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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Depressive symptoms in relation to oral health and related factors in a middle-aged population:analytical approach

Anttila née Vimpari, S. (Sirpa) 28 May 2003 (has links)
Abstract The most common mental disorder, depression, is internationally acknowledged as a considerable public health problem, major depression being one of the leading causes of premature mortality and disability in the world (Murray & Lopez 1996). Besides its associations with disturbances in psychological and social functioning, depression is also associated with various biological alterations. Accordingly, extensive research has been conducted to link depression with several somatic diseases. The relationship between depression and oral health is still obscure, however. This study was carried out to investigate the relationship of depressive symptoms with oral health and related factors in 55-year-old inhabitants of Oulu, 780 of whom participated. Depressive symptoms were measured with the Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale (ZSDS). A high rate of depressive symptoms was associated with symptoms of temporomandibular disorders (TMD), the subjective sensation of dry mouth, and high counts of salivary lactobacilli. An uncertain association was demonstrated between depressive symptoms and abundant growth of salivary mutans streptococci and the presence of yeasts in saliva. Depressive symptoms were associated with edentulousness in a subgroup of men who had never smoked. The dentate women with high rates of depressive symptoms did not consider it equally important to preserve their natural teeth as did the dentate women with fewer depressive symptoms. They also consumed sweets, snacks, and soft drinks more often, and a longer time had elapsed since their last visit to a dentist. No associations between depressive symptoms and periodontal pocketing or dental caries could be demonstrated in this cross-sectional study. It is suggested that depression should be considered as a possible underlying factor when treating patients with TMD symptoms and complaints of oral dryness. Furthermore, considering the discovered association between depressive symptoms and microbial growth, the possibility of an increased risk for impaired oral health among depressed persons is emphasized.

Ação antimicrobiana de dose única de colutórios: análise comparativa entre condições periodontais por meio de estudo clínico controlado simples cego / Single dose mouthrinse antimicrobial action: comparative analysis about periodontal conditions using clinical controlled simple blind study

Priscila de Macedo Máximo 13 May 2016 (has links)
Hipóteses do estudo: 1) A magnitude da ação antimicrobiana difere entre os princípios ativos cloreto de cetilpiridíneo (CPC), digluconato de clorexidina (CHX), e óleos essenciais (OE) quando utilizados em dose única no bochecho pré-operatório. 2) A redução bacteriana é mais evidente nos pacientes periodontalmente doentes. Objetivos: Avaliou-se a ação antimicrobiana de bochechos pré-operatórios em dose única em diferentes condições periodontais. Método: Sessenta indivíduos saudáveis, sessenta com gengivite e sessenta com periodontite foram randomizados nos grupos: CPC 0,07%, CHX 0,12%, OE (timol 0,064%, mentol 0,042%, eucaliptol 0,092% e salicilato de metila 0,06%) e solução controle negativo. Para o diagnóstico periodontal foram avaliados índice de placa (IP), índice sangramento gengival (ISG), profundidade de sondagem (PS) e nível de inserção clínica (NIC). A quantificação da contagem bacteriana total e das espécies Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tannerella forsythia,Treponema denticola e Streptococcus oralis foi realizada pela PCR em tempo real (qPCR) em amostras de saliva. Os dados foram analisados utilizando-se os testes t pareado e t Student (p<0,05). Resultados: CHX, OE e CPC acarretaram reduções das contagens totais bacterianas e das espécies bacterianas específicas superiores ao controle negativo. A magnitude do efeito variou entre os agentes testados e foi influenciada pela condição periodontal. Para as reduções das contagens totais bacterianas OE exibiram os melhores resultados já que foram eficazes na saúde, gengivite e periodontite. CHX mostrou esse mesmo padrão, exceto no grupo gengivite. CPC não foi eficaz estatisticamente no grupo periodontite para esse parâmetro. As maiores reduções das espécies Gram negativas agrupadas no complexo vermelho (Pg, Td e Tf simultaneamente) foram observadas após o uso de CHX, no grupo saúde e OE, nos grupos gengivite e periodontite. Quanto às reduções da espécie Gram positiva So, elas foram maiores no grupo saúde após o uso de OE, no grupo gengivite após o uso de CHX e no grupo periodontite após o uso em dose única de CPC. Conclusões: O bochecho pré-procedimento tem ação antimicrobiana que sofre influência da condição periodontal e difere entre os agentes testados. Para pacientes saudáveis o clínico pode optar por CHX, OE ou CPC, mas para pacientes com doença periodontal OE ou CHX devem ser a primeira escolha. / The propouse of this study: 1) The extent the dimension of the antimicrobial action differs among the active agents cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC), chlorhexidine digluconate (CHX), and essential oils (EO) when used as a single dose in the preoperative rinse. 2) The bacterial reduction after the use of a single dose mouthwash is more evident in patients with periodontal diseases. Goals: The present study evaluated by microbiological parameters the antimicrobial effectiveness of the preoperative rinses in differents periodontal conditions. Method: Sixty periodontal healthy individuals, sixty individual with gingivitis, sixty individual with periodontitis were randomized into the following groups: CPC(0,07%), CHX(0,12%), EO(timol 0,064%,menthol 0,042%,eucalyptol 0,092%,methyl salicylate 0,06%) and negative control solution. Plaque index (IP), gingival bleeding index (IG), probing depth (PS) and clinical attachment level (NIC) were evaluated clinically. The bacterial identification and the quantification (Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tannerella forsythia,Treponema denticola, Streptococcus oralis) were realized for PCR real time(qPCR) on salivary samples. The data were analysed by the paired t-test and Student t-test(p<0,05). Results: CHX, EO and CPC have resulted in reduction in bacterial total counts and specifc bacterial species, wich were higher than the negative control. The magnitude of the effect varied between the tested agents and it was influenced by periodontal condition. The reductions in bacterial total counts EO showed the best results since they were effective in healthy, gingivitis and periodontitis. CHX showed the same pattern, except in the gingivitis group. CPC was not statistically effective in periodontitis group for this parameter. The largest reductions of the species Gram negative grouped in the red complex (Pg, Tf and Td simultaneously) were observed after the use of CHX in health, and EO in the gingivitis and periodontitis groups. The reductions in Gram positive species So, were higher in the group health after using EO, in the gingivitis group after the use of CHX and in the periodontitis group after using CPC. Conclusions: The pre-procedure rinses has antimicrobial action suffering influence of periodontal condition and varies from agents tested. In healthy patients the clinician may choose CHX, EO or CPC but for patients with periodontal disease EO or CHX should be the first choice.

