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Health Loop : Approachable, understandable, and engaging fitness for everyday peopleWarren, Alistair January 2014 (has links)
This thesis project reconsiders the purpose and effectiveness of public, free-to-use outdoor gyms, resulting in the Health Loop nine-station outdoor gym. The project identifies three key areas of failings in existing gyms: intimidation, lack of understanding, and lack of enjoyment.The design solution creates a gym which focuses firstly on providing a comfortable, appealing, approachable space and equipment. This is achieved through simplicity, a non-sporting atmosphere, and targeting the workout to relatively inactive people. The second key focus is on quick-to-understand, engaging, enjoyable workout routines for each station. This aspect is delivered through an interactive digital display and sensors to provide gamified routines and feedback.
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Designing for Stimulating Social Interaction in Outdoor GymZhang, Xiwen January 2020 (has links)
In the world where the Internet has nearly linked people in every corner, for some people, the nearby places seem to disappear. It might also lead to the alienation of friends and neighbours. For addressing the disadvantages of the change, this study aims to design for stimulating social interaction in outdoor gyms that are distributed in most communities and parks. Towards this goal, I engaged in designing and evaluating a movement-based interaction project. I invited 5 participants to work as designers for generating design ideas, using reflecting somaesthetics and bodystorming design methods. The bodystorming braid was used for depicting how design ideas generated and evolved. Design ideas were packaged into 3 types of design solutions -- cooperative play, competition and just talking. The most practical solutions for each kind were selected for building prototypes. These prototypes were evaluated with Wizard-of-Oz techniques by 4 participants, followed by a focus group. The qualitative analysis surfaced the important factors that impacted social interaction and major users, including the target users, usage, interaction, and maintenance.
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Posilování s vlastní vahou osob po s míšní lézí a hodnocení možnosti využití venkovních posilovacích zařízení v Praze / Bodyweight training in individuals with spinal cord injuries and the possibilities in usage of outdoor gyms in PragueNovák, Ondřej January 2021 (has links)
Title: Bodyweight training in individuals with spinal cord injuries and the possibilities in usage of outdoor gyms in Prague Objectives: The aim of this diploma thesis was to compile a methodical series of bodyweight exercises suitable for people after spinal cord injury. It was also found out which of the Prague outdoor gyms are suitable for performing exercises from this methodical series and thus also for people using a wheelchair. Methods: The method of theoretical-critical analysis was used to compile the methodical series. Theoretical knowledge was applied in the selection and description of exercises. The methodical series is divided into groups of pulling and pushing exercises. Each of them contains descriptions of exercises, their modifications and photographs. Outdoor gyms was deliberately selected for research and quantitatively evaluated in the table. Selected outdoor gyms evaluated as suitable were qualitatively commented and supplemented with photographs. Results: The methodical series contains 12 exercises and photographs. In the description of the exercises, attention is paid to the key points in the implementation, the possibility of regression and progression of the exercise and the goal of the exercise. After the analysis of 39 Prague outdoor gyms, 12 suitable outdoor gyms were...
