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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Comparative Analysis of the Musical Distortion in Kaikhosru Sorabji’s and Vladimir Horowitz’s Piano Paraphrases Based on Bizet’s Opera Carmen

Kim, Mi-Jin 12 1900 (has links)
This study focuses on a comparative analysis of two piano paraphrases, Pastiche on Habanera from ‘Carmen’ by Kaikhosru Sorabji and Variations on a Theme from Bizet’s ‘Carmen’ by Vladimir Horowitz. These compositions idiomatically distort the original material in a manner that was not explored up to the moment of their respective conception. They expose each composer’s free compositional approach, reflecting musical freedom rooted in the originality of their musical thinking. The aesthetic uniqueness of these two compositions strongly stimulates and justifies academic interest to explore their technical construction, musical differences, and artistic significance. This study proposes to undertake a comparative study of these two compositions, analyzing (1) aspects of the musical character, which are linked with embellishment, or rearrangement of original material, and (2) differences in performance approach based on recorded examples and critical observations by others of the performances of these works by Sorabji and Horowitz.

Analysis of conceptual relations found in corpora and dictionaries for terminological definition writing : an application to the field of sustainable fisheries

Montalvan Ayala, Luz de Maria 07 1900 (has links)
L’objet de notre recherche sont les relations conceptuelles exprimées dans les définitions des dictionnaires et celles exprimées dans un corpus spécialisé. Nous avons pour but d’analyser et comparer ces relations pour identifier les relations les plus communes d’un domaine spécialisé et déterminer où ces relations se trouvent plus fréquemment. Notre approche considère que ces relations se trouvent plus souvent dans les corpus et qu’on pourrait enrichir les définitions terminologiques en incorporant ces relations conceptuelles extraites des textes spécialisés. Le domaine choisi pour cette étude est celui de la pêche durable dont nous analysons la terminologie en anglais. Les termes analysés sont extraits d’un corpus de textes de ce domaine construit pour notre étude et qui comporte des articles scientifiques et des comptes rendus d’organismes spécialisés dans le domaine de la pêche. Pour l’analyse de définitions, trois dictionnaires spécialisés en pêche ont été sélectionnés dans l’étude. L’échantillon final de termes analysés inclut 20 noms (dont 12 termes dénotent des entités et 8 termes dénotent des activités). Ces termes sont les plus spécifiques extraits du corpus avec l’extracteur TermoStat (Drouin, 2003) et définis dans au moins deux des dictionnaires choisis. Les unités lexicales du corpus sont repérées de façon semi-automatique à l’aide de la fonctionnalité word sketch, « an automatic corpus-derived summary of a word’s grammatical and collocational behavior » (Kilgarriff et al., 2010, p. 372) dans la plateforme de gestion de corpus Sketch Engine (Kilgarriff et al., 2014). Nous travaillons avec deux types de word sketches: le word sketch conventionnel fourni par défaut par Sketch Engine et l’EcoLexicon Semantic Sketch Grammar (ESSG; León Araúz & San Martín, 2018). Seules les unités lexicales les plus fréquentes sont sélectionnées de tous les résultats de l’interrogation du corpus. L’analyse des définitions se penche sur toutes les unités lexicales reliées directement au terme analysé. Nous utilisons des paraphrases dans les analyses pour identifier et valider les relations entre le terme analysé et chaque unité reliée. À la suite de l’identification des relations, nous compilons une liste de relations et nous faisons une comparaison entre les résultats du corpus et des définitions. La comparaison des types de relations repérées dans chaque source montre qu’il y a plus de types de relations dans le corpus que dans les définitions pour 70 % de l’échantillon de termes. Lorsque la comparaison examine séparément des termes dénotant des entités et des activités, plus de types de relations se trouvent dans le corpus que dans les définitions pour 83 % des entités et pour 50 % des activités. Les résultats montrent également que 54 % des types de relations repérées sont identifiés pour plus de termes dans le corpus que dans les dictionnaires. Par ailleurs, seulement 16,7 % des relations repérées sont identifiées pour plus de termes dans les dictionnaires que dans le corpus. La recherche a également identifié quels types de relations se trouvent plus souvent dans le corpus, dans le dictionnaire ou dans les deux sources pour le même terme. Ce constat a permis de classifier les types de relations dans trois groupes: les relations qui se trouvent la plupart du temps dans les dictionnaires, celles plus souvent présentes dans le corpus ou celles présentes dans les deux sources. / The object of our study are the conceptual relations expressed in dictionary definitions and those expressed in a specialized corpus. Our goal is to analyze and compare these relations to identify the most common relations of a specialized subject field and determine where these relations are more frequently found. Our approach considers that these relations are more often found in the corpus and that we could enrich terminological definitions if we include the conceptual relations extracted from specialized texts. The subject field chosen for this study is sustainable fisheries from which we analyze the terminology in English. The terms analyzed were extracted from a corpus of texts belonging to this subject field and built for the study. The corpus includes scientific articles and reports issued by specialized organizations in the field of fisheries. For the analysis of definitions, three specialized dictionaries were selected for the study. The final sample of terms analyzed includes 20 nouns (12 terms designating entities and 8 terms designating activities). These terms are the most specific terms extracted from our corpus using the term extractor TermoStat (Drouin, 2003) and defined in at least two of the selected dictionaries. The lexical units from the corpus were extracted semiautomatically using the function word sketch, “an automatic corpus-derived summary of a word’s grammatical and collocational behavior” (Kilgarriff et al., 2010, p. 372) in the corpus management platform Sketch Engine (Kilgarriff et al., 2014). We worked with two types of word sketches: the conventional word sketch provided by default in Sketch Engine and the Ecolexicon Semantic Sketch Grammar (ESSG; León Araúz & San Martín, 2018). Only the most frequent lexical units were selected from all the results of the corpus interrogation. The analysis of definitions included all the related lexical units directly linked to the analyzed term. Paraphrases were used in the analysis to identify and validate the relation between the analyzed terms and the related lexical units. Once all the relations were identified, a list of relation types was compiled, and a comparison was made between results from the corpus and the dictionaries. The comparison of the relation types found in each source shows that there are more relation types in the corpus than in the definitions for 70% of the sample. When the comparison focuses separately on entity and activity terms, more relation types were found in the corpus than in the definitions for 83% of entity terms and 50% of activity terms. Results also show that 54% of the relation types are associated with more terms in the corpus and only 16.7% are associated with more terms in the dictionaries. Additionally, the study identified which relation types are more often found in the corpus, in the dictionaries or in both sources. These findings allowed us to classify the relation types in three scenarios: relation types mostly found in the dictionaries, those more often found in the corpus and the group of relation types which are mostly found in both sources for each term.

