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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Penzijní připojištění jako nástroj krytí potřeb lidí ve stáří / Pension schemes as a tool for covering financial needs in old age

Pailová, Vladimíra January 2009 (has links)
This thesis deals with problematics of pension schemes. First part contains characteristics of pensions schemes and short overview about deveplopment of this product in Czech Republic. In following parts, problems of pension schemes are described and characteristics of its successor pension packages are listed. In the final part, there is described life insurance as a main competitor to pension schemes and those two products are thoroughly compared.

Unified Software Database for RPM Based Systems / Unified Software Database for RPM Based Systems

Šilhan, Jan January 2014 (has links)
V GNU/Linuxovém prostředí je nepřeberné množství možností, jak instalovat aplikace. V dnešní době existuje spousty nástrojů, které mají na starost různé části systému. Linuxové distribuce mají hlavního správce balíčků a populární programovací jazyky mají také vlastního správce balíčků. Všechny tyto nástroje si udržují informace o nainstalovaném softwaru, a proto si každý z nich spravuje vlastní databázi s redundantními metadaty o balíčcích. Záměrem této práce je analyzovat úložné prostory, identifikovat případy užití správců balíčků v distribuci Fedora a následně navrhnout a implementovat jednotnou cen- trální softwarovou databázi na systému.

DSPNexpress: a software package for the efficient solution of deterministic and stochastic Petri nets

Lindemann, Christoph 10 December 2018 (has links)
This paper describes the analysis tool DSPNexpress which has been developed at the Technische Universität Berlin since 1991. The development of DSPNexpress has been motivated by the lack of a powerful software package for the numerical solution of deterministic and stochastic Petri nets (DSPNs) and the complexity requirements imposed by evaluating memory consistency models for multicomputer systems. The development of DSPNexpress has gained by the author's experience with the version 1.4 of the software package GreatSPN. However, opposed to GreatSPN, the software architecture of DSPNexpress is particularly tailored to the numerical evaluation of DSPNs. Furthermore, DSPNexpress contains a graphical interface running under the X11 window system. To the best of the author's knowledge, DSPNexpress is the first software package which contains an efficient numerical algorithm for computing steady-state solutions of DSPNs.

Automatic detection of manipulated packages by image comparison

Blateyron, Remi January 2016 (has links)
Shipping companies have a lot of difficulties to control and screen packages such as mail or different types of cargo that may contain dangerous or illegal goods. This project has the goal to enhance the supply chain security by elaborating a way to automatically detect manipulated packages. Based on image comparison, an algorithm can say whether a package shows significant doubts to be put aside for more inspection. After being coded, this algorithm is explained in this thesis. It uses an image registration method as well as a differentiation technique to detect tampered patterns from one image of package at one point of the supply chain to another image of the same package at a later stage. Results show that re-sealed packages, ripped packages or blacked labels can be detected and minor manipulations such as modifications on the barcode can be detected with a close-up of the local region. The principal goal of this project is to give recommendations on what is possible to detect and how to implement this algorithm. This work is a first step toward the use of image processing in future work for package screening.

Factores que influyeron en el estancamiento de las exportaciones de paquetes turísticos de las agencias de viaje de Lima Metropolitana durante el 2018

Calderón Paredes, Katherine Melissa, Ulco Villoslado, Maricé del Rocío 16 November 2019 (has links)
El objetivo principal fue identificar los factores que influyeron en el estancamiento de las exportaciones de paquetes turísticos de las agencias de viaje de Lima Metropolitana durante el 2018. En este sentido, se requiere determinar si los factores de gestión empresarial, político – legales y el entorno competitivo influyeron en el estancamiento de las exportaciones de paquetes turísticos. Por este motivo, se realizó una investigación cualitativa – exploratoria con un diseño de teoría fundamentada a fin de obtener información sobre las percepciones de las agencias de viaje de Lima Metropolitana, entrevistándose a 13 agencias de viaje. A fin de triangular la información obtenida, se entrevistó también al gremio rector Canatur, expertos en el tema y al Mincetur. El presente trabajo concluyó que los factores de gestión empresarial (bajo aprovechamiento de las herramientas digitales en la oferta exportable), factores político – legales (ausencia de fiscalización a las agencias informales y desconocimiento del alcance de la Ley N° 30641) y el entorno competitivo (alta competitividad por parte de las OTAs y cambio en el rol de las aerolíneas) influyeron en el estancamiento de las exportaciones de paquetes turísticos de las agencias de viaje de Lima Metropolitana durante el 2018. Asimismo, existen indicios de nuevos hallazgos como la inseguridad del país, Perú “Macchupizado” y la alianza como estrategia de desarrollo. Por otro lado, es importante recalcar que no se encontró a la fecha registros de tesis nacionales que aborden la problemática del sector en Lima Metropolitana enfocada desde el punto de vista de los negocios internacionales. / The main objective was to identify the factors that influenced the stagnation of tourism package exports of travel agencies in Metropolitan Lima during 2018. In this context, it is necessary to determine whether the factors of business management, political - Legal and competitive environment influenced the stagnation of exports of tourist packages For this reason, a qualitative-exploratory research was conducted with a grounded theory design in order to obtain information on the perceptions of travel agencies in Metropolitan Lima, so 13 travel agencies were interviewed. In order to triangulate the information obtained, the Canatur group, experts on the subject and the Mincetur were also interviewed. The research work concluded that business management factors (low use of digital tools in the exportable offer), political-legal factors (lack of informal agencies control and lack of knowledge of the Law No. 30641 scope) and the competitive environment (OTAs high competitiveness and change in the role of the airlines) influenced the stagnation of the exports of tourist packages of the travel agencies of Metropolitan Lima during 2018. There is also evidence of new findings such as country insecurity, “Perú Macchupizado” and alliance as a development strategy. On the other hand, it is important to emphasize that there were not records of national thesis that address the problem of the sector in Lima Metropolitan from the point of view of international business. / Tesis

