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The appropriation of African traditional healing by the Zionist Churches: a challenge to the mission churches in Gaborone ”Botswana”Matsepe, Shale Solomon 30 November 2004 (has links)
The Zionist type of churches under the African Independent Churches have proven to be a force to be reckoned with against the more organized ecclesiastical movements (in particular the Mission Churches). This can be seen in their emphasis around matters related to culture and its methods of healing. As s result this led to the migration of people from the mission churches to these churches and threatened their existence in Botswana. The mission churches have been experiencing the decline in their membership to the Zionist churches because of the lack of openness to the cultural and the value systems of Batswana in Botswana. Mission churches were left with an option of doing introspection and finally acknowledging their failures to contextualise their theology and Christianity among the people they serving. Mission churches ended up opening their doors to the needs of their members. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M.Th. (Church History)
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Managing university-industry linkage in government universities of Ethiopia : challenges and opportunitiesMisganu Legesse Bareke 02 1900 (has links)
This study set-out to examine how university-industry linkage (UIL) is managed in government universities of Ethiopia to contribute to the economic development of the country. Basic questions related to the level of management of UIL, areas of linkage, benefits obtained so far from this partnership, challenges to the proper management of UIL, and the existing opportunities for promoting UIL were raised. In addition to this, strategies for strengthening UIL were also dealt with.
In relation to this, the study was framed with the system theory viewpoints and human capital theory viewing universities as a system linked to its external environment like industries. As a model, interactive/balanced type of Triple Helix model was used as it integrates the activities of the government, universities and the industries. Moreover, this study reviewed global perspectives on UIL and an overview of the study context with greater emphasis on higher education reforms and proclamations.
Philosophically, this study followed pragmatism research paradigm using mixed research approach. It also employed concurrent/parallel/convergent design in which both quantitative and qualitative data were collected simultaneously, interpreted separately and combined at the time of discussion for better understanding of the problem. Equal importance for both data sets was given. Data were gathered from 99 college deans and department heads, 200 instructors and 316 prospective graduates. In addition to this, 23 interviewees from UILOs, industries, MoE, and MoST took part in this study. Moreover, two focus group discussions were also conducted with the university alumni and data were gathered through survey questionnaires, semi-structured interview, FGD question guides and document reviews.
The study result indicated that both quantitative and qualitative data support one another. It was found out that UIL was at its infant stage of development in government universities of Ethiopia with limited areas, dominated by students’ internship. Ethiopian government universities have a link with the industries in areas of some limited joint research projects, consultancies and capacity building. Consequently, universities benefitted by attaching their students with the industries and students got practical exposure to the real world of work. Industries also benefitted from the training provided to them, consultancies and joint research projects.
On the other hand, UIL in government universities of Ethiopia was challenged by institutional bottlenecks, policy-practice gaps, contextual variation and information gaps, finance and awareness related caveats, work overload, and facility related hurdles. Moreover, lack of trust and commitment between U & I, lack of commitment and support from the leadership of both universities and industries, and the reluctance of the local industries to work with the universities remained a big rift to UIL.