Translating Song Lyrics : A Study of the Translation of the Three Musicals by Benny Andersson and Björn Ulvaeus

Åkerström, Johanna January 2010 (has links)
The primary aim of the present study is to gain an understanding of the translation process involved when translating song lyrics by investigating to what extent 10 translation features occur in a corpus of 12 song lyrics from the musicals CHESS, MAMMA MIA! and Kristina från Duvemåla. Comparing the source texts to the translated texts, taking into account: number of words, syllables vs. words, word-for-word translations, additions/omissions, metaphors, rhymes, reorganization of text, paraphrases and last if there were any untranslated English words kept in the Swedish version – led to the conclusion that the translation strategy of using paraphrases (express something written in other words) was the most common translation strategy used when translating song lyrics. In addition, translating song lyrics also requires a translator who is musical, has good association skills, a large vocabulary and is also very good at playing with words. Taking the findings into consideration it could be said that the word 'translation' should be avoided in reference to the act of transferring the song lyrics of a musical in one language into another language. More apt descriptive phrases for this process would probably be 'text arrangement' or 'interpretation'.

Parafrasidentifiering med maskinklassificerad data : utvärdering av olika metoder / Paraphrase identification with computer classified paraphrases : An evaluation of different methods

Johansson, Oskar January 2020 (has links)
Detta arbete undersöker hur språkmodellen BERT och en MaLSTM-arkitektur fungerar att för att identifiera parafraser ur 'Microsoft Paraphrase Research Corpus' (MPRC) om dessa tränats på automatiskt identifierade parafraser ur 'Paraphrase Database' (PPDB). Metoderna ställs mot varandra för att undersöka vilken som presterar bäst och metoden att träna på maskinklassificerad data för att användas på mänskligt klassificerad data utvärderas i förhållande till annan klassificering av samma dataset. Meningsparen som används för att träna modellerna hämtas från de högst rankade parafraserna ur PPDB och genom en genereringsmetod som skapar icke-parafraser ur samma dataset. I resultatet visar sig BERT vara kapabel till att identifiera en del parafraser ur MPRC, medan MaLSTM-arkitekturen inte klarade av detta trots förmåga att särskilja på parafraser och icke-parafraser under träning. Både BERT och MaLSTM presterade sämre på att identifiera parafraser ur MPRC än modeller som till exempel StructBERT, som tränat och utvärderats på samma dataset, presterar. Anledningar till att MaLSTM inte klarar av uppgiften diskuteras och främst lyfts att meningarna från icke-parafraserna ur träningsdatan är för olika varandra i förhållande till hur de ser ut i MPRC. Slutligen diskuteras vikten av att forska vidare på hur man kan använda sig av maskinframtagna parafraser inom parafraseringsrelaterad forskning.


