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A Comparative Study of Social, Economic and Environmental Aspects of Paraffinand Wood Pellets Used for Cooking in Low Income Households in South Africa : A minor field study / En jämförande studie av sociala, miljömässiga och ekonomiska aspekter av att använda paraffin och träpellets för matlagning i låginkomsthushåll i Sydafrika : En fältstudieSvensson, Jenny, Kjellson, Alice January 2015 (has links)
The majority of low income households in South Africa have limited access to electricity, and typically cook on stoves fuelled by paraffin. Paraffin represents a fossil fuel. It is a relatively cheap fuel in South Africa. Another fuel that can also be used for cooking is wood pellets, which is a renewable fuel. It can be used in a similar way to that of paraffin and is relatively cheap compared to other renewable energy sources. To investigate if living conditions among low income households can be improved the focus of the study was to evaluate the sustainability of cooking on paraffin and wood pellets. This was done by comparing social, environmental and economic aspects associated with the two cooking fuels. The social aspects were investigated through an interview study, the environmental aspect through a comparative life cycle assessment (LCA) and the economic aspects through a partial life cycle cost analysis (LCCA) focusing on the user phase. The interview study showed that paraffin users considered four aspects as the most important when cooking, namely safety, health, affordability and quality. The study also found that the majority were willing to change to another cooking fuel if these aspects were fulfilled. The LCA showed that both systems score the highest on 9 out of 18 environmental impact categories over a 16-year perspective. The economic analysis showed that the user phase of the wood pellet system is more economically beneficial during the 16-year time period than the paraffin system. It was concluded that wood pellets could be used as an option to paraffin for cooking and would most likely increase living conditions for low income households. / Majoriteten av låginkomsthushåll i Sydafrika har begränsad tillgång till elektricitet och vanligtvis sker matlagningen på paraffinspisar. Paraffin är ett fossilt bränsle. Det är ett relativt billigt bränsle i Sydafrika. Ett annat bränsle som också kan användas för matlagning är träpellets som är ett förnyelsebart bränsle. Det kan användas på liknande sätt som för paraffin och är ganska billigt i jämförelse med andra förnybara energikällor. För att undersöka om levnadsförhållanden för låginkomsthushåll kan förbättras låg fokus för denna studie på att utvärdera hållbarheten för att laga mat på paraffin och träpellets. Detta genomfördes genom att jämföra sociala, miljömässiga och ekonomiska aspekter associerade med dessa bränslen för matlagning. De sociala aspekterna undersöktes genom en intervjustudie, de miljömässiga aspekterna genom en jämförande livscykelanalys (LCA) och de ekonomiska aspekterna gjordes genom en livscykelkostnadsanalys (LCCA) för användarfasen. Intervjustudien visade att paraffinanvändare anser att fyra aspekter är de viktigaste vid matlagning, nämligen säkerhet, hälsa, kostnad och kvalitet. Studien visade också att majoriteten var villiga att byta till ett annat bränsle för matlagning om dessa aspekter var uppfyllda. Livscykelanalysen visade att båda systemen hade högst miljöpåverkan i 9 av 18 miljöpåverkanskategorier vardera inom ett 16-årsperspektiv. Den ekonomiska analysen visade att under en 16-årsperiod var användarfasen mer kostnadseffektiv för matlagning på träpellets jämfört med paraffin. Studien visade att träpellets kan användas som ett alternativ för paraffin vid matlagning och kommer troligtvis öka levnadsförhållanden för låginkomsthushåll.
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A Comparative Study of Social, Environmental and Economic Aspects of Paraffin and Wood Pellets Used for Cooking in Low Income Households in South Africa : A Minfor Field Study / En jämförande studie av sociala, miljömässiga och ekonomiska aspekter av att använda paraffin och träpellets för matlagning i låginkomsthushåll i Sydafrika.Svensson, Jenny, Kjellson, Alice January 2015 (has links)
The majority of low income households in South Africa have limited access to electricity, and typically cook on stoves fuelled by paraffin. Paraffin represents a fossil fuel. It is a relatively cheap fuel in South Africa. Another fuel that can also be used for cooking is wood pellets, which is a renewable fuel. It can be used in a similar way to that of paraffin and is relatively cheap compared to other renewable energy sources. To investigate if living conditions among low income households can be improved the focus of the study was to evaluate the sustainability of cooking on paraffin and wood pellets. This was done by comparing social, environmental and economic aspects associated with the two cooking fuels. The social aspects were investigated through an interview study, the environmental aspect through a comparative life cycle assessment (LCA) and the economic aspects through a partial life cycle cost analysis (LCCA) focusing on the user phase. The interview study showed that paraffin users considered four aspects as the most important when cooking, namely safety, health, affordability and quality. The study also found that the majority were willing to change to another cooking fuel if these aspects were fulfilled. The LCA showed that both systems score the highest on 9 out of 18 environmental impact categories over a 16-year perspective. The economic analysis showed that the user phase of the wood pellet system is more economically beneficial during the 16-year time period than the paraffin system. It was concluded that wood pellets could be used as an option to paraffin for cooking and would most likely increase living conditions for low income households. / Majoriteten av låginkomsthushåll i Sydafrika har begränsad tillgång till elektricitet och vanligtvis sker matlagningen på paraffinspisar. Paraffin är ett fossilt bränsle. Det är ett relativt billigt bränsle i Sydafrika. Ett annat bränsle som också kan användas för matlagning är träpellets som är ett förnyelsebart bränsle. Det kan användas på liknande sätt som för paraffin och är ganska billigt i jämförelse med andra förnybara energikällor. För att undersöka om levnadsförhållanden för låginkomsthushåll kan förbättras låg fokus för denna studie på att utvärdera hållbarheten för att laga mat på paraffin och träpellets. Detta genomfördes genom att jämföra sociala, ekologiska och ekonomiska aspekter associerade med dessa bränslen för matlagning. De sociala aspekterna undersöktes genom en intervjustudie, de miljömässiga aspekterna genom en jämförande livscykelanalys (LCA) och de ekonomiska aspekterna gjordes genom en livscykelkostnadsanalys (LCCA) för användarfasen. Intervjustudien visade att paraffinanvändare anser att fyra aspekter är de viktigaste vid matlagning, nämligen säkerhet, hälsa, kostnad och kvalitet. Studien visade också att majoriteten var villiga att byta till ett annat bränsle för matlagning om dessa aspekter var uppfyllda. Livscykelanalysen visade att båda systemen hade högst miljöpåverkan i 9 av 18 miljöpåverkanskategorier vardera inom ett 16-årsperspektiv. Den ekonomiska analysen visade att under en 16-årsperiod var användarfasen mer kostnadseffektiv för matlagning på träpellets jämfört med paraffin. Studien visade att träpellets kan användas som ett alternativ för paraffin vid matlagning och kommer troligtvis öka levnadsförhållanden för låginkomsthushåll.
