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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Jóga pro děti v předškolním období jako doplnění pohybové a taneční výchovy / Yoga for children of preschool age as a complement of physical and dance education

Gajerová, Vítězslava January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with yoga for children and its possible use in physical and dance education for children of preschool age. A subtheme of this diploma thesis is to describe the issue of lack of active movement at preschool children. Preschool age is analyzed in the point of view of ontogenetic psychology and in the point of view of physical possibilities of children in this age. The main theme of this diploma thesis is to use yoga for children of preschool age into physical and dance education. In this diploma thesis is yoga in its general meaning analyzed in the point of view of historical and cultural development. This diploma thesis tries to evaluate the effectivness of possible permeation of physical and dance education with yoga for children.

Alternativní pedagogika a její principy využitelné v pedagogice volného času / Alternative Methods of Pedagogic and their Usage in Free Time Education

KOVÁŘOVÁ, Magdaléna January 2009 (has links)
My work deals with the alternative pedagogy and its principles, which can be used at the free-time pedagogy. The work intents on the montessori pedagogy and waldorf pedagogy, because these two pedagogy systems are the most common in Czech Republic. It introduces the founders of both systems and the origin of the systems together with the characteristics needed for the understanding of the theme. Main goals of my work are the basic principles of both trends and their usage for free-time pedagogy, especially for the upbringing outside education. It rises up the relation between the teacher and the learner, stressing out the respect for the child.

Výchova k partnerství a rodičovství na zvláštní škole

Marková, Dana January 1996 (has links)
No description available.

Jitka Smutná, Jan Vlasák - herecká a pedagogická metoda / Jitka Smutná, Jan Vlasák - acting and pedagogic method

Balonová, Izabela January 2010 (has links)
This thesis is a study of an acting and educational method of two distinguished Czech actors, Jitka Smutná and Jan Vlasák. Based on selected roles I tried to conclude how both actors approach their characters, and how reviewers perceive their effort, so that I could define what is typical for their acting and dramatic art as a whole. In the chapter THEY I further explore how Smutna and Vlasak approach their students - in what manner they form them, and what they consider important in acting training.

Systémové myšlení v rámci edukačního procesu

Exnarová, Anna January 2007 (has links)
Tato práce se věnuje systémovému myšlení a především jeho kontextu k pedagogice. Cílem práce je poukázat na význam systémového myšlení z různých pohledů. Práce poskytuje přehled různých definic a přístupů, které autoři při práci v tomto oboru využívají. Současně je prezentována provázanost systémového myšlení s pojmy z pedagogiky a možné začlenění systémového myšlení do výuky. Součástí práce je prezentování Bathtub testů jako příkladu testů systémového myšlení, vyhodnocení výsledků těchto testů, které byly studentům magisterského studia na katedře systémové analýzy VŠE v Praze předkládány v rámci kurzu Systémová dynamika.

Zhodnocení aktivit lesní pedagogiky a myslivecké osvěty na vzdělávání mládeže v Jihomoravském kraji

Žák, Zdeněk January 2017 (has links)
The work examines the impact of forest activity on knowledge and attitudes of primary school pupils in South Moravia. Research was used questionnaires and interviews for comprehensive feedback from the participating pupils, primary school teachers and educators forest to ascertain the views, experiences and knowledge in the field of forestry and hunting of pupils aged 8 to 12 years. The results showed that experiential learning forest is very suitable for working with the target group in terms of increased interest in the forest, increasing the knowledge of the forest and a positive evaluation of forestry and hunting activities from all involved.

Využití kompetencí divadelního dramaturga v praxi učitele na Waldorfském lyceu / Using the qualification of a literary manager in the teaching practice at the secondary school Waldorfské lyceum

Černý, Matouš January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the ways of using the qualifications of a literary manager in the field of pedagogy and didactics, specifically while teaching at a secondary school called Waldorfské lyceum. In the first part the author deals with the characteristics of the two careers – as a literary manager and as a teacher, and defines the set of qualities that are necessary for these professions. Later he compares these two professions and seeks intersections and parallels between them and the parts they take in a theater environment and in a school environment respectively. In the next part he introduces the Waldorf education and its specifics with regards to the performing arts incorporated into the lessons, and analyses the drama poetics of Rudolf Steiner including his approach towards the manner of speech and the art of eurythmy. In the crucial third part of this thesis the author is describing his experiences as a teacher at the secondary school Waldorfské lyceum and looks into individual areas of his activities – projects of literary, performing, artistic and cultural character, particularly in relation to utilizing the qualitifations of a literary manager, obtained during the studies of Dramaturgy for Dramatic Theater on The Theater Academy of Performing Arts.

