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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bruksanvisning eller Screw it do it : Elitkortet när dröm ska bli verklighet

Burman, Sophia, Elfsberg, Joa January 2010 (has links)
Tjejer/damer har i regel sämre ekonomiska förutsättningar i jämförelse med killar/herrar när det gäller idrott, något vi själva har upplevt då vi har varit aktiva på hög nivå en längre tid. Angelica Lorsell berättade för oss om en företagsidé, som skulle kunna gynna elitidrottande tjejer. Idén går ut på att förmedla ett medlemskort, "Elitkortet", där olika samarbetspartners erbjuder målgruppsinriktade rabatter som skulle underlätta vardagen för elitidrottande tjejer. Angelica bad oss om synpunkter och hjälp för att lyckas genomföra denna affärsidé. Vårt syfte med uppsatsen är att ställa drömmen om att starta företagsverksamheten Elitkortet mot vad som krävs av oss som företagare för att förverkliga detta, dröm ställs mot vardag. Litteraturen beskriver vissa personlighetsdrag som en entreprenör bör ha för att lyckas: prestationsbehov, riskbenägenhet och kontrollbehov. Att skriva ner sin affärsidé beskriver teorierna som viktigt för att lättare sätta upp mål att sträva efter. Om entreprenören tidigare har erfarenhet i den bransch det nya företag ska arbeta inom räknas det som en stor fördel. Det är ingen nödvändighet att ha en ny produkt utan det går lika bra att utveckla en "gammal" produkt eller rikta sig mot en ny målgrupp. Vi har utgått från olika teorier kring affärsplaner och har valt att försöka skapa vår egen affärsplan. Elitkortets affärsplan som innehåller; affärsidé, produkt, tillverkning och teknik, marknadsplan, finansiering och budgetkalkyl, ägare och organisation samt riskanalys. Vår empiriska studie har gått ut på att samla information om en eventuell företagsstart av Elitkortet samt att utforma en affärsplan för Elitkortet. Informationen har vi sökt via Internet, telefon, e-post, intervjuer samt gått på vägledning och starta eget-kurs. För att få en bättre bild kring eget företagande har vi valt att intervjua två företagare med olika förutsättningar som startat eget företag. Vi beskriver även våra känslor som uppkommit i och med möten med olika instanser och de människor vi mött. Vi har kommit fram till att vi skulle kunna förverkliga vår dröm att starta företaget redan nu. Tekniskt och organisatoriskt är det fullt möjligt, dock vet vi inte om vi är tillräckligt riskbenägna och villiga att lägga ner den tid och kraft som krävs av oss. / Girls generally have poorer economic conditions in sports, in comparison with boys, something we have experienced ourselves since we’ve been active in high level for a long time. Angelica Lorsell told us about a business idea, which could benefit the elite athlete girls. The idea is to convey a membership card, "Elitkortet", where different partners offering targeted discounts that would make life easier for elite athlete girls. Angelica wished for comments and helps to successfully implement this concept. Our purpose in this essay is to make the dream of starting a business activity Elitkortet and what is required of us as entrepreneurs to make this come true. The literature describes certain traits that an entrepreneur should have in order to succeed, performance requirements, risk appetite and control needs. It’s important to write down the business concept to help set goals to strive for. If the entrepreneur has previous experience in the industry the new company will work within and it counts as a big advantage. There is no necessity to have a new product, by developing an "old" product or aiming a new target group you can succeed anyways. We started with various theories about business plans and have decided to create our own, Elitkortet business plan, which includes; business idea, product, manufacturing and technology, marketing plan, financing and financial spreadsheets, owners and organization, and risk analysis. In our empirical study we have gathered information about a possible start-up of the Elitkortet, and drafted a business plan for the Elitkortet. We have sought the information over the Internet, telephone, email, interviews, and went to counselling and on a start-up your own business course. To get a better picture about entrepreneurship, we have chosen to interview two entrepreneurs who started their businesses under different conditions. We’ve also described our feelings generated in the meetings with various instances and the people we’ve met. We have found that we could make our dream come true and start our company today. It is possible, both technically and organizationally, however, we don’t know if we are sufficiently risk-prone and willing to spend the time and effort required of us.