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Infiltration geschlossenporiger pulvermetallurgischer Aluminiumschäume mit Phase-Change-Material und Evaluierung des Potentials des MaterialverbundesSchmerler, Jürgen Rico 19 September 2024 (has links)
Gegenstand dieser Arbeit sind die Erweiterung des Standes der Technik um Verfahren zur Herstellung und die Charakterisierung mit Paraffinen infiltrierter geschlossenporiger Aluminiumschäume.
Die Einzelwerkstoffe werden hinsichtlich ihres strukturellen, mechanischen und thermischen Verhaltens anhand ausgewählter Tests wie der computertomografischen Analyse, dem Druckversuch und dem „Transient-Plane-Source“-Verfahren charakterisiert. Dem schließt sich die Entwicklung von Infiltrationsmethoden zur Herstellung von Werkstoffverbunden aus den Einzelwerkstoffen an. Der Infiltrationsgrad wird als wesentlicher zugehöriger Berechnungs- und Auswertungskennwert analytisch beschrieben. Anhand infiltrationsgerecht gefertigter Aluminiumschaumproben erfolgt die experimentelle Untersuchung verschiedener Infiltrationsverfahren auf Basis statistischer Versuchspläne und deren Gegenüberstellung. Im Anschluss an die Charakterisierung der Verbunde und der Modellierung betrachteter Zielgrößen mittels Regressionsmodellen erfolgt der Vergleich der Verbundeigenschaften mit denen der Einzelwerkstoffe. Nach analytischen Berechnungen zur Auslegung von Latentwärmespeicher-Systemen folgt die Dimensionierung mittels Finite-Elemente-Methode. Die Modellierung auf Basis eines homogenisierten Materialverhaltens wird anhand von Experimenten validiert. Abschließend werden anhand der generierten Werkstoff-Datenbasis Aussagen über das Nutzungspotential für ausgewählte Anwendungen abgeleitet.:Danksagung
Bibliografische Beschreibung
Abbildungsverzeichnis 5
Tabellenverzeichnis 11
Symbol- und Abkürzungsverzeichnis 13
1 Einleitung und Motivation 17
2 Stand der Technik 19
2.1 Aluminiumschaum 19
2.1.1 Einteilung 19
2.1.2 Herstellung 20
2.1.3 Strukturelle Eigenschaften 25
2.1.4 Mechanische Eigenschaften 27
2.1.5 Thermische Eigenschaften 30
2.1.6 Schaummodelle 35
2.1.7 Sandwichstrukturen 36
2.1.8 Anwendungen 39
2.2 Phase-Change-Material 41
2.2.1 Wirkprinzip und Einteilung 41
2.2.2 Herstellung 43
2.2.3 Eigenschaften 44
2.2.4 Konfektionierung 46
2.2.5 Erhöhung der Wärmeleitfähigkeit 48
2.2.6 Anwendungen 53
2.3 Thermische Grundlagen 56
2.3.1 Grundlagen der Wärmeübertragung 56
2.3.2 Grundlagen der dynamischen Differenzkalorimetrie zur
Bestimmung der spezifischen Wärmekapazität und Enthalpie 58
2.3.3 Messverfahren zur Bestimmung der Temperatur- und
Wärmeleitfähigkeit 58
3 Zielstellung und Präzisierung der Aufgabenstellung 63
4 Infiltrationstechnologie 65
4.1 Grundlagenbetrachtungen zur Infiltration 65
4.1.1 Infiltrierbarkeit geschlossenporiger Aluminiumschäume 65
4.1.2 Verteilung des PCM innerhalb der Probe 65
4.2 Konzeptentwicklung für Infiltrationsverfahren 68
4.2.1 Konzepte PCM-Tauchinfiltration 68
4.2.2 Konzepte PCM-Vakuuminfiltration ohne Werkzeug 69
4.2.3 Konzepte PCM-Vakuuminfiltration mit Werkzeug 70
4.3 Fertigung und Modifikation von Aluminiumschaumproben 71
4.3.1 Herstellungsprozess von Aluminiumschaumhalbzeugen 73
4.3.2 Probenabdichtung 73
4.3.3 Infusions- und Injektionsanschlüsse 74
4.4 Berechnung des Infiltrationsgrads 75
4.5 Infiltrationsversuche 77
4.5.1 PCM-Tauchinfiltration 77
4.5.2 PCM-Vakuum-Infiltration ohne Werkzeug 79
4.5.3 PCM Vakuum-Infiltration mit Werkzeug 83
5 Messtechnische Untersuchungen 89
5.1 Strukturelle Charakterisierung 89
5.1.1 Dichte und Porenstruktur 89
5.1.2 Dichteverteilung 92
5.1.3 Ebenheit 95
5.1.4 Permeabilität 96
5.2 Thermische Charakterisierung 98
5.2.1 Wärmeleitung 98
5.2.2 Wärmekapazität 105
5.2.3 Zersetzungstemperaturen 109
5.2.4 Zyklenbeständigkeit 109
5.2.5 Experimente auf Bauteilebene 112
5.3 Mechanische Charakterisierung 116
5.3.1 Druckversuche 116
5.3.2 Kopfzugversuche 120
5.3.3 Schubversuche 123
5.3.4 Intrusionsversuche - Impaktverhalten 124
5.3.5 4-Punkt-Biegeversuche 126
5.3.6 Akustische Charakterisierung 128
6 Berechnung und Simulation 131
6.1 Thermische Dimensionierung und Validierung mittels FEM 131
6.1.1 Auslegung der Latentwärmespeicher-Systeme 131
6.1.2 Berechnung der Verbundeigenschaften 132
6.1.3 Implementierung der Verbundeigenschaften in die
FEM-Umgebung 134
6.1.4 Validierung der thermischen Charakterisierung 137
6.2 Mechanische Dimensionierung und FEM-Validierung 140
6.2.1 Implementierung in die FEM-Umgebung 140
6.2.2 Validierung mechanischer Charakterisierung 142
7 Auswertung und Diskussion 147
7.1 Auswertung der Infiltrationstechnologie 147
7.2 Vergleich der thermischen Eigenschaften mit Literaturdaten 150
7.3 Vergleich der mechanischen Eigenschaften mit Literaturdaten 154
7.4 Evaluierung des Anwendungspotentials 156
8 Zusammenfassung 166
9 Ausblick 170
10 Literaturverzeichnis 172
Anmerkungen 186
Anhang 188
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PCR und Fluoreszenz-DNA-Fragment-Analyse zum Nachweis einer monoklonalen B-Zell-Population zur Diagnostik der kutanen B-Zell Lymphome (CBCL)Marchwat, Maren 12 March 2004 (has links)
PCR und Fluoreszenz - DNA - Fragment - Analyse zum Nachweis einer monoklonalen B-Zell-Population zur Diagnostik der kutanen B-Zell Lymphome (CBCL) Der Nachweis einer monoklonalen B-Zell Population mittels PCR hat sich seit ca. zehn Jahren ergänzend zu Klinik und Histopathologie in der Diagnostik der kutanen B-Zell Lymphome etabliert. Zu diesem Zweck wurden Primer für die IgH Framework-Regionen (FR1, 2, 3), die Leader-Sequenz und für die JH-Region sequenziert. Alle Primervarianten führen zur Amplifikation der hochvariablen CDR-3 Region, welche für jede B-Zelle spezifisch ist. Die Kapillarelektrophorese mit fluoreszenzmarkierten PCR-Produkten an automatischen Sequenziergeräten (z. B. Genescan ABI Prism 310) ermöglicht eine exakte Größenbestimmung des jeweiligen Fragmentes und ist daher in diesem Zusammenhang die geeignetste Methode. Zunächst wurden alle relevanten Primer mit der Simulationssoftware Oligo hinsichtlich ihrer Bindungseigenschaften geprüft. Danach wurden ausgewählte Primer-Sets