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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Entre Hippocrate et De Coubertin: les obligations professionnelles des médecins face au dopage sportif

Samuël, Julie 03 1900 (has links)
Le contexte particulier du dopage suscite de nombreuses questions à l'égard des obligations et de la responsabilité des médecins. Suivant le Code médical du Mouvement olympique (2005), les médecins doivent respecter les principes de l'éthique médicale et ceux de l'éthique sportive, comme le fairplay. Il arrive parfois que l'éthique sportive entre en conflit avec l'éthique médicale. Les médecins sont alors confrontés à d'importants dilemmes qui peuvent engager leur responsabilité professionnelle et civile. Ces dilemmes se situent notamment au niveau de l'obligation de soins et du secret professionnel. Par exemple, les médecins peuvent-ils prescrire des médicaments pour contrer les effets néfastes du dopage afin de préserver la santé des athlètes ? La question de la recherche sur l'amélioration de la performance est également préoccupante. En raison du caractère clandestin de cette recherche, il y a lieu de se demander si les médecins qui y participent respectent leurs obligations professionnelles. L'analyse des principaux instruments normatifs applicables en l'espèce démontre que les médecins ne doivent pas être placés dans une situation telle qu'ils doivent refuser de suivre des athlètes de crainte d'être accusés de dopage. De plus, le secret professionnel devrait être maintenu lorsqu'un médecin suit un athlète dopé afin de préserver la relation de confiance. Finalement, l'analyse du contexte de la recherche portant sur l'amélioration de la performance révèle que les médecins ne respectent pas toujours leurs obligations. Les médecins fautifs risquent donc d'engager leur responsabilité professionnelle et civile et de faire face à des sanctions sévères. / The particular context of doping raises many questions regarding the obligations and the liability of physicians. According to the Medical Code of the Olympic Movement (2005), physicians must respect the principles of medical ethics as well as those of sport ethics, such as fair play. Sometimes, sport ethics conflicts with medical ethics. Therefore, physicians are confronted with important dilemmas, which could engage their professional and civil liability. These dilemmas concern, in particular, the duty of care and professional secrecy. For example, could physicians prescribe drugs to counter the side effects of doping in order to preserve the health of the athletes? Issues surrounding research on the improvement of performance is also of interest. Because of the often clandestine nature of this research, it should be asked whether physicians who participate respect their professional obligations. An analysis of the principal normative documents applicable demonstrates that physicians should not be placed in a situation where they would refuse to treat athletes because of fear of accusations of doping. Moreover, professional secrecy should be maintained when a physician follows an athlete in order to preserve the relation of trust. Finally, the analysis of the context of the research on the improvement of performance reveals that physicians don't always respect their obligations. These physicians might engage their professional and civil liability and face severe sanctions.

Interventions visant à améliorer la détection et le traitement de l’ostéoporose en soins de première ligne

