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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Svatá Hora u Příbrami v meziválečném období "Mariánský hrad" bránící katolickou víru v Čechách? Rozbor svatohorského časopisu z let 1922 - 1932 / Holy Mountain at Příbram in the interwar period "Mary Castle" defending the Catholic faith in Bohemia? Analysis of Holy Mountain's journal from the years 1922 - 1932

Burgrová, Vendula January 2015 (has links)
In my work I deal with the place of pilgrimage of the Virgin Mary on the Holy Mountain in Příbram in the interwar period. In the newly established Republic of Czechoslovakia, tense relations between Church and State has prevailed. Even iconoclastic acts are documented from that time. My assumption is that the Holy Mountain functioned as a place that helped to bring together believers, unite Catholics, and restore the faith. A catholic group called Matice Svatohorská was founded to focus on repairing extensive grounds and spreading the awareness of the Holy Mountain and the cult of the Virgin Mary through a published journal. Through an analysis of this journal I want to capture the resources that Catholic leaders used in consolidating and expanding the Catholic Faith in Bohemia. Through the analysis of the journal I want to know how the magazine reflected the relationship between church and state and what additional information reflects. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Obraz ženy ve dvorském románu druhé poloviny 14. století / Image of woman in romances of second half of 14th century

Hlavatý, Michal January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with image of women in romances of second half of 14th century with accent on the Czech productions. Foreign productions are mentioned as well, but this productions are mentioned marginally. At the beginning of this project, there are presented primary and secondary sources on which the project is based. Methodics of project are next. Next there is described issue of romances in european and Czech environment and there is description of real stand of woman in the Middle Ages. Afterwards there are presented characters of women in particular sources with historical context. End of project includes conclusion which is trying to explain how a woman in the 14th century was perceived in used sources.

Zpracování gotické nástěnné malby jako kompenzační haptické pomůcky pro zrakově postižené / Processing of gothic wall painting as compensational haptic aids for the visually impaired

BOUŠKOVÁ, Veronika January 2018 (has links)
The theoretical and practical part is dealing with the detail of a czech wall painting with the motif of the Virgin Mary from the peak era of the Middle Ages. The theoretical part introduces the marian theme. It describes its iconography, meaning in art and closely specifies the division of images according to devotional themes. The next part is focused on the description and analysis of the motif of the Virgin Mary the Protector, which is depicted on wall painting in a cloister of the Church of Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in České Budějovice. In the practical part is fundamental creation of the relief as a haptic aid for the visually impaired. Created reliefs are polychrome reconstruction of the wall paintings of the above-mentioned motif. The work is supplemented by other materials, implementation procedure, sketches and photo documentation.

Votivní dary vybraných katolických poutních míst: Teoretická reflexe a analýza dochovaných příkladů / Votive Offerings at Selected Catholic Pilgrimage Sites: Theoretical Reflection and Anlysis of Extant Examples

Kolmačková, Tereza January 2018 (has links)
Tereza Kolmačková Votive offerings at selected Catholic pilgrimage sites: Theoretical reflection and anlysis of extant examples Abstract The aim of my thesis is to analyse votive offerings at Catholic Marian pilgrimage sites mainly from the early modern period. Firstly I discuss Marian images at pilgrimage sites to show who were the votive offering brought to and to describe a broader context of their placement. The thesis is then focused on analysis of textual evidence from the 17th century relating to the Czech pilgrimage site Svatá Hora and of extant objects mainly from Bavaria. Based on these sources the most common types of votive offerings seem to be painted pictures, models of body parts, statues and figures, candles and jewelry, other objects, however, occur as well. The votive offerings were mostly donated to express gratitude for a miracle. Therefore, the miracle process is also shortly discussed in my thesis. Votive offerings did not, however, only show the gratitude of a devotee but it seems that their promise was needed for Virgin Mary to perform a miracle. My analysis suggests that very important aspects of votive offerings were their performative character and the power to create and maintain relationships with Virgin Mary and other pilgrims.