an 58 in Paraffin eingebetteten und an 5 Kryoproben von sicher diagnostizierten CBCL-Patienten getestet. Die fluoreszenzmarkierten Produkte wurden mit dem Sequenziergerät ABI Prism 310 analysiert. Die ungeschachtelte FR3/JH-PCR konnte nur in 30% und zusammen mit der halbgeschachtelten FR3/JH-PCR nur in 37% der Fälle klonale B-Zellen nachweisen. Die Detektionsrate erhöhte sich auf 54% unter Einbeziehung der geschachtelten FR1/JH-PCR und schließlich auf 60% mit einer zusätzlichen geschachtelten FR2/JH-PCR. Das Auftreten von Pseudoklonen (variierende Größe des klonalen Peaks bei Wiederholung der PCR) bei den geschachtelten PCR machte eine Prüfung auf Reproduzierbarkeit der Ergebnisse unbedingt erforderlich. Die höchste Rate an Pseudoklonen zeigte die FR2/JH-PCR. Aufgrund der schlechten Qualität der IgH Leader-PCR konnten mit in Paraffin-eingebetteten Proben keine Amplifikate erzeugt werden. Zusammenfassend ist zu sagen, daß gemeinsame Verwendung der in dieser Arbeit entwickelten PCR eine Sensitivitätssteigerung von 30% auf 60% ermöglichen. / Clonality detection in cutaneous B-cell lymphomas (CBCL) using immunoglobulin heavy chain gene PCR assays and fluorescence PCR-fragment analysis on automated DNA sequencer Detection of clonally expanded immunoglobulin heavy chain (Igh) gene rearrangements by PCR and subsequent electrophoresis is increasingly used in the diagnosis of cutaneous B-cell lymphomas (CBCL). To this end, primers for the three Igh framework regions (FR1,2, 3), the leader sequence and the Jh region are applied, all amplifying the highly variable IgH third complementary region (CDR3) Recently, fluorescence PCR-fragment analysis on automated DNA sequencers (GeneScan analysis, GSA), providing an exact sizing has been applied as appropriate seperation technique in this context. We have evaluated all Igh primers hitherto known by a PC primer analysis program. Then, fluorescently labeled products generated from DNAs of 58 paraffin embedded and 5 frozen lesional skin biopsies of confirmed CBCL cases using the primer sets selected, were analysed by GSA on the ABI 310 Prism instrument. Single round or seminested FR3/JH-PCR showed clonal B-cells only in 30 or 37% of cases, respectively. This fraction was increased to 54% including a nested FR1/JH-PCR, and, to 60% applying a supplementary nested FR2/JH-PCR. However false clonal results, indicated by peaks of varying sizes from repeated PCR, have been received by nested PCR, mostly by FR2/JH. Obviously due to their poor quality, the IgH leader-PCR has not yielded amplification products from paraffin-derived DNAs. Our data show that the FR3/JH-PCR only is not sufficient for detecting B-cell clonality in CBCL, but following inclusion of additional IgH-PCR, an increase of detection rate up to 60% is possible. A substantial number of cases still fail to show clonality.
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Supercritical fluid extraction of paraffin waxCrause, J. C. (James Christoffel) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this study the deoiling and fractionation of paraffin wax using supercritical
fluid extraction (SCFE) has been investigated. SCFE was compared with
state-of-the-art processes such as wax crystallisation, static crystallisation and
short path distillation.
Ethane and carbon dioxide were investigated as supercritical solvents for the
supercritical fluid extraction of paraffin wax. Supercritical phase equilibrium
data for ethane - n-alkane and CO2 - n-alkane systems close to the mixture
critical region were obtained from the literature, and were correlated with
several equations of state. Statistical mechanical equations of state failed to
correlate the data close to the mixture critical region due to the neglect of
density fluctuations which influences phase behaviour close to critical points,
or due to inadequate mixing rules. It was found that simple cubic equations of
state such as Soave-Redlich-Kwong, Peng-Robinson and Patel-Teja could
correlate the data using two interaction parameters. This can be attributed
more to their flexibility as correlating tools than to their fundamental accuracy.
The Patel-Teja EOS was modified by fitting it to predict low vapour pressure
data for long-chain n-alkanes. This modified Patel-Teja EOS was then fitted
to the phase equilibria by adjusting two interaction parameters per binary
system. The interaction parameters for each solvent (ethane or CO2) system
were then fitted to generalised correlations to enable extrapolation to solvent
- n-alkane systems for which no equilibrium data were available. The
Simplified Perturbed Hardchain theory (SPHC) equation of state was used to
correlate lower-pressure solubility data used to model the extract separator.
A pilot plant SCFE unit was constructed and used to obtain experimental
fractionation data of a low-molecular weight Fischer-Tropsch wax. The
experimental results indicate that fractionation of the wax is possible and that
the separation efficiency is enhanced by returning some of the extract to the
column as reflux. An equilibrium stage model was constructed and used to
simulate the extraction experiments. It was possible to obtain good
agreement between the experimental results and model predictions.
Deoiling of petroleum waxes with a low n-paraffin content (which are not
currently deoiled commercially) was investigated. Experimental SCFE and
SPD results indicated that selective deoiling is not possible, since the
separation is based on differences in molecular weight (or vapour pressure).
Simulations of wax crystallisation or solvent extraction and practical tests
indicate that deoiling is possible, based on differences in structure and therefore melting point of the components in the wax. Practical problems
associated with crystallisation or solvent extraction such as filtration, the use
of chlorinated solvents and low yields currently prevent the commercial
deoiling of these waxes. During crystallisation of these waxes a soft wax cake
is formed which impedes the operation of static crystallisation.
