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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Suprimento de nitrato e amônio e a tolerância do capim tanzânia ao estresse por excesso de cobre / Nitrate and ammonium proportions and tanzânia guineagrass tolerance to stress by excess copper

Souza Junior, João Cardoso de 12 January 2017 (has links)
O suprimento de proporções de nitrato (NO3-) e amônio (NH4+) no meio de crescimento pode otimizar o metabolismo e o crescimento do Panicum maximum. A toxidez de cobre (Cu) causa estresse oxidativo nas plantas, afetando o metabolismo, a fotossíntese e a produção de massa. Não há pesquisas associando proporções de NO3-/NH4+ no alívio do estresse por Cu em plantas. O objetivo foi avaliar o efeito da toxidez de Cu no metabolismo, nutrição mineral, fotossíntese e produção do capim tanzânia, assim como o papel de proporções de NO3-/NH4+ no alívio dessa toxidez. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos ao acaso em arranjo fatorial 3×4 com seis repetições, sendo três destinadas à avaliação dos atributos metabólicos e fisiológicos e outras três aos atributos nutricionais e produtivos. Os fatores empregados foram: proporções de NO3-/NH4+ (100/0; 70/30 e 50/50) combinadas com doses de Cu (0,3; 250; 500 e 1000 μmol L-1) em solução nutritiva. Foram avaliados dois períodos de crescimento das plantas, sendo o primeiro com exposição ao Cu e o segundo sem exposição ao Cu. No primeiro corte as plantas supridas com 70/30 de NO3-/NH4+ e Cu de 1000 μmol L-1 apresentaram maior concentração de Cu nas folhas recém-expandidas (LR) e maior acúmulo de Cu na biomassa, maior concentração de NH4+ nas LR, maior acúmulo de NH4+ na parte aérea, maior atividade da glutamina sintetase nas LR, maior concentração de prolina nas LR, maior atividade da enzima superóxido dismutase (SOD) nas partes do capim e menor produção de biomassa. No capim suprido com 100/0 de NO3-/NH4+ e Cu de 1000 μmol L-1 foram obtidos menor concentração de Cu nas LR e menor acúmulo de Cu na parte aérea, mas a concentração e o acúmulo desse metal nas raízes foram incrementados mesmo nas mais baixas doses de Cu. As plantas crescidas com N na forma de NO3- ainda apresentaram maior concentração de NO3- nas LR, maior acúmulo de NO3- nas raízes, maior acúmulo de N total, maior atividade da nitrato redutase nas LR, maior condutância estomática e maior produção de biomassa. No capim recebendo 100/0 de NO3-/NH4+ também ocorreu menor atividade da SOD e menor concentração de prolina nas partes da planta. A concentração de malondialdeído foi menor na mais elevada dose de Cu, assim como a taxa de transpiração, a eficiência do fotossistema II, a taxa de transporte de elétrons e a taxa de assimilação de CO2. A atividade da catalase, guaiacol peroxidase, ascorbato peroxidase e glutationa redutase foram ativadas principalmente nas raízes, sendo maiores na mais elevada dose de Cu. A toxidez de Cu afeta negativamente o metabolismo, a nutrição mineral, a fisiologia e a produção do capim tanzânia, mas as proporções de NO3-/NH4+ alteram essa toxidez. O emprego de N na forma de NO3- é estratégia de maior potencial de uso em plantas com elevado estresse por Cu. Entretanto, a combinação de NO3- ao NH4+ no meio de crescimento em situação de moderado estresse por Cu é estratégica para maior fitoextração desse metal. / The supply of nitrate (NO3-) and ammonium (NH4+) proportions in the growth medium can optimize the metabolism and growth of Panicum maximum. Copper (Cu) toxicity causes oxidative stress in plants, affecting metabolism, photosynthesis and biomass production. There are no researchs associating proportions of NO3-/NH4+ for alleviating Cu stress toxicity. The objective was to evaluate the effect of Cu toxicity on metabolism, mineral nutrition, photosynthesis and dry matter production, as well as the role of NO3-/NH4+ proportions in alleviating such toxicity. The experimental was carried out in randomized complete block design in a 3×4 factorial with six replications. Three replications were used to evaluated metabolic and physiological attributes and other three to determine nutrition and productive attributes. The factors were three proportions of NO3-/NH4+ (100/0, 70/30 and 50/50) combined with four rates of Cu (0.3, 250, 500 and 1000 μmol L-1) in nutrient solution. Two plant growth periods evaluated, being the first with plants exposure to Cu and the second without the exposure to Cu. In the first cut, plants supplied with 70/30 of NO3-/NH4+ proportions and Cu rates of 1000 μmol L-1 showed high Cu concentration in recently fully expanded leaf laminae (LR), high Cu accumulation in the biomass, high NH4+ concentration in LR, high NH4+ accumulation in shoots, high glutamine synthetase activity in LR, higher proline concentration in LR, high superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in parts of grass and low shoot dry matter production. In the grass supplied with 100/0 of NO3-/NH4+ and Cu of 1000 μmol L-1 it was found a low Cu concentration in LR and low Cu accumulation in shoots, but the concentration and accumulation of this metal in roots were increased even in lower Cu rate. Plants supply with 100/0 of NO3-/NH4+ also showed high NO3- concentration in LR, high NO3- accumulation in roots, high N accumulation in shoots, high nitrate reductase activity in LR, high stomatal conductance and high biomass production. In the grass supplied with 100/0 of NO3-/NH4+, there was low SOD activity and low proline concentration in shoots. The concentration of malondialdehyde was low at the high Cu rate, as well as the transpiration rate, photosystem II efficiency, electron transport rate and CO2 assimilation rate. Catalase, guaiacol peroxidase, ascorbate peroxidase and glutathione reductase activities were activated mainly in roots, being high in high Cu rate. Cu toxicity negatively affects metabolism, mineral nutrition, physiology and dry matter productions of tanzania guineagrass, but NO3-/NH4+ proportions change this toxicity. The only use of NO3- in the N supply is a strategy of great potential to be use in plants with of high Cu stress. However, combinations of NO3- with NH4+ in the growth medium when plants suffer moderate Cu stress is strategic for great metal phytoextraction.