Inter-relação entre doença periodontal e déficit cognitivo em ratos Wistar

Ribas, Marcelo Ekman January 2017 (has links)
As evidências científicas recentes vêm demonstrando uma possível associação entre doenças periodontais e patologias neurodegenerativas como a Doença de Alzheimer. O corpo de evidências vem aumentando consideravelmente nos últimos anos, entretanto, existem poucos estudos de caráter experimental, observando os mecanismos biológicos que podem explicar essa associação. A presente tese teve como objetivo principal analisar, em modelo animal, a associação entre doença periodontal e déficit cognitivo. Nesse contexto, foram produzidos 3 artigos científicos, sendo uma revisão da literatura e 2 estudos experimentais. A revisão de literatura de caráter informativo para os cirurgiõesdentistas buscou avaliar a literatura atual acerca da relação entre as doenças periodontais e Doença de Alzheimer (DA). Pode-se observar que há uma escassa literatura tangente ao tema, com uma ascensão marcante recente de estudos de caráter observacionais transversais, com poucos estudos experimentais clínicos e em modelo animal. A análise dessa literatura demarca o tópico como de notável relevância atual, sendo a DA uma patologia de caráter progressivo e alta morbidade, e as patologias periodontais tornandose um possível fator modulador da etiopatogênese do Alzheimer. Contudo, ainda há carência de estudos experimentais que expliquem melhor os mecanismos biológicos dessa relação e o efeito sistêmico plausível entre as duas patologias. O segundo e terceiro artigos trataram da realização de um modelo experimental, em ratos Wistar, de indução de periodontite e indução de déficit cognitivo, analisando a influência que a doença periodontal pode apresentar sobre a progressão do déficit cognitivo, analisados por modelos comportamentais de retenção de memória (artigo 2) e por parâmetros químicos de estresse oxidativo em nível cerebral (artigo 3). No segundo artigo foram utilizados 30 ratos Wistar machos, com 45 dias de vida, divididos em 3 grupos experimentais. O grupo escopolamina recebeu indução de déficit cognitivo por escopolamina (3mg/kg), e os grupos doença periodontal e escopolamina, receberam indução de perda óssea por meio de ligaduras e indução de déficit cognitivo, sendo um dos grupos avaliado pelo teste comportamental de labirinto aquático de Morris, e o outro avaliado pelo teste comportamental de esquiva inibitória. Os animais com doença periodontal apresentaram piores retenção de memória de curta e longa duração, contudo, de forma não significativa. Pode-se concluir que nesse modelo experimental, a periodontite não foi capaz de modificar a latência de memória avaliada pelos testes comportamentais. Para o terceiro 9 artigo, 40 ratos Wistar foram divididos em 4 grupos experimentais. Grupo controle, grupo doença periodontal (DP), sendo realizada indução de perda óssea alveolar por ligadura, grupo escopolamina, sendo realizada indução de déficit cognitivo por escopolamina (3mg/kg) e grupo DP + escopolamina. Além da análise morfométrica da perda óssea alveolar, foram realizadas análises bioquímicas do tecido cerebral para aferição de estresse oxidativo. Os dados bioquímicos de alterações relacionadas ao estresse oxidativo evidenciam que a presença da doença periodontal induzida foi capaz de modificar significativamente os parâmetros de glutationa reduzida (GSH) e sulfidrilas totais, tanto no grupo somente com doença periodontal em relação ao controle, como no grupo de indução de déficit cognitivo e doença periodontal (DP+Escopolamina). Pode-se concluir que a periodontite induzida foi capaz de modular o déficit cognitivo, diminuindo a ação de agentes antioxidantes em nível cerebral, no modelo experimental proposto. A partir dos resultados dos artigos e frente às reflexões evidenciadas, pode-se concluir que a doença periodontal apresenta um potencial modulador da etiopatogênese de doenças neurodegenerativas como a DA, todavia, uma análise crítica deve ser empregada pelos profissionais sobre os mecanismos que interligam as duas patologias, bem como novos estudos devem ser estimulados para melhor entendimento dos fatores etiopatogênicos que tangem as doenças periodontais e desordens neurodegenerativas. / Recent scientific evidence has demonstrated a possible association between periodontal diseases and neurodegenerative diseases such Alzheimer's. The body of evidence has increased considerably in recent years, however, there are few experimental studies, observing the biological mechanisms possible explaining this association. The main objective of this thesis was to analyze, in an animal model, the association between periodontal disease and cognitive deficit. In this context, 3 scientific articles were written, being a review of the literature and 2 experimental studies. The review of informative literature for practicing dentists sought to evaluate the current literature on the relationship between periodontal diseases and Alzheimer's disease (AD). It can be observed that there is a scarce literature tangent to the subject, with a recent marked rise in cross-sectional observational studies, with few clinical and animal models. The analysis of literature demarcates the topic with outstanding current relevance, being AD a progressive pathology with high morbidity, and periodontal pathologies becoming a possible modulating factor of Alzheimer's disease etiopathogenesis. However, there is still a lack of experimental studies that could better explain the biological mechanisms of this relationship and the plausible systemic effect between the two pathologies. The second and third articles related the development of an experimental model, in Wistar rats, of induction of periodontitis and induction of cognitive deficit, analyzing the influence that periodontal disease may present on the progression of cognitive deficit, analyzed by behavioral models of retention of memory (article 2) and chemical parameters of oxidative stress in brain (article 3). In the second article, 30 male Wistar rats 45 days-old, were divided into 3 experimental groups. The scopolamine group received induction of a scopolamine cognitive deficit (3mg / kg), and the periodontal disease and scopolamine groups received induction of bone loss with ligatures and induction of cognitive deficit, one of the groups being evaluated by Morris aquatic maze, and the group evaluated by the step-down behavioral test. Animals with periodontal disease presented worse short and long term memory retention, however, nonsignificantly. It can be concluded that in this experimental model, periodontitis was not able to modify the memory latency evaluated by the behavioral tests. For the third article, 40 Wistar rats were divided into 4 other experimental groups. A control group, group periodontal disease (PD), with induction of alveolar bone loss by ligature, scopolamine 11 group, with induction of cognitive deficit by scopolamine (3mg / kg) and group DP + scopolamine. In addition to morphometric analysis of alveolar bone loss, biochemical analyzes of the brain tissue were performed to assess oxidative stress. The biochemical data of alterations related to oxidative stress showed that the presence of periodontal disease was able to significantly modify the parameters of reduced glutathione (GSH) and total sulfhydryl, both in the group with periodontal disease in relation to the control, and in the group of induction of cognitive deficit and periodontal disease (PD + Scopolamine). It can be concluded that the induced periodontitis was able to modulate the cognitive deficit, reducing the action of antioxidant agents in cerebral level, in the proposed experimental model. From the results of the articles and the reflections shown, it can be concluded that periodontal disease presents a potential modulator role of the etiopathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases such AD, however, a critical analysis are stimulated for professionals on the mechanisms that interconnect the two pathologies, as well new studies should be stimulated to better understand the etiopathogenic factors that affect periodontal diseases and neurodegenerative disorders.