A detailed study of the economics of n-paraffin wax deoiling using SCFE was
conducted. Flow sheets were proposed to minimise the energy consumption
of the SCFE process. Comparison of SPD, static crystallisation and SCFE
indicates that a SPD plant will be the cheapest option for deoiling the wax
feed investigated. Fractionation of heavier waxes using SPD might not be
economically feasible, since the distillation temperature increases dramatically
with increasing molecular weight, which leads to higher energy cost. For
medium to long chain n-paraffin waxes SCFE should be very competitive,
since the capacity of the supercritical solvent can be manipulated to extract
longer chain waxes without increasing the extraction temperature. Static
crystallisation appears to be the more expensive deoiling option, due primarily
to the large initial capital investment cost. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die olieverwydering en fraksionering van paraffienwasse met behulp van
superkritiese ekstraksie is in hierdie studie ondersoek. Die modellering van
moderne olieverwyderings- en fraksioneringsmetodes soos waskristallisasie,
statiese kristallisasie en kortpad distillasie is ook ondersoek.
Etaan en koolstofdioksied is ondersoek as superkritiese oplosmiddels vir die
superkritiese ekstraksie van paraffienwasse. Literatuurdata van superkritiese
fase-ewewigte vir etaan - n-alkaan en CO2 - n-alkaan stelsels naby die
mengselkritiese punt is versamel en gekorreleer met verskeie
toestandsvergelykings. Statisities-meganiese toestandsvergelykings kon nie
data naby mengselkritiese punte korreleer nie, moontlik weens
digtheidsvariasies wat afwykings van klassieke gedrag teweegbring, of
onakkurate mengreëls. Eenvoudige kubiese toestandsvergelykings soos
Soave-Redlich-Kwong, Peng-Robinson en Patel-Teja kon op die ewewigsdata
gepas word deur gebruik van twee interaksieparameters. Dit kan eerder
toegeskryf word aan hulle buigsaamheid eerder as hulle fundamentele
akkuraatheid. Die Patel-Teja toestandsvergelyking is gemodifiseer deur dit te
pas op lae dampdruk data van langketting n-alkane. Hierdie gemodifiseerde
toestandsvergelyking is gepas op die fase-ewewig data deur twee
interaksieparameters te gebruik per binêre sisteem. Die interaksieparameters
vir die oplosmiddel stelsels (etaan of CO2) is gekorreleer met algemene
vergelykings sodat dit vir ekstrapolasie na oplosmiddel - n-alkaan stelsels
gebruik kan word waarvoor ewewigsdata nie beskikbaar is nie. Die
"Simplified Perturbed Hardchain" teorie (SPHC) toestandsvergelyking is
gebruik om laer druk oplosbaarheidsdata te korreleer vir gebruik in die
modellering van die ekstrak skeier.
In Superkritiese ekstraksie loodsaanleg is gebou en gebruik om
eksperimentele fraksioneringsdata van 'n lae molekulêre massa Fischer-
Tropsch was te genereer. Vanaf die eksperimentele resultate blyk
fraksionering van was moontlik te wees. Die doeltreffendheid van die
skeiding kan verhoog word deur terugvloei van ekstrak na die kolom. 'n
Ewewigsmodel is opgestel en gebruik om die ekstraksie eksperimente te
modelleer. Deur die ekstraksiedruk en aantal stadia te verander kon goeie
ooreenstemming met eksperimentele resultate verkry word.
Die verwydering van olie uit petroleumwasse met In lae n-paraffien inhoud
(wat nie tans kommersiëel ontolie word nie) is ondersoek. Eksperimentele
resultate vir superkritiese ekstraksie en kortpad distillasie dui daarop dat
selektiewe olieverwydering nie moontlik is nie, omdat die skeiding gebaseer is op verskille in molekulêre massas en dus (of dampdrukke). Simulasies van
waskristallisasie dui op die moontlikheid van olieverwydering gebaseer op
verskille in strukture van die komponente in die was. Praktiese probleme
geassosieer met kristallisasie of oplosmiddel ekstraksie soos filtrasie, lae
opbrengste en gebruik van gechlorineerde koolwaterstowwe as oplosmiddel
belemmer die kommersialisering van olieverwydering vir hierdie tipes wasse.
'n Gedetaileerde studie van die ekonomiese lewensvatbaarheid van
superkritiese olieverwydering is uitgevoer. Vloeidiagramme is voorgestelom
die energieverbruik van die superkritiese ekstraksieproses te minimeer.
Vergelyking van kortpad distillasie, statiese kristallisasie en superkritiese
ekstraksie dui daarop dat kortpad distillasie die goedkoper opsie vir die
olieverwydering van die spesifieke was is. Fraksionering van swaarder wasse
met kortpad distillasie sal moontlik nie haalbaar wees nie omdat die
distillasietemperatuur drasties toeneem met molekulêre massa. Die skeiding
van medium tot langketting wasse met superkritiese ekstraksie behoort meer
mededingend te wees, want die kapasiteit van die superkritiese oplosmiddel
kan maklik verstel word om langer kettinglengtes wasse te ekstraeer sonder
om die temperatuur te verhoog. Statiese kristallisasie blyk die duurder
olieverwyderingsopsie te wees hoofsaaklik weens die hoë kapitaalkoste van
so 'n aanleg.
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The impact of paraffin on germination of selected crop seeds and its possible pest repellent actionKadende, John Sembeba 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Paraffin, also called kerosene is used by small-scale soya bean farmers in some parts of Africa as a pest repellent. The repellent action is claimed to be effective against parasites during seed germination and development of the seedlings. Seeds are immersed in commercial paraffin for a few seconds and sown in the soil immediately. This method raised some questions about possible negative effects on the seed after the imbibition process but also on humans and animals consuming the plants and seeds. Experiments were designed to investigate whether this practice would have negative effects on seed germination and vigour of the resulting seedlings of seven selected crop species. A trial was also carried out to test the effectiveness of paraffin as a pest repellent on canola in a field situation. The collected data were analyzed using STATISTICA, software version 11. Wherever the experiments showed significant interaction or differences within main factors, the means were separated making use of Fischer’s LSD post-hoc analysis at p = 0.05.
