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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Teoretická studie magnetické anizotropie v magnetických tunelových spojích na bázi MgO / Theoretical Study of Magnetic Anisotropy in MgO-based Magnetic Tunnel Junctions

Vojáček, Libor January 2021 (has links)
Magnetický tunelový spoj (MTJ) je spintronická součástka komerčně používaná ve vysoce citlivých čtecích hlavách pevných disků. Počínaje rokem 2007 přispěla k udržení exponenciálního nárůstu hustoty magnetického zápisu. Kromě toho se také stala stavebním kamenem rychlé, odolné, úsporné a nevolatilní magnetické paměti s přímým přístupem (MRAM). Tento nový typ polovodičové paměti, stejně jako je tomu u čtecích hlav disků, využívá tunelové spoje založené na krystalickém oxidu hořečnatém (MgO) spolu s 3d kovovými magnetickými prvky (Fe a Co). Pro zmenšení MTJ a současné udržení dlouhodobé stability paměti proti tepelným fluktuacím je zapotřebí silná magnetická anizotropie ve směru kolmém na rozhraní kov|MgO. V této práci proto nejdříve provedeme analýzu magnetokrystalické anizotropie (MCA) kubického prostorově centrovaného Fe, Co a Ni na MgO pomocí ab initio simulací. Dále bude vyvinut program pro výpočet tvarové anizotropie, která je kromě MCA velmi podstatná, neboť v součtu dávají efektivní anizotropii. Na závěr implementujeme program pro výpočet MCA na základě poruchové teorie druhého řádu. To nám umožní dát pozorované anizotropní vlastnosti do souvislosti přímo s elektronickou strukturou systému (pásovou strukturou a hustotou stavů).

Optimalizace dopravy v městské části Brno - Medlánky / Optimization of Transport in the City of Brno - district Medlánky

Halodová, Klára January 2013 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is solving the problems of transport in the city of Brno - Medlánky. In particular the traffic calming, optimization of width configuration, solve the static traffic etc., towards sustainable transport security. The objective of optimization is to improve the quality of life settlements in the city of Brno - Medlánky

Phenomenological theories of magnetic multilayers and related systems

Kyselov, Mykola 16 November 2010 (has links)
In this thesis multidomain states in magnetically ordered systems with competing long-range and short range interactions are under consideration. In particular, in antiferromagnetically coupled multilayers with perpendicular anisotropy unusual multidomain textures can be stabilized due to a close competition between long-range demagnetization fields and short-range interlayer exchange coupling. These spatially inhomogeneous magnetic textures of regular multidomain configurations and irregular networks of topological defects as well as complex magnetization reversal processes are described in the frame of the phenomenological theory of magnetic domains. Using a modified model of stripe domains it is theoretically shown that the competition between dipolar coupling and antiferromagnetic interlayer exchange coupling causes an instability of ferromagnetically ordered multidomain states and results in three possible ground states: ferromagnetic multidomain state, antiferromagnetic homogeneous and antiferromagnetic multidomain states. The presented theory allows qualitatively to define the area of existence for each of these states depending on geometrical and material parameters of multilayers. In antiferromagnetically coupled superlattices with perpendicular anisotropy an applied magnetic bias field stabilizes specific multidomain states, so-called metamagnetic domains. A phenomenological theory developed in this thesis allows to derive the equilibrium sizes of metamagnetic stripe and bubble domains as functions of the antiferromagnetic exchange, the magnetic bias field, and the geometrical parameters of the multilayer. The magnetic phase diagram includes three different types of metamagnetic domain states, namely multidomains in the surface layer and in internal layers, and also mixed multidomain states may arise. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of step-like magnetization reversal shows a good agreement between the theory and experiment. Analytical equations have been derived for the stray field components of these multidomain states in perpendicular multilayer systems. In particular, closed expressions for stray fields in the case of ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic stripes are presented. The theoretical approach provides a basis for the analysis of magnetic force microscopy (MFM) images from this class of nanomagnetic systems. Peculiarities of the MFM contrast have been calculated for realistic tip models. These characteristic features in the MFM signals can be employed for the investigations of the different multidomain modes. The methods developed for stripe-like magnetic domains are employed to calculate magnetization processes in twinned microstructures of ferromagnetic shape-memory materials. The remarkable phenomenon of giant magnetic field induced strain transformations in such ferromagnetic shape memory alloys as Ni-Mn-Ga, Ni-Mn-Al, or Fe-Pd arises as an interplay of two physical effects: (i) A martensitic transition creating competing phases, i.e. crystallographic domains or variants, which are crystallographically equivalent but have different orientation. (ii) High uniaxial magnetocrystalline anisotropy that pins the magnetization vectors along certain directions of these martensite variants. Then, an applied magnetic field can drive a microstructural transformation by which the martensitic twins, i.e. the different crystallographic domains, are redistributed in the martensitic state. Within the phenomenological (micromagnetic) theory the equilibrium parameters of multivariant stripe patterns have been derived as functions of the applied field for an extended single-crystalline plate. The calculated magnetic phase diagram allows to give a detailed description of the magnetic field-driven martensitic twin rearrangement in single crystals of magnetic shape-memory alloys. The analysis reveals the crucial role of preformed twins and of the dipolar stray-field energy for the magnetic-field driven transformation process in magnetic shape-memory materials. This work has been done in close collaboration with a group of experimentalists from Institute of Metallic Materials of IFW Dresden, Germany and San Jose Research Center of Hitachi Global Storage Technologies, United States. Comparisons between theoretical and experimental data from this cooperation are presented throughout this thesis as vital part of my work on these different subjects.

