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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Characterisation of herbicide behaviour in some innovative growing media : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Soil Science at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

James, Trevor Kenneth January 2008 (has links)
An abundance of waste products from the forestry industry (sawdust and paper pulp) lead to the concept of using them as growing media for high value crops on a field scale. However, management of subsequent weed growth posed a problem as the impact of these novel media on the performance and fate of herbicides was unknown. Three aspects of sawdust and paper pulp waste were examined and compared to two cropping soils, viz. their effect on herbicide behaviour with regard to crop selectivity, weed control efficacy and the environmental fate of selected chemicals. Cropping species such as lettuce and onions were more susceptible to alachlor and chlorpropham in sawdust than in paper pulp. The two cropping soils evaluated (Horotiu sandy loam and Mangateretere silt loam) tended to be intermediate although the former was often close to the sawdust and the latter to the paper pulp in terms of herbicide phytotoxicity to the crop plants. For the less water soluble herbicide pendimethalin, the differences in crop selectivity in the different media were not significant. The effect of the media on the efficacy of weed control was evaluated through plant species with a much lower tolerance to the herbicides evaluated in contrast to the above species. For these plants the efficacy of the herbicides was generally lower in both the sawdust and paper pulp than in the two soils. The effect was more pronounced with the more soluble alachlor, where efficacy was reduced by factors of 5 – 10, compared to pendimethalin where efficacy reduction was by factors of 0 – 3. The two high organic media had contrasting effects on the various environmental behaviour indices evaluated. Herbicide adsorption as quantified by distribution coefficient (Kd) was higher in the two novel media compared to both the Horotiu and Mangateretere soils. However, when the Kd was normalised to organic carbon (Koc), there was less variation amongst the media indicating that organic matter is an important factor in controlling sorption in these media. However, despite the high level of adsorption in the sawdust, herbicides were most prone to leaching in this medium. Conversely the paper pulp tended to be more retentive while the two soils were intermediate. The degradation as quantified by half-lives (t½) of the herbicides was generally slower in the two novel media, probably reflecting the higher sorption in these two media but also due to the lower level of microbial activity in the sawdust and paper pulp. The study shows that herbicide behaviour in these carbon based media differs significantly from that expected from soil organic matter, mainly due to the non-humified nature of the organic matter in the media and its poor biological activity.

Effect of Composted and Vermicomposted Cotton Residues on Nutrient Contents, Ryegrass Growth and Bacterial Blight Mitigation