The first series of experiments was done in the laboratory. It was carried out on seeds of seven crop species: canola (Brassica napus L.), common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), ground nuts (Arachis hypogea L.), maize (Zea mays L.), soya bean (Glycine max L.), sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). In the germination trial, seeds were subjected to a 7X5X4 factorial design treatment with factors Crop species (CS) (see above), Paraffin concentration (PC) (0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% of commercial paraffin diluted with distilled water) and Time of immersion (TOI) (1, 5, 10, and 30 minutes). Treatments were repeated four times. After immersion seeds were dried with water absorbent paper and immediately germinated in 90 mm diameter petri dishes containing two filter papers and 5 ml of distilled water. Germination tests included 10 seeds per replicate and were incubated at a constant temperature of 20°C under dark conditions in an incubator. Findings showed that canola, sunflower and soya bean are paraffin tolerant (>70 % germination), wheat and groundnuts are less tolerant (30% – 70% germination) and beans and maize are intolerant (< 30 % germination). The paraffin had a negative influence on the rate of germination but there were no statistically significant differences between the 25% to 100% paraffin concentrations. Measurements of the quantity of water and of paraffin absorbed were done after seeds of the seven crop species were immersed in 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% paraffin concentrations for 30 minutes. Beans absorbed more water at 100% water and more paraffin at 25% paraffin than the other crop species. The paraffin uptake decreased with the increase of paraffin concentration while water uptake increased with the increase in water percentage. In both cases canola had the lowest uptake. Differential uptake of water and paraffin did not explain the results of the germination test. Seeds of the seven crop species immersed in different paraffin concentrations (0, 25, 50, 75 and 100%) for thirty minutes were dried and then soaked in distilled water for 20 hours. The electrical conductivity (EC) of the liquid was determined by means of an EC meter after 20 hours of soaking. This was done to investigate whether paraffin treatment influenced leaking of electrolytes, which would indicate damage to the cell membranes in the seed. Results showed that sunflower leaked more electrolytes than any other seed, while wheat and maize had lower electrolyte leakage than the other species. This showed that the negative effect of paraffin on the germination of some crop species was unlikely to be due to membrane damage because sunflower seeds that leaked most electrolytes had a high germination percentage while the maize and wheat seeds that leaked little electrolytes, had poor germination after paraffin treatments.
The second experiment was conducted in a glasshouse. Seeds of the seven crop species were subjected to the same PC and TOI treatments as described in the germination experiment above but instead of being placed in an incubator to germinate, they were planted in 8cm x 8 cm plastic pots (10 seeds in each) in coarse sand in a glasshouse that was running at approximately 20ºC. The establishment of the seedlings was monitored daily in the glasshouse. The final percentage of establishment was calculated. Three weeks after planting, the seedlings were thinned to one plant per pot. The mean root and stem lengths as well as dry mass of the seedlings was recorded when the seedlings were thinned. The one plant per pot that was retained was harvested six weeks after establishment. Root and stem length and dry mass were determined. Establishment percentage and tolerance indices were calculated. Maize and beans showed the lowest establishment percentages and sunflower scored the highest establishment percentage after treatment with paraffin. The root and stem lengths of the crops were generally unaffected by paraffin treatments. In terms of dry mass paraffin had a significant negative effect on groundnut at three weeks but at six weeks no effect of paraffin on any of the vegetative growth parameters could be observed. The third experiment was run in the microscope laboratory. A test using a confocal and fluorescence microscope was carried out to determine if residues of paraffin could be found in germinating soya bean seeds and seedlings. Specimens collected from the germinating soya bean seed and seedlings were mounted on the fluorescent microscope and stained with a solution of 100 μg.ml-1 Nile Red and observed with LD Plan-Neofluar 60X/0.6. Results showed that paraffin did penetrate the soya bean seed and was translocated within the plant system (endodermis) as the plant grows. The concentrations of paraffin in the tissue were however quite low.
The fourth experiment was run on the Langgewens Experimental Farm near Moorreesburg in the Western Cape Province. Forty blocks were spatially grouped into two separate groups. Twenty blocks received the five paraffin treatments replicated four times and the other twenty blocks received the five water treatments also replicated four times. Within each group the treatments were allocated randomly to the plots. The experimental design was a 2X5 Factorial experiment with factors Treatment liquid (distilled water and paraffin) and Time of immersion (0, 1, 5, 10 and 30 minutes) replicated four times. No pesticides were applied to the canola crop. Stand density, leaf area and dry mass were recorded at the first harvest at 12 weeks, and then dry mass was determined at 21weeks. Final yield was determined after 27 weeks when the plots were harvested by means of a combine plot harvester. The stand density, leaf area and dry mass were significantly increased by paraffin treatments at the time of the first harvest. After 21 weeks paraffin treatment had no significant effect on the dry mass production of the canola and the same was true of the final seed yield. . Even though there was no serious attack by pests, the little feeding damage that occurred in the water treated plots and not in the paraffin treated plots, indicate that paraffin may have a repellent effect. Paraffin had no negative effects whatsoever on the growth and yield of canola in this experiment.
This study indicates that different crops react differently to seed treatment with paraffin. The results of the fourth experiment indicate that paraffin might be used as pest repellent on certain selected crops but more research is needed on the subject. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Paraffien, ook genoem keroseen, word deur kleinskaalse boere in sekere dele van Afrika gebruik as ‘n pesafweermiddel. Dit word beweer dat die afweeraksie suksesvol is teen parasiete tydens saadontkieming en vroeë saailinggroei. Saad word in kommersiële paraffien gedoop vir ‘n paar sekondes en dan onmiddelik daarna geplant. Die metode skep vrae oor die moontlike negatiewe gevolge op die saad na die imbiberingsproses maar ook op mense en diere wat die plante en sade benut. Eksperimente is beplan om vas te stel of die praktyk negatiewe gevolge op die saadontkieming en groeikragtigheid van die daaropvolgende saailinge van sewe geselekteerde gewasspesies sal hê. ‘n Eksperiment is ook uitgevoer om die effektiwiteit van paraffien as pesafweermiddel op kanola in ‘n veldsituasie te toets. Die data wat ingesamel is is ontleed deur gebruik te maak van STATISTICA, sagteware, uitgawe 11. Waar betekenisvolle interaksies of verskille binne hooffaktore voorgekom het, is die gemiddeldes geskei deur middel van Fischer se LSD post-hoc ontleding by p = 0.05.
