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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Anstaltsgruppens betydelse för motverkandet av återfall i brott för den enskilde intagne : Hur anstaltsgruppen kan möjliggöra ett liv fritt från kriminalitet

Andersson, Kristin January 2014 (has links)
Då en person är dömd till att avtjäna ett fängelsestraff är denne intagen på en anstalt och placerad på en avdelning bestående av en grupp med andra dömda individer. Kriminalvården arbetar med att minska återfall i brott. Kriminalvårdens vision är således att den intagne genom den behandling som bedrivs på anstalterna, ska vara bättre rustad till att leva ett liv fritt från droger och kriminalitet efter avtjänat fängelsestraff. Forskning visar dock att gruppen medintagna på anstalten kan påverka den enskilde intagne på olika sätt och inte sällan kan man se hur den enskilde påverkas i negativ mening. Följderna blir att behandlingen av den enskilde individen hamnar i skymundan för de negativa grupprocesserna. Donald Clemmer (1958) och Erwing Goffman (1973) är två teoretiker som har forskat kring denna problematik. Den förstnämnde menar att mer eller mindre alla intagna genomgår en prisoniseringsprocess vid en fängelsevistelse vilken leder till att den intagne anpassar sig till en rådande fängelsekultur som är antisocial och prokriminell. Vidare innebär kulturen att det råder entydlig distans mellan intagna och personal vilka bildar två olika grupper, där gruppen medintagna, är det viktiga att förhålla sig till för den enskilde intagne. Genom en kvalitativ studie innehållande sju intervjuer med individer som tidigare avtjänat fängelsestraff på hög säkerhetsklassad anstalt och levt i en kriminell livsstil undersöks; hur gruppen medintagna kan möjliggöra för den enskilde i dennes arbete med att lämna sin kriminella livsstil på anstalt. I studien används grounded theory som analysmetod, och resultatet konstaterar hur prisoniseringen samt klyftan mellan intagna och personal försvårar ur en behandlingssynpunkt men att detta upplevts vara något bättre på behandlingsavdelningar samt behandlingsanstalter. På en behandlingsavdelning/behandlingsanstalt upplevs det lättare för den enskilde individen att öppet visa sin motivation till att vara drogfri och att arbeta med sin kriminella livsstil, vilket har upplevts vara ett stort problem som intagen på en normalavdelning. Känslan av att tillhöra gruppen medintagna visar sig vara väldigt stark för den enskilde under dennes anstaltsvistelse och de normer och de förhållningssätt som råder på avdelningen för tillfället tar den enskilde individen således efter i sitt agerande vilket genom analysarbetet av intervjuerna visat sig kunna vara både positivt och negativt. / When a person is sentenced to serve a penalty the person is placed in a prison and placed in a group with other convicted inmates. The Swedish prison and Probation Service’s vision is for the inmate to be better prepared for a life free from drugs and crime after the sentence is served. However research shows that the detainee group affects the individual in different ways, and not rarely negatively. The aftermath of this, is that the treatment of the individual detainee is put in the dark due to the negative group processes. Donald Clemmer (1958) and Erwing Goffman (1973) are two prominent theorists that have conducted research regarding these kinds of problems. The first of these two proposes that more or less every detainee goes through an imprisonment process, that leads to the detainee adjusting to the current prison culture which is antisocial and pro crime. The culture also shows a distinct distance between the detainees and the staff, which creates two groups the detainees and the prison officers. For the individual, it is very important to acknowledge this. This qualitative study consists of seven interviews with individuals who have previously served sentences at a prison with a high security class and have lived with a criminal lifestyle investigates; how the group of inmates can affect the individual with leaving their criminal lifestyle whilst still in prison. Grounded theory is used as a analysis method and the result notes how prisonization and the gap between staff and inmates makes the rehabilitation process difficult from a treatment point of view. However it is perceived to be marginally better on a treatment ward or in a prison with alignment towards treatment. On a treatment ward it is considered easier for the individual to open show his motivation to be drug free and work with his criminal lifestyle, which has perceived to be a big problem on a normal ward. The feeling of belonging to the group of detainees is very strong for the individual during incarceration, and the norms and approach to the treatment is dependent on the situation within the group the inmate is attached to, which has throughout these analysis of the interviews shown to have both a positive and negative effect.

