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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Spectroscopic identification of complex species containing water and ammonia and their importance to icy outer solar system bodies

Ennis, Courtney January 2009 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] This thesis examines the bonding interactions and chemical processes associated with irradiated water (H2O) and ammonia (NH3) molecules. The experiments conducted in the present study are designed to replicate the surface chemistry of outer Solar System bodies, particularly the icy surfaces of Saturn's inner moons. Infrared (IR) spectroscopy is used to identify the H2ONH3 complex isolated in an argon (Ar) matrix. An electric discharge is then applied to the H2O and NH3 species to produce the hydroxyl-ammonia (OHNH3) complex and the water-amidogen (H2ONH2) complex. Finally, the ammonia-oxygen (NH3O2) complex is formed in an Ar matrix, complementing previous studies performed by the Quickenden research group, which investigated the conversion of OH radicals into molecular O2 on icy planetary surfaces. ... An electric discharge is applied to the NH3 in Ar mixture, producing the NH2 radical subunit of the complex. Two absorption bands are assigned to the H2O subunit vibrational frequencies of the complex; at 1616.1 cm-1 for the ¿2 HOH bending fundamental and at 3532.1 cm-1 for the ¿1 OH bonded stretching fundamental. Two absorption bands are also assigned to the NH2 radical subunit vibrational frequencies of the complex; at 1498.5 cm-1 for the ¿2 HNH bending fundamental and at 3260.8 cm-1 for the ¿3 NH asymmetric stretching fundamental. These assignments are verified by the isotope substitution method, involving the formation of the deuterated D2OND2 complex analogue in an Ar matrix and the measurement of the isotope induced shifts in peak position in the IR region. The isotopic shifts displayed by the IR absorption bands are in good agreement with the theoretically calculated shifts in vibration frequency when going from the H2ONH2 complex fundamentals to the D2OND2 complex fundamentals. The theoretical calculations also derived an interaction energy of 5.2 kcal mol-1 for the HOHNH2 structure of the H2ONH2 complex. This HOHNH2 structure is also confirmed as the preferred structure of the H2ONH2 complex in the IR experiments, by the observation of a large shift in position of the absorption band associated with the H2O subunit ¿1 OH stretching fundamental, away from the position of the H2O monomer ¿1 OH stretching fundamental. This indicates that the H2O subunit donates a hydrogen for the complex bond in the HOHNH2 complex. The NH3O2 complex is identified in solid Ar matrices at 10.5 K by IR analysis. The NH3O2 complex is formed by the co-deposition of gaseous NH3 in Ar mixtures with O2 in Ar gas mixtures. An absorption band is assigned to the ¿1 OO stretching fundamental for the O2 subunit of the NH3O2 complex at 1552.0 cm-1. This assignment is verified by the isotope substitution method, involving the formation of the deuterated ND3O2 complex analogue in an Ar matrix and the measurement of the isotope induced shift in peak position in the IR region. The isotopic shift displayed by the IR absorption band is in good agreement with the theoretically calculated shift in vibration frequency when going from the NH3O2 complex fundamental to the ND3O2 complex fundamental. The theoretical calculations also derived an interaction energy of 0.28 kcal mol-1 for the NH3O2 complex.

Squeezing atoms using a confinement potential : a thesis presented in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Mathematical Physics, Massey University, Albany, New Zealand

Coxe, Julianne Neilson January 2010 (has links)
Understanding the complexities of the interior of planets and stars requires the help of analyzing the effects of high pressures on certain elements believed to be found within. The Hartree-Fock method uses the Schr¨odinger equation, Kummer’s differential equations and a confinement potential to simulate an atom being squeezed to high pressures. The Hartree-Fock method was used to calculate the total energies of atoms. After being compared to Gaussian03 and VASP, the results were deemed accurate. It was also observed that the pressure versus density data closely approximated those pairs found in outer space in the interiors of, for example, Jupiter.

