Spelling suggestions: "subject:"peak"" "subject:"pea""
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Effet de la végétation sur la variabilité de la profondeur de dégel à petite échelle dans un paysage de tourbières en forêt boréale dans les Territoires du Nord-OuestHiggins, Kellina Leslie 08 1900 (has links)
Afin de mieux comprendre les effets des changements climatiques sur le pergélisol, il s’avère essentiel d’obtenir une meilleure connaissance des facteurs physiques et biologiques l’influençant. Même si plusieurs études font référence à l’influence de la végétation sur le pergélisol à grande échelle, l’effet de la végétation sur la profondeur du front de dégel du pergélisol à l’échelle de mètres, tel qu’exploré ici, est peu connu. L’étude s’est effectuée dans une forêt boréale tourbeuse dans la zone à pergélisol discontinu au sud des Territoires du Nord-Ouest (N61°18’, O121°18’). Nous avons comparé la profondeur de dégel aux mesures du couvert végétal suivantes : densité arborescente, couvert arbustif, indice de surface foliaire et présence de cryptogames (lichens et bryophytes). Nous avons trouvé qu’une plus grande densité arborescente menait à une moins grande profondeur de dégel tandis que le couvert arbustif (<50cm de hauteur) n’avait aucune influence. De plus, la profondeur de dégel dépendait de l’espèce des cryptogames et des microformes. Cette recherche quantifie l’influence de la végétation par strate sur la dégradation du pergélisol. Ultimement, les résultats pourront être pris en considération dans la mise en place des modèles, afin de valider les paramètres concernant la végétation, la dégradation du pergélisol et le flux du carbone. / In order to better understand the impacts of climate change on permafrost degradation, it is important to understand the influence of abiotic and biotic factors on permafrost dynamics. While studies allude to the effect of broad vegetation groups on permafrost dynamics at landscape-scale, the role vegetation plays in affecting the spatial variability of active-layer development on the scale of metres, as explored here, is largely unknown. The study was carried out in a boreal forest-peatland landscape in the discontinuous permafrost zone in the southern Northwest Territories (N61°18’, W121°18’). We examined the influence of the following vegetation characteristics on the spatial variability of thaw depth: tree density, shrub cover, leaf area index, and cryptogam presence (lichen and bryophyte). We found that greater tree density was associated with shallower thaw depths while shrub cover (<50cm height) had a negligible influence. Furthermore, thaw depth depended on the cryptogam species cover and microform. This research quantifies the impact of vegetation by strata on thaw depth and may ultimately serve to refine vegetation parameters in ecosystem models and land surface schemes as part of climate models.
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Reconstruction of fire and forest history on several investigation sites in Germany, based on long and short-term investigations - Multiproxy approaches contributing to naturalness assessment on a local scale / Reconstruction de l'histoire des feux et de la dynamique forestière d'un ensemble de sites d'étude en Allemagne, basée sur de longues et courtes échelles temporelles. Evaluation de la naturalité à l'échelle locale pour une approche pluridisciplinaireRobin, Vincent 04 November 2011 (has links)
Sur la base de constats globaux concernant l’importance d’appliquer des modes de gestion durable des zones forestières et le manque d’investigation concernant l’histoire passée des feux en Europe centrale, il a été entrepris de reconstruire l’histoire des événements de feux et de la dynamique forestière pour des sites d’étude en Allemagne. L’ensemble des données obtenues et analysées ont été utilisées pour l’évaluation du niveau de naturalité des sites étudiés, cette notion étant essentielle pour la mise en place d’une gestion durable, et/ou pour des projets de conservation et / ou de restauration des systèmes perturbés. Concernant les dynamiques des écosystèmes en Europe centrale, il a été souvent mis en évidence que l’homme joue un rôle essentiel depuis des millénaires. Par conséquent, l’approche historique des événements de feux et de la dynamique forestière à été réalisée sur de longues échelles temporelles. Neuf sites d’étude ont été sélectionnés incluant une large gamme de systèmes forestiers d’Europe centrale. Les sites d’études sont répartis dans deux zones générales d’étude : le nord de l’Allemagne (Schleswig-Holstein), qui comprend quatre sites d’étude, et le centre de l’Allemagne (le Harz), qui comprend cinq sites d’étude. Quatre disciplines ont été principalement utilisées. Pour définir l’état actuel des sites d’études ceux-ci ont été caractérisés, utilisant divers