En jämförelse av stämpeltryck på syllar av korslimmat trä och av konstruktionsvirke / A comparison of compression perpendicular to bottom rails made of CLT-boards and structural timber

Lockner, Emil January 2020 (has links)
I Sverige finns en lång tradition att byggande med materialet trä men det är främst av småhus som byggts. Flerbostadshusmarknaden har länge dominerats av materialen betong och stål men med dagens syn på hållbart byggande har byggnationen av trä blivit allt mer eftertraktat. Men det finns fortfarande en del utmaningar med att bygga höga hus i trä. Med ökade antal våningar så ökar lasterna och ett problem vid byggande av höga hus med träregelstomme är stämpeltrycket på syllen. Vid för hög belastning på syllen deformeras denna vilket kan inverka på stommens stabilitet och bärförmåga. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka om en syll av korslimmat trä kan förbättra förutsättningarna för att bygga höghus med träregelstomme. I arbetet jämförs stämpeltrycket för två olika varianter av syllar med KL-trä samt med en traditionell syll. Dimensionen på syllarna är 120 x 45 mm och virkesklass C24. Idén är att utnyttja KL-träets korsande fiberriktningar för att uppnå en högre tryckhållfasthet. Vid genomförda experimentella försök mäts tryckkraft, förskjutning och töjningar av syllarna som belastades av en hydraulisk press och analyserade med hjälp av ett beröringsfritt mätsystem. Tre olika beräkningsmodeller för syll av KL-trä är framtagna och jämförs med resultatet från experimentet. Resultatet visar på att en syll av KL-trä har en betydligt högre tryckhållfasthet än en traditionell syll. Detta ger goda förutsättningar för att bygga höga hus med träregelstomme. / In Sweden, there is a long tradition of building timber structures mainly for the small-house market. The multi-dwelling housing market has for long been dominated by building materials such as concrete and steel, but with today's preferences of sustainable construction materials, wood has become increasingly sought after. But there are still some challenges in building tall houses in wood. With increased number of floors, the loads increase and a problem when building high-rise buildings with wooden stud and rails system is the compression perpendicular to the grain in the bottom rail. When the bottom rail is loaded deformation occurs, which can affect the stability and bearing capacity of the structure. The aim with this bachelor thesis is to investigate whether a cross-laminated timber rail can improve the preconditions for building tall buildings with by use of timber frame. Compression perpendicular to two different CLT rails will be compared to a traditional one. The dimensions of the bottom rails are 120 x 45 mm and strength class C24. The idea is to utilize the CLT intersecting fiber directions to achieve a higher compressive strength. In the experiment, compressive force, displacement and elongation of the bottom rails are measured by means of a hydraulic press and a contact-free camera based measuring system. Three different calculation models for the CLT sills have been developed and compared with the results of the experiment. The result shows that a CLT rail has two to three times higher compressive strength compared to a traditional rail. This suggests a solution to the challenge with high compressive stresses in the rail.

Materialtester på KL-trä : Undersökning av KL-träets tryckkraftskapacitet och tryckhållfasthet samt teoretiska beräkningar och praktiska tester av en KL-trä bräda. / Material tests on CLT : Examination of CLTs compressive force capacity and compressive strength and theoretical calculations and practical tests of a CLT-board.

