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The use of traditional Afro-Peruvian and Peruvian creole music in the soundtrack of commercial Peruvian feature films between 1996 and 2015 / L'utilisation de la musique traditionnelle afro-péruvienne et créole péruvienne dans la bande originale des longs métrages commerciaux péruviens entre 1996 et 2015Medina, Nicolás 07 1900 (has links)
La façon dont les bandes sonores ont été abordées dans le cinéma péruvien au cours des dernières décennies a changé. Depuis l'apparition des techniques numériques de réalisation de films en 1996, les films ne suivent pas les mêmes conventions qui ont été établies durant la seconde moitié du XXe siècle. Cette étude vise à comprendre comment les musiques afro-péruviennes et créoles péruviennes traditionnelles ont été utilisée dans la bande originale des longs métrages commerciaux péruviens entre 1996 et 2015.
Après l'observation de 113 des 146 films péruviens commercialisés au cours de cette période, les 13 films contenant de la musique afro-péruvienne ou créole traditionnelle ont été sélectionnés afin d'analyser leur bande sonore. Chaque analyse se concentre sur les aspects généraux du film, la musique diégétique et les chansons, le style et le concept, les techniques de composition et présente une évaluation de la bande sonore. La comparaison des résultats des analyses a montré que la façon dont la musique traditionnelle a été utilisée dans le cinéma péruvien a changé par rapport aux décennies précédentes et que certains modèles de son utilisation sont apparus. / The way soundtracks have been approached in Peruvian cinema during the last decades has changed. Since the apparition of digital filmmaking techniques in 1996, movies don’t follow the same conventions that were established during the second half of the 20th century. This study aims to understand how traditional Afro-Peruvian and Peruvian creole music has been used in the soundtrack of commercial Peruvian feature films between 1996 and 2015.
Based on the observation of 113 of the 146 commercially released Peruvian films during this period, the 13 movies that contain traditional Afro-Peruvian or creole music were selected in order to analyse their soundtrack. Each analysis focuses on general aspects of the film, the source music and songs, the style and concept, the compositional techniques and presents an evaluation of the soundtrack. The comparison of the results from the analyses showed that the way traditional music has been used in Peruvian cinema has changed in relation to previous decades and that some patterns in its use have appeared.
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Romantic morality in Mariano Iberico and William James / La moral romántica en Mariano Iberico y William JamesOrozco, Richard Antonio 09 April 2018 (has links)
In this paper, the author offers an analysis of the evolution in Mariano Iberico’s moral philosophy that would have happened between two of his publications in the decade of the twenties. In the first publication, Iberico defends a morality of a dualistic type, giving birth to an ideal on the basis of overcoming the existential self along with its interests, needs and urgencies. A metaphysical type of morality would have been the result of such a claim. Six years later, on the other hand, the author presents a morality more understanding of the human contradiction, which does not demand the overcoming of the self as moral ideal, but rather recognizes the value of the individual. The hypothesis of this work suggests that the above mentioned evolution in Iberico’s thought would have originated from the reading of William James and of other authors whom Iberico named ‘romantics’. Furthermore, in a later section, the author shows that such an interpretationof James’ morality comes much closer to the interpretations made by Ralph B.Perry and recently by Ramon del Castillo. / En este artículo, el autor se propone analizar la evolución en la filosofía moral de Mariano Iberico que habría ocurrido entre dos de sus publicaciones en la década de los años veinte. En la primera publicación, Iberico defiende una moral de tinte dualista, forjando un ideal en base a la superación del yo existencial junto a sus intereses, necesidades y urgencias. Una moral de corte metafísico habría sido el resultado de tal propuesta. Seis años después, en cambio, se constata una moral más comprensiva con la contradicción humana, que ya no exige la superación del yo como ideal moral sino que, más bien, reconoce el valor de lo individual. La hipótesis de trabajo propone que dicha evolución enel pensamiento de Iberico se habría originado a partir de las lecturas de William James y de otros autores más a quienes Iberico denominó románticos”. En una última sección, además, el autor muestra que tal interpretación de la moral en James se aproxima mucho a las lecturas hechas por Ralph B. Perry y, recientemente, por Ramón del Castillo.
