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Catalytic core of respiratory chain NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase:roles of the ND1, ND6 and ND4L subunits and mitochondrial disease modelling in <em>Escherichia coli</em>Pätsi, J. (Jukka) 31 May 2011 (has links)
NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase (complex I) is one of the largest enzymes in mammals. Seven (ND1-ND6 and ND4L) of its 45 subunits are encoded in mitochondrial DNA, mutations of which are usually behind mitochondrial diseases such as Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) and MELAS-syndrome. The rest of the genes are located in the nucleus. Bacterial homologs of complex I (NDH-1) consist of only 13–14 subunits, comprising the catalytic core of the enzyme. These complexes are simpler but perform a similar function.
Escherichia coli NDH-1 was employed here to generate amino acid replacements at conserved sites in NuoH, NuoJ and NuoK, counterparts of ND1, ND6 and ND4L, to elucidate their role in complex I. Consequences of homologous amino acid substitutions brought about by ND1-affecting LHON/MELAS-overlap syndrome-associated m.3376G>A and m.3865A>G mutations and the ND6-affecting m.14498T>C substitution associated with LHON were also studied to validate their pathogenicity. Effects of the site-directed mutations were evaluated on the basis of enzyme activity, inhibitor sensitivity and growth phenotype.
Highly conserved glutamate-residues 36 and 72 within transmembrane helices of NuoK in positions similar to proton translocating transmembrane proteins were found essential for electron transfer to ubiquinone and growth on medium necessitating normal proton transfer by NDH-1. NuoH and NuoJ replacements at sites corresponding to targets of m.3376G>A and m.14498T>C decreased ubiquinone reductase activity and altered the ubiquinone binding site, while the counterpart of m.3865A>G was without a major effect. Other NuoH and NuoJ mutations studied also affected the interactions of ubiquinone and inhibitors with NDH-1.
The results corroborate the pathogenicity of the m.14498T>C and m.3376G>A mutations and demonstrate that the overlap syndrome-associated modification affects complex I in a pattern which appears to combine the effects of separate mutations responsible for LHON and MELAS. Change in ubiquinone binding affinity is a likely pathomechanism of all LHON-associated mutations. Effects of the NuoH, NuoJ and NuoK subunit substitutions also indicate that ND1 and ND6 subunits contribute to the ubiquinone-interacting site of complex I and the site is located in the vicinity of the membrane surface, while ND4L is likely involved in proton pumping activity of the enzyme. / Tiivistelmä
45 alayksiköstä muodostuva NADH-ubikinoni oksidoreduktaasi (kompleksi I) on nisäkkäiden suurimpia entsyymejä. Sen mitokondriaalisessa DNA:ssa koodattujen alayksiköiden ND1-ND6 ja ND4L geeneihin liittyvät mutaatiot ovat yleisiä mitokondriosairauksien, kuten Leberin perinnöllisen näköhermoatrofian (LHON) ja MELAS-oireyhtymän, syitä. Bakteerien vastaava entsyymi (NDH-1) koostuu vain 13–14 alayksiköstä. Tästä huolimatta sen katalysoima reaktio on samankaltainen kuin kompleksi I:n. NDH-1:n katsotaankin edustavan entsyymin katalyyttistä ydintä.
Tässä työssä tutkittiin ND1, ND6 ja ND4L alayksiköiden tehtävää kompleksi I:ssä niiden Escherichia coli bakteerissa olevien vastineiden (NuoH, NuoJ ja NuoK) kohdennetun mutageneesin avulla. Samaa lähestymistapaa käytettiin LHON/MELAS-oireyhtymässä todettujen ND1 alayksikön mutaatioiden, m.3376G>A ja m.3865A>G, ja LHON:ssa havaitun ND6:n m.14498T>C mutaation aiheuttamien aminohappomuutosten seurauksien selvittämiseen. Tehtyjen mutaatioiden vaikutuksia arvioitiin entsyymiaktiivisuus-mittauksin ja kasvukokein.
