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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aid project exit strategies: building strong sustainable institutions

Engels, Jeffrey Edward January 2010 (has links)
Foreign aid project exit strategies that contribute to sustainable development have been rarely considered throughout the history of development studies and practice. The philosophical underpinnings of early development were based on economic theories. Over the years initiatives have manifested themselves by investments through international aid projects. As aid projects are donor-driven, most exit strategy planning involves closing down a project without turning it over to another organization to continue implementation. This means that aid benefits end with whatever impact the project has made, leaving ill-equipped local ministries or under-resourced NGOs to meet local development needs and fill the gap of terminated services. The project cycle—a popular development tool used by multinational and bilateral organizations alike—provides a framework to induce development, but makes no accommodation for an exit strategy that perpetuates development. This is a missed opportunity that reveals a flaw in the project cycle. This flaw can be corrected by revising the project cycle implementation stage to include building the capacity of people to perform the functions the project was designed for, as well as a local implementing entity through which they can work. Once accomplished, a sponsor can transfer project activities and resources to the local implementing entity though a phase-over process to extend development post-project for ongoing impact. / The aim of this thesis is to promote a greater understanding of exit strategies and analyze an aspect of project management essential to all foreign aid projects since every project must eventually end its interventions upon completion of its goals or within prescribed financial and time constraints. What are the conditions necessary to complete a foreign aid project phase-over to a local institution successfully? How can in-country local project staff contribute to institution-building before, during, and after a phase-over? What are the appropriate ways to measure the success of a phase-over? / This thesis examines the concept of exit strategy within the context of a case study of the United States Department of Agriculture’s Marketing Assistance Project (USDA-MAP) in Armenia (1995-2005) and the innovative phase-over approach it used to establish the Center for Agribusiness & Rural Development (CARD). To do this, the writings of Levinger & McLeod (2002), Gardner et al. (2005), and Esman (1972) are drawn upon to analyze this case. The actions taken by the USDA illustrate how an emphasis on internal local project staff, over external technical interventions, furthers development. The USDA’s exit strategy incorporated collective participation, empowered local stakeholders, promoted development ownership through localization, and built individual and institutional capacity. The resulting organization that was created is evidence of a successful phase-over and an innovative institution. This phase-over model offers a paradigm that embraces and promotes social/human assets within aid projects for sustainable development, and in so doing has ramifications for policy makers, project designers, and development practitioners to rethink conventional development practices.

Négocier la domination autoritaire au Soudan : développement participatif et dynamiques de pouvoir dans la province du Nord Kordofan

Mahé, Anne-Laure 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Facilitation of an empowering income generating project with unemployed women

Mafoyane, Motabo Mamorwa Elizabeth 01 1900 (has links)
Social Work / M.A. Social Science (Mental Health)

The efficacy of participatory strategic planning approaches to organisation building: process, problems and prospects

Mulwa, Francis Wambua 11 1900 (has links)
The study has established that modernisation development paradigm is currently governing the contemporary world of conventional development. Globalisation is the tool currently in use for modernisation, drummed up by the North, largely targeting the resources of the Southern hemisphere, through Structural Adjustment Programmes. Social welfare development interventions have been devised to provide safety-net for the poor, social casualities of modernisation process. The short cut has been to bail them out through relief handouts. Participatory development concept, is built on the belief that the world had the means to improve the situation of the poor through fair redistribution of wealth, technology, knowledge, and ideas accruing from modernisation. But this calls for the political will to address the issue of inequality, power imbalance and social injustice as a primary goal. Achieving economic growth and ensuring equitable distribution should, of necessity, be compatible. Participatory development approach is to be preferred as it is accommodative, open and creative, drawing heavily from life experiences of those involved. It also puts people at the centre of development process. It is a paradigm that seeks to empower people to assume full responsibility for their own development including the consequences of their decisions and actions. It has been established that management boards and staff are the main prime movers of strategic planning activities in an organisation. Strategic planning was appreciated by the organisational staff as an opportunity to converge their views and towards influencing organisational policy, a precious window of opportunity for them to participate in causing organisational change. Notably, donor partners generally played a minimal role in this regard. Ironically, community constituency played the least role in the planning activities owing to their often marginal disposition among stakeholders. The most satisfactory outcome of participatory strategic planning was the clarity in the future direction of an organisations and more refined planning with sense of collective responsibility. It can authoritatively be declared here that participatory strategic planning is significantly efficacious as a tool for organisation building, but under certain conditions discussed in the concluding Chapter of the thesis. / Development Studies / D. Litt et Phil. (Development Studies)

The influence of participatory development on the communication patterns of the parachute packing section of the SANDF