Socialinės pedagogikos specialybės studentų kompetencijų ugdymas universitete / Training of social pedagogy students competency in university

Pakalniškis, Algminas 16 August 2007 (has links)
Švietimo kaita Lietuvoje nenutrūkstamai vyksta jau antrąjį dešimtmetį, tuo tarpu pedagogų rengimas ir toliau išlieka bene mažiausiai pakitusi švietimo sistemos grandis (Pedagogų rengimo koncepcija; 2004). Lietuvos švietimo plėtotės strateginėse nuostatose Švietimo gairėse 2003 – 2012 metams teigiama, kad esama švietimo kaita yra nepakankama ir vykdoma nepakankamai koordinuotai (Švietimo gairės; p. 10-11). Dokumente pažymima, kad mokytojų rengimo sistema nebeatitinka per pastarąjį dešimtmetį mokyklose įvykusių pokyčių ir nėra pasirengusi mokytojo profesiją modernizuoti, ruošti mokytoją darbui žinių visuomenėje. Todėl reikalinga iš esmės atnaujinti mokytojų rengimą, kad jis atitiktų esamos ir būsimos mokyklos tikslus ir uždavinius (Švietimo gairės; p. 154). Norint sėkmingai reformuoti ugdymo sistemą, būtina „reformuoti“ mokytoją, o tai gali padaryti tik aukštoji pedagoginė mokykla (Pukelis, 1995; p. 189). Vadinasi, švietimo reformos sėkmė nemaža dalimi priklauso nuo mokytojų rengimo sistemos. Kad esama mokytojų rengimo sistema nėra tobula, sutinka ir dauguma mokslininkų. R. Žalys pedagogų rengimo sistemoje pastebėjo nemažai trūkumų, kurie pasireiškia nepakankama universitetų materialine baze, nepakankamu profesiniu (teoriniu ir praktiniu) mokytojų rengimu ir bendrųjų kvalifikacijų (asmenybinių, socialinių ir kitų įgūdžių ) formavimu (Žalys; 2004). Kitas tyrėjas, K. Pukelis mano, kad Lietuvos pedagogikos moksle nepakankamai dėmesio skiriama fundamentaliems tyrimams mokytojų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Les changements d’enseignement en Lituanie se passent continûment et la formation des professeurs reste un élément le moins avatar dans le système de l’instruction. La formation des professeurs influence les capacités professionnelles du jeune pédagogue social, sa culture pédagogique autrement dit : ses compétences. Objet d’analyse: Les compétences acquises des étudiants de la spécialité de pédagogie sociale à l’Université. Problème: Dans les documents de la stratégie de l’instruction nationale et internationale on présente les mêmes problèmes dans tout le système de l’enseignement supérieur. Or, on attribut les fonctions très importantes aux pédagogues sociaux dans tout le système de l’enseignement. L’institution du pédagogue social à l’école est nouvelle et on recherche un modèle pour les activités du pédagogue. Hypothèse: Le système de la formation du pédagogue social permet d’accepter les défits du système de l’enseignement moderne qui se reflètent dans les fonctions du pédagogue social. But : Analyse et évaluation des compétences des pédagogues sociaux. Tâches: 1. Découverte des particularités et du système de formation des pédagogues sociaux en Lituanie. 2. Analyse de l’enseignement des compétences nécessaires pour les pédagogues sociaux à l’Université. 3. Analyse de l’introduction des compétences théoriques et pratiques , leur évaluation . 4. Découverte des compétences acquises des étudiantes et taux formel et non formel de l’évaluation. Méthodes de... [to full text]

Křesťanské zhodnocení montessoriovské a waldorfské pedagogiky / Christian appreciation of Montessori and Waldorf pedagogy

Podéšťová, Martina January 2014 (has links)
Work in the six chapters first formulates thesis of the need to address the problem of loss of quality of teaching of the Catholic religion. This is then given to the second chapter, which carefully considers its history. After a brief third chapter which collectively will talk about alternative education speak collectively alternative education is included in this current analytical processing analysis Montessori and Waldorf education. It analysis processes the history of the founders of both pedagogies and the relation to the didactic triangle educator - curriculum - student. The sixth chapter is a synthesis of findings and draw conclusions about the relationship of spirituality to Christianity and usability of teaching methods. Keywords Christianity, education, Montessori, Waldorf, teacher, student

Komenského pansofie v porovnání se současnými pedagogickými trendy / Comenius Pansophism in comparison with current pedagogical trends

Zídka, Karel January 2014 (has links)
In this work we tried to look into the life of John Amos Comenius. Simultaneously we dismantle his ideological basis, with respect to pansophia. We paused at Comenius perception of faith in God and the individual points Panorthosia. In main chapter, we compared the Comenius pedagogical bases with current educational trends. In conclusion we came to the findings that we specify differences between Comenius thinking and contemporary times. We have pointed out that in the general scale of the world is closer to the ideals of Comenius. As regards the actual pedagogical research, the current education seeks to upgrade its educational methods, but in some places groping through the influence of different opinions. The problem of the present time we have found the utilization of the contemporary world , together with a lack of time. The disadvantages include the still poorly organized curricula, while lack of respect for the teachers. By contrast, a clear positive of today we added the currently open views, efforts to link a multicultural pupil's confidence tendency to wake up in the truest sense.

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