Spelling suggestions: "subject:"pedagogik""
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Výchova a vzdělávání autistů v naší společnostiKněnická, Petra January 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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Anthroposofie: cesta celostního rozvoje osobnostiNavrátil, Adam January 2002 (has links)
Proč vlastně antroposofie vznikla a na co se snaží odpovědět? Pro tyto, a mnohé jiné, odpovědi nechám své úvahy sklouznout k širším souvislostem. Uvažme, co všechno dnešnf svět tak zoufale potřebuje. Zemědělská půda je například dalekosáhle znehodnocena a "systematicky" ničena chemickými hnojivy a postřiky. Otázka zní, zdali je možné obdělávat půdu i jinými, přirozenějšími, způsoby? Nebo, organismus lidí je dnes většinou těžce poškozen antibiotiky a čistě chemickými látkamLOpět je třeba se ptát, zda-Ii není možné lidi léčit jinak? Školní výchova nutí děti k bezduché kázni a ctižádostivému honu za dobrými známkami, docela logicky pak ze škol vycházejí mladí lidé bez iniciativy, neteční a bez zájmu o svět. Dalo by se učit od základu jinak? Tato otázka pak neplatí jen pro oblast vzdělávání a výchovy dětí. Jistě i pro dospělého má význam další, nebo přímo celoživotní vzdělávání.
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Výučba pantomimy na Slovensku / Teaching of Mime theater in SlovakiaKasprzyk, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
Master’s dissertation about Teaching of mime in Slovakia is logical sequel to my
bachelor’s studies dissertation about Festival PAN. The dissertation begins with a
brief summary of some major slovak mimes and a new generation growing up at
Academy of Performing Arts in Prague. After pointing out the diversity and vitality of
slovak mime scene dissertation passes to the standing of mime art in slovak school
system, compares it with czech school system and ends with chapter about the
Association of professional mimes of Slovakia. My sources were mainly interviews
with slovak mimes and pedagogues of basic art schools, conservatories and
Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava and the official documents of Slovak and
Czech Republic concerning art education. My inspiration was the founding of AMIS
association and festival PAN Art, both of which shift the perception of mime closer to
mime of today. With my education, which I acquired on Academy in Prague and my
experience in art and pedagogy I am an active member of the association and I act
as judge at the PAN Art festival and my goal as well as goal of this dissertation is to
provide a new perspective in the view of slovak mime and it’s teaching methods.
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V-VII klasių muzikos vadovėlių turinio vykdymo tyrimai / The Investigation of Textbooks of Music Taught in V-VII GradesMilieškienė, Rasa 23 June 2006 (has links)
Lithuanian comprehensive schools have got original textbooks of Music. They represent a complex of different musical activities joined into units. Containing a wide range of teaching material on offer they provide a variety of choices that can be served in a menu determined by the teacher's taste. Purposeful and accurate selection is the necessary condition for effective teaching. The aim of the Graduation Dissertation of Master‘s Degree is to explore how much material of textbooks of Music on average can be taught and learnt throughout the school year having one lesson a week. Finding out how to make the picking of textbook’s material approachable to accomplish curriculum of Music is another goal of the investigation. For survey I have chosen the textbook of Music V-VII grades (last published 2004) by E.Balcytis. The educational experiment has been done in V.Macernis secondary school of Seda, district of Mazeikiai, also most teachers of Music and students of V-VII grades have been tested. The results show that working in a consistent, thoughtful way combined with a standart condition can give clearly indicated ‘desirable outcomes’ , namely, the fulfilment of the most important curriculum items. However, the teacher has to select carefully a musical compositions suitable to each theme and grade. It is the first dissertation in which such a research has been made.