Ali, Sulieman Hammad Nasser 11 November 2011 (has links)
Der Einsatz von organischen Reststoffen zum Anheben oder Stabilisieren des Humusgehaltes als auch um langfristig die Bodenfruchtbarkeit zu verbessern, hat zunehmend an Bedeutung zur Verbesserung der Gesundheit des Bodens und der Bodenproduktivität gewonnen. Die Umwandlung von Ernterückständen, um Bodeneigenschaften zu verbessern, hängt von der Qualität und dem Zustand der Stoffe ab, diese hängen wiederum von der Zusammensetzung des Ausgangsmaterials ab. In Entwicklungsländern werden die meisten Ernterückstände als Tierfutter oder auch als Baumaterial genutzt, viele werden auch als Ersatzbrennstoff für Holz genutzt; zur Vorbereitung des Bodens zur nächsten Ernte oder zur Bekämpfung von Pflanzenkrankheiten und Schadinsekten werden die Reststoffe oftmals verbrannt. Vom Brennen muss abgeraten werden, da die organische Substanz verloren geht und gleichzeitig ein Verlust der flüchtigen Elemente wie Stickstoff und Schwefel erfolgt, nur bei einer absoluten Notwendigkeit zur Schädlingsbekämpfung sollten die Reststoffe verbrannt werden. Im Sudan werden jährlich am Ende eines jeden Vegetationsperiode landwirtschaftliche Reststoffe vernichtet; insbesondere Baumwollrückstände werden jährlich verbrannt, um die Ausbreitung von Bakterien und der Knollenfäule, die 35% Verluste in der nachfolgenden Saison verursacht, zu verhindern.Diese Studie wurde in zwei Teilen durchgeführt, ein Labor- und Gewächshaus- Experiment am Department für Nutzpflanzenwissenschaften der Universität Göttingen, Deutschland, ein zweites Experiment an der Fakultät für Landwirtschaft der Universität Khartoum, Sudan. Verschiedene Versuche wurden durchgeführt: Auswertung von Kompostierungsversuchen der Baumwollrückstände, als reguläre, normale Kompostierung und als Vermikompostierung (Zusatz von Regenwürmer) und ein Phytoxizitäts-Bioassay-Test des fertigen Komposts und Vermikomposts, um ihre Eignung für landwirtschaftliche Anwendungen zu prüfen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Experimente führten zu einem Gefäßversuch, in mit Weidelgras die Nährstoffaufnahme untersucht wurde. Gleichzeitig wurde ein Stickstoff-Inkubationsexperiment durchgeführt, um die Rate des mineralisierten Stickstoffs aus Kompost und Vermikompost zu bewerten. Bei dem Versuch, eine Alternative zur Verbrennung von Baumwollstroh zu finden, wurde auch ein Experiment (Anzahl der Kolonie bildenden Einheiten von Mikroorgansimen) durchgeführt, welches die Wirksamkeit der Kompostierung und Vermikompostierung auf die bakterielle Braunfäule der Baumwolle überprüften sollte.Für diese Arbeit wurde Baumwollstroh aus den landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben der El-Gazira Bewässerungslandwirtschaft (El-Gazira State, Sudan) genommen, Bodenproben wurden aus dem Oberboden (0-30 cm) des Shambat Boden gezogen. Für die experimentellen Arbeiten im Sudan wurde Stallmist (FYM) aus einer Farm in der Nähe der Fakultät für Landwirtschaft, Universität Khartoum, Shambat, genutzt; aus dem Institut für Tierzucht, Universität Göttingen, Deutschland, wurde FYM für die Experimente in Göttingen genutzt.Eine regelmäßige Analyse der Kompostierungsvorgänge erfolgte durch Gesamt-C und Gesamt-N (trockene Verbrennung mittels einem Elementaranalysator) Bestimmungen; Ammonium- und Nitrat-Gehalte der feldfeucht gezogenen Proben erfolgte mittels Mikro-Kjeldahl Destillationsverfahren, die Summe bildete den mineralischen Stickstoff. Phosphor wurde nach der Molybdat-Blau-Komplex-Methode bestimmt und spektrophotometrisch gemessen. In einem Extrakt im Wasser-Kompost-Verhältnis 10:1 wurde die elektrische Leitfähigkeit und der pH-Wert bestimmt. Einige Makro- und Mikronährstoffe wurden in einem Verfahren unter Verwendung eines Druckaufschlusses gemessen.Verschiedene Studien wurden an der Universität Göttingen durchgeführt. Die erste Studie charakterisiert das kompostierte und vermikompostierte Baumwollstroh auf seine chemische Zusammensetzung und seinen agronomischen Wert und zielte darauf ab, (1) die chemischen Veränderungen während der Kompostierung und Vermikompostierung aus Baumwollstroh zu bestimmen; und (2) die Ergebnisse der chemischen Veränderungen mit den Daten des Bioassays-Tests zu korrelieren und (3) um die Qualität Parameter, die am besten einen fertigen Kompost und Vermikompost beschreiben, zu bestimmen.Die Ergebnisse dieses Teils zeigten, dass die Analysen des Komposts und des Vermikomposts eine breite Variation im pH-Wert, Gesamt-N, Gesamt-C, C/N-Verhältnis, elketrische Leitfähigkeit (EC) und Mineralstoffgehalt aufweisen. Der fertige Kompost und Vermikompost zeigte folgende Werte des C/N-Verhältnis: 15,4 und 15,2 für Kompost und Vermikompost; pH 6,6 für Kompost und 7,9 für Vermikompost und eine elektrische Leitfähigkeit (EC) von 2,96 dS m-1 und 1,62 dS m-1 für Kompost und Vermikompost, welches übliche Bereiche für reife Komposte sind (C/N: 15-20; pH: 5,5-8,0; EC: 4 dS m-1) mit Ausnahme der Werte NH4-N/NO3-N (1,57) der fertigen Komposte, die weit über den empfohlenen Wert (0,16) liegen, während der Wert des fertigen Vermikompost (0,1) unter dem Grenzwert liegt.Eine Korrelation zwischen NH4-N, NO3-N, EC, C:N, und pH wurde durchgeführt. Für den Vermikompost lagen die Korrelationskoeffizienten zwischen C/N-Verhältnis und      NH4-N, NO3-N, pH und EC mit r = 0,86 bei (P <0,01), -0,79 (P <0,01), 0,91 (P <0,01) und -0,77 (P <0,01). Die NH4-N-Konzentration war eng zum NO3-N korreliert (r =- 0,95, P <0,01). Die negative Korrelation zwischen NH4-N und NO3-N deutet darauf hin, dass das Material einer aktiven biologischen Zersetzung unterlag; dieses Ergebnis wurde mit dem NH4-N/NO3-N-Verhältnis bestätigt. Die signifikante negative Korrelation zwischen dem C/N-Verhältnis und dem NO3-N Wert (r =- 0,79, P <0,01), dem C/N-Verhältnis und dem NH4-N Wert gibt die Tendenz der Vermikompostierung wieder. Für den Kompost lagen die Korrelationskoeffizienten zwischen C/N-Verhältnis und NH4-N, NO3-N, pH und EC mit r = 0,88 bei (P <0,01), 0,94 (P <0,01), 0,59 (P = 0,02) und -0,72 (P <0,01). Die NH4-N-Konzentration war gut mit dem NO3-N Wert korreliert (r = 0,80, P <0,01). Diese Ergebnisse zeigen, daß die Reduktion im C/N-Verhältnis in der Zeit als ein zuverlässiger Parameter genommen werden kann, um den Fortschritt der Zersetzung darzustellen, wenn sie mit den Daten für NH4-N, NO3-N, pH und EC für den Vermikompost und mit den Daten NH4-N, pH und EC für den Kompost kombiniert werden.Organische Materialien können schädliche Auswirkungen auf Pflanzen oder keimenden Samen ausüben, daher wurde ein Phytotoxizitäts-Bioassay-Test als ein wichtiger Indikator für die Qualität durchgeführt, Ziel war es, eine Bewertung der Toxizität und eine Eignung des fertigen Komposts und Vermikomposts aus Baumwollstroh auf die Keimung von Kressesamen zu erhalten. Die Auswirkungen von Wasser-Extrakten verschiedener Substrate wurden untersucht, wobei die gekeimten Samen ausgezählt und die Länge der Hauptwurzel der Kresse (Lepidium sativum L.) gemessen wurde. Die Indizes der Keimung für Vermikompost (> 80%) sind größer als empfohlene Werte für reife Komposte (> 70%), während der Kompost (> 50%) diese Werte nicht erzielte. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeiten zeigten, dass fertige Vermikomposte am besten in diesem Kresse Bioassay Test abschnitten und als „reife Komposte“ betrachtet werden können, während der Kompost negative Auswirkungen auf die Keimung der Samen zeigte, also noch nicht „reif“ war.Die Bewertung der fertigen Komposte und Vermikomposte erfolgte in einem Gefäßversuch mit Weidelgras. Ein gleichzeitiges Inkubations-Experiment zur Stickstoffmineralisierung erfolgte unter Laborbedingungen, um Kompost und Vermikompost in ihrer N-Freisetzung zu bewerten und auch die langfristigen Auswirkungen ihrer Anwendung vorherzusagen. Beide Experimente dienten zur Bestimmung der Leistung von Kompost und Vermikompost auf das Pflanzenwachstum nach einmaliger Anwendung, die Prüfung der Zuverlässigkeit des N-Schicksals erfolgte durch das Inkubations-Experiment zur Beurteilung des potenziell mineralisierbaren Stickstoffs. Der Gefäßversuch erfolgte unter natürlichen Lichtbedingungen und der Umgebungstemperatur. Um dieses zu erreichen, wurde der Gefäßversuch im Gewächshaus des Departments für Nutzpflanzenwissenschaften durchgeführt. Kompost und Vermikompost entsprachen einer 4 g und 8 g N-Gabe pro Topf. Der Kompost und Vermikompost des Gefäßversuches wurde auch zur Inkubation genutzt.Daten aus dem Gefäßversuch zeigten, dass sowohl in den Kompost als auch Vermikompost gedüngten Gefässen die Biomasseerträge nach der zweiten Ernte stark zurückgingen, signifikante Unterschiede (P <0,05) wurde nur für die erste, zweite und letzte Ernte bestimmt. Die Biomasse der ersten und der letzten Ernten der Töpfe mit Vermikompost in der 4 g N/Topf Variante (VER1) entsprachen 1,4 und 0,1 g kg-1, während die Weidelgraserträge im Vermikompostversuch 8 g N/Topf (VER2) 0,8 g kg-1 für die erste Ernte und 0,2 g kg-1 ergaben., jeweils Weidelgras Biomasse auf Töpfen ausgesät mit Kompost entsprach geändert 8 g N pot-1 (CPF2) waren 1,4 g kg-1 bei der ersten Ernte und 0,3 g kg-1 für die letzte. Der beobachtete Rückgang der Biomasse in allen Töpfen mit Kompost oder Vermikompost nach 30 Tagen scheint das Ergebnis einer extremen Verknappung des verfügbaren N zum Weidelgraswuchs sein, besonders in den Gefäßen, die mit dem Vermikompost gedüngt wurden. Dieses wurde durch die sichtbaren Zeichen des N-Mangels (Chlorose) unterstützt.Die Ergebnisse zeigten auch, dass sowohl für Kompost und Vermikompost Varianten die Gesamt-N Gehalte des Weidelgrases dem Trend in der Biomasse folgten, wo die höheren N-Gehalte in ersten Ernte beobachtet wurden und die niedrigsten in der letzten. Die N-Gehalte waren je nach Kompostgaben 6,1-6,4% für die Ernte nach 10 Tagen und 2,4-2,9% für die Ernte nach 70 Tagen. Die N-Gehalte in den Vermikompost gedüngten Varianten lagen bei 3,7-4,0% für die Ernte nach 10 Tagen und 1,9-2,1% für die Ernte nach 70 Tagen. Die N-Gehalte des Weidelgrases der Kompost-Variante lag innerhalb der ausreichenden Versorgung (3-4,2%) N für ein normales Wachstum, während die Werte der Vermikompost gedüngten Varianten diesem Bereich nur zur Ernte nach 10, 60 und 70 Tagen erfüllten. Die Effizienz der N-Aufnahme war gering (>80% der N wurde nicht durch die Ernte genutzt).Die Ergebnisse des N-Inkubations-Experiment zeigte, dass die Höchst-und Mindestwerte des mineralischen N zwischen den Kompost- und Vermikompost-Aufwandmengen variierten. Dementsprechend betrugen die Werte für die 4 g N Variante VER1 9,41 bis 44 mg N kg-1; 13,2 bis 51,0 mg N kg-1 für die Vermikompost-Variante 8 g N Topf-1 (VER2), 7,2 bis 27,4 mg N kg-1 für die Kompost-Variante, entsprechend 4 g N Topf-1 (CPF1) und 4,2 bis 46,0 mg N kg-1 für die Kompost-Variante entsprechend 8 g N Topf-1 (CPF2).Die Netto-N-Mineralisierung am Ende der Inkubationszeit war signifikant (P <0,001) zwischen den Kompost- und Vermikompost – Varianten und deren Aufwandmengen. Die Böden, die mit Vermikompost entsprechend 4 g N Topf-1 (VER1), Vermikompost entsprechend 8 g N Topf-1 (VER2) und Kompost entsprechend 8 g N Topf-1 (CPF2) behandelt wurden, erfuhren eine Netto-N-Mineralisierung, die etwa doppelt so hoch war als bei Böden mit Kompost entsprechend 4 g N Topf-1 (CPF1). Allerdings gab Ergebnisse der N Inkubationsexperiment allgemeine Hinweise auf N-Verfügbarkeit für Nutzpflanzen und schlug vor, dass Anwendung von Kompost und vermicomposted Baumwolle Rückstände für einen Zeitraum von mehr als drei Wochen vor der Aussaat die nachfolgenden Kulturen unterwerfen N, um Verluste können.Um eine Alternative zum Verbrennen des Baumwollstrohs zu finden, befasste sich ein Teil dieser Arbeit mit der Wirksamkeit von Kompost und Vermikompost zur Unterdrückung der bakteriellen Braunfäule. Infizierte Baumwolle-Rückstände wurden gesammelt und einer Kompostierung und Vermikompostierung unterzogen. Proben aus den Kompostierungen wurden monatlich gesammelt und in einem semi-selektiven Medium nach der Verdünnungsreihe Methode kultiviert. Die Pathogenität wurde als „Kolonie-bildende-Einheit“ pro Gewicht der frischen Probe nach 3-4 Tagen Inkubation unter optimalen Bedingungen ausgezählt und gewertet.Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass die Reduzierung der Erreger (berechnet als Differenz zwischen der Pathogenität in den Komposten und der Kontrolle) erheblich variierte. Für den Kompost betrugen die Werte <2% nach 30 Tagen, > 40% nach 60 Tagen und rund 38% nach 150 Tagen der Zersetzung. Während für den Vermikompost die Reduzierungen > 10% nach 30 Tagen, > 22% nach 60 und > 88% für Proben bei 150 Tagen betrugen. Die Ergebnisse zeigten auch, dass die höchste Zahl Erreger während der ersten Probenahme gefunden wurde und mit der Zeit abnahmen (r = 0,71; P ≤ 0,0001). Diese Studie ergab, dass es sowohl der Kompostierung und der Vermikompostierung gelungen ist, die Kolonie-bildenden Einheiten (CFU g frisches Material-1) der Erreger zu vermindern. Ein möglicher Prozess, um die infizierten Baumwolle-Rückstände anstelle durch Verbrennung zu behandeln.Insgesamt ergibt die Arbeit: (1) die Kompostierung und Vermikompostierung sind ein möglicher Prozess, um die infizierten Baumwoll-Rückstände zu behandeln, anstatt sie zu verbrennen, (2) die Reduktion des C/N-Verhältnisses im Laufe einer Kompostierung als einen zuverlässigen Parameter zum Fortschritt in Zersetzung zu nehmen, besonders, wenn sie mit den Daten NH4-N, NO3-N, pH und EC der Vermikompostierung kombiniert und mit den Daten NH4-N, pH und EC für die Kompostierung kombiniert wird, (3) dass 240 Tonnen ha-1 des fertigen Kompost und Vermikompost als Richtschnur für die Landwirtschaft angenommen werden können. Darüber hinaus schlug diese Arbeit einfache und praktische Verfahren für die Kompostierung und Vermikompostierung der organischen Abfälle, die aus lokalen Ernterückständen stammen, vor und Verfahren zur Regenwurmzucht für die Vermikompostierung und verschiedene andere Zwecke.