CSR ur personalens perspektiv : hur inverkar organisationers arbete med CSR på personalens identifiering?

Hansson, Fredrik, Johansson, Filip January 2014 (has links)
Organisationers engagemang i Corporate social responsibility (CSR) är betydelsefullt för dess intressentgrupper. För att undersöka vilken inverkan arbete med CSR har på intressenterna har vi valt att fokusera på anställda, och hur deras identifiering påverkas av organisationers arbete med CSR. Detta är också studiens syfte som vidare även behandlar vilka av CSR-aspekterna ekonomi, etik och filantropi som är väsentliga för anställda. Frågeställningarna som studien besvarar är följande: Hur påverkas de anställdas identifiering med organisationen av uppfattningen om dess arbete med CSR? Vilka specifika CSR-aspekter influerar en anställds identifiering med en organisation? För att ge svar på studiens frågeställningar användes en kvantitativ metod bestående av en webbaserad enkätundersökning. Enkäten skickades ut till 189 anställda i olika organisationer där det erhölls 72 svar. För att testa studiens hypoteser fortskred uppsatsen i att materialet från enkäten bearbetades statistiskt genom korrelationsanalyser och regressionsanalyser. Resultatet i studien indikerade på att där föreligger ett samband mellan anställdas identifiering med en organisation och CSR. Därutöver påvisades det även att ekonomi var den CSR-aspekt som var mest väsentlig för anställdas identifiering. Studiens resultat bidrar därigenom till forskningen. Vår slutsats blir genom resultatet att ett samband mellan CSR och identifiering föreligger samt att CSR-aspekten ekonomi är den mest väsentliga för personalens identifiering.

A comparison study on the effect of coaching as a nursing intervention on comfort levels and blood sugar levels in two groups of individuals with diabetes

Kerrigan, Anita Cimino 06 July 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this comparative study was to investigate the effect of coaching, as a nursing intervention, on comfort levels and blood sugar levels of individuals with diabetes. The hypothesis of the study was that individuals with diabetes who received coaching at specified intervals of time would have higher levels of comfort, as measured by the Diabetes Mellitus Comfort Questionnaire (DMCQ), and lower blood sugar levels, as recorded on the individual’s personal glucometer, than individuals with diabetes who did not receive coaching. Prior to conducting the study, approval of the university review board and hospitals was obtained. Participants were solicited from two accredited hospital-based diabetic education programs in a Midwestern city. Participation in the study was voluntary. The participants solicited from one hospital-based diabetic education program received coaching as a nursing intervention throughout the study while the participants from the other hospital-based diabetic education program did not. The participants were enrolled in the study the last day of the diabetic education program and completed a demographic data form, the DMCQ, and the Self Care InventoryRevised (SCI-R) to measure compliance. They also documented the average of their daily blood sugar levels from the past seven days as recorded on their personal glucometer. Two and four weeks after enrolling in the study participants from each group repeated the process of completing the DMCQ, the SCI-R, and documenting the average daily blood sugar levels over the past seven days as recorded on their glucometers. One hospital-based diabetic education group received coaching from the researcher via a telephone call two and four weeks after completing the formal diabetic education program and prior to completing the DMCQ, the SCI-R, and documenting their average daily blood sugar from the next seven days. Confidentiality of data collected from the participants was maintained. There was no risk of harm. Of the participants enrolled in the study, there were 30 participants who completed the study for one group and 35 participants who completed the study for the other group. Analysis of variance was used to analyze the data. Results showed no significant difference in comfort levels, compliance scores, or blood sugar levels between the two groups. The hypothesis of the study was not supported. Nonetheless, the information obtained from this study is valuable to nursing by contributing to the growing body of knowledge for developing cost-effective education and supportive strategies for individuals with diabetes to manage their condition. / Department of Educational Studies

Lite mer än bara träning : En studie om relationsmarknadsföring och kundlojalitet inom gymbranschen / A little more than just exercising : A study on relationship marketing and customer loyalty within the gym industry