Laliberté, Marie-Claude 12 1900 (has links)
Introduction : L’ostéoporose constitue un problème de santé publique important vu les conséquences graves des fractures ostéoporotiques. Toutefois, le dépistage et le traitement de l’ostéoporose sont grandement sous-optimaux. De nouvelles interventions visant à améliorer le dépistage et le traitement de l’ostéoporose sont donc nécessaires. Objectifs : L’objectif global de ce programme de recherche était d’évaluer quelles avenues devraient être privilégiées pour le développement de futures interventions visant à améliorer le dépistage et le traitement de l’ostéoporose en soins de première ligne. Pour ce faire, trois projets ont été réalisés, dont les objectifs étaient les suivants : 1) évaluer l’impact d’un atelier de formation offert à des médecins de famille sur les pratiques préventives associées à l’ostéoporose (premier projet de recherche); 2) évaluer l’efficacité globale des interventions dans le domaine de l’ostéoporose en soins de première ligne (deuxième projet de recherche); et 3) explorer les perceptions des pharmaciens communautaires, des directeurs d’agences de santé publique et du Ministère de la santé et des services sociaux du Québec (MSSSQ) concernant le rôle des pharmaciens dans la prévention des maladies et la promotion de la santé et spécifiquement dans le domaine de l’ostéoporose et de la prévention des chutes (troisième projet de recherche). Méthodologie : D’abord, une étude de cohorte a été réalisée avec les données administratives de la Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec (premier projet de recherche). Ensuite, une revue systématique avec méta-analyse concernant l’efficacité des interventions visant à améliorer le dépistage et le traitement de l’ostéoporose en soins de première ligne a été effectuée (deuxième projet de recherche). Finalement, une étude transversale avec volet qualitatif a été réalisée chez des pharmaciens communautaires, des directeurs d’agences de santé publique et la directrice de la prévention des maladies chroniques du MSSSQ (troisième projet de recherche). Résultats : Dans le premier projet de recherche, bien que la participation des médecins de famille à l’atelier entraînait une amélioration des pratiques préventives liées à l’ostéoporose, celles-ci sont demeurées grandement sous-optimales. Au niveau du deuxième projet de recherche, il a été observé que les interventions comprenant plusieurs composantes et ciblant les médecins de famille et leurs patients pouvaient améliorer les pratiques préventives de l’ostéoporose, mais ces améliorations étaient souvent modestes du point de vue clinique. Finalement, le troisième projet de recherche a démontré que les pharmaciens communautaires, les directeurs d’agences de santé publique et la direction de la prévention des maladies chroniques du MSSSQ considèrent que les pharmaciens devraient jouer un rôle significatif dans la prévention des maladies et la promotion de la santé et spécifiquement dans le domaine de l’ostéoporose et de la prévention des chutes. Néanmoins, à cause de nombreuses barrières organisationnelles, un large écart existe entre le niveau d’implication idéal et réel des pharmaciens dans l’offre de ces services. Conclusion : Les futures interventions à être développées devront être multidisciplinaires, comprendre plusieurs composantes et cibler les barrières à l’application des recommandations des guides de pratiques cliniques. L’implication plus intensive des pharmaciens communautaires et des infirmières cliniciennes constitue une avenue particulièrement intéressante pour le développement de futures interventions. / Background: Osteoporosis is a major public health problem given the consequences of fragility fractures. However, the detection and treatment of osteoporosis remain sub-optimal. New interventions aiming at improving the detection and treatment of osteoporosis are therefore necessary. Objectives: The global objective of this research program was to determine which strategies should be adopted for the development of future primary care interventions in osteoporosis. To do so, three different research projects were conducted, which objectives were to: 1) assess the impact of an osteoporosis workshop offered to primary care physicians on osteoporosis-related medical practices (first research project); 2) evaluate the global effectiveness of primary care interventions in osteoporosis (second research project); and 3) explore the perceptions of community pharmacists, directors of public health agencies and Québec’s Department of Health regarding the role of community pharmacists in health promotion and prevention, and more particularly in the management of osteoporosis and the risk of falls (third research project). Methods: First, a cohort study was conducted using the Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec’s administrative databases (first research project). Afterward, a systematic review with meta-analysis regarding the effectiveness of interventions aiming at improving the detection and treatment of osteoporosis in primary care was performed (second research project). Finally, a cross-sectional study with a qualitative component was conducted with community pharmacists, directors of public health agencies and the chronic disease prevention director of Québec’s Department of Health (third research project). Results: The first research project showed that although the attendance at a primary care physician workshop was associated with higher rates of osteoporosis medical practices, these rates remained greatly sub-optimal. In the second research project, it was observed that multifaceted interventions targeting primary care physicians and their at-risk patients may improve the management of osteoporosis, but improvements are often clinically modest. Finally, the third research project showed that community pharmacists, directors of public health agencies and the chronic disease prevention director of Québec’s Department of Health consider that community pharmacists should play a significant role in health promotion and prevention, and more particularly in the management of osteoporosis and the risk of falls. However, because of many organizational barriers, an important gap exists between pharmacists’ ideal and actual levels of involvement in the provision of these services. Conclusions: Futures primary care interventions to be developed in osteoporosis should be multidisciplinary, include several components and address the barriers to the application of clinical practice guidelines. Targeting community pharmacists and nurse practitioners more intensively may be an interesting avenue for developing future strategies.

Mesure de la mortalité des médecins au Québec à partir de données administratives

Azeredo Teixeira, Ana Cristina 07 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire de recherche a pour objectif d’obtenir une mesure approximative de la mortalité des hommes médecins au Québec retenus dans l’étude. En plus d’analyser l’évolution de la mortalité de ces médecins pendant les périodes 1993-1998, 1999-2004 et 2005-2010, leur mortalité est comparée à celle de l’ensemble de la population masculine québécoise. Nous comparons également la mortalité des médecins omnipraticiens à celle des médecins spécialistes. Les données utilisées dans le cadre de ce mémoire proviennent d’un fichier administratif du Collège des médecins du Québec, qui contient des informations concernant un certain nombre de médecins qui ont obtenu un permis pour pratiquer la médecine au Québec, sans égard à leur statut au sein du Collège à la date de l’émission du fichier. Ces données n’ont pas été collectées à des fins statistiques et ainsi le fichier présente certaines limitations qui ont restreint nos analyses de mortalité, notamment le fait qu’elles ne nous fournissent pas la population à risque de décéder durant chacune des périodes étudiées. Cependant, même étant consciente que des biais se produiraient, nous avons calculé deux estimations de l’exposition au risque de mourir chez les médecins, en essayant de pallier le plus possible les limites du fichier. À partir de la première méthode de calcul, nous avons estimé les taux de mortalité par groupes quinquennaux d’âge entre 40 et 75 ans pour les médecins inscrits au tableau des membres. En contrepartie, à partir de la deuxième méthode de calcul, nous avons obtenu des taux de mortalité pour les mêmes groupes d’âge pour les médecins de tous statuts confondus et enregistrés dans le fichier de données. Nous croyons à des mesures acceptables de la mortalité des hommes médecins en autant qu’elle soit analysée en tenant compte de toutes les limites des données. Les résultats obtenus démontrent une diminution de la mortalité des hommes médecins d’une période à l’autre, mais les différences ne sont significatives que pour les groupes d’âge à partir d’environ 60 ans, surtout lorsque les taux des périodes 1993-1998 et 2005-2010 sont comparés. De plus, pour toutes les périodes analysées, la mortalité de l’ensemble de la population masculine québécoise s’avère plus élevée que celle des hommes médecins enregistrés dans le fichier de données et cela pour les deux méthodes de calcul de l’exposition au risque de décéder considérées. Finalement, cette étude ne montre pas de différence significative entre la mortalité des hommes médecins omnipraticiens et celle des hommes médecins spécialistes. / The goal of this research is to obtain an approximate measurement of the mortality of male physicians in the province of Quebec who are considered under this study. Physicians’ mortality rates were analyzed in terms of changes between the years 1993-1998, 1999-2004 and 2005-2010, as well as being compared with the mortality rates of Quebec men at large. In addition, the mortality rates of male general practitioners were compared to those of physicians practicing a medical specialty. The data used in the production of this paper is derived from an administrative file provided by the Collège des médecins du Québec, which contains information on a certain number of physicians who had previously obtained a permit to practice medicine in the province, irrespective of their status within the Collège at the time that the file was released. This data was not collected for statistical purposes and therefore, the file presents certain constraints that restrict our mortality analysis, in particular due to the absence of information regarding the population at risk of death in each of the periods studied here. That said, while we were conscious of the bias that could result from this, we have produced two estimates of these physicians' exposure to risk of death, in order to try to compensate for the file's limitations, in as much as possible. By using the first method of calculation, we have assessed mortality rates for quinquennial age groups of physicians between the ages of 40 and 75 that are currently part of the membership roll. Using the second method of calculation, we obtained mortality rates for physicians belonging to the same age groups, except that this time, registered physicians of all statuses were considered. We believe the mortality measurements for male physicians are acceptable as long as any analysis thereof doesn’t overlook the limitations of the data. The results obtained demonstrated a reduction in mortality among male physicians from one period to the next, but the differences were only significant for groups above the age of 60, especially upon comparing the periods of 1993-1998 and 2005-2010. In addition, during every period studied, mortality rates among the province's entire male population proved to be higher than the mortality rates among the registered male physicians present in the file; this result was obtained for both methods of calculation of the exposure to risk of death. Finally, this study did not demonstrate a significant difference between mortality among general practitioners and specialists.

