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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gustafsson, Markus January 2007 (has links)
<p>The purpose with this report is to make a contribution to Bodycote heat treatments workshop in Värnamo, how to introduce, establish and constantly improve its environmental system. The rapport will help Bodycote with there certifying in ISO 14001: s demand standard. Organizations who continuously work with environmental issues have a lot to gain. Two things an active environmental development process will convey are, building of thrust within the circle of customers, and great financial savings. An increasingly numbers of organizations realize the importance to introduce a functioning environmental system into their activity. The investment in a functional environmental system normally has a pay back time in just a few years.</p><p>A perusal was carried out of the current documents and routines in the environmental system of the workshop. This perusal has later been presented through comments and by proposals to improvements. The result of the perusal showed that there are certain areas of the environmental system that not are properly fulfilled by the standard demands. For example the guaranteed concern for the important environmental aspects, when the system is established, introduced and supported. The problem is rooted in the lack of information documented by the organization. There shall be a list documented over the most important environmental aspects.</p><p>Other important demands that the standard proclaim, is the comprehensive and the detailed environmental goals. These goals are not established, introduced or supported. Each environmental goal shall have an achievement plan, plans that are yet not active or documented. According to the demands in standard, the workshop shall guarantee that the measurement of environmental performance is performed in a proper way. A routine on these demands was not found during the perusal.</p><p>The conclusion of the perusal is that the most of the criteria’s in the standard is fulfilled by Värnamo workshop. To succeed with the certifying, the workshop shall especially look at demands concerning the important environmental aspects, the comprehensive and the detailed environmental goals. These demands are vital through out the whole environmental system. However, the other demands that are not fulfilled are also important.</p> / <p>Syftet med denna rapport är att bidra till att Bodycote Värmebehandlings AB:s verkstad i Värnamo skall klara av att införa, upprätta och ständigt förbättra sitt miljöledningssystem för att senare klara av en framtida certifiering inom ISO 14001:s kravstandard. Organisationer som arbetar kontinuerligt med miljöfrågor har mycket att vinna. Tre saker ett aktivt miljöarbete ofta medför är att organisationen bygger upp ett förtroende hos sin kundkrets samt att man effektiviserar och minskar kostnaderna inom organisationen. Fler och fler organisationer inser vikten av att införa ett fungerande miljöledningssystem i sina verksamheter. Investeringen i ett fungerande miljöledningssystem brukar redan ha betalat tillbaka sig självt efter bara några år.</p><p>En granskning genomfördes av Värnamoverkstadens dokument och rutiner i det nuvarande miljöledningssystemet, denna granskning har sedan redovisats genom kommentarer och förslag till förbättringar. Resultatet av granskningen visade att det finns vissa områden i miljöledningssystemet som inte helt uppfyller standardens krav. Som exempel, säkerställandet av hänsynen till de betydande miljöaspekterna, där miljöledningssystemet upprättande, införsel och underhållning inte har uppfyllts. En lista över de betydande miljöaspekterna skall finnas dokumenterad.</p><p>Andra viktiga krav som standarden ställer är krav om övergripande och detaljerade miljömål. Dessa krav är inte fastställda, införda och underhållna. Till miljömålen skall det även finnas handlingsplaner, vilket inte finns dokumenterat. Verkstaden skall enligt kraven från standarden säkerställa att mätning av miljöprestanda sker på ett riktigt sätt. En rutin över detta krav hittades inte under granskningen.</p><p>Slutsatsen av granskningen är att de flesta krav som standarden ställer på Värnamoverkstadens miljöledningssystem är uppfyllda. För att lyckas med en certifiering skall verkstaden speciellt titta över kraven som rör de betydande miljöaspekterna och de övergripande och detaljerade miljömålen, eftersom dessa är så vitala genom hela miljöledningssystemet. Dock får inte de andra kraven som inte är uppfyllda ställas åt sidan.</p>

Lean production ve společnosti Avon Automotive a.s. / Lean production at Avon Automotive company

