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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Biodisponibilite du phosphore dans les sols landais pour les peuplements forestiers de pin maritime

Achat, David Ludovick 02 February 2009 (has links)
Afin de garantir une gestion durable du massif forestier des Landes de Gascogne (maintien de la fertilité et production élevée), des études sont nécessaires sur la biodisponibilité du phosphore (P) qui est un facteur limitant. Une évaluation fiable de la biodisponibilité du P passe par la quantification des processus d’acquisition par les plantes, à savoir l’interception racinaire, le transport dans la solution et la mobilisation à l’interface solide-solution d’ions phosphates. Dans ce contexte, l’objectif général de la thèse était de faire un bilan biogéochimique de la biodisponibilité du P dans les sols forestiers des Landes de Gascogne, c'est-à-dire une analyse quantitative et comparative des processus physico- chimiques (diffusion) et biologiques (minéralisation et reminéralisation) de réapprovisionnement de la solution en ions phosphates ainsi qu’une caractérisation du système de prélèvement (racines fines) du Pin maritime. Les résultats ont montré une déficience en P pour l’ensemble des sols étudiés. Ils ont également montré une importance variable, en fonction de la profondeur et du type de lande (humide à sèche), des différents processus biologiques et physico-chimiques dans le réapprovisionnement de la solution. Le rôle des micro-organismes, via la minéralisation du P organique du sol et en tant que source (reminéralisation) et puits (immobilisation) de P, est particulièrement important dans les sols peu réactifs vis-à-vis du P comme les litières ou certains sols minéraux de surface. L’étude du système de prélèvement (racines fines, ectomycorhizes) suggère que le prélèvement de P par le Pin maritime concerne aussi bien les horizons de surface que ceux du sous-sol. / In order to guarantee a sustainable management of the forest range the “Landes de Gascogne” (maintaining fertility and elevated productivity), the bioavailability of phosphorus (P), a growth limiting factor, needs to be studied. An accurate evaluation of P bioavailability implies the quantification of plant acquisition processes such as root interception, soil solution transport and the mobilisation of phosphate ions at the soil-soil solution interface. The main objective of the PhD study was to assess a biogeochemical balance of the P bioavailability in the forest soils of the “Landes de Gascogne”, i.e. to carry out an quantitative and comparative analysis of the physical-chemical (diffusion) and biological (mineralization and remineralization) processes of replenishing the soil solution with phosphate ions, as well as the characterisation of the tree uptake system (fine roots) of maritime pine. The results have shown that all of the soils studied are very deficient in P. They have further shown a varying importance of the different biological and physical-chemical processes in supplying P to the soil solution according to the site class (humid to dry moorlands). The role of the microorganisms, via the mineralization of organic P, as a source (remineralization) or a sink (immobilization) of P, is particularly important in the litter and top mineral layers featuring a very low reactivity versus P. The study of the uptake system (fine roots and ectomycorrhizae) suggests that uptake of P by maritime pine takes place both in top soil horizons and in deeper soil horizons.

Ação de cupins de madeira seca (Cryptotermes brevis) e de solo (Nasutitermes corniger) nas madeiras termorretificadas de Pinus taeda e de Corymbia citriodora / Action of dry wood termite (Cryptotermes brevis) and subterranean termite (Nasutitermes corniger) on the thermorectified wood of Pinus taeda and Corymbia citriodora

Brito, Juliana Pires 27 May 2015 (has links)
A termorretificação ou retificação térmica é uma técnica auxiliar na preservação da madeira, sendo um processo controlado de pirólise, em temperaturas que variam entre 140°C a 220°C. No presente trabalho, foi testada a hipótese de que a termorretificação na temperatura de 200ºC aumenta a resistência da madeira em relação ao ataque de cupins, buscando identificar se tal efeito é resultante da menor disponibilidade de água ou da deposição de substâncias tóxicas ou repelentes formadas durante a degradação térmica. Foi constatado que as alterações provocadas pela termorretificação reduzem a capacidade de adsorção de água pela madeira e, consequentemente, o seu teor de umidade de equilíbrio. As substâncias geradas durante o processo de termorretificação, extraídas em água quente, tem efeito preservativo quando aplicadas à madeira natural, com diferentes resultados entre as espécies florestais. A termorretificação reduziu a capacidade de ação do Cryptotermes brevis, com efeito mais acentuado no Pinus taeda. A remoção dos extrativos da madeira termorretificada, por si só, não implicou no aumento da intensidade da ação dos cupins, o que somente se tornou mais evidente quando aumentou o teor de umidade do material. Em relação ao Nasutitermes corniger, ocorreram diferenças na ação dos cupins em relação ao tipo de oferta de alimento, bem como em relação às espécies de madeira. Para a alimentação forçada, houve acentuado efeito da termorretificação, em ambas as espécies de madeira, tendo ocorrido uma acentuada redução na perda de massa das madeiras quando comparada à madeira original. Constatou-se haver efeito dos extrativos na redução da ação dos cupins de solo, com maior ênfase para a madeira de Pinus taeda. No ensaio de preferência alimentar, nenhum dos tratamentos avaliados foi eficiente para prevenir a degradação pelos cupins, com o Pinus taeda apresentando maior suscetibilidade em comparação com o Corymbia citriodora. Considerando o conjunto dos resultados, conclui-se que a madeira termorretificada é resistente ao ataque de cupins de madeira e essa resistência é decorrente da interação entre a menor higroscopicidade provocada pela modificação química do material e a presença dos extrativos gerados durante o processo de termorretificação; e que o efeito preservativo da termorretificação não é suficiente para indicar o uso da madeira termotratada em contato direto com o solo, devido à suscetibilidade aos cupins subterrâneos. / The thermorectification, a controlled pyrolysis at temperatures ranging between 140°C to 220°C, is considered a technique that could preserve the wood against biological degradation. In this study it was tested the hypothesis that the thermorectification at 200ºC increase the lumber resistance against termite attack, looking to identify if this effect is a result of the reduced available moisture or due the deposition of toxic substances formed during the thermal treatment. It was evidenced that the chemical modifications caused by thermorectification reduced wood sorption capacity and, by consequence, its equilibrium moisture content. The substances formed during the thermal treatment, extracted with hot water, have a preservative effect when applied to natural lumber, with different results between the two wood species. The thermorectification reduced the attack of Cryptotermes brevis and this influence was more effective on Pinus taeda. The removal of extractives from thermotreated wood did not cause an increase in the intensity of termite action, which only became more evident when the lumber moisture content increased. In relation to Nasutitermes corniger, there were differences in the action of termites, depending of the feeding conditions and wood species. In the food choice test, there was an important effect of thermorectifiction in both wood species, reducing the loss of mass due to termite attack when compared to original wood. The extractives also reduced the action of soil termites, with greater emphasis on Pinus taeda lumber. In the no food choice test, no one of the treatments evaluated was enough to prevent the termite action, and it was showed that Pinus taeda wood was more susceptible compared to Corymbia citriodora. Considering all the results, it is possible to conclude that thermorectified lumber is resistant against dry wood termite attack and this resistance is due to interaction between the reduced wood hygroscopicity promoted by the wood chemical changes and the presence of substances generated during the thermal treatment; and the preserving effect of thermorectification is not enough to suggest the use of thermorectified lumber in direct ground contact due its susceptibility to subterranean termite action.