La bioéthique et les conflits armés : la réflexion éthique des médecins militaires

Rochon, Christiane 12 1900 (has links)
Le but de la recherche est d’étudier les tensions éthiques que peuvent vivre les médecins militaires, qui doivent agir à la fois comme soignants, militaires (même s’ils sont non combattants) et parfois comme acteurs humanitaires. Parmi la littérature sur l’éthique de la médecine militaire, les dilemmes la concernant sont souvent présentés comme le fruit de pressions réelles ou perçues provenant de l’institution militaire, des règles, codes, lois ou de politiques, ceci afin de détourner le médecin de son but premier, soit l’intérêt du patient. Pour mieux comprendre les défis éthiques auxquels sont confrontés les médecins militaires canadiens et comment ceux-ci les traitent, la recherche utilise une approche de bioéthique empirique. À partir d’une analyse de la littérature, nous examinons les dilemmes éthiques des médecins militaires, le concept de profession, ainsi que les codes d’éthique (médicaux et militaires) canadiens. L’expérience éthique est ensuite explorée à partir d’entrevues semi-directives effectuées auprès de quatorze médecins militaires ayant participé à des missions opérationnelles, notamment à Kandahar en Afghanistan, entre 2006 et 2010. Les résultats, tant conceptuels qu’empiriques, nous indiquent que plusieurs nuances s’imposent. Tout d’abord, les médecins militaires canadiens ne vivent pas les dilemmes tels qu’ils sont présentés dans la littérature, ni en nombre ni en fréquence. Ils sont conscients qu’ils doivent à la fois tenir compte de l’intérêt du patient et du bien commun, mais n’en ressentent pas pour autant un sentiment de double loyauté professionnelle. De plus, ils ont l’impression de partager l’objectif de la mission qui est de maintenir la force de combat. Des distinctions s’imposent aussi entre les médecins eux-mêmes, dans la conception qu’ils se font de leur profession, ainsi que dans les contextes (opération ou garnison), selon le type de travail qu’ils exercent (généraliste ou spécialiste). Les principaux défis éthiques rapportés portent sur les inégalités de soins entre les soldats de la coalition et les victimes locales (soldats et civils), ainsi que sur le manque de ressources, engendrant des décisions cliniques éprouvantes. Un résultat étonnant des entrevues est la présence de deux groupes distincts au plan de l’identification professionnelle. Huit médecins militaires se considèrent avant tout comme médecin, alors que les six autres ne sont pas arrivés à accorder une priorité à l’une ou l’autre des professions. Ces deux groupes se différencient également sur d’autres plans, comme le nombre et le type de défis éthiques identifiés, ainsi que les mécanismes de résolution des dilemmes utilisés. Malgré les formations éthiques offertes par l’institution, des lacunes subsistent dans la capacité d’identification des expériences éthiques et des valeurs impliquées, de même que des mécanismes de résolution utilisés. Compte tenu du faible échantillonnage, ces résultats sont difficilement généralisables. Néanmoins, ils peuvent nous inspirer au niveau théorique en faisant ressortir le caractère multidimensionnel de la médecine militaire, ainsi qu’au niveau pratique en nous permettant de suggérer des éléments de formation facilitant la réflexion éthique des médecins militaires. / The aim of this project is to study the ethical tensions that can be experienced by military physicians who must be, at the same time, healers, soldiers (even if they are non-combatants) and sometimes humanitarian actors. In the literature on the ethics of military medicine, potential ethical dilemmas are often presented as the result of pressures, real or perceived, from the military institution, rules, codes, laws or policies that divert physicians from their primary goal, i.e., the interest of the patient. To better understand the ethical challenges faced by Canadian military physicians and how these are dealt with, this project uses an empirical bioethics approach. Based on a literature review, I examine the ethical dilemmas of military physicians, the concept of profession, and Canadian codes of ethics (medical and military). The ethical experience is then explored through semi-structured interviews with 14 military physicians who participated in operational missions, particularly in Kandahar, Afghanistan between 2006 and 2010. Both the conceptual and empirical results indicate that nuance is required. First, Canadian military physicians do not experience dilemmas as presented in the literature, in number or in frequency. They are aware that they must take into account both the patient’s interest and the common good but do not experience this as a sense of dual professional loyalty. In addition, they feel that they share the mission objective, which is to maintain the fighting force. Distinctions are also needed between physicians themselves, in the conception they have of their profession, and in the context (training or garrison) and the type of work they do (general practitioner or specialist). The main dilemmas reported concern inequalities in the provision of care between coalition soldiers and locals (soldiers and civilians) as well as the lack of resources that generate challenging clinical decisions. A surprising result of the interviews is the presence of two distinct groups in terms of professional identity. Eight military physicians saw themselves primarily as physicians, while the other six did not give priority to one or the other professions (military or medicine). These two groups differ in other dimensions, such as the number and type of identified ethical challenges and dilemma resolution mechanisms. Despite the ethical training courses offered by the military institution, gaps persist in the ability to identify ethical experiences, the values involved and the appropriate resolution mechanisms. Given the small sample size, these results are difficult to generalize. Nevertheless, these findings provide theoretical insights, highlighting the multidimensional nature of military medicine, and practical considerations, by enabling the identification of aspects to improve training and so facilitate ethical reflection on the part of military physicians.