Įmonių kapitalo struktūros formavimo tyrimai / Research of the Capital Structure Formation in the Companies

Gustas, Remigijus 16 August 2007 (has links)
Darbo objektas – įmonių kapitalo struktūros formavimas ir jį įtakojantys veiksniai. Darbo tikslas – nustatyti kapitalo struktūros kitimo tendencijas ir jos formavimą įtakojančių veiksnių poveikį Lietuvos įmonėse. Darbo tikslui pasiekti keliami šie uždaviniai: • atskleisti kapitalo struktūros formavimo problemas; • nustatyti svarbiausius kapitalo struktūros formavimo teorinių tyrimų raidos pasaulyje ir Lietuvoje bruožus; • apibendrinti įvairių mokslininkų požiūrį į įmonės kapitalo struktūros formavimui įtaką darančius veiksnius bei jų poveikį įmonės finansiniam svertui. • sukurti tyrimų metodiką, leidžiančią įvertinti Lietuvos įmonių kapitalo struktūros formavimo sprendimus 2000-2006 m.; • nustatyti Lietuvos įmonių kapitalo struktūros kitimo tendencijas; • nustatyti veiksnius, sąlygojančius Lietuvos įmonių kapitalo struktūros formavimo sprendimus. Tyrimų metodika. Naudojant mokslinės literatūros analizės ir sintezės bei palyginimo metodus yra identifikuotos įmonių kapitalo struktūros formavimo problemos, nustatyti kapitalo struktūros formavimo teorinių tyrimų raidos bruožai Lietuvoje ir pasaulyje bei apibendrintas mokslininkų požiūris į įmonių kapitalo struktūros formavimą sąlygojančius veiksnius bei jų poveikį finansiniam svertui. Naudojant tyrimų metodologijos analizės ir lyginimo metodus yra sukurta tyrimų metodika, leidžianti įvertinti Lietuvos įmonių kapitalo struktūros formavimo sprendimus. Pasitelkiant matematinės statistikos funkcijų (TREND, LINEST), dispersinės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The research object – formation of capital structure and factors that make influence on it. The research purpose is to investigate the trends of capital structure change, also find out the factors that influence on the formation of capital structure. The objectives of the research are: • to find out the problems of capital structure formation; • to present the main theories and models of capital structure, the directions of their development; • to clear up the researchers’ approach how the capital structure decision-making can be affected by relevant environmental influences or other factors; • to create the methodology of investigation of evaluation of capital structure formation decisions in Lithuanian companies during the period 2000-2006; • to investigate the change trends of capital structure formation in Lithuanian companies; • to determine the factors that make the influence on the capital structure decision-making in the companies. Research methodology. By using analysis, synthesis and comparison of foreign and Lithuanian scientific literature there are identified problems of enterprises capital structure formation, described the main points of theories and models of capital structure, also summarised the scientists’ approach to factors make influence on capital structure formation in the research. By using analysis and comparison methods of methodology there was created the research methodology in order to evaluate decisions of capital structure formation in... [to full text]

代工轉品牌:外部環境、組織能力與供應商-買者關係對發展自有品牌績效之研究 / From contract manufacturer to own branding: the effect of external environment, organizational capabilities and supplier-buyer relationship on the performance of own branding

