Spelling suggestions: "subject:"peut management"" "subject:"pet management""
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The odorous house ant (<i>Tapinoma sessile</i>) is an adaptive and widespread pest ant species
found in North America. Despite the economic and ecological impact of pest ants, effective
management still faces many challenges and control failures with liquid spray insecticides in urban
and natural environments. In many insects such as bed bugs and cockroaches, chemical control
measures have resulted in insecticide resistance. However, in contrast to non-social insects,
insecticide resistance has never been documented in social insects. The current study had three
main goals. The first objective was to examine regional variation in <i>T. sessile</i> insecticide
susceptibility to three classes of insecticides commonly used in urban ant control. The second
objective was to compare insecticide susceptibility in <i>T. sessile</i> colonies collected in natural vs.
urban areas. The final objective was to determine if insecticide susceptibility varies in workers vs.
queens. A total of 30 <i>T. sessile</i> colonies were collected within a 50-mile radius of Purdue
University campus, Tippecanoe County, Indiana. Fifteen colonies were collected in natural areas
and 15 in urban areas. Insecticide susceptibility of all 30 colonies was tested using residual
exposure assays. Urban and natural colonies showed no significant differences in tests with
lambda-cyhalothrin and fipronil. In tests with dinotefuran, urban colonies were significantly more
tolerant relative to natural colonies. These results suggest that habitat type does not reliably predict
susceptibility levels in individual populations. Queens were found to be significantly more tolerant
relative to their worker counterparts across all three insecticides. Lower insecticide susceptibility
in the queens may explain why <i>T. sessile</i> is such a persistent pest in urban environments. This
study’s results can in part provide a foundation for the development of more effective and efficient
control methods for <i>T. sessile</i>.
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Developing Integrated Pest Management Tactics for Squash Vine BorerMcFarland, Michael C. 24 May 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Management of Spotted Lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula) Overwintering Egg Masses and Multiple State Records of Aculops ailanthi, the Potential Biological Control Agent of Tree-of-Heaven (Ailanthus altissima)Bielski, Jason Tyler 03 June 2024 (has links)
The spotted lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula) overwinters in egg masses for approximately eight months a year, representing the longest individual life stage. The immobile egg mass life stage constitutes a good candidate for management practices. Many insecticides and biopesticides have been demonstrated to provide control of nymphal and adult L. delicatula, but more research is needed on managing SLF egg masses. I conducted bioassays across three years (2021–2023) utilizing various insecticides and biopesticides against untreated and water checks at different application timings on SLF egg masses. Furthermore, in 2023, field trials of malathion and Beauveria bassiana biopesticides were investigated. I found substantial hatch reduction from malathion in all bioassays and field trials. Other pesticides tested in laboratory bioassays demonstrated varying hatch reductions across application timings and years. Laboratory bioassays suggested a single commercially available application of B. bassiana made directly on overwintering L. delicatula egg masses could subsequently infect hatching neonates. In laboratory studies, the optimal timing of spray applications on L. delicatula egg masses was approximately two weeks before hatch. Both field trials demonstrated that infection in hatching L. delicatula nymphs was greater than in laboratory bioassays. The intention of this research is to provide stakeholders with additional environmentally friendly tools to manage spotted lanternfly. In separate studies, I report the first detections of Aculops ailanthi, an exotic mite on tree-of-heaven, Ailanthus altissima, from Montgomery County, Virginia, and Wayne County, Michigan, USA. Samples from both states were sent to USDA-ARS for identification, and scanning electron microscopy confirmed the species as A. ailanthi based on the morphological features. Moreover, I describe the impacts that high populations of A. ailanthi can have on Ai. altissima, in greenhouse settings, and its potential use as a biological control agent. I investigated the efficacy of various foliar insecticide treatments against A. ailanthi on potted Ai. altissima saplings to produce additional management recommendations for researchers struggling to cultivate Ai. altissima in greenhouse conditions due to the overwhelming injury produced by A. ailanthi. All pesticide treatments significantly reduced A. ailanthi populations and provided residual control for two weeks. / Doctor of Philosophy / The invasive spotted lanternfly has spread to many States since it was introduced into the USA in 2014. Spotted lanternfly negatively influences many economic sectors, disrupting the distribution of commerce and requiring stakeholders to implement management options to reduce impacts on valuable commodities. Grapevines, a preferred host of spotted lanternfly, are at the greatest risk from spotted lanternfly. Currently, most spotted lanternfly management in vineyards targets the adult life stage as the adults aggregate in dense populations, feeding and excreting honeydew on vines. While many insecticides and biopesticides are effective at managing spotted lanternfly to some degree, commercial vineyards have reported an increase in the frequency of pesticide applications against spotted lanternfly. Spotted lanternfly survive the winter in egg masses, and despite remaining in egg masses for a large portion of the year, little research has been conducted on the management of spotted lanternfly egg masses. Here, I examined insecticide and biopesticide applications for spotted lanternfly egg masses. I applied a single application of pesticides to spotted lanternfly egg masses at various times during the overwinter life stage. I found many insecticidal treatments resulted in a reduction in the hatch of the spotted lanternfly. Furthermore, I observed signs of infection in recently emerged spotted lanternfly when egg masses were exposed to biopesticide treatments. In laboratory studies, I found that commercial insect pathogenic fungus applications made two weeks before hatch resulted in the most significant hatch reduction and infection. Field trials of pesticides against overwintering spotted lanternfly egg masses demonstrated similar effects as those observed in laboratory studies. Finally, while growing tree-of-heaven for SLF research, I documented the presence of a mite, Aculops ailanthi, reporting multiple new state records and observations of potential biological control utility against tree-of-heaven.
