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Reproductive Rights in Medical Dramas: A Feminist Analysis of Portrayals of Gender Roles on the Topic of Abortion on TelevisionHungerford, Kristen A. 19 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Impact of State Legislation in Tennessee on Opioid Prescribing Practices of Orthopedic SurgeonsGuidry, Corey, Dema, Blerim, Allen, Corinne, Stewart, David 01 March 2022 (has links)
OBJECTIVE: Post-operative patients are at increased risk of becoming chronic users of opioids, and overprescribing can lead to abuse and diversion. Though data have shown a decrease in opioid prescriptions nationally, limited studies have specifically evaluated the influence of state legislation on this trend. This study aimed to assess the impact of legislation in the state of Tennessee on opioid prescribing amongst orthopedic surgeons. DESIGN: This retrospective cohort analysis evaluated patients who received opioids post-orthopedic surgery before and after the state legislation was passed. SETTING: A community teaching hospital. PATIENTS AND PARTICIPANTS: Two hundred and three post-orthopedic surgery patients were included, with 101 in the preleg-islation and 102 in the post-legislation groups. INTERVENTIONS: State legislation in Tennessee limiting amounts of prescribed opioids went into effect in July 2018. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): The primary outcome was total morphine milligram equivalents (MMEs) prescribed, with secondary outcomes of days' supply, dosage units, and MME per day. RESULTS: Orthopedic surgery patients in the post-legislation arm were prescribed significantly fewer MME than those in the prelegislation arm (median MME 375 vs. 562.5; p < 0.001). Prescription days' supply, number of dosage units, and MME per day were also significant lower in the post-legislation group. CONCLUSIONS: After orthopedic surgery, patients in the post-legislation arm were prescribed a median 187.5 MME less than those in the prelegislation arm. Our findings suggest that state opioid legislation is associated with a reduction in the amount of opioids prescribed in certain orthopedic surgery patients, though further studies evaluating adequacy of pain control are warranted.
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Icelandic Primary Care Physicians’ Perceived Competence in Detection and Treatment of Behavior DisordersSigurdsson, Haukur 28 June 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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To Further the Cause of Empire: Professional Women and the Negotiation of Gender Roles in French Third Republic Colonial Algeria, 1870-1900Artino, Serene 19 July 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Establishing Professional Legitimacy: Black Physicians and the <i>Journal of the National Medical Association</i>Kuehnl, Nathan 25 November 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Gendered Bodies and Nervous Minds: Creating Addiction in America, 1770-1910Salem, Elizabeth Ann 13 September 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Epiteloidcellig granulomatos - etiologi och remitteringshandhavande vid oral histopatologisk diagnosBokander, Linda, Nilsson, Klara January 2013 (has links)
Epiteloidcellig granulomatos (ECG) är en patologanatomisk diagnos (PAD) av en inflammationstyp som kan ses i orala vävnadsbiopsier. Inflammationsbilden visar infiltrat av inflammationsceller och epiteloidcelliga granulom med eller utan jätteceller, därtill kan ödematös vävnad och fibros presenteras. Makroskopiskt ses en symtombild med t ex läpp- och ansiktssvullnad, munvinkelragader och gingivala hyperplasier. Klinisk ställs exklusionsdiagnosen orofacial granulomatos (OFG). Etiologin är multifaktoriell och kan ses vid exempelvis Crohns sjukdom (CS) och sarkoidos. På Avdelning för Oral Patologi, Malmö Tandvårdshögskola, sker PAD av biopsier som vid ECG diagnoskodas med 995, vilket tilldelats 152 remissfall. Metoden utgörs av en retrospektiv uppföljning av dessa remisser med syfte att undersöka etiologin, utfört remitteringshandhavande, samt för att få en uppfattning om den orala biopsin bidragit till eventuell systemisk sjukdomsdiagnos och huruvida återkoppling mellan remissinstanserna förekommit. Vidare undersöktes om ett eventuellt samarbete mellan tandläkare och läkare praktiserats.Antalet deltagande vårdgivare i studien visar på ett intresse för ECG och dess etiologi. Misstänkt etiologi var i de flesta fall CS vilket stämde överens med ställd diagnos. Remitteringshandhavandet visade i vissa fall på bristande återkoppling mellan inkluderade vårdinstanser och vårdgivare samt avsaknad av förutbestämda remitteringsvägar. Andra remissfall visade väl fungerande samarbete mellan vårdyrken och instanser samt att den orala biopsin i vissa fall bidragit till ställd systemisk sjukdomsdiagnos. Författarna önskar att studien i förlängningen ska kunna bidra till väl fungerande kommunikation mellan berörda vårdgivare med förhoppning om snabbare handhavande, säkrare patienthantering med tidigare ställd diagnos och minskat lidande för patienterna. / Epithelioid cell granulomatosis (ECG) is a diagnosis of anatomical pathology (PAD) and a type of inflammation seen in oral biopsies. ECG presents with histological features such as epithelioid cell granuloma with or without presence of multinucleated giant cells, inflammatory cells and occasionally oedematous fibrotic changes. Clinical symptoms presents as e.g. enlargement of lips, facial swelling, angular cheilitis and gingival hyperplasia. Orofacial granulomatosis (OFG) is the clinical diagnosis given PAD ECG with a multifactorial aetiology e.g. Crohn’s disease (CS) and sarcoidosis. The Department of Oral Pathology, Faculty of Odontology, Malmö University, determine PAD of oral biopsies that when given ECG are marked with the code of diagnosis 995, given 152 referrals. This retrospective follow-up of referrals with PAD ECG aims to investigate represented aetiology, management of referrals and to get a notion of whether the oral biopsy has contributed to systemic diagnosis, if there has been any feedback between included instances and collaboration between dentists and physicians. Number of included participants could be interpreted as an interest in ECG, which most frequently showed to be CS, agreeing with later confirmed diagnosis. The management in some cases of referral lacked feedback between health professionals as well as absence of predetermined ways of referral. Others showed cooperation and that the oral biopsy had contributed to diagnosis of systemic disease. The authors wish that this study will contribute to a well functional communication between health professionals, anticipating a more efficient and secure management of patients, improvement of early diagnosis and decreased patient discomfort.