王政權, Wang, Cheng Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
自1990年代開始,因應眾多新崛起的開發中國家以低廉人力成本優勢切入代工業務及產業中更激烈的價格競爭,台灣產業開始思考如何從過去在代工業務的製造優勢轉投入更高附加價值的活動以維持競爭力,而擁有高利潤率的自有品牌模式成為最受注目的方式,使「代工轉品牌」成為熱門議題。然而自有品牌與製造代工業務是截然不同的商業模式,如何從代工成功轉型經營品牌的關鍵因素持續被關注。本研究即欲透過實證研究,了解從代工轉營品牌績效較佳的廠商當時在外部產業環境、內部組織能力和供應商-買主關係等三方面的獨到之處。 為了透過分析大量的台灣代工轉品牌案例獲得實證結果,本研究採取量化方法,並以判斷抽樣的方式進行全國性問卷調查。透過回收74份有效的台灣案例廠商樣本,分析案例廠商當時在產業及組織的內外部情形對日後發展自有品牌績效的影響。在外部環境上,探討市場異質性、產品生命週期、產業集中度與技術動態性;內部組織能力上,了解代工廠商的行銷能力與動態能力程度;供應商-買主關係方面,則討論品牌業務的差異性及在代工業務上對客戶的依賴性。 研究結果顯示,代工廠商能長期經營自有品牌績效較佳者,當初品牌選擇的產業及市場具備有低度市場異質性與高度技術動態性的特徵;然而對於科技業來說,高度的技術動態性並不利於品牌的初期發展;而代工時期組織內部的行銷能力、動態能力對於轉營品牌的績效皆沒有顯著的影響性;在供應商-買者關係方面,代工廠商的自有品牌若能與客戶的品牌創造業務差異性,以避免利益衝突,的確可能讓轉營自有品牌初期的績效較佳。本研究結果對於台灣欲從代工轉品牌的廠商具有實務參考性,也在缺乏量化研究的此學術領域提供重要的研究成果。 / Since 1990, facing the increasingly intensive price competition from newly developing countries with lower labor and land costs, Taiwan’s firms have begun to consider using advantage of manufacturing from OEM/ODM to other value-added activities in order to be more competitive. Building a brand, which is a high-margin business, becomes the most noticeable fashion, making “from contract manufacturing to own branding” a hot issue. However, brand-building and contract-manufacturing are two totally different business models. The key success factors of transformation are continually studied. This research attempts to understand the key external and internal conditions of the companies who did such the transformation successfully. To meet empirical investigation by analyzing numerous sample firms from of OEM/ODM to OBM, this research applies quantitative research by using questionnaire survey, with the judging sampling method. After gathering 74 effective samples of qualified companies in Taiwan, this research analyzed the effect of external environment, organizational capabilities and supplier-buyer relationship on own-brand performance. In external environment, “market heterogeneity”, “product life cycle”, “industrial concentration rate” and “technological turbulence” are explored in this research, while “marketing capability” and “dynamic capability” are included as organizational capabilities. I also include the “differentiation degree of own-brand compared to OEM/ODM buyers’ brands” and” the dependence degree on OEM/ODM buyers” as supplier-buyer relationship. According to the empirical results, the company who chose the target market with lower market heterogeneity and higher technological turbulence can get better performance in OBM in a long run. However, in the high-tech industry, the higher degree of technological turbulence is not beneficial for doing OBM business. In the suppler-buyer relationship, companies are more possible to get better performance in OBM business if they can make higher differentiation of their own-brand compared to their OEM/ODM buyers’ brands. The results of this research could be the reference for future business practice as well as provide significant insight to the academic research.

Wine investment, pricing and substitutes

Fogarty, James January 2006 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] This thesis consists of six chapters, and the main research contributions are contained in chapters two through five inclusive. The topics addressed in each chapter are distinct, but related, and the specific contributions to knowledge made by the different chapters are related to: (i) understanding more fully the nature of the demand for alcohol; (ii) explaining the relationship between reputation characteristics and consumers’ willingness to pay for wine; (iii) estimating the rate of return to Australian wine; and (iv) using financial analysis to reveal the risk diversification benefits available by including wine in an investment portfolio. The details of each contribution are briefly outlined below. Chapter 2 discusses the nature of the demand for alcohol. The demand for alcoholic beverages is an area much studied, and there are numerous studies estimating the own-price elasticity of alcoholic beverages. A review of relevant published studies indicates reported: beer own-price elasticity estimates range from -.02 to -3.00, with a mean estimate value of -.46, and standard deviation of -.41 (n = 139); wine own-price elasticity estimates range from -.05 to -3.00, with a mean estimate value of -.72, and standard deviation of .53 (n = 140); and spirits own-price elasticity estimates range from -.01 to -2.18, with a mean estimate value of -.74, and standard deviation of .47 (n = 136). Chapter 2 contributes to understanding the demand for alcohol, not by adding yet another set of elasticity estimates to an already substantial literature, but by providing a framework through which all known own-price elasticity estimates can be understood. Specifically, a meta-regression framework is employed to study previously published own-price elasticity estimates. This framework allows the effect of model design attributes to be isolated, and the underlying trend in consumer responses to price changes to be identified.