indicateurs dendrométriques concernant la structure et la composition des parcelles analysées. Pour obtenir des informations à propos de la dynamique forestière des peuplements forestiers en place des analyses dendroécologiques ont été utilisées. Pour analyser la dynamique forestière sur une longue échelle temporelle, à une échelle spatiale comparable, des analyses pédoanthracologiques ont été menées, combinées à des analyses de sols. De plus, des analyses anthracologiques de séquences de tourbes ont été réalisées, fournissant, combinées avec les données pedoanthracologiques, des enseignements à propos de l’histoire des incendies. L’état actuel et la dynamique forestière récente des sites étudiés indiquent divers niveaux de complexité des peuplements forestiers, correspondant souvent à divers niveaux postulés d’impact anthropique. Il a été obtenu huit chronologies moyennes, standardisées en haute et moyenne fréquences, âgées au maximum de 1744 et au minimum de 1923 ans. A partir de ces chronologies des changements dans les conditions de croissance de peuplements forestiers ont été mises en évidence. Basées sur un ensemble de 71 charbons de bois datés par radiocarbone, il a été mis en évidence, à l’échelle locale et globale, deux principales phases présentant plus d’événements de feux datés, une durant le Pléistocène supérieur/Holocène inférieur, une autre durant l’Holocène supérieur. Pour les deux phases identifiées des forçages climatique et anthropogénique ont été respectivement postulés comme déterminisme des occurrences de feux. Finalement, les différentes données collectées ont été utilisées de façon combinée pour reconstruire l’histoire des feux et des forêts des sites étudiés, afin de contribuer à l’évaluation de leur niveau de naturalité. / Considering two global observations in Central Europe of, firstly, the need for, and development of, sustainable and biological conservation practices for forest and/or woodland areas and, secondly, the lack of long-term fire history, an attempt has been made to reconstruct the fire and the forest history at several investigation sites in Germany. The overall data set gathered and analyzed has been used for on-site naturalness assessment. This latter notion is crucial for forest system conservation/restoration planning, considering the past human impact on forest dynamics. Also, in view of this past human impact on forest systems, which is well-documented for Central Europe, as occurring on a multi-millennium scale, an historical perspective perceptive that combined a long and short temporal scale of investigation was used.Nine investigation sites were selected, in order to include various and representative types of Central European forest. Therefore, the investigation sites were located in two main investigation areas. One is in Northern Germany (Schleswig-Holstein) and includes four investigation sites. The other is in Central Germany (Harz Mountains) and includes five investigation sites. Four main approaches were used. To assess the current state of the investigated site, forest stand characterization was undertaken (i.e. based on various forest attributes that concern stand structure and composition). Tree ring series were analyzed to provide insights about short-term forest tree population dynamics. Then, charcoal records from soil (combined with soil analysis) and peat sequences were qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed. These last two approaches also provide information about the past fire history. Forest current and short-term dynamics illustrated various levels of stand complexity, often corresponding to various levels of human impact that had been postulated. Eight mean site tree-ring chronologies, standardized in high and mid-frequency signal, spanning at a maximum of up to AD 1744 and at a minimum of up to AD 1923, were obtained. The insight, about the identification of events of growing changes and the correlated temporal and, if possible, spatial patterns, was discussed. Charcoal analysis provided a long-term insight about fire history. Based on 71 charcoal radiocarbon dates, it was shown on a macro-scale that there were two phases that had a greater frequency of fire - one during the transition from the late Pleistocene to the early Holocene, and one during the mid- and late Holocene. A strong human control during the most recent fire phase has been postulated. This is supported by on-site soil and peat charcoal record analysis, allowing one to point out the event of environmental changes (disturbances), at local scales. In the end, the on-site data from the various indicators were combined to assess the fire and forest history and the naturalness level of the investigated sites, based on past insights, thereby contributing to a better understanding of the present and helping to anticipate the future.