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Alternative health care in the 1990's: the influence of legal constraints on the locational behavior of acupuncturists, chiropractors, and homeopathsBaer, Leonard 11 May 2010 (has links)
This study showed that state laws and policies constrain the locational preferences of alternative health care providers to varying degrees, depending on the particular profession and level of legal status. Three separate surveys were conducted, focusing on acupuncturists, chiropractors and homeopaths in Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, and the District of Columbia. The acupuncture findings revealed intraprofessional divisions that lead to a strong influence of legal constraints on the locational behavior of non-MD acupuncturists. Results from the chiropractic survey reflected an established profession with a less pronounced, but moderate, influence of state laws and policies on location and mobility. The homeopathy findings, while based on a much smaller sample, did not reveal a strong relationship between legal constraints and spatial characteristics, except in the extreme case of North Carolina's recent prohibition. This study also postulated a model to explain the progression of alternative health care professions toward legitimation. The variables of public acceptance and legal constraints on location were plotted on the model to identify particular levels of progression. The importance of this research is highlighted by impending health care reforms, the need for access to professional health services, skyrocketing biomedical costs, and the documented utilization of alternative health care in this country. / Master of Science
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Needs- and user-oriented development of contactless camera-based telemonitoring in heart disease–Results of an acceptance survey from the Home-based Healthcare Project (feasibility project)Borchers, Peggy, Pfisterer, David, Scherpf, Matthieu, Voigt, Karen, Bergmann, Antje 08 November 2024 (has links)
Home-based telemonitoring in heart failure patients can reduce all-cause mortality and the relative risk of heart failure-related hospitalization compared to standard care. However, technology use depends, among other things, on user acceptance, making it important to include potential users early in development. In a home-based healthcare project (a feasibility project) a participatory approach was chosen in preparation for future development of contactless camera-based telemonitoring in heart disease patients. The project study patients (n = 18) were surveyed regarding acceptance and design expectations, and acceptance-enhancing measures and design suggestions were then drawn from the results. The study patients corresponded to the target group of potential future users. 83% of respondents showed high acceptance. 17% of those surveyed were more skeptical with moderate or low acceptance. The latter were female, mostly living alone, and without technical expertise. Low acceptance was associated with a higher expectation of effort and lower perception of self-efficacy and lower integratability into daily rhythms. For the design, the respondents found independent operation of the technology very important. Furthermore, concerns were expressed about the new measuring technology, e.g., anxiety about constant surveillance. The acceptance of a new generation of medical technology (contactless camera-based measuring technology) for telemonitoring is already quite high in the surveyed group of older users (60+). Specific user expectations concerning design should be considered during development to increase acceptance by potential users even more.
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Emotion and coping in the aftermath of medical error: A cross country explorationHarrison, R. (Nee Sirriyeh, R.), Lawton, R., Perlo, J., Gardner, Peter, Armitage, Gerry R., Shapiro, J. 03 1900 (has links)
Yes / Objectives: Making a medical error can have serious implications for clinician wellbeing, affecting the quality and safety of patient care. Despite an advancing literature base, cross-country exploration of this experience is limited and a paucity of studies has examined the coping strategies used by clinicians. A greater understanding of clinicians¿ responses to making an error, the factors that may influence these, and the various coping strategies used are all essential for providing effective clinician support and ensuring optimal outcomes.
The objectives were therefore to investigate a) the professional or personal disruption experienced after making an error, b) the emotional response and coping strategies used, c) the relationship between emotions and coping strategy selection, d) influential factors in clinicians¿ responses, and e) perceptions of organisational support.
Methods: A cross-sectional, cross-country survey of 265 physicians and nurses was undertaken in two large teaching hospitals in the UK and USA.
Results: Professional and personal disruption was reported as a result of making an error. Negative emotions were common, but positive feelings of determination, attentiveness and alertness were also identified. Emotional response and coping strategy selection did not differ due to location or perceived harm, but responses did appear to differ by professional group; nurses in both locations reported stronger negative feelings after an error. Respondents favoured problem-focused coping strategies and associations were identified between coping strategy selection and the presence of particular emotions. Organisational support services, particularly including peers, were recognised as helpful, but fears over confidentiality may prohibit some staff from accessing these.
Conclusions: Clinicians in the UK and US experience professional and personal disruption after an error. A number of factors may influence clinician recovery; these factors should be considered in the provision of comprehensive support programmes so as to improve clinician recovery and ensure higher quality, safer patient care. / This research was funded by the Bradford Institute for Health Research as part of a PhD studentship and supported by a travel grant through the Postgraduate Study Visits scheme by the British Psychological Society.
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