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Tėvų ir pedagogų bendrdarbiavimo ypatumai ugdant vaikus su cerebriniu paralyžiumi / Cooperation between pedagogue and parents in upbringing of child with cerebrical paralysisStankevičiūtė, Aurelija 25 June 2006 (has links)
The theme of this work is actual and timely, because the process of education for the children with cerebral palsy requires a number of specialists: special education teachers, physiotherapists, speech specialists, tutors, assistants, social workers and parents. Each one of them has his own functions, which may have a different influence. So the topic of a great importance for all of the specialists, is to have a common goal, and by means of different methods and co-ordination of actions, to achieve it's accomplishment.
Discussions held with pedagogical staff and parents show that specialists of special education and care are not communicating enough with each other, not sharing their ideas, not always are working together as a team. The education is in luck of continuation, educational programs are often not discussed with parents, the co-ordination of the work of specialists is also not at the high level. The week link would also be the communication between administration of the institution, the pedagogical staff and parents. The models of such communication are not completed yet as well.
The research made, allows me to make the following conclusions:
• The educational process requires knowing and systematically studying every child. On the other hand it needs to find out a lot about the family and the situation around the child at home.
• One of the most important child's educational principles is a team work. It makes educational process to be complex and comprehensive... [to full text]
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Neprisitaikančio elgesio nepilnamečių moksleivių socialinės adaptacijos prielaidos / Social adaptacion suppositions of the under age non- adjusting behaviour pupilsPėželytė, Reda 05 June 2006 (has links)
After Lithuania has become a member of European Union higher reguirements are raised to it. The main priority of the family and educational institutes is to help a young person to develop the folloving social skills: self – cognition, self-esteem, communicative skills, ability to make a decision, solve a conflict, ability to control the emotions, overcome the stress, critical and creative thinking.
The most important about educational institute is to focus the educational process on a child, his most important needs ( self – realization, status need, safety ) satisfaction.
The aim of this work is to analyse what is the level of educational institution influence on pupils learning motivation emotional correspondence and social – psychological adjustment.
These are the goald of the word: To summarize methodological, psychological, pedagogical adjustment; to state the emotional correlation of the learning motivation; to find out the cognitive activity, motivation attaining, suspense, rage influence on learning motivation process according to the age groups and sex; describe the social- psychological adaptacion and maladjustment peculiarities and factors, to state the vital correlation links.
The methods used: guestionnaire, guality and guantity, statistic analysis.
The size of the investigation: 167 pupils of the 6- 10 grades and 6 – 10 grades 86 boys. The investigation was performed in Gasciunu and Gatauciu basic school ( Joniskis region).
The results of... [to full text]
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Edukologinių problemų aptartis 1918-1940 m. Lietuvos pedagoginėje spaudoje / Discussions on educational problems in lithuanian pedagogical press of 1918-1940Žiemys, Robertas 26 June 2014 (has links)
1918 - 1940 m. Lietuvos pedagoginė spauda vykdė komunikacinę funkciją švietimo srityje, informavo skaitytojus apie visas pedagoginiame pasaulyje vykstančias problemas ir naujienas, stengėsi reaguoti į visus mokyklą, mokytojus ir mokinius liečiančius einamojo momento klausimus. Nagrinėjamo laikotarpio Lietuvos pedagoginė spauda gali būti ir vienas pagrindinių šaltinių, analizuojant ugdymo mokslo brandą Lietuvoje. Darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti pedagoginės minties sklaidą 1918 - 1940 m. Lietuvos pedagoginėje spaudoje. Uždavinai: 1. Aptarti Lietuvos pedagoginės spaudos atsiradimo aplinkybes; 2. Išnagrinėti pagrindines 1918 - 1940 m. Lietuvos pedagoginėje spaudoje gvildentas ugdymo problemas. Metodas istorinis chronologinis – skirtas 1918-1940 metų edukacinės spaudos raidos ir savitumo analizei Bibliografiniai tyrimai leido išsiaiškinti nagrinėjamo laikotarpio pedagoginės raštijos autorius ir jų darbus, susipažinti su jų straipsniais ir nustatyti darbų vertingumą ugdymo mokslui. Nagrinėjamų straipsnių analizė baigiama ieškant bendrybių. Tam buvo naudojamas apibendrinimo metodas. Šiuo darbu nebuvo siekiama aprėpti visų ugdymo mokslo veikėjų ir jų straipsnių, bet pasirinkti ryškiausi atstovai, rašę įvairiais pedagogikos klausimais cituojami tarpukario laikotarpio pedagoginėje spaudoje, taip pat nagrinėjamu laikotarpiu į ugdymo mokslą įnešę kažką naujo. Cituojamais šaltiniais siekiama atskleisti bei išryškinti ugdymo mokslo problematiką ir ją aptarti. Analizuojant minimo laikotarpio... