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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Materials and Device Engineering for High Performance β-Ga2O3-based Electronics

Xia, Zhanbo 01 October 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Проектирование цилиндрической линзы Люнеберга : магистерская диссертация / Design cylindrical Luneberg lens

Коротков, А. Н., Korotkov, A. N. January 2018 (has links)
Объектом исследования является конструкция цилиндрической линзы Люнеберга из однородного диэлектрика. Целью работы являлась разработка способа проектирования цилиндрической линзы Люнеберга на основе однородного материала. В работе были рассмотрены различные способы задания структуры цилиндрической линзы из однородного диэлектрика, описан процесс их моделирования, проведен анализ полученных результатов. В качестве способа изготовления была выбрана 3-D печать из пластика. Получена аппроксимирующая функция, позволяющая создать цилиндрическую линзу Люнеберга с плавным изменением эффективной диэлектрической проницаемости по радиальной координате. Приведены результаты ее моделирования. / The object of the research is the construction of a cylindrical Luneberg lens from a uniform dielectric. The aim of the work was to develop ways to design a cylindrical Luneberg lens based on a homogeneous material. In this paper, various ways of setting a cylindrical lens made of a uniform dielectric, the described process of modeling them were considered, and the results were analyzed. As a method of manufacturing was chosen 3-D printing from plastic. An approximating function is obtained, which makes it possible to create a cylindrical Ludberg lens with a smooth variation of the effective dielectric constant along the radial coordinate. The results of its modeling are given.

Investigation of Negative Refractive Index in Isotropic Chiral Metamaterials Under First and Second-Order Material Dispersion With and Without Conductive Loss

Algadey, Tarig 17 May 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Dielectric properties of poly(ethyelene-co-butyl acrylate) filled with Alumina nanoparticles

Jäverberg, Nadejda January 2011 (has links)
In this work dielectric properties of the poly(ethylene-co-butyl acrylate)filled with alumina nanoparticles are evaluated. These nanocomposite materialswere manufactured at the department of Fibre and Polymer Technology,KTH.This study is limited to the properties of general importance for the AC applications.The dielectric permittivity of the nanocomposite materials wasstudied as a function of filler size, filler content, coating, temperature and airhumidity used for conditioning of the samples. The ultimate goal with thisproject is to describe the influence of material composition, temperature andair humidity on the dielectric properties and model these dependencies.In this thesis the experimental setup for voltage endurance testing of thenanocomposites, namely studying applied voltage frequency dependence ofpartial discharges in electrical trees, with a possibility of following electricaltreeing optically, was developed and described.The dielectric spectroscopy measurements were performed on thoroughly driednanocomposites - so-called dry DS study. It was shown that the experimentaldata can be fitted with Havriliak-Negami approximation, which justifiesthe correctness of the measurement results. It has been shown that addingnanoparticles to the EBA matrix changes the low frequency dispersion significantlyfor the dried samples. It was also indicated that the particle coatingused has very low impact on the resulting permittivity of the thoroughly driedsamples. From the dry DS studies it was suggested that the main cause ofthe scattering in data between the dry samples is most likely the influenceof the material inhomogeneity and possibly the moisture absorption. Thisleads to a possibility of using dielectric spectroscopy as a tool for probing thedispersion of nanoparticles in the polymer matrix.The dielectric spectroscopy measurements were also carried out on the nanocompositesconditioned in the environments with different humidity levels of air inorder to study the influence of absorbed water on the dielectric permittivity- so-called wet DS study. From the wet study it was shown that for the wetsamples the amplitude of the loss peak is defined by the filler size, filler contentand coating used; while its position in frequency domain is determinedby the coating and the humidity level used for conditioning. / QC 20110315

Simulation of FMCW mode MIMO Radar for Performance Analysis as Industrial Safety System