Der Einfluß von Mineralöl- und Polyzyklischen Aromatischen Kohlenwasserstoffen auf Streptomyces spp. in Rhizosphären verschiedener Pflanzen und die Fähigkeit der isolierten Streptomyceten zur PAK-Metabolisierung

Peters, Kristin 10 February 1999 (has links)
Polyzyklische Aromatische Kohlenwasserstoffe (PAK) und Mineralölkohlenwasserstoffe (MKW) sind weitverbreitete Schadstoffe, deren Schädlichkeit für Mensch, Tier und Umwelt bekannt ist. In den letzten Jahren wird verstärkt versucht, innovative Prinzipien, wie den Anbau von Pflanzen, für die Bioremediation zu entwickeln und zur Sanierung kontaminierter Böden einzusetzen. Dazu müssen die komplexen Prozesse zwischen Rhizosphären und Rhizosphäremikroorganismen in kontaminierten Böden untersucht werden. Diese Arbeit untersucht einen diesbezüglichen Teil-aspekt, den Einfluß von PAK und MKW auf Streptomyces spp. in Rhizosphären von Sinapis alba L., Vicia sativa L., Medicago sativa L., Lolium multiflorum Lam. und Avena sativa L. und im unbewachsenen Boden in Gewächshausversuchen. Zusätzlich sind die isolierten Streptomyceten auf ihre Fähigkeit zur PAK-Verwertung getestet worden. Die Ergebnisse geben Hinweise zur Weiterentwicklung und Steuerung von Bioremediationsverfahren. / Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) and mineral oil hydrocarbon (polycyclic organic matter - POM) are widespread pollutants, and they're known to be harmful to humans, animals and the environment. Since the last years it was tried intensivly, to develop innovative principles for biore-mediation, for example the cultivation of plants, and their use for the degradation of contaminated soils. For that purpose the complex processes between rhizospheres and microorganisms of rhizo-spheres in contaminated soils have to be investigated. This study examinates a part of this aspect: The influence of PAH and POM on Streptomyces spp. in rhizospheres of Sinapis alba L., Vicia sativa L., Medicago sativa L., Lolium multiflorum Lam. and Avena sativa L., and in mere soil without plants in greenhouse experiments. In addition, the isolated Streptomycetes were tested on their ability to metabolise PAH. The results presented are directions for the developement and the control of bioremediative methods.

Valorisation en synthèse organique d'éco-catalyseurs hétérogènes régénérables à partir de matériaux verts cultivés sur des sols contaminés / Valorization in organic synthesis of heterogeneous eco-catalysts produced from green materials grown on contaminated soils.