NuoK:n solukalvon läpäisevissä rakenteissa olevien kahden glutamaatti-aminohappotähteen sijainti muistuttaa protoneita kalvon läpi kuljettavissa proteiineissa todettua. NuoK:n glutamaattien havaittiinkin olevan tärkeitä elektronien ja protonien kuljetukselle kompleksi I:ssä. m.3376G>A ja m.14498T>C mutaatioiden aiheuttamien aminohappomuutosten vastineet NDH-1:ssä alensivat NDH-1:n elektroninsiirtoaktiivisuutta ja heikensivät ubikinonin sitoutumista, kun taas m.3865A>G mutaatiolla ei ollut vaikutusta. Muut NuoH ja NuoJ alayksiköihin tehdyt aminohappovaihdokset johtivat huonontuneeseen ubikinonin ja kompleksi I:n inhibiittoreiden sitoutumiseen.
Saadut tulokset vahvistavat m.3376G>A ja m.14498T>C mutaatioiden patogeenisyyden. Ne myös osoittavat, että LHON/MELAS-oireyhtymään liitetyn mutaation biokemiallisissa vaikutuksissa yhdistyvät sekä LHON:ssa että MELAS-oireyhtymässä todettujen mutaatioiden seuraukset. Esitetyt tulokset tukevat näkemystä siitä, että ubikinonin ja kompleksi I:n välisessä vuorovaikutuksessa tapahtuva muutos on kaikille LHON:aan liitetyille mutaatioille yhteinen vaikutusmekanismi. NuoH:n, NuoJ:n ja NuoK:n kohdennetusta mutageneesista saatujen tulosten perusteella ND1 ja ND6 alayksiköt ovat osa ubikinonin sitoutumispaikkaa entsyymikompleksissa, kun taas ND4L osallistuu protoninkuljetukseen.
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Assembly of mitochondrial ubiquinol-cytochrome c oxidoreductase complex in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae: The role of Cbp3p and Cbp4p assembly factors: The role of Cbp3p and Cbp4p assembly factorsKronekova, Zuzana 21 July 2005 (has links)
Ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase (complex III) is a central component of the respiratory chain of the inner mitochondrial membrane. It transfers electrons from reduced ubiquinone to ferricytochrome c. Correctly assembled and functional complex III is an essential prerequisite for oxidative energy metabolism. Complex III deficiency has been reported to be associated with several neurodegenerative diseases. Formation and assembly of complex III requires a multitude of specific nuclearly encoded proteins. For example, gene specific translational activators for cytochrome b synthesis as well as three non-subunit proteins, which are important for assembly and/or stability have been detected. The role of Bcs1p in assembly of Rieske FeS protein and Qcr10p into complex III has been clasified recently. The role of the two putative chaperones, Cbp3p and Cbp4p, is not known. In spite of the similar phenotype of cbp3D and cbp4D strains, that suggests the role of both proteins in the same step of complex III assembly, we were able for the first time to demonstrate differences on the molecular level between both deletion mutants. We show by BN-PAGE that cbp3D and cbp4D mutants are disturbed in complex III assembly and accumulate intermediate-sized forms of the complex. Moreover deletion of CBP3 interferes with the formation of complex III/IV supracomplexes. Our studies show that Cbp3p and Cbp4p interact and are present in high molecular weight complexes, some of which might represent intermediates of complex III assembly. Overexpression of Cbp4p cannot substitute for the function of Cbp3p, but high level expression of Cbp3p can partially compensate for the lack of Cbp4p. Because lipids play an important role for complex III assembly and stability, we analysed the mitochondrial lipid composition of cbp3D and cbp4D mutants. Our data show that mitochondria of both mutants exhibit a wild type-like lipid composition, that favors the idea that Cbp3p and Cbp4p are specific assembly factors for complex III rather than components of the mitochondrial lipid metabolism. By complementation studies we have shown that Cbp3 proteins of S. cerevisiae, S. pombe and human are (partially) functional homologues. A yeast model based on chimeric constructs of S. cerevisiae and human proteins was constructed, which allows to test the pathogenicity of human