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Styrkeförluster vid åldrande? : En tvärsnittsstudie om eventuella skillnader i styrkeförluster hos äldre seniorer / Loss of strength with ageing? : A cross-sectional study on possible differences in strength losses in older seniorsHallgren, Hampus, Brostedt, Carl-Mikael January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Äldre personer, 65 år och uppåt, bör vara fysiskt aktiva för ett hälsosammare och längre liv. Forskning har visat att muskelmassa och styrka minskar exponentiellt snabbare efter år 60 och muskelatrofi sker främst av typ 2 muskelfibrer. En minskad mängd muskelmassa är hos äldre starkt korrelerat med funktionsnedsättning, vilket resulterar i att regelbunden styrketräning därmed är en effektiv metod för att motverka sarkopeni hos äldre individer. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att studera kraftskillnader mellan olika åldersgrupper hos seniorer uppmätt på prestations-anpassat utomhusgym. Metod: Studien var en kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie. Totalt deltog 35 personer, 21 kvinnor och 14 män, som fick utföra fysiska maxtester på labb och utomhusgym. Resultat: Mann Whitney U-testet visade skillnader i maxstyrka mellan män och kvinnor 65+ i alla statiska maxtester, på 0.001-nivån. Vid könsuppdelning av åldersgrupperna var det en skillnad mellan männen på 0.05-nivån i roddrag, p=0.039, och bänkpress, p=0.028. Spearmans korrelationstest visade ett negativt samband på 0.01-nivån, p=0.005 mellan ålder och STS r = -0,466. Slutsats: Konklusionen av vår studie är att det inte fanns någon betydande skillnad i maxstyrka mellan åldersgrupperna 65-75 och 75+. Det fanns en skillnad i maxstyrka mellan män och kvinnor över 65 år. Vid könsuppdelning av åldersgrupperna fanns det en skillnad i maxstyrka mellan män 65-75 och män 75+ i roddrag och bänkpress, men hos kvinnor fanns det ingen skillnad i maxstyrka mellan åldersgrupperna 65-75 och 75+. Utifrån resultaten i vår studie kan därmed slutsatsen dras att både äldre män och kvinnor behöver styrketräna för att behålla styrka vid åldrande. / Background: Older people, aged 65 and over, should be physically active for a healthier and longer life. Research has shown that muscle mass and strength decrease exponentially faster after the age of 60 and muscle atrophy occurs mainly in type 2 muscle fibres. A reduced amount of muscle mass in older people is strongly correlated with disability, resulting in regular strength training being an effective method to counteract sarcopenia in older individuals. Purpose: The purpose of the study was to study strength differences between different age groups in seniors measured in a performance-adapted outdoor gym. Method: The study was a quantitative cross-sectional study. A total of 35 participants, 21 women and 14 men, were asked to perform physical max tests in the lab and outdoor gym. Results: The Mann Whitney U test showed differences in maximum strength between men and women 65+ in all static max tests, at the 0.001 level. When splitting the age groups by gender, there was a difference between men at the 0.05 level in the rowingpull, p=0.039, and benchpress, p=0.028. Spearman's correlation test showed a negative correlation at the 0.01 level, p=0.005 between age and STS r = -0.466. Conclusion: The conclusion of our study is that there was no significant difference in maximum strength between the 65-75 and 75+ age groups. There was a difference in maximum strength between men and women over 65 years of age. When dividing the age groups by gender, there was a difference in maximum strength between men 65-75 and men 75+ in the rowing pull and bench press, but in women there was no difference in maximum strength between the age groups 65-75 and 75+. Based on the results of our study, it can therefore be concluded that both older men and women need strength training to maintain strength during aging.
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Academia ao ar livre e a percepção de qualidade de vida de idosos / Outdoor gym and elderly people\'s perception of quality of lifeCarlos Santana Trindade 16 December 2015 (has links)