Die eerste reeks eksperimente is uitgevoer in ‘n laboratorium. Dit is uitgevoer op sade van sewe gewasspesies naamlik . kanola (Brassica napus L.), gewone bone (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), grondbone (Arachis hypogea L.), mielies (Zea mays L.), sojabone (Glycine max L.), sonneblom (Helianthus annuus L.) en koring (Triticum aestivum L.). In die ontkiemingsproef is die sade onderwerp aan ‘n 7X5X4 ewekansige blokontwerp wat faktoriaal gerangskik is met faktore Gewasspesies (CS) (sien hierbo), Paraffien konsentrasie (PC) (0, 25, 50, 75 en 100% van kommersiële paraffien verdun met gedistilleerde water) en Tyd van indompeling (TOI) (1, 5, 10, en 30 minute). Behandelings is vier keer herhaal. Na indompeling is die sade met waterabsorberende papier gedroog en onmiddelik daarna in 90 mm deursneë petribakkies wat twee filtreerpapiere en 5 ml gedistilleerde water bevat het, ontkiem. Tien sade per petribakkie is gebruik en die petribakkies is geïnkubeer by ‘n konstante temperatuur van 20ºC in die donker in ‘n inkubasiekas. Resultate het getoon dat kanola, sonneblom en sojaboon bestand is teen paraffienbehandelings (>70% ontkieming), koring en grondboon is minder bestand (30-70% ontkieming) en mielies en gewone bone is sensitief vir paraffienbehandeling (<30% ontkieming). Die paraffien het oor die algemeen ‘n negatiewe effek op ontkiemingstempo gehad maar daar was geen statisties betekenisvolle verskille tussen die 25% en 100% paraffienbehandelings nie. Die hoeveelheid water en paraffien wat opgeneem is deur sade van die sewe gewasspesies nadat dit in paraffienkonsentrasies van 0, 25, 50, 75 en 100% ingedompel is vir 30 minute, is bepaal. Gewone bone het meer water by die 100% water behandeling en meer paraffien by die 25% paraffien behandeling opgeneem as die ander spesies. Die paraffienopname het afgeneem met toename in paraffienkonsentrasie terwyl wateropname toegeneem het met toenemende waterkonsentrasies. Beide in geval van wateropname en paraffienopname het kanola die minste water opgeneem. Differensiële opname van water en paraffien het nie die resultate van die ontkiemingstoets verklaar nie. Sade van die sewe gewasspesies is in verskillende paraffienkonsentrasies (0, 25, 50, 75 en 100%) gedompel vir 30 minute, gedroog en daarna in gedistilleerde water geweek vir 20 uur. Aan die einde van die 20 uur wekingsperiode is die elektriese konduktiwiteit (EC) van die wekingsvloeistof bepaal deur middel van ‘n EC meter. Dit is gedoen om vas te stel of paraffienbehandeling die uitlek van elektroliete vanuit die saad, wat ‘n aanduiding van beskadigde selmembrane van die saad kan wees, beïnvloed. Resultate het aangedui dat sonneblom die meeste elektroliete vrygestel het en koring en mielies die minste. Dit dui aan dat die negatiewe invloed van paraffien op sommige gewasspesies waarskynlik nie deur membraanbeskadiging veroorsaak is nie omdat sonneblom, wat die meeste elektroliete vrygestel het, die hoogste ontkiemingspersentasie na behandeling met praffien gehad het terwyl mielies en koring, wat die minste elektroliete vrygestel het, baie swak ontkieming gehad het na paraffienbehandeling.
Die tweede eksperiment is in ‘n glashuis uitgevoer. Sade van die sewe gewasspesies is onderwerp aan dieselfde paraffienkonsentrasies en tye van indompeling as in die ontkiemingseksperiment hierbo maar in plaas van om die sade in ‘n inkubasiekas te ontkiem, is dit in 8 cm x 8 cm plastiekpotte wat gevul is met growwe sand geplant (10 sade per pot) in ‘n glashuis wat by ‘n konstante temperatuur van ongeveer 20ºC geloop het. Die vestiging van die saailinge in die glashuis is daagliks gemonitor en die finale persentasie van vestiging is bereken. Drie weke na plant is die saailinge uitgedun sodat een per pot oorgebly het. Die uitgedunde saailinge se gemiddelde wortel- en stamlengtes is bepaal asook die gemiddelde droëmassas. Die een plant wat per pot oorgebly het is na ses weke ge-oes en weer is wortel- en stamlengtes bepaal asook die droëmassas. Vestigingspersentasies en toleransie indekse is bereken. Mielies en gewone bone het die laagste vestigingspersentasies getoon en sonneblom die hoogste nadat die gewasse met paraffien behandel is. Die wortel- en stamlengtes van die gewasse was oor die algemeen nie deur paraffienbehandelings beïnvloed nie. In terme van droëmassa het paraffien ‘n negatiewe effek op grondbone gehad drie weke na plant maar na ses weke kon geen invloed van paraffienbehandelings op enige van die vegetatiewe groeiparameters waargeneem word nie. Die derde eksperiment is in ‘n mikroskooplaboratorium uitgevoer. ‘n Konfokale en fluoreserende mikroskoop is gebruik om te bepaal of oorblyfsels van paraffien gevind kan word in ontkiemende sojaboonsade en saailinge. Monsters wat geneem is van die ontkiemende sojaboonsade saailinge is gemonteer op die fluoreserende mikroskoop en gekleur met ‘n oplossing van 100 μg.ml-1 Nile Red oplossing en ge-evalueer met LD Plan-Neofluar 60X/0.6. Resultate het getoon dat paraffien wel die sojaboonsaad kon infiltreer en dat dit ook in die saailinge se endodermis vervoer kon word en opspoorbaar was. Die konsentrasies van paraffien in die weefsel was egter laag.
Die vierde eksperiment is uitgevoer op die Langgewens Proefplaas naby Moorreesburg in die Wes-Kaap Provinsie. Veertig blokke is ruimtelik in twee groepe van twintig elk grangskik. Twintig blokke het die vyf paraffienbehandelings ontvang en twintig die vyf gedistilleerde waterbehandelings. Die behandelings is vier keer herhaal. Binne elke blok is die behandelings ewekansig toegeken aan persele. Die proefontwerp was ‘n 2X5 ewekansige geneste blokontwerp (split plot) wat faktoriaal gerangskik is met faktore Behandelingsvloeistof (gedistilleerde water en paraffien) en indompelingstyd (0, 1, 5, 10 and 30 minute). Geen insekdoders is op die kanola toegedien nie. Plantdigtheid, blaaroppervlakte en droëmassa is bepaal tydens die eerste monsterneming 12 weke na plant en daarna is slegs droëmassa bepaal na 21 weke. Na 27 weke is finale oesopbrengs bepaal deur die persele met ‘n perseelstroper te stroop. Plantdigtheid, blaaroppervlakte en droëmassa is betekenisvol verhoog deur paraffienbehandelings na 12 weke. Na 21 weke het die paraffienbehandelings egter geen betekenisvolle invloed op die droëmassa van die plante gehad nie en daar was ook nie verskille ten opsigte van finale oesopbrengs nie. Alhoewel daar nie ernstige insekskade waargeneem is nie, was dit tog duidelik dat die bietjie vreetskade wat in die waterbehandelings voorgekom het, nie in die paraffienbehandelings voorgekom het nie. Dit dui aan dat die paraffien moontlik ‘n afwerende invloed gehad het. Paraffien het geen negatiewe invloed enigsins gehad op die groei en produksie van kanola in hierdie eksperiment nie.
Hierdie studie dui aan dat verskillende gewasse verskillend reageer op saadbehandeling met paraffien. Die resultate van die vierde eksperiment dui aan dat paraffien moontlik as ‘n pesafweermiddel op sekere geselekteerde gewasse gebruik kan word maar meer navorsing word benodig op die onderwerp.