Compostos com potencial alelopático em Aristolochia esperanzae O. Kuntze

Jatobá, Luciana de Jesus 13 February 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:32:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 4210.pdf: 2126138 bytes, checksum: fc7ae2b9679ee1e4098307223fb03cdc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-02-13 / Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos / ABSTRACT Allelopathy is defined as any process involving secondary metabolites that influence the growth and development of natural and cultivated systems. Plants of the Aristolochia genus are known for their use in traditional medicine, but few studies have been conducted on the ecological importance of their secondary compounds and their possible application in agriculture. This study aimed at the isolation, characterization and evaluation of the allelopathic activity of A. esperanzae secondary metabolites. Extraction, bioassay-guided isolation, spectroscopic and spectrometric analysis of the isolated compounds was carried out. The phytotoxic activity of the active extracts from A. esperanzae different organs on the development of species of cultivated crops and weeds, and of the active semipurified sample in the initial growth of Triticum aestivum L. (wheat) was evaluated. The EtOAc extracts of A. esperanzae mature leaves and roots showed phytotoxic activity similar to the herbicide used as control over the weed species. Biossayguided isolation of compounds with allelopathic activity from mature leaves of A. esperanzae has led to the isolation of three isomeric compounds with mass fragments with m/z 321 Da and 161 Da, and ultraviolet absorption at 234 nm and between 286 nm and 287 nm. Analysis by 1D- and 2D-NMR of one of these compounds allowed to stabilish its partial structure. The semi-purified ISO sample, obtained from A. esperanzae mature leaves and composed mainly by the isomeric mixture isolated, showed allelopathic activity on the early development of wheat, with inhibition of root development and formation of necrotic abnormalities over the shoots of these seedlings, with hormetic behavior. The activity of the compounds present in the ISO fraction showed to be different from that presented by the commercial herbicide, and may lead to the development of bioherbicides.. / A alelopatia é definida como qualquer processo envolvendo metabólitos secundários que influenciam no crescimento e desenvolvimento de sistemas naturais e cultiváveis. Plantas do gênero Aristolochia são conhecidas por seu uso na medicina tradicional, porém poucos estudos foram realizados sobre a importância ecológica de seus compostos secundários ou sua possível aplicação na agricultura. O presente estudo teve por objetivo o isolamento, caracterização e avaliação da atividade alelopática de compostos secundários de A. esperanzae. Procedeu-se a extração, isolamento biodirigido, análises espectroscópicas e espectrométricas dos compostos isolados. Avaliou-se a atividade fitotóxica dos extratos ativos de diferentes órgãos de A. esperanzae sobre o desenvolvimento de espécies cultivadas e invasoras de culturas agrícolas, e de amostra ativa semi-purificada sobre o crescimento inicial de Triticum aestivum L. (trigo). Os extratos AcOEt de folhas maduras e raízes de A. esperanzae apresentaram atividade fitotóxica semelhante ao do herbicida utilizado como controle sobre espécies invasoras de culturas agrícolas. O isolamento biodirigido de compostos com atividade alelopática de folhas maduras de A. esperanzae levou à obtenção de três compostos isoméricos com fragmentos de massas com razão m/z 321 Da e 161 Da, e absorção no ultravioleta em 234 nm e entre 286 nm e 287 nm. Análises por RMN mono e bidimensionais de um destes compostos possibilitaram estabelecer sua estrutura parcial. A amostra semipurificada ISO, obtida de folhas maduras de A. esperanzae e compostas majoritariamente pela mistura isomérica isolada, apresentou atividade alelopática sobre o desenvolvimento inicial do trigo, com inibição do desenvolvimento do sistema radicular e formação de anormalidades necróticas na porção aérea, com comportamento hormético. A atividade dos compostos presentes na fração ISO mostrou-se diferenciada daquela apresentada pelo herbicida comercial, sendo promissores no desenvolvimento de bioherbicidas.