Baixas taxas de natalidade/fecundidade e o aumento da expectativa de vida influenciam diretamente na estrutura etária dos países, modificando a participação percentual de indivíduos de diferentes idades, dando origem à uma redistribuição na proporção de crianças, adultos e idosos. Estimava brasileira para 2025 é que possamos chegar a mais de 32 milhões de idosos, tornando-se uma parcela significativa da população que necessitam de uma atenção especial em todos os setores públicos. Estudos demonstram que a atividade física regular para a população idosa tem um papel modificador nos fatores de risco de DCV. Levando em consideração o aumento da população idosa e o benefício que a atividade física pode lhes proporcionar, diversos municípios estão investindo em equipamentos de ginástica, denominadas \"Academia ao Ar Livre\" (AAL), objetivando alterar positivamente a QV e a aptidão física. Objetivos: Investigar se o uso não supervisionado das AALs pode alterar positivamente a percepção de QV, os parâmetros de saúde e a aptidão física da população idosa. Método: Trata-se de um estudo transversal, realizado em Ribeirão Preto-SP, com idosos acima de 60 anos divididos em 2 grupos: GRUPO 1 _ Idosos que utilizam a proporção de ate 50% do seu tempo total de atividade física diário na AAL. GRUPO 2 _ Idosos que utilizam a proporção de ate 51 à 100% do seu tempo total de atividade física diário na AAL As variáveis estudadas foram: aspectos sociodemográficos, rastreamento cognitivo (MEEM), depressão geriátrica (EDG-15), Qualidade de Vida (WHOQUOL-Abrev), nível habitual de atividade física (IPAq), parâmetros de saúde (RCQ, IMC, PAS e PAD) e aptidão física (AAHPERD). O tratamento dos dados deu-se por estatística descritiva, com comparações entre os grupos quanto aos domínios e escore geral do AAHPERD, WHOQUOL Abrev, RCQ, IMC, PAS e PAD, através do teste t-Student. Para a comparação do escore total do EDG-15 entre os grupos foi proposto o teste de Mann-Whitney (não paramétrico). As associações entre grupos para as variáveis aferidas de foram feitas através do teste exato de Fisher.Para todas as análises adotou-se um nível de significância de 5%. Resultados: A amostra foi composta por 41 participantes na faixa etária entre 60 à 79 anos, com o predomínio feminino (78%), com uma distribuição homogênea entre o anos de estudo. Nesta amostra (68,29%) atribuíram notas altas para a relação AAL e importância para Saúde. Na variável de percepção de Saúde, (90,25%) se dizem \"Satisfeito/Muito Satisfeito\", para QV (97,56%) dizem ter \"Boa/MuitoBoa\". Para os domínios do WHOQUOL-Abrev, demonstraram altos valores, distribuídos de forma homogênea entre os grupos, sendo a maior porcentagem para o Físico (83,90%) e o menor para as Relações Sociais (76,58%). Na variável EDG-15 a média (2,02±1,76) ficou abaixo da nota de corte. Em relação aos parâmetros de saúde os valores em média para as variáveis RCQ (0,88±0,06), IMC (26,08±3,49), PAS (123,59±12,36) e PAD (82,83±12,93) aparentam estar dentro da normalidade. De acordo com o IPAq (95,12%) da amostra foram classificados como \"Ativo\", para o NHAF. Resultados da avaliação de aptidão física (AAHPERD), resultou em um IAFG de (195,95±74,27), classificado como \"Fraco\". Considerações Finais: Os dados apontam para uma relação positiva entre o uso não supervisionado das AALs e a percepção da QV, no entanto foi evidenciado que mesmo com um elevado NHAF os idosos usuários demonstraram baixos valores para as capacidades físicas. Este fato pode ser devido a prática não supervisionada, que gera uma execução errada dos exercícios, podendo ser revertida possivelmente com a presença de uma profissional da área, criando um novo quadro para ser investigado futuramente / Low birth/fertility rate and increased life expectancy directly influence the age structure of countries, by modifying the percentage of individuals of different ages, leading to a redistribution in the proportion of children, adults and seniors. Brazilian estimate for 2025 is that we can reach more than 32 million elderly people, making it a significant portion of the population that requires special attention in all public sectors. Studies show that regular physical activity for the elderly has a role in modifying risk factors of cardiovascular diseases. Taking into account the increase in the elderly population and the benefits that physical activity can provide them, many municipalities are investing in fitness equipments, called \"Outdoor Gym\" (OG), aiming to positively change the quality of life (QOL) and physical fitness. Objectives: To investigate whether the use of unsupervised OGs can positively change the perception of QOL, health parameters and physical fitness of the elderly population. Method: This is a cross-sectional study conducted in Ribeirão Preto, with seniors over 60 years, divided into 2 groups: GROUP 1 _ Seniors who use the proportion of up to 50% of their total time of daily physical activity at the OG. GROUP 2 _ Seniors who use the proportion from 51 to 100% of their total time of daily physical activity at the OG. The studied variables were: sociodemographic characteristics, cognitive screening (MEEM), Geriatric Depression (EDG-15), Quality of Life (WHOQUOL-Abrev), habitual