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"Najdorf": Monografie zaniklé vsi na Vitorazsku. / "Najdorf": Monography of the Defunct Village on Vitorazsko Region.Veith, Daniel January 2013 (has links)
The present work maps a specific set of the traditional subsistence techniques by way of example of the abandoned village named Nová Ves u Klikova (1792-1953). In the 18th century occure changes in methods of forest exploitation in Central Europe in general. The increased demand for fuelwood and building wood gave rise to the "rationalization" of the forest management. Another source of energy for the developing industry was peat at that time. Nová Ves u Klikova was an example of the so called peat colonization. Small farmsteads were founded on the infertile peaty soil that was not able to ensure sufficient means of subsistence. As a consequence it was developed an important centre of production of straw baskets and chip baskets in the second half of the 19th century. The existing ethnological literature pursued the local production of baskets, whereas the topic of the cutting of peat and its further treating in relation to folk culture is still untreated. In view of that fact this text lays stress on the "cultural history of peat".
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Activated carbon from renewable resources:carbonization, activation and useBergna, D. (Davide) 19 November 2019 (has links)
Biomass is the most abundant renewable material present on Earth and has been widely used e.g. in energy production. Recently, new applications for biomass utilization have been developed, e.g. the use of biomass as a raw material for synthesizing new chemicals. This research aimed to produce activated carbon (AC) from waste wood-based materials and peat through carbonization followed by physical or chemical activation. Physical steam activation and chemical activation generate the porosity in AC after the carbonization. The desired properties of AC (porosity, pore size distribution, surface functionality) are dependent on the application in which AC is used.
The first part of the research focused on setting up the carbonization and activation device. The most important variables affecting carbonization and activation and the AC properties were studied. The process parameters were optimized through the design of experiments (DOE). The results showed that in the physical activation, the most important variables affecting the characteristics of AC are the holding time, temperature, and the steam feed. Consequently, a model for tailoring the microporosity or mesoporosity of AC and maximizing the yield is proposed.
The second part of the research focused on chemical activation using zinc chloride. The aim was to study the effect of activation variables on the yield and properties of AC. Finally, the use of AC as an adsorbent was studied. Especially, the applicability of birch sawdust based activated carbon on the removal of dyes, zinc metal, nitrate, phosphate, and sulfate ions was evaluated. Based on the results, a difference was shown between one and two step process for carbonization and activation, and a single-step process was suggested to maximize the quality of AC. / Tiivistelmä
Biomassa on maapallon eniten saatavilla olevaa uusiutuvaa materiaalia, jota on hyödynnetty jo pitkään mm. energiantuotannossa. Viime aikoina uusia biomassan käyttökohteita on kehitetty laajalti, kuten esimerkiksi uusien kemikaalien valmistukseen. Tässä tutkimuksessa puupohjaista jätebiomassaa ja turvetta hyödynnetään fysikaalisesti ja kemiallisesti aktivoidun aktiivihiilen valmistuksessa. Fysikaalinen höyryaktivointi ja kemiallinen aktivointi lisäävät aktiivihiilen huokoisuutta hiilestyksen jälkeen. Aktiivihiilen halutut ominaisuudet (huokoskokojakauma, pinnan toiminnalliset ryhmät) määräytyvät käyttökohteen mukaan.
Tutkimuksen ensimmäisessä vaiheessa keskityttiin hidas pyrolyysilaitteiston ja aktivointilaitteiston rakentamiseen sekä hiilestyksen ja aktivoinnin kannalta keskeisimpien muuttujien tutkimiseen. Prosessimuuttujien vaikutusten tarkastelussa ja optimoinnissa hyödynnettiin koesuunnitteluohjelmaa. Tulosten perusteella todettiin, että fysikaalisessa aktivoinnissa olennaisimmat muuttujat olivat lämpötila, pitoaika sekä höyrysyöttö. Tämän pohjalta esitettiin malli aktiivihiilen mikro- ja mesohuokoisuuden muokkaamiseksi ja saannon maksimoimiseksi.