Dvořáková, Veronika January 2016 (has links)
The submitted diploma thesis provides a detailed description of lean production in Avon Automotive Inc., Rudník. The essential aim was to demonstrate this method on workplace redesign via gradual production improvement. At First, specific terms are properly explained in a theoretic way. Lean production is fully clarified too. The author also mentioned methods which are bound to be adopted. Amongst the major Japanese methods are 5S, Kaizen, Kanban, and Ongoing improvement. It is history of the company, its current conditions, customers and competitors which are carefully looked into in the next part. Economic issue is then tackled with the focus on the last 6 years of the company economic development. Approval process, current company project conditions as well as production and logistics procedures descriptions are also provided within the thesis. The author eventually put emphasis on defying lean production with close attention to employees' training in which the author herself participated, and then gradual improvement phase is clearly marked in three steps. The diploma thesis includes SWOT analysis of the entire project. The author evaluates strong and weak sides of the company, its threats and opportunities. The thesis finally suggests that each job position should be maintained. It is all discovered facts of the whole project which are conveniently summarized at the end.

Avaliação da aplicação dos métodos de análise e solução de problemas em uma empresa metal-mecânica

Terner, Gilberto Luís Kupper January 2008 (has links)
O tema desta dissertação consiste da aplicação de diversos métodos e sistemáticas de análise e solução de problemas, abordados no cenário da indústria metal-mecânica. O objetivo principal deste trabalho é investigar e comparar a utilização dos métodos de análise e solução de problemas aplicados no chão de fábrica de uma empresa do setor automotivo com os modelos teóricos. As análises foram realizadas comparando os modelos teóricos com os aplicados na empresa, resultando desta análise as proposições e conclusões. Complementando o objetivo principal, também foram analisados fatores organizacionais necessários ao trabalho em equipe, como a própria formação das equipes e as questões referentes à aprendizagem organizacional. Os resultados obtidos confirmam outros estudos sobre o assunto, mostrando uma lacuna entre os modelos teóricos e sua aplicação eficaz. São sugeridas propostas de melhorias para minimizar esta lacuna. / The subject of this work is the aplication of the diverse methods of problem solving, in the scene of the metal-mechanics industry. The main purpose of this work is to investigate and to compare the use of the methods of problem solving applied on the shop floor of a factory of auto parts with the theoretical models. The analyzes were carried through comparing the theoretical models with those applied in the company, resulting of this analysis proposals and conclusions. Complementing the main objective, necessary organizacionais factors to the work in team were also analyzed, as the proper formation of the teams and the referring questions to the organizacional learning. The results obtained confirm other studies on the subject, showing a gap between the theoretical models and its efficient application. Proposals of improvements are suggested to minimize this gap.

Avaliação da aplicação dos métodos de análise e solução de problemas em uma empresa metal-mecânica

Terner, Gilberto Luís Kupper January 2008 (has links)
O tema desta dissertação consiste da aplicação de diversos métodos e sistemáticas de análise e solução de problemas, abordados no cenário da indústria metal-mecânica. O objetivo principal deste trabalho é investigar e comparar a utilização dos métodos de análise e solução de problemas aplicados no chão de fábrica de uma empresa do setor automotivo com os modelos teóricos. As análises foram realizadas comparando os modelos teóricos com os aplicados na empresa, resultando desta análise as proposições e conclusões. Complementando o objetivo principal, também foram analisados fatores organizacionais necessários ao trabalho em equipe, como a própria formação das equipes e as questões referentes à aprendizagem organizacional. Os resultados obtidos confirmam outros estudos sobre o assunto, mostrando uma lacuna entre os modelos teóricos e sua aplicação eficaz. São sugeridas propostas de melhorias para minimizar esta lacuna. / The subject of this work is the aplication of the diverse methods of problem solving, in the scene of the metal-mechanics industry. The main purpose of this work is to investigate and to compare the use of the methods of problem solving applied on the shop floor of a factory of auto parts with the theoretical models. The analyzes were carried through comparing the theoretical models with those applied in the company, resulting of this analysis proposals and conclusions. Complementing the main objective, necessary organizacionais factors to the work in team were also analyzed, as the proper formation of the teams and the referring questions to the organizacional learning. The results obtained confirm other studies on the subject, showing a gap between the theoretical models and its efficient application. Proposals of improvements are suggested to minimize this gap.

