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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Teachers’ Experiences in and Perceptions of their12th-Grade British Literature Classrooms

McIntyre-McCullough, Keisha Simone 29 March 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to understand the experiences and perceptions of 12th-grade literature teachers about curriculum, Post-Colonial literature, and students. Theories posed by Piaget (1995), Vygotsky (1995), and Rosenblatt (1995) formed the framework for this micro-ethnographic study. Seven teachers from public and private schools in South Florida participated in this two-phase study; three teachers in Phase I and four in Phase II. All participants completed individual semi-structured interviews and demographic surveys. In addition, four of the teachers were observed teaching. The analysis yielded three themes and two sub-themes: (a) knowledge concerned teachers’ knowledge of British literature content and Post-Colonial authors and their literature; (b) freedom described teachers’ freedom to choose how to teach their content. Included in this theme was dilemmas associated with 12th-grade classrooms which described issues that were pertinent to the 12th-grade teacher and classroom that were revealed by the study; and (c) thoughts about students described teachers’ perceptions about students and how literature might affect the students. Two subthemes of knowledge were as follows:(1) text complexity described teacher responses to a Post-Colonial text’s complexity and (2) student desirability/teachability described teachers’ perception about how desirable Post-Colonial texts would be to students and whether teachers would be willing to teach these texts. The researcher offers recommendations for understanding factors associated with 12th-grade teachers perceptions and implications for enhancing the 12th-grade experience for teachers and curriculum, based on this study: (a) build teacher morale and capacity, (b) treat all students as integral components of the teaching and learning process; teachers in this study thought teaching disenfranchised learners was a form of punishment meted out by the administration, and (c) include more Post-Colonial authors in school curricula in colleges and schools as most teachers in this study did not study this type of literature nor knew how to teach it.

L’évaluation de la loi du 1er février 2012 concernant l’acquisition du plein exercice pour les médecins à diplôme hors Union européenne / The exercise authorization procedure : the evaluation of the law of 1 February 2012 on the acquisition of the full exercise for doctors with a diploma outside the European Union