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Biotechnologies in the Philippines: The Cost of RegulationBayer, Jessica Christine 27 June 2007 (has links)
Biotechnologies potentially have significant benefits for developing countries but many countries lack complete regulatory processes to allow their release. In evaluating the potential benefits of genetically modified crops, one must be able to measure the true cost of regulations in addition to the other costs associated with bringing the crop to market. The objectives of this paper are to (1) identify the direct costs of the regulation of Bt eggplant, Bt rice, ringspot virus resistant (PRSV) papaya and virus resistant tomatoes in the Philippines, and (2) estimate the opportunity cost of time lost in the regulatory process. The study compares the cost of regulations as they differ by factors such as the existence of previous studies on the product or the intention for export or domestic use. It is hypothesized that the costs are greater for products that are intended for export or human consumption or are produced by the private sector. It is also hypothesized that these factors increase the time to complete the regulatory process, therefore increasing the opportunity cost of time.
This study evaluates the economic impact of the GMO regulatory process on the change in producer surplus, the net present value and the internal rate return using an economic surplus model. Scientists and other experts in the field of GMOs and regulation were interviewed to obtain the necessary data on the regulatory process. The evaluation was carried out for four different commodities in the Philippines, Bt Rice, Bt Eggplant, PRSV Papaya and MVR Tomato. The results for the open economy model revealed a change in producer surplus, as a result of the GMO research, of $418.3 million for Bt Rice and $353.7 million for PRSV Papaya. The closed economy model of Bt Eggplant has a change in producer surplus of $25.1 million and a change in total surplus of $40.8 million while the result for the change in producer surplus for MVR Tomato is $19.3 million and the change in total surplus is $51.6 million. A sensitivity analysis of the results was then carried out in which the elasticity of supply, the cost of regulation, and the release date were each varied in order to show the welfare impact of such changes. The sensitivity analysis revealed limited changes in surplus when elasticity and regulatory costs were changed. However, changing the date of release or commercialization resulted in monumental changes in surplus. / Master of Science
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Food webs and phenology models: evaluating the efficacy of ecologically based insect pest management in different agroecosystemsPhilips, Christopher Robin 02 September 2013 (has links)
Integrated pest management (IPM) is defined as an effective and environmentally sensitive approach to pest management that relies on a combination of common-sense practices. Integrated pest management programs use current, comprehensive information on the life cycles of pests and their interactions with host plants and the environment. This information, in combination with available pest control methods, is used to manage pest populations by the most economical means, and with the least possible hazard to people, property, and the environment. True IPM takes advantage of all appropriate pest management options including, as appropriate, the judicious use of pesticides. It is currently estimated the IPM in its full capacity is being practiced on less than ten percent of the agricultural land in the U.S.
The primary objective of this research was to evaluate land management decisions and create new tools to promote a true IPM approach and encourage growers to reevaluate their method of insect control. To accomplish this I developed new predictive tools to reduce or eliminate unnecessary insecticide application intended to target cereal leaf beetle in wheat, and assessed a conservation biological control technique, farmscaping, to determine its true impact on lepidopteran pest suppression in collards. / Ph. D.
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Towards the Integrated Management of the Texas Citrus Mite Eutetranychus Banksi (Acari: Tetranychidae) in SpainLópez Olmos, Sergio 03 January 2024 (has links)
[ES] El ácaro de Texas, Eutetranychus banksi McGregor, es nativo de América y está ampliamente distribuido por el cultivo de cítricos de este continente. En 2013, esta especie se detectó en el sur de la provincia de Valencia, afectando a la principal zona citrícola de España. El ácaro produce graves daños reduciendo la fotosíntesis, causando defoliación y decoloración de los frutos, lo que podría afectar a su valor económico.