A comissão própria de avaliação na promoção da qualidade em instituições de ensino : um estudo sobre a gestão do conhecimento no ensino superior privado /

Porém, Maria Eugênia. January 2011 (has links)
Orientador: Maria Teresa Miceli Kerbauy / Banca: Alexandra Bujokas de Siqueira / Banca: Maria Cristina Piumbiato Innocentini Hayashi / Banca: Regina Célia Baptista Belluzzo / Banca: João Augusto Gentilini / Resumo: Estudo de vertentes estratégicas em gestão para a melhoria da qualidade das políticas educacionais: a gestão da informação e do conhecimento, sob a ótica da comissão própria de avaliação - CPA. A opção em focar o estudo sobre o funcionamento da Comissão Própria de Avaliação - CPA de uma Instituição de Ensino Superior - IES- tem como justificativa o fato de ser a comissão, dentro da estrutura organizativa, um espaço autônomo e democrático com a participação de representantes da comunidade acadêmica, privilegiado pelo acesso de informações sobre o cotidiano administrativo e pedagógico e com legitimidade para subsidiar as tomadas das decisões estratégicas da instituição. Em contrapartida, a maioria das CPAs funciona como apêndice burocrático na estrutura organizativa das instituições de ensino, limitando suas ações à prestação das informações solicitadas pelo INEP e na coordenação dos processos avaliativos. O objetivo central deste trabalho foi desenvolver uma análise sobre a Comissão Própria de Avaliação de uma Instituição Privada de Ensino Superior - IPES - para o compartilhamento da informação e do conhecimento e aproveitamento do diagnóstico para a melhoria da qualidade do ensino. Foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa de campo que resultou em um esboço de plano de ação, vislumbrando a possibilidade no sentido prático, de converter a CPA em uma unidade estratégica de informação e conhecimento. Como resultado deste estudo, esperamos contribuir com o conhecimento gerado para instituições que tenham como perspectiva a melhoria continua de seus processos de ensino , pesquisa e administrativos, de forma inovadora e criativa. Consideramos que a IPES, em posse dos conhecimentos produzidos pela CPA poderá tomar decisões mais assertivas e consistentes, dentro de uma linha de pensamento mais global e democrático em que os atores... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Studying the different strategic lines of management for the improvement of educational politics: the management of information and knowledge under the optics of the Own Evaluation Committee (OEC). The choice of focusing the study on the functions and behavior of one Higher Education Institution's Own Evaluation Committee is based on the fact that the Committee, situated inside the organization's structure, works as one autonomous and democratic place. It counts on the engagement of agents from the academic community, is privileged with the access to information about administrative and pedagogical routines and has the legitimacy to subsidize the making of strategic decisions by the institution. On the other hand, most of the OECs work as bureaucratic appendices on the organizational structure of the educational institutions, limiting its actions on the provision of the information requested by the INEP and on the coordination of evaluative processes. The main objective of this study is to draw an analysis of the Own Evaluation Committee existing in a Private Institution of Higher Education, share the information and knowledge and apply the diagnostic for the improvement of the education quality. One field survey was developed and resulted on a sketch to an action plan, visualizing the possibility, on the practical sense, of converting the OEC on a strategic unit of information and knowledge. As result of this study, we hope to contribute with the knowledge generated to institutions that have the perspective of continuous improvement on its educational, administrative and research processes with creativity and innovation. We consider that the Private Institution of Higher Education, in possession of the knowledge produced by the OEC, will be able to make more assertive and consistent decisions, inside a more global and democratic line of thought on which the actors involved feel... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Régionalisation du climat avec le modèle LMDZ : étude méthodologique / Climate regionalization with the LMDZ model : methodological study