mutations. To define the role/s of Cbp3p and Cbp4p in the assembly pathway of complex III, interactions of selected subunits with both assembly factors were analysed by TAP- or co-immunoprecipitation. Based on the results of Cbp3p and Cbp4p topologies, BN-PAGE analysis of null mutant strains and interaction studies a model for complex III assembly and the roles of Cbp3p and Cbp4p in this process are proposed. I present a hypothesis, according to which Cbp3p and Cbp4p form a ?scaffold? for the assembly of all three putative sub-complexes, may act independently in the first steps of bc1 complex assembly (e. g. the formation of sub-complexes) and interact together to assist the final assembly of sub-complexes into a mature enzyme. / Der Ubiquinol-Cytochrom c Reductase (Komplex III) ist eine zentrale Komponente der Atmungskette der inneren Mitochondrienmembran. Er transferiert Elektronen von reduziertem Ubiquinon auf Ferricytochrom c. Der korrekt assemblierte und funktionale Komplex III ist eine essenzielle Voraussetzung für den oxidativen Energiemetabolismus. Komplex III Defizienz ist assoziiert mit verschiedenen neurodegenerativen Krankheiten...
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Glutaredoxin Regulation of Pro-Inflammatory Responses in a Model of Diabetic RetinopathyShelton, Melissa D. January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Functional Genomics of Xenobiotic Detoxifying Fungal Cytochrome P450 SystemSubramanian, Venkataramanan 23 April 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Die Rolle der Quinonoxidoreduktase bei der Progression des neuronalen Zelltodes und Charakterisierung endogener neuroprotektiver SystemeHarms, Ulrike Susanne 22 February 2006 (has links)
In unseren Studien haben wir uns unter Verwendung von in vitro und in vivo Modellen des neuronalen Zelltodes mit verschiedenen neuroprotektiven Mechanismen beschäftigt. Uns interessierten Faktoren aus drei verschiedenen Komplexen, die an zellulärer Vitalität teilhaben. Im Mittelpunkt unserer Untersuchung stand ein antioxidatives Enzym und dessen Rolle bezüglich des neuronalen Zelltodes - die NAD(P)H-Quinonoxidoreduktase1. In den Sudien haben wir die Aktivität, Expression und die Lokalisation dieses Enzyms nach neuronalem Schaden untersucht. Wir konnten zeigen, dass die Quinonoxidoreduktase den neuronalen Schaden exazerbieren kann. Ein anderer Schwerpunkt unserer Arbeit bildete das Steroidhormon 17-beta-Estradiol und sein neuroprotektiver Einfluss auf neurodegenerative Prozesse. Wir deckten verschiedene Expressionen der beiden Estradiolrezeptoren alpha und beta in kortikalen, septalen und hippokampalen Nervenzellen auf und das daraus folgende unterschiedliche neuroprotektive Potenzial des Hormons. Im dritten Teil der Studien konnten wir den Einfluss des zytoskelettmodulierenden Proteins Gelsolin auf die Progression des neuronalen Zelltodes nach zellulärem Schaden charakterisieren. / In our studies we characterized different neuroprotective mechanism by in vitro and in vivo models of neuronal cell death. We were interested in factors of three different complexes wich play a role in cellulare vitality. In the centre of our studies there was an antioxidative enzyme and his role in the neuronal cell death-the NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase1. We have investigated in the activity, expression and localisation of this enzyme after neuronal damage. We could show that this enzyme can exacerbate neuronal cell death. Another point of our work were the steroid hormon 17-beta-Estradiol and the neuroprotective character in neurodegeneration. We discovered different expression of the two estradiol- receptors alpha and beta in brain caused in different protective potential to cortical, septal and hippocampal structures by the hormon. The cytoskeletal structures modulate by the protein gelsolin was the third part of the studies. We could show that the modulation of the cytoskeleton were involved in the progression of neuronal cell death after cellulare damage.