Dufrénoy, Pierrick 14 December 2018 (has links)
Les activités des anciennes industries métallurgiques spécialisées dans la production et la transformation de plomb, de zinc ou d’autres métaux ont engendré une pollution métallique importante des sols selon la localisation de ces derniers. Des études actuelles proposent ainsi des solutions de requalification de ces sols via des processus de phytoremédiation afin de valoriser au maximum les plantes cultivées sur ces sols contaminés. Ce projet de thèse a ainsi été réalisé dans le but de valoriser des écocatalyseurs hétérogènes régénérables. Ces derniers sont obtenus à partir des plantes cultivées sur des sols contaminés dans la synthèse organique pour la production de composés à haute valeur ajoutée. Les sols contaminés utilisés dans ce projet proviennent de la région Hauts-de-France (Auby et Noyelles-Godault). Dans cette optique, quatre types de réactions ont été testés pour valider l’efficacité et la recyclabilité des écocatalyseurs : La réaction d’aminolyse, La réaction de Friedel-Crafts, La transformation d’aza-Michael, et enfin La réaction de transestérificationDes écocatalyseurs riches en zinc (EcoZn), obtenus à partir de la biomasse végétale de ray-grass (Lolium perenne L.), ont été caractérisés par des méthodes physico-chimiques puis validités leurs critères d’efficacité et de recyclabilité. Ceux-ci ont ainsi permis de synthétiser plusieurs séries de composés à activité anti-inflammatoires connus (piroxicam, méloxicam, idrocilamide) et de nouveaux, des inhibiteurs de la farnésyltransférase (à visée anticancéreuse ou pour combattre des maladies orphelines telles que la progéria) ou encore de découvrir un nouvel accepteur d’aza-Michael. / The activities of the former metallurgy industries specialized in the production and processing of lead, zinc or other metals have resulted in significant metallic pollution of soils depending on their location. Current studies propose solutions for the requalification of these soils through the phytoremediation processes in order to maximize the value of plants grown on these contaminated soils. This PhD thesis project was thus realized with the aim of valorizing regenerative heterogeneous ecocatalysts. The latter were obtained from the plants cultivated on contaminated soils in organic synthesis for the production of high value added molecules. The contaminated soils used in this project came from the Hauts-de-France region (Auby and Noyelles-Godault). In this light, four types of reactions have been tested to validate the efficiency and recyclability of ecocatalysts: The aminolysis reaction The Friedel-Crafts reaction The aza-Michael transformation The transesterification reactionThe zinc-rich ecocatalysts (EcoZn), obtained from the plant biomass of ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.), were characterized by physicochemical methods and validated their efficiency and recyclability criteria. The latter were successfully used to reach various series of compounds with anti-inflammatory activity known (piroxicam, meloxicam, idrocilamide) and new, inhibitors of farnesyltransferase (for anticancer purpose or to fight orphan diseases such as progeria) or to discover a new aza-Michael acceptor.

Suprimento de nitrato e amônio e a tolerância do capim tanzânia ao estresse por excesso de cobre / Nitrate and ammonium proportions and tanzânia guineagrass tolerance to stress by excess copper