Kaisa, Ekqvist January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: Intresset bland allmänheten för träning och hälsa har blivit allt större, vilket har medfört att även intresset för gymbranschen har ökat. I och med aktörernas snarlika utbud krävs det dock någonting utöver själva träningen för att få kunderna att stanna kvar inom organisationen. Relationsmarknadsföring blir allt mer utspritt med dess långsiktiga tänk, något som dock saknas utförligare beskrivningar samt analyser inom för den svenska gymbranschen. Syfte: Att beskriva samt analysera hur aktörer inom gymbranschen kan använda sig av relationsmarknadsföring i sitt arbete med att skapa lojala kunder som väljer att stanna inom organisationen. Metod: Studien har byggts på en kvalitativ forskningsmetod, där en fallstudie med fyra aktörer inom gymbranschen har tillämpats. Resultat/slutsatser: Det har i studien flertalet gånger framkommit kopplingar mellan teori och empiri som visar på att aktörerna inom gymbranschen använder sig av relationsmarknadsföring till stor del i sitt arbete. Det är mycket fokus på personalens bemötande, men även på att göra sina medlemmar motiverade till att träna. Det som även lyfts fram är vikten av att i relationen med kunderna sprida kunskap kring träningen, samt att arbeta för att medlemmarna ska träna aktivt. / Background: The interest among the public for exercising and health have increased lately, with the result that the interest in the gym industry has increased as well. With companies having similar offerings, it requires something beyond this basic offering to get customers to remain in the organization. Relationship marketing is becoming more popular with its long-term thinking, but there is a gap of detailed descriptions and analyzes of the Swedish gym industry. Purpose: To describe and analyze how actors in the gym industry can use relationship marketing in its efforts to create loyal customers who choose to stay within the organization. Method: The study was built on a qualitative research, where a case study with four companies in the gym industry have been applied. Results / Conclusions: This study has several times revealed connections between theory and empirical data that shows that companies in the gym industry use relationship marketing in a large part of their work. There is a lot of focus on the attitude of the staff, but also on making the members motivated to exercise. It also highlighted the importance of spreading knowledge in the relationship with the members about exercising and its effects, and also to try to get the members to exercise actively.

Inclusión de otras voces en la enseñanza de transportes

Ruiz, María Dolores January 2013 (has links)
La Cátedra de Transportes de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (FI UNLP) forma parte del Departamento de Construcciones; la asignatura es parte del área de Transportes, caracterizada por un grupo de materias con una cierta tradición de jerarquías de difícil reversión tanto desde la práctica docente como del estudiantado. En Ingeniería, por una cuestión cultural, los temas de transporte no están valorizados como los de estructuras; además, y dentro del área, tienen mayor peso Caminos I y Caminos II, materias más vinculadas al diseño estructural y geométrico. Uno de los problemas es que, en la representación que tienen los alumnos de la Ingeniería, Transportes juega un papel secundario; no es sólo el tema, sino también las herramientas de que se vale la técnica. <i>(Párrafo extraído del texto a modo de resumen)</i>

Personal Analytical Calendar

Tavakkol, Sanaz 02 May 2014 (has links)
Data is all around us, everywhere we go and in every activity we do. It exists in all aspects of our everyday personal life. Making sense of these personal daily data, which leads to more self-awareness is becoming remarkably important as we can learn more about our habits and behavior and therefore we can reflect upon this extended self-knowledge. Particularly, these data can assist people to learn more about themselves, uncover existing patterns in their behaviors or habits and help them to take action towards newly developed goals. Accordingly, they can either try to improve their behaviors to gain better results and trends or to maintain existing ones. Through the interviews that I conducted, I learned that “Productivity” is one of the most important personal attributes that people are very interested to monitor, track and improve in their daily lives. People are interested to learn more about the supportive or preventive causes that effect their daily productivity, which eventually can help them to improve their time-management and self-management. In this thesis, I focus on two research questions: (1) How can we design a visualization tool to help people be more engaged in understanding their daily productivity? In order for people to learn more about themselves, they need context about their living habits and activities. So I chose digital calendars as a platform to integrate productivity related information as they provide beneficial contextual information, supporting many of the questions that people ask themselves about their personal data. As the next step, I had to find an effective way of representing influential factors on productivity on the calendar. This led to define my second research question: (2) What combination of visual encodings will enable people to most easily identify a relationship between two different pieces of daily information rendered on a calendar? For finding the best visual encoding, I considered encoding Numeric data using Saturation and Length encodings, and Nominal data using Shape encoding. I designed two types of questions: Calendar related questions, to investigate the interference level of visualizations in calendar related tasks, and Visualization related questions to identify which visualization is faster and leads to more accurate results and better user ratings. I compared the combination of Numeric x Numeric (Saturation x Saturation, Saturation x Length, Length x Length) and Numeric x Nominal (Shape x Length, Shape x Saturation) data encodings. My results demonstrated the following: for Calendar Task questions and in Numeric x Numeric category, Length x Length had the overall best results. For the same task set and in Numeric x Nominal category, Shape x Length was rated the best. For Visualization Task questions and in Numeric x Numeric category, Saturation x Saturation had the better performance overall in most of the cases and for same task set and in Numeric x Nominal category, Shape x Saturation was the fastest while Shape x Length was the most accurate. These findings along with interviews provided me with useful information for refining the visualization designs to more accurate, more user-friendly and faster visualizations which assist people in monitoring goals, trends, status, contexts, influencing factors and differences in their productivity related personal daily data and brings them more insight awareness and possibly self-reflection. / Graduate / 0984 / tavakkol@uvic.ca