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Untersuchung der mikrobiellen Diversität in entzündlichen Lymphadenitiden mittels einer 16S-rRNA-basierten Heterogenitäts- & phylogenetischen Analyse (SHARP-Screening) / Analysis of the microbial diversity in inflammatory lymphadenitis using a 16S-rRNA-based heterogeneity & phylogenetic analysis (SHARP-Screening)Seibl, Matthias January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
In der vorliegenden Studie haben wir mit Hilfe von SHARP-Screening, einer 16S-rRNA-basierten Heterogenitäts- und phylogenetischen Analyse, die mikrobielle Diversität in entzündlichen Lymphadenitiden ohne vorherige Kenntnis der jeweiligen Erreger an einer Serie von 15 Lymphknoten untersucht. Die Methode wurde erstmals auf diese Fragestellung angewandt. Sie konnte für die Verwendung von paraffineingebettetem Gewebe adaptiert werden, so dass auch Gewebeproben analysiert werden konnten, von denen kein Gefriermaterial zur Verfügung stand und die in Routineverfahren eingebettet und nach Standardmethoden gefärbt wurden. SHARP-Screening beinhaltet zwei komplementäre Schritte: Zuerst erfolgte die Erstellung einer Genbank aller bakteriellen Gene aus der gesamten extrahierten DNA des analysierten Gewebes durch gezielte Amplifikation des 16S-rRNA-Gens mittels universeller eubakterieller Primer. Als zweiter Schritt wurde nach der Transformation mittels Analyse des Restriktionsfragmentlängenpolymorphismus die Selektion der jeweiligen unterschiedlichen Phylotypen der enthaltenen 16S-rRNA-Gene durchgeführt (insgesamt 400). Nach der Sequenzierung wurden die 16S-rRNA-Gene durch den Vergleich mit bekannten bakteriellen Sequenzen mit Hilfe des „Basic-Local-Alignment-Search-Tool“ (BLAST) identifiziert. SHARP-Screening hat sich als geeignete Methode zur Analyse der gesamten, in einer Gewebeprobe enthaltenen bakteriellen Flora erwiesen. Dabei wurden zum Teil andere Erreger gefunden, als aus dem histologischen Bild vermutet wurden. So konnte zum Beispiel mit dem Nachweis von Gluconacetobacter sacchari, als potentieller Erreger einer septischen Granulomatose, eine alternative Differentialdiagnose zur histologisch vermuteten Katzenkratzkrankheit aufgezeigt werden. Darüber hinaus konnten auch gleichartige histologische Bilder bei dem gleichen identifizierten Erreger beobachtet werden. Zum Beispiel konnten im Zusammenhang mit dem Auftreten von Ödemen, Nekrosen, granulomatös eitrigen Veränderungen und einer ausgeprägten Sinus-histiozytose im Lymphknotengewebe immer wieder Comamonadaceae bzw. Janthinobacterium nachgewiesen werden. Oft zeigte sich nicht ein einzelner Erreger der Lymphadenitis, sondern ein ganzes Spektrum, wobei aus dem Vorhandensein der 16S-rRNA nicht auf das Vorhandensein vitaler Erreger geschlossen werden kann. Dennoch erlaubt die Häufigkeit der entsprechenden Klone eine semiquantitative Abschätzung der Bedeutung des jeweiligen Erregers. So wies SHARP-Screening auch Homologien zu Paracoccus yeeii nach. Eine Spezies, die mit klassischen Methoden häufig übersehen wird, die in Lymphknoten jedoch eine pathogene Rolle spielen kann. Im Zusammenhang mit dem histologischen Verdacht auf ein Malignom wurden in einigen Fällen Streptomyces, Roseomonas gilardii rosea und Stenotrophomonas maltophila nachgewiesen, die auch in der Literatur häufig bei immunsupprimierten Patienten vorkommen. Bei dem Verdacht auf ein Lymphgranuloma venerum wurde eine Cyanobacterium-Spezies detektiert, die es nach Literaturangaben Chlamydia trachomatis erst möglich macht, den eigenen Aminosäurestoffwechsel zu betreiben. Insgesamt dürften vom SHARP-Screening noch weitere tiefgreifende Erkenntnisse der bakteriellen Diversität und kausaler Erregerassoziationen in Erkrankungen des lymphatischen Systems zu erwarten sein. / The focus of this study was laid on the analysis of the microbial diversity in inflammatory lymphadenitis of 15 different lymph nodes without prior knowledge of the respective causative organism with help of the SHARP-Screening, a 16S-rRNA-based heterogeneity and phylogenetic analysis. This represents the first study to analyse this problem with the above mentioned SHARP-Screening adapting the method for the utilization of paraffin embedded tissue which consequently allowed the analysis of tissue specimen of which no freezing material was available and which were embedded in routine procedures as well as coloured according to a standard approach. The SHARP-Screening compromises two complementary steps: The first step is the creation of a gene pool of all bacterial genes of the entire DNA extracted from the analysed tissue by the systematic amplification of the 16S-rRNA-gene by means of universal eubacterial primers. The next step after the transformation was the selection of the different phylotypes of the incorporated 16S-rRNA-genes (altogether 400) by analysing the restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). After the sequencing, the 16S-rRNA-genes were identified by comparing them with the known bacterial sequences with help of the “Basic-Local-Alignment-Search-Tool” (BLAST). The SHARP-Screening has proved itself as an adequate method to analyse the entire bacterial flora contained in the tissue sample. In some cases different causative organisms were found in contrast to the expectations which arose from the histological pictures. In this way evidence of gluconacetobacter sacchari could be provided as potential causative agents of a septic granulomatosis, an alternative differential diagnosis to the histologically assumed cat scratch disease. Furthermore, histological pictures of a similar type could be observed with regard to the same identified causative organism. For example, in conjunction with the appearance of edema, necrosis, granulomatosic purulent alterations and a very pronounced sinushistiozytosis in the lymph node tissue, comamonadaceae and accordingly janthinobacteria could consistently be demonstrated. A lot of times not just a single causative organism but a whole spectrum of the lymphadenitis could be identified. Here, however, the existence of the 16S-rRNA cannot be attributed to the existence of vital causative agents. Nevertheless, the frequency of the respective clones allows a semi quantitative assessment of the importance of the corresponding causative agents. Thus the SHARP-Screening proved evidence of homologies to paracoccus yeeii. A species which is often missed with classic methods however can play a pathogenic role. In several cases streptomyces, roseomonas gilardii rosea and stenotrophomonas maltophila, which are often mentioned in literature with regard to immunosuppressed patients, could be demonstrated in connection with the histological suspicion of a malignant tumour. While suspecting a lymphgranuloma venerum, a cyanobacterium species was discovered which according to literature sources enables chlamydia trachomatis to operate the body’s amino acid metabolism. Altogether, the SHARP-Screening is expected to lead to even more profound findings of bacterial diversity and causal causative organism associations with regard to diseases of the lymphatic system.