Prakash, Jay January 2021 (has links)
In industrial environments workers can be prone to dangerous situations that may cause harm. In order to prevent accidents and fulfill legislative requirements for safe working condition, a safety system can be needed to be installed in place. In an attempt to bring a principal improvement in the safety standards offered by conventional systems in existence, a radar sensor is proposed for the detection of dangerous situations. This thesis explores the limiting performance of the radar sensor in an industrial safety system. The radar sensor is an FMCW mode MIMO radar and we develop a model to simulate the radar sensor based on its hardware design. The model is utilized to deduce and analyze the performance limits of the radar sensor, by using a Finite Element Method to determine the electromagnetic scattering response of a target in the operating frequency band, 60-64 GHz. Appropriate dielectric and magnetic properties of human tissue is assigned to obtain accurate scattering responses of a human body target. The performance analysis is done by comparing the reflection from various protruding body parts, with the reflection from the torso, over a wide range of postures of the body. Further, CFAR, a common form of detection algorithm is applied on a few of the postures to detect a protruding part the body. Finally, a discussion on the limited performance is made, and potential methods to enhance the performance of the radar sensor in an industrial safety system are suggested. / I industriella miljöer kan arbetare utsättas för farliga situationer vilka kan orsaka skador. För att förhindra olyckor och uppfylla lagstadgade krav för säkra arbetsförhållanden kan säkerhetssystem behöva installeras på plats. I ett försök att åstadkomma en förbättring av de säkerhetsstandarder som erbjuds av konventionella system föreslås en radarsensor för att detektera farliga situationer. Denna avhandling undersöker möjliga begränsningar i prestanda hos en radarsensor, vilken ingår som komponent i ett industriellt säkerhetssystem. Radarsensorn är en MIMO-radar, som arbetar i FMCW-mod, och vi utvecklar en modell för att simulera radarsensorn utgående ifrån dess hårdvarudesign. Modellen används för att härleda och analysera begränsningar i prestanda hos radarsensorn, genom att med hjälp av finita elementmetoden beräkna spridningen av elektromagnetiska vågor från ett radarmål i frekvensbandet 60-64 GHz. Tillämpliga dielektriska och magnetiska egenskaper hos mänsklig vävnad har använts för att erhålla tillförlitliga data på spridningsresponsen för människokroppen. Prestandaanalysen görs genom att jämföra reflektionen från olika utskjutande kroppsdelar med reflektionen från bålen över ett stort antal kroppshållningar. Vidare, CFAR, en vanlig form av detektionsalgoritm tillämpas på några av hållningarna för att detektera utskjutande delar av kroppen. Avslutningsvis diskuteras begränsningarna i prestandan och potentiella metoder för att förbättra radarsensorns prestanda i ett industriellt säkerhetssystem föreslås.

A comprehensive survey of "metamaterial transmission-line based antennas: design, challenges, and applications"

Alibakhshikenari, M., Virdee, B.S., Azpilicueta, L., Naser-Moghadasi, M., Akinsolu, M.O., See, C.H., Liu, B., Abd-Alhameed, Raed, Falcone, F., Huyen, I., Denidni, T.A., Limiti, E. 03 August 2020 (has links)
Yes / In this review paper, a comprehensive study on the concept, theory, and applications of composite right/left-handed transmission lines (CRLH-TLs) by considering their use in antenna system designs have been provided. It is shown that CRLH-TLs with negative permittivity (ε <; 0) and negative permeability (μ <; 0) have unique properties that do not occur naturally. Therefore, they are referred to as artificial structures called “metamaterials”. These artificial structures include series left-handed (LH) capacitances (C L ), shunt LH inductances (L L ), series right-handed (RH) inductances (LR), and shunt RH capacitances (CR) that are realized by slots or interdigital capacitors, stubs or via-holes, unwanted current flowing on the surface, and gap distance between the surface and ground-plane, respectively. In the most cases, it is also shown that structures based on CRLH metamaterial-TLs are superior than their conventional alternatives, since they have smaller dimensions, lower-profile, wider bandwidth, better radiation patterns, higher gain and efficiency, which make them easier and more cost-effective to manufacture and mass produce. Hence, a broad range of metamaterial-based design possibilities are introduced to highlight the improvement of the performance parameters that are rare and not often discussed in available literature. Therefore, this survey provides a wide overview of key early-stage concepts of metematerial-based designs as a thorough reference for specialist antennas and microwave circuits designers. To analyze the critical features of metamaterial theory and concept, several examples are used. Comparisons on the basis of physical size, bandwidth, materials, gain, efficiency, and radiation patterns are made for all the examples that are based on CRLH metamaterialTLs. As revealed in all the metematerial design examples, foot-print area decrement is an important issue of study that have a strong impact for the enlargement of the next generation wireless communication systems. / This work was supported in part by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Gobierno de España (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE) under Grant RTI2018-095499-B-C31, in part by the Innovation Programme under Grant H2020-MSCA-ITN-2016 SECRET-722424, and in part by the financial support from the U.K. Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) under Grant EP/E022936/1.