Potentialité de phytoremédiation de matrices polluées par des organochlorés : fonctionnalité de la rhizosphère / Potential of phytoremediation of polluted matrices by organochlorines : function of the rhizosphere

Blondel, Claire 15 December 2014 (has links)
L'activité humaine est responsable de pollutions diffuses des sols entrainant des dommages sur l'écosystème. Afin d'éviter des déséquilibres importants comme la diminution de la biodiversité ou bien la contamination des chaînes trophiques par des polluants, il est nécessaire de restaurer les écosystèmes. Les différentes techniques utilisées à l'heure actuelle sont couteuses, diminuent la fertilité du sol et ont un effet négatif sur la fonctionnalité des écosystèmes. A contrario, la phytoremédiation ou dépollution grâce aux plantes, apparaît comme une solution digne d'intérêt. Néanmoins, elle nécessite d'être améliorée puisque de nombreux mécanismes restent inexpliqués. L'originalité de notre travail est d'étudier la fonctionnalité de la rhizosphère du maïs (Zea mays) exposée à des pesticides organochlorés (OCPs), le lindane et la chlordécone, interdits respectivement en 1998 et 1993 et persistants dans l'environnement. Cette étude a été réalisée en présence ou absence de microorganismes afin de préciser les mécanismes mis en jeux par les microorganismes et les matrices végétales. Ce travail a mis en évidence les mécanismes impliqués dans la phytotoxicité des deux organochlorés sur les cellules racinaires. Les réponses cellulaires sont dose-dépendantes et montrent un effet des OCPs sur le cycle cellulaire (induction de l'endoréplication et de la ploïdie) et la mort cellulaire (induction de ROS, du calcium cytosolique, des caspase-3-like, de l'apoptose) lors d'expositions extrêmes (correspondant à des cas particuliers comme les friches industrielles). A de plus faibles expositions ayant une réalité environnementale, les racines exposées montrent une perturbation importante de leur métabolome primaire. Ces modifications mesurées sur la production des sucres, des acides organiques, des acides aminées et des lipides peuvent être induites par le stress oxydant produit par les OCPs. Par ailleurs, de tels changements dans le métabolome peuvent provoquer une modification de la composition des exsudats racinaires, jouant sur la relation plante/microorganismes de la rhizosphère. Nos résultats montrent que la fonctionnalité globale de la rhizosphère (allocation des ressources en carbone et azote, catabolisme des microorganismes) n'est pas modifiée sur le long terme en présence des OCPs. Enfin, nous avons démontré l'implication de la rhizosphère (rétention/métabolisation des OCPs) sur l'absorption des OCPs par Zea mays. Le lindane semble être en partie minéralisé par la microflore rhizosphèrique puis les métabolites libérés sont absorbés par les racines, où ils sont majoritairement bioconcentrés. Ces connaissances fondamentales mettent en évidence l'adaptation de la rhizosphère à la pression chimique des OCPs et montrent que la rhizosphère reste fonctionnelle en présence de matrices contaminées par les OCPs. / Human activities lead to diffuse pollution causing damages to the ecosystem. To avoid major disturbances such as biodiversity loss or contamination of trophic chains by pollutants it is necessary to restore these ecosystems. The classical techniques used in depollution are expensive, reduce soil fertility and have a negative effect on ecosystem functionality. In contrast, the use of plants to clean up soils called phytoremediation seems to be a more effective solution. However, it needs to be improved because many biological mechanisms remain unexplained. The originality of our work is to study the functionality of the rhizosphere of maize (Zea mays) exposed to organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), lindane and chlordecone, banned in 1998 and 1993 respectively and persistent in the environment. This study will be conducted in the presence or absence of microorganisms to clarify the relationships between microorganisms and plant matrices. In this study, the mechanisms involved in the phytotoxicity of OCPs in root cells were analyzed. The cytotoxicity was dose-dependent and showed effects on the cell cycle (induction of endoreduplication and level of ploidy) and on cell death (induction of ROS, cytosolic Ca2+, caspase-3-like, apoptosis) under higher doses of exposure (particular case of former industrial sites). Lower exposures usually detected in the environment showed great disturbances in the root metabolome. These changes in sugars, organic acids, amino acids and lipids syntheses could be induced by oxidative stress provided by OCPs. Moreover, metabolome changes might cause modifications in root exudate composition which is involved in plant-microbe relationships. Ours results demonstrate that the overall rhizosphere functionality (resource allocation, carbon and nitrogen contents and microorganism's catabolism) was not disturbed by OCPs long-term exposure. Finally, we demonstrated rhizosphere positive impact on uptake of OCPs by Zea mays. Lindane seems to be partially mineralized by rhizospheric microorganisms. Then, these produced metabolites were uptaken by roots where they were bioconcentrated. These findings highlighted the rhizosphere adaptation to chemical pressure by OCPs and showed the good rhizosphere functionality despite of the OCPs contamination.

Fracionamento de extratos bioativos de Drimys brasiliensis Miers e identificação de compostos com atividade fitotóxica e inseticida