Structure and Dynamics of the Inter-tropical Convergence zones

Dixit, Vijay Vishal January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
The east-west oriented cloud bands in the tropics are called the Inter-tropical Con-vergence Zones (ITCZ). Till recently, the ITCZ has been assumed to have a simple vertical structure with convergence near the surface boundary layer and divergence near the tropopause. Recent work has shown that the ITCZ can have a complex ver-tical structure with multi-level ows. This complex structure has a profound impact on the mass, momentum and energy budget in the ITCZ. This thesis addresses the factors that govern the shallow meridional circulation that occurs in the ITCZ and the mechanisms that govern the abrupt poleward transition and the gradual poleward migration . The shallow meridional circulation forms when the boundary layer ow that con-verges in the ITCZ, rises above the boundary layer and diverges in the lower tropo-sphere. The ow above the boundary layer is in the direction opposite to the direction of the ow within the boundary layer. Some authors have argued that this is caused by the reversal of pressure gradients just above the boundary layer in response to strong sea surface temperature gradients. This hypothesis neglects the eect of plan-etary rotation on the ow and was found to be insucient to explain the formation of shallow meridional circulation. In the east Pacic ocean, the shallow circulation forms only to the south of the ITCZ when the ITCZ forms away from the equator, while it is absent when the ITCZ forms close to the equator. The aqua-planet simulations of the equatorial and the o-equatorial ITCZ were conducted using Community Atmosphere Model (CAM 3.0). The model used the Eulerian dynamical core with T42 horizontal resolution and 26 levels in vertical. Each simulation was run for 3 years and analysis of last six months was presented. The simulations reproduced the contrast in the vertical structure of the equatorial and o-equatorial ITCZ. The shallow circulation was simulated with-out the reversal of pressure gradients and the SST gradients were weakest when the shallow circulation was simulated. We have proposed a new mechanism for the exis-tence of shallow meridional circulation in the ITCZ. We have argued that, in Earth's atmosphere, the mean horizontal ow generally occurs in the direction perpendicular to the direction of applied pressure gradient due to the action of Coriolis force. If the local rotational eects of the ow (relative vorticity) cancels the action of the Coriolis force, then a ow along the pressure gradient is possible. We demonstrated that this condition was satised only to the south of the ITCZ when it forms away from the equator. The ITCZ is characterized by the maximum mass convergence in the boundary layer. The mass convergence is mainly caused by the deceleration of poleward ow in the boundary layer. When the ITCZ forms close to the equator, the ow in the boundary layer is a resultant of vector addition of three forces, a pressure gradient force in the north-south direction (i.e., the ow towards low pressure), a Coriolis force which acts in the east-west direction( perpendicular to the direction of the ow), and surface friction which opposes the resultant ow. When the ITCZ forms away from the equator a three way balance does not capture the dynamics of ow. As the poleward ow is accelerated towards low pressure, it has to advect a considerable amount of zonal momentum with it which acts to retard the poleward ow. This eect of advection of zonal momentum has to be included in the force balance to obtain an accurate estimate of the ow and associated convergence. The ITCZ acts like a heat engine. The energy is gained near the surface, some energy is transported towards pole while some is utilized in driving the meridional circulation. The rest is rejected near the tropopause. The transport within the troposphere occurs through the vertical or horizontal advection of the energy due to vertical and horizontal motions respectively. Our analysis of the ITCZ suggests that; a large amount of transport occurs through horizontal motions that was neglected in the previous studies. The detailed analysis suggests that the latent energy in the form of mass of water vapor is exported out of the ITCZ at dierent levels in association with the multilevel ows. The equatorial and the o-equatorial ITCZ are dierent because, evaporation is larger in the o-equatorial ITCZ when compared to the equatorial ITCZ. The ITCZ shows a strong sub-seasonal variability in its location in the Indian Ocean and the west Pacic Ocean during boreal summer. There are two favorable locations, one near the equator and another away from the equator, for formation of the ITCZ. The equatorial ITCZ either propagates abruptly or gradually to the o-equatorial location. A detailed analysis of moisture and momentum budget of the simulated abrupt and gradual propagations enabled us to separate the role of thermo-dynamic and dynamic processes. We found that, if the equatorial ITCZ would propa-gate abruptly or gradually to the o-equatorial location is decided by the availability of the water vapor in the boundary layer between the two locations of the ITCZ, i.e., by the thermodynamic processes. But, such a transition to the o-equatorial location is allowed only when the constraints imposed by the re-adjustment in the circulation are satised. In simple terms, these constraints emerge due to two processes. 1. The Earth (lower boundary of the atmosphere) spins at maximum eective radius near the equator. As a result, the atmosphere gains maximum angular momentum near the equator (`zonal momentum' in Cartesian co-ordinates) . The ITCZ is one of the primary avenues to transport the zonal momentum from the lower troposphere to the upper troposphere. When the favorable location of ITCZ is near the equator, the location of ITCZ and the location where atmosphere gains maximum zonal momentum are coincident. The ITCZ and associated meridional circulation transports the zonal momentum upwards which is then transported polewards. As the favorable location of ITCZ moves away from the equator, the two locations are die rent. As a result, the atmospheric ow has to re-adjust so that the zonal momentum is transported from the equator to the favorable location of the ITCZ which then transports it upwards and polewards. In summary, this thesis proposes a new mechanism for the generation of shallow meridional circulation, the abrupt transition and the gradual propagations of the ITCZ.