L'évolution des infirmières de la pratique avancée et leur rôle dans le système de santé français : perspective internationale / (The evolution of advanced practice nurses and their role in the French health care system : international perspective)

Bonnel, Galadriel 14 December 2012 (has links)
Objectifs: Etudier l'évolution de l'introduction du rôle de l'IPA et proposer des recommandations pour les études ultérieures.Méthodes: Une revue de la littérature française et internationale concernant l'IPA. Participation à un groupe de travail national concernant l'avancement de ce rôle et les réformes éducationnelles. Une étude rétrospective comparant la prise en charge de patients hypoglycémiques en milieu pré-hospitalier par infirmiers et physiciens. Un questionnaire étudiant les perceptions des premiers étudiants en cursus IPA.Résultats: Différents niveaux de transferts de compétence et de collaboration médecin/infirmière existent déjà en France. Dans l'étude rétrospective, la qualité de soin des infirmières a été similaire à celle des médecins. Dans l'étude sur l'IPA, la majorité des étudiants a indiqué que les autres infirmières et docteurs ne sont pas au courant du rôle de l'IPA, et que des barrières bloquent son développement.Conclusions: La création du rôle d'IPA et le développement de la formation des infirmières en France peuvent répondre aux défis de santé publique, telle l'incidence croissante des maladies chroniques et la pénurie de médecins. Les recommandations suivantes furent proposées pour le développement du rôle de l'IPA : définir et faire reconnaître le rôle de la pratique infirmière avancée et ses compétences, promouvoir le rôle plus largement dans les disciplines médicales, soutenir les efforts de communication entre l'état et les professionnels de santé, développer des programmes au niveau master et doctorat, et promouvoir des travaux de recherche infirmiers et interdisciplinaires. / Background: In the context of public health challenges and health care reforms in France, the evolving advanced practice nurse (APN) role may be a solution. Objectives: To study the introduction of the ANP role and provide evidence-based recommendations for future research.Methods: A review of the international and French APN literature was performed. Participation in a national task force concerned advancement of the role and education reforms. In a retrospective study, nurses and physicians were compared in the pre-hospital management of hypoglycemic patients. Finally, a survey was administered to the first French APN Master's students to identify their perceptions of the APN role.Results: Variables levels of skill transfer and doctor-nurse collaboration currently exist in France. In the retrospective study, the pre-hospital quality of care of nurses was comparable to that of doctors. In the APN student survey, the majority indicated that other nurses and doctors were not aware of the APN role, and that barriers exist in role development. Conclusions: Creation of the APN role and advancement of nursing education in France can respond to public health challenges including the rising incidence of chronic diseases and an impending physician shortage. The following recommendations were proposed for APN role development: to define and recognize the advanced practice nurse role and related competencies, promote the role in a wider range of medical disciplines, facilitate clear communication between government and health care professionals, develop nursing Master's and Doctorate programs, and promote nursing and interdisciplinary research.