Anese, Simoni 21 February 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:29:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 5821.pdf: 2231996 bytes, checksum: edfd5a3ae517fd70ccf6718b1c349351 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-21 / Along its evolutionary history, plants have developed biosynthetic routes to synthesize and accumulate a wide variety of secondary metabolites, which respond to the environment characteristics where they occur. The studies about these compounds effects on nearby organisms constitute the field of allelopathy. Allelopathy is an important phenomenon in plant chemical ecology that involves bioactive compounds, from which one can produce natural pesticides that would be more specific, less harmful to the environment and applied to a model of sustainable agriculture. Drimys brasiliensis Miers is found in the Atlantic Forest and in the Cerrado domain. It s chemically characterized by the presence of monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes and flavonoids, with great use potential in the pharmaceutical industry. There are few studies about the allelopathic potential of D.brasiliensis and its secondary metabolites to act as natural pesticides, specialy as herbicide or insecticide. Thus, in the first chapter we studied the phytotoxic potential of aqueous extracts of D.brasiliensis according to the seasonality and different plant organs. The phytotoxic effect of D.brasiliensis isinfluenced by the period of collection, with more evident activity in leaves collected in the dry season. Aqueous extracts from leaves, roots and stems of D.brasiliensis showed activity on crop plants, and all organs are a promising source in the search of phytotoxic compounds. In the second chapter, we investigated the phytotoxic potential of crude extract fractions from D. brasiliensis roots and leaves on weeds. The inhibitory effects of the root hexane fraction on seedling growth was similar to the herbicide, indicating that D. brasiliensis is a possible alternative form of control for the weed species examined. In chapter three, was carried a bioassay-guided isolation of bioactive compounds present in D.brasiliensis roots. Four drimanes sesquiterpenes were isolated from bioactive fractions of roots, determined as polygodial, polygodial 12 &#945;- acetal, dendocarbin L and (+) fuegin. The polygodial caused phytotoxic effects on wheat coleoptile and on crop and weed species. In the last chapter, the effect of the hexane fraction and polygodial obtained from D.brasiliensis roots was evaluated on Toxoptera citricidus Kirkaldy (black citrus aphid), and both caused toxicity, with high mortality on nymphs and adults stages of this aphid. The polygodial, isolated for the first time in the roots of D. brasiliensis, may be the primarily responsible for the biological activities detected in this study. The herein presented data allow the indication of this compound as a potential biopesticide. / Ao longo do seu processo evolutivo, as plantas desenvolveram rotas de biossíntese, através das quais sintetizam e acumulam uma ampla variedade de metabólitos secundários, que respondem às características do meio onde se encontram. Os estudos realizados sobre os efeitos desses compostos em organismos próximos constituem o campo da alelopatia. A alelopatia representa um importante fenômeno dentro da ecologia química de plantas e envolve a síntese de metabólitos secundários, a partir dos quais se pode produzir pesticidas naturais, mais específicos, menos prejudiciais ao ambiente e aplicáveis a um modelo de agricultura de base ecológica. A espécie Drimys brasiliensis Miers ocorre na Mata Atlântica e no domínio do bioma Cerrado. Fitoquimicamente é caracterizada pela presença de monoterpenos, sesquiterpenos e flavonóides com grande potencial de uso na indústria farmacológica. São poucos os trabalhos publicados que tratam de investigações do potencial de D. brasiliensis e de seus metabólitos secundários para atuarem como pesticidas naturais, principalmente no que concerne às ações herbicida e inseticida. Nesse sentido, no primeiro capítulo foram realizadas investigações sobre o potencial fitotóxico de extratos aquosos de D. brasiliensis em função da sazonalidade e de diferentes órgãos da planta. O efeito fitotóxico de D. brasiliensis foi influenciado pela época de coleta, com atividade mais evidente em folhas coletadas na estação seca. Extratos aquosos de folhas, raízes e cascas do caule de D. brasiliensis apresentaram atividade inibitória sobre plantas cultivadas, e todos os órgãos constituem uma fonte promissora para a busca de compostos fitotóxicos. No segundo capítulo, foi investigado o potencial fitotóxico de frações do extrato bruto de folhas e raízes de D. brasiliensis sobre as plantas infestantes Panicum maximum Jacq e Euphorbia heterophylla L. As inibições no crescimento inicial, decorrentes da aplicação da fração hexânica das raízes, foram similares ao efeito produzido pelo herbicida oxyfluorfen, indicando a eficiência de D. brasiliensis para o controle das espécies infestantes estudadas. No terceiro capítulo, foi realizado o isolamento biomonitorado de compostos presentes em raízes de D. brasiliensis. Foram isolados quatro drimanos sesquiterpenos das frações bioativas de raízes, determinados como poligodial, poligodial 12 &#945;-acetal, dendocarbin L e (+) fuegin. O poligodial exerceu efeitos fitotóxicos sobre coleóptilos de trigo e sobre duas espécies infestantes e uma cultivada avaliadas. No último capítulo, o efeito da fração hexânica e do poligodial obtidos de raízes de D. brasiliensis foi avaliado sobre Toxoptera citricidus Kirkaldy (pulgão-preto dos citros), e ambos causaram toxicidade, provocando elevada mortalidade nas fases de ninfas e adultos deste afídeo. O poligodial, isolado pela primeira vez nas raízes de D. brasiliensis, pode ser o principal responsável pelas atividades biológicas registradas neste estudo. Os resultados obtidos permitem a indicação deste composto como um potencial biopesticida.

Metais pesados e micronutrientes no solo e em folhas de Brachiaria decumbens às margens de rodovias / Heavy metals and micronutrients in soil and in leaves of Brachiaria decumbens on the margins of highways

PEREIRA, Aquiria Alvarenga 27 February 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T16:24:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Aquiria Alvarenga Pereira.pdf: 879539 bytes, checksum: 6983418c7a622db7d7c1a039402196a7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-02-27 / The generation of various wastes, has become alarming in light of their growing volume and their disposal to form inappropriate, especially in soil. One of the characteristics of such waste is the possibility of being contaminated by heavy metals. The Fuel obtained the refining of oil, widely used in automobiles, are usually enriched with toxic elements. The number of vehicles using these fuels is increasing and with it the waste from the combustion or burning of fuel, making it a source of anthropogenic heavy metals in the atmosphere, soil, water and plants. This study aimed to evaluate the levels of cadmium, lead, copper, chromium, iron, manganese, nickel and zinc in soil and leaves of plants of Brachiaria decumbens Stapf. In areas of pasture under the influence of roads and a control area, in the State of Goiás. The first area of pasture on the margins of the BR-153, between the cities of Goiânia and Anápolis, in the State of Goiás, is characterized as a paved highway, double, intense traffic of vehicles, mainly of cargo (treatment BR 153). The second area in the GO-222 highway, between the cities of Anapolis and Nerópolis, paved road, single track and characterized by small flow of vehicles, mostly car ride (treatment GO-222). And the third area (witness area) within the Parque Estadual Altamiro de Moura Pacheco (PEAMP) , is a conservation unit of integral protection. Samples of soil and leaves of B. decumbens, treatment at the BR-153, GO-222 and PEAMP were collected in four sampling points (replicates) (BR-P1, P2-BR, BR-P3, P4-BR; GO-P1, P2-GO, GO-P3, P4-GO; PEAMP-P1, P2-PEAMP; PEAMP-P3; PEAMP-P4), with varying distances between them, in each treatment. In the treatment of roads in each of the four specific points (P1, P2, P3, P4) based on the direction perpendicular to the highway, three samples were obtained from leaves of B. decumbens and three composite samples of soil at depths of 0-10 cm and 10-20 cm, collected at10m, 25m, 40m distance. The results indicated that the mean levels of heavy metals and micronutrients analyzed in soil and leaves of B. decumbens not characterize the occurrence of contamination in these environments due to its content. Witness in the area, although there is no traffic of vehicles, the levels of some heavy metals and micronutrients are equivalent to those obtained in treatments and BR-153 GO-222. The irregular behavior of the average levels of the elements in all treatments, hindered, in part, to better define whether its origins are natural or anthropogenic sources. We recommend the implementation of new scientific research in areas of Cerrado grown on the banks of the roads with large flow of vehicles, to monitor the levels of heavy metals in the environment and food. / A geração de resíduos diversos vem se tornando preocupante em função de seu crescente volume e de sua disposição de forma indevida, principalmente no solo. Uma das características desses resíduos é a possibilidade de estarem contaminados por metais pesados. Os combustíveis obtidos a partir do refino do petróleo, largamente usados em veículos automotores, normalmente são enriquecidos com elementos tóxicos. O quantitativo de veículos que utiliza estes combustíveis vem aumentando e, com isso, os resíduos resultantes da combustão, ou queima dos combustíveis, vem tornando-se uma fonte antrópica de metais pesados na atmosfera, no solo, na água e nos vegetais. A presente pesquisa objetivou avaliar os teores de cádmio, chumbo, cobre, cromo, ferro, manganês, níquel e zinco no solo e nas folhas de plantas de Brachiaria decumbens Stapf., em áreas de pastagens sob influência de rodovias e em uma área testemunha, no Estado de Goiás. A primeira área de pastagens às margens da BR-153, entre as cidades de Goiânia e Anápolis, no Estado de Goiás, caracteriza-se por ser pavimentada, duplicada, e ter intenso tráfego de veículos, principalmente de cargas (tratamento BR 153). A segunda área está às margens da rodovia GO-222, entre as cidades de Anápolis e Nerópolis, sendo esta de pista simples e pavimentada, e caracterizada por pequeno fluxo de veículos, na sua maioria veículos de passeio (tratamento GO-222). E a terceira área (testemunha) no interior do Parque Estadual Altamiro de Moura Pacheco (tratamento PEAMP), que é uma Unidade de Conservação de Proteção Integral. As amostras do solo e de folhas de B. decumbens, nos tratamentos BR-153, GO-222 e PEAMP, foram coletadas em quatro pontos amostrais (repetições) (BR-P1; BR-P2; BR-P3; BR-P4; GOP1; GO-P2; GO-P3; GO-P4; PEAMP-P1; PEAMP-P2; PEAMP-P3; PEAMP-P4), com distâncias variáveis entre si, em cada tratamento. Nos tratamentos das rodovias, em cada um dos quatro pontos determinados (P1, P2, P3, P4) considerando-se o sentido perpendicular à rodovia, foram obtidas três amostras de folhas de B. decumbens e três amostras compostas de solo, nas profundidades de 0-10 cm e de 10-20 cm,coletadas a 10 m, 25 m e 40 m de afastamento. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que os teores médios dos metais pesados e micronutrientes analisados no solo e nas folhas de B. decumbens não caracterizam a ocorrência de contaminação nesses ambientes em função de seus teores. Na área testemunha, apesar de não haver tráfego de veículos, os teores de alguns metais pesados e micronutrientes se equivalem aos obtidos nos tratamentos BR-153 e GO-222. O comportamento irregular dos teores médios dos elementos, em todos os tratamentos, dificultou, em parte, definir melhor se suas origens são fontes naturais ou antropogênicas. É recomendável a realização de novas pesquisas científicas, em áreas do Cerrado cultivadas às margens das rodovias com grande fluxo de veículos, objetivando monitorar os teores de metais pesados no ambiente e nos alimentos produzidos.