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Studying the Role of Peroxiredoxin 1 in ROS Modulation and Drug Resistance / Etude du rôle de la Peroxiredoxine 1 dans la modulation redox et la résistance aux drogues anticancéreusesHe, Tiantian 04 July 2014 (has links)
Les peroxyrédoxines sont des enzymes essentielles de la cellule. Outre leur rôle d’antioxydant, elles sont aussi des régulateurs de la signalisation cellulaire et des suppresseurs de tumeurs. La péroxiredoxine 1 (Prx1) est la plus abondante parmi les six isoformes de peroxyrédoxines humaines. Elle est fréquemment surexprimée dans plusieurs types de cellules cancéreuses, et on a pu associer Prx1 aux processus de carcinogenèse et de métastase, ainsi qu’à la résistance à la radiothérapie ou la chimiothérapie. Ainsi, Prx1 pourrait donc être une cible anticancéreuse intéressante. Au cours de ce travail de thèse, nous avons d’abord évalué l'impact d’une diminution de Prx1 (Prx1 knockdown (Prx1–)) sur la sensibilité cellulaire à des dizaines de médicaments anticancéreux dont la vinblastine, le taxol, la doxorubicine, la daunorubicine, l’actinomycine D, et le 5-fluorouracile, et d’agents connus pour provoquer la production d’espèces réactives de l’oxygène (ROS), dont le peroxyde d'hydrogène, le 2-phényléthyle isothiocyanate, le β-lapachone (β-lap) et la ménadione. Nous avons mis en évidence qu’une diminution de Prx1 augmente significativement la sensibilité des cellules à l'effet cytotoxique de la β-lap et de la ménadione, deux naphtoquinones possédant une activité anti-tumorale.Nous avons étudié les mécanismes responsables de l'augmentation de la cytotoxicité de la β-lap dans un contexte Prx1–. Nous montrons que la toxicité accrue de la β-lap dans des cellules Prx1– est due à une accumulation intracellulaire de ROS. Cet effet est dépendant de l’activité NADPH quinone oxydoréductase (NQO1) et s’accompagne d’une phosphorylation de c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNK), protein 38 (p38), extracellular signal-regulated kinases (Erk) et des mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK), mais aussi d’une diminution des niveaux protéiques de la thiorédoxine 1. En se basant sur le fait que Prx1 est une enzyme antioxydante et un partenaire d'au moins ASK1 et JNK, deux éléments clés de la voie MAPK, nous proposons que la sensibilisation à la β-lap, observée après diminution de Prx1, est provoquée par une action synergique entre l'accumulation de ROS et l'induction de la voie MAPK, conduisant ainsi à l'apoptose.Nous avons ensuite étudié les mécanismes responsables de l'augmentation de la cytotoxicité de la ménadione dans le contexte Prx1–. La sensibilité accrue des cellules à l'effet cytotoxique de la ménadione et également associée à l'accumulation rapide et massive des ROS intracellulaire et à une mort cellulaire ressemblant à la nécrose programmée (necroptosis). L’accumulation de ROS induite par la ménadione et très rapidement détectée dans le cytosol, le noyau, et de façon encore plus importante, dans la matrice mitochondriale. Ce phénomène est en corrélation avec l'oxydation importante des thiorédoxine 2 et peroxiredoxine 3, deux protéines antioxydantes localisées dans la mitochondrie. La diminution de l’expression de Prx1 s’accompagne d’une augmentation des quantités tant de l’ARNm que de la protéine NRH: quinone oxydoréductase 2 (NQO2). Cette augmentation de l'activité de NQO2 est en grande partie responsable de l'accumulation intracellulaire de ROS et de la mort cellulaire après le traitement