Caracterização da capacidade fotossintética e da condutância estomática em árvores de Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis e de Pinus taeda em Itatinga, São Paulo / Characterization of photosynthetic capacity and stomatal conductance in trees of Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis and Pinus taeda in Itatinga, São Paulo

Carneiro, Rafaela Lorenzato 26 August 2013 (has links)
Realizaram-se campanhas em árvores de cinco anos de idade de Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis e Pinus taeda em parcelas controle (sem fertilização e sem irrigação) e parcelas fertilizadas e irrigadas, durante o verão e o inverno de 2012 visando caracterizar as seguintes variáveis fisiológicas: i) Capacidade máxima fotossintética (Amax); ii) Fotossíntese ao longo do dia (A); iii) Variação da condutância estomática (gs) em relação ao aumento do déficit de pressão de vapor (DPV); e iv) Taxas máximas de carboxilização (Vcmax) e de transporte de elétrons (Jmax) via curvas A/Ci. O estudo foi realizado no projeto Produtividade Potencial do Pinus no Brasil, localizado na Estação Experimental da ESALQ/USP em Itatinga-SP.Foram escolhidas três árvores médias por parcela para as avaliações fisiológicas, realizadas com o LiCor 6400XT. A mensuração da Amax foi realizada no terço médio da copa, em dois galhos por árvore e em duas posições por galho, sendo realizada das 8 às 10 horas, e o comportamento da A, gs com o aumento do DPV, ocorreram de hora em hora, das 11 às 15 horas. Ao final, as acículas foram coletadas para a determinação da área foliar específica (AFE) e do nitrogênio foliar. As curvas A/Ci foram realizadas nas três árvores, um galho por árvore e duas posições por galho, entre 8 e 12 horas. Aos cinco anos o Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis apresenta o dobro do volume de madeira do que o Pinus taeda. As duas avaliações fisiológicas mostraram valores similares entre tratamentos, para cada espécie. Os valores de Amax foram maiores durante o verão e o Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis mostrou grande sensibilidade, comparativamente ao Pinus taeda. Ao analisar os dados de A e gs ao longo do dia, observa-se também maiores variações do Pinus caribaea var. honduresis. Os valores médios de Amax para o verão e o inverno foram 8,2 e 4,8 ?mol m-2 s-1 e 6,8 e 6,3 ?mol m-2 s-1 para o Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis e o Pinus taeda, respectivamente. Ocorreu redução dos valores de A e gs com o aumento do DPV, para ambas as campanhas em relação ao Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis e somente no inverno para o Pinus taeda. As duas espécies apresentaram relação positiva entre fotossíntese e transpiração, sendo que o Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis apresenta maior eficiência no uso da água. As médias da AFE e nitrogênio foliar foram de 9,6 m²kg-1, 10,1g Kg-1 e 10,0 m²kg-1, 13,4g Kg-1, para o Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis e Pinus taeda, respectivamente. Em relação aos parâmetros fotossintéticos o Pinus taeda se destacou em ambas as campanhas, com valores médios de Vcmax e Jmax maiores que o Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis, relacionado à maiores concentrações de nitrogênio foliar. Não houve relação entre o crescimento em biomassa das árvores e as medições da fotossíntese a nível foliar, indicando que outros processos a nível de copa, uso e alocação de fotossintetizados devem ser investigados para explicar a diferença de crescimento. / The campaigns were conducted in trees with five years old of Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis and Pinus taeda in control plots (no fertilization and no irrigation) and fertilized and irrigated plots during summer and winter of 2012 to characterize the physiological variables: i) maximum photosynthetic capacity (Amax), ii) Photosynthesis throughout the day (A); iii) Changes in stomatal conductance (gs) in relation to the increase in vapor pressure deficit (VPD), and iv) Maximum rates of carboxilization (Vcmax) and maximum rates of electron transport (Jmax) based on A/Ci curves. The study was conducted in the project Potential Productivity of Pinus in Brazil, located at the Experimental Station of ESALQ/USP in Itatinga-SP. Three average trees per plot were chosen for physiological evaluations, performed with the LiCor 6400XT. The Amax measurement was performed in the middle third of the crown, in two branches per tree and two positions per branch, taken from 8 to 10am. To get the response of A and gs with increasing VPD, the measurements continued every hour, from 11 am to 3 pm. At the end of the measurements, the needles were collected for determination of specific leaf area (SLA) and leaf nitrogen (N). The A/Ci curves were performed in three trees, one branch per tree and two positions per branch were taken from 8 am to 12 pm. At five years, the Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis showed two-fold the wood volume of Pinus taeda. Both physiological measurements showed similar results between treatments for each species. Amax values were higher during summer, and Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis shower greater sensitivity compared to Pinus taeda. A and gs throughout the day showed higher variation in Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis. The average values of Amax for summer and winter were 8.2, 4.8 ?mol m-2 s-1 and 6.75, 6.3 ?mol m-2 s-1 for Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis and Pinus taeda, respectively. There was a reduction of A and gs with the increasing of DPV, for both campaigns for the Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis and only in winter campaign for Pinus taeda. Thus, the two species have different behaviors in response to climatic changes. The two species showed a positive relationship between photosynthesis and transpiration, with Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis showing greater water use efficiency. The average SLA and needle nitrogen were 9.6 m² kg-1, 10.1g kg-1 and 10 m² kg-1, 13.4g kg-1 for Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis and Pinus taeda, respectively. Photosynthetic parameters in Pinus taeda was higher in both campaigns, with average values of Vcmax and Jmax greater than in Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis, related to higher concentration of needle nitrogen. There was no relationship between tree biomass growth and leaf-level measurements of photosynthesis, indicating that other processes at crown level, use and allocation of photosynthates should be investigated to explain the difference in growth.