Structure of the Tropical Easterly Jet in NCAR CAM-3.1 GCM

Rao, Samrat January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis examines the structure of the Tropical Easterly Jet (TEJ) in a General Circulation Model (GCM). The TEJ is observed only during the Indian summer monsoon period and is strongest during July and August. The jet structure simulated by an atmospheric GCM (CAM-3.1) in July has been compared with reanalysis data. The simulated TEJ was displaced westward by ~ 25◦ when compared to observations. The removal of orography had no impact on the jet structure. This demonstrated that the Tibetan Plateau did not play an important role in the location and structure of the jet. The changes in cumulus scheme in the GCM had a large influence on the location of the jet maxima. To examine the factors which control the location and structure of the jet, a series of experiments were conducted using an aqua-planet version of the model. The impact of different sea surface temperature (SST) profiles was studied. The rainfall in the GCM was primarily in the regions where the SST attained a maximum. By altering the location of SST maximum (and hence the rainfall maximum), the impact of location of rainfall maximum on the location and structure of the jet was studied. When the rainfall maximum was located close to the equator, it did not generate a strong jet but had an influence on the vertical structure of the jet. A large number of simulations were conducted with multiple rainfall maxima and the need for these was demonstrated since only then was the observed jet structure well simulated. Based on the simulations, it was concluded that the simulation of the TEJ by CAM-3.1 was unrealistic because of large unrealistic rainfall over Saudi Arabia in this GCM. Equatorial heating has been shown to be important to simulate proper jet structure. The zonal structure of the jet was also influenced by rainfall in the Pacific Ocean. Although the aqua-planet configuration of the CAM-3.1 GCM provided several useful insights, the simulation was not perfect on account of errors in the simulation of the temperature profile in the lower troposphere. An ideal-physics configuration of the GCM was used. This removed the cumulus physics and instead imposed the observed heating pro-files. Both upper tropospheric friction and radiative-convective atmospheric temperatures were required to simulate the TEJ. The problems with the simulation of structure in the jet exit region was corrected by using radiative-convective atmospheric temperatures that were qualitatively similar to those observed in northern hemisphere summer time. The ideal-physics configuration reconfirmed that the Saudi Arabian rainfall was responsible for the westward shift of the TEJ in the simulations. The ideal-physics simulations showed that the simple analytical model proposed by Gillin1980 was not suitable for the simulation of TEJ. The above the simulations indicate that a shift in the location of the jet is related to a shift in the rainfall pattern. Based on this insight one would expect that the jet location will be different in good and bad monsoon periods. This is indeed the case. In July 2002 the Indian monsoon failed after beginning well in June. In June the TEJ is consequently located west ward compared to July. The same situation prevails even in good and poor monsoon years. In a good monsoon year (July 1988) the jet maximum is located westward when compared to a bad monsoon year (July 2002). In this thesis we have clearly demonstrated the role of anomalous rainfall on the location of the TEJ. This thesis has shown that an accurate simulation of the TEJ depends upon the accurate simulation of various rainfall centers that act as multiple heat sources in the atmosphere. The rainfall in the equatorial region does not influence the strength of the TEJ but alters the vertical structure of the jet. The strength the jet is dependent on the intensity of rainfall and the latitudinal distance from the equator. The complex vertical structure of the jet is not simulated by simple analytical models of the jet.