This study also sheds light on the expansion of universities and industries in different parts of the country as the opportunities to be tapped to promote UIL. Further, the attention of the government by designing different policies, strategies, directives and conferences was taken as the opportunity. As a major contribution, this study came up with the model that was designed to improve the practice of management of UIL in government universities of Ethiopia. To overcome the above challenges and to make use of existing opportunities, it was recommended that improving leadership and management related challenges through joint planning, organising, staffing and decision-making. Moreover, it was highly laudable to make a paradigm shift in the roles of universities from teaching dominated to research and innovation universities. Finally, bridging policy-practice gaps, increase networking, arranging various sensitising and advertising programmes and creating a further avenue for more research were commented. / Educational Leadership and Management / D. Ed. (Education Management)
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The production of Mode 2 knowledge in higher education in South AfricaMusson, Doreen 08 1900 (has links)
The study explores, through a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods, the existence of Mode 2 knowledge and programmes in the South African higher education sector. It begins by theorising about knowledge and takes as a point of departure the propositions about theory-building which state that to explain social phenomena, a system of ideas is required, the conceptual tools of which are able to explain the essential dynamics of such phenomena. It goes on to describe a crisis in a system of ideas that, together with valid critiques, demands to be re-examined as well as the potential for advancing alternative lines of thought. A critical reading and understanding of existing theories leads me to believe that independently, they are all inadequate to explain the relationship between knowledge production and South African higher education in an era of globalisation. This includes the all-encompassing framework of neo-Marxism, the excessive consumerism of academic capitalism, the equation of the worker with modern technology in post-industrialism and the`lax relativity', complacent and, indiscriminate celebration of diversity in post-modernism. By combining the `culturally sensitive' critical post-modernism of William Tierney and George Subotzky with the concept of `late capitalism' as proposed by Frederic Jameson, it is possible to establish a relationship between globalisation and South African higher education on the one hand, and between its' policy and knowledge production on the other. Against the features of the newly proffered theoretical framework of `critical postmodernism in late capitalism', the study examines the new higher education policy and legislation and ensuing discourse, with particular reference to the Gibbons thesis. It then explores, by using an empirical investigation, the extent to which Mode 2 knowledge production exists in South African higher education. This is done through a selected programme from a former technikon in that demonstrates the key assumptions and perceptions about Mode 2 as held by lecturing staff and as embedded in the structure, design and content of the programme. With the results obtained the study finally makes recommendations for the establishment of a paradigm-shift and for new practices in knowledge production in higher education in South Africa. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Comparative Education)
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Teacher attitudes towards the implementation of the learning area technologyPudi, Thabo Israel 30 June 2002 (has links)
Educational Studies / D. Ed.(Psychology of Education)Educational Studies
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The application of restorative justice in the South African correctional systemPlaatjies, Minette Feona 30 June 2005 (has links)
This dissertation is the culmination of extensive literature study on the application of Restorative Justice in the South African Correctional System. International and national resources on the application of Restorative Justice both in Corrections and as pre-sentence option had been studied.
The background of the penal system and the development of Restorative Justice as part of the Criminal Justice System are investigated by looking at ancient practices, indigenous and modern practices. The study intends to draw on experience from other countries, while at the same time advocate for the development of a uniquely South African model or practice.
The role of the most important stakeholders, namely victim, offender and community is emphasized with reference to the challenges that offenders face in terms of reintegration and the lack of resources in communities to enable them to honour Restorative Justice agreements. / Criminology and Security Science / M. A. (Criminology)
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Investigating the participation of school management teams in managing the instructional programme : a case studyDu Plooy, Kevin James 06 1900 (has links)
Public concern about the quality of teaching and learning is at an all time high in respect of
certain schools in South Africa. This study focuses on the participation of the SMT
members in managing the instructional programme with a view on improving the academic
performance of learners. The lack of the involvement of all the members of the SMT thus
prompted this investigation.
Apart from the literature review, an empirical investigation, based on a qualitative
paradigm involving interviews, was undertaken to collect data at selected primary schools
in Circuit 1 in the Metropole North Education District of the Western Cape Education
Department. Other methods used included observations as well as the analyses of
documents relevant to the investigation.
As a case study this research examined the involvement of all the members of the SMT by
utilizing the principles of participative management. It is hoped that this study will
contribute to the improvement of the academic performance of schools by virtue of what
has been highlighted as a reason for the poor performance of schools namely the lack of
involvement of all the members of the SMT in the management of the instructional
The literature findings revealed that School Management Teams (SMTs) have to be
properly structured. The SMT should be involved in decision-making in matters that
concern them. This, together with a more effective and efficiently managed instructional
programme, should improve the academic performance of learners.
