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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Valeur de l'eau et indicateurs de performance : tensions stratégiques et organisationnelles dans les métiers de l'eau (1853-2017) / The Value of Water and Performance Indicators : Strategic and Organizational Tensions in Water Industry (1853-2017)

Beduneau-Wang, Laurent 08 December 2017 (has links)
A travers une étude de cas élargie, la valeur de l'eau est étudiée sous l'angle de l'évaluation de la gestion de l’eau dans la longue durée (1853-2017). Point de départ : en 2006, le Syndicat des Eau D’Ile de France (SEDIF) remet en cause la continuité contractuelle depuis 1923 avec Veolia (ex-Compagnie Générale des Eaux). Veolia remporte l’appel d’offre en 2010. Une nouvelle entité est créée, Veolia Eau D’Ile de France (VEDIF), mais des interrogations demeurent.A travers une recherche-action, la construction intellectuelle d’une situation de gestion puis celle d’une situation de tension évaluative intègrent le questionnement de Veolia avec celui d’acteurs externes : comment faire des bénéfices et faire bénéficier l’usager ? A quoi sert Veolia ? Quelle est sa raison d’être ? Dans ce cadre, un objet de gestion apparaît structurant : un système de 168 indicateurs de performance (IP). La bonne atteinte des IP par VEDIF contribue à sa rémunération. Dans quelle mesure les IP permettent-ils de donner une valeur à l’eau et de la gérer ?La mise en œuvre des IP induit des effets inattendus qui, pour une partie des salariés génère une crise de sens. L’observation ethnographique et les entretiens amènent à constater que les salariés de l’entreprise méconnaissent ou ont oublié le contexte dans lequel ont émergé les IP, la manière avec laquelle ils ont évolué. Faire l’histoire de ce système d’indicateurs de performance devient alors une nécessité pour en comprendre le sens dans la longue durée (1853-2017).En mettant en place le système d’IP, les managers de VEDIF en attendent des résultats logiques et rationnels. Or, les IP génèrent des effets inattendus. Ils font émerger, ils performent de nouveaux acteurs à 3 niveaux d’analyse : intercommunal avec la création du Syndicat en 1923, de la firme avec la figure du client dans les années 1990 et, du service développement durable avec la découverte de bio-traceurs (papillon, chauve-souris) et l’apparition d’un écosystème d’acteurs autour de la biodiversité (consultants, auditeurs et experts).Un IP naît face à un problème qu’il s’agit de résoudre. Au fur et à mesure, les IP s’accumulent et, certains d’entre eux entrent en contradiction avec d’autres. Or, ils ne prennent sens qu’au sein d’un tout dont l’histoire reste à faire. Au-delà des chiffres, des comptes, pour en saisir le sens, il importe d’en conter l’histoire. En s’inspirant librement de Foucault, la généalogie des IP met en évidence trois régimes de la valeur de l’eau : hygiéniste et scientifique, technique et d’ingénierie, managérial et bureaucratique. Ces régimes ne sont pas exclusifs les uns des autres : le régime hygiéniste et scientifique a coexisté avec le régime technique et d’ingénierie au cours des années 1980-2000. Néanmoins, à chaque période un régime est dominant. Dans le cas de VEDIF, il fonde, renouvelle ou renforce l’idée pour les pouvoirs publics de faire appel aux acteurs privés pour gérer l’eau. Réaliser une généalogie des IP permet de saisir les processus de rationalisation dans lesquels s’inscrivent les catégories d’IP à chaque période. Au regard de la longue durée, les fonctions des IP apparaissent imbriquées dans des processus de rationalisation, d’objectivation de la valeur de l’eau qui les dépassent. Dans quelle mesure cette nouvelle perspective sur les IP permet-elle de reconsidérer leurs rôles ?Ainsi, les IP en tant qu’outil de gestion jouent une triple fonction : cognitive, médiatrice et organisatrice. Ils produisent des savoirs, des connaissances. Ils jouent les intermédiaires entre différents acteurs tout en médiatisant, en visibilisant un pan de l’activité du service de l’eau. Parce qu’ils sont constitutifs et constitués par des liens entre les différents acteurs de la gestion de l’eau, tout en intégrant de nouveaux savoirs, ils définissent et renouvellent en permanence ce qu’est la bonne gestion de l’eau, sa valeur, ses valeurs. Ils produisent l’organisation et, en sont simultanément le produit. / Through an extended case study, the value of water is studied in terms of long-term water management assessment (1853-2017). Starting point: in 2006, the Syndicat des Eau d'Ile de France (SEDIF) called into question the contractual continuity since 1923 with Veolia (ex-Compagnie Générale des Eaux). Finally, Veolia wins the tender in 2010. A new entity is created, Veolia Eau D'Ile de France (VEDIF), but questions remain.Through an action-research, faced with the company's questioning about its economic impact, the intellectual construction of a management situation and then a situation of evaluative tension integrate Veolia's questioning with that of external actors : how to do it profits and make to the benefit of the user ? What is the use of Veolia and for who is it working ? What is its purpose? In this context, a management object seems to be crucial : a system of 168 performance indicators (PI). The good achievement of IP by VEDIF contributes directly to remuneration. To what extent does PI provide value for water and contribute to it management ?The implementation of IP within VEDIF induces unexpected effects which, for some of the employees, generates a crisis of meaning. Ethnographic observation and interviews lead to the finding that the employees of the company do not know or forget the context in which the IPs emerged, the way in which they evolved. Making history of this system of performance indicators then becomes a necessity to understand its meaning in the long run (1853-2017).By setting up the IP system, VEDIF managers await logical and rational results. Or, IPs generate unexpected effects. In particular, new actors are performed by IPs. They emerge at three levels of analysis: intercommunal with the creation of the Syndicate in 1923, the firm with the construction of the figure of the client in the 1990s and, the service of sustainable development with the discovery of bio-tracers (butterfly, bat) and the emergence of an ecosystem of actors around biodiversity (consultants, auditors and experts).An IP is created to cope with a problem that needs to be solved. As time goes on, IPs accumulate and some of them come into conflict with others. But they only make sense within a whole whose history remains to be told. Beyond figures and accounts, to grasp their meaning, it is important to tell the story. Inspired by Foucault, the genealogy of the IP reveals three regimes of the value of water: hygienist and scientific, technical and engineering, managerial and bureaucratic. These regimes are not mutually exclusive: the hygienist and scientific regime coexisted with the technical and engineering regime in the 1980’s-1990’s. Nevertheless, in each period a regime is dominant. In the case of VEDIF, it creates, renews or restrengthens the idea for public authorities to call on private operators to manage water. Realizing the genealogy of IP allows to understand the processes of rationalization under which each IP categories are in each period. In the long-term, the functions of the IPs appear to be embedded in processes of rationalization, of objectification of the value of the water that go beyond them. To what extent does this new perspective on IPs help to reconsider their roles?IPs as a management tool play a triple function: cognitive, mediator and organizer. They produce knowledge. They act as intermediaries between different actors and, in the meantime, mediatize by visibilizing a part of the activity of the water service. Because they constitute and are constituted by links between the different actors of water management, while integrating new knowledge, they define and constantly renew what is good water management, its value, its values. They produce organization and, at the same time, are produced by it.

