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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Faire la France en Algérie : émigration algérienne, mésusages du nom et conflits de nationalités dans le monde : de la chute d'Alger aux années 1930 / The making of France in Algeria : Algerian emigration, ill-usage of the name and nationality conflicts in the world : from the fall of Algiers to the 1930s

Amara, Nordine 22 March 2019 (has links)
Le 5 juillet 1830, Husayn dey signe une reddition. Alger tombe aux mains de la puissance conquérante, et, mécaniquement, les Algériens sont dits français. Cette automaticité de la nationalité tire sa force d'un principe général du droit des gens : l'État annexant attribue sa nationalité aux sujets dont l'État annexé disparaît en tant que sujet de droit international. Cette mécanique du droit est aussi une charge narrative toute contenue dans cet énoncé : les Algériens sont français. Or, pour impérative que soit la formule, d'un strict point de vue juridique, elle n'en demeure pas moins un raccourci historique que je me propose d'examiner. L'examen de la question de la nationalité des Algériens fixés à l'étranger, principalement dans l'empire ottoman, restitue au moment 1830 son caractère premier : son indétermination. Ce déplacement de la pensée dans la migration pose la colonie comme un arbitraire narratif, cet après-coup écrasant ce moment d'indéterminations. Réinscrire les conflits de nationalité dans leurs dimensions internationales donne à voir tout ce que le droit de la nationalité a de pragmatique dans l'essai de définition de l'Algérien, sujet français. Nous interrogeons le droit et ses récits comme opérateur d'une transaction historique, et, partant tentons de mesurer l'incidence du droit sur nos historiographies. L'examen attentif de suppliques en nationalité permet alors de raconter une autre histoire, déduite non plus des énoncés élémentaires du droit mais du droit en action et en contexte. / On July 5th, 1830, Dey Husayn surrendered. Alger fell to the hands of the conquering power and, mechanically, Algerian were said to be French. This automatic granting of nationality emanated from a general principle of the law: the annexing State grants its nationality to the subjects whose State disappears as an object of international law. Such mechanics of the law also held a narrative power expressed in this statement: Algerians were French. No matter how imperious the formula was legally, it nevertheless accomplished a historical leap that I offer to re-explore. Examining the question of the nationality of Algerians established abroad, principally in the Ottoman Empire, renders to the moment of 1830 its initial dimension: that of indetermination. The intellectual displacement created by studying migration reveals the colony as a narrative arbitrary, an after-the-fact that crushes the moment of indeterminations. Re­exploring conflicts of nationality in their international dimensions reveals the pragmatic aspect of the law on nationality when it comes to defining the Algerian as a French subject. This work questions the law and its narratives as the operator of a historical transaction and it aims to explore the impact of the law on our historiographies. The careful examination of petitions for nationality allows to tell another story, a story no longer produced from elementary statements of the law, but from the law in action and in context.

La presse française et la question arménienne (1894-1914) : des massacres hamidiens (1894-1896) à la veille de la Première Guerre mondiale / The French press and the Armenian question (1894-1914) : the Hamidians massacres (1894-1896) on the eve of the First World War

Avakian, Alexandre 16 March 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse se propose d'analyser les événements internes à l'Empire ottoman envers les Arméniens de 1894 jusqu'en 1914 aux yeux de l'opinion publique française à travers les sources journalistiques françaises. De 1894, début des massacres des Arméniens jusqu'à la prise de pouvoir des Jeunes-Turcs (1908), comment les années d'Abdul-Hamid II envers la population arménienne furent-ils perçus et quelle fut la vision du gouvernement unioniste (1908-1914) face aux Arméniens ? Voilà un aperçu des principales problématiques qui sera abordé à travers notre étude. / This thesis aims to analyze the internal events in the Ottoman Empire against Armenians from 1894 until 1914 in the eyes of the French public through the French journalists' sources. 1894 start of the massacres of Armenians to the takeover of the Young Turks (1908), how the years of Abdul Hamid II to the Armenian population were they received and what was the vision of the Union government (1908 -1914) against the Armenians? This is an overview of the main issues that will be addressed through the study.