Govender, Saravani January 2000 (has links)
The study was undertaken to ascertain whether participatory development (PD and) by implication, the Person Centred Approach (PCA) had an impact on change in the communication patterns in the parachute packing section in the SANDF. The study was conducted in a military setting where hierarchical authoritarian structures exist. PCA and PD are used as theoretical frameworks for the study which resulted in changes in the communication patterns at the section. Change occured at two levels viz: Changes in communication amongst the participants which led to teamwork, cooperation and the avoidance of conflict. Changes in communication between management (the Officer Commanding) and the parachute packing section which lead to regular contact with the participants to address their problems. The study further highlighted the importance of learning from the community in order to avoid misinterpretation which could lead to conflict and dissatisfaction / M. A. (Social Science (Mental Health))

Tieto- ja viestintätekniikan soveltamiseen perustuvat toimintaprosessien uudistukset terveydenhuollossa:sosio-teknis-taloudellinen näkökulma

Juntunen, K. (Kaisu) 27 November 2012 (has links)
Abstract The subject of the present study is the changes to the operation processes of organisations in the field of health care that are based on the application of information and communication technology (ICT). The purpose of this dissertation is to supplement the present discussion in information system study’ research forums with regard to the role of ICT as an enabler of change in the health care work processes. The starting point for the study was to inquire about the qualitative and, to some extent, financial impact of operational changes by means of a socio-technical-economic process study. Using qualitative as well as statistical indicators, changes were mainly investigated from the perspective of health care professionals, but in part from that of customers. The cases described were used as a basis for discovering a new operational model for performing organisational tasks. By comparing the cases, the intention was to synthesise those similarities and differences that can be used when constructing a new framework. The present study makes a contribution by broadening, deepening and synthesising the understanding of health care processes in the process of a reflective description of individual cases. Services are produced through interactions between the service production process and end user process, and in this, the end user plays an important role. The purpose of process descriptions and analyses in coordination with health service professionals is to proactively develop services and support rational decision-making. The models and methods created as a result of this process can be seen to have a potential financial impact by lowering health service costs as well as an enhancing the effect of on-the-job satisfaction among health care professionals as they are enabled to plan their own work processes. Due to the rapid changes in the infrastructure, societal structures and the age of the population in Finland, the future holds great challenges for decision-makers in the field of health care. From the perspective of securing the resources for adequate, balanced and high-quality health services, investments in information technology seem lucrative. However, in order to avoid a productivity paradox, it must be noted that, in addition to new information technology, a gradual change in working habits, attitudes and sometimes even organisational culture is needed. In addition, it must be remembered that new technology does not erase these aspects of health care work – unless we want it to do so – but rather provides new forms and tools. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimukseni aiheena oli tieto- ja viestintätekniikan (ICT) soveltamiseen perustuvat organisaatioiden toimintaprosessien uudistukset terveydenhuollossa. Väitöskirjassani halusin osaltani täydentää keskustelua, jota tietojärjestelmätieteiden tutkimusfoorumeilla on käyty ICT:n roolista terveydenhuollon työprosessien muutosten mahdollistajana. Tutkimukseni lähtökohtana oli sosioteknisen prosessitutkimuksen keinoin selvittää toimintauudistusten laadullista ja osin taloudellistakin vaikuttavuutta. Muutoksia arvioitiin pääasiassa henkilöstön, mutta myös osin asiakkaiden lähtökohdista, lähinnä laadullisten, mutta myös tilastollisten mittareiden avulla. Kuvaamieni tapausten lähtökohtana on ollut löytää uusi toimintamalli organisaation tehtävien suorittamiseksi. Vertaamalla tutkittavia tapauksia keskenään olen pyrkinyt syntetisoimaan ne yhteneväisyydet ja eroavaisuudet, joiden avulla on mahdollista rakentaa uusi viitekehys. Tutkimukseni kontribuoi sen ymmärryksen kautta, joka tapauskohtaisesti, reflektiivisesti muutoksia kuvaillen, tutkimuksen kuluessa avautuu, syventyy ja syntetisoituu. Palvelut tuotetaan palveluntuotantoprosessin ja käyttäjän prosessin vuorovaikutuksessa, ja siinä käyttäjän roolilla on merkittävä osuus. Prosessien kuvaamisella ja analysoinnilla yhdessä henkilökunnan kanssa on ollut tarkoituksena pyrkiä palveluiden proaktiiviseen kehittämiseen ja rationaalisten päätösten tukemiseen. Syntyneillä malleilla ja menetelmillä voidaankin katsoa olevan paitsi potentiaalinen taloudellinen merkitys terveydenhuollon palveluiden kustannusten alentamiseksi, myös vaikutusta henkilöstön työtyytyväisyyteen sen osallistuessaan oman työnsä suunniteluun. Infrastruktuurin, yhteiskuntarakenteiden samoin kuin väestömme ikärakenteen nopea muutos ja samalla kroonisten sairauksien lisääntyminen asettavat terveydenhuollon päättäjille tulevaisuudessa suuria haasteita. Riittävän, tasapuolisen ja laadukkaan hoidon resurssien turvaamiseksi investoinnit tietotekniikkaan kuulostavat houkuttelevilta. Jotta tuottavuusparadoksilta vältyttäisiin, on kuitenkin huomioitava, että uuden tietotekniikan lisäksi tarvitaan myös työtapojen, asenteiden, joskus jopa organisaatiokulttuurinkin asteittaista muutosta. On myös syytä muistaa, että uusi tekniikka antaessaan edellä mainituille ilmiöille uusia ilmenemismuotoja ja välineitä, ei kuitenkaan hävitä niitä, ellemme itse sitä halua.