MARIO FEIJO BORGES MONTEIRO 21 June 2006 (has links)
[pt] Para esta tese, a adaptação escolar é a atualização de um discurso literário. Adaptações existem e são necessárias porque toda sociedade é construída por meio de uma rede sofisticada e complexa de discursos; para se manter coesa ou para se reconstruir constantemente uma sociedade precisa saber como atualizá-los. O que nunca é simples, fácil ou livre de conflitos. A função da adaptação dentro do sistema escolar é manter viva a tradição considerada de valor, apresentando a uma nova geração o que se convencionou chamar de cânone literário. Afinal, a tradição só se mantém pela renovação. Revendo a história do livro e do copyright, podemos perceber tanto as origens da adaptação escolar como as razões dos preconceitos contra este gênero específico. Com base em Foucault, Said, Borges e Lobato, esta tese contrapõe a literatura como narrativa à ideologia do texto fixo formulada no século XVIII. O maior desafio do adaptador ao resumir o enredo é escolher onde (ou como) cortar. A narrativa resumida é uma nova narrativa, que tem de ser a mesma (conter o passado, o cânone) e ser outra (estar contida na recepção dos leitores). O adaptador precisa atualizar a linguagem de forma adequada à faixa etária do leitor e respeitar limites impostos pela moral vigente. É preciso conhecer a fundo a obra a ser adaptada, entender porque ela permaneceu e continuou a ser lida, cultuada, sobrevivendo ao implacável teste do tempo. As hipóteses desta tese foram testadas por meio de duas pesquisas de campo realizadas com leitores da sétima série do ensino fundamental a partir de adaptações escritas por Ana Maria Machado e Ruth Rocha. / [en] The present study deals with adaptations of literary classics for adoption by schools. This thesis is based on the premise that every adaptation written for young readers is an actualization of a literary discourse. Adaptations exist and are necessary because every society is built by means of a sophisticated and complex net of discourses (artistic, juridical, scientific, political, religious etc.); and for society to maintain a certain cohesion and to rebuild itself constantly, it must be capable of actualizing them - a task which is by no means simple, easy or free from conflicts. The function of using adaptations in schools is to keep alive and active a tradition which is considered valuable, by presenting to a new generation of readers what has come to be considered as the literary canon. After all, traditions can only be maintained through renewal: a literary discourse which is not actualized through attracting new readers ends up being forgotten and abandoned. By studying the history of the book and of copyright, we can identify both the origins of adaptations written for schools as part of the educational system and the reasons behind certain prejudices against this specific genre. Based on Michel Foucault, Edward Said, Jorge Luis Borges and Monteiro Lobato, this thesis counterposes literature as narrative with the ideology of the fixed text formulated in the 18th century. The greatest challenge for the adaptor in his task of summarizing and rewriting the plot is choosing where (or how) to cut it. A summarized narrative becomes a new narrative, one where a story with a beginning, a middle and an end has to be told. It has to be at the same time the same narrative (containing the past, the canon) and a different one (accessible by the reader s receptive competence). The adaptor needs to adapt the language to the reader s age group as well as to respect the limits imposed by the prevailing moral code. Technique, talent and research are required to achieve this balance. One has to know the work to be adapted extremely well, be able to understand why it has lasted and continues to be read and revered, surviving the test of time. The hypotheses put forward in this thesis were tested in two lots of field work carried out with readers in the seventh grade of secondary education, on adaptations written by Ana Maria Machado and Ruth Rocha.

Produção de sentido em contexto escolar : o atravessamento da ideologia na paráfrase discursiva / Production of meaning in school context : the role of ideology in discursive paraphases