João Cardoso de Souza Junior 12 January 2017 (has links)
O suprimento de proporções de nitrato (NO3-) e amônio (NH4+) no meio de crescimento pode otimizar o metabolismo e o crescimento do Panicum maximum. A toxidez de cobre (Cu) causa estresse oxidativo nas plantas, afetando o metabolismo, a fotossíntese e a produção de massa. Não há pesquisas associando proporções de NO3-/NH4+ no alívio do estresse por Cu em plantas. O objetivo foi avaliar o efeito da toxidez de Cu no metabolismo, nutrição mineral, fotossíntese e produção do capim tanzânia, assim como o papel de proporções de NO3-/NH4+ no alívio dessa toxidez. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos ao acaso em arranjo fatorial 3×4 com seis repetições, sendo três destinadas à avaliação dos atributos metabólicos e fisiológicos e outras três aos atributos nutricionais e produtivos. Os fatores empregados foram: proporções de NO3-/NH4+ (100/0; 70/30 e 50/50) combinadas com doses de Cu (0,3; 250; 500 e 1000 μmol L-1) em solução nutritiva. Foram avaliados dois períodos de crescimento das plantas, sendo o primeiro com exposição ao Cu e o segundo sem exposição ao Cu. No primeiro corte as plantas supridas com 70/30 de NO3-/NH4+ e Cu de 1000 μmol L-1 apresentaram maior concentração de Cu nas folhas recém-expandidas (LR) e maior acúmulo de Cu na biomassa, maior concentração de NH4+ nas LR, maior acúmulo de NH4+ na parte aérea, maior atividade da glutamina sintetase nas LR, maior concentração de prolina nas LR, maior atividade da enzima superóxido dismutase (SOD) nas partes do capim e menor produção de biomassa. No capim suprido com 100/0 de NO3-/NH4+ e Cu de 1000 μmol L-1 foram obtidos menor concentração de Cu nas LR e menor acúmulo de Cu na parte aérea, mas a concentração e o acúmulo desse metal nas raízes foram incrementados mesmo nas mais baixas doses de Cu. As plantas crescidas com N na forma de NO3- ainda apresentaram maior concentração de NO3- nas LR, maior acúmulo de NO3- nas raízes, maior acúmulo de N total, maior atividade da nitrato redutase nas LR, maior condutância estomática e maior produção de biomassa. No capim recebendo 100/0 de NO3-/NH4+ também ocorreu menor atividade da SOD e menor concentração de prolina nas partes da planta. A concentração de malondialdeído foi menor na mais elevada dose de Cu, assim como a taxa de transpiração, a eficiência do fotossistema II, a taxa de transporte de elétrons e a taxa de assimilação de CO2. A atividade da catalase, guaiacol peroxidase, ascorbato peroxidase e glutationa redutase foram ativadas principalmente nas raízes, sendo maiores na mais elevada dose de Cu. A toxidez de Cu afeta negativamente o metabolismo, a nutrição mineral, a fisiologia e a produção do capim tanzânia, mas as proporções de NO3-/NH4+ alteram essa toxidez. O emprego de N na forma de NO3- é estratégia de maior potencial de uso em plantas com elevado estresse por Cu. Entretanto, a combinação de NO3- ao NH4+ no meio de crescimento em situação de moderado estresse por Cu é estratégica para maior fitoextração desse metal. / The supply of nitrate (NO3-) and ammonium (NH4+) proportions in the growth medium can optimize the metabolism and growth of Panicum maximum. Copper (Cu) toxicity causes oxidative stress in plants, affecting metabolism, photosynthesis and biomass production. There are no researchs associating proportions of NO3-/NH4+ for alleviating Cu stress toxicity. The objective was to evaluate the effect of Cu toxicity on metabolism, mineral nutrition, photosynthesis and dry matter production, as well as the role of NO3-/NH4+ proportions in alleviating such toxicity. The experimental was carried out in randomized complete block design in a 3×4 factorial with six replications. Three replications were used to evaluated metabolic and physiological attributes and other three to determine nutrition and productive attributes. The factors were three proportions of NO3-/NH4+ (100/0, 70/30 and 50/50) combined with four rates of Cu (0.3, 250, 500 and 1000 μmol L-1) in nutrient solution. Two plant growth periods evaluated, being the first with plants exposure to Cu and the second without the exposure to Cu. In the first cut, plants supplied with 70/30 of NO3-/NH4+ proportions and Cu rates of 1000 μmol L-1 showed high Cu concentration in recently fully expanded leaf laminae (LR), high Cu accumulation in the biomass, high NH4+ concentration in LR, high NH4+ accumulation in shoots, high glutamine synthetase activity in LR, higher proline concentration in LR, high superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in parts of grass and low shoot dry matter production. In the grass supplied with 100/0 of NO3-/NH4+ and Cu of 1000 μmol L-1 it was found a low Cu concentration in LR and low Cu accumulation in shoots, but the concentration and accumulation of this metal in roots were increased even in lower Cu rate. Plants supply with 100/0 of NO3-/NH4+ also showed high NO3- concentration in LR, high NO3- accumulation in roots, high N accumulation in shoots, high nitrate reductase activity in LR, high stomatal conductance and high biomass production. In the grass supplied with 100/0 of NO3-/NH4+, there was low SOD activity and low proline concentration in shoots. The concentration of malondialdehyde was low at the high Cu rate, as well as the transpiration rate, photosystem II efficiency, electron transport rate and CO2 assimilation rate. Catalase, guaiacol peroxidase, ascorbate peroxidase and glutathione reductase activities were activated mainly in roots, being high in high Cu rate. Cu toxicity negatively affects metabolism, mineral nutrition, physiology and dry matter productions of tanzania guineagrass, but NO3-/NH4+ proportions change this toxicity. The only use of NO3- in the N supply is a strategy of great potential to be use in plants with of high Cu stress. However, combinations of NO3- with NH4+ in the growth medium when plants suffer moderate Cu stress is strategic for great metal phytoextraction.