Från data till ett organisatoriskt förstoringsglas : En kvalitativ studie om designen av dashboards i praktiken

Harju Schnee, Linn, Wallentin, Rakel January 2021 (has links)
Dashboarden har kommit att bli ett uppmärksammat verktyg bland organisationer de senaste åren. En dashboard kan beskrivas som en visuell display som förmedlar väsentlig information nödvändig för att uppnå ett eller flera objektiv, som kan övervakas med en enda blick. En effektivt designad dashboard kan optimera ett företags prestationer och beslutsfattande genom att styra medlemmar i samma riktning samt förse dem med pålitliga beslutsunderlag. Tidigare forskning och läroböcker har berört motivation, implementersstadier av dashboards, val av nyckeltal samt hur dashboards ska designas för att vara effektiva. Få studier har dock undersökt hur dashboards designas i praktiken. Syftet med denna uppsats var därför att undersöka hur företags design av dashboards ser ut, och mer specifikt hur designen varierar efter syftet med dashboarden.  För att besvara problemställningen genomfördes en kvalitativ studie i form av små N-studier. Datainsamlingen inkluderade fem separata intervjuer med respondenter som varit delaktiga i designen av deras företags dashboard, samt kompletterande skärmavbilder på dessa. Studiens resultat indikerar att designen av dashboards i praktiken är komplext, men att några samband mellan syfte och design kan identifieras. Beroende på typen av dashboard, vilket korrelerar med dess syfte, kommer valet av KPI:er och funktionella egenskaper se olika ut. Inget tydligt samband mellan syfte och visuella egenskaper kunde identifieras.