Captura e alocação de carbono em Pinus taeda e Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis sob manejos hídricos e nutricionais distintos / Carbon sequestration and allocation in Pinus taeda and Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis under distinct hidric and nutritional regimes

Deliberali, Isabel 25 January 2016 (has links)
O gênero Pinus ocupa no Brasil uma área plantada de 1,59 milhão de hectares e tem uma ampla faixa de produtividade florestal (18 a 45 m3 ha-1 ano-1), em função das espécies utilizadas, das limitações edáficas, dos tipos de clima, melhoramento genético e, e alguns casos, pela ocorrência de pragas e doenças. Apesar do conhecimento de que o aumento da disponibilidade de recursos naturais (luz, água e nutrientes) eleva a produção de madeira, faz-se necessário compreender como estes recursos influenciam os processos de captura (produção primária bruta ou GPP) e alocação de carbono (C) para os diferentes compartimentos da floresta (raiz, lenho, galhos e folhas). Além disso, o grau de controle genético é de grande importância nesses processos e também deve ser analisado. Assim, este projeto objetivou quantificar as taxas de captura e alocação de carbono em uma espécie de Pinus tropical (P. caribaea var. hondurensis) e em uma subtropical (P. taeda), dos 6,5 aos 8,5 anos de idade, em parcelas controle (sem fertilização e sem irrigação) e parcelas fertilizadas e irrigadas. O experimento está localizado no município de Itatinga - SP e se utilizou o método do balanço de carbono para estimar a produtividade primária líquida da parte aérea (ANPP), o fluxo de carbono para o solo (TBCF), produtividade primária bruta (GPP) e produtividade líquida do ecossistema (NEP). Ao final do estudo, a biomassa do tronco foi 75% superior no P. caribaea var. hondurensis (126 Mg ha-1) do que no P. taeda (72 Mg ha-1), sendo que em ambas as espécies houveram ganhos significativos com a fertilização e irrigação. O primeiro ano avaliado foi mais seco do que o segundo (1195 contra 1487 mm), resultando em diferenças nos fluxos calculados. A produção de tronco do P. caribaea var. hondurensis variou de 722 a 1569 gC m-2 ano-1, enquanto do P. taeda foi de 221 a 452 gC m-2 ano-1. A espécie subtropical obteve os maiores valores de TBCF, variando de 1150 a 2197 gC m-2 ano-1, e para as duas espécies se encontrou relação do TBCF com a ANPP e GPP. Assim, encontrou-se que a maior produtividade da espécie tropical é resultado de seu maior GPP (4964 contra 3744 gC m-2 ano-1 no P. taeda), maior partição de carbono para incremento de tronco (22% contra 9% no P. taeda) e menor partição para TBCF (23% contra 45% no P. taeda). Já a fertilização e irrigação não mudaram a partição da GPP para a ANPP e TBCF comparado ao tratamento controle, e o ganho em produção de madeira foi explicado apenas pelo aumento na GPP (11%). A NEP para ambas as espécies foi positiva, mostrando que essas espécies estão atuando como drenos de carbono. Assim, o conhecimento de como a captura e alocação de C é afetada pela espécie, água e nutrição terá aplicação sobre o manejo florestal, além de propiciar valores de fluxos essenciais para a calibração de modelos ecofisiológicos de produção, ainda inexistentes para essas espécies no Brasil. / The genus Pinus in Brazil has a planted area of 1.59 million hectares and it has a wide range of forest productivity (18-45 m3 ha-1 yr-1) depending on the species, edaphic limitations, climate, breeding and, in some cases, the occurrence of pests and diseases. Despite knowing that the increased resources availability (light, water and nutrients) improves the production of wood, it is necessary to understand how these features influence the uptake processes (gross primary production or GPP) and carbon allocation (C) on the different forest compartments (root, bole, branch and leaf). Furthermore, the degree of genetic control is rather important in these processes and should also be analyzed. Thus, this project aimed to quantify carbon sequestration and allocation rates in a tropical pine (P. caribaea var. hondurensis) and a subtropical one (P. taeda), from ages 6.5 to 8.5 years old, in control plots (no fertilization and no irrigation) and fertilized and irrigated plots. The experimental site is located in Itatinga- SP and the carbon balance approach was used to estimate the above ground net primary production (ANPP), total belowground carbon flux (TBCF), gross primary production (GPP) and net ecosystem production (NEP). At the end of the study, the bole biomass was 75% higher in the P. caribaea var. hondurensis (126 Mg ha-1) than in P. taeda (72 Mg ha-1), and in both species there were substantial improvements with fertilization and irrigation. The first year evaluated was drier than the second (from 1195 to 1487 mm), resulting in differences in the calculated fluxes. The P. caribaea var. hondurensis bole production ranged from 722 to 1569 gC m-2 yr- 1, while the P. taeda showed values from 221 to 452 gC m-2 yr-1. The subtropical specie obtained the largest values of TBCF (from 1150 to 2197 gC m-2 yr-1), and on both species there was relationship between TBCF and ANPP and GPP.Thus, the higher productivity of tropical specie is a result of higher GPP (4964 versus 3744 gC m-2 yr-1 in the P. taeda), increased carbon partitioning to bole increment (22% versus 9% in the P. taeda) and smaller partitioning for TBCF (23% versus 45% in the P. taeda). Fertilization and irrigation have not changed the partitioning from GPP to ANPP and TBCF compared to the control plots, and increase in the production of wood it has been explained only by increased GPP (11%). The NEP for both species was positive, showing that these species are acting as carbon sinks. Therefore, the knowledge of how the carbon sequestration and allocation is affected by the species, water and nutrition will have application on forest management, besides providing values of essential fluxes for calibration of ecophysiological production models, still non-existent for these species in Brazil.