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The tragedy of denied economies: a brief story about two entrepreneurs / La tragedia de las economías negadas: una breve historia de dos emprendedoresLaurent Solís, Paul 12 April 2018 (has links)
This article addresses the history of Juan Mezzich, a European immigrant who came to Peru to start a wine business, and his grandson, Julio Cesar Mezzich, a leader of Shining Path. Throughout the article, the author describes the historical period and the economic and social context in which both characters developed, emphasizing the role of the regulation of the economy that the Peruvian state ran throughout the twentieth century. / El presente artículo aborda la historia de Juan Mezzich, un migrante europeo que vino a Perú a emprender un negocio de vino, y su nieto, Julio César Mezzich, un dirigente de Sendero Luminoso. A lo largo del artículo, se describe la época historica y el contexto económico y social en el que se desenvolvieron ambos personajes, destacando el papel de la regulación de la economía que realizó el Estado peruano a lo largo del siglo XX.
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Imaginario del colectivo gastronómico: marca Perú y explotación laboralHenríquez-Zevallos, Olga-Mariel January 2016 (has links)
El presente artículo académico busca analizar las opiniones de un grupo de cocineros peruanos acerca de la Marca Perú, la información que tienen sobre esta y si se sienten identificados con las propuestas que plantean con relación al crecimiento del rubro gastronómico. Los resultados arrojaron que los cocineros se sienten orgullosos de la marca y la mayoría se siente identificada con esta. Sin embargo, otros aspectos relacionados a los derechos laborales se ven directamente afectados y estos no parecen ser reconocidos por el grupo. / This academic article analyzes the views of a group of Peruvian Chefs about the Peru Brand, the information they have about it and if they feel identified with the proposals raised in relation to the growth of the gastronomic area. The results showed that the chefs are proud of the brand and most of them feel identified with it. However, other aspects related to labor rights are directly affected and they do not seem to be recognized by this group. / Trabajo de investigación
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Plan de negocio para la comercialización de una compota peruana para niños y bebés / Business Plan for the launch of a new Peruvian Compote for children and babiesMore, Daniel Enoc Macarlupu 11 November 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación consiste en la elaboración de un plan de negocio para el lanzamiento de una nueva compota o papilla para niños y bebés elaborada sobre la base de la denominada “Papa dulce del Perú”: el nutritivo camote peruano.
Esta nueva compota llevará el nombre de “Baby Perú” y se presentará al mercado en tres sabores diferentes: “la naranjita”, “la moradita” y “la blanquita”, los cuales harán referencia a las variantes en sabores que ofrece esta raíz peruana: el camote naranja, el camote morado y el camote blanco, respectivamente.
La propuesta de negocio se fundamentará en otorgar un producto de muy buena calidad, de origen e identidad propia a nivel nacional. Se encontrará dirigido hacia las madres de familia de entre 18 y 45 años que poseen hijos de hasta 5 años de edad, de nivel socioeconómico A, B y C con residencia en Lima.
De acuerdo al análisis del entorno realizado, el éxito del proyecto posee bastante asidero, debido a que éste cuenta con diferentes fortalezas que permitirán su viabilidad en diferentes escenarios. Por otro lado, como resultado de la investigación de mercado, se ha determinado que actualmente sí existe demanda para este tipo de producto.
Por último, la evaluación financiera de nuestra propuesta de negocio ha otorgado indicadores bastante atractivos en términos financieros: el VAN del proyecto es de S/ 69,104 y la TIR del 35%, con un periodo de recuperación de 1 año. En efecto, la presente propuesta de negocio es factible y rentable. / This research work consists in the development of a business plan for the launch of a new compote or porridge for children and babies made with the nutritious Peruvian sweet potato.