Accumulation of elements in Salix and other species used in vegetation filters with focus on wood fuel quality /

Adler, Anneli. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, 2007. / Thesis documentation sheet inserted. Appendix reproduces four papers and manuscripts co-authored with others. Includes bibliographical references. Also issued electronically via World Wide Web in PDF format; online version lacks appendix.

Plant bacterial inoculants to remediate hydrocarbon contaminated soil

Fernet, Jennifer Lynne 20 February 2008
The hypothesis for this study was that phenanthrene degrading bacterial inoculants, in combination with grass species able to tolerate petroleum hydrocarbon contamination, will result in increased degradation, as compared to natural rates of hydrocarbon degradation, or to rates of degradation attributed to bacteria or plants alone. Three experiments were performed to examine this hypothesis: i) assessment of the effect of phenanthrene degrading bacteria (<i>Sphingomonas yanoikuyae</i>, <i>Rahnella aquatilis</i>, and <i>Arthrobacter globiformis</i>) on seed germination, location of attachment on seeds and roots, and inoculant survival on selected grass species, ii) determination of the inoculant survival in contaminated soil in the absence of plants and the ability to degrade target compounds, and iii) degradation potential and survival of selected grass species and bacterial inoculants in soil. In general, all applied inoculants were able to effectively colonize the seeds and had a neutral or positive effect on seed germination and seedling growth. Possible plant and bacteria pairs were chosen based on positive influence of the inoculant and are as follows: perennial ryegrass (<i>Lolium perenne</i>) or creeping red fescue (<i>Festuca rubra</i>) with <i>A. globiformis</i> or <i>S. yanoikuyae</i>, or slender wheatgrass (<i>Elymus trachycaulus</i>) with <i>A. globiformis</i> or <i>R. aquatilis</i>. Soil-based assessment of the survival and degradation of hydrocarbons by the selected inoculants was examined with or without a manure nutrient amendment. The addition of the inoculants had a positive impact on the efficacy of hydrocarbon removal in the soil. The manure-amended soil, or <i>A. globiformis</i> inoculated non-amended soil treatments reduced total petroleum hydrocarbon concentration by ~45%, whereas the non-amended control only resulted in a ~20% reduction. When soils were amended with manure and inoculated with any of the phenanthrene degrading bacteria, contaminant concentration decreased in soil by ~33%. <i>Sphingomonas yanoikuyae</i> survived the longest in soil in the absence of plants. A growth chamber experiment was conducted to determine the efficacy of plant and bacteria pairs for hydrocarbon removal in recalcitrant contamination found in soil from Bruderheim, Alberta. Additional replicates containing this soil were spiked with hexadecane, phenanthrene, and pyrene so the effectiveness of the plant and bacteria pairs at higher levels of fresh contamination could be assessed. In the spiked treatment, inoculation with <i>S. yanoikuyae</i> increased creeping red fescue root biomass. In the non-spiked treatment, <i>S. yanoikuyae</i> application increased creeping red fescue root and shoot biomass. Perennial ryegrass root and shoot biomass did not increase when inoculated with <i>S. yanoikuyae</i>, although root biomass values were observably higher in non-spiked soils. Creeping red fescue inoculated with <i>S. yanoikuyae</i> resulted in the greatest decrease in hydrocarbon concentration as compared to other treatments (~61%). The perennial ryegrass treatment, when inoculated with <i>S. yanoikuyae</i> increased percent hydrocarbon removal (~10%) above that obtained with perennial ryegrass alone. The addition of plants and <i>S. yanoikuyae</i> increased hydrocarbon degradation relative to control soils, although the addition of vegetation alone had a comparable effect. A critical benefit of inoculation was the increase in creeping red fescue root biomass at higher concentrations of contamination. This is important because the larger the root biomass the larger the volume of soil that can be remediated. The results indicate that the use of specific plant-bacterial inoculants can enhance remediation of hydrocarbon contaminated soils.