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Etudes des transitions de phases paraffiniques dans les fluides pétroliers sous pression / Studies of paraffin phase transitions in oil fluid at high pressureVasquez, Edgardo 30 April 2014 (has links)
Les effluents pétroliers contiennent généralement des hydrocarbures lourds en faible quantité. Toutefois dans certains gisements, où les fluides sont stockés à des profondeurs importantes dans des conditions de pression et de température proches des conditions critiques, la proportion de composés lourds peut être significative et donc engendrer des modifications importantes des propriétés thermophysiques de ces fluides, particulièrement sur les équilibres de phases liquide - solide. En effet, suivant la proportion et la nature de la fraction lourde, la température de fusion peut s'élever de façon drastique. Ainsi la présence de composés lourds peut provoquer l'apparition de dépôts solides au sein des équipements d'exploitation ou dans les conduits de transport. La prévention de ces dépôts solides, qui constituent un risque important de détérioration du matériel, passe, en premier lieu, par la détermination précise des conditions d’apparition des premiers cristaux de paraffine au sein des fluides de gisement. Dans cette perspective, cette thèse a pour objectif principal le développement d’une méthode expérimentale d’observation des conditions de formation des cires au sein des huiles brutes ainsi que de leur évolution en fonction des conditions de température et de pression. Pour cela, une technique microscopique couplée à une analyse d’image novatrice est proposée. / Most of petroleum reservoir fluids contain a small amount of heavy hydrocarbons. However, in some deep oil reservoirs, in which fluids are stored under high pressure and high temperature conditions, the light components in supercritical state are able to dissolve a significant amount of high molecular weight components. The heavy components, which are soluble in crude oil under reservoir conditions, may precipitate as a waxy solid phase when temperature decreases below the cloud point. According to the nature and the quantity of heavy components, the wax appearance temperature may be high in some crude oils (higher than the water freezing point). In this case, due to a decrease in temperature or due to a modification of the composition of light components, wax deposition may occur during production or when oil is transported through pipelines across cold areas. Thus, the presence of heavy components in reservoir fluids constitutes a potential risk of plugging process equipment at different stages of exploitation. To prevent and to avoid paraffin deposition in pipelines, it is first required to determine the wax appearance conditions throughout the pressures encountered during production.To this end, the main objective of this thesis is the design and the development of a new experimental technique for determining visually the liquid-solid phase transitions in crude oils. This technique rests on a digital microscopic image analysis to detect the onset of wax precipitation and the evolution of waxy solid as a function of temperature and pressure.
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Processamento por plasma de polímeros para aplicações eletroquímicas. / Plasma processing of polymers for electrochemical applications.Polak, Peter Lubomir 11 November 2010 (has links)
Este estudo tem como objetivo a modificação da superfície de revestimentos poliméricos utilizando plasma, com o intuito de se criar materiais com superfícies resistentes a corrosão química e com baixa energia de superfície. Além disso, durante o trabalho foram estudadas diferentes maneiras de se viabilizar a aplicação em compartimentos de armazenamento e dutos de transporte de petróleo de modo a evitar a corrosão e diminuir a criação de depósitos de parafina e outras substâncias nas paredes dessas estruturas metálicas. Durante o projeto foi constatada a possibilidade de utilização dos processos estudados também em outras aplicações eletroquímicas, como por exemplo, a modificação da superfície de membranas seletivas. Portanto, a idéia geral do trabalho é a criação e modificação de materiais com características específicas para aplicações eletroquímicas, tendo como foco principal a proteção contra a corrosão e geração de filmes poliméricos com funções especiais. Para isso, foram estudadas a fluoração das superfícies de camadas poliméricas utilizando-se de um ambiente reativo de plasma, a deposição de filmes nanoestruturados sobre filmes poliméricos, e a avaliação de aplicações para os filmes desenvolvidos para redução da adsorção química. A partir dos resultados obtidos foi possível criar um revestimento que combina alta aderência à superfície do aço e baixa tensão superficial, devido à criação de uma camada com alta concentração de flúor. Os resultados mostraram-se promissores na modificação de revestimentos comerciais, pois apenas a superfície do revestimento anticorrosivo é alterada, utilizando-se uma quantidade pequena de reagentes e criando uma superfície antiaderente, e consequentemente, diminuindo a taxa de deposição da parafina no revestimento tratado. / The objective of this study is to modify the surface of polymeric coatings using plasma, with the aim of creating materials able to form low energy surface and chemical corrosion resistance. Moreover, in this work, was studied the application of the materials in storage compartments and pipelines transporting oil to check corrosion prevention and the reduction of paraffin deposits and other substances in the walls of these structures. Over the project it was found the possibility to use the studied processes in other electrochemical applications, such as the surface modification of selective membranes. So the general idea of this work is to create and/or modify materials with specific properties for electrochemical applications, focusing mainly on the corrosion protection and in the deposition of polymeric films with special functions. Thus, the fluorination of the polymeric layer surface using a reactive plasma environment, the deposition of nanostructured films on polymer films, and the performance evaluation for the films developed to reduce the chemical adsorption were studied. The results have shown that it is possible to develop a coating that combines high adhesion to steel surfaces and low surface tension, due to the creation of a layer with high concentration of fluorine. The processes were promising for modification of commercially available coatings, as only the surface is changed, only small amounts of reagents are used and an anti-adherent surface is created, which decreases the rate of paraffin deposition on the treated surface.
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Integrated Communications and Thermal Management Systems for Microsystem-based Spacecraft : A Multifunctional Microsystem ApproachKratz, Henrik January 2006 (has links)
<p>This thesis explores the potential of multifunctional silicon-based microsystems for advanced integrated nanospacecraft (AIN). Especially, multifunctional microsystems with the coexistant functions of communications and thermal management implemented in multilayer silicon stacks are approached with systems study. Host vehicles, composed of microsystems, including micro/nano-spacecraft and spherical rovers are contemplated with respect to future performance and implications, system level design, and breadboard realizations. A module of great importance, named the "integrated communications and thermal management system for advanced integrated spacecraft" or ICTM, symbolizes the achievements within the field of self-contained microsystems and is a prioritized entity throughout the thesis. The ICTM is natively placable onboard all types of highly miniaturized craft.</p><p>The single AIN spacecraft and future clusters of these are investigated with respect to future full scale implementation of space systems designed and implemented with the distributed reconfigurable nanospacecraft cluster (DRNC) concept. Here, a true entanglement of microsystems technology (MST) and miniaturized spacecraft technology can revolutionize the applications, cost, and span of conceivable space missions.</p><p>An intended communications scenario supporting a data rate of 1 Mbps, for the transmitter, is achieved during 6 minutes with a maximum continuous power dissipation of 10 W. Thermal simulations support the expectation, of a thermally biased ICTM, that the module is capable of supporting this energy burst, by using the mechanisms of heat storage and heat switches, and still fulfilling the requirements imposed by AIN type of spacecraft. In addition, multiple functional surfaces for the ICTM are evaluated with respect to equilibrium temperature and process compatibility. The tailored surfaces provide temperature control using micromachining methods.</p><p>A design of a micromachined Ka-band front end with several MST enabled features is presented including e.g. vias, phase-shifters, and antennas. Similar antennas have been manufactured resulting in an evaluation of ring- and slot-antennas on silicon substrate. Based on a primitive version of the ICTM, a S-band patch antenna has been successfully implemented and characterized. Included in the thesis is a microthruster, an enabling technology for DRNC.</p>
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