This new compote will be called "Baby Peru" and will be presented to the market in three different flavors: "la naranjita", "la moradita" and "la blanquita", which will refer to the variants in flavors offered by this Peruvian root: The Orange Sweet Potato, the Purple Sweet Potato and The White Sweet Potato, respectively.
The business proposal will be based on providing a product of very good quality, of its own origin and identity at the national level. It will be aimed at mothers between 18 and 45 years old who have children up to 5 years of age, of socioeconomic level A, B and C with residence in Lima.
According to the analysis of the environment carried out, the chances of this project being successful are high, because it has different strengths that will allow its viability in different scenarios. Also, as a result of market research, it has been determined that there is currently a demand for this type of product.
Finally, the financial evaluation of our business proposal has provided quite attractive indicators: The NPV of the project is S/ 69,104 and the IRR is 35%, with a recovery period of one year. Indeed, this business proposal is feasible and profitable. / Trabajo de investigación
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The social life and sound patterns of Nanti ways of speakingBeier, Christine Marie 19 October 2010 (has links)
This dissertation explores the phenomenon of ways of speaking in the Nanti speech community of Montetoni, in southeastern Peruvian Amazonia, between 1999 and 2009. In the context of this study, a 'way of speaking' is a socially meaningful, conventionalized sound pattern, manifest at the level of the utterance, that expresses the speaker's orientation toward some aspect of the interaction. This study closely examines both the sound patterns and patterns of use of three Nanti ways of speaking — matter-of-fact talk, scolding talk, and hunting talk — and describes each one in relation to a broader set of linguistic, social, and cultural practices characteristic of the speech community at the time.
The data for this study is naturally-occurring discourse recorded during multi-party, face-to-face interactions in Montetoni. Bringing together methods developed by linguists, linguistic anthropologists, conversation analysts, and interactional sociologists, this study explores the communicative relations among participants, interactions, situations of interaction, and the utterances that link them all, attending to both the individual-level cognitive (subjective) facets of interpersonal communication and the necessarily intersubjective environment in which communication takes place. In order to disaggregate the multiple levels of signification evidenced in specific utterances, tokens are examined at four levels of organization: the sound form, the sentence, the turn, and the move. The data are presented via audio files; acoustic analyses; sequentially-organized and temporally-anchored interlinearized transcripts; and composite visual representations, all of which are framed by detailed ethnographic description. Nantis' ways of speaking are shown to consistently and systematically convey social aspects of 'meaning' that are crucial to utterance interpretation and, therefore, to successful interpersonal communication.
Based on the robust correspondences between sound form and communicative function identified in the Nanti communicative system, this study proposes that ways of speaking are a cross-linguistically viable level of organization in language use that awaits discovery and description in other speech communities.
The research project itself is framed in terms of the practical issues that emerged through the author's own experiences in learning to communicate appropriately in monolingual Nanti society, and the ethical issues that motivate community-oriented documentation of endangered language practices. / text
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Back to the village? : an ethnographic study of an Andean community in the early twenty-first centuryFerreira, Francisco January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is an ethnographic study of Taulli, a “Peruvian peasant community” (PPC) in the highland region of Ayacucho. PPCs are a paradigmatic type of Andean community with distinctive communal features and great historical significance. The thesis offers a detailed case study that contributes to an understanding of the maintenance, current role, and functioning, of these communities in the early Twenty-first Century. Additionally, this case study reassesses key theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of Andean cultures, defending the ongoing validity of community ethnographies and many aspects of 1960s-80s research in the Andean region (particularly its “long-termist” approaches). Specifically, the thesis examines the current role that the community (as a PPC) plays for the Taullinos -such as its respective advantages and disadvantages- in a context where far-reaching social change coexists with rich local traditions. On the one hand, it is argued that the community has become a channel through which Taullinos acquire access to new services and benefits, largely resulting from increased state intervention through unprecedented development-related initiatives. Despite their limitations and mixed results, it is shown how these initiatives partially adapt to and reinforce the local PPC status. The combination of this state intervention and other factors of change, especially emigration, are deepening local integration into national society and have brought remarkable improvements to the quality of life of Taullinos. Nonetheless, such processes are also hampered by severe problems and challenges, largely linked to a legacy of social exclusion and discrimination. On the other hand, it is argued that the community and local traditions continue to offer Taullinos a strong sense of identity and social cohesion, and some important practical advantages, in the context of social change. In particular, through their participation in the local communal organisation and ritual celebrations, which are key foci of this study. Furthermore, it is demonstrated how local traditions are dynamically reinvented to serve as a primary channel through which Taullinos experience and accommodate change. Therefore, although the local communal system is demanding and has many limitations, Taullinos unanimously accept and identify with it, and with the PPC status that guarantees its continuity.