Plant bacterial inoculants to remediate hydrocarbon contaminated soil

Fernet, Jennifer Lynne 20 February 2008 (has links)
The hypothesis for this study was that phenanthrene degrading bacterial inoculants, in combination with grass species able to tolerate petroleum hydrocarbon contamination, will result in increased degradation, as compared to natural rates of hydrocarbon degradation, or to rates of degradation attributed to bacteria or plants alone. Three experiments were performed to examine this hypothesis: i) assessment of the effect of phenanthrene degrading bacteria (<i>Sphingomonas yanoikuyae</i>, <i>Rahnella aquatilis</i>, and <i>Arthrobacter globiformis</i>) on seed germination, location of attachment on seeds and roots, and inoculant survival on selected grass species, ii) determination of the inoculant survival in contaminated soil in the absence of plants and the ability to degrade target compounds, and iii) degradation potential and survival of selected grass species and bacterial inoculants in soil. In general, all applied inoculants were able to effectively colonize the seeds and had a neutral or positive effect on seed germination and seedling growth. Possible plant and bacteria pairs were chosen based on positive influence of the inoculant and are as follows: perennial ryegrass (<i>Lolium perenne</i>) or creeping red fescue (<i>Festuca rubra</i>) with <i>A. globiformis</i> or <i>S. yanoikuyae</i>, or slender wheatgrass (<i>Elymus trachycaulus</i>) with <i>A. globiformis</i> or <i>R. aquatilis</i>. Soil-based assessment of the survival and degradation of hydrocarbons by the selected inoculants was examined with or without a manure nutrient amendment. The addition of the inoculants had a positive impact on the efficacy of hydrocarbon removal in the soil. The manure-amended soil, or <i>A. globiformis</i> inoculated non-amended soil treatments reduced total petroleum hydrocarbon concentration by ~45%, whereas the non-amended control only resulted in a ~20% reduction. When soils were amended with manure and inoculated with any of the phenanthrene degrading bacteria, contaminant concentration decreased in soil by ~33%. <i>Sphingomonas yanoikuyae</i> survived the longest in soil in the absence of plants. A growth chamber experiment was conducted to determine the efficacy of plant and bacteria pairs for hydrocarbon removal in recalcitrant contamination found in soil from Bruderheim, Alberta. Additional replicates containing this soil were spiked with hexadecane, phenanthrene, and pyrene so the effectiveness of the plant and bacteria pairs at higher levels of fresh contamination could be assessed. In the spiked treatment, inoculation with <i>S. yanoikuyae</i> increased creeping red fescue root biomass. In the non-spiked treatment, <i>S. yanoikuyae</i> application increased creeping red fescue root and shoot biomass. Perennial ryegrass root and shoot biomass did not increase when inoculated with <i>S. yanoikuyae</i>, although root biomass values were observably higher in non-spiked soils. Creeping red fescue inoculated with <i>S. yanoikuyae</i> resulted in the greatest decrease in hydrocarbon concentration as compared to other treatments (~61%). The perennial ryegrass treatment, when inoculated with <i>S. yanoikuyae</i> increased percent hydrocarbon removal (~10%) above that obtained with perennial ryegrass alone. The addition of plants and <i>S. yanoikuyae</i> increased hydrocarbon degradation relative to control soils, although the addition of vegetation alone had a comparable effect. A critical benefit of inoculation was the increase in creeping red fescue root biomass at higher concentrations of contamination. This is important because the larger the root biomass the larger the volume of soil that can be remediated. The results indicate that the use of specific plant-bacterial inoculants can enhance remediation of hydrocarbon contaminated soils.