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In 1918-1940 in the field of education the communicative function was being carried by the pedagogical press of Lithuania, readers were informed about the problems and news in pedagogy, in addition, there was a try to react to all the current affairs related to schools, teachers and students. Analysing the maturity of educational science in Lithuania during the consideration period, the pedagogical press of Lithuania may be considered as one of the main sources. The aim of this work is to analize the spread of pedagogical thought in the pedagogical press of Lithuania in the period of 1918-1940. Goals: 1. To discuss the circumstances of the origin of the pedagogical press in Lithuania. 2. To analyse the main educational problems examined in the pedagogical press of Lithuania of 1918-1940. Historical-chronological method was applied to analyse the development and the distinction of the educational press of 1918-1940. Bibliographical researches revealed the authors and their works on pedagogy of the analysed period, to survey their articles, and to assess the worth of their works to educational science. The analysis of articles is concluded by the search of commonalities. For this purpose, the method of generalization was applied. There was no aim to cover all the persona of educational science and their articles, but the most distinct representatives, who wrote on pedagogical topics and were quoted in the pedagogical press of the interwar period, and ones who brought... [to full text]
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Tanec s partnerem - současná forma ve výuze ZuŠ / Contemporary partnering in elementary art schoolsRyšlavá, Jana January 2012 (has links)
The main subjekt of this master thesis is to approach the issue of partnering in a contemporary dance, summarize the knowledge, and subsequently to apply at the classes in the elementary art school. The issue of partnering withinn a historical kontext where the contact improvisation came from. This Works summarizes the basic principles of partnering . The second part is a set of training execircers and elements that are easily applied in the field of dance education at the elementary art schools . This section os followed by challenging execirces, suitable for an extremly talented groups, or to the second level of art education. In the final section lists possible use of this elements in a choreographic and dance practice
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Psáno ústy, čteno ušima pokus o využití francouzské zkušenosti p ro český přednes a jeho pedagogiku / Written by mouth, read by earsPotužáková, Markéta January 2012 (has links)
The text is introduced by Paul Valery?s motto: ?To speak is to hear?. Spoken word is the principal theme, not narrated butrecited: interpretation of l iterary text, especially poetryconceived as a descent to its ?prel iterary? roots. The authorMarkéta Potužáková extends the work of Prof. Michael Bernardywho sees a l iterary text as a ?bridge?, as a temporary stage between the primordial speech of the work (as it spoke to theauthor, as he read it in his mind) and the speech as it isrendered by performing artist. This approach to the text andpedagogy of recitation represents a return to the originalauthor gesture as it is embodied in the structure of the poem.
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Hlasová výchova pro taneční pedagogy / Voice education for dance pedagoguesKafková, Martina January 2012 (has links)
Pressented master´s thesis reflects a personal quest of voice pedagogy for dance pedagogues titled: Voice education for dance pedagogues. It derives from a drill based artistic evvironment and it deliberately branches off to a path towards vocal expression being discovered primarily through human needs. The author presents a belief, the cornerstone of any pedagogical work with a "fragile" human being is an environment of mutual trust and confidence, which only can offer a safe place and enough space for rehearsing. It is this perspective the thesis is being processed and deliberately presented. The quest of authorial approach towards the student the author had undergone represents a paralel to the existential form she had captured in previous bachelor?s thesis under the title: Author´s existence, or a path from a stage to children´s playgrounds.
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