Chen, Xin 02 October 2017 (has links)
La Procédure d'Autorisation d'Exercice est un dispositif qui concerne l'ensemble des praticiens à diplôme hors Union Européenne. Elle a été instaurée en 2007 par la loi CMU du 27 juillet 1999, complétée par la Loi de Financement de la Sécurité Sociale du 21 décembre 2008, modifiée par la loi 2012-157 du 1er février 2012. La dernière loi concernée, la loi n°2016-1888 du 28 décembre 2016 de modernisation, de développement et de protection des territoires de montagne, met fin à la régularisation de ces praticiens. Depuis l'exécution de la loi 2012-157 du 1er février 2012 jusqu'à la fin de l'année 2016, la Procédure d'Autorisation d'Exercice compte 26562 inscriptions et 14647 présentations dont 4866 reçus aux Epreuves de Vérification des Connaissances à la Procédure d'Autorisation d'Exercice. Nous avons étudié les résultats des Epreuves de Vérification des Connaissances avec des analyses approfondies. Entre 2012 et 2016, la liste A a reçu le plus grand nombre de candidats aux Epreuves de Vérification des Connaissances, soit 21123 inscriptions, 10007 présentations. Le taux de réussite de la liste A varie entre 15% et 19%, sachant que la liste A est une liste qui recueille tous les nouveaux arrivants, les Epreuves de Vérification des Connaissances pour cette liste est un concours. La liste B a reçu 562 inscriptions, dont 413 présentations entre 2012 et 2016 avec un taux de réussite de 24% à 41%. Les épreuves pour cette liste sont sous forme d'examen. La liste C a reçu 4877 inscriptions, dont 4227 présentations entre 2012 et 2016 et le taux de réussite est de 56% à 80%. La liste C est aussi un examen qui recueille tous les praticiens à diplôme hors Union Européenne qui sont déjà installés en France. Nous avons observé que la disparition de la liste C est en partie due au dispositif de la Procédure d'Autorisation d'Exercice qui permet la régularisation des praticiens à diplôme hors Union Européenne. La loi 2012-157 du 1er février 2012 qui modifie les conditions et le périmètre de participation des candidats aux Epreuves de Vérification des Connaissances est une des causes de transfert des candidats de la Liste A à la Liste C. Enfin, les praticiens inscrits au tableau de l'Ordre des médecins, et provenant de la Procédure d'Autorisation d'Exercice, occupent une proportion qui est d'environ 10% dans certains départements en France. Ce chiffre montre le nombre de ces praticiens est quasiment aussi important qu'avant et que leur présence est demandée dans la France entière. Dans certains départements, nous avons pu constater que la présence de praticiens à diplôme hors Union Européenne augmente la densité médicale territoriale en France, démontrant l'importance de leur présence au niveau local, ainsi que dans les zones rurales et de montagnes. Le seul contrôle de l'entrée des praticiens à diplôme hors Union Européenne n'est pas suffisant ; la formation continue de ces praticiens devrait être envisagée afin d'améliorer leur niveau médical d'exercice, et la réorientation territoriale d'installation pourrait être une solution qui augmenterait l'offre de soins au niveau local. / The "Authorization Exercise Procedure" is a device that concerns all doctors with diplomas outside the European Union. It was introduced in 2007 by law "CMU of 27 July 1999", supplemented by "Law of Social Security Financing" of 21 December 2008, amended by the Law "2012-157 of 1 February 2012", The last law concerned, was No. 2016-1888 of 28 December 2016 on the modernization, development and protection of mountain territories, put an end to the regularization of these doctors. Since the implementation of Law 2012-157 from 1 February 2012 to the end of 2016, the Fiscal Authorization Procedure has 26,562 registrations and 14,647 presentations, of which 4866 were received in the Knowledge Verification Exercise Authorization Procedure. We examined the results of the Knowledge Verification tests with in-depth analyzes. Between 2012 and 2016, List A received the highest number of candidates for the Knowledge Test, 21123 registrations, 10007 presentations. The success rate of List A varies between 15% and 19%, knowing that List A is a list that collects all newcomers, the Knowledge Testing tests for this list is a competition. List B received 562 entries, including 413 entries between 2012 and 2016 with a pass rate of 24% to 41%. The tests for this list are in the form of an examination. List C received 4877 entries, of which 4,227 entries between 2012 and 2016 and the success rate is 56% to 80%. List C is also an examination that gathers all the doctors with diplomas outside the European Union who are already established in France. We have observed that the disappearance of the list C is partly due to the device of the Exercise Authorization Procedure which allows the regularization of the doctors with diploma outside the European Union. Law 2012-157 of February 1, 2012, which modifies the conditions and the perimeter of participation of the candidates in the tests of verification of the Knowledge is one of the causes of transfer of the candidates from List A to List C. Finally, the doctors registered on the board of the French Medical Association, and coming from The Exercise Authorization Procedure, occupy a proportion which is about 10% in certain departments in France. This figure shows the number of these doctors is almost as important as before and that their presence is demanded in the whole of France. In some départements, we have seen that the presence of doctors with diplomas outside the European Union increases the territorial medical density in France, demonstrating the importance of their presence at the local level, as well as in rural and mountain areas. The only control of the entry of doctors with diplomas outside the European Union is not sufficient; The continuing training of these doctors should be considered in order to improve their medical level of practice and the territorial reorientation of the facility could be a solution that would increase the supply of care at the local level.

Vnitropodnikové směrnice ve společnosti Focus Cz Marketing and IT Research s.r.o. / Internal Guidelines in the Focus Cz Marketing and IT Research s.r.o.