Fitorremediação utilizando Typha domingensis em sistema de zonas úmidas construídas

Gomes, Marcos Vinícius Teles 15 March 2013 (has links)
The presence of mercury in aquatic environments has been cause for concern on the part of the scientific community and public health agencies around the world, due to their persistence and toxicity. Currently, the global demand for animal protein has enhanced aquaculture productivity, increasing the generation of wastewater with high content of nitrogen and phosphorous compounds. The phytoremediation consists of a group of technologies based on naturally occurring plants or use genetically modified to reduce, remove, degrade or immobilize toxins, as an alternative to conventional methods of wastewater treatment, due to its sustainability, low maintenance cost and energy. The present study provides information of an experiment conducted on a pilot scale, designed to evaluate the potential of macrophyte Typha domingensis in subsurface flow constructed wetlands for phytoremediation of fish-farming, wastewater or contaminated with mercury. The rate constant of the system was 7 times greater than the control line, demonstrating a higher performance and reduce 99.6 ± 0.4% of mercury present in contaminated water. When compared to other species, the results showed that the Typha domingensis showed greater accumulation of mercury (273.3515 ± 0.7234 mg kg-1), when the transfer coefficient was 7750.9864 ± 569.5468 L kg-1. After 120 h of exposure time, treatment with 50 shoots/m2 showed a total nitrogen removal efficiency of 217% subscript (free from macrophyte), showing the Typha domingensis, essential for phytoremediation of nitrogen. For total phosphorus, the removal efficiency was 26% more than the line of control, possibly by being present in particulate matter, and this, be retained predominantly by filtration and sedimentation. The efficiency of removal of total nitrogen and total phosphorus were approximately 90%, similar or superior to those obtained in other studies. The results demonstrated the great potential of macrophyte Typha domingensis in subsurface flow constructed wetlands for phytoremediation of wastewater from fish farming, or contaminated with mercury. / A presença de mercúrio em ambientes aquáticos tem sido motivo de preocupação por parte da comunidade científica e órgãos ligados à saúde pública de todo o mundo, devido à sua persistência e toxicidade. Atualmente, a demanda mundial por proteína animal tem intensificado a produtividade aquícola, aumentando a geração de águas residuárias com alto teor de compostos nitrogenados e fosforados. A fitorremediação consiste em um grupo de tecnologias baseadas na utilização de plantas de ocorrência natural ou geneticamente modificadas para reduzir, remover, degradar ou imobilizar toxinas, como alternativa aos métodos convencionais de tratamento de efluentes, devido a sua sustentabilidade, baixo custo de manutenção e energia. O presente estudo fornece informações de um experimento realizado em escala piloto, projetado para avaliar o potencial da macrófita aquática Typha domingensis em sistema de zonas úmidas construídas com fluxo subsuperficial, para a fitorremediação de águas residuárias de piscicultura ou contaminadas com mercúrio. A constante de velocidade do sistema foi 7 vezes maior que a linha de controle, demonstrando um maior desempenho e conseguindo reduzir 99.6 ± 0.4% do mercúrio presente na água contaminada. Quando comparadas a outras espécies, os resultados mostraram que a Typha domingensis demonstrou uma maior acumulação de mercúrio (273.3515 ± 0.7234 mg kg-1), quando o coeficiente de transferência foi de 7750.9864 ± 569.5468 L kg-1. Após 120 h de tempo de exposição, o tratamento com 50 brotos por m2 apresentou uma eficiência na remoção do nitrogênio total de 217 % superior à linha de controle (isento de macrófita), mostrando ser a Typha domingensis essencial à fitorremediação do nitrogênio. Para o fósforo total, a eficiência de remoção foi 26% superior a linha de controle, possivelmente por estar presente no material particulado, e este, ser retido predominantemente por filtração e sedimentação. A eficiência de remoção do nitrogênio total e fósforo total foram de aproximadamente 90%, similar ou superior aos obtidos em outros estudos. Os resultados demonstraram o grande potencial da macrófita aquática Typha domingensis, em sistema de zonas úmidas construídas com fluxo subsuperficial, para a fitorremediação de água residuária de piscicultura ou contaminadas com mercúrio.

Uso de duas espécies de macrófitas aquáticas, Eichhornia crassipes e Pistia stratiotes em tratamento de resíduos de cervejaria na cidade de Toledo/PR / Use of two species of aquatic macrophytes Eichhornia crassipes and Pistia stratiotes for treatment of waste brewery in the city of Toledo / PR