A Comparative History of Feminism in Egypt and Turkey, 1880-1935:Dialogue and Difference

Torunoglu, Gulsah 17 June 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Milletsystemet : Minoritetsskydd och grupprättigheter i ett historiskt perspektiv

Alouch, Nora January 2016 (has links)
Minority protection mechanisms in international law aim to guarantee certain individual rights to persons belonging to ethnic, religious or linguistic minorities, such as freedom of culture, religion and language. These rights can be considered to be of collective interest for minority group identity and therefore often require the possibility of collective enjoyment. In addition to general human rights and principles of non-discrimination, minority protection can alternately be ensured through minority specific rights. However, minority specific rights would not operate effectively without evolving a concept of collective (or group) rights in international law. Hence, while this kind of approach can provide legal methods for balancing the interests of individuals, groups and the state, it creates the possibility of conflicts with the international framework of individual rights. The ottoman millet system sets a historical example of minority protection instruments based on a collective concept of human rights. Furthermore, the ottoman history offers an illustration of what could go terribly wrong with a collective rights model. By analyzing the millet system and the ottoman legal reforms in the nineteenth century I will discuss reoccurring issues with collective rights. I will argue that incorporating collective rights within a structure founded on individual rights is a problematic way of protecting individuals belonging to minorities and other vulnerably ethnic groups. Looking through the historical development of universal human rights some important aspects of its main principles will be brought up in this paper.

Ruská Palestina / The Russian Palestine

Kolář, Vojtěch January 2013 (has links)
Russian Palestine Diploma thesis Vojtěch Kolář Praha 2013 Abstract This diploma thesis entitled "The Russian Palestine" deals with activities of the Russian Orthodox Church and Russian diplomatic corps designed to help Russian pilgrims to the holy places in Palestine as well as local Orthodox believers in the Levant in the 19th and beginning of 20th century. These activities were accompanied by considerable tension not only between Russian activists in Palestine and in Russia, but also in their encounters with Greek hierarchy in Jerusalem and Constantinople as well as with Western diplomats and missionaries pursuing Catholic and Protestant interests in the same area. The aim of this thesis is to offer an insight into motivations, ways and results of their activities in Palestine and to call attention to the difficulties they were facing. This work is neither an apology nor a criticism of either of the instruments of Russian influence - the Russian Orthodox Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem (since 1847) and Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society (since 1882) respectively. Because of the broadness of the subject it was not always possible to follow strict historiographic methods. Therefore this thesis is concerned mostly with biographical material of some of the most influential Russian personalities of the...

Préserver la polonité en exil : les formes de mobilisation politique de l’Hôtel Lambert en France et dans l’Empire ottoman (1831-1853) / Preserving “la polonité” in exile : the forms of political mobilization of l’Hôtel Lambert in France and the Ottoman Empire (1831-1853)