Aplicação do orçamento matricial para redução de custos de terceirização em uma empresa

Angelo dos Reis Magalhães 30 January 2009 (has links)
The present study has as objective, to study the implantation of the methodology of matricial budget for reduction of the costs of outsourcing in a multinational company of the glass sector, as alternative of the traditional budget based in historical analyses and trends. The modality of used research was to the research-action, justified for the participation accomplishes of the author during all process of implantation. To subsidize this study, research in books, monographs, articles, sites of the Internet and some documents had been made and management reports of the studied company. The methodology applied in the matricial budget is developed through the PDCA cycle, and the results also presented had followed the cited flow, amongst some projects developed in the company, from the matricial budget, for otimization of the fixed expenses, in this study the target was the contract analysis of outsourcing, for being always a current subject in the enterprise way. Through the study it was verified among others characteristic, reduction accomplishes of the expenses with outsourcing, a deep analysis in the origin and necessities of the expenses and a significant increase in synergy between the areas and different levels hierarchic. It is concluded viability of the use of the methodology of matricial budget for reduction of the fixed costs of manufacture, as alternative to the others budget techniques. The outsourcing of the company also contributed significantly for otimization of the costs and became a reference of practical inside of the group, which the company is inserted. / A presente dissertação tem como objetivo aplicar a metodologia de orçamento matricial para redução dos custos de terceirização em uma empresa multinacional do setor vidreiro, como alternativa do orçamento tradicional baseado em análises históricas e tendências. A modalidade de pesquisa utilizada foi a pesquisa-ação, justificada pela participação efetiva do autor durante todo processo em estudo. Para subsidiar essa dissertação foram feitas pesquisas em livros, dissertações, teses, monografias, artigos, sites da internet, vários documentos e relatórios gerenciais da empresa estudada. A metodologia aplicada no orçamento matricial é desenvolvida através do ciclo de PDCA e os resultados apresentados também seguiram o referido fluxo, dentre vários projetos desenvolvidos na empresa, à partir do orçamento matricial para otimização dos gastos fixos. Focou-se nesta dissertação a análise de contratos de terceiros por ser sempre um assunto atual no meio empresarial. Através do estudo, verificou-se entre outras características redução efetiva dos gastos com terceirização, uma profunda análise na origem e necessidades dos gastos e um aumento significativo na sinergia entre as áreas e diferentes níveis hierárquicos. Conclui-se pela viabilidade da utilização da metodologia de orçamento matricial para redução dos custos fixos de fabricação como alternativa à outras técnicas de orçamento, obtendo-se uma economia de 9,72% em 2008. A desterceirização da empresa também contribuiu significativamente para otimização dos custos com aproximadamente R$ 1.300.000,00/ano e tornou-se uma referência de boas práticas dentro do grupo na qual a empresa está inserida.

Utilização da ferramenta PDCA e o seu potencial de aplicação no setor aeroespacial / Use of PDCA tool and its potential aplication in the aerospace sector