Tutkimuksen toisessa vaiheessa tutkittiin kemiallista aktivointia hyödyntämällä sinkkikloridia aktivointikemikaalina. Tavoitteena oli selvittää eri aktivointimuuttujien vaikutusta saantoon ja aktiivihiilen laatuun. Tutkimuksen viimeisessä vaiheessa tutkittiin valmistettujen aktiivihiilien käyttöä adsorbenttina. Erityisesti tutkittiin koivupurusta valmistetun aktiivihiilen soveltuvuutta väriaineiden, metallien ja anionien sidontaan. Tutkimuksen keskeisenä tuloksena voitiin osoittaa merkittävä ero yksi- ja kaksivaiheisen hiilestyksen ja aktivoinnin välillä, ja ehdotettiin yksivaiheista prosessia hiililaadun optimoimiseksi. / Sommario
La biomassa è il materiale rinnovabile più abbondante presente sulla Terra ed è stata intensamente usata e.g. nella produzione di energia. Recentemente sono state sviluppate nuove applicazioni per la biomassa, ad esempio come materiale di base per sintetizzare nuovi prodotti chimici. Lo scopo di questa ricerca è produrre carbone attivo (CA) attraverso attivazione fisica e chimica da materiali legnosi di scarto come segatura, cippato e torba. L’attivazione fisica e l’attivazione chimica, creano la porosità nel CA dopo la carbonizzazione. Il prodotto finale può essere usato in differenti applicazioni in base a diversi fattori tra cui la distribuzione della porosità e la tipologia dei gruppi funzionali presenti sulla superficie.
La prima fase della ricerca è stata dedicata alla progettazione e installazione dell’hardware necessario per l’attivazione e nell’individuazione dei parametri di processo più importanti. I parametri di processo sono stati ottimizzati attraverso il design of experiments (DOE) e sono state considerate le differenti variabili che interagiscono nella formazione del CA. I risultati hanno mostrato che i parametri di processo più importanti che influiscono sulle caratteristiche del CA sono il tempo, la temperatura di attivazione e la quantità di vapore iniettato nel reattore. È stato proposto un modello per progettare CA microporoso o mesoporoso con massa finale massimizzata. La seconda parte della ricerca è stata incentrata sull’attivazione chimica con cloruro di zinco. Lo scopo é stato studiare l’effetto delle variabili di attivazione su massa finale e proprietà del carbone attivo. Infine, è stata studiato il CA come adsorbente. In particolare è stata considerata l’applicabilità del CA da segatura di betulla per la rimozione di coloranti, zinco metallico, ioni di nitrato, fosfato e solfato. In base a questi risultati, una differenza é stata evidenziata tra il processo di carbonizzazione e attivazione a uno o due stadi, ed il processo a singolo stadio è stato proposto per massimizzare la qualità del CA.