Eriksson, Andreas, Ågren, Gabriel January 2021 (has links)
Belastningen vid tryck vinkelrätt mot fiberriktningen är ett problem vid höga träbyggnader med träregelstomme vid till exempel mötet mellan regel och syll. Ettmaterial som blivit alltmer populärt i Sverige är korslimmat trä, som benämns som KL-trä, där lameller korsvis limmas samman till en skiva. Experiment har tidigare utförts på materialet och det har visat att en bräda av KL-trä, som idag inte tillverkas, klarar ett högre stämpeltryck än en vanlig bräda av konstruktionsvirke, vilket skulle kunna vara en lösning på problemen vid tryck vinkelrätt fiberriktningen i höga träbyggnader. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att bestämma KL-träets karakteristiska tryckkraftskapacitet och tryckhållfasthet för två uppställningar av KL-trä där andelar vinkelräta och parallella lameller som belastas i tvärsnittet skiljer sig åt. Det undersöks också hur lasten fördelar sig på lamellerna som belastas parallellt med fiberriktningen och vinkelrätt mot fiberriktningen i en bräda av KL-trä samt att teoretiska beräkningar av tryckkraftskapaciteten utfördes i mitten och i änden på brädan. Examensarbetet omfattades av tre olika metoder där standarden SS-EN 408 för tryck vinkelrätt mot fiberriktningen användes för att bestämma tryckkraftskapacitet och tryckhållfasthet för de två uppställningarna av KL-trä genom materialtester i en hydraulisk press. Lastfördelningen mellan lamellerna i en KL-trä bräda undersöktes genom stämpeltrycktester i änden på brädan och återspeglar ett verkligt möte mellan regel och syll. En solid bräda av KL-trä, en bräda där de vinkelräta lamellerna sågats bort samt en bräda av konstruktionsvirke belastades för att undersöka differensen i stämpeltryck. Teoretiska beräkningar utfördes på KL-trä brädorna både i mitten och i änden genom att de olika lamellerna beräknades som enskilda brädor enligt Eurokod 5 samt EKS11 och därefter summerades alla lameller för KL-trä brädan. Resultaten visade att den uppställningen av KL-trä med störst andel lameller som belastades parallellt med fiberriktningen erhöll störst tryckkraftskapacitet och fick högst tryckhållfasthet. I brädan av KL-trä tog de lameller som belastades parallellt med fiberriktningen upp ungefär fyra femtedelar av lasten i tvärsnittet som belastades. De teoretiska beräkningarna som utfördes gav en lägre tryckkraftskapacitet än resultaten från de experimentella testerna. För materialtest 1 där lamellerna fördelade sig 58 % vinkelräta lameller och 42 % parallella lameller erhölls karakteristiska värden på 79,7 kN på tryckkraftskapacitet och 18,6 MPa på tryckhållfasthet. För materialtest 2 där lamellerna fördelade sig 42 % vinkelräta lameller och 58 % parallella lameller erhölls karakteristiska värden på 114,6 kN på tryckkraftskapacitet och 26,8 MPa på tryckhållfasthet. Belastningsfördelningen i KL-trä brädan visade att de parallellt belastade lamellerna tog upp en last motsvarande 80,8 % och de vinkelräta lamellerna tog upp en last motsvarande 19,2 %. De teoretiska beräkningarna utnyttjades till 57 % i jämförelse mot maxlasten från de experimentella testerna, både i mitten och på brädans ände. / Compression perpendicular to the grain is today a problem with tall wood buildings with timber-frame at, for example, the meeting between timber stud and the bottom rail. A material that has become increasingly popular in Sweden is cross-laminated timber, which is referred to as CLT, where lamellae are glued together crosswise to a board. Experiments have previously been performed on the material and it has shownthat a board made of CLT, which is not manufactured today, can withstand a higher pressure than an ordinary board made of structural timber, which could be a solution to the problems with compression perpendicular to the grain in tall wood buildings. The purpose of this thesis is to determine the CLTs characteristic compressive force capacity and compressive strength for two formations of CLT where proportions of perpendicular and parallel lamellae that are loaded in the cross section differ. It will also be investigated how loads are distributed on the lamellae which are loaded parallel to the grain and perpendicular to the grain in a board made of CLT and that theoretical calculations of the compressive force capacity were performed in the middle and at the end of the board. The thesis was comprised of three different methods where the standard SS-EN 408 for compression perpendicular to the grain was used to determine compressive forcecapacity and compressive strength for the two formations of CLT through material tests in a hydraulic press. The load distribution between the lamellae in a CLT-boardwas examined by compression tests at the end of the board and reflects a real meeting between a timber stud and the bottom rail. A solid board made of CLT, a board where the perpendicular lamellae were sawn off and a board made of structural timber were loaded to investigate the difference in compression. Theoretical calculations were performed on the CLT-boards both in the middle and at the end through calculating the different lamellae as individual boards according to Eurocode 5 and EKS11 and then all lamellae for the CLT-board were summed. The results showed that the arrangement of CLT with the largest proportion of lamellae parallel to the grain obtained the largest compressive force capacity and had the highest compressive strength. In the CLT-board, the parallel-loaded lamellae took up about four-fifths of the load in the cross-section that was loaded. The theoretical calculations performed gave a lower compressive force capacity than the results of the experimental tests. For material test 1 where the lamellae were distributed 58% perpendicular lamellaeand 42% parallel lamellae, characteristic values of 79.7 kN on compressive capacity and 18.6 MPa on compressive strength were obtained. For material test 2 where the lamellae were distributed 42% perpendicular lamellae and 58% parallel lamellae, characteristic values of 114.6 kN on compressive capacity and 26.8 MPa on compressive strength were obtained. The load distribution in the CLT-plank shown that the parallel-loaded lamellae took up a load corresponding to 80.8% and the perpendicular lamellae took up a load corresponding to 19.2%. The theoretical calculations were used to 57% in comparison with the maximum load from the experimental test, both in the middle and at the end of the board.