Síndrome metabólica relacionada à composição corporal, ingestão alimentar e condição periodontal de pacientes candidatos à cirurgia bariátrica / &nbsp;

Anjos, Ana Elisa de Paula Brandão dos 29 June 2018 (has links)
O objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar a composição corporal, ingestão alimentar e condição periodontal de pacientes obesos mórbidos com síndrome metabólica (SM) e sem SM, candidatos à cirurgia bariátrica. O estudo foi de caráter observacional, transversal e analítico, envolvendo pacientes com índice de massa corporal (IMC) entre 40,0 a 49,9 kg/m² e idade entre 18 e 55 anos, atendidos no ambulatório de Cirurgia Bariátrica do Hospital Amaral Carvalho (HAC), de Jaú - SP. A amostra foi constituída por 60 indivíduos, divididos em dois grupos: grupo com SM (G1-com SM = 30) e grupo sem SM (G2-sem SM = 30), os quais foram avaliados no pré-operatório da cirurgia bariátrica. As variáveis analisadas foram: idade, escolaridade, renda per capita, peso, altura, IMC, circunferência da cintura, circunferência do quadril, relação cintura-quadril, composição corporal por bioimpedância elétrica, ingestão alimentar, consumo de bebida alcoólica, índice de sangramento gengival, recessão gengival, profundidade da sondagem, índice de placa e índice de cálculo. Foram adotados os testes Qui-quadrado e teste t não pareado, para verificar a associação entre SM e o desfecho bucal (doença periodontal), seguidos de regressão linear multivariada e correlação Scatter-Plot (p<0,05). Não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos quanto à composição corporal e a ingestão alimentar. O G1-com SM apresentaram maior idade (p=0,0006) e maior número de dentes ausentes (p=0,0002). Quanto às condições periodontais, a bolsa vestibular ou lingual de 0-3mm foram mais prevalentes em G2-sem SM (p=0,0002), recessão vestibular ou lingual =0 também foram maior (p<0,0003). Concluiu-se que pacientes com SM apresentam piores condições periodontais do que os sem SM. A atenção integral à saúde destes pacientes se faz necessária através de equipe multiprofissional, com a participação do cirurgião dentista. / The aim of the present study was to compare the body composition, food intake and periodontal condition of morbidly obese patients with metabolic syndrome (MS) and without MS, candidates for bariatric surgery. The study was observational, crosssectional and analytical, involving patients with body mass index (BMI) between 40.0 and 49.9 kg / m² and aged between 18 and 55 years, attended at the ambulatory of Bariatric Surgery of the Hospital Amaral Carvalho (HAC), Jaú - SP. The sample consisted of 60 subjects, divided into two groups: group with MS (G1-with SM = 30) and group without MS (G2-without SM = 30), which were evaluated in the preoperative period of bariatric surgery. The variables analyzed were: age, education, per capita income, weight, height, BMI, waist circumference, hip circumference, waist to hip ratio, body composition by electric bio impedance, food intake, alcohol consumption and gingival bleeding index, gingival recession, probing pocket depth, plaque index and calculus index. Chi-square tests and unpaired t test were used to verify the association between MS and buccal outcome (periodontal disease), followed by multivariate linear regression and Scatter-Plot correlation (p <0.05). There was no significant difference between the groups regarding body composition and food intake. The G1-with SM showed older age (p = 0.0006) and greater number of missing teeth (p = 0.0002). As for periodontal conditions, the vestibular or lingual pouch of 0-3mm were more prevalent in G2-without SM (p = 0.0002), buccal or lingual recession = 0 were also higher (p <0.0003).It was concluded that patients with MS have worse periodontal conditions than those without MS. The integral health care of these patients is necessary through a multiprofessional team, with the participation of the dentist surgeon.