Bartošíková, Tereza January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with issues related to internal guidelines of the particular company. Initially defines the internal guidelines and related basic concepts and then analyzes guidelines of the company and proposes implementation of new company regulations or improvement of the existing ones in order to help the company to statutory and effective accounting

Studie zefektivnění přípravy výroby u vybrané technologie / The study of increase in efficiency of manufacturing preparation of technology

Šudoma, Michal January 2009 (has links)
This paper discusses different alternatives of more efficient preparation of spheroided graphite cast iron production. Secondary metallurgy and chemical heating technology are used to recast cast iron fused in copula furnace. The work applies the known physical-chemical rules used in the production of quality spheroided graphite cast iron in regular production conditions. Based on the previous developments, the aim was to prepare implementation of verified secondary metallurgy processes in adjusted casting ladle. The casting ladle was adjusted in order to allow execution of all processes required in order for the relevant standards and material lists requirements to be met in respect to spheroided graphite cast iron quality. Comments regarding the trends in ferroalloy metallurgy and related marketing approach of the company. The work is concluded by a summary of advantages brought in by the new approaches compared to the traditional ones from the economical as well as environmental perspective.

Vitalita v architektonickém prostředí / Vitality in the architectonic environment

Eyer, David January 2017 (has links)
More and more research studies are being conducted on the quality of architectural space as a factor affecting our mental, social and physical health. In the past, this topic was often overlooked in its complexity. The establishment of the specialized fields of building biology, biophilic architecture and the works of Christopher Alexander and Nikos Salingaros now allow us to consider various facets of this subject. This dissertation aims to analyse the topic of vitality in architectural space by studying the abilities and perceptions of its users. Therefore its aim is not to develop a new theory of “vitality-enhancing architectural space”, but to describe how this phenomenon is perceived by the users themselves. Users can provide feedback on which features of architectural space they see as the most important for the feeling of vitality. These features have been hierarchically organized based on their perceived importance, analysed and described in detail to allow their relatively easy application in practice. This dissertation will also allow a comparison with other existing works on the studied topic.

Temperiertes Innenhochdruck-Umformen von Rohren aus Magnesium- und Aluminiumlegierungen