Papiez, Katarzyna 20 September 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse montre le rôle de l’Hôtel Lambert, parti politique dirigé par le prince A. J. Czartoryski depuis Paris, et de son agence, fondée par Michał Czaykowski, à Constantinople, dans la lutte pour la liberté de la Pologne. À travers la comparaison des actions politiques menées par ces deux personnages depuis la France et l’Empire ottoman dans la première moitié du XIXe siècle, se dessine l’analyse des modus-operandi de l’Hôtel Lambert, guidé par l’espoir de reconquérir l’indépendance de la patrie opprimée et de préserver la polonité à l’étranger. Cette recherche est complétée par l’étude de la politique d’accueil de la Sublime Porte, vis-à-vis des réfugiés de la Révolution hongroise qui cherchent asile sur le territoire ottoman, dans laquelle la conversion à l’islam de certains de ces exilés tient une place importante. De plus, l’analyse du transfert culturel dans les deux pays d’accueil et de la situation socio-économique des réfugiés polonais dans l’Empire ottoman permet de donner une vision approfondie de la construction des interactions de ces exilés dans leurs nouvelles sociétés. Un autre versant de cette recherche est centré sur la création de la colonie polonaise dans l’Empire ottoman, laboratoire social de la polonité en exil. / This thesis shows the role of l’Hôtel Lambert, political party led by Prince A. J. Czartoryski from Paris, and his agency, founded by Michał Czaykowski, in Constantinople, in the struggle for Poland’s freedom. Through the comparison of the political actions taken by these two characters from France and the Ottoman Empire in the first half of the 19th century, emerges the analysis of the modus operandi of l’Hôtel Lambert, guided by the hope of reconquering independence of the oppressed homeland and to preserve “la polonité” abroad. This research is complemented by the study of the reception policy of the Sublime Porte, vis-à-vis the refugees of the Hungarian Revolution who seek asylum on the Ottoman territory, in which the conversion to Islam of some of these exiles holds an important place. Moreover, the analysis of the cultural transfer in the two host countries and of the socio-economic situation of the Polish refugees in the Ottoman Empire gives an in-depth view of the construction of the interactions of these exiles in their new societies. Another aspect of this research is centered on the creation of the Polish colony in the Ottoman Empire, social laboratory of “la polonité” in exile.

Empire of the Hajj: Pilgrims, Plagues, and Pan-Islam under British Surveillance,1865-1926

Low, Michael Christopher 16 July 2007 (has links)
From roughly 1865 to 1926, the forces of European imperialism brought the Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca under the scrutiny of non-Muslim interests. The driving force behind this dramatic change was the expansion of the British Empire’s maritime supremacy in the Indian Ocean basin. With the development of steamship travel and the opening of the Suez Canal, colonial authorities became increasingly involved in the surveillance of seaborne pilgrims. During this period, the hajj came to be recognized as both the primary conduit for the spread of epidemic diseases, such as cholera and plague, and a critical outlet for the growth of Pan-Islamic networks being forged between Indian dissidents, pilgrims, and the Ottoman Empire. As a result, the British and Ottoman empires engaged in a struggle for control of the hajj, which would ultimately reshape both the hajj and the political landscapes of the Middle East and South Asia.

An account by John Cananus of the siege of Constantinople in 1422

Purdie, Margaret Helen January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis has been to provide an English translation of

L'établissement des chemins de fer dans les Balkans à l'époque ottomane : structuration de l'espace et organisation des échanges (1856-1913) / The establishment of railways in the Balkans at the Ottoman period : structuring space and organizing exchanges (1856-1913)

Belbachir, Walid 22 December 2017 (has links)
Titre de la Thèse : L'établissement des chemins de fer dans les Balkans à l'époque ottomane : structuration de l'espace et organisation des échanges (1856-1913)Rejoindre l'Orient, voici sans doute l'une des obsessions de l'Occident. Peut-être l'épopée d'Alexandre le Grand a t-elle contribué à construire cet objectif quasi mystique. Quoi qu'il en soit, le XIXe siècle est celui de sa rationalisation. L'invention de la locomotive et celle du navire à vapeur permettent d'amorcer un processus de mise en réseau du monde. Sur les cinq continents, les villages, les villes et les ports s'interconnectent progressivement, engendrant une mondialisation des flux commerciaux et humains. Ce mouvement est orchestré par les grandes puissances européennes, dont le pouvoir est fondé sur la conquête de nouveaux marchés et sur l'importation des matières premières essentielles à leur essor. Londres et Bombay forment alors deux pivots incontournables, permettant de rediriger les flux en circulation à l'échelle trans-continentale. Entre ces deux points, Suez joue le rôle d'interface entre la mer Rouge et la Méditerranée. Au cours de la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle, l'espace balkanique est progressivement intégré à ce système-monde. L'introduction du rail y induit une profonde redéfinition des rapports de force, que ceux-ci soient d'ordre économique, militaire ou politique. A ce titre, la mise en place de voies ferrées dans les Balkans, à l'époque sous domination de l'Empire ottoman, résulte d'une imbrication de stratégies d'influence, s'exprimant à différentes échelles. Cette thèse se propose de les mettre en lumière. / Reaching the East : this is undoubtedly one of the obsessions of the West. Maybe Alexander the Great's conquests contributed to forge this quasi-mystical aim. Wherever it comes from, the XIXth century is the one of its rationalization. Inventions such as steam locomotive and steamship allow to begin a global networking process. On five continents, villages, cities and ports, are progressively interconnected, generating a globalization of human and trade flows. This movement is orchestrated by the major European powers, whose expansion is based on the conquest of new markets and on the importation of natural resources required for their development. London and Mumbay play at that time a pivotal role, allowing to reroute flows in circulation at the inter-continental scale. Between these two major cities, Suez is an unavoidable crossing point between the Mediterranean and the Red Sea. During the second half of the XIXth century, the Balkan space is progressively integrated to this world-system. In that region, the introduction of railway induces a radical restructuring of power relations, whether political, economical or military. For this reason, the establishment of railways in the Balkans results from an interlacing of influencing strategies, articulated at various scales. This thesis sets out to highlight them.

