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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Use of two-way time transfer measurements to improve geostationary satellite navigation :

Dainty, Benjamin G. 2007 March 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)-- Air Force Institute of Technology. / The original document contains color images.

Matematické metody a úlohy v astronomii / Mathematical Methods and Exercises in Astronomy

BROM, Jiří January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to create collections of examples for the subject Astronomy taught for students of pedagogical faculties, studying this discipline as a part of physics courses. Due to very different mathematical knowledge of students I have chosen typical and not much difficult examples oriented to several branches of astronomy. Each part of examples begins with a self-contained theoretical introduction. The difficulty rises gradually from trivial to more complicated examples. The examples are mainly focused on motions in radial gravitational fields.

Die heilige gees en die ekologiese problematiek

Raath, Steven 30 November 2002 (has links)
Systematic Theology / M. Th (Systematic Theology)

Die Heilige Gees en die ekologiese problematiek

Raath, Steven 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans. / Summaries in English and Afrikaans / Die mensdom beleef 'n grootskaalse ekologiese krisis vanwee die mens se vermoe om die skepping totaal te vernietig. Gevolglik is die ekologiese krisis ook 'n menslike krisis. Gesien vanuit 'n holistiese oogpunt, kan die oorsaak van die krisis aan die deur gele word van die sogenaamde meganiese-wereldbeskouing. Om dit te verander vra vir 'n radikale verandering in die evaluering van die Heilige Gees se werkinge in die skepping en herskepping. Die skepping is die werk van die Drie-eenheid: God die Vader skep deur die Seun in die krag van die Heilige Gees. Die gedagte van Geesverwaarlosing het aanleiding gegee tot die WRK se tema in Canberra: "Kom Heilige Gees- Vernuwe die Ganse Skepping!" Verandering en venuwing vind alleenlik plaas deur die Heilige Gees wat as agent optree in die proses van herskepping. Deur die Heilige Gees is God immanent in die kosmos. Nie alleen die mens nie, maar ook die res van die skepping word vernuwe en herskep. Dit is God se plan om Sy koningkryk tot die hele kosmos uit te brei. Die mensdom, bekragtig deur die Heilige Gees, moet hul taak as bouers en medewerkers tot opsigte van herskepping met erns opneem. Die doel van hierdie verhandeling is om die allesomvattende rol en werkinge van die Heilige Gees in beide christene sowel as nie-christene, wat in die krag van die Gees van God die skepping onderhou, te bepaal en te omskryf. / Mankind experiences an ecological crisis that is unprecedented because human beings now have it in their power to destroy the creation. Therefore the ecological crisis is also an anthropological crisis. Seen from a holistic perspective, this crisis, caused by the so-called mechanical worldview, calls for a radical change in viewing the work of the Holy Spirit in creation and re-creation. Creation must be seen as a Trinitarian process: the Father creates through the Son in the power of the Holy Spirit. It was the apparent absence of the Holy Spirit in God's creation that led to the WCC theme at Canberra: "Come Holy Spirit, - Renew the Whole Creation!" This change and renewal is to be brought about by the Holy Spirit, who acts as the agent in creating a "new creation". The Holy Spirit represents the personal presence of God in the cosmos, and not only recreates God's people, but nature as well. The design of our world is to be God's kingdom. Humankind, empowered by the Holy Spirit, must be builders and co-workers in a new creation. The purpose of this dissertation is to discern the workings of the Spirit in those people, Christian and non-Christian, who empowered by the Spirit, work to help sustain the creation. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M.Th.(Systematic Theology)