physical activity level (IPAq), health parameters (WHR, BMI, SBP and DBP) and physical fitness (AAHPERD test battery). The processing of data was by descriptive statistics, with comparisons between the groups and General Functional Fitness Index (GFFI), WHOQUOL Abrev, WHR, BMI, SBP and DBP, through t-Student test. To compare the total score of the GDS-15 between groups, the Mann-Whitney test (nonparametric) was proposed. Associations between groups for the assessed variables were made using Fisher\'s exact test. For all analyzes it was adopted a 5% significance level. Results: The sample consisted of 41 participants aged between 60 to 79 years old, with female predominance (78%), with an even distribution between the years of study. In this sample, 68.29% gave high marks to the relationship of OG and importance to health. In Health perception variable, 90.25% say they are \"Satisfied / Very Satisfied\", for QOL 97.56% they say they have \"good/very good\". For WHOQUOL-Abrev, there were high values, distributed evenly between the groups, with the highest percentage for the Physical (83.90%) and the lowest for Social Affairs (76.58%). For the GDS-15 variable, the average (2.02 ± 1.76) was below the cutoff point. Regarding health parameters, values of variables WHR (0.88 ± 0.06), BMI (26.08 ± 3.49), SBP (123.59 ± 12.36) and DBP (82.83 ± 12 93) are within normal limits. According to the IPAQ, 95.12% of the sample were classified as \"active\". Physical fitness evaluation results (AAHPERD) showed GFFI of 195.95 ± 74.27, classified as \"weak\". Final Thoughts: The data point to a positive relationship between the use of unsupervised OGs and the perception of QOL. However, it was evident that even with a high habitual physical activity levels (HPAL), elderly users showed lower values for the physical capabilities. This may be due to unsupervised practice, which generates an inefficient execution of the exercises, which may possibly be reversed with the presence of a professional, creating a new situation for future investigation
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Academia ao ar livre e a percepção de qualidade de vida de idosos / Outdoor gym and elderly people\'s perception of quality of lifeTrindade, Carlos Santana 16 December 2015 (has links)
Baixas taxas de natalidade/fecundidade e o aumento da expectativa de vida influenciam diretamente na estrutura etária dos países, modificando a participação percentual de indivíduos de diferentes idades, dando origem à uma redistribuição na proporção de crianças, adultos e idosos. Estimava brasileira para 2025 é que possamos chegar a mais de 32 milhões de idosos, tornando-se uma parcela significativa da população que necessitam de uma atenção especial em todos os setores públicos. Estudos demonstram que a atividade física regular para a população idosa tem um papel modificador nos fatores de risco de DCV. Levando em consideração o aumento da população idosa e o benefício que a atividade física pode lhes proporcionar, diversos municípios estão investindo em equipamentos de ginástica, denominadas \"Academia ao Ar Livre\" (AAL), objetivando alterar positivamente a QV e a aptidão física. Objetivos: Investigar se o uso não supervisionado das AALs pode alterar positivamente a percepção de QV, os parâmetros de saúde e a aptidão física da população idosa. Método: Trata-se de um estudo transversal, realizado em Ribeirão Preto-SP, com idosos acima de 60 anos divididos em 2 grupos: GRUPO 1 _ Idosos que utilizam a proporção de ate 50% do seu tempo total de atividade física diário na AAL. GRUPO 2 _ Idosos que utilizam a proporção de ate 51 à 100% do seu tempo total de atividade física diário na AAL As variáveis estudadas foram: aspectos sociodemográficos, rastreamento cognitivo (MEEM), depressão geriátrica (EDG-15), Qualidade de Vida (WHOQUOL-Abrev), nível habitual de atividade física (IPAq), parâmetros de saúde (RCQ, IMC, PAS e PAD) e aptidão física (AAHPERD). O tratamento dos dados deu-se por estatística descritiva, com comparações entre os grupos quanto aos domínios e escore geral do AAHPERD, WHOQUOL Abrev, RCQ, IMC, PAS e PAD, através do teste t-Student. Para a comparação do escore total do EDG-15 entre os grupos foi proposto o teste de Mann-Whitney (não paramétrico). As associações entre grupos para as variáveis aferidas de foram feitas através do teste exato de Fisher.Para todas as análises adotou-se um nível de significância de 5%. Resultados: A amostra foi composta por 41 participantes na faixa etária entre 60 à 79 anos, com o predomínio feminino (78%), com uma distribuição homogênea entre o anos de estudo. Nesta amostra (68,29%) atribuíram notas altas para a relação AAL e importância