Development of lc-ms method to identify triacylglycerols in resinous seed oils / Développement de méthodes LC-MS pour l'identification des triglycérides dans les huiles de graines de résineux

Acheampong, Akwasi 17 June 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse a consisté à développer une nouvelle stratégie analytique en utilisant le couplage chromatographie liquide - spectrométrie de masse (LC-MSn) afin d’identifier dans les huiles et corps gras, les triglycérides (TAGs) et leur régio-spécificité. Cette méthodologie analytique générale a été appliquée à 8 huiles de graine de résineux en particulier, à l’huile de pignon de Pinus Koraiensis car ses TAGs sont constitués d’acides gras, possédant une double liaison en position Δ5, non-méthylène alternée, susceptibles de jouer un rôle anti-cholestérol chez l’homme.La thèse se décompose en quatre chapitres: les deux premiers, bibliographiques, traitent respectivement de la taxonomie des 8 résineux étudiés, de la composition en acide gras (AG) de leur graine et des techniques analytiques déjà décrites pour caractériser les TAGs. Le troisième chapitre, expérimental, est dédié au développement de nouvelles stratégies analytiques NARP-LC-MSn mises en place pour identifier les TAGs présents dans les huiles et plus particulièrement à l’huile de pignon de Pinus Koraiensis. Grâce à l’ajout post colonne de sel d’argent, il a été possible de déterminer de manière non ambigüe la structure de tous les TAGs d’un lipide, même ceux présents en faible quantité, par Ag+-NARP-LC-MS mais aussi de déterminer la structure de chaque AG constitutif d’un TAG par fragmentation de l’adduit moléculaire par Ag+-NARP-LC-MS2. Le problème de la distinction des TAGs ayant la même masse moléculaire, les mêmes longueurs de chaine mais des positions de double liaisons différentes, a été résolu en développant une méthode d’identification des TAGs à partir des lois de rétention chromatographiques qui relient linéairement le logarithme du facteur de rétention de chaque TAG soit au nombre total de carbone soit au nombre total de double liaisons. Cette étude a permis d’identifier 22 nouveaux TAGs parmi un nombre total de 58 TAGs caractérisés. Elle a amené la preuve que le résidu AG saturé à 17 atomes de carbone est ramifié et non linéaire. Elle a mis en évidence la présence de trois AGs constitutifs qui n’ont jamais été décrit: 19:1, 19:2 et 24:0 dans l’huile de pignon de Pinus Koraiensis. Le quatrième chapitre porte sur le développement de trois méthodes de détermination de la régiospécificité des TAGs, grâce à la seule SM: (1) une méthode Ag+-NARP-LC-ESI-MS2 utilisant les rapports des ions diglycériques des TAGs. Il en ressort que cette méthode n’est pas assez fiable pour déterminer la structure des TAGs. (2) la seconde méthode fait appel à des expériences MS4/ MS5 sur les adduits argent des TAGs. Elle s’avère pertinente à condition d’avoir à disposition les couples de TAGs standards. (3) enfin une troisième méthode, utilisant la MS2, s’appuie sur le principe de la méthode de dissociation compétitive d’une paire [TAGref – Li -TAG]+. En utilisant la méthode des ajouts dosés il est montré qu’elle ne nécessite que de la disponibilité d’un seul des deux TAGs stéréoisomères comme standard.Ces méthodes originales ont permis, malgré leurs limites respectives de caractériser la régiospécificité d’un certain nombre de TAGs présents dans l’huile de graine de Pinus Koraiensis. / This thesis consisted of developing a new analytical strategy using liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (LC-MSn) to identify in oils and fats, triglycerides (TAGs) and their regio-specificity. The general analytical methodology was applied to 8 conifers seed oils, in particular, the seed oil of Pinus koraiensis. These conifer seed oils differ from common edible vegetable oils by having a series of unusual polyunsaturated fatty acids (UPIFA) with a polymethylene-interrupted (PMI) double bond system and a double bond at the 5 position which may have anti-cholesterol properties. This thesis is composed of four chapters: the two first chapters, literature review, are devoted respectively to TAGs of the 8 resinous seed oils studied and analytical techniques already used. The third chapter is dedicated to the development of a new analytical strategy combining HPLC with mass spectrometry method to identify TAGs in Pinus Koraiensis seed oil. Thanks to post column addition of silver salt, it was possible to determine the TAGs present by Ag+-NARP-LC-MS and also the fatty acids composition of the TAGs by Ag+-NARP-LC-MS2. Concerning the distinction between TAGs with the same mass, same chain length but differing positions of double bond on fatty acid chain, it was determined by chromatographic retention rules which link linearly the logarithm of retention factor of each TAG to the total carbon number or the total number of double bonds. This study has identified 22 new TAGs from a total of 58 TAGs characterized. It confirmed the knowledge that the saturated fatty acid with 17 carbon atoms is branched, not linear. It highlighted the presence of three constituent fatty acids that have never been described: 19:1, 19:2 and 24:0 in the seed oil of Pinus koraiensis. The last experimental part is devoted to the regiospecificity determination of TAGs. Three methodologies were developed. The first one used the ratios of diacylglycerol ions of TAGs but was not reliable enough. The second method used the LC-MS4 experiments (It is relevant if they have available couples of TAG standards). Finally, a third method, using MS2, based on the principle of the method of competitive dissociation of a pair [TAGref - Li-TAG] +. Using the method of standard additions it has been shown that it requires the availability of one of the two stereoisomers TAGs as a standard.These methods provide a significantly different approach to regioisomer characterization of TAGs and overcome most of the shortcomings of existing methodologies.