Psicodinâmica e qualidade de vida do médico: um estudo transversal em Botucatu-SP / Psychodynamics and physician quality of life: a cross-sectional study in Botucatu-SP

Silva, Benedito Carlos Miranda da 24 May 2013 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A Psicodinâmica é o estudo da interação das forças psíquicas que subsidiam o funcionamento mental. A dinâmica mental interfere na qualidade de vida de um indivíduo, na medida em que modifica a percepção que ele tem da própria existência. O papel da psicodinâmica sobre a qualidade de vida ainda é pouco estudado. OBJETIVOS: Estudar, de forma transversal, a relação entre psicodinâmica e qualidade de vida na população de médicos de Botucatu, para testar a hipótese de que quanto melhor a psicodinâmica do médico melhor a sua qualidade de vida. MÉTODOS: Foram enviados questionários, com carta-resposta, para 602 médicos (população referenciada). As variáveis independentes (Psicodinâmica) foram obtidas por meio de duas escalas: a) Defense Style Questionnaire (DSQ-40), que avalia e classifica os mecanismos de defesa do ego em maduros, neuróticos e imaturos; b) Bell Object Relations and Reality Test Inventory (BORRTI - Forma O), que avalia e classifica as relações objetais (alienação, egocentrismo, vinculação insegura e incapacidade social) em normais e patológicas. As variáveis dependentes (qualidade de vida) foram avaliadas pelo World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL-Abreviado), que fornece escores para os quatro domínios: físico, psicológico, relações sociais e meio ambiente. As variáveis moderadoras foram obtidas por meio de um questionário sóciodemográfico. A análise estatística foi feita por meio dos seguintes testes: Shapiro-Wilk, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Mann-Whitney, Coeficiente de Spearman e modelos de regressão linear com resposta Gamma. Foram utilizados os softwares SPSS versão 17, R versão 2.11.0 e Graph Pad versão 5.0. RESULTADOS: Foram respondidos 198 (33%) questionários válidos. Os seguintes resultados foram obtidos: a média (± desvio padrão) de idade foi de 47,6 (± 11,12) anos e o sexo masculino foi de 53,5%. A presença de perfil patológico nas relações objetais do tipo alienação, egocentrismo e vinculação insegura reduziu os escores dos domínios psicológico (p < 0,001) e relações sociais (p < 0,001), da qualidade de vida. A presença do fator imaturo das defesas do ego reduziu os escores dos domínios físico (p < 0,0001) e meio ambiente (p < 0,0001), da qualidade de vida. DISCUSSÃO: Defesas imaturas do ego dificultam a adaptação do indivíduo à vida profissional e conjugal, enquanto que a presença do perfil patológico das relações objetais leva à dificuldade em manter relacionamentos estáveis e à tendência a manipular as pessoas, apresentando-se socialmente inapto. Ou seja, médicos com esse perfil (de defesas e de relações objetais) devem enfrentar dificuldades para conviver com outras pessoas, inclusive com pacientes. Sua qualidade de vida é pior do que a de médicos com defesas maduras do ego e perfil normal de relações objetais. CONCLUSÕES: A psicodinâmica e a qualidade de vida do médico estão significativamente relacionadas. Os escores da qualidade de vida caem à medida que aumentam os escores das defesas imaturas do ego. Médicos com perfil patológico nas relações objetais apresentam menores escores de qualidade de vida, em relação àqueles com perfil normal / INTRODUCTION: Psychodynamics is the study of the psychological forces that underlie mental action. Ego defense mechanisms and object relations are psychodynamic aspects that affect quality of life as they alter people\'s perceptions of their own life. OBJECTIVES: To assess the influence of ego defense mechanisms and object relations on quality of life in a population of physicians, and thus test our hypothesis that mature ego defenses and normal object relations are associated with better physician quality of life. METHODS: In this cross- sectional study, questionnaires and pre-stamped return envelopes were sent to the population of physicians (602 individuals) living in the city of Botucatu, São Paulo. Psychodynamics was evaluated using the following instruments: a) Defense Style Questionnaire (DSQ-40), which assesses and classifies ego defense mechanisms as mature, neurotic, or immature; b) Bell Object Relations and Reality Test Inventory (BORRTI - Forma O), which assesses and classifies object relations (alienation, egocentricity, insecure attachment, and social incompetence) as either normal or pathological. Quality of life was assessed by the World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL-BREF) that was developed in the context of four domains of quality of life: physical health, psychological health, social relationships, and environment. Demographic data were obtained via a specific questionnaire. Statistical analyses were performed using the tests of Shapiro-Wilk, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Mann-Whitney, Spearman\'s coefficient, and Gamma linear regression models with SPSS v. 17, R v. 2.11.0 and Graph Pad v. 5.0 software. RESULTS: A total of 198 questionnaires (33%) with valid responses were obtained. Among respondents, mean age was 47.6 ± 11 years, and the rate of males was 53.5%. High BORRTI scores (pathology) on the alienation, egocentricity and insecure attachment subscales were associated with reduced WHOQOL-BREF scores for the psychological health (p < 0,001) and social relationships (p < 0,001) domains. Immature ego defense mechanisms were associated with lower WHOQOL-BREF scores for the physical health (p < 0,0001) and environment (p < 0,0001) domains. DISCUSSION: Immature ego defenses impair adjustment to professional and marital life, while pathological object relations lead to difficulty in sustaining stable relationships and tendency to manipulate others, hence social ineptitude. Physicians with immature defenses and pathological object relations are, therefore, likely to find it hard to relate with other people, including patients. Their quality of life is worse in comparison with that of physicians with mature ego defenses and normal object relations. In the study population, both immature ego defenses and pathological object relations were associated with lower quality of life. CONCLUSIONS: Among physicians, quality of life is influenced by its psychodynamics, herein assessed through ego defense mechanisms and object relations