para Saúde. Na variável de percepção de Saúde, (90,25%) se dizem \"Satisfeito/Muito Satisfeito\", para QV (97,56%) dizem ter \"Boa/MuitoBoa\". Para os domínios do WHOQUOL-Abrev, demonstraram altos valores, distribuídos de forma homogênea entre os grupos, sendo a maior porcentagem para o Físico (83,90%) e o menor para as Relações Sociais (76,58%). Na variável EDG-15 a média (2,02±1,76) ficou abaixo da nota de corte. Em relação aos parâmetros de saúde os valores em média para as variáveis RCQ (0,88±0,06), IMC (26,08±3,49), PAS (123,59±12,36) e PAD (82,83±12,93) aparentam estar dentro da normalidade. De acordo com o IPAq (95,12%) da amostra foram classificados como \"Ativo\", para o NHAF. Resultados da avaliação de aptidão física (AAHPERD), resultou em um IAFG de (195,95±74,27), classificado como \"Fraco\". Considerações Finais: Os dados apontam para uma relação positiva entre o uso não supervisionado das AALs e a percepção da QV, no entanto foi evidenciado que mesmo com um elevado NHAF os idosos usuários demonstraram baixos valores para as capacidades físicas. Este fato pode ser devido a prática não supervisionada, que gera uma execução errada dos exercícios, podendo ser revertida possivelmente com a presença de uma profissional da área, criando um novo quadro para ser investigado futuramente / Low birth/fertility rate and increased life expectancy directly influence the age structure of countries, by modifying the percentage of individuals of different ages, leading to a redistribution in the proportion of children, adults and seniors. Brazilian estimate for 2025 is that we can reach more than 32 million elderly people, making it a significant portion of the population that requires special attention in all public sectors. Studies show that regular physical activity for the elderly has a role in modifying risk factors of cardiovascular diseases. Taking into account the increase in the elderly population and the benefits that physical activity can provide them, many municipalities are investing in fitness equipments, called \"Outdoor Gym\" (OG), aiming to positively change the quality of life (QOL) and physical fitness. Objectives: To investigate whether the use of unsupervised OGs can positively change the perception of QOL, health parameters and physical fitness of the elderly population. Method: This is a cross-sectional study conducted in Ribeirão Preto, with seniors over 60 years, divided into 2 groups: GROUP 1 _ Seniors who use the proportion of up to 50% of their total time of daily physical activity at the OG. GROUP 2 _ Seniors who use the proportion from 51 to 100% of their total time of daily physical activity at the OG. The studied variables were: sociodemographic characteristics, cognitive screening (MEEM), Geriatric Depression (EDG-15), Quality of Life (WHOQUOL-Abrev), habitual physical activity level (IPAq), health parameters (WHR, BMI, SBP and DBP) and physical fitness (AAHPERD test battery). The processing of data was by descriptive statistics, with comparisons between the groups and General Functional Fitness Index (GFFI), WHOQUOL Abrev, WHR, BMI, SBP and DBP, through t-Student test. To compare the total score of the GDS-15 between groups, the Mann-Whitney test (nonparametric) was proposed. Associations between groups for the assessed variables were made using Fisher\'s exact test. For all analyzes it was adopted a 5% significance level. Results: The sample consisted of 41 participants aged between 60 to 79 years old, with female predominance (78%), with an even distribution between the years of study. In this sample, 68.29% gave high marks to the relationship of OG and importance to health. In Health perception variable, 90.25% say they are \"Satisfied / Very Satisfied\", for QOL 97.56% they say they have \"good/very good\". For WHOQUOL-Abrev, there were high values, distributed evenly between the groups, with the highest percentage for the Physical (83.90%) and the lowest for Social Affairs (76.58%). For the GDS-15 variable, the average (2.02 ± 1.76) was below the cutoff point. Regarding health parameters, values of variables WHR (0.88 ± 0.06), BMI (26.08 ± 3.49), SBP (123.59 ± 12.36) and DBP (82.83 ± 12 93) are within normal limits. According to the IPAQ, 95.12% of the sample were classified as \"active\". Physical fitness evaluation results (AAHPERD) showed GFFI of 195.95 ± 74.27, classified as \"weak\". Final Thoughts: The data point to a positive relationship between the use of unsupervised OGs and the perception of QOL. However, it was evident that even with a high habitual physical activity levels (HPAL), elderly users showed lower values for the physical capabilities. This may be due to unsupervised practice, which generates an inefficient execution of the exercises, which may possibly be reversed with the presence of a professional, creating a new situation for future investigation