Li, Shan 29 November 2017 (has links)
Ce manuscrit de thèse rapporte quelques études méthodologiques sur la régionalisation du climat par l’approche dynamique. Le domaine géographique couvre une large zone allant du milieu de l’Atlantique Nord à l’Europe de l’Est, et du Sahel à l’Arctique. La quête à tout prix d’une amélioration du climat régional n’est pas au cœur du manuscrit. Pourtant, l’accent est mis sur trois points clefs, généralement rencontrés par toutes tentatives de régionalisation du climat. Le premier point concerne le schéma d’imbrication : imbrication du sens unidirectionnel du GCM vers le RCM (one-way nesting, OWN) ou bidirectionnelle entre le GCM et le RCM (two-way nesting, TWN). Le deuxième point examine la réalisation technique d’imbrication, qui est généralement une opération de relaxation newtonienne ajoutée aux équations pronostiques du modèle. Le troisième point est sur l’effet du raffinement de maille dans le RCM. L’esprit général du manuscrit consiste à conceptualiser et réaliser des simulations numériques pour traiter ces trois points avec astuces afin de les isoler et quantifier. Le modèle de circulation générale LMDZ est utilisé pour l’ensemble des expériences. Il joue à la fois le rôle du GCM et celui du RCM. Dans les deux cas, il conserve strictement ses paramétrisations physique et sa configuration dynamique, ainsi que tous les forçages ou paramètres externes. La stratégie d’expérimentation, qualifiée comme Master versus Slave, consiste à réaliser des simulations sous deux protocoles reliés l’un et l’autre : « DS-300-to-300 » désigne Downscaling du GCM à 300 km de résolution horizontale au RCM qui est identique au GCM, aussi à 300 km de résolution spatiale ; « DS-300-to-100 » désigne Downscaling de 300 km (GCM) à 100 km (RCM). Il est clair que « DS-300-to-300 » est un cadre idéalisé, particulièrement approprié pour évaluer l’effet de l’opération de relaxation. Le protocole « DS-300-to-100 », soustrait du « DS-300-to-300 », permet d’évaluer très précisément l’effet de la résolution du RCM augmentée. Dans chaque protocole, deux schémas de communication entre le RCM et le GCM ont été implémentés, l’un (OWN) est la méthodologie classique du sens unique qui consiste à piloter le RCM par les sorties du GCM, l’autre (TWN) est d’établir un échange mutuel entre les deux modèles. Le climat régional est sensible au choix des schémas de communication entre le RCM et le GCM, surtout aux moyennes latitudes. TWN apporte une nette amélioration sur la représentation des informations frontalières. Au niveau des modes régionaux de circulation atmosphérique, exprimés en structures d’EOF, OWN et TWN sont tous deux capables de les reproduire, mais avec de légères déformations dans l’espace. La relaxation newtonienne, largement utilisée dans la régionalisation du climat, permet au RCM de bien suivre la trajectoire synoptique du GCM. Pourtant, la concomitance temporelle et la ressemblance spatiale sont dépendantes des variables considérées, des saisons, des régimes de temps, et des échelles spatio-temporelles de circulations atmosphériques. Des cas de dé-corrélation sont remarquables quand la circulation dominante de la région est de petites échelles. Le raffinement de maille augmente la liberté du RCM à développer sa dynamique interne, surtout aux petites échelles, mais aussi à l’ensemble du spectre de la circulation à travers l’interaction des échelles. Ainsi le RCM devient plus indépendant et s’écarte davantage du GCM. Cette thèse, autour des aspects méthodologiques de la régionalisation du climat, aide à avoir une meilleure compréhension sur la pratique. Elle adresse aussi un message de précaution à la communauté RCM et l’invite à bien vérifier leur méthodologie de régionalisation. / The work