Tennfluoridtandkräm och plackinducerad gingivit : -En jämförelse mellan tennfluorid och konventionell tandkräm / Stannous fluoride Toothpaste and p laqueinduced gingivitis : A comparison between stannous fluoride and conventional toothpasteA literature study

Josefsson, Rita January 2022 (has links)
Sammanfattning   Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vilken påverkan en stabiliserad tennfluorid tandkräm har avseende gingivit på kort och långsikt jämfört med konventionell fluoridtandkräm. Metod: En allmän litteraturstudie där sökning samt insamling av originalstudier från olika tillförlitliga databaser utfördes på ett systematiskt sätt. Databaserna som användes var CINAHL, DOSS och PubMed. Sökningen och sökorden utgick från litteraturstudiens syfte där urvalet begränsades med inklusions- och exklusionskriterier. Totalt valdes 14 originalstudier, vilka kvalitetsgranskades och presenterades.  Resultat: Utvalda originalstudier delades in i tre olika underrubriker: tennfluoridens effekt på gingivit kortsiktigt och tennfluoridens effekt på gingivit långsiktigt samt tennfluoridens effekt på bakteriefloran som spelar roll vid gingivitförekomsten. Resultatet visar fler fördelar med att använda en tennfluoridtandkräm jämfört med en konventionell fluoridtandkräm avseende patienter med gingivit. Resultatet visar även färre aktiva patogena bakterier i hela munnen vid användning av tennfluoridtandkräm. Slutsats: tandkrämer som innehåller tennfluorid kan ha förebyggande och terapeutiska effekter mot plack och gingivit. Framför allt ger den fler fördelar än en vanlig konventionell fluoridtandkräm i den dagliga munhygienrutinen. Flera studier med större population bör utföras för att säkerställa resultaten och kunna driva rekommendationen via Socialstyrelsens riktlinjer. / Stannous fluoride Toothpaste and plaque-induced gingivitis  -A comparison between stannous fluoride and conventional toothpaste A literature study Summary   Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of a stabilized stannous fluoride toothpaste on gingivitis in the short and long term compared to conventional sodium fluoride toothpaste. Method: A literature study , the searching and collecting  of articles was performed in a systematic way from specific databases CINAHL, DOSS and PubMed. The search and the keywords were based on the purpose of the study and the selection was according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. A total of 14 original articles were selected, which were quality reviewed and presented. Results: Selected articles were divided into three different subheadings: the effect of stannous fluoride on gingivitis in the short term, the effects of stannous fluoride on gingivitis in the long term and the effect of stannous fluoride on the bacterial flora that plays a role in the occurrence of gingivitis. The results showed more advantages of using a stannous fluoride toothpaste compared to a conventional fluoride toothpaste for patients with gingivitis. The results also showed less active pathogenic bacteria throughout the mouth when using toothpaste containing stannous fluoride. Conclusion: Toothpastes that contain stannous fluoride can have preventive and therapeutic effects against plaque and gingivitis. Above all, it provides more benefits than a regular conventional sodium fluoride toothpaste in the daily oral hygiene routine. However, future studies with larger population should be carried out to ensure the results and be able to pursue the recommendation via the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare's guidelines.