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Rullstolsanpassat utegym i Karlstad kommun : Ett underlag skapat utifrån ett ergonomiskt perspektiv följande designprocessens grundpelare / Wheelchair accessible outdoor gym located in Karlstad municipality : The foundation for creating an outdoor gym from an ergonomic perspective following the design processNässén, Viktor January 2015 (has links)
Denna rapport omfattar skapandet av en träningsmiljö tänkt att placeras utomhus i Karlstad och är anpassad för rullstolsburna individer. Arbetet har utförts på uppdrag av Karlstad kommun och motsvarar som ett examensarbete för högskoleingenjörsexamen inom Innovationsteknik och Design, vid fakulteten för Hälsa, Natur och Teknikvetenskap. Arbetet har utförts vid Karlstad Universitet under våren 2014. Karlstad kommun har sett ett behov av träningsutrustning i utomhusmiljö tillgängligt för rullstolsburna. På många träningsplatser i dagsläget stängs rullstolsburna ute från träning då det finns få möjligheter att justera den utrustning som erbjuds. Ur ett användarperspektiv anses träningsmöjligheterna vara otillräckliga vilket har legat till grund för detta arbete. Utfrån uppdragsgivarens synpunkt och krav samt genom informationsinsamling, intervjuer och obervationer formulerades en produktspecifikation. Produktspecifikationen omfattar huvudbehovet och andra nödvändiga behov för att platsen skall fungera som mötesplats med inriktningen ”träning för rullstolsburna”. Det ställs bland annat krav på användarvänlighet, hållbarhet och säkerhet. Konceptutvecklingen har följt den designprocess som används inom ramarna för innovationsteknik och Design. Vid utvecklingsprocessen användes skisser och CAD som hjälpmedel för att enkelt kunna simulera konstruktioner och lösningar på problem. Genereringsprocessen gav ett resultat på nitton olika lösningar som därefter utvärderas med hjälp av eliminerings- och utvärderingsmatriser. Det slutgiltliga konceptet motsvarar en träningsplats med fem maskiner speciellt anpassade för rullstolsburna där allsidig träning erbjuds. Träningsutrustningen är tänkt att kunna användas av alla individer oavsett tidigare erfarenhet och kunskap om träning. Maskinerna tillåter att hela övre delen av kroppen kan tränas, att manövrering på platsen är enkel och att skaderisken är låg. / The report deals with the subject of an outdoor gym located in Karlstad adapted and accessible for wheelchair using individuals. The work is performed within the course degree project for degree of Bachelor of Science in Innovation and design engineering, MSGC12 at the faculty of health, nature and engineering science at Karlstad University. The work has taken place at Karlstad University in the spring in 2014. Karlstad municipality has seen a need for exercise equipment in an outdoor environment that is accessible to wheelchair users. In today’s outdoor gyms wheelchair are users shut out. This is due to the face that the equipment is not adjusted accordingly. From a user perspective this is considered to be inadequate training opportunities and has been the basis for the creation of the outdoor gym, adjusted for wheelchair users. Based on the requirements from the client's point of view, data collection, interviews and observations a product specification was developed. The specification covers the main requirements and other necessary requirements for the site to function as a meeting place with focus on training for wheelchair users. The specification includes demands such as ease of use, durability and safety. Concept development has followed the design process used in the context of innovation, technology and design. During the development process sketches and CAD was used as means to easily simulate designs and solutions to problems. The concept generation process yielded a score of nineteen different solutions which is subsequently evaluated using elimination and evaluation matrix. Diagrams for how well each concept met the required conditions were used to evaluate in its entirety. The final concept is an outdoor gym which provides the opportunity for wheelchair users to work-out and preform rehabilitation exercises. The facility is equipped with five machines adjusted for wheelchair users which offer comprehensive training. Exercise equipment is intended to be used by all individuals regardless of previous experience and knowledge of training. The machines allow the entire upper part of the body to be trained. The operation of the site is simple and the risk of injury is low.
