusieurs tragédies et tragi-comédies françaises empruntent leur sujet à un épisode de l’histoire récente de l’Empire ottoman. Si Solyman ou la mort de Mustapha (1639) de Jean Mairet, Ibrahim ou l’illustre bassa (1641-42) de Georges de Scudéry et Bajazet (1672) de Jean Racine sont probablement les œuvres les plus emblématiques de cette tendance, elles ne sont pas les seules. D’autres auteurs issus de milieux littéraires divers et appartenant à des époques différentes ont également souscrit à cette tradition. L’objet de notre thèse est d’explorer le ou les corpus « orientalistes » de la tragédie française, d’en déterminer les origines tout ainsi que, si elles existent, les conséquences — en particulier dans la constitution des intrigues. Les réponses à ces questions doivent nous permettre de définir l’identité de ces tragédies à sujet ottoman. / Between 1561 and 1681 several French tragedies and tragicomedies borrowed their subjects from a recent episode in the history of the Ottoman Empire. Although Solyman ou la mort de Mustapha (1639) by Jean Mairet, Ibrahim ou l’illustre bassa (1641-42) by Georges de Scudéry, and Bajazet by Jean Racine are probably the most emblematic works of this trend, they are not alone. Other authors from different literary circles and belonging to different periods also belonged to the same tradition. The purpose of this dissertation is to explore the corpus of French tragedies with Oriental subjects and to determine their origins and consequences, particularly regarding the construction of plots. The answers to these questions should allow the definition of an identity for these tragedies with Ottoman subjects.

Percepções sobre o Império Otomano na obra de Arnold J. Toynbee / Perceptions about the Ottoman Empire in Arnold J. Toynbees Works

Santos, Ana Carolina dos 29 November 2018 (has links)
Diversos dos conflitos da atualidade são apresentados pela mídia e em discursos políticos como um confronto entre civilizações incompatíveis. A oposição entre Ocidente e Oriente é muitas vezes apresentada nesses discursos como um conflito de longa duração, nascido a partir da própria formação da religião islâmica e pontuado ao longo da história pelo enfrentamento entre impérios cristãos e muçulmanos. Isso é particularmente preocupante para os historiadores, já que esse discurso não leva em consideração as transformações ocorridas nas sociedades humanas ao longo do tempo. Ao longo da história, houve muitos encontros entre o Islã e o Ocidente, em diferentes situações e com cada um deles desempenhando papeis diferentes. A presente dissertação de mestrado tem como objetivo analisar a interação entre Oriente e Ocidente no plano discursivo e político a partir da imagem que se fez do Império Otomano nas obras do historiador britânico Arnold Joseph Toynbee (1889-1975) na primeira metade do século XX. / Media and political discourses present many of nowadays conflicts as a clash between incompatible civilizations. The opposition between West and East is often depicted in these discourses as a long time conflict born with Islam itself and punctuated along history by the skirmish between Christian and Muslim empires. This is particularly worrisome to historians since it does not take in to account the transformations that have occurred in human societies over time. Throughout history, there have been many encounters between Islam and the West, in different situations and with each civilization playing different roles. Our objective in this dissertation is to analyse the interaction between East and West in political and discursive plans from the image about the Ottoman Empire in British historian Arnold Joseph Toynbees texts during the first half of the twentieth century.

Le volontaire dans l'armée grecque durant la guerre gréco-turque en Asie mineure (1919-1923) / The volunteer soldier of the Greek army during the Greek-Turkish war in Asia Minor (1919-1923)

Zografos, Anastasios 05 December 2013 (has links)
Ce travail présente le soldat volontaire dans l’armée grecque durant la guerre gréco-turque de 1919 à 1923. À la lumière des sources primaires comme les archives militaires et diplomatiques, les archives du Premier ministre et du Haut commissaire grec à Smyrne, les témoignages des volontaires ainsi que d’autres archives de l’État grec, cette thèse présente l’homme ordinaire qui a décidé de se présenter volontairement sous les drapeaux durant la guerre en Asie mineure. Celle-ci vise à montrer cet homme dans tout son être multidimensionnel, ses motivations, sa vie sur le front et sa contribution durant les batailles, ses blessures et sa mort, sa « vie » en tant que prisonnier des Turcs, sa réintégration dans la société à la fin de la guerre et le fait que l’historiographie, la société et le monde politique l’ont oublié. / This thesis presents the volunteer soldier of the Greek army during the war between Greece and Turkey that lasted from 1919 until 1923. In the light of primary sources, such as the military and diplomatic archives; the archives of the Prime Minister and the Greek Supreme Commissioner in Smyrna; the memoirs of volunteer soldiers, as well as other archives of the Greek State; this thesis presents the ordinary man who decided to voluntarily join the Greek army during the war in Asia Minor. It aims to present this man through his motivations, his life at the war front and his contribution during the battle, through his wounds and his death, his “life” as a prisoner of the Turks and his reintegration within the society after the war. Finally, this thesis presents how the historiography, the society and the politicians forgot about this ‘soldier man’.

Percepções sobre o Império Otomano na obra de Arnold J. Toynbee / Perceptions about the Ottoman Empire in Arnold J. Toynbees Works

Ana Carolina dos Santos 29 November 2018 (has links)
Diversos dos conflitos da atualidade são apresentados pela mídia e em discursos políticos como um confronto entre civilizações incompatíveis. A oposição entre Ocidente e Oriente é muitas vezes apresentada nesses discursos como um conflito de longa duração, nascido a partir da própria formação da religião islâmica e pontuado ao longo da história pelo enfrentamento entre impérios cristãos e muçulmanos. Isso é particularmente preocupante para os historiadores, já que esse discurso não leva em consideração as transformações ocorridas nas sociedades humanas ao longo do tempo. Ao longo da história, houve muitos encontros entre o Islã e o Ocidente, em diferentes situações e com cada um deles desempenhando papeis diferentes. A presente dissertação de mestrado tem como objetivo analisar a interação entre Oriente e Ocidente no plano discursivo e político a partir da imagem que se fez do Império Otomano nas obras do historiador britânico Arnold Joseph Toynbee (1889-1975) na primeira metade do século XX. / Media and political discourses present many of nowadays conflicts as a clash between incompatible civilizations. The opposition between West and East is often depicted in these discourses as a long time conflict born with Islam itself and punctuated along history by the skirmish between Christian and Muslim empires. This is particularly worrisome to historians since it does not take in to account the transformations that have occurred in human societies over time. Throughout history, there have been many encounters between Islam and the West, in different situations and with each civilization playing different roles. Our objective in this dissertation is to analyse the interaction between East and West in political and discursive plans from the image about the Ottoman Empire in British historian Arnold Joseph Toynbees texts during the first half of the twentieth century.

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