Magnetization Reversal in Film-Nanostructure Architectures : Magnetization Reversal in Film-Nanostructure Architectures

Schulze, Carsten 24 April 2014 (has links)
The concept of percolated perpendicular media (PPM) for magnetic data storage is expected to surpass the areal storage density of 1 Tbit in -², which is regarded as the fundamental limit of conventional granular CoCrPt:oxide based recording media. PPM consist of a continuous ferromagnetic thin film with densely distributed defects acting as pinning sites for magnetic domain walls. In this study, practical realizations of PPM were fabricated by the deposition of [Co/Pt]8 multilayers with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy onto nanoperforated templates with various perforation diameters and periods. The structural defects given by the templates serve as pinning sites for the magnetic domain walls within the [Co/Pt]8 multilayers. Magnetometry at both the integral and the local level was employed to investigate the influence of the template on the magnetization reversal and the domain wall pinning. It was found, that magnetic domains can be pinned at the ultimate limit, between three adjacent pinning sites. The coercivity and the depinning field, which both are a measure for the strength of the magnetic domain wall pinning, were found to increase with increasing perforation diameter. The size of magnetic domains within the magnetic film appeared not to depend solely on the diameter of the nanoperforations or on the period of the template, but on the ration between diameter and period. By means of micromagnetic simulations it was found, that the presence of ferromagnetic material within the pinning site given supports the pinning of magnetic domain walls, compared to a pinning site that is solely given by a hole in the magnetic thin film. Investigation of the evolution of the magnetization in magnetic fields smaller than the coercive field revealed, that the energy barrier against thermally induced magnetization reversal is sufficiently large to provide long-term (> 10 years) stability of an arbitrary magnetization state. This could also be qualitatively supported by micromagnetic simulations. Static read/write tests with conventional hard disk recording heads revealed the possibility of imprinting bit patterns into the PPM under study. The minimum bit pitch that could be read back thereby depended on the period of the nanoperforated template.

Magnetodynamics in Spin Valves and Magnetic Tunnel Junctions with Perpendicular and Tilted Anisotropies