A model for inductive plasma wind tunnels

Magin, Thierry 10 June 2004 (has links)
A numerical model for inductive plasma wind tunnels is developed. This model provides the flow conditions at the edge of a boundary layer in front of a thermal protection material placed in the plasma jet stream at the outlet of an inductive torch. The governing equations for the hydrodynamic field are derided from the kinetic theory. The electromagnetic field is deduced from the Maxwell equations. The transport properties of partially ionized and unmagnetized plasma in weak thermal nonequilibrium are derived from the Boltzmann equation. A kinetic data base of transport collision integrals is given for the Martian atmosphere. Multicomponent transport algorithms based upon Krylov subspaces are compared to mixture rules in terms of accuracy and computational cost. The composition and thermodynamic properties in local thermodynamic<p>equilibrium are computed from the semi-classical statistical mechanics.<p>The electromagnetic and hydrodynamic fields of an inductive wind tunnel is presented. A total pressure measurement technique is thoroughly investigated by means of numerical simulations.<p> / Doctorat en sciences appliquées / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Jsou obyvatelé západní Evropy spokojenější než obyvatelé Evropy východní? / Are inhabitants of western Europe happier that inhabitants of eastern Europe?

Čermák, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
The aim of master thesis is finding answers to the question, if inhabitants of western Europe are happier than inhabitants of eastern Europe. I want to compare standards of living in these regions based on the indexes of living standards. Further I want find out, if the happiness is measurable. Europe during the economic crisis has shown that GDP of countries slowed down, but is this economic indicator showing happiness of nations? Does it present satisfaction and well-being of the population? Can we identify some relation or dependence between GDP and happiness of the population? What are the indicators that are able to answer this question? A substantial part of my work will be comparison of the individual indexes of living standards and I will specify, what means standard of living and what are the components. In the practical part I want to compare reality in different areas of human life, which is related to the standard of living and to compare these data between the nations in western Europe and eastern Europe.

Rozvoj služeb z hlediska konkurenceschopnosti / Service Innovation as a Drive for Competitiveness

Kováčová, Petra January 2009 (has links)
Diplomová práce představuje paradigmata servisně orientované ekonomiky z hlediska konkurenceschopnosti firmy. Zaměřuje se na konkurenční výhody, kterých lze dosáhnout nebo podporovat rozvojem služeb. Teoretický základ prezentuje specifika a význam sektoru služeb v současných nejvyspělejších ekonomikách. Jmenuje hlavní konkurenční strategie používané v sektoru služeb a srovnává je se zažitými strategiemi známými z produktově orientované ekonomiky. Práce blíže analyzuje metody rozvoje služeb ve společnosti IBM GSDC Brno v oblasti globalních IT služeb. Pojednává o hlavních problémech spojených s jejich inovací a zároveň naznačuje současné a budoucí trendy v oblasti IT služeb. V praktické návrhové části jsou prezentovány nové přístupy k rozvoji služeb, které by mohly podpořit konkurenceschopnost firmy na globálním trhu služeb.

Funkstandardübergreifende Kommunikation in Mobilen Ad Hoc Netzwerken

Vodel, Matthias 23 July 2010 (has links)
Der neunte Band der wissenschaftlichen Schriftenreihe Eingebettete, Selbstorganisierende Systeme widmet sich der funkstandardübergreifenden Kommunikation in Mobilen Ad Hoc Netzwerken. Im Zuge der fortschreitenden, drahtlosen Vernetzung mobiler Endgeräte entstehen immer neue, hochspezialisierte Kommunikationsstandards. Deren Übertragungseigenschaften sind dabei eng an den jeweiligen Anwendungsfokus gebunden. Eine intelligente Verknüpfung der verfügbaren Standards würde die Integrationsmöglichkeiten der Endgeräte deutlich erhöhen. Gleichzeitig bieten sich vielfältige Möglichkeiten, die Kommunikation bezüglich auftretender Latenzen, der Erreichbarkeit und dem Energieverbrauch zu optimieren. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit stellt Herr Vodel ein generisches Konzept vor, welches eine solche Verknüpfung applikationsunabhängig ermöglicht. Der entwickelte Integrationsansatz nutzt dabei handelsübliche, am Markt verfügbare Funkmodule, welche auf einer hardwarenahen Ebene gekapselt werden. Der Anwendungsfokus liegt speziell im Bereich eingebetteter sowie mobiler, ressourcenbeschränkter Systeme. Für die Umsetzung des Konzeptes werden drei wesentliche Problemstellungen betrachtet. Zunächst muss die grundlegende Initialisierung und Verwaltung der heterogenen, funkstandardübergreifenden Topologie sichergestellt werden. Darauf aufbauend wird eine effiziente Routingstrategie vorgestellt, welche die Vorteile der geschaffenen Netzwerkstruktur in vollem Umfang nutzen kann. Im Zuge eines möglichen Funkstandardwechsels während der Übertragung muss außerdem ein reibungsloser Konvertierungsprozess garantiert werden. Die Evaluierung des vorgestellten Kommunikationskonzeptes erfolgt auf zwei Ebenen. Ein speziell entwickeltes Simulations-Framework ermöglicht weitreichende Testreihen in komplexen Netzwerktopologien. Mit der Entwicklung einer prototypischen Hardware-Plattform können parallel dazu detaillierte Messungen unter Realbedingungen durchgeführt werden. Die Schwerpunkte dieser Arbeit umfassen somit Konzeption, Simulation und praktische Umsetzung eines neuen Kommunikationsansatzes im Bereich mobiler Ad Hoc Netzwerke. Ich freue mich daher, Herrn Vodel für die Veröffentlichung der Ergebnisse seiner Arbeiten in dieser wissenschaftlichen Schriftenreihe gewonnen zu haben, und wünsche allen Lesern einen interessanten Einblick in dieses Themengebiet.