The Effects of Nicotine on the Proteolytic Activity of Periodontal Pathogens

Kaeley, Janice,1976- January 2011 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Periodontal disease is the leading cause of tooth loss in adults. Bacterial biofilm on tooth surfaces is the primary initiator of periodontal disease. Various factors contribute to the severity of periodontal disease including the different virulence factors of the bacteria within the biofilm. In the progression of periodontal disease, the microflora evolves from a predominantly Gram positive microbial population to a mainly Gram negative population. Specific gram negative bacteria with pronounced virulence factors have been implicated in the etiology and pathogenesis of periodontal disease, namely Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tannerella forsythia and Treponema denticola which form the red complex of bacteria. The orange complex bacteria become more dominant in the maturation process of dental plaque and act to bridge the early colonizers of plaque with the later more dominant red complex bacterial and consists of such bacteria as Campylobacter showae, Campylobacter rectus, Fusobacterium nucleatum and Prevotella intermedia. Perhaps the most investigated contributing factor is the relationship between smoking and periodontal disease. When examining the association between cigarette smoking and interproximal bone loss, greater bone loss is associated with higher cigarette consumption, longer duration (i.e., pack year history) and higher lifetime exposure. The presence of various virulence factors such as the production of a capsular material, as well as the proteolytic activity of the various periopathodontic bacteria has been associated with the pathogenesis of periodontitis. Even though many different enzymes are produced in large quantities by these periodontal bacteria, trypsin-like enzymes, chymotrypsin-like enzymes and elastase-like enzymes, as well as dipeptidyl peptidase-like enzymes, have been thought to increase the destructive potential of the bacterium and mediate destruction of the periodontal apparatus. More specifically, it is hypothesized that the proteolytic activity of other clinically important periodontal pathogens, such as Fusobacterium nucleatum, Prevotella intermedia and Porphyromonas assacharolyticus, is increased in the presence of nicotine. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of nicotine on F. nucleatum, P. intermedia and P. assacharolyticus proteolytic activity. Cultures were maintained on anaerobic blood agar plates containing 3% sheep blood. Bacterial cells were harvested from the plates and washed. Washed F. nucleatum, P. intermedia and P. assacharolyticus cells were incubated with 1 mg/ml of nicotine. Bacterial cells not incubated with nicotine were used as positive controls. Secreted enzymatic activity was measured using the synthetic chromogenic substrates glycyl-L-proline-p-nitroanilide (GPPNA), N-succinyl-L-alanyl-L-alanyl-L-alanyl-p-nitroanilide (SAAAPNA), N-succinyl-alanine-alanine-proline-phenylalanine-p-nitroanilide (SAAPPPNA) and N-α-benzoyl-L-arginine-p-nitroanilide (L-BAPNA) (Sigma-Aldrich Products, St. Louis, MO, USA). Appropriate means and standard deviations were determined for each of the enzymatic activities measured and analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to compare the groups utilizing a 5% significance level for all comparisons. Results demonstrated that after 60 minutes of incubation of F. nucleatum, P. intermedia and P. assacharolyticus cells with 1 mg/ml of nicotine and the various synthetic substrates, had the following proteolytic activity for GPPNA: 0.83 ± 0.14, 0.72 ± 0.03 and 0.67 ± 0.10, respectively; SAAAPNA: 0.82 ± 0.06, 0.76 ± 0.05 and 0.68 ± 0.08, respectively; SAAPPPNA: 0.90 ± 0.13, 0.85 ± 0.17 and 0.72 ± 0.03, respectively; and BAPNA: 0.81 ± 0.15, 0.74 ± 0.13 and 0.74 ± 0.16, respectively. In conclusion, the results indicate that in the presence of 1 mg/ml of nicotine, the proteolytic activity of F. nucleatum and P. assacharolyticus was increased with all of the synthetic substrates (with statistical significance seen only in the increases with F. nucleatum and GPPNA, SAAAPNA and BAPNA). The proteolytic activity exhibited an increasing trend in activity for P. intermedia with SAAPPPNA and BAPNA but a decreasing trend in activity with GPPNA and SAAAPNA when incubated with 1 mg/ml of nicotine, once again demonstrating no statistical significance for any of the substrates. Therefore, it could be concluded that based on these results nicotine at a concentration of 1 mg/ml may increase the proteolytic activity of periodontal pathogens and thus may increase periodontal disease activity and subsequent periodontal breakdown. Further studies are needed to validate these results utilizing different concentrations of nicotine.

Avaliação clínica e microbiológica periodontal em portadores de cardiopatia valvar na gestação / Clinical periodontal status in pregnant women with reumatic valvar disease

Timerman, Lilia 01 August 2008 (has links)
Microorganismos da cavidade oral têm sido admitidos como causadores de doenças sistêmicas com reconhecido mecanismo de disseminação via corrente sangüínea. Diferentes fatores, incluindo a presença da doença periodontal, têm influência no risco de bacteremia oral, podendo ocasionar endocardite infecciosa por Streptococcus viridans. Sendo assim, a manutenção da saúde bucal adquire elevado grau de importância em gestantes portadoras de doença valvar reumática, em que o risco de endocardite infecciosa é eminente. A escassez científica fez deste tema o objetivo deste estudo: investigar a condição clínica periodontal de gestantes portadoras de cardiopatia valvar, identificando agentes periodontopatógenos nas amostras coletadas de saliva, sulco/bolsa periodontal, Para tanto, foram estudadas 52 gestantes cardiopatas (GC) e 70 gestantes não-cardiopatas (GNC). A condição periodontal foi avaliada empregando-se profundidade clínica de sondagem (PCS), nível clínico de inserção (NCI), linha esmalte cemento/margem gengival (LEC/MG), índice de sangramento (IS) e índice de placa bacteriana (IP). As seguintes médias foram obtidas para os parâmetros periodontais avaliados: PCS: 1.52 (GC) e 1.45 (GNC); NCI: 1.13 (GC) e 1.02 (GNC); LEC/MG: 0.41 (GC) e 0.40 (GNC); IS: 7.34 (GC) e 6.27 (GNC) e IP: 12.19 (GC) e 13.48 (GNC). Não houve diferença entre os grupos para o NCI (p= 0,612). A presença da Porphyromonas gingivalis na saliva foi maior (p= 0,007) no GNC, porém não houve diferença nas amostras de sulco/bolsa periodontal. / Microorganisms of the oral cavity are known to cause systemic diseases, spread through sanguine current. Different factors, including the presence of periodontal disease, influencing the risk of oral bacteremia could cause infectious endocarditis for Streptococcus viridans. Nevertheless, the maintenance of the oral health is extremely important in pregnant women with rheumatic valvar disease, in which the risk of infectious endocarditis is eminent. The aim of this study was to investigate the clinical periodontal condition of pregnant women with valvar disease and to identify the presence of Porphyromonas gingivalis in saliva and subgingival samples. For these purposes, we studied 52 pregnant with valvar disease (GC) and 70 healthy pregnant women (GNC). The following periodontal parameters were evaluated: probing depth (PCS), clinical attachment level (NCI), gingival margin location (LEC/MG), bleeding on probing (IS) and plaque index (IP). The following mean periodontal parameters were obtained: PCS: 1.52 (GC) e 1.45 (GNC); NCI: 1.13 (GC) e 1.02 (GNC); LEC/MG: 0.41 (GC) e 0.40 (GNC); IS: 7.34 (GC) e 6.27 (GNC) e IP: 12.19 (GC) e 13.48 (GNC). There was no statistical difference for NCI among the groups. There was no difference between periodontal clinical conditions in pregnant women with valvar disease and healthy pregnant women. The presence of the Porphyromonas gingivalis in saliva samples of healthy pregnant women is statistically higher than in pregnant woman with valvar disease; however, there was no difference in periodontal samples