En primer lugar, este trabajo evaluó el impacto ecológico producido por la especie invasora sobre las especies de ácaros tetraníquidos residentes en los cítricos valencianos Panonychus citri (McGregor) y Eutetranychus orientalis (Klein). Desde su llegada en 2013, E. banksi se ha convertido en el tetraníquido más frecuente y abundante en cítricos desplazando competitivamente a las otras especies, reduciendo su presencia y distribución geográfica, a su vez influenciada por su historia de colonización. En segundo lugar, este trabajo estudió la distribución dentro del árbol y las tendencias estacionales de la plaga y de los ácaros fitoseidos asociados, que pueden contribuir a su control. El ácaro de Texas se alimentó principalmente en la cara adaxial (haz) de las hojas en la periferia de la copa del árbol, mostrando un único pico de población a finales de verano-principios de otoño, mientras que los fitoseidos prefirieron la cara abaxial (envés) de las hojas del interior de la copa, mostrando dos picos, uno principal en primavera y otro menos abundante en otoño. Euseius stipulatus (Athias-Henriot) fue el fitoseido más frecuente y abundante, y cuando E. banksi aumentó se desplazó a las caras adaxiales de las hojas de la parte exterior de la copa y los frutos para alimentarse de su presa, cambiando su coloración de blanco a marrón rojizo evidenciando su contribución al control biológico de la plaga. Sin embargo, no fue capaz de mantener las poblaciones de E. banksi bajo densidades tolerables debido a la desfavorable relación depredador/presa que existe en verano y principios de otoño.
En tercer lugar, este trabajo pretendió describir la estructura de población del ácaro de Texas y definir un plan de muestreo. Existieron diferencias en la estructura de edad en frutos y hojas, así como entre hojas de diferentes brotes. Además, a lo largo del tiempo se observaron fluctuaciones en su composición correlacionadas con variaciones en la proporción de sexos. No se observaron diferencias de agregación entre estratos vegetales, pero sí entre estadios inmaduros y adultos, siendo las hembras las menos agregadas. La alta correlación de la población total con las formas móviles y las hembras permitió utilizar ambas como estadio de referencia para el desarrollo del plan de muestreo, estableciendo un muestreo de presencia/ausencia de 100 hojas para las hembras o 400 hojas para las formas móviles. Finalmente, un ácaro fitoseido recientemente descrito, Neoseiulus madeirensis Papadoulis & Kapaxidi, se encontró asociado a E. banksi, sugiriendo que podría ser un candidato prometedor para su control biológico. En cuarto lugar, este trabajo pretendió evaluar el potencial de este depredador para controlar las poblaciones de la plaga. Neoseiulus madeirensis mostró un rápido desarrollo y altas tasas de supervivencia y reproducción alimentándose de E. banksi. El depredador se alimentó principalmente de estadios inmaduros, siendo los huevos el estadio preferido, y mostrando una respuesta funcional de tipo II para todos los estadios de presa ensayados, que se estabilizó a altas densidades de presa con una elevada puesta de huevos. Los valores de supervivencia, reproducción y depredación han sido los mejores obtenidos hasta el momento para cualquier fitoseido ensayado previamente contra E. banksi, lo convierte en un candidato idóneo para el desarrollo de un programa de control biológico basado en sueltas aumentativas, o en la importación con vistas al establecimiento de poblaciones permanentes en cítricos. / [CA] L'àcar de Texas, Eutetranychus banksi McGregor, és nadiu d' Amèrica i està àmpliament distribuït pel cultiu de cítrics d'aquest continent. El 2013, esta espècie es va detectar al sud de la província de València, afectant la principal zona citrícola d'Espanya. L'àcar produeix greus danys reduint la fotosíntesi, causant defoliació i decoloració dels fruits, cosa que podria afectar el seu valor econòmic.
En primer lloc, aquest treball va avaluar l'impacte ecològic produït per l'espècie invasora sobre les espècies d'àcars tetraníquids residents als cítrics valencians Panonychus citri (McGregor) i Eutetranychus orientalis (Klein). Des de la seva arribada el 2013, E. banksi s'ha convertit en el tetraníquid més freqüent i abundant en cítrics desplaçant competitivament les altres espècies, reduint la seva presència i distribució geogràfica, alhora influenciat per la seva història de colonització. En segon lloc, aquest treball va estudiar la distribució dins de l'arbre i les tendències estacionals de la plaga i dels àcars fitoseids associats, que poden contribuir al seu control. L'àcar de Texas es va alimentar principalment en la cara adaxial (fes) de les fulles a la perifèria de la copa de l'arbre, mostrant un únic pic de població a finals d'estiu-principis de tardor, mentre que els fitoseids van preferir la cara abaxial (revers) de les fulles de l'interior de la copa, mostrant dos pics, un de principal a la primavera i un altre menys abundant a la tardor. Euseius stipulatus (Athias-Henriot) va ser el fitoseid més freqüent i abundant, i quan E. banksi va augmentar es va desplaçar a les cares adaxials de les fulles de la part exterior de la copa i els fruits per alimentar-se de la presa, canviant la seva coloració de blanc a marró vermellós evidenciant la seva contribució al control biològic de la plaga. Tot i això, no va ser capaç de mantenir les poblacions d'E. banksi sota densitats tolerables a causa de la desfavorable relació depredador/presa que hi ha a l'estiu i principis de tardor.