Design and Implementation of an Out-of-Core Globe Rendering System Using Multiple Map Services / Design och Implementering av ett Out-of-Core Globrenderingssystem Baserat på Olika Karttjänster

Bladin, Kalle, Broberg, Erik January 2016 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the design and implementation of a software system enabling out-of-core rendering of multiple map datasets mapped on virtual globes around our solar system. Challenges such as precision, accuracy, curvature and massive datasets were considered. The result is a globe visualization software using a chunked level of detail approach for rendering. The software can render texture layers of various sorts to aid in scientific visualization on top of height mapped geometry, yielding accurate visualizations rendered at interactive frame rates. The project was conducted at the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH), New York and serves the goal of implementing a planetary visualization software to aid in public presentations and bringing space science to the public. The work is part of the development of the software OpenSpace, which is the result of a collaboration between Linköping University, AMNH and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) among others.

Adaptive rendering of celestial bodies in WebGL

Zeitler, Jonas January 2015 (has links)
This report covers theory and comparison of techniques for rendering massive scale 3D geospa- tial planet data in a web browser. It also presents implementation details of a few of these tech- niques in WebGL and Javascript, using the Three.js [1] 3D library. The thesis project is part of the implementation of Unitea, a web based education platform for interactive astronomy visualizations. Unitea is a derivative of Uniview, which is a fulldome interactive simulation of the universe. A major part of this thesis is dedicated to the implementa- tion of Hierarchical Level of Detail (HLOD) modules for Three.js based on the theory presented by T. Ulrich [2] and later generalized by Cozzi and Ring [3]. HLOD techniques are dynamic level of detail algorithms that represent the surface of objects as accurately as possible from a certain viewing angle. By using space partitioning tree-structures, view based error metrics and culling techniques detailed representations of the objects (in this case planets) can be efficiently rendered in real-time. The modules developed provide a general-purpose library for rendering planets (or other spher- ical objects) with dynamic level of detail in Three.js. The library also features connections to online web map services (WMS) and tile services.

Lights and shadows : multi-wavelength analysis of young stellar objects and their protoplanetary discs

Rigon, Laura January 2016 (has links)
Stars form from the collapse of molecular clouds and evolve in an environment rich in gas and dust before becoming Main Sequence stars. During this phase, characterised by the presence of a protoplanetary disc, stars manifest changes in the structure and luminosity. This thesis performs a multi-wavelength analysis, from optical to mm range, on a sample of young stars (YSOs), mainly Classical T Tauri (CTTS). The purpose is to study optical and infrared variability and its relation with the protoplanetary disc. Longer wavelength, in the mm range, are used instead to investigate the evolution of the disc, in terms of dust growth. In optical, an F-test on a sample of 39 CTTS reveals that 67\% of the stars are variable. The variability, quantified through pooled sigma, is visible both in magnitude amplitudes and changes over time. Time series analysis applied on the more variable stars finds the presence of quasi periodicity, with periods longer than two weeks, interpreted either as eclipsing material in the disc happening on a non-regular basis, or as a consequence of star-disc interaction via magnetic field lines. The variability of YSOs is confirmed also in infrared, even if with lower amplitude. No strong correlations are found between optical and infrared variability, which implies a different cause or a time shift in the two events. By using a toy model to explore their origin, I find that infrared variations are likely to stem from emissions in the inner disc. The evolution of discs in terms of dust growth is confirmed in most discs by the analysis of the slope of the spectral energy distribution (SED), after correcting for wind emission and optical depth effects. However, the comparison with a radiative transfer model highlights that a number of disc parameters, in particular disc masses and temperature, dust size distribution and composition, can also affect the slope of the SED.