Influência do tratamento da doença periodontal na atividade do lúpus eritematoso sistêmico / Influence of periodontal treatment in the systemic lupus erythematosus activity

Fabbri, Cristiana 27 August 2007 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A periodontite é uma doença infecciosa associada à inflamação crônica dos tecidos do dente. Os mediadores inflamatórios e citocinas podem influenciar o curso de doenças reumáticas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar se o tratamento da doença periodontal (DP) possue correlação com a atividade do lúpus eritematoso sistêmico (LES). MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 42 pacientes com LES (ACR, 1997) e consecutivamente randomizados em dois grupos. Os critérios de exclusão foram SLEDAI < 2 e/ou Índice de Sangramento Sulcular (ISS) igual a zero, obtendo-se o grupo TRATADO com 19 pacientes e o CONTROLE com 17 pacientes. Todos os pacientes estavam sob tratamento com ciclofosfamida endovenosa. Estes grupos foram pareados para idade, sexo, e raça. Foram determinados a velocidade de hemossedimentação (VHS), a proteína C reativa (PCR) e o SLEDAI. A graduação da doença periodontal foi aferida através da profundidade da bolsa periodontal (PB), do ISS e do nível de inserção (NI). O tratamento odontológico objetivou a desinfecção oral completa. O grupo TRATADO iniciou o tratamento odontológico imediatamente após a visita inicial e foram reavaliados após três meses. O grupo CONTROLE iniciou o tratamento odontológico após três meses de observação. Assim, todos os pacientes com SLEDAI ? 2 e/ou ISS ? zero, passaram a pertencer ao grupo TRATADO (n=32). Esses pacientes foram reavaliados após três meses do término do tratamento odontológico. RESULTADOS: Os grupos foram similares na visita inicial para o ISS (40,75 ± 30,98 vs. 40,72 ± 36,19%, p=0,89), PB (1,73 ± 1,80 vs. 1,48 ± 0,59mm, p=0,80) e NI (2,47 ± 1,9 vs. 1,91 ± 1,34mm, p=0,18) e para a VHS (20,69 ± 23,88 vs. 23,41 ± 21,92 mm/h, p=0,80), a PCR (4,7 ± 4,61 vs. 4,21 ± 5,86mg/dl, p=0,34) e o SLEDAI (5,94 ± 4,24 vs. 6,29 ± 4,35, p=0,73). A eficácia do tratamento odontológico foi atestada pela redução dos índices periodontais no grupo TRATADO: ISS (40,75 ± 30,98 vs. 15,19 ± 17,22%, p<0,01), PB (1,73 ± 1,80 vs. 1,10 ± 0,29 mm, p<0,01) e NI (2,47 ± 1,96 vs. 1,68 ± 0,90 mm, p<0,01). Os níveis de VHS e PCR não se alteraram ao longo do tratamento para os grupos. O grupo TRATADO apresentou redução do SLEDAI (5,94 ± 4,24 vs. 3,38 ± 3,30, p=0,04). O grupo CONTROLE não alterou os parâmetros odontológicos e nem clínicos nos 3 meses em observação. CONCLUSÃO: O tratamento odontológico propiciou a melhora da doença periodontal nos pacientes com lúpus eritematoso sistêmico, associada a uma redução significativa na atividade da doença aferida pelo SLEDAI. / INTRODUCTION: Periodontal disease is an infectious disease associated to a chronic inflammation of dental tissues. Inflammatory mediators and cytokines determine the course of rheumatic diseases. The aim of this study is to evaluate if periodontal disease (PD) treatment influences systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) activity. METHODS: Forty-two SLE patients (ACR, 1997) were evaluated and consecutively randomized in two groups. Exclusion criteria were SLEDAI < 2 and/or bleeding gingival index (BGI) of zero, resulting in TREATED group with 19 patients and CONTROL with 17 patients. All SLE patients were under IV cyclophosphamide therapy. Both groups were matched for age, gender, and race. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), C- reactive protein (CRP) and SLEDAI were determined. Periodontal disease graduation was defined according to probing depth (PD), bleeding gingival index (BGI) and probing attachment level (PAL). Odontological treatment focused a complete mouth desinfection. TREATED group have odontologial treatment immediately at entry and evaluated after three months. CONTROL started odontological treatment after 3 months of observation period. At the end, all SLE patients with SLEDAI ³ 2 and/or BGI > zero, entered in the TREATED group (n=32). These patients were evaluated 3 months after the end of odontological treatment. RESULTS: At entry, both groups had similar BGI (40.75 ± 30.98 vs. 40.72 ± 36.19%, p=0.89), PD (1.73 ± 1.80 vs. 1.48 ± 0.59mm, p=0.80), and PAL (2.47 ± 1.9 vs. 1.91 ± 1.34mm, p=0.18) and also for ESR (20.69 ± 23.88 vs. 23.41 ± 21.92 mm/h, p=0.80), CRP (4.7 ± 4.61 vs. 4.21 ± 5.86mg/dl, p=0.34) and SLEDAI (5.94 ± 4.24 vs. 6.29 ± 4.35, p=0.73). Efficacy of odontological treatment was identified in the reduction of all indexes of TREATED group: BGI (40.75 ± 30.98 vs. 15.19 ± 17.22%, p<0.01), PD (1.73 ± 1.80 vs. 1.10 ± 0.29 mm, p<0.01) and PAL (2.47 ± 1.96 vs. 1.68 ± 0.90 mm, p<0.01). ESR and CRP did not alter during treatment in both groups. TREATED group had a significant reduction in SLEDAI (5.94 ± 4.24 vs. 3.38 ± 3.30, p=0.04) after odontological treatment whereas CONTROL had similar odontological and clinical parameters during the 3 months of observation. CONCLUSION: SLE patients after odontological treatment had a significant reduction of SLEDAI with a better control of the inflammation of the disease.

