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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

CoFramer : Ett diskussionsformat för djupa diskussioner på publika forum med låg Information Overload inspirerat av Philosophy for Children / CoFramer : A discussion format for deeper discussions on public forums with low information overload inspired by Philosophy for Children

Lundberg, Christoffer January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att presentera ett designkoncept för publika diskussioner på nätet med målet att uppnå djupare diskussioner och minska mängden information overload. Arbetet använder metoden Concept Driven Interaction Design (CDID) som går ut på att skapa ett designkoncept utifrån flera olika teorier som appliceras genom interaktionsdesign. Ett designkoncept innehåller tre delar: ett namn, ett syfte och huvudprinciper. CDID innehåller sju steg som arbetet är utformat efter: 1.      Concept Generation – Summeras i en tabell som jämför diskussioner i forum (med flera antagande) och diskussioner med hjälp av metoden Philosophy for Children (P4C), samt annan teori. 2.      Concept Exploration – Åtta olika designaspekter identifieras utifrån jämförelsetabellen. 3.      Internal Concept Critique – Designaspekterna jämförs med två snarlika diskussionsformat. 4.      Design of Artifacts – Designkoncept version 1 skapas. 5.      External Design Critique – Intervjuer utförs för att undersöka intervjupersonerna generella erfarenheter av online diskussioner, testar antagandena från jämförelsetabellen och ge direkt feedback på första versionen av designkonceptet. 6.      Concept Revisited – Ändringar görs baserat på intervjumaterial och direkt feedback. 7.      Concept Contextualization – Designkonceptet kopplas tillbaka till litteraturen. Studien resulterar i ett designkoncept kallat CoFramer och stödjer dessa huvudprinciper som ställs i kontrast till material som identifierats genom intervjuerna: Tabell 1: CoFramers huvudprinciper och faktorer från intervjuer om diskussioner på forum. CoFramers huvudprinciper | Från intervjuer om diskussioner på forum Strukturerad början och slut | Diskussion utan tydligt slut Begränsat antal deltagare | Stor mängd deltagare Minimum antal deltagare | Många inaktiva åskådare Explicita deltagare | Lite information om deltagare Gemensamma förutsättningar | Otydlighet kring deltagares förutsättningar Begränsad informationstäthet per inlägg | Långa inlägg och/eller snabba inlägg Den röda tråden och parallella trådar | Oftast parallella trådar Aktiv samtalsledare | Outredda missförstånd Studien indikerar på att CoFramer bör resultera i mer strukturerade diskussioner och som utsätter användaren för en lägre mängd information overload och mindre grounding cost jämfört med vad som vanligtvis uppstår i publika diskussioner online. / The focus of this essay is to develop a design concept for online public discussions with deep discussions and low information overload. The method used is Concept Driven Interaction Design (CDID) which involves constructing a design concept by applying a variety of theories in tangible interaction design. A design concept has three basic parts: a name, high-level goals and outlines generic principles. CDID includes seven steps which is used in this work: 1.      Concept Generation – Formatted into a table that compare forum discussion (with several hypothesis) compared to discussions with the method Philosophy for Children (P4C) and other theories. 2.      Concept Exploration – Eight distinct design aspects are identified from the comparison table. 3.      Internal Concept Critique – The design aspects are compared to three similar discussion formats. 4.      Design of Artifacts – Design concept version 1 is created. 5.      External Design Critique – Interviews are conducted to explore their general experience of online discussions, investigate the hypothesis from the comparison table and to seek direct feedback on the first draft of the design concept. 6.      Concept Revisited – Changes are made to the design concept based on the interview material and the direct feedback. 7.      Concept Contextualization – The design concept is related to the original literature. The result of the study is a design concept named CoFramer. CoFramer’s generic principles are summarized and contrasted against factors identified from the interview material in this table: Tabell 2: CoFramer’s generic principles and interviews about online discussions. CoFramer’s generic principles | From interview material on forum discussion Organized start and ending | Discussions without clear ending Limited number of participants | Large number of participants Minimum number of participants | Large number of inactive spectators Explicit participants | Low information about participants Common conditions | Vagueness in participants conditions Limited information density per post | Long posts and/or fast posts The red thread and parallel threads | Often parallel threads Active facilitator | Unresolved misunderstandings The study indicates that CoFramer would create more structured discussions with a lower amount of information overload and less grounding cost compared what normally arise in public online discussions.