Antonio Carlos Ribeiro da Silva 18 December 2009 (has links)
Uma organização é detentora do domínio tecnológico sobre seus processos, quando possui um sistema estabelecido e que garanta aos clientes e fornecedores o que está sendo executado pelos seus funcionários corresponde ao que está documentado pelo sistema da qualidade. Um resultado desejado por uma organização é alcançado mais eficientemente, quando as atividades e os recursos relacionados são gerenciados como um processo. Neste contexto, a ferramenta PDCA é um ciclo dinâmico que pode ser desdobrado dentro de cada processo da organização e está intimamente associado com o planejamento, implementação, controle e melhoria contínua desses processos. Nesse sentido, o objetivo principal deste trabalho foi avaliar organizações do setor aeroespacial que tenham um sistema da qualidade certificado baseado na norma NBR 15100:2004, quanto ao potencial destas organizações na análise e solução de problemas, no tratamento de não-conformidades e na identificação das causas destas não-conformidades. A análise inclui, também, além da verificação dos requisitos exigidos pela norma, aspectos relacionados à cultura da qualidade de cada organização na gestão para alcançar metas, e as ferramentas da qualidade utilizadas para melhoria continua, a fim de eliminar e/ou minimizar fatores que poderiam comprometer o sucesso no alcance destas metas. Para o desenvolvimento do trabalho, o procedimento adotado foi o estudo de casos, que permitiu captar, a partir da perspectiva dos entrevistados e observações das práticas das empresas avaliadas, vários aspectos com relação ao tema da dissertação. Foram avaliadas três empresas (Metinjo, Utec e Sankar), todas com sistemas de gestão da qualidade (SGQ) certificadas na norma NBR 15100:2004, visto que essa norma orienta o uso do PDCA como um processo de melhoria contínua no desempenho do processo por meio de indicadores já implementados e monitorados. Os resultados comprovam que a ferramenta PDCA, é um método importante para o suporte ao processo de melhoria continua e na análise e solução de problemas. / An organization is holding the field of technology on their processes, when they have an established system and assure customers and suppliers which are being run by its employees match what is documented by the quality system. A desired outcome for an organization is achieved more efficiently when activities and related resources are managed as a process. In this context, the PDCA tool is a dynamic cycle that can be deployed in each process of the organization and is closely associated with the planning, implementation, monitoring and continuous improvement of these processes. In this sense, the main objective of this study was aerospace organizations that have a certified quality system based on NBR 15100:2004, about the potential of these organizations in analyzing and solving problems in the treatment of noncompliance and to identify the causes of non-conformities. The analysis also includes, besides the requirements of the rule, issues related to quality culture of each organizations management to achieve goals, and quality tools used for continuous improvement in order to eliminate or minimize factors that could jeopardize the success in achieving these goals. The development of this work, the procedure adopted was the case study that captures, from the perspective of respondents and observations of the practices of companies surveyed, various aspects pertaining to the dissertation. We evaluated three companies (Metinjo, Utec and Sankar), all with quality management systems (QMS) certified in NBR 15100:2004, since this rule guides the use of PDCA as a process of continuous improvement in process performance through indicators already implemented and monitored. The results show that the PDCA tool is an important method to support the process of continuous improvement and the analysis and solution of problems.

Organizational Alignment : Perceptions, Processes and Strategy

Johannesson, Per January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of the study and following thesis is to investigate how employees in a R&amp;D department perceive the product development process. Review of present process documentation aims at identifying potential discrepancies between the process as it is designed and the way it´s used. The company is operating in a regulatory environment and have recently merged with another company. The company is aligning different processes and work teams. The result indicates that the organization will benefit from working with processes with an inclusive approach, i.e. involve employees working in the process. The process studied is a global process i.e. the process is used at multiple sites. This presents challenges for local adaptations. By actively involving employees a common understanding of the challenges can be achieved which will increase engagement and commitment. The organization will also benefit by looking at the organization from a process perspective. Aligning process goals with departmental goals can be achieved by developing processand department strategies based on overall organizational objectives and the organizational context. The underlying principles for the study are the foundations of TQM. Relevant tools, such as the improvement wheel (PDCA) and GAP-analysis, that can be used for business improvements are presented.

Systém řízení bezpečnosti informací společnosti BluePool s.r.o. / Information Security Management System in the company BluePool s.r.o.

Menčík, Jan January 2017 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the topics Information Security Management by the group of ISO/IEC 27000 norms and implementation of the Information Security Management System (ISMS) in one particular company. The theoretical part describes the group of norms ISO/IEC 27000 and the legislation and institutions related to these norms. Then the theoretical framework of a risk analysis is introduced. The benefits and possible obstacles when implementing the ISMS in an organization with emphasis on small businesses is described at the end of the theoretical part. The practical part includes a complex risk analysis and measures to be taken for the revealed risks. Furthermore, it involves the settings of the information security internal rules in the company Bluepool s.r.o. with regard to the risk management and information security policy. The conclusion of this part puts forward a proposal of the process and examples of implementation, time schedule and budget for implementation of adopted measures.