"Prevalência das doenças periodontais em pacientes com doença isquêmica coronariana aterosclerótica, em Hospital Universitário" / Prevalence of periodontal diseases in patients with ischaemic coronary disease in an University Hospital, 2003.

Barilli, Ana Lucia de Azevedo 06 February 2003 (has links)
As doenças periodontais (DP) são precedidas em importância apenas pela cárie dentária como problema de saúde bucal coletiva no Brasil. Ambas são doenças infecciosas ainda muito prevalentes, entretanto é dada às DP uma importância questionavelmente secundária, pois não são sistematicamente investigadas e prevenidas em saúde pública. Pelo fato de sua prevalência ser atualmente desconhecida no Brasil, a alta freqüência das formas leves e moderadas das doenças periodontais na população como um todo e de suas formas mais graves em grupos ou indivíduos de risco, dentre estes os portadores de cardiopatias isquêmicas, motivou este estudo no Ambulatório de Cardiopatia Isquêmica do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo, cotejando os resultados com outros obtidos em grupo de pessoas não-cardiopatas atendidas na mesma instituição. Foi investigada a prevalência e gravidade das doenças periodontais, bem como a prevalência de seus fatores de risco, história médica da presença de doenças de interesse à periodontia (diabetes, hipertensão, acidente vascular cerebral) e comportamento relativo à higiene bucal. Dentre as 634 pessoas examinadas na fase de recrutamento dos participantes, 480 foram do grupo de pacientes cardiopatas isquêmicos e 154 de grupo de não-cardiopatas. Foram selecionados respectivamente de cada grupo, 58 e 62 participantes, na faixa etária de 30 a 79 anos, para a investigação periodontal. A média da idade foi de 53 anos em ambos os sexos para os pacientes cardiopatas e de 40 anos nos homens e 37 anos nas mulheres nos pacientes não-cardiopatas. Foram utilizados o Índice Periodontal Comunitário (IPC) e o índice de Perda de Inserção periodontal (PI), ambos recomendados pela OMS (1999). Os resultados mostraram um predomínio de sextantes nos escores indicativos das formas graves da DP entre os pacientes cardiopatas (74,1% contra 20,2%; p < 0,00001). Dentre os pacientes cardiopatas apenas 1,1% dos sextantes exibiram saúde periodontal, contra 32,0% nos pacientes não-cardiopatas (p < 0,00001). No tocante a história pregressa da DP, mensuradas através da perda de inserção, 6,0% dos sextantes não a exibiram entre os pacientes cardiopatas, contra 68,0% dos não-cardiopatas (p < 0,00001). Eram portadores de fatores de retenção de biofilme dental 100,0% dos pacientes cardiopatas e 82,3% dos pacientes não-cardiopatas (p < 0,001). Exigiam tratamento periodontal mais complexo, normalmente praticados por especialistas em periodontia, 94,8% dos pacientes cardiopatas contra 33,9% dos pacientes não-cardiopatas (p < 0,0001). Necessitavam de tratamento de bolsas > 6mm 79,3% dos pacientes cardiopatas contra 9,7% dos pacientes não-cardiopatas (p < 0,0001). Alguns fatores de risco comprovado e/ou provável às DP, foram investigados nos pacientes cardiopatas e pacientes não-cardiopatas: observou-se tabagismo em 10,4% e 33,9% (p < 0,01), respectivamente; alcoolismo em 44,8% e 24,2% (p < 0,02), respectivamente; diabetes em 29,3% e 1,6% (p < 0,0001), respectivamente; hipertensão arterial em 34,5% e 8,1% (p < 0,001), respectivamente. Conclusões: As DP mostraram-se muito prevalentes nos dois grupos estudados, sendo de maior gravidade nos pacientes com cardiopatia isquêmica. A elevada prevalência de fatores de risco às DP aponta para a necessidade de adoção de estratégias de intervenção para minimizá-los. / Periodontal diseases are preceded in importance only by dental caries as oral public health problem in Brazil. Both are infectious diseases and with high prevalences, however, a secondary importance is given to periodontal diseases because they are not routinely investigated and prevented at public health level. Presently its prevalence is not known in the Brazilian population. The high prevalence of mild and moderate forms of periodontal diseases in the general population, and its severe forms in specific groups or in high risk patients, as those with ischaemic coronary diseases, motivated this survey. It was carried out among patients from the Outpatient Clinic of Ischaemic Coronary Disease – Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo – and using for comparisons patients from other clinics of the same hospital. The prevalence and severity of periodontal diseases were investigated, as well as the prevalence of their risk factors, medical history of diseases with periodontic interest (diabetes, hypertension, stroke), and behaviour related to oral hygiene. During the recruitment phase, among 634 patients examined, 480 were from the group with cardiopathy and 154 from the group without cardiopathy. From each group were selected, respectively, 58 and 62 participants, aged 30 to 79 years for the periodontal investigation. Mean age was 53 years for both sexes in the group with cardiopathy and 40 years for men and 37 years for women in the group without cardiopathy. The Community Periodontal Index and the Attachment Periodontal Index, both recommended by the World Health Organization (1999), were used. Results showed a predominance of sextants in the scores indicating severe forms of periodontal diseases among patients with cardiopathy (74.1 vs. 20.2%; p< 0.00001). Among patients with cardiopathy, only 1.1% of the sextants showed periodontal health against 32.0% in the other group (p< 0.00001). Previous history of periodontal diseases, measured through lost of insertion, was present in 6.0% of the sextants in patients with cardiopathy and 68.0% in those without cardiopathy (p< 0.0001). All patients with cardiopathy and 82.3% of those without cardiopathy were carriers of retention factors of dental biofilm (p< 0.001). It was found that 94.8% of the patients with cardiopathy against 33.9% of the other group (p< 0.0001) required more complex periodontal treatment, usually performed by periodontal specialists. Treatment of sites &#8805; 6mmm was required by 79.3% of the patients with cardiopathy and by 9.7% from the other group (p< 0.0001). The frequency of confirmed or possible risk factors for periodontal diseases in the groups with and without cardiopathy were, respectively: smoking – 10.4 and 33.9% (p< 0.001); alcoholism – 44.8 and 24.2% (p< 0.02); diabetes – 29.3 and 1.6% (p< 0.0001); hypertension – 34.5 and 8.1% (p< 0.001). Conclusions: Periodontal diseases were highly prevalent in the two groups studied, but with higher severity among patients with cardiopathy. The high frequency of risk factors for periodontal diseases in both groups appointed to the need of intervention strategies towards these risk factors.