Neonatal Cardiac Fatty Acid Metabolism

Lam, Victoria Hol Mun Unknown Date
No description available.

Analysis of the undergraduate students' learning environment in a medical school in Zambia

Ezeala, Christian Chinyere 11 1900 (has links)
This study analysed the learning environment of undergraduate medical and health sciences students of the School of Medicine University of Zambia who were studying at the Ridgeway Campus. Premised on the theory that learner’s perception of the learning environment determines approach to learning and learning outcome, the study utilized a descriptive, quantitative, and non-experimental design to articulate the issues that characterise the learning environment of the programmes. The aim was to provide framework based on these, and use it to propose a strategy for improving the learning environment of the School. The Dundee Ready Educational Environment Measure (DREEM) questionnaire was administered to 448 participants from year 2 to year 7 classes of medicine, pharmacy, and physiotherapy programmes. Total DREEM, subscale, and individual items’ scores were analysed statistically and compared by analysis of variance among the programmes. The issues determined formed the framework for strategy development, and strategic options were proposed based on evidence obtained from literature. With a global DREEM score of 119.3 ± 21.24 (59.7 %), the students perceived their learning environment as “more positive than negative.” One sample binomial test of hypothesis for categorical variables returned a p value <0.05, with a verdict to ‘reject the null hypothesis,’ thereby confirming a more positive than negative perception. Subscale scores also showed ‘more positive’ perception. There were no significant differences between scores from the different programmes when compared by Games Howell test, P> 0.05, thereby upholding the second hypothesis. Analysis of individual items revealed problems in six items, which were summarised into four strategic ssues: inadequate social support for stressed students, substandard teaching and mentoring, unpleasant accommodation, and inadequate physical facilities. The implications of the findings for theory and practice were discussed and strategic options proposed to address the issues. The study concludes that analysis of the learning environment of medical schools provides more insight for strategic planning and management. / Health Studies / D.Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)

Mechanismy plánování RT úloh při nedostatku výpočetních a energetických zdrojů / Mechanisms for Scheduling RT Tasks during Lack of Computational and Energy Sources

Pokorný, Martin January 2012 (has links)
This term project deals with the problem of scheduling real-time tasks in overload conditions and techniques for lowering power consumption. Each of these parts features mechanisms and reasons for their using. There are also described specific algorithms, that are implemented, in operating system uC/OS-II, and compared in next phase of master's thesis.

The work-family conflict experienced by South African women of different race groups : a phenomenological study

Tengimfene, Nikelwa F. 03 1900 (has links)
The family roles and responsibilities are still allocated along the gender lines. Women assume primary child care and household roles despite working fulltime. They suffer from work-family conflict as they battle with these competing demands. A phenomenological approach was adopted for this study. The existing literature was used in defining work-family conflict, looking at different work-family theories; development of gendered defined roles, motherhood and demands brought on by women working fulltime. The semi-structured interview was used for data collection. The themes which emerged showed that women experience strong emotions associated with raising children whilst working. There is compromise on quality time dedicated in each role. Women assume sole custodian over their children’s upbringing. Women enter into a second shift after work. Having a career and children, is made easier through adoption of strong coping strategies and mechanisms. The conclusions and recommendations were made for future a research and organisational practices. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / Thesis (M.A. (Industrial and Organisational Psycology))

The work-family conflict experienced by South African women of different race groups : a phenomenological study

Tengimfene, Nikelwa F. 03 1900 (has links)
The family roles and responsibilities are still allocated along the gender lines. Women assume primary child care and household roles despite working fulltime. They suffer from work-family conflict as they battle with these competing demands. A phenomenological approach was adopted for this study. The existing literature was used in defining work-family conflict, looking at different work-family theories; development of gendered defined roles, motherhood and demands brought on by women working fulltime. The semi-structured interview was used for data collection. The themes which emerged showed that women experience strong emotions associated with raising children whilst working. There is compromise on quality time dedicated in each role. Women assume sole custodian over their children’s upbringing. Women enter into a second shift after work. Having a career and children, is made easier through adoption of strong coping strategies and mechanisms. The conclusions and recommendations were made for future a research and organisational practices. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / Thesis (M.A. (Industrial and Organisational Psycology))

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