Incorporação de tecnologia do projeto Nossas Crianças: janelas de oportunidades, a perspectiva dos profissionais / Technology Incorporation of the Project Our Children: Windows of Oportunities: the Professional Perspective

Castro, Danielle Freitas Alvim de 10 March 2015 (has links)
Introdução: Muitos programas de intervenção na primeira infância vêm mostrando-se eficazes na melhoria do desenvolvimento das crianças, sendo necessária sua implantação em uma realidade coma a brasileira. A Estratégia Saúde da Família é um espaço que possibilita a ampliação das ações dos profissionais de saúde para além do biológico, pois atua no lócus familiar. Neste contexto a implantação de tecnologias como a do projeto Nossas Crianças: Janelas de Oportunidades torna-se favorável para ampliar e qualificar a atenção à criança, com ênfase no fortalecimento do desenvolvimento infantil. Com a introdução de novas tecnologias na prática dos profissionais de saúde a avaliação das mesmas torna-se necessária, pois é um processo contínuo de análise e síntese de seus benefícios. Objetivo: Avaliar a incorporação das tecnologias do Projeto Janelas pelos profissionais de saúde. Metodologia: Trata-se de uma pesquisa avaliativa com triangulação de métodos utilizando os quatro níveis de avaliação de Kirkpatrick (Reação, Aprendizagem, Comportamento e Resultados). Os sujeitos de estudos foram nove médicos e dezessete enfermeiros de dezoito Equipes das Unidades Básicas de Saúde do Projeto Região Oeste que foram capacitados com a 2a edição do Projeto Nossas Crianças: Janelas de Oportunidades. Resultados: três Equipes incorporaram a tecnologia, nove incorporaram parcialmente e seis não incorporaram a tecnologia. Três enfermeiros e dois médicos incorporaram a tecnologia, nove enfermeiros e cinco médicos incorporaram parcialmente e cinco enfermeiros e dois médicos não incorporaram a tecnologia. Foram identificadas cinco categorias de mudança de comportamento: a) ampliação da clínica dentro da prática da consulta; b) utilização do Caderno da Família em sua prática; c) incorporação em sua prática de conceitos teóricos relacionados a família; d) organização do trabalho e e) estímulo da família para apropriação da tecnologia. Foram também identificadas quatro dimensões relacionadas com a incorporação de tecnologia: a) dimensão ética, técnica, política e econômica da tecnologia em si; b) dimensão aceitação e satisfação do paciente; c) dimensão características do serviço de saúde e d) dimensão processo de trabalho. Conclusões: A incorporação das tecnologias do Projeto Janelas mostrou-se estritamente relacionada com o processo de educação permanente dos profissionais de saúde do Projeto Região Oeste. A análise do cotidiano do trabalho dos profissionais fornece pistas a respeito das tecnologias já em uso pelas Equipes e das necessidades de incorporação do uso de uma nova tecnologia / Introduction: Many intervention programs in early childhood have proven effective in improving the development of children, in a reality like the Brazilian its implementation is required. The Family Health Strategy is a space that allows the expansion of the actions of health professionals beyond the biological, because it acts in the family locus. In this context the deployment of technologies as from the project Our Children: Windows of Opportunities becomes favorable to widen and improve the care of children, with emphasis on strengthening the child development. With the introduction of new technologies in the practice of health professionals their evaluation becomes necessary, because it is an ongoing process of analysis and synthesis of its benefits. Aims: To evaluate the incorporation of the Technologies of the Windows Project by health professionals. Methodology: This is an evaluation research with triangulation methods using the Kirkpatricks four levels of evaluation (Reaction, Learning, Behavior and Results). The subjects of study were nine physicians and seventeen nurses of eighteen health Teams of the Health Basic Units from Western Region. Results: Three Teams incorporated the technology, nine incorporated partially and six have not incorporate the technology. Three nurses and two physicians incorporated the technology, nine nurses and five physicians incorporated partially and five nurses and two physicians have not incorporated the technology. Were identified five categories of behavior change: a) clinical expanding within the query practice; b) use The Family Booklet in their practice; c) incorporate into their practice the theoretical concepts related to family; d) organization of work and e) stimulus the family for appropriation of technology. Were also identified four dimensions related to the incorporation of technology: a) ethical, technical, political and economic dimension of the technology itself; b) acceptance and patient satisfaction dimension; c) dimension of the health service characteristics and d) working process dimension. Conclusions: The incorporation of technology showed closely linked to the process of permanent education of the health professionals from the Western Region Project. The professional work routine analysis provides clues about the technologies already in use by the Teams and the needs of incorporating the use of a new technology

Quando os médicos des-cansam: compreendendo o sentido que médicos de um hospital público dão ao tempo livre, trabalho e lazer