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Fate of urine nitrogen applied to peat and mineral soils from grazed pasturesClough, Tim J. January 1994 (has links)
This study has provided fundamental information on the fate of urine nitrogen (N) when applied to pasture soils. In this work the three pasture soils used were a Bruntwood silt loam (BW), an old well-developed (lime and fertilizer incorporated and farmed for more than 20 years) peat soil (OP) and a young peat (YP) which was less developed (farmed for about 10 years). Initial soil chemical and physical measurements revealed that the peat soils were acidic, had higher cation exchange capacities, had greater carbon:nitrogen ratios and were better buffered against changes in soil pH than the BW soil. However, the BW soil was more fertile with a higher pH. The peat soils had lower bulk densities and higher porosities. Four experiments were performed. In the first experiment ¹⁵N-labelled urine was applied at 500 kg N ha⁻¹ to intact soil cores of the three soils. Treatments imposed were the presence and absence of a water table at two temperatures, 8°C or 23° C, over 11-14 weeks. ¹⁵N budgets were determined. This first experiment showed that the nitrification rate was faster in the BW soil and was retarded with a water table present. Significant leaching of nitrate occurred at 8°C in the BW soil without a water table. This was reduced when a water table was present. Leaching losses of urine-N were lower in the peat soils than in the BW soil. Apparent denitrification losses (i.e. calculated on a total-N recovery basis) ranged from 18 to 48 % of the ¹⁵N-applied with the greatest losses occurring in the peat soils. The second experiment examined denitrification losses, over 30 days, following the application of synthetic urine-N at 420 kg N ha⁻¹ to small soil cores situated in growth cabinets. The effects of temperature (8°C or 18°C) and synthetic urine (presence or absence) were measured on the BW and OP soils. Nitrous oxide (N₂0) measurements were taken from all soil cores and a sub-set of soil cores, at 18°C, had ¹⁵N-labelled synthetic urine-N applied so that ¹⁵N-labelled nitrogen gases could be monitored. This experiment showed that the application of synthetic urine and increased soil temperature enhanced denitrification losses from both soils. Denitrification losses, at 18°C, as ¹⁵N-labelled nitrogen gases accounted for 24 to 39 % of the nitrogen applied. Nitrous oxide comprised less than half of this denitrification loss. Losses of N₂0 in leachate samples from the soil cores accounted for less than 0.1 % of the nitrogen applied. A third experiment, using Iysimeters, was performed over a 150 day period in the field. The six treatments consisted of the 3 soils with applied synthetic urine, with or without a simulated water table; each replicated three times. Lysimeters were installed in the field at ground level and ¹⁵N-labelled synthetic urine-N was applied (500 kg N ha⁻¹) on June 4 1992 (day 1). Nitrification rates differed between the soils following the trend noticed in the first experiment. As in the first experiment, nitrate was only detected in the leachate from the BW soil and the inclusion of a water table reduced the concentration of nitrate. In the BW soil, the leachate nitrate concentrations exceeded the World Health Organisation's recommended limit (< 10 mg N L-1) regardless of water table treatment. No nitrate was detected in the leachates from the peat soils but there was some leaching of organic-N (< 5 % of N added) in all the peat soil treatments. Denitrification losses were monitored for the first 100 days of the experiment. In the BW soil without a water table, N₂0 production peaked at approximately day 20 and accounted for 3 % of the nitrogen applied. In the peat soils the measured denitrification losses accounted for less than 1 % of the nitrogen applied. Apparent denitrification losses in the peats were, however, calculated to be approximately 50 % of the ¹⁵N-labelled synthetic urine-N applied. It is postulated that the difference between apparent denitrification losses and those measured could have been due to; loss of dinitrogen in leachate, protracted production of dinitrogen below detectable limits, production of denitrification gases after measurements ceased (i.e. days 100 to 150) and entrapment of dinitrogen in soil cores. Due to the apparent denitrification losses being so high, further research into this nitrogen loss pathway was performed. The fourth and final experiment measured denitrification directly using highly enriched (50 atom %) ¹⁵N-labelled synthetic urine-N. It was performed in a growth cabinet held initially at 8°C. The ¹⁵N-labelled synthetic urine was applied at 500 kg N ha⁻¹ to small soil cores of each soil type. Fluxes of N₂0 and ¹⁵N-labelled gases were measured daily for 59 days. On day 42 the temperature of the growth cabinet was increased to 12°C in an attempt to simulate the mean soil temperature at the end of the field experiment. Up to this time, production of nitrogenous gases from the YP soil had been very low. Interpretation of gaseous nitrogen loss in the YP soil was difficult due to the possibility of chemodenitrification occurring. However, in the OP and BW soils, gaseous losses of nitrogen (determined as ¹⁵N-labelled gas) represented 16 and 7 % of the nitrogen applied respectively. Nitrous oxide comprised approximately half of this gaseous nitrogen loss, in both the OP and BW soils. This work implies that urine-N applied to the mineral soil (BW) could potentially threaten the quality of ground water due to nitrate contamination through leaching. In contrast, denitrification appears to be the major loss mechanism from the peat soils, with the production of nitrous oxide being the primary focus for any environmental concern. Future work should examine the fate of the nitrate leached from the BW soil and the potential for dilution, plant uptake or denitrification below a 30 cm soil depth. A better understanding of the denitrification mechanisms could help reduce denitrification and thereby improve the efficiency of nitrogen use and reduce the output of nitrous oxide.