Seletividade de sulfentrazone e clomazone aplicados em pré-plantio de mudas pré-brotadas de cana-de-açúcar CTC 11 / Selectivity of sulfentrazone and clomazone when applied in the pre-planting stage for pre-sprouted seedlings of CTC11 sugarcane

Leonardo Lombardi Perez 17 August 2017 (has links)
O manejo químico de plantas daninhas no sistema de plantio por mudas pré-brotadas de cana-de-açúcar, fundamenta a hipótese de que a cultura esteja mais suscetível à intoxicação pelos herbicidas nas aplicações em pré-plantio, devido as raízes das mudas serem transplantadas em contato direto com a solução do solo tratada com os herbicidas aplicados em pré-emergência. Portanto a pesquisa foi desenvolvido com dois objetivos: (1) avaliar a seletividade do herbicida sulfentrazone quando aplicado em área de plantio de cana-de-açúcar no sistema com mudas pré-brotadas com aplicação no pré-plantio utilizando cinco doses (200, 400, 800, 1600 e 3200 g i.a. ha-1); (2) avaliar a seletividade de doses crescentes de clomazone (270, 540, 1080, 2160, e 4320 g i.a. ha-1), quando aplicado em pré-plantio em mudas pré-brotadas (MPB). Os experimentos foram desenvolvidos na Usina São Martinho, próximo ao município de Motuca (SP), sob condições naturais de clima, no período de outubro de 2015 a setembro de 2016. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições. Os herbicidas foram aplicados no dia anterior ao plantio das mudas pré-brotadas, onde foi utilizada a variedade CTC 11, que foram transplantadas nas parcelas, constituídas por 6 linhas de 10 m, espaçadas de 1,5 m. Foram feitas avaliações visuais com 15, 30, 60, 90 e 120 dias após a aplicação dos tratamentos (DAA), também utilizando-se uma escala visual com notas entre 0 e 100%. Nas avaliações quantitativas avaliou-se os parâmetros altura de plantas (cm), aos 30, 60, 90 e 120 DAA e perfilhamento das mudas aos 60, 90 e 120 DAA. Em todos os períodos avaliados foi utilizado o medidor de clorofila, marca SPAD. Aos 330 DAA, foi realizada a produtividade (t ha-1) integral das parcelas através do corte manual e posterior pesagem com auxílio de uma célula de carga, e foram coletados feixes com dez canas para realização dos parâmetros qualitativos (Brix, Pol, Pureza e ATR). Em ambos trabalhos, os dados de fitointoxicação e produtividade foram previamente transformados na regressão log logística, respeitando o princípio da normalidade dos dados, identificando a dose seletiva para a cultura. Concluiu-se que os herbicidas sulfentrazone (800 g i.a. ha-1), e clomazone (1080 g i.a. ha-1), que são doses comercialmente utilizadas no plantio convencional através de rebolos de cana-de-açúcar, apresentaram sintomas leves de fitointoxicação nas primeiras avaliações, mas com o crescimento e desenvolvimento das mudas, não apresentaram diferença de altura, perfilhamento e índice SPAD, como também na produtividade e características tecnológicas dos colmos não apresentando diferenças significativas. Portanto os herbicidas sulfentrazone e clomazone foram seletivos às mudas de cana-de-açúcar no sistema MPB quando aplicados em pré-plantio para a CTC 11. / The chemical management of plant pests in the planting system with pre-sprouted sugarcane seedlings substantiates the hypothesis that the crop is more susceptible to toxicity by herbicides in pre-planting applications, due to the roots of the seedlings being transferred in direct contact with the soil solution treated with the herbicides applied in the pre-emergence stage. Therefore, this work was prepared with two goals: (1) to assess the selectivity of the herbicide sulfentrazone when applied to a sugarcane planting area in the pre-sprouted seedlings system with application in the pre-planting stage using five rates (200, 400, 800, 1600 and 3200 g a.i. ha-1); (2) to assess the selectivity of growing rates of clomazone (270, 540, 1080, 2160 and 4320 g a.i. ha-1), when applied in the pre-planting stage for pre-sprouted seedlings. The experiments were developed in São Martinho sugar mills, next to the town of Motuca (SP), under natural weather conditions, in the period from October 2015 to September 2016. The experimental design was done in blocks at random, with four repetitions. The herbicides were applied on the day prior to the planting of the pre-sprouted seedlings, where the CTC 11 strain was used, which seedlings were transferred into parcels comprised of 6 lines of 10 m, spaced by 1.5 m. Visual assessments were made 15, 30, 60, 90 and 120 days after the treatment application (DAA), a visual grading scale between 0 and 100% was also used. In the quantitative assessments, the parameters for height of the plants (cm), at 30, 60, 90 and 120 DAA, and tillering at 60, 90 and 120 DAA, were evaluated. In all assessed periods, a direct reading was performed using the chlorophyll meter, SPAD brand. At 330 DAA, the entire productivity (t ha-1) of the parcels was assessed through the manual cut and later weighing with the aid of a load cell, and strips with ten sugarcanes were collected for the performance of qualitative parameters (Brix, Pol, Purity and ATR). In both works, the phytotoxicity and productivity data were previously converted by the log-logistic regression, observing the principle of data normalization, identifying the selective rates for the crop. It was found that herbicides sulfentrazone (800 g a.i ha-1), and clomazone (1080 g a.i. ha-1), which are rates commercially used in the conventional planting through sugarcane billets, presented slight symptoms of phytotoxicity in the first assessments, but with the growth and development of the seedlings, they did not show a difference in height, tillering, SPAD index, and in the yield; and the technological characteristics of the stalks did not present significant differences. Therefore, the herbicides sulfentrazone and clomazone were selective to the sugarcane seedlings in the pre-sprouted seedlings (MPB) system when applied in the pre-planting stage for CTC 11.