Goldenstein, Eduardo 10 May 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:37:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Eduardo Goldenstein.pdf: 419720 bytes, checksum: f5e2cdb1bed51504885c6b81f7885255 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-05-10 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / As medicine has become increasingly scientific and technology-driven, medical care costs have increased and physicians had to specialize more and more, while working conditions have deteriorated for most of them. Because of the country s health policies, a vast majority of physicians took jobs in public hospitals where they do day and night duty shifts. Although salaries are low in the public sector, their tenure and labor rights are assured. In order to earn enough to meet their needs, a large part of these physicians work long hours, in day and night shifts, often times with no possibility of resting or engaging in leisure activities in their free time. This research focuses on physicians leisure. It was designed to understand how a group of physicians working in a public high-tech children s hospital in the city of São Paulo use their free time for leisure, and especially what their understanding of leisure is. Those physicians were asked to fill out a questionnaire and mark the number of working hours and the number of hours dedicated to other activities such as sleeping, resting, being with their families, and especially leisure considering two situations: a typical week and an atypical week. With this data in hand the author contacted seven physicians and long interviews were conducted to discuss the topic, i.e. leisure and physicians. Six of these seven physicians are pediatricians who passed an open competition and work duty shifts at the hospital s emergency room. One is a female plastic surgeon at the hospital where she also works as a volunteer. To analyze the interviews a specific methodology for qualitative research was used which is based on Heidegger s hermeneutic ontology. Based on the quantitative research the author concluded that although physicians believed they had leisure time this was not borne out by the facts. The data obtained in the qualitative research in turn allowed the author to conclude that for the group interviewed enjoying leisure time or not was directly related with the history or background of each one of them. For many of them leisure was yet another form of work, that is, it followed the same type of capitalistic logic, the logic of the perpetuum mobile of production. Leisure was also dependent on their availability to engage in a certain type of activity that could be considered as leisure or not. It also became apparent in the interviews that the physicians of this group had no difficulty in thinking about their leisure, although they were surprised with the topic at first. One last conclusion was that for this group of physicians leisure was not always equated with quality of life, or with pleasure or relaxation / Na medida em que a medicina atual foi se tornando mais e mais científica e tecnológica, seus custos foram se elevando, os médicos obrigados a cada vez mais se especializarem e as condições de trabalho para a grande maioria destes médicos se deteriorando. Por conta das políticas de saúde vigentes a maioria dos médicos do país passaram a trabalhar em hospitais ligados a rede pública em regime de plantões diurnos e noturnos, já que nesse setor, apesar de baixos salários, eles têm garantido estabilidade de emprego e direitos trabalhistas. Para poder fazer frente às suas necessidades financeiras, uma grande parte desses médicos trabalham muitas horas, diurnas e noturnas, muitas vezes sem possibilidade de descansar e ocupar seu tempo livre com atividades de lazer. O foco dessa pesquisa é o lazer dos médicos. O interesse é poder entender a forma como um grupo de médicos lotados em um hospital público infantil de alta tecnologia da cidade de São Paulo disponibilizam seu tempo livre para o lazer e, especialmente, a compreensão que eles têm desse lazer. Para tanto, inicialmente solicitamos aos médicos lotados na instituição que preenchessem um questionário onde se pedia que assinalassem tanto o número de horas voltadas para o trabalho quanto o número de horas voltadas para outras atividades como dormir, descansar, estar com a família e especialmente ao lazer, considerando-se duas situações diferentes: uma semana atípica e uma semana atípica. Com esses dados em mãos foram contatados sete médicos com os quais foram feitas entrevistas de longa duração a respeito do tema proposto, o lazer entre os médicos. Para a análise destas entrevistas adotou-se uma metodologia específica de pesquisa qualitativa referenciadas pela ontologia hermenêutica de Heidegger. A partir da pesquisa quantitativa pudemos concluir que apesar dos médicos pesquisados considerarem dispor sempre de tempo para o lazer isto não se confirmava na prática. Já os dados obtidos com a pesquisa qualitativa nos permitiram concluir que, para este grupo de médicos entrevistados a vivência ou não do lazer estava diretamente relacionada à história e experiência de vida de cada um deles; que para muitos o lazer se constituía numa outra forma de trabalho, ou seja, seguia a mesma lógica capitalista do moto contínuo de produção; e ainda que o lazer dependia da disponibilidade de cada um para um certo tipo de atividade que poderia ou não ser considerado lazer. Também ficou patente com a entrevista que os médicos desse grupo não tinham, apesar da surpresa inicial para com o tema, qualquer dificuldade de pensar no seu lazer. Por último, foi possível concluir que para este grupo de médicos nem sempre o lazer significava uma boa qualidade de vida, nem sempre se confundia com prazer ou relaxamento

O imaginário coletivo de médicos que atuam em reprodução assistida / The Collective Imaginary of physicians working in Assisted Reproduction