Seifert, Michael 06 June 2008 (has links)
Die Anwendungsmöglichkeiten und Potenziale des temperierten Innenhochdruck-Umformens mit flüssigen Wirkmedien (T-IHU) von Rohren aus verschiedenen Magnesium- und Aluminiumknetlegierungen werden in der vorliegenden Arbeit aufgezeigt. Neben der Werkstoff- und Halbzeugcharakterisierung, der Auslegung von temperierten Innenhochdruck-Umformanlagen und –werkzeugen, den Thermografiemessungen am Halbzeug unter Realbedingungen und der Verifizierung der Simulationsergebnisse des T-IHU-Werkzeuges war der inhaltliche Schwerpunkt die systematische experimentelle Bestimmung der maximalen Umfangserweiterung ∆u<sub>max</sub> in Anhängigkeit von der Umformtemperatur ϑ<sub>u</sub>, dem Werkstoff und der Wanddicke s<sub>0</sub> im Temperaturbereich von 22°C bis 300°C an drei Versuchsgeometrien T-Stück, Zylinder und Quader bei Innendrücken bis 800 bar. Neben dem Einfluss der Prozessparameter, der Werkstoff- und Halbzeugeigenschaften und der Ausgangswanddicke wurde der signifikante Einfluss der Umformtemperatur und der Umformgeometrie auf die erreichbaren Umfangserweiterungen herausgearbeitet und systematisch dargestellt. Es wurden Umfangsdehnungen von bis zu 120 % (bei ϑ<sub>u</sub> = 300°C) erzielt. Die experimentelle Bestimmung der minimal auszuformenden Bauteilaußenradien erfolgte unter Anwendung der statistischen Versuchsplanung. Aus den Regressionsgleichungen wurde eine neue Berechnungsgleichung für den maximalen Innendruck p<sub>imax</sub> generiert. Durch die Verifikation dieser Gleichung konnte die hohe Genauigkeit bei der Vorausberechnung des erforderlichen Innendruckes bei einem vorgegebenen minimalen Bauteilaußenradius R<sub>min</sub> in Abhängigkeit von der Zugfestigkeit R<sub>m</sub> als f (Umformtemperatur) und der Wanddicke s<sub>0</sub> nachgewiesen werden. Die Auslegung der T-IHU-Werkzeug- und Anlagentechnik kann damit wesentlich genauer er­folgen. Durch die Bauteilanalysen nach dem T-IHU-Prozess konnten die hohe Maß- und Formgenauigkeit und die hohe und gleichmäßigere Oberflächengüte nachgewiesen werden. Trotz der beginnenden dynamischen Rekristallisation lag bei allen Versuchswerkstoffen eine Erhöhung der Werkstofffestigkeit in der Umformzone vor. Bei den Untersuchungen bzgl. des T-IHU des Realbauteiles „PKW-Querträger vorn“ konnten die Kenntnisse der Grundlagenuntersuchungen auf ein komplex geformtes Realteil übertragen und erweitert werden. Es zeigte sich, dass der Einsatz von T-IHU-Magnesiumbauteilen ein erhebliches Potenzial für weitere Gewichtsreduzierungen von Leichtbaukonstruktionen besitzt. / This paper presents the potential applications of temperature-supported hydroforming of various magnesium and aluminium alloy tubes using active liquid media. It includes details of material and semi-finished product characterisation, the design of temperature-supported hydroforming equipment and tools, thermography measurements on the semi-finished product under real conditions and verification of simulation results for the temperature-supported hydroforming tool. The main focus, however, was the systematic, experimental approach to determining the maximum increase in perimeter ∆u<sub>max</sub> as a function of the forming temperature ϑ<sub>u</sub>, the material and the wall thickness s<sub>0</sub> in the temperature range 22°C to 300°C for three trial geometries (T‑piece, cylinder and cuboid) at internal pressures of up to 800 bar. In addition to studying the effect of process parameters, material properties, semi-finished product characteristics and initial wall thickness, the paper also presents the finding that forming temperature and forming geometry have a significant impact on achievable increases in perimeter. Perimeter expansions of up to 120 % were attained (at ϑ<sub>u</sub> = 300°C). Statistically designed experiments were used to determine the minimum component outside-radii to undergo the forming process. A new equation for calculating the maximum internal pressure p<sub>imax</sub> was generated from regression equations. By verifying this equation, it was possible to demonstrate the high level of accuracy in predicting the internal pressure required for a given minimum component outside-radius R<sub>min</sub> as a function of the tensile strength R<sub>m</sub> as f(forming temperature) and of the wall thickness s<sub>0</sub>. This means that the temperature-supported hydroforming tool and system equipment can be designed far more accurately. Component analyses after the temperature-supported hydroforming process demonstrated the high level of dimensional and geometrical accuracy and the high quality and more consistent surface finish. Despite the onset of dynamic re-crystallisation, the strength of the material was increased in the forming zone in all the materials tested. The knowledge gained from researching the fundamental principles was applied to a real component with a complex shape in studies of temperature-supported hydroforming of the "front car cross-member", which provided further useful insights. It was found that the use of temperature-supported hydroforming magnesium components has considerable potential for further weight reduction in lightweight constructions.

How to enhance Shareholder Value through a Customer support in the Insurance industry : A BUSINESS DRIVEN APPROACH TOWARDS MOBILE- AND SELF-SERVICE- BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE

Smogner, Peter, Johnson, Niklas January 2013 (has links)
An increased competitive climate has enhanced the importance for companies to differentiate from other companies. Today, the customer support within service organizations are often disregarded as a source of value due to the focus on costs. Further, it has become more important to leverage the contact with the customer at all encounters. New technological advancements within Business Intelligence have also enabled companies to increase their competitiveness through improved decision support. The objective of this thesis is through a case study investigate how an insurance company could leverage its customer support as a source of creating shareholder value as well as how to apply trends within Business Intelligence for increased decision support. This was done through developing a conceptual model based on academic theory in order to provide a tool for analysis and development of a customer support. The research questions intends to investigate how an customer support can contribute to, and balance a focus on service quality, costs and sales in order to enhance shareholder value. A business driven approach was further used in order to understand how a customer support could leverage the emerging trends of Business Intelligence. This since the thesis also aims to provide some first insights into how to leverage the trends of mobile- and Self-Service- Business Intelligence within the customer support within insurance companies. The research emphasizes the need to have a holistic view of what drives value and costs with regard to the retention, growth and acquisition of customers when viewing the customer support as a source of value. The thesis concludes that both the trends of mobile- and Self-Service- Business Intelligence could enable an insurance company to gain new insights through utilizing existing internal as well as external data in order to conduct a more continuous and flexible analysis of important matters.