Estudo epidemiológico de saúde bucal em crianças de 12 anos de idade, Quito, Equador: relação entre gengivite e fatores associados / Epidemiological survey of oral health in 12-year-old children, Quito, Ecuador: study of gingivitis

Vega, Marco Vinicio Medina 07 December 2018 (has links)
O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a relação da gengivite, através da prevalência de sangramento gengival e de cálculo dentário, com fatores associados, em estudantes de 12 anos de escolas públicas da zona urbana de Quito (Equador). Para tanto, selecionou-se uma amostra representativa dessa população, e constituiu-se uma equipe para a avaliação. Tal equipe era composta por três grupos contemplando dois examinadores, dois anotadores e dois monitores de campo. Estes foram reorganizados segundo a divisão geográfica de Quito - regiões Norte, Central e Sul -, e pelas respectivas escolas. A prevalência de sangramento gengival, ajustada pelo desenho do estudo, foi de 92%, enquanto a prevalência de cálculo dentário foi de 69,9%. Dos estudantes examinados, 49% apresentavam sangramento gengival nos seis sextantes, e 5,6% apresentavam cálculo dentário também em todos os sextantes. Em contrapartida, 6,8% dos estudantes apresentavam saúde periodontal, ou seja, não apresentavam nenhum sextante com sangramento, e 26,5% não apresentavam cálculo dentário. Os resultados obtidos permitiram as seguintes conclusões: Dos fatores associados com a gengivite, podemos observar que houve associação significativa entre sangramento gengival e escolaridade dos pais, bem como maloclusão. Além disso, houve associação significativa entre cálculo dentário e escolaridade dos pais, bem como cárie dentária. / The objective of this study was to examine the prevalence of gingival bleeding and dental calculus among 12-year-old students enrolled in public schools in the urban zone of Quito (Ecuador). A representative sample was selected. A team of examiners, scorers, and field monitors was trained for the evaluation. The teams were assigned to geographic zones of the City of Quito to assess students of the selected schools. The prevalence rate of gingival bleeding was 92% and the prevalence rate of dental calculus was 69.9%. The 49% of the students in our sample suffered from gingival bleeding in all sextants, and 5.6% presented dental calculus in all sextants. Only 6.8% of the students presented gingival health and 26.5% had no dental calculus. The results obtained allowed the following conclusions: The prevalence of gingival bleeding in students of 12 years of public schools in the urban zone of the city of Quito (Ecuador) was quite high. There was a significant association between gingival bleeding and parental schooling, as well as malocclusion. There was a significant association between dental calculus and parental schooling, as well as dental caries.

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