En tercer lloc, aquest treball va voler descriure l'estructura de població de l'àcar de Texas i definir un pla de mostreig. Hi hagué diferències en l'estructura d'edat de fruits i fulles, així com entre fulles de diferents brots. A més, al llarg del temps es van observar fluctuacions en la composició correlacionades amb variacions en la proporció de sexes. No es van observar diferències d'agregació entre estrats vegetals, però sí entre estadis immadurs i adults, sent les femelles les menys agregades. L'alta correlació de la població total amb les formes mòbils i les femelles va permetre utilitzar totes dues com a estadi de referència per al desenvolupament del pla de mostreig, establint un mostreig de presència/absència de 100 fulls per a les femelles o 400 fulls per a les formes mòbils. Finalment, una espècie fitoseid recentment descrit, Neoseiulus madeirensis Papadoulis & Kapaxidi, es va trobar associat a E. banksi, suggerint que podria ser un candidat prometedor per al seu control biològic. En quart lloc, aquest treball va voler avaluar el potencial d'aquest depredador per controlar les poblacions de la plaga. Neoseiulus madeirensis va mostrar un desenvolupament ràpid i altes taxes de supervivència i reproducció alimentant-se d'E. banksi. El depredador es va alimentar principalment d'estadis immadurs, sent els ous l'estadi preferit, i mostrant una resposta funcional de tipus II per a tots els estadis de presa assajats, que es va estabilitzar a altes densitats de presa amb una posta d'ous elevada. Els valors de supervivencia, depredació i reproducció han estat els millors obtinguts fins ara per a qualsevol espècie de fitoseid assajat prèviament contra E. banksi, cosa que el converteix en un candidat idoni per al desenvolupament d'un programa de control biològic basat en soltes augmentatives, o en la importació amb vista a l'establiment de poblacions permanents en cítrics. / [EN] The Texas citrus mite, Eutetranychus banksi McGregor, is native to the Americas and widely distributed across this continent. In 2013 it was detected in the south of the province of Valencia, affecting the main citrus-growing area in Spain. The mite produces severe damage, reducing photosynthesis, causing defoliation, and producing a lack in fruit pigmentation, which could affect its economic value.
Firstly, this work evaluated the ecological impact produced by the invasive species on the resident spider mites Panonychus citri (McGregor) and Eutetranychus orientalis (Klein). Since its arrival in 2013, E. banksi has become the most frequent and abundant spider mite on citrus, competitively displacing the other species and reducing their presence and geographic range, which is influenced by its colonisation history. Secondly, this work studies the within-tree distribution and seasonal trends of the pest and associated phytoseiid mites, which may contribute to its control. The Texas citrus mite was feeding mainly on the adaxial (upper) side of leaves in the periphery of the tree canopy showing a single population peak in late summer-early autumn, while phytoseiids preferred the abaxial (lower) sides inside the canopy showing two peaks, a main spring peak and a second, less abundant, in autumn. Euseius stipulatus (Athias-Henriot) was the most frequent and abundant phytoseiid, and when E. banksi increased, it moved to the adaxial sides on outer leaves and fruits to feed on its prey and changed its colouring from white to reddish-brown, evidencing its contribution to biological pest control. However, it was not capable of maintaining E. banksi populations under tolerable densities due to the unfavourable predator/prey ratios in summer and early autumn.
Thirdly, this work aimed to describe the pest population structure and define a sampling plan. There were differences in the age structure on fruits and leaves, as well as between leaves from different flushes. Furthermore, over time, there were fluctuations in its composition correlated with variations in sex-ratio. No aggregation differences among plant strata were found, but there were significant differences between immature and adult stages, the females being the less aggregated. The high correlation of the total population with the motile forms and females allowed the use of both as a reference stage in the sampling plan, establishing a presence/absence sampling of 100 leaves for females or 400 leaves for motile forms. Finally, a recently described phytoseiid mite, Neoseiulus madeirensis Papadoulis & Kapaxidi, was found to be associated with E. banksi, suggesting that it could be a promising candidate for pest suppression. Fourthly, this work aimed to evaluate the potential of this predator to control pest populations. Neoseiulus madeirensis exhibited a short developmental time, high survival and reproductive rates feeding on E. banksi. The predator was fed mainly on immature stages, with eggs being the preferred stage, showing a type II functional response for all the prey stages tested, that stabilises at high prey densities with high egg laying. Survival, predation and reproduction values were the best obtained so far for any phytoseiid previously tested against E. banksi, making it a suitable candidate for the development of a biological control program based on augmentative releases, or importation aiming for the establishment of permanent populations on citrus. / López Olmos, S. (2023). Towards the Integrated Management of the Texas Citrus Mite Eutetranychus Banksi (Acari: Tetranychidae) in Spain [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/201554
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Population genetics of the Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata in the Western Cape Province, South Africa : invasion potential and dispersal abilityKarsten, Minette 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Mediterranean fruit fly (medfly), Ceratitis capitata, is a highly invasive species throughout the world and considered as one of the most successful agricultural and economical pests. The increase
of global trade in fruit and human travel combined with the biology of the medfly has allowed the
species to spread from its proposed Afrotropical origin, to a number of locations throughout the
world. In the Western Cape various control strategies have been implemented to control medfly
populations, including insecticides and more environmentally-friendly techniques such as the
Sterile Insect Technique (SIT). In order to be effective, however, an SIT program requires some
knowledge of the population structure and the movement of individuals between pest-occupied
sites. The identification of sites from which re-invasion is most likely to occur and knowledge
regarding the primary routes through which pests are likely to re-establish are critical to ensure
successful SIT programmes. To provide this important information to SIT and area-wide pest
control programs in South Africa, sampling at two different spatial scales (regional- and fine-scale)
in South Africa was undertaken. Regional scale sampling was done at 13 locations in the Western
Cape and fine scale sampling was done at 13 locations within the Ceres-valley. All individuals were
genotyped at 11 polymorphic microsatellite markers and selected individuals from the regional
scale were sequenced for the mitochondrial gene COI. Our results show that populations at
regional- and fine-scale in the Western Cape are characterized by high levels of genetic diversity
(HEregional = 0.805; HEfine = 0.803). Little or weak population differentiation was detected at the
regional- and fine-scales, suggesting overall high levels of gene flow among sampling locations.