Rocha, Julio César Albuquerque da 04 April 2011 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on how ideology works in the discursive paraphrases and silences appearing in texts produced within the school environment by students from a municipal school located in Maceió, Alagoas, during the implementation of a pedagogic project entitled Reorientation of the Evening School System in 2009. The main aim of this research was to investigate the occurrence of paraphrases and silences in the student s discourse as well as the role played by ideology and its relation with subject, ideological formations, meaning effects and product conditions in these discourses/texts. This study made use of a methodology adopted by Athayde Júnior in which discursive sequences called synthesis enunciations were chosen as a basis for the analysis of paraphrastic families, which we called paraphrastic sequences. The very same discursive sequences were used for the observation of the silence occurring in the students discourse. As a result, we detected the work of ideology in the teacher s pedagogic discourse, as a preacher of this discourse, as well as in the students discourse, as a reproducer of it, through their paraphrastic enunciations and their silences. The corpus of this research is made up eighteen texts produced by 9th grade students. The theoretical foundation was based on the postulations by Michel Pêcheux about Discourse Analysis, on Louis Althusser s theories about the Ideological Devices of the State, as well as on factors regarding the influence of the school and the pedagogic discourse on the students discourse. / Esta dissertação tem como tema central o atravessamento da ideologia na paráfrase discursiva e no silenciamento, como efeito de sentido, em textos produzidos em contexto escolar por alunos de uma escola da rede municipal de Maceió, Alagoas, sobre os temas religião, saúde e segurança, abordados na escola durante a implementação de um projeto intitulado Reorientação do Ensino Noturno , no ano de 2009. O objetivo desta pesquisa é investigar o funcionamento da paráfrase e da política do silêncio no discurso do sujeito-aluno, assim como o papel da ideologia e suas relações com o sujeito, formações ideológicas, efeitos de sentido e condições de produção nesse discurso. Este estudo utilizou-se de uma metodologia adotada por Athayde Júnior (2001) em que se utilizaram sequências discursivas, chamadas de enunciados síntese, como base para as análises das famílias parafrásticas, as quais chamamos de sequências parafrásticas. As mesmas sequências discursivas foram utilizadas para a observação da ocorrência do silenciamento como efeito de sentido. Como resultado, comprovamos o atravessamento da ideologia no discurso pedagógico do professor, enquanto propagador desse discurso, assim como no discurso do aluno, enquanto reprodutor desse discurso, através de seus enunciados parafrásticos e de seus silenciamentos. O corpus desta pesquisa é constituído por dezoito textos produzidos por alunos do 9º ano do ensino fundamental. A fundamentação teórica baseou-se nos postulados de Michel Pêcheux (1988) sobre a Análise do Discurso (AD), e de Louis Althusser sobre os Aparelhos Ideológicos de Estado, além de fatores relacionados com influência da escola e do discurso pedagógico no discurso do aluno.


RAMIREZ-CASTILLA, JAIME January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Méthodes en caractères pour le traitement automatique des langues

Denoual, Etienne 21 September 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Le traitement automatique des langues fondé sur les données a récemment assimilé de nombreuses techniques et perspectives héritées du domaine de la reconnaissance de parole. Parmi celles-ci, les méthodes qui utilisent le mot comme unité de traitement sont difficilement transposables aux systèmes d'écriture sans séparateur orthographique, et ne sont donc pas multilingues.<br />Le présent travail promeut l'utilisation de méthodes travaillant au niveau du signal de l'écrit: le caractère, unité immédiatement accessible dans toute langue informatisée, permet de se passer de segmentation en mots, étape actuellement incontournable pour des langues comme le chinois ou le japonais.<br /><br />Dans un premier temps, nous transposons et appliquons en caractères une méthode bien établie d'évaluation objective de la traduction automatique, BLEU.<br />Les résultats encourageants nous permettent dans un deuxième temps d'aborder d'autres tâches de traitement des données linguistiques. Tout d'abord, le filtrage de la grammaticalité; ensuite, la caractérisation de la similarité et de l'homogénéité des ressources linguistiques. Dans toutes ces tâches, le traitement en caractères obtient des résultats acceptables, et comparables à ceux obtenus en mots.<br />Dans un troisième temps, nous abordons des tâches de production de données linguistiques: le calcul analogique sur les chaines de caractères permet la production de paraphrases aussi bien que la traduction automatique.<br />Ce travail montre qu'on peut construire un système complet de traduction automatique ne nécessitant pas de segmentation, a fortiori pour traiter des langues sans séparateur orthographique.

Žalmové parafráze Jiřího Strejce / Versified Psalter by Jiří Strejc - critical edition

Matějec, Tomáš January 2020 (has links)
The history of European psalm paraphrases begins in late ancient Greek literature. Greek interest in combining poetic content and metre is documented in the paraphrase of Psalm 102 from the 4th century preserved in the Codex visionum and the paraphrase of the whole psalter from the mid-5th century called Metaphrasis psalmorum or "Homeric psalter", both composed in dactylic hexameters. They share some features with early modern paraphrases: use of artistic language, application of christological interpretation, relation to singing, various approaches in terms of the degree of dependence on the biblical text. The Hebrew text of the Psalms shows no signs of the metric arrangement that is characteristic of traditional European poetry. Some Hebrew verses tend to be regularly organized on a tonic basis, but this arrangement is not binding or regular, unlike the standard of traditional European poetry. In the European environment, however, there has been since ancient times a strong conviction that the Hebrew verse is regularly arranged on a quantitative principle, and this belief lasted until the early modern period. Renaissance translations of ancient poetry into vernacular languages use syllabic or accentual-syllabic verse, and the same type of verse is also used in early modern psalm paraphrases when...

"Te Deum laudamus": chant fragments in four organ works by Tournemire, Langlais, Dupré, and Demessieux

Teel, Christopher Brown 28 August 2008 (has links)
Not available / text

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