developed in this thesis explores through methodological modelling studies the current techniques of climate regionalization. In this case, the regionalization focuses on a geographical domain covering from the North Atlantic to Eastern Europe longitudinal wise, and from the Sahel to the Arctic as a latitudinal interval. The aim of this thesis is not the improvement of regional climate modelling per se, but tackling three key questions that are commonly met by all attempts when trying to improve climate regionalization. Firstly, the choice and advantages of the nesting scheme: one-way nesting (OWN) versus two-way nesting (TWN). Secondly, the evaluation of the nesting method, which is generally a Newtonian relaxation operation added to the prognostic equations of the model. And finally, the consequences of the mesh refinement in Regional Circulation Models (RCM). The objective of this manuscript consists in conceptualizing and carrying out numerical simulations to answer these three questions by isolating each individual effect and quantifying the consequences of each of the effects. The general circulation model LMDZ is used for all experiments. It is able to play the role of the General Circulation Model (GCM) and the RCM, keeping the same physical parameterizations and the same dynamical configuration, as well as the same external forcings and model parameters. Our experimental set-up, referred as “Master versus Slave”, consists on two related protocols: “DS-300-to-300” and “DS-300-to-100”. The former implies the downscaling of the GCM at 300 km of horizontal resolution while the RCM has the identical resolution of 300 km. The latter implies the downscaling from 300 km (GCM) to 100 km (RCM). We have assumed the “DS-300-to-300” as an idealized framework, particularly appropriate to evaluate the relaxation operation effect. In parallel, the “DS-300-to-100” protocol, subtracted from the “DS-300-to-300”, allows assessing the effect of the increased resolution for the RCM. In each protocol, two communication schemes between the RCM and the GCM have been implemented. The first one -OWN- is the classic one-way methodology to control the RCM by the outputs of the GCM. The second one -TWN- is used to establish a mutual exchange between the two models (RCM and GCM). This thesis has found that climate regionalization is highly sensitive to the choice of the communication scheme between the RCM and the GCM, especially at mid-latitudes. TWN clearly improves the representation at the boundaries. For the regional atmospheric circulation modes, expressed in EOF structures, both OWN and TWN are able to reproduce them, but with a slight deformation in space. Newtonian relaxation, widely used in climate regionalization, allows the RCM to follow the GCM’s synoptic trajectory. However, temporal concomitance and spatial resemblance of the two depend on the variables considered, on the particular seasons selected, on the weather regimes, and on the spatiotemporal scales of atmospheric circulation. De-correlation cases are remarkable when the dominant circulation on a regional scale is small. Moreover, mesh refinement increases the freedom of the RCM to develop its internal dynamic circulation, especially at small scales, and also across the whole spectrum of circulation regimes through the scales in which the RCM operates. Thus, when resolution increases, the RCM becomes more independent from the GCM behavior and the model results deviate significantly from the GCM. Focused on the methodological aspects of climate regionalization, this thesis helps to gain a better understanding on the regionalization practice. Il also sends a precautionary message to the RCM community, kindly inviting to verify their regionalization strategy.