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Rening av avloppsvatten från biltvättar med filter av torv och inblandad kolaska : en utvärdering av effektivitet och avfallshantering ur ett miljöperspektiv / Treating sewage water from carwashes using a filter of peat and carbon-containing ash : an evaluation of efficiency and waste handling from an environmental perspectiveSöderlundh, Sussie January 2010 (has links)
<p>Filtermaterial av 75 % torv och 25 % kolaska har använts under 2 respektive 4 år för rening av avloppsvatten från två biltvättar. Jämförelse med Kristianstads kommuns riktvärden för avloppsvatten från fordonstvättar visar att filtren fungerat. För avfallsklassning krävs kunskap om innehåll av miljöfarliga ämnen i produkter som använts i tvätthallarna. I brist på kunskap om innehåll av ej analyserade miljöfarliga ämnen i filtren anses förbränning vara ett bra omhändertagande ur miljösynpunkt, då energi och aska återvinns.</p> / <p>Sewage water from two car washes has been treated during 2 and 4 years respectively, using a filter made of 75 % peat and 25 % carbon-containing ash. A comparison with the guiding values for car wash sewage water in Kristianstad municipality shows that this type of filter works well. Classification of the filter as waste requires knowledge about the content of environmentally harmful substances in products used in the car washes. Because of the lack of knowledge about the content of non-analyzed substances in the filters, combustion must be regarded as an environmentally good way of disposing the filter material, as both energy and ashes are recycled.</p>
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Rening av avloppsvatten från biltvättar med filter av torv och inblandad kolaska : en utvärdering av effektivitet och avfallshantering ur ett miljöperspektiv / Treating sewage water from carwashes using a filter of peat and carbon-containing ash : an evaluation of efficiency and waste handling from an environmental perspectiveSöderlundh, Sussie January 2010 (has links)
Filtermaterial av 75 % torv och 25 % kolaska har använts under 2 respektive 4 år för rening av avloppsvatten från två biltvättar. Jämförelse med Kristianstads kommuns riktvärden för avloppsvatten från fordonstvättar visar att filtren fungerat. För avfallsklassning krävs kunskap om innehåll av miljöfarliga ämnen i produkter som använts i tvätthallarna. I brist på kunskap om innehåll av ej analyserade miljöfarliga ämnen i filtren anses förbränning vara ett bra omhändertagande ur miljösynpunkt, då energi och aska återvinns. / Sewage water from two car washes has been treated during 2 and 4 years respectively, using a filter made of 75 % peat and 25 % carbon-containing ash. A comparison with the guiding values for car wash sewage water in Kristianstad municipality shows that this type of filter works well. Classification of the filter as waste requires knowledge about the content of environmentally harmful substances in products used in the car washes. Because of the lack of knowledge about the content of non-analyzed substances in the filters, combustion must be regarded as an environmentally good way of disposing the filter material, as both energy and ashes are recycled.