Educational borrowing through guaranteed loan programs : perceptions of Ball State University dropouts

Dunn, Billy Ray January 1973 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to determine the perceptions of Ball State University students who participated in the Guaranteed Student Loan Program and withdrew from school before completing a degree program. Specifically, the study was concerned with: (1) Determining the perceptions of identified students in areas of financial concern with regard to borrowing through the Guaranteed Loan Program; (2) determining the perceptions of the borrowers as related to selected personal areas with regard to borrowing through the loan program; (3) identifying the opinions of students regarding participation in the loan program as related to the appropriateness of the program, basis for eligibility, repayment plans, advice to prospective borrowers and the overall experience of borrowing through the Guaranteed Student Loan Program.A review of literature pertaining to guaranteed loan programs was made and a questionnaire was sent to a random sample of 100 students who had participated in the Guaranteed Student Loan Program but withdrew from Ball State University before completing a degree. Seventy-one borrowers returned a completed questionnaire.The analysis of data revealed that Ball State University students who borrowed through the Guaranteed Student Loan Program but left school prior to graduation were usually single at the time of borrowing but tended to marry at a later date, were not dependent on parents for financial support and came from homes of parents having a wide range of annual gross incomes. The identified dropouts were more likely to borrow through the loan program than obtain money for education expenses from any other source, did not, use the money for purposes other than education and tended not to default on repayment to the lender of the loan or declare bankruptcy. The student borrower accepted full responsibility for repayment of the loan in a majority of the cases.Ball State University dropouts did not perceive the influence of borrowing through the Guaranteed Student Loan Program as an inclination to be more susceptible to borrowing, interfering with the choice of a marriage partner or affecting decisions regarding size of family. The student borrowers perceived the loan program as a positive effect on the decision to attend college but not on the selection of Ball State University as the institution of higher education to attend.The identified borrowers indicated the amount borrowed as being appropriate, the overall borrowing experience as satisfactory but believed the basis for repayment should have been a combination of the amount borrowed and the borrower's income after leaving college.There was no significant relationship between the amount of money borrowed by the Ball State University dropouts and the use of the money for purposes other than education expenses, defaulting on repayment, necessity to borrow after leaving college due to the debt accrued by the loan, the influence of borrowing on the borrowers' ability to purchase certain consumer items, or the overall experience of borrowing through the Guaranteed Student Loan Program.