Projecting Culture Through Literary Exportation: How Imitation in Scandinavian Crime Fiction Reveals Regional Mores

Hartsell, Bradley 01 December 2017 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis reexamines the beginnings of Swedish hardboiled crime literature, in part tracking its lineage to American culture and unpacking Swedish identity. Following the introduction, the second chapter asserts how this genre began as a form of escapism, specifically in Maj Sjöwall and Per Wahlöö’s Roseanna. The third chapter compares predecessor Raymond Chandler’s The Big Sleep with Roseanna, and how Sweden’s greater gender tolerance significantly outshining America’s is reflected in literature. The fourth chapter examines how Henning Mankell’s novels fail to fully accept Sweden’s complicity in neo-Nazism as an active component of Swedish identity. The final chapter reveals Helene Tursten’s Detective Inspector Huss engaging with gender and racial relations in unique ways, while also releasing the suppressive qualities found in the Swedish identity post-war. Therefore, this thesis will better contextualize the onset of the genre, and how its lineage reflects the fruits and the damages alike in the Swedish identity.

Kofifi/Covfefe: How the Costumes of "Sophiatown" Bring 1950s South Africa to Western Massachusetts in 2020

Hollows, Emma 15 July 2020 (has links)
This thesis paper reflects upon the costume design process taken by Emma Hollows to produce a realist production of the Junction Avenue Theatre Company’s musical Sophiatown at the Augusta Savage Gallery at the University of Massachusetts in May 2020. Sophiatown follows a household forcibly removed from their homes by the Native Resettlement Act of 1954 amid apartheid in South Africa. The paper discusses her attempts as a costume designer to strike a balance between replicating history and making artistic changes for theatre, while always striving to create believable characters.

The Third World evangelical missiology of Orlando E. Costas

Tippner, Jeffrey E. January 2013 (has links)
This thesis examines the missiological writings of Orlando E. Costas (1943-1987), particularly The Church and Its Mission: A Shattering Critique from the Third World (1974); Theology of the Crossroads in Contemporary Latin America (1976); Christ Outside the Gate (1982); and Liberating News: A Theology of Contextual Evangelization (1989). From the early 1970s until his death in 1987 he wrote over 130 articles and 12 books in both Spanish and English that addressed key missiological concerns. A careful reading of a selection of Costas's texts oriented around a hymn, a gospel song, a psalm, and a poem provides the shape of this thesis. This thesis argues that Costas formulated a Third World evangelical missiology. Chapter one investigates what Costas's autobiographical material expressed about his positions on conversion, Protestant evangelicalism, missiology, and those living on the ‘periphery' of life. Chapter two recognises his commitment to the peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean in particular and the Third World in general. Chapter three explores Costas's analysis of the Latin American Protestant Church in a revolutionary situation in the continent and chapter four examines his survey and critical appraisal of Latin American liberation theology. Chapter five recognizes the pastoral shape of Costas's missiology. Chapter six explores his critical interaction with two more conservative evangelical missiological positions, the Church Growth Movement and Peter Beyerhaus and the Frankfurt Declaration, and chapter seven surveys the discussion within the international evangelical community regarding the relationship between evangelism and social responsibility. Chapter eight examines Costas's Liberating News as an expression of Third World evangelical missiology. Chapter nine considers the theological issue of penal substitutionary atonement and his missiology. The thesis concludes with an appraisal of the issues and contributions of Costas's Third World evangelical missiology to current missiological discussion.

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