Le, Quang Tuan January 2016 (has links)
Spin-torque transfer (STT) effects have brought spintronics ever closer to practical electronic applications, such as MRAM and active broadband microwave spin-torque oscillator (STO), and have emerged as an increasingly attractive field of research in spin dynamics. Utilizing materials with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA) in such applications offers several great advantages such as low-current, low-field operation combined with high thermal stability. The exchange coupling that a PMA thin film exerts on an adjacent in-plane magnetic anisotropy (IMA) layer can tilt the IMA magnetization direction out of plane, thus creating a stack with an effective tilted magnetic anisotropy. The tilt angle can be engineered via both intrinsic material parameters, such as the PMA and the saturation magnetization, and extrinsic parameters, such as the layer thicknesses.       STOs can be fabricated in one of a number of forms—as a nanocontact opening on a mesa from a deposited pseudospin-valve (PSV) structure, or as a nanopillar etching from magnetic tunneling junction (MTJ)—composed of highly reproducible PMA or predetermined tilted magnetic anisotropy layers.       All-perpendicular CoFeB MTJ STOs showed high-frequency microwave generation with extremely high current tunability, all achieved at low applied biases. Spin-torque ferromagnetic resonance (ST-FMR) measurements and analysis revealed the bias dependence of spin-torque components, thus promise great potential for direct gate-voltage controlled STOs.       In all-perpendicular PSV STOs, magnetic droplets were observed underneath the nanocontact area at a low drive current and low applied field. Furthermore, preliminary results for microwave auto-oscillation and droplet solitons were obtained from tilted-polarizer PSV STOs. These are promising and would be worth investigating in further studies of STT driven spin dynamics. / Effekter av spinnvridmoment (STT) har fört spinntroniken allt närmare praktiska elektroniska tillämpningar, såsom MRAM och den spinntroniska mikrovågsoscillatorn (STO), och har blivit ett allt mer attraktivt forskningsområde inom spinndynamik. Användning av material med vinkelrät magnetisk anisotropi (PMA) i sådana tillämpningar erbjuder flera stora fördelar, såsom låg strömförbrukning och funktion vid låga fält i kombination med hög termisk stabilitet. Den utbyteskoppling (”exchange bias”) en PMA-tunnfilm utövar på ett intilliggande skikt med magnetisk anisotropi i planet (IMA) kan få IMA-magnetiseringsriktningen att vridas ut ur planet, vilket ger en materialstack med en effektivt sett lutande magnetisk anisotropi. Lutningsvinkeln kan manipuleras med både inre materialparametrar, såsom PMA och mättningsmagnetisering, och yttre parametrar, såsom skikttjocklekarna. STO:er kan tillverkas som flera olika typer - som en nanokontaktsöppning på en s.k. mesa av en deponerad pseudospinnventilstruktur (PSV) eller som en nanotråd etsad ur en magnetisk tunnlingsövergång (MTJ) –och bestå av mycket reproducerbar PMA eller av skikt med på förhand bestämt lutning av dess magnetiska anisotropi. MTJ-STO:er av CoFeB med helt vinkelrät anisotropi visar högfrekvent mikrovågsgenerering med extremt stort frekvensomfång hos strömstyrningen, detta vid låg biasering. Mätning och analys av spinnvridmoments-ferromagnetisk resonans (ST-FMR) avslöjade ett biasberoende hos spinnvridmomentskomponenter, vilket indikerar en stor potential för direkt gate-spänningsstyrda STO:er. I helt vinkelräta PSV-STO:er observerades magnetiska droppar under nanokontaktområdet vid låg drivström och lågt pålagt fält. Dessutom erhölls preliminära resultat av mikrovågssjälvsvängning och av s.k. ”droplet solitons” hos PSV-STO:er med lutande polarisator. Dessa är lovande och skulle vara värda att undersökas i ytterligare studier av STT-driven spinndynamik. / <p>QC 20160829</p>

Intrusions of South Atlantic Central Water on the Espírito Santo Basin shelf (18ºS-22ºS, Brazil) / Intrusões de Água Central do Atlântico Sul na Bacia do Espírito Santo (18ºS-22ºS)