Dvorná láska v kontextu herních aspektů dvorské kultury (Cantigas de Santa Maria a trubadúrský zpěvník R) / Courtly Love in the context of ludic elements of courtly culture (Cantigas de Santa Maria and the troubadour chansonnier R)

Jaluška, Matouš January 2017 (has links)
1./1 Courtly Love in the context of ludic elements of courtly culture (Cantigas de Santa Maria and the troubadour chansonnier R) Matouš Jaluška Abstract Dissertation Courtly Love in the context of ludic elements of courtly culture (Cantigas de Santa Maria and the troubadour chansonnier R) strives to refine on the common notion that the me- dieval courtly poetry is a kind of game. It is based in the tradition of thinking about playing, which is based on the essay Homo ludens of Johan Huizinga and continues through works of Roger Cailloise, Jacques Henriot and Eugen Fink to the current trend of Game Studies. Close reading of the authorities in the introductory chapter shows that each of them assigns an im- portant role to the notion of discontinuity or rupture that enables them to establish the game as a non-binding and safe world. The concept of troubadour poetic creation as a safe activity is explored in the second chapter based on the works of the two founding figures of the trouba- dour tradition, Guilhem de Peitieu ("the Count of Poitiers") and Marcabru. The comparison shows that the safety of troubadour poetry is closely connected with the idea of binding or non-binding language. Binding speech is strongly linked to the image of female power and the ability of women to breed offspring and thus to keep...

Real-time characterization of fuel by Near-Infrared spectroscopy : Quantitative measurements of moisture content, ash content, heating value, and elemental compositions in solid biofuel mixtures

Edlund, Kajsa, Shahnawazi, Ali Ahmad January 2021 (has links)
The global energy demand supplies mainly from fossil fuels, which is neither sustainable nor environmentally friendly and aims to global warming. Therefore, both more investments in renewable energy sources such as bioenergy are required, as well as new technologies such as carbon capture and storage (CCS) to handle the emissions from existing combined heat and power (CHP) plants. In this degree project, the focus is to determine the moisture content, ash content, heating value, and elemental compositions of solid biofuel mixtures in real-time by utilizing the optical technique of near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy. A total number of 150 samples of solid biofuel mixtures were prepared and illuminated by NIR light. All spectra of the samples were recorded in a wavenumber range of 12000 cm-1 – 400 cm-1 in a dish on a turn table which was in a moving mode with a speed of 0.5 m/s. Each sample was scanned three times to avoid, or at least minimize the deviation of the spectra and the samples were mixed between each scan to get more reliable representative spectra data. Partial least square regression models were created to analyze the spectra data. A data split was done randomly, 100 for calibration and 50 for validation. Then the data was pre-processed with different methods including multiplicative scatter correction (MSC), standard normal variate (SNV), Savitzky-Golay 1st derivative (SG 1st), Savitzky-Golay 2nd derivative (SG 2nd), and orthogonal signal correction (OSC) to reduce noise and scatter effect. The results of NIR spectra treated by OSC method obtained  , RMSE and SE of 0.900, 2.241 and 2.204, respectively for prediction of moisture content, 0.424, 0.913 and 0.922 for prediction of ash content, 0.640, 0.370 and 0.368 for prediction of heating value, respectively. The obtained prediction of  , RMSE and SE were 0.687, 0.066 and 0.058 for nitrogen, 0.636, 0.361 and 0.364 for carbon, 0.483, 0.269 and 0.270 for hydrogen, respectively. As the results shows, these models to predict the ash content and hydrogen content has a lower accuracy than what is expected in process modeling while the prediction of moisture content has the highest accuracy.

Formulación de alimentos lácteos para el control de peso. Cambios estructurales durante la digestión in vitro