These findings were supported by coalescent based methods indicating sufficient levels of gene
flow to prevent population differentiation between neighbouring (200m) and distant (350km)
populations. However, natural dispersal in C. capitata has been shown to rarely exceed 10 km. As
such, high levels of gene flow between distant populations are more likely the result of humanmediated
dispersal, linked to the movement of fresh produce within South Africa. This high level of
gene flow has important implications for pest management practices, as my results suggests that area-wide pest management should be undertaken at a regional scale, rather than on a farm or valley
scale. My results are placed within a management framework, and I argue for more stringent control
when fruit are transported within South Africa. Of particular interest for future studies is the
investigation of gene flow at broader spatial scales (i.e. the whole of South Africa) and a
comparison of the genetic diversity, population differentiation and gene flow patterns of C. capitata
with that of Ceratitis rosa will be important to establish a successful pest management strategy in
South Africa. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Mediterreense vrugtevlieg (medvlieg), Ceratitis capitata, is ‘n indringerspesie wêreldwyd en word beskou as een van die mees suksesvolle ekonomiese en landbou peste. Die medvlieg het ‘n Afrotropiese oorsprong, maar die toename in wêreldwye handel en reis, gekombineer met die
biologie van die medvlieg het gelei tot die verspreiding van die spesie na ‘n groot aantal bestemmings regoor die wêreld. Die Wes-Kaap provinsie van Suid-Afrika implementeer tans verskeie strategieë om medvlieg bevolkings te beheer. Hierdie strategieë sluit in die gebruik van plaagdoders sowel as meer omgewingsvriendelike tegnieke soos die Steriele Insektegniek (SIT).
Om ‘n effektiewe SIT program te implementeer vereis basiese kennis ten opsigte van die genetiese
struktuur van die bevolking sowel as van die beweging van individue tussen verskillende pesvoorkomsgebiede.
Die identifisering van areas van waar herkolonisering mees waarskynlik kan plaasvind en kennis in verband met die primêre roetes waardeur pes spesies hervestig, is van
kritiese belang om ‘n suksesvolle SIT program te verseker. Medvlieg individue is op twee verskillende ruimtelike skale (streeks- en plaaslike-skaal) versamel om die nodige inligting aan SIT en area-wye pes beheer programme in Suid-Afrika te verskaf. Streeks-skaal individue is by 13
lokaliteite regoor die Wes-Kaap versamel en plaaslike-skaal individue by 13 lokaliteite in die Ceres-vallei. Alle versamelde individue is vir 11 polimorfiese mikrosatelliet merkers gegenotipeer en DNS volgordebepaling van geselekteerde individue vanuit die streek-skaal is gedoen vir die mitochondriale geen COI. My resultate toon dat bevolkings op beide skale gekarakteriseer word
deur hoë vlakke van genetiese diversiteit (HEstreeks = 0.805; HEplaaslik = 0.803) en geen of swak
bevolkings differensiasie. Hierdie resultate dui daarop dat daar hoë vlakke van geenvloei tussen bevolkings is. Hierdie bevindinge word verder ondersteun deur metodes gebaseer op die statistiese eienskappe van die genealogiese verhouding tussen allele onder sekere mutasie en demografiese modelle, wat voldoende vlakke van geenvloei aandui tussen nabye (200m) sowel as verafgeleë
(350km) bevolkings om bevolkings differensiasie te verhoed. Natuurlike beweging in C. capitata is
egter selde meer as 10 km, sodanig kan die hoë vlakke van geenvloei toegeskryf word aan die verspreiding van individue met menslike hulp, spesifiek in die vervoer van varsprodukte in Suid-Afrika. Hierdie hoë vlak van geenvloei het verreikende implikasies vir pes beheer praktyke, omdat
my resultate voorstel dat area-wye pes beheer onderneem moet word op ‘n streeks-skaal eerder as op ‘n plaas-tot-plaas of vallei wye area. Ek plaas my resultate in ‘n bestuursraamwerk, waarin ek streng beheer van vrugtevervoer in Suid-Afrika beklemtoon. Verdere navorsing moet fokus op die ondersoek van geenvloei op ‘n landswye skaal (hele Suid-Afrika) in C. capitata, sowel as die
vergelyking van die genetiese diversiteit, bevolkings differensiasie en geenvloei patrone van C.
capitata met die van Ceratitis rosa om ‘n suksesvolle pes beheer strategie vir Suid-Afrika te formuleer.