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Experimentální iniciální stádia sukcese na různých substrátech: analýza pokryvnosti rostlin, vybraných půdně biologických charakteristik a jejich vzájemného vztahu / An experimental study of initial succession on different substrata: analysis of changes in plant species cover and some soil biological parameters and their relationshipsKRESÁČ, Martin January 2007 (has links)
A four year experimental study of initial stages of succession on different substrata (sand, peat and gray clay overburden from brown coal mining) was carried out. The substrata were transplanted into two different landscape types in the Czech Republic. Control plots were filled with autochthonous topsoil treated with high temperature vapor. Plots with un-treated autochthonous topsoil were also established. Plant species cover and several soil-biological parameters (soil microbial biomass, basal soil respiration, exchangeable pH(KCl), organic-C extractable by potassium sulfate solution, and nitrate-N content) were measured once a year. Obtained data were mainly processed by unimodal (plant cover data) and liner (soil-biological data) ordination methods. Biological species traits (life span, seed dispersal vector, seed bank type, ecological strategy type following Grime, life form following Raunkiaer) were used to characterize early stages of plant succession. Vegetation and measured soil-biological parameters, except pH(KCl), were significantly changing during four growing seasons. Variance partitioning analysis based on plant species cover data indicated the landscape type to be the main governing factor and physico-chemical characteristics of substrate to be less important during the studied initial stages of succession. The same analysis based on soil-biological parameters showed the reverse result. Great variability of plant species ecological traits was noticed during four growing seasons. The earliest plant colonizers were mainly ruderal, anemochorous terophytes with persistent seed bank. The number of species with C-strategy type increased during the study. The relationship between the average plant species cover and measured soil-biological parameters was also examined during the experimental study of early succession. Direct and indirect ordination revealed the average sum of plant species cover to be weakly positively correlated with soil microbial biomass, basal soil respiration, nitrate-N, potassium sulfate extractable organic-C, metabolic quocient (qCO2) and negatively correlated to exchangeable pH(KCl). The relationship was significant only in the case of microbial biomass and potassium sulfate extractable organic-C. More detailed studies of the relationship between aboveground plant species biomass and soil microbial communities in initial stages of succession are required. Comparability of presented study is limited because not many experimental investigations of similar kind have been presented until now.
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Utilization of electrocoagulation for water and wastewater treatment and nutrient recovery:techno-economic studiesKuokkanen, V. (Ville) 16 February 2016 (has links)
Electrocoagulation (EC) is an emerging technology that combines the functions and advantages of conventional coagulation, flotation, and electrochemistry in water and wastewater treatment. The aims of this work included doing an updated literary review of recent feasible applications of EC, which were found to be plentiful. Since the economic and practical operational key figures related to EC haven’t been extensively mapped out before, this was a prime objective of this part of the work.
The aim of the next part of this work was to find new feasible applications for EC in the treatment of water and wastewater. The studied wastewaters included bio- and synthetic oil-in-water emulsions, various industrial nutrient-containing wastewaters, and peat bog drainage water containing humic substances (an interesting and topical problem, especially in Finland). These studies proved the feasibility of EC. In addition, larger-scale experiments were also conducted successfully, thus proving the scalability of the EC process. Extensive economic analyses of the studied EC applications were also done. The operational costs and energy consumption of EC were found to be very low—typically about 0.1–1.0 €/m3 and 0.4–4.0 kWh/m3.
It has been forecasted that in the future there will be a shortage of virgin phosphorus. Therefore, another essential purpose of this work was to conduct a preliminary study on the feasibility of using EC for nutrient (especially phosphorus, but also nitrogen) removal and recovery from different types of real wastewater. Specifically, it may be possible to use EC sludges containing notable amounts of phosphorus and nitrogen as additives in granulated bio ash-based fertilizer products for various applications. This is a novel idea and a “hot topic” in the waste utilization sector and in circular and bioeconomy. / Tiivistelmä
Elektrokoagulaatio (electrocoagulation, EC) on nosteessa oleva teknologia, joka yhdistää perinteisen koagulaation, flotaation ja sähkökemian hyödyt ja mahdollisuudet vesien ja jätevesien käsittelyssä. Tämän työn ensimmäisenä tavoitteena oli laatia kirjallisuuskatsaus EC:n viimeaikaisista käyttökelpoisista sovelluksista, joita löytyi runsaasti. Koska EC:n toiminnallisia ja taloudellisia avainlukuja ei ole kartoitettu kattavasti aiemmin, tämän tekeminen oli tämän osion tärkein tavoite.