Miranda, Keith Laura 29 September 2014 (has links)
Introdução: Em Reprodução Assistida toda a equipe compartilha com o casal o árduo caminho composto pelas fases do tratamento, porém, o presente estudo deteve-se a experiência do médico. Objetivos: Investigar o Imaginário Coletivo de médicos que atuam em Reprodução Assistida sobre as situações de difícil manejo em sua prática profissional. Métodos: Foram feitas entrevistas únicas individuais, utilizando o Procedimento de Desenho-Estória com Tema como instrumento dialógico. A partir das entrevistas foi criada uma narrativa transferencial ficcional preservando elementos essenciais da dramática humana estudada. Os registros foram interpretados à luz do método psicanalítico buscando a criação/encontro de campos de sentido afetivo-emocional. Resultados: Foram encontrados os seguintes campos: \"Não deu certo!?\", que organiza-se ao redor da ideia de que não alcançar o objetivo pretendido seria o equivalente a fracassar, mesmo diante de situações incertas; \"Engole o choro!\", que organiza-se mediante a crença de que é preciso conter os sentimentos diante de determinadas situações, não deixar-se emocionar; \"Fora do comum\", que organiza-se por meio da crença de que quem está em posição de cuidador é e/ou precisa ser excepcional. Conclusões: Para a formação e à prática médica é preciso incluir, além da visão científica-tecnológica, a abordagem da subjetividade. É necessária a criação de enquadres diferenciados que auxiliem o médico a aproximar-se emocionalmente de seu trabalho, facilitem a superação de dissociações, promovam a saúde mental, contribuindo para que o exercício da profissão seja gratificante e dotado de um sentido genuíno / In Assisted Reproduction the whole team shares with the couple the hard journey through the phases of the treatment, however, this study is about the doctor\'s experience. Objectives: To investigate the Collective Imaginary of doctors working in Assisted Reproduction on some difficult situations in their professional practice. Methods: Individual interviews were conducted using the Thematic Story-Drawing Procedure as dialogical instrument. From the interviews a fictional narrative transference were created preserving essential elements of the human drama studied. The records were interpreted in light of the psychoanalytic method seeking the creation / gathering of affective-emotional sense fields. Results: The following fields were found: \"It did not work!?\", which is organized around the idea that not reaching the target would be equivalent to failing, even due to uncertain situations; \"Swallow your crying!\", Which is organized by the belief that one must contain the feelings before certain situations, not allowing themselves to get emotional; \"Out of the ordinary\", which is organized by the belief that who is in the position caregiver is and / or needs to be exceptional. Conclusions: For the training and medical practice is necessary to include, beyond the scientific-technological view, the approach of subjectivity. It is necessary to create different framings that help the doctor to approach their work emotionally, facilitate the overcoming of dissociations, promote mental health, this way contributing to the exercise of the profession so it can be rewarding and endowed with a genuine sense

O imaginário coletivo de médicos que atuam em reprodução assistida / The Collective Imaginary of physicians working in Assisted Reproduction

Keith Laura Miranda 29 September 2014 (has links)
Introdução: Em Reprodução Assistida toda a equipe compartilha com o casal o árduo caminho composto pelas fases do tratamento, porém, o presente estudo deteve-se a experiência do médico. Objetivos: Investigar o Imaginário Coletivo de médicos que atuam em Reprodução Assistida sobre as situações de difícil manejo em sua prática profissional. Métodos: Foram feitas entrevistas únicas individuais, utilizando o Procedimento de Desenho-Estória com Tema como instrumento dialógico. A partir das entrevistas foi criada uma narrativa transferencial ficcional preservando elementos essenciais da dramática humana estudada. Os registros foram interpretados à luz do método psicanalítico buscando a criação/encontro de campos de sentido afetivo-emocional. Resultados: Foram encontrados os seguintes campos: \"Não deu certo!?\", que organiza-se ao redor da ideia de que não alcançar o objetivo pretendido seria o equivalente a fracassar, mesmo diante de situações incertas; \"Engole o choro!\", que organiza-se mediante a crença de que é preciso conter os sentimentos diante de determinadas situações, não deixar-se emocionar; \"Fora do comum\", que organiza-se por meio da crença de que quem está em posição de cuidador é e/ou precisa ser excepcional. Conclusões: Para a formação e à prática médica é preciso incluir, além da visão científica-tecnológica, a abordagem da subjetividade. É necessária a criação de enquadres diferenciados que auxiliem o médico a aproximar-se emocionalmente de seu trabalho, facilitem a superação de dissociações, promovam a saúde mental, contribuindo para que o exercício da profissão seja gratificante e dotado de um sentido genuíno / In Assisted Reproduction the whole team shares with the couple the hard journey through the phases of the treatment, however, this study is about the doctor\'s experience. Objectives: To investigate the Collective Imaginary of doctors working in Assisted Reproduction on some difficult situations in their professional practice. Methods: Individual interviews were conducted using the Thematic Story-Drawing Procedure as dialogical instrument. From the interviews a fictional narrative transference were created preserving essential elements of the human drama studied. The records were interpreted in light of the psychoanalytic method seeking the creation / gathering of affective-emotional sense fields. Results: The following fields were found: \"It did not work!?\", which is organized around the idea that not reaching the target would be equivalent to failing, even due to uncertain situations; \"Swallow your crying!\", Which is organized by the belief that one must contain the feelings before certain situations, not allowing themselves to get emotional; \"Out of the ordinary\", which is organized by the belief that who is in the position caregiver is and / or needs to be exceptional. Conclusions: For the training and medical practice is necessary to include, beyond the scientific-technological view, the approach of subjectivity. It is necessary to create different framings that help the doctor to approach their work emotionally, facilitate the overcoming of dissociations, promote mental health, this way contributing to the exercise of the profession so it can be rewarding and endowed with a genuine sense

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