Wideband Electromagnetic Body Phantoms for the Evaluation of Wireless Communications in the Microwave Spectrum

Castelló Palacios, Sergio 02 December 2019 (has links)
[ES] La constante evolución de la tecnología y la búsqueda de nuevas aplicaciones que mejoren la vida de las personas ha llevado a la incorporación de estas tecnologías en el organismo. Las redes inalámbricas de área corporal (WBAN) son un buen ejemplo de esto, que consisten en redes de comunicaciones ubicadas en el propio cuerpo, tanto en la superficie como implantadas en su interior mediante el uso de dispositivos inalámbricos. Estas redes utilizan el cuerpo humano como medio de transmisión, por lo que debe evaluarse la influencia del mismo sobre la propagación. Además, las nuevas generaciones de comunicaciones móviles se están moviendo hacia el uso de frecuencias cada vez más altas, como las ondas milimétricas, que son más sensibles a la presencia de cualquier objeto en el entorno, incluidos los humanos. La investigación y el diseño de antenas y dispositivos que tengan en cuenta el cuerpo humano requiere pruebas en el entorno donde se supone que deben usarse. Los fantomas se convierten en una herramienta para evaluar la transmisión de señales electromagnéticas en un medio equivalente al cuerpo para evitar la experimentación en humanos o animales. Además de eso, se puede estudiar la influencia de estas ondas electromagnéticas sobre los propios tejidos en cuanto a la tasa de absorción específica (SAR). / [CA] L'evolució constant de la tecnologia i la recerca de noves aplicacions que milloren la vida de les persones ha portat a la incorporació d'aquestes tecnologies en l'organisme. Les xarxes sense fils d'àrea corporal (WBAN) són un bon exemple d'açò, que consisteixen en xarxes de comunicacions ubicades al propi cos, tant en la superfície com implantades en el seu interior mitjançant l'ús de dispositius sense fils. Aquestes xarxes empren el cos humà com a medi de transmissió, per la qual cosa se n'ha d'avaluar la influència sobre la propagació. A més, les noves generacions de comunicacions mòbils s'estan movent cap a l'ús de freqüències cada vegada més altes, com les ones mil·limètriques, que són més sensibles a la presència de qualsevol objecte en l'entorn, incloent-hi els humans. La investigació i el disseny d'antenes i dispositius que tinguen en compte el cos humà requereix proves en l'entorn on se suposa que han d'usar-se. Els fantomes esdevenen una eina per a avaluar la transmissió de senyals electromagnètics en un medi equivalent al cos per tal d'evitar l'experimentació en humans o animals. A més d'això, es pot estudiar la influència d'aquestes ones electromagnètiques sobre els teixits mateixos en relació amb la taxa d'absorció específica (SAR). / [EN] The constant evolution of technology and the search for new applications that improve people's lives has led to the arrival of the incorporation of these technologies in the organism. Wireless body area networks (WBANs) are a good example of this, consisting of communications networks located in the body itself, both on the surface and implanted inside it through the use of wireless devices. These networks use the human body as the transmitting medium, so its influence over the propagation has to be assessed. Besides, new generations of mobile communications are moving towards the use of higher frequencies, as the millimetre waves, which are more sensitive to the presence of any object in the environment, including humans. The research and design of antennas and devices that take into account the human body requires testing in the environment where these are supposed to be used. Phantoms become a tool for evaluating the transmission of electromagnetic signals in a body-equivalent medium in order to avoid experimentation on humans or animals. In addition to that, the influence of these electromagnetic waves over the tissues themselves can be studied with regard to the specific absorption rate (SAR). / This thesis has been possible thanks to the funding contribution of the Universitat Polit`ecnica de Val`encia through the PAID-01-16 programme. This work was also supported by the UPV-IIS La Fe programme (STUDER, 2016 and EMOTE, 2017). The research stay was supported by the European Union’s Erasmus+ funding programme under a traineeship grant. / Castelló Palacios, S. (2019). Wideband Electromagnetic Body Phantoms for the Evaluation of Wireless Communications in the Microwave Spectrum [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/132182