Diagnostika mobilných sietí / Mobile Network Diagnostics

Krkoš, Radko January 2018 (has links)
The thesis deals with the topic of mobile network diagnostics, different methods applicable for this purpose and methodology for technical diagnostics and consequent error mitigation or mobile network optimisation. Service commonly offered by mobile networks and their quality of service requirements and analysis methods are described.

Umweltkennzahlen zur Prozessbewertung: Analyse eines bestehenden Umweltkennzahlensystems und dessen Integration in die betrieblichen Prozessabläufe zur Darstellung von Trends sowie zur Abgabe von Prognosen

Laitenberger, Korinna, Meier, Kerstin, Poser, Claudia, Röthig, Diana, Stienen, Jana, Tobian, Stefanie 23 December 2009 (has links)
Das Ziel dieser Arbeit lag in der Erstellung eines Umweltkennzahlensystems für das Unternehmen Brose, welches als Tools zur Steuerung der Prozesse eingesetzt werden kann. In einer wissenschaftlichen Ausarbeitung wurde das Umweltkennzahlensystem analysiert. Unter Zuhilfenahme verschiedener Normen und Leitfäden des BMU und UBA entstand ein neues Umweltkennzahlensystem, das den allgemeinen und den speziellen Anforderungen Broses gerecht wird. Die Projektarbeit hat Verbesserungspotenziale des vorher bestehenden Umweltkennzahlensystems aufgedeckt, die durch die Neuerstellung behoben worden sind. Das neue Umweltkennzahlensystem ist darauf ausgelegt, im Unternehmen aktiv als Managementtool genutzt zu werden, anhand dessen Entscheidungen getroffen werden und das eine Frühwarnfunktion übernimmt.

Improving Supply Chain Risk Management by Introducing Performance Measurement Systems

Ryding, Anna, Sahlin, Jonatan January 2013 (has links)
Supply chain risk management (SCRM) is a topic that gains more and more interest from both the academic and practitioner’s perspective. The reason for this is the increased complexity in the global supply chain (SC) networks and many managers do not realize the risks they build in their SC by the continuous search to cut cost and decrease tied up capital. One problem with SCRM is that it is hard to measure the performance of it and if it is really beneficial to work with it. The objective for this master thesis is to investigate how companies can evaluate and thereby improve their SCRM efforts by connecting the field of SCRM to the field of performance measurement systems (PMS). First, a thorough literature search was conducted where the current literature about SCRM and PMS was examined to understand what the literature recommends. This was followed by a multiple case study including semi-structured interviews with SC managers at eight companies to get the practical aspect of the problem.The results of the research show that companies work with SCRM in many different ways. The companies that have advanced furthest are the ones that have connected their SCRM to existing key performance indicators (KPIs) and because of that they have been able to measure the results of their SCRM efforts. The top-performers had a comprehensive understanding of their risk drivers and risks that affected their SC, which was consistent with the literature. Connecting the SCRM to the PMS, the companies can better monitor how the SCRM affect the performance goals for the SC performance. Then the next step is then to connect key risk indicators (KRIs) to the key KPIs that will give managers longer time to react to potential risks. Only one company in the study had accomplished this, hence, there is a great space for improvements for many companies.

Investigation of how to implement successful KPIs for organizations – based on an empirical study at an international organization

Shen, Jing January 2013 (has links)
In the information age, KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) are commonly used for business performance measurement in organizations; however there’s no single best way about how to implement KPIs, which means that a company can select any arbitrary suitable KPIs. The thesis will do research and investigations based on existing academic theory and a case study in an international logistic company. The research was aiming at helping organizations to develop and implement successful KPIs that are effective, complete, and aligned with their business strategy and which conforms to scientific theories for how KPIs can be implemented. I designed a framework which was combined with the critical factors of successful KPIs in the scientific theories, the framework was designed for helping companies diagnosing and improving the effectiveness, completeness and alignment of their KPIs. . The aim was fulfilled by successfully testing the proposed framework in a case study. The result from the case study shows that there was a gap between how the KPIs are used and the scientific theories of how they should be used. However the framework need to be further tested in future research for a general usefulness.