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Problém sociální diskriminace v současném Peru / Problem of Social Discrimination in Present-Day PeruDurand Cuba, Miguel Angel January 2012 (has links)
The main objective of this work was to analyze the social discrimination in Peru from historical social perspective. The work is divided into two main parts: theoretical and practical. In the theoretical part we dealt with the analysis of various concepts that have been formulated by leading international organizations. In the practical part we analyze discrimination in the media such as television and in addition, we are also dedicated to social discrimination against residents of Lima is perceived today. KEY WORDS: discrimination, racism, ethnicity, domination, Peruvian society, mestizo
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Représentations et identités des femmes afro-descendantes et africaines dans la littérature : cas du Pérou et du Gabon. / Representations and identities of African descent women and African women in the literature : case of Peru and Gabon.Kounga, Tatiana 06 June 2014 (has links)
Les représentations et les identités des femmes d'ascendance africaine du Pérou et des femmes gabonaises dans la littérature est une étude comparée sur la condition de ces femmes dans leurs sociétés respectives. En effet, s'intéresser à ces deux genres de femmes est tout simplement tenir compte de leur place de femmes, en étudiant leur vie et le rôle, spécifique ou non, qu'elles jouent dans leurs sociétés. Au Pérou, les femmes d'ascendance africaine se retrouvent enfermées dans de nombreux stéréotypes et préjugés. Il nous intéresse de savoir les formes que ceux-ci prennent dans la littérature péruvienne contemporaine. Ainsi, l'analyse des personnages féminins dans les textes littéraires que nous avons choisis constitue un premier pas vers une démarche où il est question d'interroger cette stéréo-typification mais aussi les tentatives de sa « déconstruction » à partir des œuvres Canto de sirena, Crónica de músicos y diablos et Cuatro cuentos eróticos de Acarí de Gregorio Martínez.Au Gabon, par contre, la condition des femmes gabonaises, leur place dans la société et les discriminations auxquelles elles sont sujettes sont plutôt dues au poids des traditions dans l'univers traditionnel et de la misogynie dans la société moderne. Dans les romans Histoire d'Awu et Féminin interdit de Justine Mintsa et d'Honorine Ngou, les personnages féminins apparaissent comme des victimes de la société traditionnelle à cause de leur absence de liberté. Face à certaines coutumes, les femmes sont opprimées, tyrannisées, « on fait tout pour les occulter, les refuser, les rendre inopérantes ». Ainsi, le fait d'être femmes apparaît comme pesant pour les personnages féminins car les héroïnes semblent transporter avec elles toute la souffrance féminine.Mots clés : Représentations-Identités- Femmes afro-péruviennes - Femmes gabonaises - Littérature. / Representations and identities of African descent in Peru and Gabonese women in literature is a comparative study on the status of women in their respective societies. In either society, one cannot fully grasp the experience of these two categories of women without looking into their social status, their life and the role (specific or not) that they play in their different communities. In Peru, women of African descent are constantly hobbled by many stereotypes and prejudice. We are interested to know the forms they take in contemporary Peruvian literature. That is why the analysis of female characters in the literary texts selected for this study represents a crucial step toward questioning this stereotyping dynamics. More importantly, attempts to “deconstruct” this social malady by Gregorio Martínez through such works as Canto de sirena, Crónica de músicos y diablos and Cuatro cuentos eróticos de Acarí were also analized.In Gabon, on the other hand, women's condition, their social status and the discrimination that they have to face is mainly due to the dual effects of traditions and misogyny in the modern society. In such novels Histoire d' Awu (“The Story of Awu”) and Féminin interdit (“No females”) by Justine Mintsa and Honorine Ngou, the characters are portrayed as the victims of traditional society because of their lack of freedom. Because of certain customs, women are oppressed, and abused; “they are constantly silenced, denied humanity and made nonfunctional”. Thus, women being seen as a heavy burden for female characters because they usually seem to be tasked with carrying the suffering of all womankinds.Key words: Representations - Identities - Afro-peruvian women - Gabonese Women - Literature.