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Effects of entomopathogenic fungi used as plant inoculants on plant growth and pest control / Efeitos da utilização de fungos entomopatogênicos como inoculantes no crescimento de plantas e controle de pragasCanassa, Fernanda 29 April 2019 (has links)
Entomopathogenic fungi (EPF) of the genera Metarhizium and Beauveria are able to endophytically colonize a wide variety of plant species, providing protection against arthropod pests; besides increasing the plant development; and act as phytopathogen antagonists. The main objective of the present project was to evaluate the potential of entomopathogenic fungi as plant inoculants against the two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae and the effects on plant growth promotion. Tritrophic effects were also studied, by evaluating prey consumption and feeding behavior of the predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis. The evaluated strategy has several potential benefits compared to the sole use of EPF as contact biocontrol agents, as it may control both pests and phytopathogens; be compatible with other natural enemies; provide limited exposure of fungal propagules to adverse environmental conditions, and accelerate seed emergence and plant growth. Considering this, the effects of seed inoculation using two isolates of Metarhizium robertsii and Beauveria bassiana were evaluated at University of Copenhagen, Denmark, on plant development (i.e. biomass and yield) and T. urticae population growth in a model system with bean plants under greenhouse conditions. Effects on feeding performance of P. persimilis were also studied in laboratory conditions. In Brazil, inoculation studies with EPF were conducted at ESALQ/USP with strawberry plants in greenhouse conditions and in the field in four commercial production areas of strawberries in Atibaia-SP and Senador Amaral-MG. In greenhouse studies, the effects of 15 isolates of Metarhizium spp., 5 isolates of B. bassiana and 5 of Cordyceps (= Isaria) fumosorosea were studied, whereas in the commercial area one isolate of Metarhizium and Beauveria was used. Strawberry roots were inoculated by submersion in fungal suspensions, and the population growth of spider mites, while plants development was assessed by measuring root lengths, biomass of roots and leaves, and the strawberry fruit weight. The results showed a significant reduction in T. urticae population and in general better plant development in both crops. The production of string beans and strawberry fruits were higher in inoculated plants than in non-inoculated plants. There was no difference in predation rate and feeding behavior of the predator mite P. persimilis towards T. urticae from fungal inoculated and uninoculated plants. In the commercial strawberry production areas there were significantly lower populations of T. urticae and fewer symptoms of plant diseases on plants in the fungal treated beds compared to plants in untreated beds. The results of this project bring a new perspective on the use of Metarhizium and Beauveria as plant protecting agents revealing that the use of entomopathogenic fungi as plant inoculants may be a promising strategy. / Fungos entomopatogênicos dos gêneros Metarhizium e Beauveria são capazes de colonizar endofiticamente uma ampla variedade de espécies de plantas e conferir à estas, proteção contra artrópodes pragas; além de acelerar o seu desenvolvimento; e atuar como antagonistas de fitopatógenos. O objetivo geral deste projeto foi avaliar o potencial de fungos entomopatogênicos como inoculantes contra o ácaro rajado Tetranychus urticae e seus efeitos na promoção de crescimento de plantas. O efeito tri-trófico no consumo e comportamento alimentar do ácaro predador Phytoseiulus persimilis também foi estudado. A estratégia avaliada traz vários potenciais benefícios comparado ao uso exclusivo de fungos entomopatogênicos como agentes de controle biológico de contato, como o controle duplo de pragas e fitopatógenos; compatibilidade com outros inimigos naturais; menor exposição de propágulos às condições ambientais adversas, além de acelerar a emergência de sementes e o crescimento de plantas. Diante disso, os efeitos da inoculação de sementes usando dois isolados de Metarhizium robertsii e Beauveria bassiana foram avaliados na Universidade de Copenhagen, Dinamarca, na promoção de crescimento das plantas (biomassa e produção) e no crescimento populacional de T. urticae em um sistema modelo com plantas de feijão em casa-de-vegetação. Efeitos no comportamento alimentar de P. persimilis foram também estudados em condições de laboratório. No Brasil, estudos foram conduzidos na ESALQ/USP com plantas de morangueiro em casa-de-vegetação e em quatro áreas de produção comercial de morangueiro em Atibaia-SP e Senador Amaral-MG. Nos estudos em casa-de-vegetação, os efeitos de 15 isolados de Metarhizium spp., 5 de B. bassiana e 5 de Cordyceps (= Isaria) fumosorosea foram estudados, enquanto em área comercial um isolado de Metarhizium e Beauveria foram utilizados. Raízes de morangueiro foram inoculadas por imersão em suspensões fúngicas, e foram avaliados o crescimento populacional do ácaro rajado e o desenvolvimento das plantas, quantificando o comprimento de raiz, biomassa de raiz e de parte aérea, e massa de frutos de morango. Os resultados mostraram redução significativa na população de T. urticae e em geral melhor desenvolvimento das plantas nas duas culturas. A produção de vagens em plantas de feijão e de frutos de morango foram superiores nas plantas inoculadas em relação às não inoculadas. Não se observou diferenças na taxa de predação e comportamento alimentar do ácaro predador P. persimilis quando oferecidos T. urticae provenientes de plantas inoculadas e não inoculadas. Em campo foram observadas populações significativamente menores de T. urticae e menos sintomas de doenças nas plantas inoculadas com os fungos, comparado às plantas não inoculadas. Os resultados obtidos por este projeto trazem uma nova perspectiva do uso de Metarhizium e Beauveria como agentes protetores de plantas revelando que a utilização de fungos entomopatogênicos como inoculantes pode ser uma estratégia promissora.