Palóczy Filho, André 31 July 2015 (has links)
The intrusion pathways and physical mechanisms associated with intrusions of cold, nutrient-rich South Atlantic Central Water (SACW) onto the continental shelf of the Espírito Santo Basin (ESB), off southeast Brazil (18°S-22°S), are investigated. The approach consists of analyses of a set of simplified, process-oriented, primitive-equation numerical models supported by the analyses of an independent, more realistic numerical model and available observations. The cross-isobath circulation is found to be strongly dominated by wind-driving, consistent with previous findings. In the model experiments, SACW enters the ESB shelf through two preferential pathways along the Tubarão Bight area (TB, 19.5°S-22°S). These pathways are found to be locations where an equatorward along-isobath pressure gradient force (PGFy&#8727;) of &#8764;2 x 10-6 m s-2 develops in response to steady wind forcing. This equatorward PGFy&#8727; is essentially in geostrophic balance, and therefore induces onshore flow across the shelf edge and most of the shelf proper. The Brazil Current (BC) imparts an additional equatorward PGFy&#8727; on the shelf. The momentum budget reveals that the ageostrophic residue of the PGFy&#8727; is compensated mostly by momentum advection and bottom friction. Buoyancy arrest might be important under more intense SACW intrusion events, as suggested by the maximum observed values of the slope Burger number (0.32-0.92). Among the deep ocean forcing mechanisms considered, the intrinsic pycnocline uplifting effect of the BC seems to be responsible for &#8764;1.4°C colder upwelled water under steady, upwelling-favorable wind forcing, relative to a flat stratification scenario. The BC also seems to induce local intrusions by inertially overshooting the shelf edge, consistent with Rossby numbers of &#8764;0.3-0.5, as estimated for the area along the TB shelf edge. Finally, the planetary &#946;-effect is also related to a background equatorward PGFy&#8727;. In addition, the steady response of the continental shelf to a periodic (in the along-shelf direction) pressure forcing at the shelf edge is compared with the BC-forced primitive-equation numerical solutions. A simple Arrested Topographic Wave (ATW) analytical model is found to be successful in representing the general features of the numerical solutions. The cross-shelf e-folding scales of the cross-shelf velocity estimated from the numerical solutions agree in order of magnitude with the cross-shelf penetration scale q-1 = [-2r/(lfs)]&#189; = 10 km predicted by the ATW, where r is a linear bottom resistance parameter, l is the along-shelf wavenumber of the forcing at the shelf edge, f is the Coriolis parameter and s is the bottom slope. Furthermore, the use of quadratic bottom stress accounts for some of the relative increase in the numerical onshore penetration scales, which are predicted to be qquadratic-1 = [-2CD/(lfs)]&#189; [Ubot]&#189;, where CD is a quadratic bottom friction parameter and Ubot is the near-bottom velocity magnitude. The kind of steady response to periodic deep ocean forcing examined here may provide insight into other continental shelves under the influence of western boundary currents. / Os caminhos e os mecanismos físicos associados ao fenômeno de intrusão da Água Central do Atlântico Sul (ACAS) na plataforma continental da Bacia do Espírito Santo (BES) ao largo da costa sudeste (18°S-22°S) são investigados nesta dissertação. A abordagem consiste da análise de experimentos numéricos de equações primitivas simplificados, combinados com a análise de um modelo numérico mais completo, e com análise de observações disponíveis. Conclui-se que a circulação na direção perpendicular às isóbatas é fortemente dominada pelo vento, de acordo com resultados pretéritos. Nos experimentos numéricos, a ACAS ingressa na plataforma da BES através de dois caminhos preferenciais de intrusão no Embaiamento de Tubarão (ET, 19,5°S-22°S). Estes caminhos de intrusão coincidem com áreas em que uma Força do Gradiente de Pressão na direção paralela às isóbatas (PGFy&#8727;), com magnitude de &#8764;2 x 10-6 m s-2, se forma em resposta ao vento. A PGFy&#8727; se encontra essencialmente em balanço geostrófico, e impulsiona um escoamento na direção da costa. A Corrente do Brasil (CB) induz uma PGFy&#8727; adicional favorável à intrusão. O balanço de momentum revela que o resíduo ageostrófico da PGFy&#8727; é balanceado principalmente pela advecção de momentum e pelo atrito de fundo. O mecanismo de desligamento da camada de Ekman de fundo por empuxo (tradução livre de buoyancy arrest) pode ser importante em eventos mais intensos de intrusão de ACAS, em razão das estimativas do número de Burger de inclinação (tradução livre de slope Burger number) observado (0,32-0,92). O efeito de soerguimento da termoclina ligado à CB aparenta diminuir em &#8764;1,4 °C a temperatura da água que aflora em eventos de ressurgência costeira. A CB também parece produzir intrusões locais na borda da plataforma por efeitos inerciais, de acordo com as estimativas de &#8764;0,3-0,5 para o número de Rossby ao longo da borda da plataforma. Por fim, o efeito &#946; planetário também é associado a uma PGFy&#8727; básica na direção do equador. Adicionalmente, a resposta estacionária da plataforma continental a um campo de pressão periódico ao longo da borda da plataforma é comparada com as soluções numéricas. Um simples modelo analítico do tipo Onda Topográfica Aprisionada (OTA, tradução livre de Arrested Topographic Wave) representa as características gerais das soluções numéricas. As escalas de decaimento Neperiano (e) na direção perpendicular à plataforma estimadas a partir das soluções numéricas são comparáveis à escala de penetração q-1 = [-2r/(lfs)]&#189; = 10 km prevista pela OTA, onde r é um coeficiente linear de atrito de fundo, l é o número de onda da forçante, f é o parâmetro de Coriolis e s é a inclinação do fundo. O uso de uma parametrização quadrática para o atrito de fundo prevê parte da diminuição da e. A escala de penetração quadrática é qquadratic-1 = [-2CD/(lfs)]&#189;[Ubot]&#189;, onde CD é um coeficiente quadrático de atrito de fundo e Ubot é a magnitude da velocidade próxima ao fundo. Este tipo de resposta estacionária da plataforma a uma forçante periódica ligada ao oceano profundo pode ajudar a elucidar processos físicos em outras plataformas continentais que se encontram sob a influência de correntes de limite oeste.