Novel RF MEMS Devices Enabled by Three-Dimensional Micromachining

Shah, Umer January 2014 (has links)
This thesis presents novel radio frequency microelectromechanical (RF MEMS) circuits based on the three-dimensional (3-D) micromachined coplanar transmission lines whose geometry is re-configured by integrated microelectromechanical actuators. Two types of novel RF MEMS devices are proposed. The first is a concept of MEMS capacitors tuneable in multiple discrete and well-defined steps, implemented by in-plane moving of the ground side-walls of a 3-D micromachined coplanar waveguide transmission line. The MEMS actuators are completely embedded in the ground layer of the transmission line, and fabricated using a single-mask silicon-on-insulator (SOI) RF MEMS fabrication process. The resulting device achieves low insertion loss, a very high quality factor, high reliability, high linearity and high self actuation robustness. The second type introduces two novel concepts of area efficient, ultra-wideband, MEMS-reconfigurable coupled line directional couplers, whose coupling is tuned by mechanically changing the geometry of 3-D micromachined coupled transmission lines, utilizing integrated MEMS electrostatic actuators. The coupling is achieved by tuning both the ground and the signal line coupling, obtaining a large tuneable coupling ratio while maintaining an excellent impedance match, along with high isolation and a very high directivity over a very large bandwidth. This thesis also presents for the first time on RF nonlinearity analysis of complex multi-device RF MEMS circuits. Closed-form analytical formulas for the IIP3 of MEMS multi-device circuit concepts are derived. A nonlinearity analysis, based on these formulas and on  measured device parameters, is performed for different circuit concepts and compared to the simulation results of multi-device  conlinear electromechanical circuit models. The degradation of the overall circuit nonlinearity with increasing number of device stages is investigated. Design rules are presented so that the mechanical parameters and thus the IIP3 of the individual device stages can be optimized to achieve a highest overall IIP3 for the whole circuit.The thesis further investigates un-patterned ferromagnetic NiFe/AlN multilayer composites used as advanced magnetic core materials for on-chip inductances. The approach used is to increase the thickness of the ferromagnetic material without increasing its conductivity, by using multilayer NiFe and AlN sandwich structure. This suppresses the induced currents very effectively and at the same time increases the ferromagnetic resonance, which is by a factor of 7.1 higher than for homogeneous NiFe layers of same thickness. The so far highest permeability values above 1 GHz for on-chip integrated un-patterned NiFe layers were achieved. / <p>QC 20140328</p>