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Influence of predator and food chemical cues in the behaviour of the house mouse (Mus musculus) / Influence des signaux chimiques des prédateurs et la nourriture sur le comportement de la souris domestique (Mus musculus)Grau Paricio, Carlos 11 January 2019 (has links)
Les rongeurs commensaux sont responsables de grands dommages en agriculture et dans les zones urbaines. En tant qu’espèces invasives, elles peuvent mettre en danger les espèces locales et sont porteurs et vecteurs de plusieurs zoonoses importantes. Les méthodes de contrôle sont basées principalement sur l’utilisation des warfarines, lesquelles produisent un grand nombre d’intoxications sur des espèces non ciblées et ont perdu une partie de leur efficacité à cause des résistances génétiques constatées chez les espèces cibles. De plus, ces méthodes sont considérées comme inhumaines parce qu’elles causent une mort lente et douloureuse par hémorragies. L’olfaction est une source principale d’évaluation des risques présents dans l’environnement pour les rongeurs, avec la perception des signaux chimiques des prédateurs ou signaux de toxicité des plants/nourriture. Cette perception olfactive peut être utilisé pour modifier l’utilisation de l’espace des rongeurs. L’objectif de cette thèse était l’identification des réponses comportementales aux messages chimiques importants (par exemple les signaux chimiques émis par les plantes et les prédateurs) dans l’écologie de la souris domestique (Mus musculus), avec l’utilisation de souches de laboratoire comme modèle des animaux sauvages. Nos résultats ont montré que la souris a évité de façon significative les signaux chimiques complexes du furet et un signal chimique ubiquitaire des plantes, lié à la maturation et la pourriture des aliments (l’éthanol). La protéine du chat Fel d 1, laquelle fait partie de la famille des sécrotoglobines et est un allergène majeur du chat, n’a pas modifié le comportement d’exploration de la souris ou son comportement de recherche et de consommation de nourriture. Le composant chimique des fèces de renard, le TMT a induit un évitement clair et des réponses de stress comme cela a été rapporté dans la littérature. De plus, j’ai fait une revue de la littérature pour évaluer et discuter les méthodes de contrôle des rongeurs d’un point de vue éthique, revue qui a démontré que les méthodes actuelles peuvent être considérés inhumaines et ne correspondent pas aux attentes actuelles de la société et aux standards sur le bien-être dans d’autres domaines comme les élevages de production ou les animaux de laboratoire. Ces résultats ouvrent des nouvelles voies de recherche afin d’identifier les composants chimiques du furet et des plantes liés au comportement d’évitement des rongeurs, les prochaines étapes utilisant des animaux sauvages à la fois en laboratoire et sur le terrain. / Rodent commensal species produce great damage in agriculture and urban areas. As invasive species they can endanger local species and are carriers and vectors of several important zoonoses. Control methods rely mainly on the use of warfarins, which can be inadvertently be taken up by untargeted species. Warfarins have also lost their efficacy in rodents due to the development of genetic resistance. In addition, these methods are considered inhumane as they cause a slow and painful death due to haemorrhages. Olfaction is a main source for environmental risk assessment by rodents, and it can be used to modify their use of space. My aim in this thesis was to identify behavioural reactions of the house mouse (Mus musculus), using laboratory strains as models of wild animals, to ecologically meaningful chemical messages, including predator and plant chemical olfactory cues. My results showed that mice avoided complex ferret olfactory cues and ethanol which is a ubiquitous chemical related to fruit rotting and ripening. The feline protein Fel d 1, which belongs to the secretoglobin family and is a major cat allergen in humans, did not elicit significant avoidance or alter foraging behaviour in mice. However, Trimethylthiazoline purified from fox faeces, elicited clear avoidance behaviour and stress responses. I carried out a bibliographic review to evaluate and discuss rodent pest control methods from an ethical standpoint. This literature showed that many of the current methods of pest control are considered inhumane, and do not tally with current society concerns and welfare standards in other domains such as farms or laboratory animals. These results raise new research questions to identify ferret and plant chemical compounds that can induce rodent avoidance, and to carry out next stage of research with wild animals both under laboratory and field conditions.