A select bouquet of leadership theories advancing good governance and business ethics: a conceptual framework

Vercueil, Megan 20 October 2020 (has links)
How authors and scholars have approached leadership studies – in terms of their thinking, defining and studying – has changed remarkably over time. According to literature, this is predominantly due to greater optimism about the field and greater methodological diversity being employed to better understand complex, embedded phenomena. As a result, there has been a significant rise in the use of qualitative research approaches to the study of leadership. Numerous definitions, classifications, explanations and theories about leadership, exist in the contemporary literature. However, despite the vast array of literature, the challenge of failing leadership persists. Challenges, such as the speed of technological advancements, social, and economic change are ever-present, while the impact of COVID-19 is, as yet, uncertain. Despite these challenges, can companies compete successfully in the marketplaces they operate in while also remaining ethical and engaged with the challenges of the broader business and social environment? To answer this question, this study has undertaken qualitative research on the bouquet of trait, situational and value-based leadership theory, in order to re-assess both established and developing theories. The predominant aim is to describe, explain and analyse available literature in an attempt to ascertain academic guidance on how it might be possible to enable leaders and society to mitigate leadership challenges by proposing a conceptual framework that could support leadership theory and, in so doing, take an academic stance in providing better answers or guidance to the failures currently being experienced. Several authors have noted that leadership makes a difference with resulting impacts on many which implies that to make the world a better place, leadership has two contradictory elements; good and bad. These elements are reflected in today’s connected world where the media, either showers praise on leaders or writes articles deriding their incompetence and abuse of their roles at all levels The proposed conceptual framework of this study endeavours to enable society and leaders, practically and at an individual level, to evaluate leadership issues and link leadership frameworks to their everyday lives and, in so doing, aid in mitigating the challenges being faced. / Business Management / D.B.L.


Kleiner, Bettina 27 April 2017 (has links)
Mit dem Begriff Heteronormativität wird die Naturalisierung und Privilegierung von Heterosexualität und Zweigeschlechtlichkeit in Frage gestellt. Kritisiert werden nicht nur die auf Alltagswissen bezogene Annahme, es gäbe zwei gegensätzliche Geschlechter und diese seien sexuell aufeinander bezogen, sondern auch die mit Zweigeschlechtlichkeit und Heterosexualität einhergehenden Privilegierungen und Marginalisierungen. Der Begriff tauchte erstmalig 1991 in Michael Warners Aufsatz 'Introduction: Fear of a Queer Planet' auf. Zentrale Bezugspunkte der Analysen von Heteronormativität stellen Foucaults Untersuchungen zum Zusammenhang von Sexualität und Macht sowie Butlers Theorie der Subjektkonstitution im Rahmen der heterosexuellen Matrix oder der heterosexuellen Hegemonie dar.

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