Intrusions of South Atlantic Central Water on the Espírito Santo Basin shelf (18ºS-22ºS, Brazil) / Intrusões de Água Central do Atlântico Sul na Bacia do Espírito Santo (18ºS-22ºS)

André Palóczy Filho 31 July 2015 (has links)
The intrusion pathways and physical mechanisms associated with intrusions of cold, nutrient-rich South Atlantic Central Water (SACW) onto the continental shelf of the Espírito Santo Basin (ESB), off southeast Brazil (18°S-22°S), are investigated. The approach consists of analyses of a set of simplified, process-oriented, primitive-equation numerical models supported by the analyses of an independent, more realistic numerical model and available observations. The cross-isobath circulation is found to be strongly dominated by wind-driving, consistent with previous findings. In the model experiments, SACW enters the ESB shelf through two preferential pathways along the Tubarão Bight area (TB, 19.5°S-22°S). These pathways are found to be locations where an equatorward along-isobath pressure gradient force (PGFy&#8727;) of &#8764;2 x 10-6 m s-2 develops in response to steady wind forcing. This equatorward PGFy&#8727; is essentially in geostrophic balance, and therefore induces onshore flow across the shelf edge and most of the shelf proper. The Brazil Current (BC) imparts an additional equatorward PGFy&#8727; on the shelf. The momentum budget reveals that the ageostrophic residue of the PGFy&#8727; is compensated mostly by momentum advection and bottom friction. Buoyancy arrest might be important under more intense SACW intrusion events, as suggested by the maximum observed values of the slope Burger number (0.32-0.92). Among the deep ocean forcing mechanisms considered, the intrinsic pycnocline uplifting effect of the BC seems to be responsible for &#8764;1.4°C colder upwelled water under steady, upwelling-favorable wind forcing, relative to a flat stratification scenario. The BC also seems to induce local intrusions by inertially overshooting the shelf edge, consistent with Rossby numbers of &#8764;0.3-0.5, as estimated for the area along the TB shelf edge. Finally, the planetary &#946;-effect is also related to a background equatorward PGFy&#8727;. In addition, the steady response of the continental shelf to a periodic (in the along-shelf direction) pressure forcing at the shelf edge is compared with the BC-forced primitive-equation numerical solutions. A simple Arrested Topographic Wave (ATW) analytical model is found to be successful in representing the general features of the numerical solutions. The cross-shelf e-folding scales of the cross-shelf velocity estimated from the numerical solutions agree in order of magnitude with the cross-shelf penetration scale q-1 = [-2r/(lfs)]&#189; = 10 km predicted by the ATW, where r is a linear bottom resistance parameter, l is the along-shelf wavenumber of the forcing at the shelf edge, f is the Coriolis parameter and s is the bottom slope. Furthermore, the use of quadratic bottom stress accounts for some of the relative increase in the numerical onshore penetration scales, which are predicted to be qquadratic-1 = [-2CD/(lfs)]&#189; [Ubot]&#189;, where CD is a quadratic bottom friction parameter and Ubot is the near-bottom velocity magnitude. The kind of steady response to periodic deep ocean forcing examined here may provide insight into other continental shelves under the influence of western boundary currents. / Os caminhos e os mecanismos físicos associados ao fenômeno de intrusão da Água Central do Atlântico Sul (ACAS) na plataforma continental da Bacia do Espírito Santo (BES) ao largo da costa sudeste (18°S-22°S) são investigados nesta dissertação. A abordagem consiste da análise de experimentos numéricos de equações primitivas simplificados, combinados com a análise de um modelo numérico mais completo, e com análise de observações disponíveis. Conclui-se que a circulação na direção perpendicular às isóbatas é fortemente dominada pelo vento, de acordo com resultados pretéritos. Nos experimentos numéricos, a ACAS ingressa na plataforma da BES através de dois caminhos preferenciais de intrusão no Embaiamento de Tubarão (ET, 19,5°S-22°S). Estes caminhos de intrusão coincidem com áreas em que uma Força do Gradiente de Pressão na direção paralela às isóbatas (PGFy&#8727;), com magnitude de &#8764;2 x 10-6 m s-2, se forma em resposta ao vento. A PGFy&#8727; se encontra essencialmente em balanço geostrófico, e impulsiona um escoamento na direção da costa. A Corrente do Brasil (CB) induz uma PGFy&#8727; adicional favorável à intrusão. O balanço de momentum revela que o resíduo ageostrófico da PGFy&#8727; é balanceado principalmente pela advecção de momentum e pelo atrito de fundo. O mecanismo de desligamento da camada de Ekman de fundo por empuxo (tradução livre de buoyancy arrest) pode ser importante em eventos mais intensos de intrusão de ACAS, em razão das estimativas do número de Burger de inclinação (tradução livre de slope Burger number) observado (0,32-0,92). O efeito de soerguimento da termoclina ligado à CB aparenta diminuir em &#8764;1,4 °C a temperatura da água que aflora em eventos de ressurgência costeira. A CB também parece produzir intrusões locais na borda da plataforma por efeitos inerciais, de acordo com as estimativas de &#8764;0,3-0,5 para o número de Rossby ao longo da borda da plataforma. Por fim, o efeito &#946; planetário também é associado a uma PGFy&#8727; básica na direção do equador. Adicionalmente, a resposta estacionária da plataforma continental a um campo de pressão periódico ao longo da borda da plataforma é comparada com as soluções numéricas. Um simples modelo analítico do tipo Onda Topográfica Aprisionada (OTA, tradução livre de Arrested Topographic Wave) representa as características gerais das soluções numéricas. As escalas de decaimento Neperiano (e) na direção perpendicular à plataforma estimadas a partir das soluções numéricas são comparáveis à escala de penetração q-1 = [-2r/(lfs)]&#189; = 10 km prevista pela OTA, onde r é um coeficiente linear de atrito de fundo, l é o número de onda da forçante, f é o parâmetro de Coriolis e s é a inclinação do fundo. O uso de uma parametrização quadrática para o atrito de fundo prevê parte da diminuição da e. A escala de penetração quadrática é qquadratic-1 = [-2CD/(lfs)]&#189;[Ubot]&#189;, onde CD é um coeficiente quadrático de atrito de fundo e Ubot é a magnitude da velocidade próxima ao fundo. Este tipo de resposta estacionária da plataforma a uma forçante periódica ligada ao oceano profundo pode ajudar a elucidar processos físicos em outras plataformas continentais que se encontram sob a influência de correntes de limite oeste.