Personal-portable Cooling Garment Based on Adsorption Vacuum Membrane Evaporative Cooling

Yang, Yifan 15 March 2011 (has links)
A cutting edge man-portable AVMEC cooling garment was demonstrated to be able to provide sufficient cooling for personnel working at mediate activity loads. Studies were first carried out in a well controlled vacuum desiccator at room temperature to elucidate the effects of several key parameters on the performance of an AVEC device, which was similar to AVMEC except that membrane was not involved. Under the best condition, an average cooling capacity of 179 W/M2 was achieved in a period of four hours and cooling continued at a slowly declining rate for another four hours afterward. The temperature of water was maintained at approximately 12.5 oC after the pseudo steady state was established. Then, it was shown that the AVMEC cooling pads were able to provide a cooling capacity of 277.4 W/m2 in a 37 oC ambient environment (incubator). The temperature of the cooling core surface was maintained in a range of 20 – 21.8 oC in the one-hour test period. No power supply was required except for the initialization stage, which took 5 minutes. Furthermore, human subject tests with or without wearing NWBC (Nuclear Warfare Biological and Chemical) suit demonstrated that, a AVMEC garment composed of 12 cooling pads were able to maintain the core body temperature of the subjects below 38.5 oC for up to 90 minutes while the subject was walking on a treadmill at a speed of 2 miles per hour in an environment of 40 oC and 50% RH (relative humidity). These results indicate that the AVMEC garment is a promising man-portable personal cooling technology.

Free Will and the Self

Brown, Danielle Linda 04 September 2013 (has links)
In this thesis, I attempt to map a relationship between theories of selfhood and theories of free will. In doing so, I hope to establish that the metaphysical commitments that characterize major branches of libertarian theory entail a commitment to an ‘executive’ model of selfhood as opposed to a ‘psychological’ model. In essence, I argue that there exist two major lines of disagreement between libertarian and compatibilist thinkers. The first disagreement is over the truth of the determinism thesis, and a second disagreement is over the nature of the self or agent. I then argue that while much attention has been given to the first of these disagreements, the most significant problem facing free will has to do with the nature of the self, and that if stronger efforts were devoted to uncovering the nature of selfhood, there would be much to be learned about the possibility of free will. / Graduate / 0422

Personal Analytical Calendar

Tavakkol, Sanaz 02 May 2014 (has links)
Data is all around us, everywhere we go and in every activity we do. It exists in all aspects of our everyday personal life. Making sense of these personal daily data, which leads to more self-awareness is becoming remarkably important as we can learn more about our habits and behavior and therefore we can reflect upon this extended self-knowledge. Particularly, these data can assist people to learn more about themselves, uncover existing patterns in their behaviors or habits and help them to take action towards newly developed goals. Accordingly, they can either try to improve their behaviors to gain better results and trends or to maintain existing ones. Through the interviews that I conducted, I learned that “Productivity” is one of the most important personal attributes that people are very interested to monitor, track and improve in their daily lives. People are interested to learn more about the supportive or preventive causes that effect their daily productivity, which eventually can help them to improve their time-management and self-management. In this thesis, I focus on two research questions: (1) How can we design a visualization tool to help people be more engaged in understanding their daily productivity? In order for people to learn more about themselves, they need context about their living habits and activities. So I chose digital calendars as a platform to integrate productivity related information as they provide beneficial contextual information, supporting many of the questions that people ask themselves about their personal data. As the next step, I had to find an effective way of representing influential factors on productivity on the calendar. This led to define my second research question: (2) What combination of visual encodings will enable people to most easily identify a relationship between two different pieces of daily information rendered on a calendar? For finding the best visual encoding, I considered encoding Numeric data using Saturation and Length encodings, and Nominal data using Shape encoding. I designed two types of questions: Calendar related questions, to investigate the interference level of visualizations in calendar related tasks, and Visualization related questions to identify which visualization is faster and leads to more accurate results and better user ratings. I compared the combination of Numeric x Numeric (Saturation x Saturation, Saturation x Length, Length x Length) and Numeric x Nominal (Shape x Length, Shape x Saturation) data encodings. My results demonstrated the following: for Calendar Task questions and in Numeric x Numeric category, Length x Length had the overall best results. For the same task set and in Numeric x Nominal category, Shape x Length was rated the best. For Visualization Task questions and in Numeric x Numeric category, Saturation x Saturation had the better performance overall in most of the cases and for same task set and in Numeric x Nominal category, Shape x Saturation was the fastest while Shape x Length was the most accurate. These findings along with interviews provided me with useful information for refining the visualization designs to more accurate, more user-friendly and faster visualizations which assist people in monitoring goals, trends, status, contexts, influencing factors and differences in their productivity related personal daily data and brings them more insight awareness and possibly self-reflection. / Graduate / 0984 / tavakkol@uvic.ca

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