à la ménadione. Nos données révèlent que l’accumulation de ROS dans les cellules Prx1– provient de la résultante entre l’augmentation de leur production par NQO2 au cours du métabolisme de la ménadione et la diminution de leur élimination par Prx1. Enfin et de façon surprenante, selon la nature des naptoquinones (β-lap ou ménadione), les voies métaboliques qui conduisent à l'accumulation des ROS, ou les voies de signalisation et les mécanismes de mort cellulaire impliqués semblent être distincts. / Peroxiredoxins have multiple cellular functions as major antioxidants, signaling regulators, molecular chaperones and tumor suppressors. Peroxiredoxin 1 (Prx1) is the most abundant among the six isoforms of human peroxiredoxins. It is frequently over-expressed in various cancer cells, which is known associated with carcinogenesis, metastasis and resistance to radiotherapy or chemotherapy. Prx1 could thus be an interesting anticancer target. In this study, we first evaluated the impact of Prx1 knockdown (Prx1–) on cellular sensitivity to dozens of anticancer drugs including vinblastine, taxol, doxorubicin, daunorubicin, actinomycin D, and 5-fluorouracil, and of reactive oxygen species (ROS)-generating agents, including hydrogen peroxide, 2-phenylethyl isothiocyanate, β-lapachone (β-lap) and menadione. We observed that Prx1 knockdown significantly enhanced cancer cell sensitivity to β-lap and menadione, two naphthoquinones with anti-cancer activity.We first investigated the underlying mechanisms responsible for the specifically enhanced cytotoxicity to β-lap in a Prx1 knockdown context. Prx1 knockdown markedly potentiated β-lap-induced cytotoxicity through ROS accumulation. This effect was largely NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase 1 (NQO1)-dependent and associated with the phosphorylation of c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNK), protein 38 (p38) and extracellular signal-regulated kinases (Erk) proteins in mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways, and a decrease in thioredoxin 1 protein levels. Based on the fact that Prx1 is a major ROS scavenger and a partner of apoptosis signaling kinase 1 (ASK1) and JNK, two key components of MAPK pathways, we propose that Prx1 knockdown-induced sensitization to β-lap is achieved through the combined action of ROS accumulation and MAPK pathway activation, leading to cell apoptosis.We then investigated the underlying mechanisms responsible for the specifically enhanced cytotoxicity to menadione in Prx1– cells. Enhanced sensitivity to menadione was associated with a rapid and significant intracellular ROS accumulation and necroptotic-like cell death. Menadione-induced ROS accumulation occurred immediately in the cytosol, the nucleus, and even more noticeably in the mitochondrial matrix, correlated with significant oxidation of both mitochondria-localized thioredoxin 2 and peroxiredoxin 3. Prx1 knockdown significantly up-regulated mRNA and protein levels of NRH: quinone oxidoreductase 2 (NQO2). Increased activity of NQO2 was largely responsible for menadione-induced ROS accumulation and consequent cell death. Our data indicate that massive ROS accumulation results from the combined effect of increased ROS generation by higher NQO2 activity during menadione metabolism, and diminished Prx1 scavenging activity. Finally and noteworthy, the metabolic pathways that lead to ROS accumulation, downstream signaling pathways and cell death mechanisms appear to be distinct for β-lap and menadione.