Análise técnica e econômica da resinagem de Pinus elliottii Engelm. var. elliottii na região de Manduri, SP /

Marcelino, Flávia Aléssio, 1975- January 2004 (has links)
Resumo: O setor florestal representa hoje um importante segmento da economia nacional. Dentro deste contexto, estão inseridos os produtos florestais não-madeireiros tais como as gomas, resinas e extratos que podem apresentar importantes potenciais de aplicações. A resinagem é a atividade de extração da resina ou goma resina em árvores vivas do gênero Pinus. No Brasil, a extração da resina tem como exploração mais de 45 milhões de árvores e implica no emprego direto de 12 mil a 15 mil pessoas, além de outros indiretos, nas indústrias de transformação da goma-resina. Atualmente, a produção brasileira se aproxima das 100.000 toneladas por ano, representando a movimentação financeira de cerca de 25 milhões de dólares. Este trabalho teve por objetivo, avaliar a atividade de resinagem na região de Manduri e, mais especificamente, do ponto de vista técnico, a partir das técnicas de produção empregadas e do ponto de vista econômico, a partir do levantamento dos rendimentos operacionais e dos custos de extração de resina. O resultado obtido com a técnica de resinagem empregada, foi uma produção de 4.260 gramas por árvore resinada, as árvores dos talhões analisados possuem DAP em torno de 29 cm e altura em média de 23 metros. Verificou-se uma importante participação dos custos de arrendamento de florestas e dos custos de mão-de-obra e encargos sociais, no valor de 53,00% e de 18,37% do custo total de resinagem, respectivamente. Dada a importância dos custos relativos à mão-de-obra, realizou-se um estudo dos tempos e rendimentos das operações de resinagem, onde constatou-se uma mão-de-obra especializada e funcional, com rendimentos totais de 247,90 estrias/hora/homem na operação de estriagem e aplicação da pasta ácida e 126 kg de resina/hora/homem na operação de coleta de resina. / Abstract: The forest section represents today an important segment of the national economy. In this context are inserted the no-lumber forest products such as gums, resins and extracts that can present important potential of applications. The resin extraction is the activity of extraction of the resin or gum resin in alive trees of the gender Pinus. In Brazil, the extraction of the resin has as exploration more than 45 million trees and it implicates in the direct job from 12 thousand to 15 thousand people, besides other indirect ones, in the process industries of the gum-resin. Nowadays, the Brazilian production approaches the 100.000 tons a year, representing the financial movement of about 25 million dollars. This paper had for objective, to evaluate the resin extraction activity in the area of Manduri and, more specifically, of the technical point of view, starting from the used production techniques and of the economical point of view, starting from the rising of the operational incomes and of the costs of resin extraction. The result obtained with the used technique of resin extraction, was a production of 4.260 grams for resined tree, the trees of the analyzed blocks have BHD around 29 cm and height around 23 meters. An important participation of leasing of forests, labor costs and labor-tax costs was verified, in the value of 53,00% and 18,37% of the total cost of resin extraction, respectively. Because of the importance of the labor costs, a study of the times and incomes of the resin extraction operations was realized, where a skilled and functional labor was verified, with total incomes of 247,90 furrow/hour/men in the furrow operation and application of the acid paste and 126 Kg of resin/hour/men in the resin collection operation. / Orientador: Paulo Torres Fenner / Coorientador: Maura Seiko Tsutsui Esperancini / Banca: Claudio Angeli Sansigolo / Banca: Eliseu de Souza Baena / Mestre

Tigmomorfogênese na rustificação e sobrevivência em mudas de Pinus taeda L. / Thigmomorphogenesis in the hardening and survival in Pinus taeda L. seedlings