Enhancement of translucence in fiber-based packaging materials / Förbättrad genomskinlighet i fiberbaserade förpackningsmaterial

Tallinen, Saila January 2022 (has links)
The utilization of fiber-based packages has started to take more place at the packaging sector but is still restricted by a lack of transparency. Today this challenge is tried to be solved by paying more attention on the characteristics of nanofibers and their possibilities. The usage of nanofibers is, however, facing issues such as long dewatering times, demand to modify pulp fibers and changes in production line machines. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to bring up new insights how to enhance the translucence in fiber-based packaging materials by an impregnation treatment without fiber modification, long dewatering time or toxic impregnation compounds. Four compounds sucrose octaacetate (SOA), sucrose acetate isobutyrate (SAIB), α-D-glucose pentaacetate (GPA) and polyvinylalcohol (PVA) were impregnated into a yellowish uncalendared base paper without surface sizing. The hypothesis was that it is possible to achieve significantly higher translucence of a glassine paper (>>50 %) by impregnation of a compound with a similar refractive index to cellulose and calendering. This study confirmed the hypothesis when calendered 23 % blade coated SAIB samples resulted in translucence over 64 %. At the same time, it was noticed that increase in density did not explain the increased translucence, but more important requirements were the properties of the impregnated compound such as melting point at room temperature, viscosity, amorphous structure and additives of the paper. It was also found that SAIB did not cause negative impacts on tensile strength or contact angle measurements. The results of this study offered fundamental information for the possible future steps towards transparent paper without pulp fiber modifications. / Användningen av fiberbaserade förpackningar ökar inom förpackningssektorn men är fortfarande begränsad av bristen på materialgenomskinlighet. Idag försöker man lösa denna utmaning genom att ägna mer uppmärksamhet åt nanofibrernas egenskaper och deras möjligheter. Användningen av nanofibrer står dock inför problem som långa avvattningstider, behov av att modifiera massafibrerna och förändringar i fiberlinjens utrustning. Därför är syftet med denna studie att ta fram nya insikter om hur man kan förbättra genomskinligheten i fiberbaserade förpackningsmaterial genom en impregneringsbehandling utan fibermodifieringar, långa avvattningstider eller giftiga impregneringskemikalier. Fyra föreningar; sackarosoktaacetat (SOA), sackarosacetatisobutyrat (SAIB), -D-glukospentaacetat (GPA) och polyvinyl alkohol (PVA) impregnerades i ett okalandrerat baspapper utan ytlimning. Hypotesen var att det är möjligt att uppnå signifikant högre genomskinlighet av ett glassinpapper (>>50%) genom impregnering av en förening med liknande brytningsindex som cellulosa följt av kalandrering. Denna studie bekräftade denna hypotes när kalandrerade 23 % bladbelagda SAIB-prover resulterade i genomskinlighet över 64 %. Samtidigt noterades att ökningen i densitet inte förklarade den ökade genomskinligheten utan viktigare krav var egenskaperna hos den impregnerade föreningen såsom smältpunkt vid rumstemperatur, viskositet, amorf struktur och tillsatser av papperet. Det visades också att SAIB inte orsakade negativ påverkan på draghållfasthet eller kontaktvinkelmätningar. Resultaten av denna studie visade grundläggande information för möjliga framtida steg mot transparent papper utan massafibermodifieringar.

Examining the Effects of Bundling Strategies on Travelers' Value Perception and Purchase Intention of a Vacation Package

Xu, Yueying 19 June 2009 (has links)
The offer of vacation packages is a marketing tool called bundling, selling at least two separate products at one single price (Guiltinan, 1987). Sellers adopt bundling strategies in order to sell more at lower costs, to contract consumer surplus, and to create value for consumers. Consumers purchase a package based on the trade-off between the perceived benefits and costs involved in purchasing the package compared to assembling different products/service. In other words, the perceived value of the package is the reason for consumers to purchase a package or not. The study serves two purposes. One is to examine the dimensionality of perceived value as a construct, in the pre-purchase stage. The other is to investigate the relationships between bundling strategies and perceived value, and perceived value and purchase intention of a vacation package. Bundling strategies taken by sellers include how many items to put in a package and what price discount for the package compared to the sum of all separate products. The findings of the study show that perceived value in service setting is composed of perceived acquisition value and perceived functional value, instead of perceived acquisition value and perceived transaction value proposed by scholars such as Thaler (1985) and Grewal et al. (1998). This is one of the theoretical contributions by the study. Another contribution of the study is the exploratory examination of the interaction effect between pricing strategies and product strategies for a bundle. The study provides evidence that bundles without a discount are perceived as having very low value and consumers expect a discount, large or small, from buying a bundle. And the larger the number of products in a package, the larger the discount size consumers expect to get. / Ph. D.


Clements, Carson W. 23 November 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Yes You Can: The Effects of a Module to Teach Preference Assessments and Least-to-Most Prompting Procedures

Shapiro, Marnie Nicole 20 December 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Design of a graphical package as a teaching device for probability and statistics courses

Ortiz-Rodriguez, Alejandro Helios January 1984 (has links)
No description available.

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