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Genetic and environmental factors in asthma: a population based European studyCastro Giner, Francesc 20 November 2009 (has links)
L'asma és una malaltia d'etiologia complexa, formada per factors genètics i ambientals, on la interrelació de ambdós factors mitjançant interaccions gen-ambient juga un paper clau. L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi ha sigut aprofundir en el coneixement del paper dels polimorfismes genètics, i la seva interacció amb factors ambientals, en la ocurrència d'asma, atòpia i hiperreactivitat bronquial. Aquest objectiu ha estat desenvolupat a través de la replicació de variants genètiques prèviament identificades, l'avaluació d'interaccions gen-ambient i la identificació de nous gens de susceptibilitat mitjançant un disseny basat en el genotipatge de variants genètiques all llarg del genoma en pools d'ADN. La tesi ha estat majoritàriament duta a terme dins l'estudi European Community Respiratory Health Survey (ECRHS) que està comprès per 5.000 individus seguits durant 9 anys, pels quals es disposa d'un qüestionari complet sobre símptomes respiratoris, avaluacions clíniques, informació sobre exposicions ambientals i mostres de ADN. Aquesta tesi a replicat l'associació del polimorfismes dels gens TNFA i NPSR1 amb asma. A més s'han establert les interaccions entre TNFA i obesitat, NQO1 i contaminació atmosfèrica, i NPSR1 i edat d'inici d'asma. L'anàlisi de pools d' ADN ha permès associar la regió on es situa el gen SGK493 amb atòpia. Aquesta tesi contribueix al coneixement de l'etiologia d'asma amb la identificació i replicació d'associacions genètiques i interaccions gen-ambient. / Asthma is a disease with a complex etiology, involving multiple genetic and environmental factors, and with an important role of the interplay of these factors through gene-environment interactions. In this thesis I aimed to advance our knowledge on the importance of genetic polymorphisms and their interaction with environmental data for the occurrence of asthma and related phenotypes (atopy and bronchial hyperreactivity). This objective was developed through the replication of genetic associations previously reported, the assessment of gene-environment interactions and the identification of new susceptibility genes using genome-wide analysis based on a pooling DNA strategy. The thesis was, mostly, performed within the European Community Respiratory Health Survey (ECRHS). This cohort has information and DNA samples from approximately 5,000 adult subjects followed-up for 9 years, with extensive questionnaires on respiratory symptoms, clinical evaluations and information on environmental exposures. This thesis replicates previous effects on asthma of polymorphisms in TNFA and NPSR1 genes. In addition, interactions have been established between TNFA and obesity, NQO1 and air-pollution, and NPSR1 and age at onset of asthma. The approach based on genome-wide analysis of DNA pools identified the SGK493 region being associated with atopy. This thesis contributes to the understanding of the etiology of asthma through the identification and replication of genetic associations and gene-environment interactions.
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Avaliação de marcadores genéticos associados a detoxificação de xenobióticos e ao estresse oxidativo na evolução de pacientes com leucemia linfóide aguda da infância no estado da Bahia-Brasil / Avaliação de marcadores genéticos associados a detoxificação de xenobióticos e ao estresse oxidativo na evolução de pacientes com leucemia linfóide aguda da infância no estado da Bahia-BrasilPaz, Silvana Sousa da January 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Ana Maria Fiscina Sampaio (fiscina@bahia.fiocruz.br) on 2012-08-29T21:11:40Z
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Previous issue date: 2012 / Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Centro de Pesquisas Gonçalo Moniz. Salvador, Bahia, Brasil / As leucemias são malignidades hematopoiéticas, caracterizadas por subgrupos biologicamente distintos, sendo os tipos mais frequentes de cânceres em crianças e adolescentes. Polimorfismos em genes de enzimas que metabolizam xenobióticos podem estar relacionados com a inserções/deleções, polimorfismos de nucleotídeo simples (SNP’s) e variações no número de cópias e têm sido relacionados com a patogênese de algumas neoplasias hematológicas, como a leucemia linfóide aguda (LLA). O objetivo deste estudo foi o de determinar as frequências