Empirical findings indicated that the members of the SMT consider themselves
professionally trained individuals with the expertise needed to deliver what is expected
from them. The study further revealed that the success of a school depends on effective
instruction as a result of the effective management and leading of the instructional
programme by all members of the SMT. / Education management / M.Ed. (Education Management)
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Les écoles vertes comme réponse aux enjeux soulevés par la crise environnementale : une approche holistiquePinard, Marianne 10 1900 (has links)
Ce travail souligne la nécessité d’un changement de paradigme sociétal face aux défis environnementaux contemporains et met l’accent sur l’éducation comme vecteur essentiel de cette transformation. Il se concentre sur les écoles vertes, qui tendent à s’enraciner dans une approche holistique de l’éducation environnementale, afin de cerner leur contribution face à la crise environnementale actuelle. Il commence par l’exploration de l’impact significatif de l’activité humaine sur la biosphère et le système terrestre, mettant en évidence l’influence profonde de l’anthropocentrisme. Ensuite, il souligne l’insuffisante intégration de la dimension écologique dans l’éducation formelle qui est principalement attribuable à l’influence persistante des pressions économiques et politiques sur la pensée et la pratique éducatives dominantes. Il poursuit en analysant les mouvements d’écoles vertes sur le plan théorique ainsi que leur orientation sur une approche scolaire environnementale globale. Enfin, il combine une analyse de la littérature sur les mouvements Éco-écoles et Enviroschools avec une étude de terrain menée en Uruguay auprès de l’école pionnière du mouvement Escuelas Sustentables afin de mettre en évidence leurs contributions respectives aux effets directs (impact environnemental) et indirects (littératie environnementale). Il conclut que les écoles vertes offrent une réponse multidimensionnelle aux enjeux soulevés par la crise environnementale actuelle. À ce niveau, il est remarqué que, parmi les mouvements d’écoles vertes étudiés, Enviroschools se distingue de manière significative en contribuant à la fois de manière substantielle à l’impact environnemental et à la littératie environnementale, notamment grâce à son enracinement local et à sa valorisation des perspectives autochtones locales. Dans l’ensemble, il découle de ce travail que l’efficacité des écoles vertes pour répondre à la crise environnementale repose sur leur décolonisation, intégrant les perspectives autochtones de manière culturellement appropriée pour assurer une adaptation à un monde en déséquilibre. / This work highlights the need for a societal paradigm shift in the face of contemporary environmental challenges and emphasizes education as an essential vector of this transformation. It focuses on green schools, which tend to be rooted in a holistic approach to environmental education, in order to assess their contribution to the current environmental crisis. It begins by exploring the significant impact of human activity on the biosphere and the Earth system, highlighting the profound influence of anthropocentrism. Next, it underscores the insufficient integration of the ecological dimension in formal education, mainly due to the ongoing influence of economic and political pressures on prevailing educational ideologies and practices. It continues by analyzing green school’s movements on a theoretical level as well as their orientation towards a whole school environmental approach. Finally, it combines an analysis of the literature on the Eco-Schools and Enviroschools movements with a field study carried out in Uruguay with the pioneer school of the Escuelas Sustentables movement to assess their respective contributions to direct (environmental impact) and indirect (environmental literacy) effects. It concludes that green schools offer a multi-dimensional response to the issues raised by the current environmental crisis. At this level, it is noticed that, among the green school’s movements studied, Enviroschools stands out as making a substantial contribution to both environmental impact and environmental literacy, thanks in particular to its local roots and its valuing of local indigenous perspectives. Overall, it follows that the effectiveness of green schools in responding to the environmental crisis rests on their decolonization, integrating indigenous perspectives in culturally appropriate ways to ensure adaptation to a world in imbalance.
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Administrator Perceptions of the Community College Mission in the State of Mississippi and How it may be Influenced by the Addition of Community College Baccalaureate ProgramsGrizzell, Scharvin S 07 May 2016 (has links)
For many years, community colleges that chose to offer community college baccalaureate (CCB) programs were looked upon in a negative light (Rice, 2015). However, as the need for specialized baccalaureates within specific fields and job markets have continued to grow (McKee, 2005), CCB programs are becoming more widely accepted throughout the United States. In spite of this paradigm shift, Mississippi is one of the remaining states that have not embraced the idea of CCB programs, in spite of its statistical deficiency in regards to baccalaureate degree holding citizens (Williams, 2010). The focus of this study was to explore the perceptions of community college administrators in Mississippi with regards to the influence of CCB programs to the community college mission of institutions in their state. This study indicates that administrators in Mississippi recognize the benefits of offering CCB programs, but do not want CCB programs to take away from the well-established statewide higher education system through mission creep. Many of the strong position statements received overwhelmingly neutral responses. In contrast, Administrators who chose to give their opinion indicated that they are not familiar with how CCB programs are implemented, and do not believe that Mississippi is ready for CCB programs across the state. However, respondents felt that the community college mission is always evolving, should meet students’ needs, and varies from location to location. The findings also show that administrators are favorable to the piloting of CCB programs at a few (1-2) institutions, even though they believe the programs will take funding away from current programs and do not want community colleges evolving into 4-year institutions. The study also concludes that there is a significant difference between institution size and survey questions #18 and #20. There is also a significant difference between length of time in the community college sector and survey questions #15, #17, and #18.
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