Dranski, João Alexandre Lopes 04 March 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T17:40:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Joao_Alexandre_Lopes_Dranski.pdf: 1387311 bytes, checksum: e0d0c6141cd57f35175f1e8208b56884 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-03-04 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Thigmomorphogenesis is the adopted term to describe the growth response of plants to mechanical stimuli, naturally triggered by abiotic factors or artificially, by agroclimatic adverse event simulation. In the implantation of forest stands, such adversities limit of the seedlings establishment, and condition it to the recognize the limiting factor is the role in the hardening. It is speculated that the thigmomorphogenesis induced by stem bending become's more tolerant by forces exerted by the wind through the activation of mechanisms that alter the growth and accumulation of organic compounds. However, little is known if the employment of mechanical perturbations during seedlings hardening phase results in greater success in the implantation of forest stands. This present work aimed to evaluate morphophysiological alterations in Pinus taeda L. seedlings resulting from thigmomorphogenesis induced and its reflections about establishing in the field. For both, three experiments were conducted with the intention of quantify morphophysiological alterations resulting from stem bending and its reflections about establishing in the field; the partition and the buildup dry weight and carbon; and the correlation between lignin contente with field survival. P. taeda seedlings were produced by the nursery belonging to the company Sbaraini Agropecuária S.A., in Cascavel, PR. When reached the target size, were submitted to different intensities of stem bending during 60 days. At the end, were quantified morphophysiologic attributes, nutritionals, the dry weight and carbon partition between components, and lignin content. Additionally, the seedlings quality was measured by the root electrolyte leakage (REL). Posteriorly, part of the seedlings was planted in a commercial área of Pine monocropping in Cascavel, PR. Was quantitated by the survival, and increases of growth shoot at 90 and 360 days after planting. The increased intensity of the stem bendings reduced linearly of the stem height growth, the leaf area, resulting in the reduction in absolute growth rate and in the phosphorus content. Moderate intensities with up to 20 stem bending increased the secondary growth, the stem volume and the lignin content both in the root system how much aerial. The alteration in the primary and secondary growth was resulting of the carbon redistribution and of the dry weight accumulation in stem and in the root system, mostly in lateral roots, to the detriment of the leaf area reduction in terms of surface and dry matter. On the field, seedlings stimulated with that intensity showed higher survival and growth velocity, observed at 90 days after planting. After this period, he difference in growth velocity between seedlings stimulated or not has reduced, indicating acclimation of the seedlings unstimulated at the environment condition. There was correlation between the lignin content of the root system with the survival percentage at the 90 days, as well as the seedling quality measured by REL test proved to be predictive of field performance. Therefore, the application of 20 stem bendings applied during hardening of the P. taeda seedlings promoted greater success in implanting of the population in the experimental conditions analyzed. / Tigmomorfogênese é o termo adotado para descrever o crescimento dos vegetais em resposta ao estímulo mecânico, desencadeado naturalmente por fatores abióticos ou artificialmente, por simulação de eventos agroclimáticos adversos. Na implantação de povoamentos florestais, tais adversidades limitam o estabelecimento das mudas, e condicioná-las ao reconhecimento do fator limitante é o papel da rustificação. Especula-se que a tigmomorfogênese induzida por flexões caulinares tornam-as mais tolerantes às forças exercidas pelo vento, por meio da ativação de mecanismos que alteram o crescimento e o acúmulo de compostos orgânicos. Contudo, pouco se sabe se o emprego de perturbações mecânicas na fase de rustificação de mudas resulta em maior sucesso na implantação de povoamentos florestais. O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar as alterações morfofisiológicas em mudas de Pinus taeda L. resultantes da tigmomorfogênese induzida e seus reflexos sobre o estabelecimento no campo. Para tanto, três experimentos foram conduzidos com o intuito de: quantificar alterações morfofisiológicas resultantes de flexões caulinares e seus reflexos no desempenho das mudas a campo; a partição e o acúmulo de massa seca e carbono; e a correlação entre o teor de lignina com a sobrevivência no campo. Mudas de P. taeda foram produzidas pelo viveiro pertencente à empresa Sbaraini Agropecuária S.A., no município de Cascavel, PR. Quando atingiram altura maior que 15 cm, foram submetidas a diferentes intensidades de flexões caulinares durante 60 dias. Ao final, foram quantificados atributos morfofisiológicos, nutricionais, a partição de massa seca e carbono entre componentes da parte aérea (acículas, casca e cerne) e radicular (raízes laterais e pivotante), e o teor de lignina nas raízes e na parte aérea. Adicionalmente, a qualidade das mudas foi aferida pelo teste da perda eletrólitos de raízes (PER). Posteriormente, parte das mudas foi plantada em uma área comercial de monocultivo de Pinus em Cascavel, PR. Quantificou-se a sobrevivência, e os incrementos no crescimento aéreo aos 90 e 360 dias após o plantio. O aumento da intensidade de flexões caulinares reduziu linearmente o crescimento em altura, a área foliar, resultando em redução na taxa de crescimento absoluto e no teor de fósforo no sistema radicular e na parte aérea. Intensidades moderadas com até 20 flexões caulinares aumentou o crescimento secundário, o volume do caule e o teor de lignina tanto no sistema radicular quanto na parte aérea. A alteração no crescimento primário e secundário foi resultante da redistribuição de carbono e do acúmulo de massa seca no caule e no sistema radicular, principalmente em raízes laterais, em detrimento a redução de área foliar em termos de superfície e matéria seca. No campo, mudas estimuladas com 20 flexões caulinares externaram maior sobrevivência e velocidade de crescimento, observado aos 90 dias do plantio. Após este período, a diferença na velocidade de crescimento entre mudas estimuladas ou não reduziu, indicando aclimatação das mudas não estimuladas à condição do ambiente. Houve correlação entre o teor de lignina do sistema radicular com a porcentagem de sobrevivência aos 90 dias, assim como a qualidade da muda aferida pelo teste da PER mostrou ser preditivo ao desempenho no campo. Portanto, a aplicação de 20 flexões caulinares aplicadas na fase de rustificação de mudas de P. taeda promoveu maior sucesso na implantação do povoamento

Die natürlichen Kiefernstandorte Deutschlands und ihre Gefährdung / Natural Scots pine forests in Germany : habitats, distribution, and threat