Role Of Sea Surface Temperature Gradient In Intraseasonal Oscillation Of Convection In An Aquaplanet Model

Das, Surajit 09 1900 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis we examine intra-seasonal oscillations (ISO) in the aqua-planet setup of the Community Atmospheric Model (CAM) version 5.1, mainly based on July and January climatological sea surface temperature (SST). We investigate mainly two questions -what should be the SST distribution for the existence of (a) northward moving ISO in summer, and (b) eastward moving MJO-like modes in winter. In the first part of the thesis we discuss the northward propagation. A series of experiments were performed with zonally symmetric and asymmetric SST distributions. The basic lower boundary condition is specified from zonally averaged observed July and January SST. The zonally symmetric July SST experiment produced an inter tropical convergence zone (ITCZ) on both sides of the equator. Poleward movement is not clear, and it is confined to the region between the double ITCZ. In July, the Bay of Bengal (BOB) and West Pacific SST is high compared to the rest of the northern tropics. When we impose a zonally asymmetric SST structure with warm SST spanning about 80 of longitude, the model shows a monsoon-like circulation, and some northward propagating convective events. Analysis of these events shows that two adjacent cells with cyclonic and anticyclonic vorticity are created over the warm SST anomaly and to the west. The propagation occurs due to the convective region drawn north in the convergence zone between these vortices. Zonally propagating Madden-Julian oscillations (MJO) are discussed in the second part of the thesis. All the experiments in this part are based on the zonally symmetric SST. The zonally symmetric January SST configuration gives an MJO-like mode, with zonal wave number 1 and a period of 40-90 days. The SST structure has a nearly meridionally symmetric structure, with local SST maxima on either side of the equator, and a small dip in the equatorial region. If we replace this dip with an SST maximum, the time-scale of MJO becomes significantly smaller (20-40 days). The implication is that an SST maximum in the equatorial region reduces the strength of MJO, and a flat SST profile in the equatorial region is required for more energetic of MJO. This result was tested and found to be valid in a series of further experiments.

De fem enkla maskinernas integrerande i den fria leken inom förskolans arena : En studie baserad på barns undersökande av enkel teknik i den fria leken. / “The Big Five’s” integration in the free play in preschool arena : A study based on children's exploration of simple technology in the free play.

Andersson, Erika January 2017 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att påvisa hur barn tillämpar enkel teknik i förskolan genom de fem enkla maskinerna. Observationer och”Intervju i farten” är de metodval som besvarar studiens syfte och frågeställningar. Observationer och intervjuer har genomförts i förskolans utemiljö under en förmiddag och utgår från barnens fria lek där målet är att utgå ifrån barnens perspektiv och reflektioner. Situationerna som blivit valda till studien baseras av barnens nyfikenhet och påvisade intressen. Resultatet i studien visar att två av de fem enkla maskinerna tillämpas av barnen i förskolans utemiljö och fria lek. Detta synliggörs genom deras användning av lutande planet och hjulet ur de fem enkla maskinerna. Det sker genom användning av redskap, som utforskande, del av leken och genom begrepp. Detta sker genom ett sociokulturellt perspektiv där olika faktorer påverkar barnens lärande. / The purpose of the study is to demonstrate how children apply simple technology in preschool through “The Big Five”. Observations and "Interview on the move" are the method choices that answer the purpose and questions of the study. Observations and interviews have been conducted in the preschool outdoor environment during a morning and are based on the children's free play where the aim is to start from the children's perspective and reflections. The situations that have been chosen for the study are based on the children's curiosity and demonstrated interests. The result of the study shows that two of “The Big Five” are applied by the children in the preschool outdoor environment and free play. This is demonstrated by their use of the leaning plane and the wheel from “The Big Five”. It shows by their use of tools such as exploration, part of the game and through concepts. This is done through a sociocultural perspective where different factors influence children's learning.

Experiments in Biological Planet Formation and Plants: Nourishing Bodies, Nourishing Planets

Brickman, Jacklyn E. January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

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