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Är Karlstads kommuns utomhusgym jämställda? : En intervju- och observationsstudie som undersöker av vem och hur Karlstads kommuns utomhusgym används / Are Karlstad municipality’s outdoor gyms equal? : An interview- and observational study investigating by who and how Karlstad municipality’s outdoor gyms are usedBengtsson, Emma January 2020 (has links)
Fysisk aktivitet är viktigt för en god hälsa, och svenskarnas hälsa blir allt sämre. Karlstads kommuns mål är att alla kommuninvånare ska ha rätt till en god hälsa på lika villkor, och ger därför stöd till spontanidrotten. Kommunen har även som mål att vara en av landets mest jämställda kommuner. Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur utomhusgym i Karlstads kommun används och vem som använder dem. Studien utgick främst ifrån ett genusteoretiskt perspektiv. Huvudfrågan som besvarades var om pengarna används rätt i Karlstads kommun gällande stöd till en jämställd spontanidrott. Metoderna för att undersöka detta var kvalitativa intervjuer där sex respondenter deltog samt via kvantitativa observationer där 147 personer observerades. Huvudresultaten i studien visade att Karlstads kommuns stöd till spontanidrott används rätt ur ett jämställdhetsperspektiv, då fördelningen av användarna var jämn med 47% kvinnor och 53% män på de observrade utomhusgymmen. Män fokuserade mer på att nyttja redskap där överkroppen tränades. Respondenterna önskade att kunna justera vikt och passform på redskapen. Kvinnor upplevde i större utsträckning hinder för att inte komma till utomhusgymmen, som kan kopplas till otrygghet. Vidare bör större studier göras för att få ett större underlag för hur fördelningen ser ut, samt för att djupare kunna undersöka manliga och kvinnliga preferenser av redskapen och hur hinder kopplade till otrygghet kan minska. / Physical activity is vital for an adequate health, and the Swedish residents’ health is getting poorer. Karlstad municipality’s aim is that all residents of Karlstad municipality shall have the right to an adequate health on equal terms, and the municipality offer financial support to spontaneous sports. Karlstad municipality have the aim to be one of the country’s most equal municipalities, as well. The aim with this study was to investigate how the outdoor gyms in Karlstad municipality are used and by whom. The study mainly based on a gender theoretical perspective. The main question at issue, which was answered to, was if the Karlstad municipality’s financial support was used right to generate equality in spontaneous sports. The research methods used in this study was qualitative interviews with six respondents, and quantitative observations with 147 people were observed. The main results in this study showed that Karlstad municipality’s financial support was used right in an equality perspective since the gender divide was equal with 47% women and 53% men at the observed outdoor gyms. Men did focus more at using equipment made for exercising the upper body. The respondents wished to be able to adjust the weight and fit at the equipment. Women did experience discouragements to not work out in an outdoor gym in a greater extent, which can be linked to insecurity. Further research should investigate the question in larger studies, to get a greater basis of how the gender divide is divided, and to be able to in a more profound way investigate male and female preferences of the equipment and how discouragement linked to insecurity can be reduced.
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