Borreani, Jennifer Alexandra Audrey 22 March 2019 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] La presente tesis doctoral se centra en el desarrollo y obtención de productos lácteos orientados al control del peso, siguiendo dos estrategias diferenciadas: 1) regular la ingesta calórica mediante el diseño de alimentos de alta capacidad saciante y 2) moderar el aporte de grasa al organismo mediante el diseño de alimentos de menor contenido en grasa o de reducida digestibilidad lipídica. Para modular la capacidad saciante se decidió, en primer lugar, añadir diferentes hidrocoloides (goma konjac o alginato) a distintos sistemas modelo con proteína láctea. Dependiendo de las propiedades fisicoquímicas de los hidrocoloides empleados se consiguió influir sobre diferentes mecanismos postingestivos de saciedad que tienen lugar durante la digestión gástrica. La adición de goma konjac (hidrocoloide neutro) permitió incrementar la viscosidad de los sistemas lácteos, incluso a lo largo de la digestión gástrica in vitro, lo que podría resultar en un aumento de la distensión gástrica; mientras que la adición de alginato (hidrocoloide cargado negativamente) permitió retrasar la digestibilidad proteica y, en consecuencia, podría prolongar la liberación de hormonas relacionadas con la saciedad. En segundo lugar, se decidió aumentar, en un postre lácteo como es la panna cotta, la cantidad en proteínas (macronutriente con mayor capacidad saciante) provenientes de diferentes fracciones proteicas de la leche (leche, proteínas del suero lácteo o caseinato). Las proteínas del suero lácteo demostraron aportar mayor firmeza al postre lácteo; resultado que fue potenciado al reducir, además, el contenido en nata. Por otro lado, la digestión gástrica in vitro mostró que las proteínas del suero lácteo permanecieron prácticamente intactas después del ataque enzimático (pepsina), lo que está relacionado con una mayor capacidad saciante. Para reducir el contenido en grasa o la digestibilidad lipídica se trabajó con panna cottas en las que se decidió sustituir parcial o totalmente la grasa (nata) por emulsiones. Previamente, se estudiaron diferentes emulsiones antes y durante la digestión gastrointestinal in vitro para comprender qué factores afectan a su estructura, consistencia y digestibilidad lipídica. En función del tipo de emulsionante o estabilizante empleado (proteínas, lecitina, polisorbato, derivados de celulosa, goma xantana) se obtuvieron emulsiones de diferentes comportamientos reológicos, consistencias y grados de digestibilidad lipídica; las cuales, además, dependiendo de su composición sufrieron una serie de cambios estructurales tras su paso por el tracto gastrointestinal in vitro. Por lo tanto, gracias a los diversos estudios realizados, se determinó que para diseñar adecuadamente emulsiones de reducida digestibilidad es fundamental tener en cuenta durante la digestión gastrointestinal in vitro: el tamaño de los glóbulos de grasa, la consistencia de la emulsión y/o del sistema digerido, el tipo y localización del estabilizante empleado, así como las interacciones que pueden tener lugar entre algunos de los ingredientes de las emulsiones y otros componentes presentes en los jugos digestivos. En la reformulación de las panna cottas, tanto el tipo de hidrocoloide empleado (derivados de celulosa o goma xantana) para estabilizar las emulsiones como la cantidad de nata reemplazada por éstas modificaron las propiedades físicas (estructura y firmeza) y sensoriales (principalmente el sabor y la textura) de las panna cottas. Sin embargo, las panna cottas elaboradas con emulsiones estabilizadas con hidroxipropilmetilcelulosa (HPMC) obtuvieron un buen nivel de aceptación sensorial. Además, mediante el uso de estas emulsiones se consiguió reducir, por un lado, el contenido en grasa de las panna cottas hasta un 37,5% y, por otro lado, su digestibilidad lipídica hasta un 20%. / [CA] La present tesi doctoral se centra en el desenvolupament i obtenció de productes làctics orientats al control del pes, seguint dues estratègies diferenciades: 1) regular la ingesta calòrica mitjançant el disseny d'aliments d'alta capacitat saciant i 2) moderar l'aportació de greix a l'organisme mitjançant el disseny d'aliments de menor contingut en greix o de reduïda digestibilitat lipídica. Per a modular la capacitat saciant es va decidir, en primer lloc, afegir diferents hidrocol·loides (goma konjac o alginat) a diferents sistemes model amb proteïna làctica. Depenent de les propietats fisicoquímiques dels hidrocol·loides emprats es va aconseguir influir sobre diferents mecanismes postingestius de sacietat que tenen lloc durant la digestió gàstrica. L'addició de goma konjac (hidrocol·loide neutre) va permetre incrementar la viscositat dels sistemes làctics, fins i tot al llarg de la digestió gàstrica in vitro, la qual cosa podria resultar en un augment de la distensió gàstrica; mentre que l'addició d'alginat (hidrocol·loide carregat negativament) va permetre retardar la digestibilitat proteica i, en conseqüència, podria prolongar l'alliberament d'hormones relacionades amb la sacietat. En segon lloc, es va decidir augmentar, en unes postres làctiques com és la panna cotta, la quantitat en proteïnes (macronutrient amb major capacitat saciant) provinents de diferents fraccions proteiques de la llet (llet, proteïnes del sèrum làctic o caseïnat). Les proteïnes del sèrum làctic van demostrar aportar major fermesa a les postres làctiques; resultat que va ser potenciat en reduir, a més, el contingut en nata. D'altra banda, la digestió gàstrica in vitro va mostrar que les proteïnes del sèrum làctic van romandre pràcticament intactes després de l'atac enzimàtic (pepsina), la qual cosa està relacionat amb una major