Heinken, Thilo January 2008 (has links)
Natürliche Standorte der Waldkiefer gibt es in Deutschland nur kleinflächig. Während Kiefernforste anstelle natürlicher Laubwälder heute oft landschaftsprägend sind, bildet die konkurrenzschwache und lichtbedürftige Kiefer ausschließlich auf extrem trockenen oder nassen, nährstoffarmen Standorten naturnahe Schlusswaldgesellschaften. Regionale Schwerpunkte liegen in subkontinentalen Regionen wie dem nordostdeutschen Tiefland und Bayern, ein „natürliches Kiefernareal" lässt sich aber kaum abgrenzen. An der Trockengrenze des Waldes finden sich auf Kalk- und Dolomitgesteinen artenreiche Karbonat-Trockenkiefernwälder mit Elementen der alpinen Rasen und Kalkmagerrasen in der Bodenvegetation. Diese Wälder besiedeln steile, südexponierte Felsen und morphodynamisch aktive Bereiche wie Rutschhänge und FlussSchotterböden im Umkreis der Alpen, kommen aber auch in den Mittelgebirgen vor. Ihr Gegenstück auf sauren Standorten sind die Sand- und Silikat-Kiefernwälder der Quarzsande und Sandstein-Verwitterungsböden, deren Bodenvegetation durch Zwergsträucher, Moose und Strauchflechten geprägt ist. Hier siedelt die Kiefer in den Tieflagen besonders auf Binnendünen und Sandern, aber auch auf Küstendünen der Ostsee, in den Mittelgebirgen z. B. auf den Sandsteinriffen der Sächsischen Schweiz. Der dritte Wuchsbereich natürlicher Kiefernwälder sind saure, nährstoffarme Moore, die ganz überwiegend von Regenwasser gespeist werden. Auch die Kiefern-Moorwälder sind in Nordostdeutschland und Bayern am häufigsten. Von diesen Standorten ausgehend, wo ihr Platz kaum von anderen Baumarten streitig gemacht wird, tritt die Waldkiefer immer wieder als Pionier auf weniger extremen Standorten auf. In der Naturlandschaft kam dies etwa nach Waldbränden oder Stürmen vor, doch der Mensch förderte die Kiefer durch Auflichtung der Wälder, Waldweide und Streunutzung stark. Auch die damit verbundene Nährstoffverarmung macht eine exakte Abgrenzung natürlicher Kiefernstandorte unmöglich. Die schlechtwüchsigen und forstwirtschaftlich nicht interessanten, ästhetisch aber sehr ansprechenden natürlichen Kiefernbestände sind heute vor allem durch Stickstoff-Immissionen gefährdet. Trotz ihrer oft kargen Erscheinung besitzen sie einen hohen Wert für die Biodiversität und den Artenschutz. Neben bodenbewohnenden Flechten und regionalen Relikt-Endemiten ist vor allem die in den letzten Jahrzehnten zunehmend gefährdete Vielfalt an Mykorrhiza-Pilzen hervorzuheben, die der Kiefer das Leben auf extrem nährstoffarmen Standorten überhaupt ermöglichen. Abschließend werden mögliche Schutz- bzw. Regenerationsmaßnahmen wie das Abplaggen flechtenreicher Kiefernstandorte vorgestellt. / Only small areas of natural Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) habitat occur in Germany. Today pine plantations instead of natural deciduous forests often dominate the landscape. Yet, due to the competitive weakness and light demands of Scots pine, near-natural Scots pine climax communities are only found on extremely dry or wet, nutrient-poor sites, primarily in subcontinental regions of the north-eastern German lowlands and Bavaria. However, the "natural distribution range" of Scots pine is difficult to define. Species-rich, dry Scots pine forests, with alpine and calcareous grassland species in the ground vegetation, are found at the aridity limit of forests on sites with carbonate rich soils developed from limestone and dolomite parent material. These forests occur on steep south-facing slopes, on morphodynamically active areas such as landslides and coarse river gravel beds in and near the Alps, and also in the low mountain ranges. Scots pine forests are also found on acidic sites, on quartz sands and soils overlying weathered silicate rocks with an understorey dominated by dwarf shrubs, bryophytes and fruticose lichens. These forests are present in the lowlands, particularly on inland dunes and glacifluvial deposits, but also on coastal dunes around the Baltic Sea and in the low mountain ranges, for example on the sandstone cliffs in the Elbe Sandstone Mountains. Acidic, oligo-trophic bogs, mainly supplied by rainwater, comprise the third natural Scots pine forest habitat. These Scots pine bog forests occur most frequently in north-eastern Germany and in Bavaria. Coming from these habitats, where virtually no other tree species grows, Scots pine is found again and again as a pioneer on less extreme sites. In the natural landscape, it occurs mainly after forest fires and storms. Yet humans promote Scots pine by thinning forests, creating woodland pasture and removing litter. The nutrient depletion associated with these practices makes an exact delimitation of natural Scots pine habitats unfeasible. Natural pine forest stands, which, although attractive and appealing, grow poorly and are of little interest for forestry, are endangered mainly by anthropo-genic nitrogen depositions. Despite their meagre appearance, these forests are important for biodiversity and species conservation. In addition to terricolous lichens and regional relic endemic plant species, the diversity of mycorrhiza fungi, which enable Scots pine to exist on these nutrient-poor sites, increasingly is becoming endangered. Finally, possible conservation and regeneration practices, such as manually cutting sods in lichen-rich Scots pine forests, are presented.

Amoniakinės taršos įtaka paprastosios pušies (Pinus sylvestris L.) spyglių hidrofobiškumo ir mezomorfiškumo dinamikai / Needle of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) hidrofobic and mezomorphic dynamics in the effect of ammonia pollution