Model CAF ve vybrané organizaci veřejné správy. / Model CAF in chosen organization of public administration

Zeman, David January 2015 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is to implement model CAF in the chosen municipality and to compare current results with results of the implementation of model CAF 2009. Theoretical-methodological part of thesis was devoted to definition of theoretical base in public administration, quality in public administration and quality management tools. There are significant documents in the theoretical part like The Common Assessment Framework 2013 manual and its adapted manual focused on the office of public administration made in 2014. Practical part is focused on application of model CAF in Tábor public administration. During the processing of practical part there were analyzed documents provided by Tábor municipality. There was created a evaluating report according to criteria and subcriteria of the model based on these documents. At the end of the practical part there was made SWOT analysis for each criterion. The aim of the evaluation (with the help of a self-assessment model) was to identify areas with a space for improvement and its strengths.

Analys av interna avvikelser i ett världsledande företag / Analysis of internal deviations in a world-leading company

Friberg, Jakob, Stark, Wilhelm January 2020 (has links)
Följande studies syfte är att undersöka och analysera verksamhetens interna avvikelser. I studien presenteras även en nulägesbeskrivning samt utförliga och handkraftiga åtgärdsförslag med målet att förbättra verksamhetens arbetssätt kring avvikelsehantering. Detta för att avvikelser medför stora kostnader så som onödiga transporter, omarbetning och kassationer något som kan minimeras och ständigt ska arbetas med för att sträva emot perfektion. Studien är genomförd som en fallstudie där historiska data har analyserats och intervjuer inom verksamheten har genomförts. Den slutliga empirin som införskaffats tillsammans med studiens teoretiska del har utgjort studiens följande analys, åtgärdsförslag och diskussion. Följande frågeställningar formulerades för att svara på studiens syfte: [1] Vad är företagets nuvarande arbetssätt? [2] Vilka brister och problem kan identifieras? [3] Vilka åtgärder kan användas för att hantera de identifierade brister och problem? Studiens resultat visar att det finns skillnader på hur de olika avdelningarna på företaget ser och arbetar med avvikelsehanteringsprocessen. Man har också olika avdelningsinterna metoder och arbetssätt för att hantera avvikelser. Studien visar också vilka avvikelser som är störst till antalet samt ekonomiskt, och i vilken ordning dessa ska prioriteras. Åtgärdsförslag är framtagna för att få ett gemensamt arbetssätt, ge metoder att arbeta med förbättringsarbete samt åtgärdersförslag för de största avvikelserna. Förbättringsförslag studien har resulterat i innefattar struktur och förbättrad kommunikation i verksamhetens arbetssätt, samt konkreta metoder och förslag för avvikelsehantering där även en framtagen inrapporteringsmetod presenteras. / The purpose of the following study is to investigate and analyse the company's internal deviations. The study also presents a present-day status analysis as well as detailed and robust action proposals with the aim of improving deviation management methods. This is because deviations entail large costs such as unnecessary transport, rework and discarding, something that can be minimized and should constantly be worked with to strive for perfection. The study is conducted as a case study where historical data has been analysed and interviews within the business have been conducted. The final empiricism obtained together with the theoretical part of the study constituted the study's following analysis, proposed measures and discussion. The following questions were formulated to answer the purpose of the study: [1] What is the company's current way of working? [2] What deficiencies and problems can be identified? [3] What measures can be used to deal with the identified deficiencies and problems? The study's results show that there are differences in how the different departments within the company see and work with the deviation management process. You also have different departmental manners and methods for dealing with deviations. The study also shows which deviations are greatest in terms of numbers, economics and in what order they should be prioritized. Proposals for measures have been developed to obtain a common working method, methods for working with continues improvement work and proposals for actions for the biggest deviations. Proposals for measures have been developed to obtain a common working method, to provide methods for working with improvement work and to propose measures for the major deviations. Improvement Suggestions the study has resulted in includes structure and improved communication for the operation's processes. As well as concrete methods and proposals for deviation management where a developed reporting method is also presented.

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