capacitat saciant. Per a reduir el contingut en greix o la digestibilitat lipídica es va treballar amb panna cottas en les quals es va decidir substituir parcial o totalment el greix (nata) per emulsions. Prèviament, es van estudiar diferents emulsions abans i durant la digestió gastrointestinal in vitro per a comprendre què factors afecten la seua estructura, consistència i digestibilitat lipídica. En funció del tipus d'emulsionant o estabilitzant emprat (proteïnes, lecitina de soja, polisorbat, derivats de cel·lulosa, goma xantana) es van obtindre emulsions de diferents comportaments reològics, consistències i graus de digestibilitat lipídica; les quals, a més, depenent de la seua composició van patir una sèrie de canvis estructurals després del seu pas pel tracte gastrointestinal in vitro. Per tant, gràcies als diversos estudis realitzats, es va determinar que per a dissenyar adequadament emulsions de reduïda digestibilitat és fonamental tindre en compte durant la digestió gastrointestinal in vitro: la grandària dels glòbuls de greix, la consistència de l'emulsió i/o del sistema digerit, el tipus i localització del estabilitzant emprat, així com les interaccions que poden tindre lloc entre alguns dels ingredients de les emulsions i uns altres components presents en els sucs digestius. En la reformulació de les panna cottas, tant el tipus de hidrocol·loide emprat (derivats de cel·lulosa o goma xantana) per a estabilitzar les emulsions com la quantitat de nata reemplaçada per aquestes van modificar les propietats físiques (estructura i fermesa) i sensorials (principalment el sabor i la textura) de les panna cottas. No obstant això, les panna cottas elaborades amb emulsions estabilitzades amb hidroxipropilmetilcel·lulosa (HPMC) van obtindre un bon nivell d'acceptació sensorial. A més, mitjançant l'ús d'aquestes emulsions es va aconseguir reduir, d'una banda, el contingut en greix de les panna cottas fins a un 37,5% i, d'altra banda, la seua digestibilitat lipídica fins a un 20%. / [EN] The research of this doctoral thesis focuses on the development of dairy products aimed at weight management. Two differentiated strategies were followed: 1) to regulate the caloric intake through the design of high satiating capacity foods and 2) to moderate the contribution of fat to the body by designing foods with less fat content or reduced lipid digestibility. In order to modulate the satiating capacity, on the one hand, different hydrocolloids (konjac gum or alginate) were added to dairy protein model systems. Depending on the physicochemical properties of the hydrocolloids used, it was possible to influence different post-ingestive satiety mechanisms that take place during gastric digestion. The addition of konjac gum (neutral hydrocolloid) allowed the viscosity of dairy systems to increase, even during in vitro gastric digestion, which could result in an increase in gastric distension; whereas the addition of alginate (negatively charged hydrocolloid) allowed protein digestibility to be delayed and, consequently, could prolong the release of satiety related hormones. On the other hand, the level of proteins (the most satiating macronutrient) from different dairy fractions (milk, whey proteins or caseinate) was increased in a dairy dessert, such as panna cotta. Whey proteins provided the greatest firmness to the dairy dessert, which was also enhanced by reducing its cream content. Moreover, whey proteins remained practically intact after the enzymatic (pepsin) attack during in vitro gastric digestion, which is related to a higher satiating capacity. In order to reduce the fat content or the lipid digestibility of panna cottas, the fat (cream) content was partially or totally replaced by emulsions. Previously, different emulsions were studied before and during in vitro gastrointestinal digestion in order to understand which factors affect their structure, consistency and lipid digestibility. Depending on the type of emulsifier or stabiliser used (proteins, lecithin, polysorbate, cellulose derivatives, xanthan gum), emulsions with different rheological behaviours, consistencies and degrees of lipid digestibility were obtained. Furthermore, depending on their composition the emulsions underwent a series of structural changes after their passage through the in vitro gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, thanks to the various studies carried out it has been determined that to properly design emulsions with reduced digestibility, it is essential to take into consideration the following factors during in vitro gastrointestinal digestion: the size of the fat globules, the consistency of the emulsion and/or of the digested system, the type and localisation of the stabilisers used, as well as, the interactions that take place between some of the ingredients of the emulsions and other components present in the digestive juices. In the reformulation of the panna cottas, both the type of hydrocolloid used (cellulose derivatives or xanthan gum) to stabilise the emulsions and the amount of cream replaced by these emulsions modified the physical (structure and firmness) and sensory (mainly the taste and texture) properties of the panna cottas. However, the panna cottas elaborated with the emulsions stabilised with hydroxypropyl metilcelullose (HPMC) obtained a good level of sensory acceptability. Moreover, through the use of these emulsions it was possible to reduce the fat content of the panna cottas up to 37,5%, as well as their lipid digestibility up to 20%. / Borreani, JAA. (2019). Formulación de alimentos lácteos para el control de peso. Cambios estructurales durante la digestión in vitro [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/118654 / Compendio