Development of performance indicators through cost driver identification : an IT department case study / Utveckling av nyckeltal genom identifiering av kostnadsdrivare : en fallstudie på en IT-­‐avdelning

Almehdi Österman, Sami, Lundberg, Carl January 2012 (has links)
The costs of information technology (IT) in large multinational companies (MNCs) often constitute a significant portion of the company’s total yearly turnover. IT departments are on one hand expected to return value to business, but are on the other hand often prone to cost reductions. Thus, it is not unusual that IT management chooses to focus on cost cutting rather than cost control in order to meet the company’s financial targets. Understanding cost drivers in IT is not always evident, making it difficult for managers to know what performance indicators that should be tracked. This study addresses the issue of cost control and performance measurement in IT departments, in the form of a case study carried out at the IT department of a large Swedish MNC in the telecommunications industry. The case company is divided into two parts: Enterprise and Engineering, where Enterprise provides the organization with IT in form of printers, personal computers, applications, IT support and communication services through network infrastructure and voice. Engineering provides research and development units with software development infrastructure and testing environments for products. The testing environments comprise of both software testing through simulations and hardware testing in physical labs. By carrying out interviews with managers and key people responsible for large budget items, 130 cost drivers were identified. After reducing recurring cost drivers and merging similar ones, the cost drivers were filtered according to quantifyability. In a second step, performance indicators were developed using the SMART model and then scored with respect to cost impact and ease of implementation. This resulted in a recommendation of 49 performance indicators to be tracked across the entire IT department. A sample of recommended performance indicators is total cost of wages / number of employees, number of virtualized servers / total number of servers and amount of video related traffic / total capacity of bandwidth. The ambition of this study is to provide a holistic way of controlling cost drivers through prioritized performance indicators. Even though this case is specific to an IT department, the approach in this research may well be applied in other departments and industries. / Kostnaderna för informationsteknologi (IT) i stora multinationella företag utgör ofta en betydande del av företagets totala årliga omsättning. Samtidigt som IT-organisationer förväntas leverera värde till företaget, utsätts de även för kostnadsnedskärningar. Därför är det inte ovanligt att IT-ledningen väljer att fokusera på kostnadsbesparingar, snarare än kostnadskontroll, för att nå bolagets finansiella mål. Det är inte alltid enkelt att förstå vad som driver kostnader i en IT-organisation, vilket försvårar besluten om vilka nyckeltal som IT-ledningen bör styra efter. Denna studie tar upp frågan om kostnadskontroll och prestationsmätning i IT-organisationer i form av en fallstudie, som genomförts på IT-avdelningen på ett stort svenskt multinationellt bolag i telekommunikationsbranschen. Organisationen kan delas in i Enterprise och Engineering, där Enterprise tillhandahåller IT i form av skrivare, persondatorer, applikationer, IT support och kommunikationstjänster genom nätinfrastruktur och taltjänster. Engineering tillhandahåller infrastruktur för mjukvaruutveckling och en miljö för testning av produkter för forsknings- och utvecklingsenheter. Testmiljön består av både mjukvarutestning i form av simuleringar samt tester av hårdvara i fysiska laboratorier. Med utgångspunkt i intervjuer med chefer och andra nyckelpersoner ansvariga för stora budgetposter, identifierades 130 kostnadsdrivare inom IT-avdelningen. Efter reduktion av återkommande kostnadsdrivare och sammanslagning av liknande drivare, filtrerades kostnadsdrivarna med aveseende på kvantifierbarhet. Kostnadsdrivare som var kvantifierbara översattes sedan till nyckeltal med hjälp av SMART-modellen. I efterföljande steg  poängsattes nyckeltalen med avseende på kostnadseffekt och möjligheten för implementering. Detta resulterade i en rekommendation av 49 nyckeltal för effektiv kostnadskontroll i hela organisationen. Ett urval av rekommenderade nyckeltal är totala lönekostnaden / antal anställda, antal virtualiserade servrar / totala antalet servrar samt mängden videorelaterad datatrafik / totala bandbreddskapaciteten. Ambitionen med denna studie är att på ett ett holistiskt sätt kontrollera kostnadsdrivare, genom prioritering av nyckeltal. Även om denna fallstudie specifikt riktar sig mot IT-avdelningar, anser författarna att tillvägagångssättet även kan tillämpas på andra avdelningar och branscher.