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Propuesta de plan de negocio de una nueva marca de ropa en la categoría streetwearAlbín Casanova, Ana Paula, Castañeda Castagnino, Alexis Raúl, Robles Rojas, Jessica Milagros, Zegarra Saenz, José Daniel 10 1900 (has links)
El propósito del siguiente trabajo es evaluar la factibilidad y viabilidad de emprender un proyecto textil al cual denominaremos INSPIRE, estará centrado en el segmento de ropa urbana, sus atributos diferenciales serán: diseños únicos hechos por artistas locales, calidad del algodón peruano y el espíritu de ayudar a la sociedad. INSPIRE apunta a un segmento de consumidores que buscan una marca que los ayude a expresarse y al mismo tiempo vivir sus valores e intereses.
Se decidió abordar el tema, pues a nivel mundial, la moda urbana viene siendo tendencia desde hace más de 40 años y el Perú no es la excepción. Si bien en el país ya existen iniciativas en este segmento, la presente investigación prueba que, con un diseño impactante y que logre diferenciarse de las alternativas que se encuentran en el mercado, se puede lograr una posición y reconocimiento entre los seguidores de esta moda. Es importante mencionar también, que se escogió incursionar en el rubro textil por ser uno de los sectores de mayor dinamismo y crecimiento en los últimos años en el Perú.
Para lograrlo se utilizaron diversos tipos de herramientas que validarían la factibilidad de la idea, entre las cuales destacan: FODA, análisis PESTEL, análisis PORTER, Business Model Canvas, Value Proposition Canvas, la rueda de comunicación, mapa de valor, construcción de insights, construcción de superioridad relativa, entre otros.
Luego de analizar todos los factores de impacto en la creación de una nueva marca, podemos concluir que es viable y factible la creación de INSPIRE. / The purpose of the following work is to evaluate the feasibility of launching the textile brand INSPIRE into the Peruvian urban clothing segment. The brand will distinguish by the following differential attributes: unique designs made by local artists, high quality of Peruvian cotton and the social side of helping society in every purchase. INSPIRE aims to a segment of consumers who are looking for a brand that helps express themselves and at the same time share their same values and interests.
The topic selected, urban fashion, has been a global trend for more than 40 years and Peru is not the exception. Although there are already initiatives in the country, the present research proves that with a striking design the brand differs positively from the alternatives in the market. A position and recognition among followers of this fashion can be achieved. It is important to mention that the textile sector has had great dynamism and growth in recent years in Peru.
In order to accomplish this goal, several tools were used to validate the proposal: SWOT, PESTEL Analysis, PORTER Analysis, the Business Model Canvas, the Value Proposition Canvas, the Communication Wheel, Value Map, the Construction of Insights, the Construction of Relative Superiority, among others.
After analyzing all the factors involved in the creation of this new brand, we got to the conclusion that there is a potential market where INSPIRE would fit.
Keywords: Streetwear, urban clothing, Peruvian brand, design, inspire, responsible business plan. / Trabajo de investigación
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