Jana z Arku, zrození a obrozování johankovského mýtu / Joan of Arc, birth of a myth and the Johannine revival

Svobodová, Karolína January 2019 (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis is the French national heroine Joan of Arc and her portrayal and reflection in literary works throughout the centuries. The diploma thesis mentions the historical personality of Joan of Arc in the context of the time she lived in, reconstructs the life of this French saint and deals with the rehabilitation process that completes the myth of the French national heroine. This diploma thesis summarizes the important European literary works that Joan of Arc is the most important theme. The diploma thesis deals more with literary works in which Joan of Arc is the main character but each author writes her story and describes her personality from a different point of view. And precisely these differences of the thesis are analyzed. The diploma thesis focuses more on the literary works of various authors such as Voltaire, Jules Michelet, Anatole France and Stéphen Coubé. The diploma thesis deals also with the portrayal of Joan of Arc in the 20th and 21st centuries.

Högtempererat borrhålslager för fjärrvärme / High Temperature Borehole Thermal Energy Storage for District Heating

Hallqvist, Karl January 2014 (has links)
The district heating load is seasonally dependent, with a low load during periods of high ambient temperature. Thermal energy storage (TES) has the potential to shift heating loads from winter to summer, thus reducing cost and environmental impact of District Heat production. In this study, a concept of high temperature borehole thermal energy storage (HT-BTES) together with a pellet heating plant for temperature boost, is presented and evaluated by its technical limitations, its ability to supply heat, its function within the district heating system, as well as its environmental impact and economic viability in Gothenburg, Sweden, a city with access to high quantities of waste heat. The concept has proven potentially environmentally friendly and potentially profitable if its design is balanced to achieve a good enough supply temperature from the HT-BTES. The size of the heat storage, the distance between boreholes and low borehole thermal resistance are key parameters to achieve high temperature. Profitability increases if a location with lower temperature demand, as well as risk of future shortage of supply, can be met. Feasibility also increases if existing pellet heating plant and district heating connection can be used and if lower rate of return on investment can be accepted. Access to HT-BTES in the district heating network enables greater flexibility and availability of production of District Heating, thereby facilitating readjustments to different strategies and policies. However, concerns for the durability of feasible borehole heat exchangers (BHE) exist in high temperature application. / Värmebehovet är starkt säsongsberoende, med låg last under perioder av högre omgivningstemperatur och hög last under perioder av lägre omgivningstemperaturer. I Göteborg finns en stor mängd spillvärme tillgängligt för fjärrvärmeproduktion sommartid när behovet av värme är lågt. Tillgång till säsongsvärmelager möjliggör att fjärrvärmeproduktion flyttas från vinterhalvår till sommarhalvår, vilket kan ge såväl lönsamhet som miljönytta. Borrhålsvärmelager är ett förhållandevis billigt sätt att lagra värme, och innebär att berggrunden värms upp under sommaren genom att varmt vatten flödar i borrhål, för att under vinterhalvåret användas genom att