La traite des esclaves noirs en Lybie dans les temps modernes / the black slaves’ trade in Libya in the modern era

Abu alkhir, Saleh 24 May 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse, sur la traite des esclaves noirs en Libye, dans les temps modernes, en particulier aux XVIIIe et XIXe siècles, a nécessité une recherche à partir de questions telles que : quelles sont les origines et les catégories des esclaves noirs qui arrivèrent en Libye ? Les divers prix pratiqués ? Les stations commerçantes les plus importantes du Sahara ? Les routes caravanières empruntées pour le transport des esclaves vers l’Afrique du Nord et plus particulièrement la Libye ? La thèse porte sur les principaux marchés libyens, les méthodes d’achat et de vente, les prix des esclaves, les impôts, les douanes. La Libye a servi, en premier lieu, de plaque tournante pour l’exportation des esclaves vers d’autres destinations et notre étude s’est attachée à ses ports d’où partaient les esclaves en direction de l’Egypte, de l’Empire ottoman, du Levant et des pays du Maghreb. La thèse met aussi l’accent sur la vie sociale des esclaves, leurs rituels religieux, leurs traditions et coutumes, leur habitat, leurs relations avec leurs maîtres, leur intégration dans la communauté libyenne et musulmane jusqu’à en faire partie, le point de vue de la société libyenne sur ce phénomène de l’esclavage. La dernière partie de la thèse aborde la diminution du phénomène de l’esclavage en Libye, puis l’interdiction et l’abolition du commerce à partir de la pression internationale exercée sur l’Empire ottoman. Une évaluation est faite sur la qualité des mesures gouvernementales à cet égard, à travers un récit historique des évènements jusqu’à la fin du commerce à partir de l’occupation italienne, en 1911. / This thesis is about the black slaves’ trade in Libya in the modern era especially in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. It illustrates a range of research issues such as, the sources of black slaves which came to Libya, its types and prices, the important commercial stations in the desert, the routes of the caravans which carried the slaves to North Africa and to Libya in particular. The research study comes across the most important markets on the Libyan soil, the methods of purchasing and buying, the slaves’ prices, the taxes and the customs. Hence, Libya was the area of re-exporting the slaves in the first place, the theses will mention the important exporting harbours and the important destinations such as Egypt, the Ottoman State (Turkey), and the Levant and the Maghreb countries. The thesis extends its scope to cover the social life of the slaves, their religious rituals, their customs and traditions, their houses, their relationships with their masters, the perception of the Libyan society to the slave phenomenon until they become an important component of the Libyan society and the Islamic societies in general. The last part of the thesis deals with the history of abolition of the slave trade and the disappearance of the slave phenomenon totally in Libya. This will be done by following the sequence of events starting with the international pressure on the Ottoman Empire for the abolition of slavery, the assessment of the seriousness of the governmental measures (procedures) and recalling the historical events until the end of the slave trade by the Italian occupation to Libya in 1911.

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