Revenue management, dynamic pricing and social media in the tourism industry : a case study of the Name-Your-Own-Price mechanism

Ampountolas, Apostolos January 2016 (has links)
The application of revenue management (RM) is changing more rapidly than ever before, driven as an important factor of the daily operation to keep prices competitive and to create real-time optimal pricing. In the age of the Internet and social media, negotiated fixed rates have become outmoded. Consumers now have access to online rate comparisons and real time reviews. They think more strategically when making purchasing decisions. Thus, they become more demanding. This research provides an empirical study of revenue management and pricing with an emphasis given to the hospitality industry. The aim of this research is to examine the gap between the theoretical approach and the empirical analysis, the rationality between the implementation of dynamic pricing approaches and the impact on the customer. Furthermore, the research examines the perception of consumers’ willingness to pay when using the Name-Your-Own-Price (NYOP) mechanism, which allows customers to have a greater influence on the amount they are prepared to pay. Instead of posting a price, the seller waits for a potential buyer’s offer, which he or she can either accept or reject. Finally, this study examines, whether the use of social media plays a decisive role in the online purchase environment used by the hospitality sector and the effect it has on a consumer’s willingness to pay. Accordingly, hotel revenue managers will be able to use the findings of this study to effectively plan their short-term, and long-term pricing strategies to generate a stronger revenue management performance for their property, namely to increase the RevPAR (revenue per available room). The research can be useful to businesses, as empirical data and tests were employed to determine what kind of impact the different pricing policies have on the long-term profit optimization. These practical and theoretical elements of the field reinforce each other‚ as well as to a large extent, the constructive interplay of theory and practice. The research is twofold, the holistic approach, which discusses the development of the theoretical dimension, is complemented by the practical analysis of the collected data of the surveys. This approach ensures the relevant observation of ‘real-time’ data and the evaluation of the set of hypotheses. The study conducted two large scale interrelated structured surveys. The first structural survey (NYOP) provides a better understanding of the final consumer, by using the name-your-own-price mechanism and by observing the extended role of social media in the booking procedure. Hypotheses were tested and in the second survey in-depth data from revenue managers and executives working across the tourism industry was collected, in an attempt to measure the use of pricing strategies within the industry. The research contributes to the theory by empirical testing how the extended RM objectives influence RM and pricing. It provides a clear picture of the necessary elements for a successful implementation of pricing strategies. Finally, the study has implications for the consumer. Thus, the researcher investigates consumer’s perception to the NYOP model and the expanding role of social media to the consumer-booking pattern.

Program för digitala prov : Och hur programmet möter kraven som ställs när det används i gymnasieskolan

Jackson, Marcus January 2018 (has links)
Under de senaste två årtionden har det blivit en drastisk ökning av privat ägda laptops. Detta har öppnat för nya möjligheter som bring your own device (BYOD) digitala prov i skolan. Men med detta blir nedlåsning av datorn inför digitalt prov ännu viktigare. Undersökningar har gjorts gällande elevernas uppfattning kring digitala provsystem samt deras åsikter om digitala prov i allmänhet. Andra arbeten har gjorts gällande hur digitala provsystem fungerar tekniskt men samtidigt finns det artiklar som visar hur viktig lärarnas åsikter är. Därför kommer detta arbete definiera kraven som de krav som lärare har för att undersöka deras perspektiv, inte på det digitala prov eller provsystem som andra arbeten utan på nedlåsningsprogrammet för datorn vilket bidrar med information i ett nytt perspektiv. Detta görs genom insamling av enkäter från lärarna på en gymnasieskola för att definiera krav. Dessa krav ställs sedan mot vanligt använda nedlåsningsprogram för att svara på hur de klarar av de krav som lärare har. Resultatet av detta visar att nedlåsningsprogrammen inte uppfyller alla krav som lärarna ställer. Dock vid undersökning av de krav som underkändes bedöms nedlåsningsprogrammen leva upp till en majoritet av lärarnas krav då anpassade lösningar och vikten av olika krav disskuteras. Detta ger ett positivt betyg för nedlåsningsprogrammen och ger uppmaning till lärare att gå över till digitala prov utan att oroa sig för nedlåsningen av datorerna.

Strategie zvládání stresu a stresory u seniorů v domácnostech a domovech pro seniory / Coping strategies and stress factors of elderly people in their own households and homes for the elderly

BAUEROVÁ, Drahomíra January 2012 (has links)
The thesis determines whether life in home for the elderly in fluence on stress factors and stress management of seniors. The theoretical part is devoted to the description of old age and their specific needs, changes in old age and elderly living. The second chapter is devoted to the general definiton of stress and its context, response to stress, psychosomatic dimension of stress. Charakterizes the stress factors, their categories and stress factors related to home for the elderly. The last area of the theoretical part contains the definition of coping strategies, ways of coping and the factors that affect it. The practical part contains a survey that aims to determine and compare stress factors and coping strategies of elderly people in their households and homes for the elderly. Partial goals were to describe the stress factors and coping strategie for all seniors and to find different by sex stress management seniors. And then describe what coping strategies used by all seniors. The data was used to determine coping strategies inventory (CSI). The study involved a total of 51 respondents, including 26 respondents were interviewed in their own households and 25 respondents in homes for the elderly.