låta kallt vatten flöda i borrhålen och värmas upp. I traditionella borrhålsvärmelager används ofta värmepump för att höja värmelagrets urladdade temperatur, men på grund av höga temperaturkrav för fjärrvärme kan kostnaden för värmepump bli hög. I denna rapport föreslås ett system för att klara av att nå höga temperaturer till en lägre kostnad. Systemet består av ett borrhålsvärmelager anpassat för högre temperaturer (HT-BTES) samt pelletspannor för att spetsa lagrets utgående fluid för att nå hög temperatur. Syftet med rapporten är att undersöka potentialen för detta HT-BTES-system med avseende på dess tekniska begränsningar, förmåga till fjärrvärmeleverans, konsekvenser för fjärrvärmesystemet, samt lönsamhet och miljöpåverkan. För att garantera att inlagringen av värme inte är så stor att priset för inlagrad värme ökar väsentligt, utgår inlagringen från hur mycket värme som kyls bort i fjärrvärmenätet sommartid. I verkligheten finns betydligt mer värme tillgänglig till låg kostnad. När HT-BTES-systemet producerar fjärrvärme, ersätts fjärrvärmeproduktion från andra produktionsenheter, förutsatt att HT-BTES-systemets rörliga kostnader är lägre. I Göteborg ersätts främst naturgas från kraftvärme, men också en del flis. Kostnadsbesparingen beror på differensen för total fjärrvärmeproduktionskostnad med och utan HT-BTES-systemet. Undersökningen visar att besparingen är större om HT-BTES-systemet placeras i ett område där det är möjligt att mata ut fjärrvärme med lägre temperatur. Om urladdning från HT-BTES kan ske med hög temperatur ökar också besparingen. Detta sker om lagrets volym ökar, om avståndet mellan borrhål minskar eller om värmeöverföringen mellan det flödande vattnet i borrhålen och berggrunden ökar. Dessa egenskaper för lagret leder också till minskade koldioxidutsläpp. Storleken på besparingen beror dock i hög grad på hur bränslepriser utvecklas i framtiden. Strategiska fördelar med HT-BTES-systemet inkluderar; minskad miljöpåverkan, robust system med lång teknisk livslängd (för delar av HT-BTES-systemet), samt att inlagring av värme kan ske från många olika produktionsenheter. Dessutom kan positiva bieffekter identifieras. Undersökningen visar att HT-BTES-systemet har god potential att ge lönsamhet och minskad miljöpåverkan, och att anläggning och drift av lagret kan ske utan omfattande lokal miljöpåverkan. Det har också visats att de geologiska förutsättningarna för HT-BTES är goda på många platser i Göteborg, även om lokala förhållanden kan skilja sig åt. För att nå lönsamhet för HT-BTES-systemet krävs en avvägning på utformning av lagret för att nå hög urladdad temperatur utan att investeringskostnaden blir för stor. Undersökningen visar att om anslutning av HT-BTES-systemet kan ske mot befintlig anslutningspunkt eller till befintlig värmepanna kan investeringskostnaden minska och därmed lönsamheten öka. Placering av HT-BTES-systemet i områden med risk för överföringsbegränsningar kan också minska behovet av att förstärka fjärrvärmenätet, och således bidra till att minska de kostnader som förstärkning av nätet innebär. Betydelsefulla parametrar för att nå lönsamhet för HT-BTES-system inkluderar dessutom kostnaden för inlagrad värme liksom vilket vinstkrav som kan accepteras. Tillgång till HT-BTES möjliggör ökad nyttjandegrad och flexibilitet för fjärrvärmeproduktionsenheter, och därmed ökad anpassningsmöjlighet till förändrade förutsättningar på värmemarknaden. Dock återstår att visa att komponenter som klarar de höga temperaturkraven kan tillverkas till acceptabel kostnad.

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