Liquid carbon dispersions for energy applications

Alfonso, Marco Salvatore 23 November 2018 (has links)
L'objectif de ce travail est de développer et d’étudier une nouvelle classe de fluidesintelligents à base de dispersions colloïdales de carbone, sensibles à un stimulus externe pour desapplications de conversion et stockage d’énergie. Ces stimuli sont de différentes natures : vibrationmécanique, mouvement humain, variation de pression ou écoulement d'un solvant, et peuventaltérer les structures de tels systèmes. Ceci induit une modification de la structure locale desparticules et par conséquent des propriétés diélectriques et électriques. Habituellement, lessuspensions de matériaux carbonés sont étudiées au repos ou séchées. Toutefois, comprendre leurcomportement en flux est essentiel pour de nouvelles applications où ces matériaux sont exploitésdans des conditions dynamiques telle que le stockage d'énergie électrochimique assisté par flux(FAES). Par exemple, les matériaux à base de graphène jouent désormais un rôle important dans lesnouvelles technologies énergétiques. Ils sont utilisés comme additifs conducteurs dans lesassemblages d'électrodes, mais en raison de leur forme anisotrope spécifique, ils permettentégalement d’obtenir des fluides diélectriques sous écoulement.Les cristaux liquides d'oxyde de graphène, en tant que matériau souple électrostrictif, sont étudiéspour la récupération d'énergie mécanique, ainsi que des dispersions de noir de carbone pour lestockage d'énergie.Les propriétés diélectriques et électriques de ces dispersions fluides dans des conditions statiques etdynamiques sont mesurées et analysées. Enfin, l’effet de l’écoulement sur l’orientation et laréorganisation locale des particules et leur comportement diélectrique et électrique sont examinés. / The aim of this work is to develop and study a new class of smart fluids made of colloidalcarbon-based dispersions, which are sensitive to an external stimulus for energy storage orconversion applications. The effect of an external input, such as mechanical vibration, humanmotion, variable pressure, flowing of a solvent, can alter the structures of such systems.Consequently these changes induce modifications of the dielectric and electrical properties. Usually,the suspensions of carbon materials are investigated at rest or dried. However, their flow behavior iscritical when new technologies, which exploit these materials in dynamic conditions such as FAES(Flow-Assisted Electrochemical Energy Storage) are considered. For example, graphene-basedmaterials are now playing a significant role in energy materials. They act as conductive additives inelectrode assemblies, but due to their specific anisotropic shape they also provide a new route toachieve dielectric liquid media.In details, Graphene Oxide liquid crystals as electrostrictive soft material for mechanical energyharvesting and Carbon black dispersions as percolated flowable electrodes for capacitive energystorage are investigated.In particular, the dielectric and electrical properties of these flowable dispersions are studied understatic and dynamic conditions. The effect of the flow-rate on the local orientation and reorganizationof the particles and their related dielectric and electrical behavior are examined.

A New AC-Radio Frequency Heating Calorimetry Technique for Complex Fluids

Barjami, Saimir 28 April 2005 (has links)
We have developed a new modulation calorimetry technique using RF-Field heating. This technique eliminates temperature gradients across the sample leading to a higher precision in evaluating the heat capacity compared to the previous techniques. A frequency scan was carried out on a 8CB+aerosil sample showing a wide plateau indicating the region of frequency independent heat capacity. A temperature scan was then performed through the first-order nematic to isotropic and second order smectic-A to nematic transitions and was shown to be consistent with the previous work. The amplitude of the RF heating power applied to the sample depends on the permittivity and the loss factor of the sample. Since the permittivity of a dielectric material has a strong temperature dependence in liquid crystals, new information is obtained. The heat capacity measurements have a relative resolution of better than 0.06%, and the phase shift a resolution of 0.03%, were shown to be significant improvements over traditional heating methods. We then applied this new RF calorimetry on bulk and aerosil 8CB dispersions. For the bulk 8CB, the step-like character of smectic-A to nematic transition, and first order nematic to isotropic transitions indicated the strong dominance of the permittivity and the loss factor of the material. For the 8CB+aerosil samples at different silica density, our data were consistent with the previous work and provides clear evidence for the coupling between the smectic-A and nematic phases. We have undertaken a combined T-dependent optical and calorimetric investigation of CCN47+aerosil samples through the I-N transition over a range of silica densities displaying the double I-N transition peak. This work offers compelling evidence that the I-N transition with weak quenched random disorder proceeds via a two-step process in which random-dilution is followed by random-field interactions on cooling from the isotropic phase, a previously unrecognized phenomena.

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