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Variabilidade genética em populações de Heliothis virescens (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) no Brasil inferida por marcadores microssatélites / Heliothis virescens (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) populational genetic variation in Brazil inferred by microsatellite markersDomingues, Felipe Antonio 16 June 2011 (has links)
Estudos de genética de populações de pragas agrícolas têm destacado a importância de se conhecer a estruturação genética e os padrões de fluxo gênico entre populações para o refinamento de estratégias de Manejo Integrado de Pragas (MIP). A lagarta-da-maçã do algodoeiro, Heliothis virescens (F.), é um inseto praga amplamente distribuído e importante economicamente por causar danos consideráveis à cultura do algodão no Brasil. O controle dessa praga tem sido feito principalmente pelo uso de inseticidas e de plantas geneticamente modificadas (GM) que expressam proteína(s) de Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner e o potencial de evolução da resistência é alto. O conhecimento de quanto as populações de H. virescens são capazes de trocar informação genética entre si é de fundamental importância para a implantação de estratégias de manejo dessa praga. No entanto, pouco se sabe sobre a estrutura genética e os padrões de fluxo gênico em H. virescens em escalas locais e regionais no Brasil. Assim, o objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar a variabilidade genética em populações de H. virescens utilizando marcadores microssatélites. Foram amostrados indivíduos de H. virescens oriundos de populações coletadas nas safras de 2007/08, 2008/09 e 2009/10 nas principais regiões produtoras de algodão e soja no Brasil. Foram estudados nove locos polimórficos em 12 populações, em um total de 205 indivíduos. O número médio de alelos por loco foi de 14,11. Os valores de heterozigosidade média esperada (HE) e observada (HO) foram de 0,303 e 0,438, respectivamente. O coeficinete de endocruzamento da espécie f foi de 0,294 (IC 95% de 0,178 a 0,406). As estimativas de estruturação genética foram = 0,132 (IC 95% de 0,072 a 0,218) e RST = 0,252. Esses valores indicam uma estruturação genética moderada entre as populações. Estimativas do número de migrantes indicaram um pequeno fluxo gênico, principalmente no sentido Centro- Oeste Nordeste, embora a maioria dos indivíduos dentro das populações seja residente; adicionalmente, foi verificado que o estabelecimento das populações do algodão ocorre a partir de indivíduos migrantes da soja ou descendentes desses indivíduos. Análises de Componentes Principais e de atribuição usando inferência Bayesiana revelaram a formação de dois grupos, porém não foi possível identificar um padrão de agrupamento (por região, safra ou hospedeiro). Desta forma os resultados do presente trabalho sugerem uma estruturação genética incipiente para as populações de H. virescens no Brasil. Desse modo, é importante levar esses resultados em consideração para que o MIP em geral, e especificamente para que as abordagens para retardar a evolução da resistência sejam implementadas de forma efetiva para o manejo de H. virescens no Brasil. / Agricultural pests population genetics studies have emphasized the importance of genetic structure and patterns of gene flow knowledge for Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies. The tobacco budworm, Heliothis virescens (F.), is a widespread and economically important insect pest renowned for causing considerable damage in cotton fields in Brazil. This pest has been controlled by the use of insecticides and genetic modified plants (GM) expressing proteins from Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner, and it has already been shown to present a high potential to develop resistance to these control technologies. To a successful application of these strategies it is needed to know the capacity of the pest populations to exchange genetic information among them. However, for H. virescens a scarce amount of information about genetic structure and patterns of gene flow is available at local and regional scales in Brazil. In this way, the main objective of this study was to evaluate the genetic variability of H. virescens based on microsatellite markers. Specimens were sampled during 2007/08, 2008/09 and 2009/10 from the main cotton and soybean producers regions in Brazil. From this, nine polymorphic loci from 12 populations were studied in 205 specimens. The average number of alleles was 14.11. Expected (HE) and observed (HO) heterozygosity were 0.303 and 0.438, respectively. Inbreeding coefficient f was 0.294 (IC 95% 0.178 - 0.406). Genetic structure indices were: = 0.132 (IC 95% 0.072 0.218) and RST = 0.252. These values point to a moderate genetic structure among H. virescens populations. Migrants estimative indicate a low gene flow, mainly in the Center-Western Northern direction, although most individuals are residents within populations; additionally it was suggested that immigrants to cotton populations come from soybean fields. Genetic relationships inferred by Principal Component Analysis and Bayesian assignment tests identified two groups, although no group pattern was recognized, even by geographic region, year of sampling or host plant. These results suggest an incipient genetic structuring for H. virescens populations within Brazil. Thus, such results should be considered for IPM strategies aiming in an efficient control of H. virescens in Brazil.
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