A comissão própria de avaliação na promoção da qualidade em instituições de ensino: um estudo sobre a gestão do conhecimento no ensino superior privado

Porém, Maria Eugênia [UNESP] 28 February 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:31:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2011-02-28Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T21:02:34Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 porem_me_dr_arafcl.pdf: 2390336 bytes, checksum: f393d20a692e17028ecd38c39ea5aa78 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Estudo de vertentes estratégicas em gestão para a melhoria da qualidade das políticas educacionais: a gestão da informação e do conhecimento, sob a ótica da comissão própria de avaliação – CPA. A opção em focar o estudo sobre o funcionamento da Comissão Própria de Avaliação - CPA de uma Instituição de Ensino Superior – IES- tem como justificativa o fato de ser a comissão, dentro da estrutura organizativa, um espaço autônomo e democrático com a participação de representantes da comunidade acadêmica, privilegiado pelo acesso de informações sobre o cotidiano administrativo e pedagógico e com legitimidade para subsidiar as tomadas das decisões estratégicas da instituição. Em contrapartida, a maioria das CPAs funciona como apêndice burocrático na estrutura organizativa das instituições de ensino, limitando suas ações à prestação das informações solicitadas pelo INEP e na coordenação dos processos avaliativos. O objetivo central deste trabalho foi desenvolver uma análise sobre a Comissão Própria de Avaliação de uma Instituição Privada de Ensino Superior – IPES - para o compartilhamento da informação e do conhecimento e aproveitamento do diagnóstico para a melhoria da qualidade do ensino. Foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa de campo que resultou em um esboço de plano de ação, vislumbrando a possibilidade no sentido prático, de converter a CPA em uma unidade estratégica de informação e conhecimento. Como resultado deste estudo, esperamos contribuir com o conhecimento gerado para instituições que tenham como perspectiva a melhoria continua de seus processos de ensino , pesquisa e administrativos, de forma inovadora e criativa. Consideramos que a IPES, em posse dos conhecimentos produzidos pela CPA poderá tomar decisões mais assertivas e consistentes, dentro de uma linha de pensamento mais global e democrático em que os atores... / Studying the different strategic lines of management for the improvement of educational politics: the management of information and knowledge under the optics of the Own Evaluation Committee (OEC). The choice of focusing the study on the functions and behavior of one Higher Education Institution’s Own Evaluation Committee is based on the fact that the Committee, situated inside the organization’s structure, works as one autonomous and democratic place. It counts on the engagement of agents from the academic community, is privileged with the access to information about administrative and pedagogical routines and has the legitimacy to subsidize the making of strategic decisions by the institution. On the other hand, most of the OECs work as bureaucratic appendices on the organizational structure of the educational institutions, limiting its actions on the provision of the information requested by the INEP and on the coordination of evaluative processes. The main objective of this study is to draw an analysis of the Own Evaluation Committee existing in a Private Institution of Higher Education, share the information and knowledge and apply the diagnostic for the improvement of the education quality. One field survey was developed and resulted on a sketch to an action plan, visualizing the possibility, on the practical sense, of converting the OEC on a strategic unit of information and knowledge. As result of this study, we hope to contribute with the knowledge generated to institutions that have the perspective of continuous improvement on its educational, administrative and research processes with creativity and innovation. We consider that the Private Institution of Higher Education, in possession of the knowledge produced by the OEC, will be able to make more assertive and consistent decisions, inside a more global and democratic line of thought on which the actors involved feel... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)

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