Rapid thermal annealing of FePt and FePt/Cu thin films

Brombacher, Christoph 14 February 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Chemically ordered FePt is one of the most promising materials to reach the ultimate limitations in storage density of future magnetic recording devices due to its high uniaxial magnetocrystalline anisotropy and a corrosion resistance superior to rare-earth based magnets. In this study, FePt and FePt/Cu bilayers have been sputter deposited at room temperature onto thermally oxidized silicon wafers, glass substrates and self-assembled arrays of spherical SiO2 particles with diameters down to 10 nm. Millisecond flash lamp annealing, as well as conventional rapid thermal annealing was employed to induce the phase transformation from the chemically disordered A1 phase into the chemically ordered L10 phase. The influence of the annealing temperature, annealing time and the film thickness on the ordering transformation and (001) texture evolution of FePt films with near equiatomic composition was studied. Whereas flash lamp annealed FePt films exhibit a polycrystalline morphology with high chemical L10 order, rapid thermal annealing can lead to the formation of chemically ordered FePt fifilms with (001) texture on amorphous SiO2/Si substrates. The resultant high perpendicular magnetic anisotropy and large coercivities up to 40 kOe are demonstrated. Simultaneuosly to the ordering transformation, rapid thermal annealing to temperatures exceeding 600 °C leads to a break up of the continuous FePt film into separated islands. This dewetting behavior was utilized to create regular arrays of FePt nanostructures on SiO2 particle templates with periods down to 50 nm. The addition of Cu improves the (001) texture formation and chemcial ordering for annealing temperatures T < 600 °C. In addition, the magnetic anisotropy and the coercivity of the ternary FePtCu alloy can be effectively tailored by adjusting the Cu content. The prospects of FePtCu based exchange spring media, as well as the magnetic properties of FePtCu nanostructures fabricated using e-beam and nanoimprint lithography have been investigated.

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