Resposta de linhagens de arroz à exposição ao cádmio. / Response of rice inbred lines to cadmium exposure.

Patricia Felippe Cardoso 28 December 2000 (has links)
Existe uma grande preocupação com relação aos efeitos a longo prazo que muitos poluentes químicos possam ter sobre a saúde e o ambiente. Tal é o número de diferentes poluentes e a complexidade de suas interações que seus efeitos não podem ser prontamente definidos em programas de monitoramento que determinam a presença de poluentes no ambiente. Recentemente, pesquisas identificaram um grupo de enzimas conhecidas coletivamente como proteínas antioxidantes, que são induzidas em resposta aos poluentes, como os metais pesados e parecem proteger as células contra os possíveis danos causados por estes agentes. É possível que a análise da indução e acumulação de proteínas antioxidantes e/ou de defesa, possa fornecer um sistema biológico versátil de monitoramento dos efeitos da poluição. E assim, o estudo da atividade enzimática poderá vir a se configurar como um critério de avaliação da fitotoxicidade de metais pesados em plantas. Com esse propósito, foi desenvolvido um trabalho com o objetivo de estudar as alterações de crescimento e bioquímicas causadas pelo efeito do Cádmio (Cd) em arroz. Experimentos foram montados utilizando 8 diferentes genótipos de arroz da espécie Oryza sativa: F222, IAC202, Caipó, J199, IAC165, J79, F133, F35 e mais duas espécies: Arg2 (Oryza latifolia) e Oryza glumaepapulo nos quais foram submetidas a diferentes concentrações de Cd em solução nutritiva (0mM, 0,05mM, 0,5mM) durante um período de 3 e 7 dias para avaliação do efeito desse metal pesado no comprimento do sistema radicular. Foi realizado um segundo ensaio utilizando a cultivar IAC165, submetida a diferentes concentrações de CdCl2 (0mM, 0,01mM, 1,0mM). Nestas concentrações, coletas de folhas e raízes foram feitas em períodos de tratamentos constituídos de 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54, 60, 66, 72horas. Com relação ao crescimento radicular do 1° ensaio foram identificados três padrões de resposta: um primeiro, cuja resposta à menor dosagem (0,05 mM de CdCl2) é significativa e esta se mantém na dosagem seguinte (0,5 mM); um segundo, onde também é significativa a resposta à menor dosagem, mas esta se intensifica significativamente com o aumento da dosagem e um terceiro, no qual as linhagens mostraram-se resistentes às dosagens testadas, não sendo afetadas em seu padrão de crescimento de raízes no tempo desse estudo. O parâmetro bioquímico analisado no 2° ensaio foi relativo aos níveis de atividade de enzimas antioxidantes, como Catalase e Glutationa Redutase. que mostraram padrões semelhantes de resposta tanto para Catalase como para Glutationa Redutase, observando-se elevação das atividades dessas enzimas antioxidantes em folhas e raízes, sendo o aumento de atividade da Glutationa Redutase nas raízes altamente significativo, sugerindo que a síntese de Glutationa reduzida possa estar estimulada para subseqüente síntese de fitoquelatinas. / The response of a group of rice genotypes to cadmium exposure was tested using the root growth as a parameter during the time length of the treatment. Three distinct response patterns were identified: a significant initial (0.01 mM) dosage effect, which was maintained with the increase of CdCl2 concentration to 1 mM; a significant initial effect, which was intensified with the increase of CdCl2 concentration, and a group of varieties resistant ot the CdCl2 concentration tested. Significant interactions between dosage and varieties were observed. Enzymatic assays for catalase and gluthatione reductase were also carried out for in plants exposed to CdCl2. Similar response patterns for both enzymes were observed. The activities of catalase and gluthatione reductase in leaves and roots were increased and in the case of gluthatione reductase in roots, such an increase was highly significant, suggesting that the synthesis of reduced gluthatione may be stimulated for subsequent synthesis of phytochelatins.

Alterações fisiológicas e bioquímicas em plantas cultivadas em solos com acúmulo de cobre e zinco / Physiological and biochemical alterations in plants grown in soils with accumulation of copper and zinc