The application of the person-centered approach in dealing with power issues in community: a case study

Phiri, Cynthia Matieho 29 February 2008 (has links)
This dissertation describes the participatory development process which was facilitated among the parents of children attending Themeli Nursery and Pre-school in the community of Ramaphosa, an informal settlement near Reiger Park, Boksburg (Gauteng-South Africa). The focus of this study was empowerment of men and women alike. In the course of the process, the researcher discovered how the men and women in question were empowered by the participatory development process which enabled them to start a Stokvel, the aim of which was to help augment the members' financial resources so as to sustain payment of their children's day care fees and to also enhance corporately the spirit of ubuntu among themselves as local community members. / SOCIAL WORK / Thesis (M.A. (SS--Mental Health)

Some issues affecting participation of the poor in development projects in Inkosikazi communal lands in Zimbabwe

Khanye, Bhekimpilo 30 June 2005 (has links)
This study investigates some of the issues affecting participation of the poor in two development projects in Inkosikazi communal lands in Zimbabwe. Recent trends in participatory development are reviewed and discussed in the study. Some definitions of the concept of participation are explored, including its historical background, importance and challenges. Fieldwork was undertaken in Inkosikazi communal lands in July 2004. Two projects were randomly sampled, and in one of them involving goat-rearing, some of the participants were classified as being very poor, while in the other, a heifer loan-scheme project, none of the participants could be classified as very poor. The possible reasons for these variations are explored in the study. The conclusion of the thesis is that the study succeeds in examining certain key issues affecting participation of the poor in Inkosikazi communal lands in Zimbabwe and recommendations thereof are made. / Development Studies / M.A. (Development Studies)

An evaluation of community development projects implemented by the Church of the Nazarene in Orlando East

Maphosa, Stanley 03 1900 (has links)
As the church focuses on people’s spiritual development, there is growing realisation that the church should be holistic in its approach and participate in resolving urban poverty issues through the implementation of community development projects. This study looks at the way in which traditional theories of community development concentrated on stimulating economic growth and ignored the social aspects involved. It suggests that despite the massive injection of donor funds to some communities, the situation of the poor has deteriorated over the years and sustainability of projects has been minimal. The study finds that projects implemented by the Church of the Nazarene in Orlando East, while improving the lives of the community, are not in line with community development principles and the sustainable livelihoods approach primarily because the community was not involved in the assessment of needs or designing of interventions, and the community members were only the implementers. The evaluation of these projects through this study suggests an alternative developmental paradigm that has been used with success in other similar circumstances – the sustainable livelihood approach (SLA). The SLA contends that urban communities should become planners, initiators and executors of community development interventions so that transformation can occur. The study recommends that urban communities such as that in Orlando East have to change their behaviour and attitudes, be willing to accept change, and take ownership of their own projects. The facilitators, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and government have to be willing to unlearn their traditional ways, to listen, and to accept that they are not the only experts in community development as they attempt to embrace indigenous knowledge systems. / Development Studies / M.A. (Development Studies)

The application of the person-centered approach in dealing with power issues in community: a case study

Phiri, Cynthia Matieho 29 February 2008 (has links)
This dissertation describes the participatory development process which was facilitated among the parents of children attending Themeli Nursery and Pre-school in the community of Ramaphosa, an informal settlement near Reiger Park, Boksburg (Gauteng-South Africa). The focus of this study was empowerment of men and women alike. In the course of the process, the researcher discovered how the men and women in question were empowered by the participatory development process which enabled them to start a Stokvel, the aim of which was to help augment the members' financial resources so as to sustain payment of their children's day care fees and to also enhance corporately the spirit of ubuntu among themselves as local community members. / SOCIAL WORK / Thesis (M.A. (SS--Mental Health)

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