Väitöstyön seuraavana tavoitteena oli löytää uusia sovellutuksia EC:lle vesien ja jätevesien käsittelyssä. Tutkittuja vesiä olivat bio- ja synteettisistä öljyistä valmistetut öljy-vesiemulsiot, erilaiset teolliset ravinnepitoiset jätevedet ja humusainepitoiset turvesoiden valumavedet (kiinnostava ja ajankohtainen ongelma, erityisesti Suomessa). EC todettiin käyttökelpoiseksi teknologiaksi näissä kokeissa. Suuremman skaalan kokeilla todistettiin lisäksi EC-prosessin skaalautuvuus. Lisäksi, em. EC-sovellutuksista suoritettiin kattavat taloudelliset analyysit. EC:n käyttökustannukset ja energiankulutus todettiin erittäin pieniksi, tyypillisesti ne olivat välillä 0.1–1.0 €/m3 ja 0.4–4.0 kWh/m3.
On ennustettu, että tulevaisuudessa on pulaa neitseellisestä fosforista. Tästä johtuen eräs tämän työn keskeisistä tarkoituksista oli suorittaa alustavia kokeita liittyen EC:n käyttökelpoisuuteen ravinteiden (erityisesti fosfori, mutta myös typpi) poistossa ja talteenotossa aidoista jätevesistä. Erityisesti jatkossa voisi olla järkevää hyödyntää runsaasti fosforia ja typpeä sisältäviä EC-sakkoja lisäaineina rakeistetuissa biotuhkapohjaisissa lannoitteissa eri sovellutuksissa. Tämä idea on uusi ja on jo herättänyt suurta kiinnostusta mm. kierto- ja biotaloussektoreilla.
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Vegetation history and human-environment interactions through the late Holocene in Konar Sandal, Kerman, SE IranGurjazkaite, Karolina January 2017 (has links)
The Jiroft valley, in southeastern Iran, was an important agricultural centre since the Early Bronze Age (3rd millennium BCE). The valley is characterized by harsh environmental settings: hot climate with poor rainfall. However, more optimal conditions may have prevailed earlier that supported ancient settlements. A 250-cm sediment core was retrieved from a peat-land at Konar Sandal, a major archaeological find attributed to Jiroft culture. The palynological data from this core was combined with geochemical and sedimentological proxies aimed at establishing the human-environment interactions in the area. The study focus was directed at vegetation history and landscape evolution, hydroclimatic changes and past human activities, that started just after the projected collapse of the Jiroft (4 ka) and extended all the way from the late Bronze Age to the Mongol invasion (0.6 ka). The results indicate that the valley was dominated by Saharo-Sindian open pseudo-savannah vegetation for the last 4000 years. However, due to anthropogenic clearance and intensified agro-pastoral activities, and also climatic factors, the land cover shifted from open xeric scrubland forests to more open, degraded landscapes. The principal human practice in these early settlements was cereal cultivation. But it is likely that during the more arid periods, communities retreated and abandoned agriculture, facilitating successional processes. Such droughts occurred in 4-3.8 ka and 3.4-2.8 ka and were supported by palynological data, C/N and Fe2O3 content. Peat formation was characteristic to the wetland during these arid periods. These droughts corresponded to drought phases detected in other studies, and were attributed to changes in Siberian Anticyclones. Dynamics of Artemisia and desert shrubs indicate milder climate around 3.8-3.4 ka and 2.8-0.6 ka. In the latter episode, during the rule of Persian Empire (ca. 550 BCE-650 CE) and Islamic epoch, the highest vegetation degradation state and most intensive human activities were observed. Some inconspicuous human practices, such as date cultivation, may have occurred on site as an adaptation to extreme environmental conditions. / High-resolution paleolimnological records from Lake Jazmurian: Climate-culture evolution at Jiroft in southeast Iran during the Holocene
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