de polimorfismos em genes associados ao estresse oxidativo e metabolismo de xenobióticos (GSTT1, GSTM1, CYP2E1, NQO1 e MPO), em pacientes pediátricos com LLA, associando-as a aspectos clínicos e marcadores de evolução da doença. A casuística foi composta por 37 pacientes pediátricos seguidos na clínica ONCO e tratados pelo protocolo GBTLI-LLA 93. O perfil hematológico dos pacientes foi realizado ao diagnóstico e durante o tratamento e os polimorfismos gênicos foram investigados por reação da polimerase em cadeia - polimorfismo de tamanho de fragmento de restrição (PCR-RFLP) e por reação da polimerase em cadeia multiplex (PCR Multiplex). As análises estatísticas apresentaram significância para os valores de leucócitos totais nos D1 e D7 (p= 0,0016) e nos D1 e D14 (p= 0,0059); linfócitos nos D1 e D7 (p= 0,0088) e D1 e D14 (p= 0,0101); segmentados neutrófilos nos D1 e D7 (p= 0,0033) e D1 e D14 (p= 0,0252); blastos periféricos D1 e D7 (p< 0,0001) e D1 e D14 (p< 0,0001) e; para a contagem de blastos na medula óssea (MO) nos D1 e D15 (p<0,0001), D1 e D28 (p< 0,0001) e D15 e D28 (p= 0,0005). As frequências alélicas e genotípicas para os genes estudados estavam em equilíbrio de Hardy-Weinberg. A mutação do gene MPO foi associada a infiltração da MO (p= 0,0473) e presença de blastos no líquor (p= 0,0473). O polimorfismo do gene GSTT1 foi associado à contagem de leucócitos (p= 0,014) e plaquetas (p= 0,0034) no D1 e a contagem de leucócitos (p=0,037) e segmentados neutrófilos (p= 0,0008) no D7. A presença do polimorfismo no gene NQO1 foi associado à infiltração da MO (p= 0,0410) e a presença de blastos no líquor (p= 0,0410). Entretanto, o polimorfismo NQO1 apresentou associação com a presença de palidez (p=0,0096). Os dados encontrados corroboram em parte com dados encontrados na literatura, sendo necessária a realização de um estudo com numero maior de pacientes para confirmação dos achados relacionados aos genes investigados e a LLA. / Leukemia is characterized by biologically distinct subgroups and is the most frequent hematological malignity in childhood. Polymorphisms in genes of enzymes that metabolize xenobiotics may be related to insertions/ deletions, single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP's) and gene copies variation and have been related to the pathogenesis of some hematologic malignancies, including acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). The aim of this study was to investigate genes polymorphisms associated with the oxidative stress and xenobiotic metabolism (GSTT1, GSTM1, CYP2E1, NQO1 and MPO) in a group of childhood ALL patients, associating them with clinical evolution and prognostic markers. The casuistic was compound by 37 pediatric patients followed and treated at the clinic ONCO with the protocol GBTLI-LLA 93. The hematological profile of patients was performed at diagnosis and during treatment and gene polymorphisms were investigated by Polimerase Chain Reaction - Restriction Fragment Length Polymorfism (PCR-RFLP) and Polimerase Chain Reaction Multiplex (Multiplex PCR). Statistical analyses were significant for values of total leukocytes in D1 and D7 (p= 0.0016) and in D1 e D14 (p= 0.0059); lymphocytes in D1 and D7 (p= 0.0088), D1 and D14 (p= 0.0101); neutrophils in D1 and D7 (p= 0.0033), D1 and D14 (p= 0.0252). It was also find statistical significance at the number of peripheral blasts in D1 and D7 (p< 0.0001), D1 and D14 (p< 0.0001); the blast count in bone marrow (BM) in D1 and D15 (p<0.0001), D1 and D28 (p< 0.0001) and D15 and D28 (p= 0.0005). The allelic and genotypic frequencies of all gene polymorphism investigated were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The MPO gene mutation was associated with infiltration of the BM in D28 (p= 0.0473) and the presence of blasts in the CSF (p= 0.0473). The GSTT1 gene polymorphism was associated with leukocyte (p= 0.014) and platelet counts (p= 0.0034) in D1 and with leukocytes (p=0,037) and neutrophils counts (p= 0.0008) in D7. The NQO1 gene polymorphism presence was associated with BM infiltration at D28 (p= 0.0410) and the presence of blasts in the CSF (p= 0.0410). However, the NQO1 polymorphism was associated with the presence of pallor (p=0.0096). Result described here corroborated in part with previous described data, being necessary to carry out additional study with a larger number of patients to confirm the finding related to genes polymorphism investigated and the clinical evolution of ALL patients.
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