Static And Transient Voltage Stability Assessment Of Hybrid Ac/Dc Power Systems

Lin, Minglan 10 December 2010 (has links)
Voltage stability is a challenging problem in the design and operation of terrestrial and shipboard power systems. DC links can be integrated in the AC systems to increase the transmission capacity or to enhance the distribution performance. However, DC links introduce voltage stability issues related to the reactive power shortage due to power converters. Multi-infeed DC systems make this existing phenomenon more complicated. In addition, shipboard power systems have unique characteristics, and some concepts and methodologies developed for terrestrial power systems need to be investigated and modified before they are extended for shipboard power systems. One goal of this work was to develop a systematic method for voltage stability assessment of hybrid AC/DC systems, independent of system configuration. The static and dynamic approaches have been used as complementary methods to address different aspects in voltage stability. The other goal was to develop or to apply voltage stability indicators for voltage stability assessment. Two classical indicators (the minimum eigenvalue and loading margin) and an improvement (the 2nd order performance indicator) have been jointly used for the prediction of voltage stability, providing information on the system state and proximity to and mechanism of instability. The eliminated variable method has been introduced to calculate the partial derivatives of AC/DC systems for modal analysis. The previously mentioned methodologies and the associated indicators have been implemented for the application of integrated shipboard power system including DC zonal arrangement. The procedure of voltage stability assessment has been performed for three test systems, the WSCC 3-machine 9-bus system, the benchmark integrated shipboard power system, and the modified I RTS-96. The static simulation results illustrate the critical location and the contributing factors to the voltage instability, and screen the critical contingencies for dynamic simulation. The results obtained from various static methods have been compared. The dynamic simulation results demonstrate the response of dynamic characteristics of system components, and benchmark the static simulation results.

Designing an Operations Performance Management System – A case-study of a leading global automotive parts supplier

Gast, Carsten G. January 2019 (has links)
This research focuses on a contemporary Operations Performance Management System (OPMS) designed for a leading global automotive parts supplier. It synthesises an integrated and holistic OPMS to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the automotive parts supplier to ultimately improve financial margin. The study is motivated by the need of an process-oriented automotive parts supplier to excel in regards to its operations management to ultimately secure a best-in-class cost basis in times of significant changes in the automotive industry. The research design is based on a qualitative single case-study and deploys semistructured interviews with the management of the case-study organisation. In addition, hundreds of documents were analysed to evidence the creation of the OPMS. Finally, participant observation was used to allow for triangulation and contextualisation of findings. The findings reveal a contemporary OPMS. It presents an intelligent and integrated steering logic from corporate level to single operational processes. It integrates performance measurement and management in acknowledgement of the specific needs to the case-study organisation. The overall aim of this thesis is to make a practical contribution to this area as achieved by the presented OPMS. This study extends the existing literature by contributing a customised, highlyintegrated OPMS for a process-oriented automotive parts supply industry. It embeds the ‘Target Costing Methodology’ as an example for a performance management tool into the OPMS. Furthermore, the study explores the impact of digitalisation on OPMS. This research has synthesised an OPMS that emphasises a shift towards intelligent performance measurement for achieving value in the chain, in areas such as procurement and manufacturing. This shift is strongly influenced by digital transformation, which is not yet holistically commanded by the case-study organisation. The research does shed light upon how to optimise resource utilisation based on increased operational focus and managerial accountability. This approach will lead to continual organisational learning as part of the ‘Plan-Do-Check-Action’ management process.

Evaluation of KPI Monitoring Tools for an Automotive Supplier

Mirza, Hasnain Haider Baig 29 August 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Automotive SPICE is used to evaluate the efficiency of the development processes for OEMs and ECU suppliers. It is a domain specific version of SPICE. Many automotive manufacturers are demanding Automotive SPICE level 2 from their suppliers. Application life cycle management solutions specific to automotive industry focus more on standardisation yet providing very little information about performance of processes. This thesis shows how Business Intelligence (BI) solutions can be helpful in achieving Automotive SPICE level 2 compliance and as comprehensive reporting tools. Moreover the evaluation of approaches for implementation of different BI systems has shown that commercial solutions can be beneficial for small to medium size suppliers. Implementing a BI solution can also point out possible improvement opportunities and bad practices for an organisation. The implemented BI system can only be efficient and useful if the underlying data is accurate and responsive.

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