Vilčinskas, Ramūnas 21 June 2010 (has links)
Magistro darbe tiriama paprastosios pušies (Pinus sylvestris L.) būklė amoniakinės taršos poveikyje. Darbo objektas – paprastoji pušis (Pinus sylvestris L.) – labiausiai paplitusi Lietuvoje, jautri užterštam orui medžių rūšis, augantys prie AB „Achema“ 0,5 km. spinduliu aplink gamyklą vakarų, šiaurės ir šiaurės rytų kryptimis ir Kačerginės pušyne. Darbo metodai – spyglių paviršių hidrofobiškumo tyrimas atliekamas šviesiniu mikroskopu, pagal Cape (1983) aprašytą metodiką. Mezomorfiškumo tyrimo metu tirti spyglių pjūviai šviesiniu mikroskopu. Darbo rezultatai. Vandens lašo sąlyčio su spyglio paviršiumi metodas pasirinktas, kaip santykinai nebrangus ir tikslus testas medžių būklei vertinti. Paprastosios pušies spyglių paviršiaus tyrimai parodė, kad spygliai pasižymėjo mažiausiais (p<0,05) sąlyčio kampais, t.y. didžiausiu paviršių sudrėkstamumu, palyginus su Kačerginės pušyno spygliais. Prie AB “Achema” augančių pušų augimo sezono eigoje pirmamečių spyglių ir vandens lašo sąlyčio kampai buvo 83-102°, o antramečių– 68-79°. Atlikti tyrimai rodo, kad dabartinė amoniakinė tarša blogina paviršių kokybę, didindama paviršiaus sudrėkstamumą, ant drėgno paviršiaus gali lengviau augti patogeniniai mikroorganizmai. Atliekant histologinį tyrimą taršai nustatyti spyglių audinių dydžiai ir santykiai nevienodos amoniakinės taršos poveikyje. Tyrimai nepateikė vienareikšmiško atsakymo apie mezomorfiškumo skirtumus tarp Kačerginės ir šalia AB "Achema" augančių pušynų. Pusamžių medynų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) state the effect of ammonia pollution was investigated in the work of master science. Object of the work – Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) – the most common in Lithuanian territory, sensitive to air pollution tree species, growing in the vicinity of the nitrogen fertilizer factory in the west, north and north-east direction and control site. Method of the work – hydrophobicity of leaf surface, under light microscope according to Cape (1983) described the methodology. Investigate mezomorphic study needle incisions by light microscope. The results of the work. The investigation of water droplet contact angles is an unexpensive and accurate method used to evaluate the trees condition. The values of the contact angles of the water droplets on the surface of the needles were higher in control site. Near the nitrogen factory contact angles of the water droplets on the surface of current–year needles were 83-102 °, 1–year–old needles –68-79. Investigation showed, that present level nitrogen pollution might cause the erosion of the needle surface and more wettable surface might cause the development of pathogenic microorganisms. The aim of this study was to evaluate histological parameters of the needlles and tissues between sites with different ammonia concentration. Histological evaluation of the needles did not allow to detected changes in cross section parameters and defiance mesomorphic features growth. Current–year needle thickness was 0... [to full text]

Kalninės pušies Pinus mugo Turra porūšių morfologinė ir genetinė įvairovė Kuršių nerijoje / Mountain pine Pinus mugo Turra subspieces morphological and genetic variety in Kursiu nerija

Vienažindytė, Sandra 20 June 2012 (has links)
Magistro darbe analizuojami Kalninės pušies Pinus mugo Turra Kuršių nerijoje morfologiniai ir genetiniai požymiai, galintys identifikuoti jų porūšius. Tyrimo objektas – Kalninė pušis Pinus mugo Turra, auganti Kuršių nerijos teritorijoje. Šio tyrimo tikslas – įvertinti Pinus mugo porūšių morfologinius požymius Kuršių nerijoje bei nustatyti, šioje teritorijoje labiausiai išplitusio Pinus mugo porūšio nothssp. rotundata Link įvairių morfotipų taksonominę priklausomybę pagal raktinius morfologinius ir genetinius požymius. Tyrimo metodai – morfologinių ir genetinių požymių analizė. Tyrimo rezultatai. Raktiniai morfologiniai požymiai rodo, kad Kuršių nerijoje auga pagrindiniai trys P. mugo Turra porūšiai: mugo (įskaitant pseudopumilio), nothssp. rotundata Link ir ssp. uncinata Ram. Labiausiai išplitęs ir morfologiškai įvairus yra nothssp. rotundata Link porūšis. Iš raktinių kankorėžių morfologinių požymių informatyviaisiais identifikuojant porūšius buvo kankorėžio apofizio gylis ir simetriškumas. DNR tyrimas atskleidė, kad P. mugo porūšiai pagal savo per tėvinę liniją paveldimą chloroplasto DNR, iš esmės nesiskiria vienas nuo kito. Kiek ženkliau išsiskiria tik P. mugo ssp. mugo (krūmas) nuo P. mugo ssp. uncinata Ram (medžio), kas patvirtina P. mugo porūšių laisvo tarpusavio kryžminimosi hipotezę, taip pat tai, kad taksonomiškai tai yra vienos rūšies porūšiai, o ne skirtingos rūšys. Visi tirti P. mugo porūšiai laisvai kryžminasi tarp savęs, dalijasi bendru chloroplasto DNR genomu... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Mountain pine Pinus mugo Turra subspieces morphological and genetic variety in Kursiu nerija, that can identify subspieces was investigated in the work of master thesis. Object of the work – Pinus mugo Turra growing in Kuršių nerija territory. Method of the work – morphological and genetic features analysis. The results of the work. Key morphological features showed that three Pinus mugo Turra main subspieces growing in Kursiu nerija: mugo (including pseudopumilio), nothssp. rotundata Link and ssp. uncinata. The most widespread and morphologically variable is nothssp. rotundata Link. The informative key morphological features to identify subspieces were cone apophyses depth and symmetry. DNA analysis revealed that P. mugo varieties according to their own through the parental line inherited chloroplast DNA are not significantly different from each other. More different by DNA analysis are Pinus mugo ssp. mugo (shrub) and Pinus mugo ssp. uncinata Ram (tree) which confirming hypothesis of Pinus mugo subspieces free interbreeding. Also it is confirming hypothesys that taxonomically it is one type of subspieces, but not diferrent species. All of the explored Pinus mugo subspieces are free interbreeding between each other, sharing a common chloroplast DNA genome and in evolution the origin is from one parental spiece which spread to different eco-climatic niches and evolved to subspieces reflected by morphotypes. It is likely that this morphotypical variety should be... [to full text]

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