Sales, Cristina Viana 23 August 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T18:13:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Cristina Viana Sales.pdf: 1033711 bytes, checksum: 66526bf26f60f186b7ec4f4ca78473c3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-08-23 / The accumulation and deposition of high concentrations of organic matter cause the eutrophication of aquatic environments, and a sustainable alternative to the removal of these compounds is phytoremediation. This study evaluated the potential of two floating aquatic macrophytes, Eichhornia crassipes and Pistia stratiotes in the treatment of brewery wastewater. The treatment system consisted of eight experimental units, and the experimental design 2 treatments and 4 pseudoréplicas, each treatment was coupled to a mechanical filter in closed circulation system. We analyzed the parameters temperature, electrical conductivity, pH, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, COD, total phosphorus, nitrogen, nitrite and nitrate, and measure the biomass of macrophytes, the experiment lasted 21 days, with collections made weekly. Statistical analysis showed no statistical difference between treatments for the reduction of nutrients, however the two species E. crassipes and P. statiotes been proven effective in removing these nutrients. As for weight gain, E. crassipes had a higher growth compared to P. stratiotes. The use of phytoremediation is recommended for the treatment of brewery effluents due to low cost, easy maintenance and efficiency of aquatic macrophytes in removing nutrients that cause eutrophication of aquatic environments. / O acúmulo e deposição de elevadas concentrações de matéria orgânica provocam a eutrofização de ambientes aquáticos, e uma alternativa sustentável para a retirada destes compostos é a fitorremediação. Neste estudo avaliou-se o potencial de duas espécies de macrófitas aquáticas flutuantes, Eichhornia crassipes e Pistia stratiotes, no tratamento de efluente de cervejaria. O sistema de tratamento foi constituído de 8 unidades experimentais, sendo o delineamento experimental de 2 tratamentos com 4 pseudoréplicas, cada tratamento foi acoplado a um filtro mecânico, em sistema de circulação fechado. Foram analisados as variáveis temperatura, condutividade elétrica, pH, oxigênio dissolvido, turbidez, DQO, fósforo total, nitrogênio, nitrito e nitrato, e medida a biomassa das macrófitas aquáticas, o experimento teve duração de 21 dias, sendo as coletas feitas semanalmente. O estudo estatístico mostrou que não houve diferença estatística entre os tratamentos quanto à redução de nutrientes, no entanto as duas espécies E. crassipes e P. statiotes se mostraram eficazes na remoção desses nutrientes. Quanto ao ganho de peso, E. crassipes teve maior crescimento comparado a P. stratiotes. O uso da fitorremediação é recomendável para o tratamento de efluentes de cervejaria devido ao baixo custo, a fácil manutenção e a eficiência das macrófitas aquáticas na remoção de nutrientes que causam a eutrofização de ambientes aquáticos.


Sandhi, Arifin January 2017 (has links)
Use of arsenic-rich groundwater for crop irrigation can increase the arsenic (As) content in food crops and act as a carcinogen, compromising human health. Using aquatic plant based phytofiltration is a potential eco-technique for removing arsenic from water. The aquatic moss species Warnstorfia fluitans grows naturally in mining areas in northern Sweden, where high concentrations of arsenic occur in lakes and rivers. This species was selected as a model for field, climate chamber and greenhouse studies on factors governing arsenic removal and arsenic phytofiltration of irrigation water. The arsenic and silicon (Si) concentrations in soil, water and plant samples were measured by AAS (atomic absorption spectrophotometry), while arsenite and arsenate species were determined using AAS combined with high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) with an anion exchange column. The arsenic content in grains of hybrid and local aromatic rice (Oryza sativa) cultivars with differing arsenic accumulation factor (AF) values was investigated in an arsenic hotspot in Bangladesh. The results showed that arsenic AF was important in identifying arsenic-safer rice cultivars for growing in an arsenic hotspot. The study based on silicon effect on arsenic uptake in lettuce showed that arsenic accumulation in lettuce (Lactuca sativa) could be reduced by silicon addition. The aquatic moss had good phytofiltration capacity, with fast arsenic removal of up to 82% from a medium with low arsenic concentration (1 µM). Extraction analysis showed that inorganic arsenic species were firmly bound inside moss tissue. Absorption of arsenic was relatively higher than adsorption in the moss. Regarding effects of different abiotic factors, plants were stressed at low pH (pH 2.5) and arsenic removal rate was lower from the medium, while arsenic efflux occurred in arsenate-treated medium at low (12°C) and high (30°C) temperature regimes. Besides these factors, low oxygenation increased the efficiency of arsenic removal from the medium. Finally, combining W. fluitans as a phytofilter with a lettuce crop on a constructed wetland significantly reduced the arsenic content in edible parts (leaves) of lettuce. Thus W. fluitans has great potential for use as an arsenic phytofilter in temperate regions. / <p>QC 20170323</p>

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