Girotto, Eduardo 26 November 2010 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Soil pollution by heavy metals such as copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) has deserved special attention as it may represent risks to the quality of the environment. In Brazil particularly in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, the application of high doses of pig slurry in soil as nutrient source to plants and the continued application of copper-based fungicides in vineyards are two activities that are alarming due to the addition of high amounts of Cu and Zn in the soil. For this reason continued application of copper-based fungicides and pig slurry along the years has caused great increment in Cu and Zn contents, mainly in the superficial layers, thus increasing bioavailability of these metals which can cause phytotoxicity to the plants. The objectives of this paper were to infer the possibility of phytotoxicity of Cu and Zn to plants grown in soils submitted to successive applications of pig slurry and in soils collected from vineyards with a long history of copper-based fungicide applications of the Serra Gaúcha and Campanha Gaúcha regions, as well as to evaluate bioavailability of accumulated Cu in soils collected from vineyards of the aforementioned regions. To develop this work was carried out three studies. In first study was grown corn until 25 days after plant emergence in a greenhouse using deformed and undeformed soil samples collected in 0 - 20 cm depth was setup where 19 successive pig slurry applications of 0, 20, 40 and 80 m3 ha-1 were done for the period of seven years. A second study which composes this work was done with soils collected from vineyards of the Serra Gaúcha and Campanha Gaúcha regions. In March 2009, soil samples were collected in soil depths of 0 - 20 and 0 - 5, 5 - 10, 10 - 15, 15 - 20, 20 - 25, 25 - 30, 30 - 40 cm in three vineyards and native forest from the Serra Gaúcha region and in two vineyards and native land of the Campanha Gaúcha region. Soil samples of the 0 20 cm depth were dried, grounded and later used for the cultivation of black oat in a greenhouse for period of 40 days after plant emergence the plants. In both studies, enzymatic biochemical parameters linked to oxidative stress in the aerial part of corn and black oat plants such as lipid peroxidation, H2O2 concentration, superoxide dismutase enzyme (SOD) activity, catalase (CAT) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) were evaluated. Further, non-enzymatic parameters linked to oxidative stress in the aerial part of corn and black oat plants such as ascorbic acid and non-protein thiol group concentrations were also evaluated. The third study was conducted with vineyard soils, which assessed the bioavailability of Cu in soils. The total content of Cu, pseudo-total content (extraction using the EPA 3050B method), available content (extraction with HCl 0.1 mol L-1 and EDTA), as well the chemical fractionation of Cu through sequential extraction were determined. Overall, the biochemical parameters were not intensely altered in the corn plants, thus indicating that the 19 pig slurry applications did not cause excessive accumulation of copper and zinc in soil. On the other hand, Haplumbrept soil from vineyards of the Serra Gaúcha region and the Typic Hapludalf soil from the vineyards of the Campanha Gaúcha region with a long history of cupric fungicide application caused great oxidative stress and the antioxidant system of the black oat plants was not effective enough to reverse the stress condition, indicating that these soils present toxic levels of copper to the black oat plants. Lastly, it was observed that a high concentration of Cu in black oat roots may be an indicator of bioavailability of Cu in soil, but it is not an indicator to evaluate phytotoxicity to the plants. In addition, copper added to the soil via foliar application in grapevines accumulates mainly in the superficial layers of soil predominately in bioavailable forms, especially those linked to the mineral fraction of the soil. / A poluição do solo por metais pesados como cobre (Cu) e zinco (Zn) tem merecido atenção especial, porque pode representar riscos à qualidade do ambiente. No Brasil, especialmente, no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, a aplicação de altas doses de dejeto de suínos no solo, como fonte de nutrientes às plantas, e a aplicação continuada de fungicidas à base de Cu em vinhedos são duas atividades que preocupam pelo incremento das quantidades de frações de Cu e Zn no solo, principalmente em camadas superficiais, aumentando a biodisponibilidade destes metais, o que pode causar fitotoxidez. O presente trabalho teve por objetivos: (a) inferir sobre a possibilidade de fitotoxidez de Cu e Zn às plantas cultivadas em solos submetidos a aplicações sucessivas de dejeto líquido de suínos e em solos coletados sob vinhedos, com longo histórico com aplicações de fungicidas a base de Cu, da Serra e da Campanha Gaúcha; (b) avaliar a biodisponiblidade do Cu acumulado em solos coletados sob vinhedos da Serra e da Campanha Gaúcha. Para desenvolvimento deste trabalho foram realizados três estudos. No primeiro estudo foi realizado o cultivo de milho em casa de vegetação por um período de 25 dias após amergência das plantas, utilizando-se de amostras de solo deformadas e indeformadas coletadas da camada de 0 - 20 cm de profundidade, onde foram feitas 19 aplicações sucessivas de 0, 20, 40 e 80 m3 ha-1 de dejeto líquido de suínos, durante sete anos. O segundo estudo foi realizado com solos coletados sob vinhedos da Serra e da Campanha Gaúcha. Em março de 2009 foram coletadas amostras de solo nas camadas de 0 - 20 e de 0 - 5, 5 - 10, 10 - 15, 15 - 20, 20 - 25, 25 - 30, 30 - 40 cm de profundidade, em três vinhedos e mata nativa na Serra Gaúcha e, em dois vinhedos e em campo nativo, na Campanha Gaúcha. Os solos da camada 0 - 20 cm foram secos, moídos e, posteriormente, utilizados para o cultivo com aveia preta em casa de vegetação por um período de 40 dias após a emergência das plantas. Nos dois primeiros estudos foram avaliados parâmetros bioquímicos enzimáticos ligados ao estresse oxidativo na parte aérea das plantas de milho e aveia preta, tais como peroxidação lipídica, concentração de H2O2 e atividade das enzimas superoxido dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), ascorbato peroxidase (APX). Além disso, foram avaliados parâmetros não enzimáticos ligados ao estresse oxidativo na parte área das plantas de aveia preta e milho como concentração de ácido ascórbico e de grupos tióis não protéica. O terceiro estudo foi realizado com solos de vinhedos, onde foi avaliado a biodisponibilidade de Cu nos solos. Foram determinados os teores totais de Cu, teores pseudo-totais (extração pelo método 3050B da EPA), teores disponíveis (extração com HCl 0,1 mol L-1 e EDTA), além do fracionamento químico do Cu através da extração sequencial. De forma geral, os parâmetros bioquímicos não foram alterados de forma intensa nas plantas de milho, indicando que o acúmulo de Cu e Zn no solo proporcionado pelas 19 aplicações de dejeto líquido de suínos não causaram impacto negativo sobre as plantas. Por outro lado, os solos Cambissolo Húmico de vinhedos da Serra Gaúcha e os solos Argissolo Vermelho da região da Campanha, com longo histórico de aplicação de fungicidas cúpricos, apresentaram teores de Cu que causaram estresse oxidativo e o sistema antioxidante das plantas de aveia preta não foi suficientemente eficaz para reverter à condição de estresse, indicando que estes solos apresentam teores de cobre tóxicos para as plantas de aveia preta. Em adição, se observou que a concentração de Cu nas raízes da aveia preta pode ser utilizada como indicativo de biodisponiblidade de Cu no solo, mas não é indicador para avaliar fitotoxidez às plantas. Além disso, o cobre adicionado ao solo via aplicação foliar nas videiras acumulou, principalmente, nas camadas superficiais no solo e predominantemente em formas biodisponíveis, especialmente aquelas ligadas à fração mineral do solo.

Estimating bioaccessibility, phytoavailability and phytotoxicity of contaminant arsenic in soils at former sheep dip sites

Mojsilovic, Ognjen January 2009 (has links)
Recognition that the bioavailability of soil As (As) is influenced by its soil dynamics has initiated research into development of more accurate, site-specific soil guideline values, departing from the assumption that the total soil As content is bioavailable. With the aim of deriving predictive models, the relationship between soil properties and As bioavailability (bioaccessibility and phytotoxicity) was examined on a set of naturally contaminated sheep dip soils (n = 30). Sampled soils were extensively characterised, bioaccessibility was estimated through an in vitro procedure, and soil As toxicity and availability to plants were evaluated using an early growth wheat bioassay. The in vitro bioaccessibility was consistently less than the total soil As content. Arsenic bioaccessibility was negatively correlated to soil iron (Fe), manganese (Mn) and aluminium (Al) contents, and it was positively related to the soil As loading. The in vitro extractable soil As concentrations were successfully modelled using linear combinations of soil As content, soil Fe and Mn determinations and soil pH. Differences in As phytotoxicity, expressed in terms of effective toxic concentration (EC50), between soils were directly related to soil Fe, Mn and Al contents. Available soil phosphorous (P) exerted an ameliorating effect on As toxicity, with the available soil As/P ratio representing the single best predictor of plant growth suppression. Plant P nutrition appeared to influence the relative selectivity for As and P by wheat, with greater selectivity for P demonstrated under P deficient conditions. Plant As uptake, its distribution, and also the plant nutrient status were all adversely affected by increasing soil As exposure. Co-contamination by Zn corresponded to a substantial elevation in proportion of the plant As allocated in shoots. Plant As levels exhibited a saturation-dependent relationship with increasing soil As. The best linear predictors of plant As levels in the non-toxic range were RHIZO-extractable and effective soil As concentrations, the latter based on the diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT) technique. Despite the complexity of soil As dynamics, large proportions in the variances exhibited by the two measures of bioavailability were explained using a small set of readily-available soil properties.

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